Okay, I have a plan. If this works as-is we have two MPF items left in it as well.

-[ ] Clean up the Blue (403 RUs)

-[ ] Research: Jagdhund ARGES link
(Free J-tech 1)
-[ ] Research: Tacit AGI, 20 rolls. (400 RUs)
(Free J-tech 2)
-[ ] Research: Breachgate (Safe research mode)
(Free Breach tech)
I want to be able to drop Tacit right behind command Kaijus with zero warning. I know we're probably not going to get it this turn, but even getting deployment time of the Jaegers down is helpful.
-[ ] Research: additional magic
-[ ] Research: Heimdall ARGES link
-[ ] Research: ARGES upgrade - max to +3, environmental compensation
-[ ] Research: Improved Fragmentation Slicers
I'm thinking smaller (like an axe or pair of fangblades) and lower power cost. Also, should we be SRM'ing this?
-[ ] Research: Energy shields - with Clank's token
(SRM this?)
-[ ] Research: Experiment on the shell from Waltz
-[ ] Research: Improved engines (additional movement speed for conventionals)

-[ ] Send a team to Oblivion bay to search for usable Jaeger (parts)
(Free comms)
-[ ] Build 3x Banshee squads (1800RUs) (MPFs)

-[ ] Repair Tacit and Jagdhund [200RUs)
-[ ] Build 2x Faraday frames (4000 RUs)
-[ ] Install a Faraday frame on Tacit and Jagdhund
These are for shielding the new reactors, might as well get it done now. Also they aren't perfect defense against Electrical attacks, but they will help.

6803 RUs spent
30965 RUs remaining
I don't think Jaeger's can benefit from ARGES.
Also I want railgun research for Revolver Shogun.
for that matter, I'm pretty sure we've looked into that route in the past and found it to be not worth pursuing.
All I could find was this:
Probably, though given that it still takes a standard action to use the Arges, it may not be very effective.
Now, what I think that sentence means is execution order (that is, by the time ARGES has gone up the Jeagers have already attacked) in which case it will never be effective. I can't think of a rule that makes it ineffective only some of the time, so I'm not sure what I'm missing.
id like a railgun research please included , for both ships and jaegers and/or to improve the current ones.

And we could build a mark 1 frame this turn and pay for it as we go as a brawler option i think if we dont spend money(we will need to gear it tough later and maybe a action for a pilot pair aswell if we do this now?) - i would prefer ranged first and that as a mark 3 but it is a option to consider if we are not upgrading anything.

im also pretty sure we have mark 2 and mark 1 reactor laying around for it anyway wich is the main extra cost aswell.
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All I could find was this:

Now, what I think that sentence means is execution order (that is, by the time ARGES has gone up the Jeagers have already attacked) in which case it will never be effective. I can't think of a rule that makes it ineffective only some of the time, so I'm not sure what I'm missing.
I think what you're missing is that the question that quote is answering is "can we put an ARGES dish on a jeager", in which case the answer becomes "yes but it's useless."

Jeagers themselves cannot benefit from ARGES because it would make no sense for them to benefit from ARGES.
Ugh, fuck, I'd make a plan myself but I'm too tired to do serious thinky thoughts like that.
@aledeth @Highwind @Space Jawa I trust you three to make good decisions, could one of you take this?
Remember to throw in some J-scale Railgun research for me please and thank you.

*stumbles off to bed*
The dice really fucking hate Noah, don't they? At this rate getting him interred in a Dreadnought might be the only way for him to get back in action.

As for the plan...
-[ ] Clean up the Blue (403 RUs)
-[ ] Repair Tacit and Jagdhund [200RUs)
Obvious things are obvious. No comment on these.

-[ ] Research: Tacit AGI, 20 rolls. (400 RUs)
(Free J-tech 2)
I approve wholeheartedly. The higher our stats, the more ass we can kick (or stab, or shoot,) with less risk.

-[ ] Research: Breachgate (Safe research mode)
(Free Breach tech)
I want to be able to drop Tacit right behind command Kaijus with zero warning. I know we're probably not going to get it this turn, but even getting deployment time of the Jaegers down is helpful.
The way I see it, the most beneficial aspect of having a Breachgate would be allowing us to build up another city and still have all our Jaegers on call. Teleportation would come later.

-[ ] Research: additional magic
Magic, motherfuckers. I approve, completely.

-[ ] Research: Heimdall ARGES link
-[ ] Research: ARGES upgrade - max to +3, environmental compensation
Anything that makes the Heimdal more useful is welcome, but I don't know how hard it'd be to get a better bonus for the Arges. Worth a shot.

-[ ] Research: Improved Fragmentation Slicers
I'm thinking smaller (like an axe or pair of fangblades) and lower power cost. Also, should we be SRM'ing this?
Yes. Fuck yes, but I'd also like to make the Buster Slicer better. I just love the concept of a weapon so large you need to fold the thing to store it. Personally, I'm hoping for a FragSlicer Broadsword, so we can make two for Tacit.

-[ ] Research: Energy shields - with Clank's token
(SRM this?)
I don't think there's any need to do safe research in this. Or on the FragSlicer, for that matter. They're technologies we already have some knowledge of, from actually building a working weapon and from having a sample to work with.

-[ ] Research: Experiment on the shell from Waltz
-[ ] Research: Improved engines (additional movement speed for conventionals)
Researching Waltz's last gift might be a good idea, so we can set up a better method to communicate with him. The engines might be nice, but I they aren't needed in my opinion. If we get a better proposal, I'd drop this first.

-[ ] Send a team to Oblivion bay to search for usable Jaeger (parts)
(Free comms)
-[ ] Build 3x Banshee squads (1800RUs) (MPFs)
More firepower and looking for a way to get a cheaper new Jaeger. I approve, but we can get five free units instead of three.

As for the idea of researching a way for Jagdhund to benefit from the Arges... Think of it this way, if we manage to do it, JH effectively gains 2 extra points in the Ranged stat, without counting towards the Stat Cap. That's kinda overpowered, even more so if we manage to raise the Arges bonus.

My suggestions to the plan would be to drop the engines for a Railgun research and change the wording of the Frag Slicer research to "Miniaturized Fragmentation Slicer". Other options would be to switch two actions out so we can build and install however many Laser Vulcans Tacit can carry, building and installing the sheath for Jagdhund's new sword and, of course, researching how to make our Jaegers fly.
The dice really fucking hate Noah, don't they? At this rate getting him interred in a Dreadnought might be the only way for him to get back in action.

As for the plan...

Obvious things are obvious. No comment on these.

I approve wholeheartedly. The higher our stats, the more ass we can kick (or stab, or shoot,) with less risk.

The way I see it, the most beneficial aspect of having a Breachgate would be allowing us to build up another city and still have all our Jaegers on call. Teleportation would come later.

Magic, motherfuckers. I approve, completely.

Anything that makes the Heimdal more useful is welcome, but I don't know how hard it'd be to get a better bonus for the Arges. Worth a shot.

Yes. Fuck yes, but I'd also like to make the Buster Slicer better. I just love the concept of a weapon so large you need to fold the thing to store it. Personally, I'm hoping for a FragSlicer Broadsword, so we can make two for Tacit.

I don't think there's any need to do safe research in this. Or on the FragSlicer, for that matter. They're technologies we already have some knowledge of, from actually building a working weapon and from having a sample to work with.

Researching Waltz's last gift might be a good idea, so we can set up a better method to communicate with him. The engines might be nice, but I they aren't needed in my opinion. If we get a better proposal, I'd drop this first.

More firepower and looking for a way to get a cheaper new Jaeger. I approve, but we can get five free units instead of three.

As for the idea of researching a way for Jagdhund to benefit from the Arges... Think of it this way, if we manage to do it, JH effectively gains 2 extra points in the Ranged stat, without counting towards the Stat Cap. That's kinda overpowered, even more so if we manage to raise the Arges bonus.

My suggestions to the plan would be to drop the engines for a Railgun research and change the wording of the Frag Slicer research to "Miniaturized Fragmentation Slicer". Other options would be to switch two actions out so we can build and install however many Laser Vulcans Tacit can carry, building and installing the sheath for Jagdhund's new sword and, of course, researching how to make our Jaegers fly.
I'm liking a lot of these suggestions. Getting the sheathe for the Sword is a huge boost to JH's melee combat power for very little cost, Laser Vulcans give Tacit the OH SHIT button he currently lacks, and I'm perfectly fine with conventionals being slow in exchange for better Railguns.

@ltmauve As far as actual issues with your plan, aside from the MPF thing (we have 5 of them, and they make the units for 0 cost), "additional Conventional movement speed" is incredibly broad. Focusing efforts on a smaller subset of units like Land, Sea, or Air is more likely to have results. Also, we should upgrade HtH with Tacit instead of AGI. HtH is our primary attack stat, and while we can push our AGI higher with Sound Breaker to close the distance better, that doesn't make us hit any better.
My suggestions to the plan would be to drop the engines for a Railgun research and change the wording of the Frag Slicer research to "Miniaturized Fragmentation Slicer". Other options would be to switch two actions out so we can build and install however many Laser Vulcans Tacit can carry, building and installing the sheath for Jagdhund's new sword and, of course, researching how to make our Jaegers fly.
We have two free actions because I didn't see the Faraday Frames on the Jaegers' sheet. And I'm dropping Jagdhund's ARGES link for the railguns.
How many lasers can we fit in Tacit? I'm assuming 2.
@ltmauve As far as actual issues with your plan, aside from the MPF thing (we have 5 of them, and they make the units for 0 cost), "additional Conventional movement speed" is incredibly broad. Focusing efforts on a smaller subset of units like Land, Sea, or Air is more likely to have results. Also, we should upgrade HtH with Tacit instead of AGI. HtH is our primary attack stat, and while we can push our AGI higher with Sound Breaker to close the distance better, that doesn't make us hit any better.
Eh, I'm dropping the engines anyway, and we've already gotten 20 out of 25 points to increase Tacit's AGI. And I forgot that MPFs gave us the units for free. I was concerned about resources but I derped.
[x]Plan Learn to Gundam
-[x] Clean up the Blue (403 RUs)

-[x] Research: Jaeger-scale railguns
(Free J-tech 1)
-[x] Research: Tacit AGI, 20 rolls. (400 RUs)
(Free J-tech 2)
-[x] Research: Breachgate (Safe research mode)
(Free Breach tech)
-[x] Research: additional magic
-[x] Research: Heimdall ARGES link
-[x] Research: ARGES upgrade - max to +3, environmental compensation
-[x] Research: Miniaturized Fragmentation Slicers
-[x] Research: Energy shields - with Clank's token
-[x] Research: Experiment on the shell from Waltz
-[x] Research: Flying Jeagers - with Ascalon's token

-[x] Send a team to Oblivion bay to search for usable Jaeger (parts)
(Free comms)
-[x] Build 5x Banshee squads (MPFs)

-[x] Repair Tacit and Jagdhund (200RUs)
-[x] Build 2x 60mm Laser Vulcan (500RUs) & install on Tacit
-[x] Build sheathe (Jagdhund, left thigh, Ascalon blade) (200 RUs) and install

1703 RUs spent
35865 RUs remaining
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We have two free actions because I didn't see the Faraday Frames on the Jaegers' sheet. And I'm dropping Jagdhund's ARGES link for the railguns.
How many lasers can we fit in Tacit? I'm assuming 2.
Four, actually.

Eh, I'm dropping the engines anyway, and we've already gotten 20 out of 25 points to increase Tacit's AGI. And I forgot that MPFs gave us the units for free. I was concerned about resources but I derped.
[x]Plan Learn to Gundam
I was making a plan and then noticed it was pretty much exactly the same as yours. So here's your plan in a clean, organized and bureaucratic fashion with a couple adjustments: some changes to wording, corrected total cost, increased number of Laser Vulcans, locations for installed equipment...

I think that's all. If you spot any other difference let me know.

[X] Plan Learn to Gundam: Bureaucratic Formatting Edition
-[X] Free Actions:
--[x] Clean up the Blue. (403 RUs)
--[x] Research: Tacit AGI, 20 rolls. (400 RUs)
--[x] Research: Jaeger-mounted Railgun.
--[x] Research: Breach Gate Technology. (Safe research mode)
--[x] Send a team to Oblivion bay to search for usable Jaeger frames or parts.
--[x] Build 5x Banshee squads.
-[X] Normal Actions:
--[x] Build one Jaeger Sheath. Install on Jagdhund's thigh, equip Ascalon Blade. (200 RUs)
--[x] Build four 60mm Laser Vulcans. Install on Tacit's Chest and Torso. (1000 RUs)
--[x] Repair Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund. [200 RUs)
--[x] Research: Actual Magical Magic.
--[x] Research: Heimdall ARGES datalink capability.
--[x] Research: Miniaturized Fragmentation Slicers.
--[x] Research: Waltz's bio-mechanical shell.
--[x] Research: ARGES upgrade - Increase max bonus to +3, environmental compensation.
--[x] Research: Jaeger Flight Systems. Use Ascalon's Token.
--[x] Research: Energy shields. Use Clank's Token.

Total Resources spent: 2203 RU
Total Resources left: 35565 RU

Experiment how so? What are you looking for?
Good question. Maybe poke it with a stick and see what happens? :V
More seriously, how about monitoring it's activity to try to understand how it communicates with the hivemind? Or something.
If I may point out two explicit flaws I see right off the bat?

1) Oblivion Bay is down in lower California, right? Did I miss the part where going that far is still kind of out of our reach?
2) It lacks use of the Recycling option we have. It's not a major thing, but every resource point helps.
QM answered 1, as for 2, what do we have we could recycle right now?
[X] Plan XYZ
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-403 R)
-[X] Send a team to Oblivion bay to search for usable Jaeger frames, parts, and other intel. (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Research Breach Gate Technology. (Safe research mode!) (Free Breach Research)
-[X] Research Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator refinement, including ironing out the weaknesses (shielding especially), making it compatible with lower-MK Jaegers in addition to MK IV Jaegers, and improved design efficiency to reduce its overall cost. (Free Jaeger Research 1)
-[X] Research Tacit Ronin Agility*20 (Free Jaeger Research 2)
-[X] Recycle 9*Steel Body Plating (Free Recycling Action)
-[X] Build 5*Banshee Helicopter Squadrons (Free Construction Action)
-[X] Research Magic. As in real, genuine, frakkin' reality-warping Magic.
-[X] Research Fragmentation Slicers to downscale their effective operational size and increase energy efficiency.
-[X] Research ANGEL-Net Transmitter (Safe Research Mode as a precaution against accidentally damaging Jagdhund in the process of acquiring the design)
-[X] Research the means to produce an explosive device with the destructive capacity of a nuclear weapon; if necessary, consider use of the Jaeger power cores as a starting point and the potential of creating a derivative design intended only to explode without ever actually having to power anything. (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research 'Breach Buster' Anti-Breach device
-[X] Build 1*Jaeger Sheath (-400 R)
-[X] Build 4*60mm Laser Vulcans (-1000 R)
-[X] Research Energy Shield Technology w/Crank Token
-[X] Research ARGES datalink capability for Heimdall and similar weapon designs
-[X] Repair Tacit Ronin & Jagdhund (-200 R) and Install Upgrades as follows:
--[X] Install Jager Sheath on Jagdhund's thigh, use to equip Ascalon Blade
--[X] Install Laser Vulcans on Tacit Ronin's Chest and Torso

(1803 R Spent, 35965 R Remain+Resources from Recycling)

I think the biggest things I've seen to here involve not forgetting to follow up on previous research efforts, especially efforts to get the first of our two anti-breach measures in place. Let's please not forget our efforts to move towards our ultimate goal in the name of chasing brand-new shines.
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