So... a third Mark III reactor? The Stellarator is your Mark IV reactor.

That's my only comment.

What I mean is making it so that the Mk IV reactor is also capable of working for Mk III (and maybe even Mk II and Mk I) Jaegers in addition to working for Mk IV Jaegers.

Basically making it so you could install it in a Jaeger lower than Mk IV and have it work just fine, so that you don't have to worry about taking the time to replace it as the Jaeger upgrades from one Mark to another.
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And here I was thinking about suggesting something that allowed us to roll... something (1d2+1? Or even just add +1 to the first 1?) in case our first recovery roll was 1.
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-[X] Research the means to produce an explosive device with the destructive capacity of a nuclear weapon; if necessary, consider use of the Jaeger power cores as a starting point and the potential of creating a derivative design intended only to explode without ever actually having to power anything. (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research 'Breach Buster' Anti-Breach device
Are these not the same thing?
Are these not the same thing?

No, not exactly, but they are closely connected. Looking back to the previous downtime will help sort out the difference, but in essence, the explosive device research is designed to give us a thing that goes 'boom!' big enough to close the breach (or use for other purposes if we need it), while the 'breach buster' is what is supposed to allow the bomb to get through and actually destroy the breach.

Without the bomb research, the Breach Buster might get through, but it wouldn't do much good once it does. Without the Breach Buster research, the bomb won't be able to get through the breach and do its job.

Alternatively, consider the difference between researching a missile and researching a nuclear explosive device. Without the nuke, the missile won't have anything to deliver, and without the missile, the nuke isn't going very far; they both go together and yet they're both different pieces of research. The 'breach buster' is effectively the missile part of the nuclear missile.
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No, not exactly, but they are closely connected. Looking back to the previous downtime will help sort out the difference, but in essence, the explosive device research is designed to give us a thing that goes 'boom!' big enough to close the breach (or use for other purposes if we need it), while the 'breach buster' is what is supposed to allow the bomb to get through and actually destroy the breach.

Without the bomb research, the Breach Buster might get through, but it wouldn't do much good once it does. Without the Breach Buster research, the bomb won't be able to get through the breach and do its job.

Alternatively, consider the difference between researching a missile and researching a nuclear explosive device. Without the nuke, the missile won't have anything to deliver, and without the missile, the nuke isn't going very far; they both go together and yet they're both different pieces of research. The 'breach buster' is effectively the missile part of the nuclear missile.

Well with that cleared up, my only gripe is that there's no railgun research there, but I suppose I can wait a bit on that.

[X] Plan XYZ
At the moment, Gundam is beating XYZ 4/3. I'll wait a while longer, however, as school has started up for me again this week.

Edit: now it's XYZ/Gundam at 4/3
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I'm sticking to plan Gundam just because it has flying Jaegers, which are not only awesome but also damn effective at crossing distances and allowing long-distance charges, as Ascalon demonstrated.

And wasn't the main issue with developing and prototyping the Breach Buster the fact we still don't have a warhead for it? The Breach Buster research can wait until next downtime, by which time we will have the warhead from this research turn, if we follow your plan. That's two weeks to have the Breach Buster working and one more to build it, which also gives us the time to upgrade our Jaegers a bit more before the inevitable rush of enemies when we try to close a breach to test it.

Focusing on just the warhead for now will free up an action slot for either a new Ranged weapon for Jagdhund or the Flying upgrade so Tacit can charge from... 15 units away, if I'm not mistaken, which is just inside the range of most guns, with no chance of failure. This, incidentally, allows Tacit to bring his most powerful weapons to bear immediately in most engagements.

Flying isn't just a shiny, it's damn effective.

And the Railgun research isn't just a shiny as well, but a good way to upgrade both the Heimdal and Jagdhund's armaments, even if I don't feel it is that important right now.

Edit: accidentally hit post. Damn cellphone touchscreens. Gimme a sec.
Edit 2: there we go.
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I'm sticking to plan Gundam just because it has flying Jaegers, which are not only awesome but also damn effective at crossing distances and allowing long-distance charges, as Ascalon demonstrated.

To be completely honest, I'm not a fan of using that token for flight anyhow. I think using it for breach storage to give ourselves access to hammerspace would be far more useful (and possibly more fun) in the grand scheme of things.
To be completely honest, I'm not a fan of using that token for flight anyhow. I think using it for breach storage to give ourselves access to hammerspace would be far more useful (and possibly more fun) in the grand scheme of things.
I also think Hammerspace tech would be very cool and fun to have. It'd let us play with equipment far more easily and give more flexibility to our loadouts, especially kf we can refine it enough that switching equipments becomes a free action.

We could arm our Jaegers with powerful long-range cannons while the Kaiju approach, switch to a mid-range loadout when they're closer and then bring out a Buster Slicer for close-range combat, all without worrying about encumberance or dropping equipment all over the battlefield. We could be like goddamn Jehuty with all the weaponry we can use.

But on the other hand, flying would let us bring what weapons we already have to bear much more easily and allow the Jaegers to have a bigger operational range, which would free up more carry-alls to bring more conventionals with us when hunting. It's practical and works with what we've already built.

And just because we use the token for flying it doesn't mean we can't research it, just that we won't have the bonus.

Now, If only we had more tokens... :(
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To be completely honest, I'm not a fan of using that token for flight anyhow. I think using it for breach storage to give ourselves access to hammerspace would be far more useful (and possibly more fun) in the grand scheme of things.
To be fair, either option is actually very useful. Flight would make Tacit the fastest unit you have, and it could allow self-deployment if you get it to have enough endurance.

On the other hand, Breach Storage is essentially hammerspace, which means ammunition is no longer a real concern if you research it enough.

... And Highwind ninja'd me.
Okay, so question: What all are the possible places to mount a weapon on a jaeger?
Hands, arms, shoulders, chest, ???
I'm assuming all hit locations are viable weapon mountpoints. Though presumably some weapons are restricted to only certain parts. Sensors is probably one that might be a universal exception, but then again eye beams. Though given how jaeger heads are setup eye beams might just be the head instead of sensors.

...Ninja'd by the GM, and I'm mostly right. Neat.
So waist mounted mortar modules could be viable? Excellent.