Our science teams figured out Magic. That alone justifies their budget and gives them the right to go to work with pointy hats.
This? This is just fun. This is why I love that TRvTW has essentially turned into "and then jaegers were super robots". Because, even with the incredible seriousness and death and destruction, everything's still so ridiculous and awesome and fun. Then again, that's basically Pacific Rim already, just more so.
For the record, for anyone who missed it and was worried, yes, I did make sure to include fixing the Destroyer in the 4R plan.

Our science teams figured out Magic. That alone justifies their budget and gives them the right to go to work with pointy hats.

If you want to be really technical, it wasn't genuine 'magic', it was 'just' breach stuff.

Still cool, though.

We really ought to upgrade them again to level 10 sometime.

And try doing another research action into Magic to see if we can actually get real, genuine, reality-breaking magic-magic.
If you want to be really technical, it wasn't genuine 'magic', it was 'just' breach stuff.

Still cool, though.

We really ought to upgrade them again to level 10 sometime.

And try doing another research action into Magic to see if we can actually get real, genuine, reality-breaking magic-magic.
And then our scientists discover that dripping human blood onto a Platinum-Uranium alloy plate instead of the usual Kaiju Blue and then running a Direct Current through it creates a psychoreactive crystal that generates more energy the more corageous the people in its vicinity are.

They also figured out the spell matrix to cast Magic Missiles, but the spell simply doesn't scale up to Jaeger-scale in a satisfactory manner. They've since shifted focus to figuring out how to let Jaegers cast Fist.
Because I'm seriously considering more magic research: @Fyrstorm would researching magic again just net us more breach stuff?
KRAUN would never forget that week, it was a week they never would have expected. They still weren't sure what to make of it, how to wrap their heads around it, or even if it had really happened. It was hard to say how many within the organization actually were open to considering that it was real and how many refused to believe that it wasn't.

And to think that it had all begun with a simple, if ridiculous, greeting...

"Hey there, KRAUN. Guess what? We be wizards now!"
The pictures of Jagdhund with armor covered in runes, wielding a metal staff capped with a crystal and a huge pointy hat atop her head convinced many of the people from KRAUN that this was all a prank from their crazy allies.

The subsequent footage of her shooting fireballs from the tip of the staff, followed by hovering in the air and conjuring spires of ice to impale the kaiju just made everyone even more confused.
Only if you specify Breach "Magic". You don't know what will happen if you do something else.

All in favor of spending an action next downtime to try researching 'magic' again, assuming we have a spare action available to spend on it?

*Raises hand and says 'aye'.*

What is this? I haven't read the front, came from @LostDeviljho 's signature.

It might help if you tried reading from the beginning.

Long story short, though? It's a quest based around "Pacific Rim" set in an alternate universe where the movie didn't end well, and now we're fighting to stop the Kaiju from completely taking over the world, maybe even turn things around and win the war, and save Earth for good.

The joke is that, one of the defining features of Jaeger Quests is the ability to research "anything", including 'magic', despite the fact that it is nonsensical to do so, realistically speaking. It was something that caused a huge and hilarious debate the first time it happened in the original Cherno Alpha quest. Ultimately, the attempt to do so didn't get the traction it needed to actually happen.

Here in Tacit Ronin quest, however, we actually did succeed in spending an action to research 'magic', and the funny part is we actually got a high enough roll to get a result out of it, even though it wasn't actually magic magic that came out of it.

Which is ultimately where the sig'ed quote comes from.
All in favor of spending an action next downtime to try researching 'magic' again, assuming we have a spare action available to spend on it?

*Raises hand and says 'aye'.
Amusingly, I actually do have some ideas for a magic system...

Also, this write-up will take a while, but I will tell you one thing you've gotten out of it:

A Fuckmothering Frag Slicer Buster Sword.
All in favor of spending an action next downtime to try researching 'magic' again, assuming we have a spare action available to spend on it?

*Raises hand and says 'aye'.*
*Raises Hand*

Amusingly, I actually do have some ideas for a magic system...

Also, this write-up will take a while, but I will tell you one thing you've gotten out of it:

A Fuckmothering Frag Slicer Buster Sword.

More like a multidimensional chainsaw, from my understanding of the frag-slicer.
I think I'm in love.
We just got a Buster-Sword-proportioned super-Chainsword. That you feel love shows you are a good and dutiful servant of the Emperor.
Week 30: Downtime
[X] R, R, R, & R (Research, Research, Research, and Repair)
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-1215 R)
-[X] Research Mk IV Jaeger Supercell Reactor Core - Research a Supercell Jaeger reactor capable of powering Mk IV class Jaegers (Free J-Tech Research 1) (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research Jaeger Sheathe - Research a Jaeger-scale 'sheathe' that would allow Jagdhund (or other Jaegers) to carry the Ascalon Blade (and maybe other, future Jaeger-scale swords too) into battle without actually needing to wield it all the time. (Free J-Tech Research 2)
-[X] Search for Intel and Resources that would allow for the construction of a Nuclear Explosive Device (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Research 'Breachgate' - Research gate system capable of holding open a breach between two points for an extended period of time in order to allow for their use long-distance travel as well as improving the ability to research an open breach. (Free Breach Research) (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Build 2*Scout Chopper Squadron, 1*Mortar Team (Free Construction Action)
-[X] Recycle 9 pieces of Steel Body Plating (Free Recycling Action)
-[X] Repair and Refit damaged Murasame-Class Anti-Kaiju Destroyer (-1500 R) (Free Action)
-[X] Research Cauterizing Ammo for Mortar Teams
-[X] Research downscaled Vulcan laser cannons that can be used by Anti-Kaiju Brigades.
-[X] Research Banshee-Class Attack Helicopter - A next-gen attack helicopter advancement that builds off the Hellhound design; Priority is replacing the dumbfire micro-missiles with downscaled, miniaturized Vulcan Laser cannons, secondary design goals should be increasing maneuverability, speed, and other pilot survival mechanisms.
-[X] Research "Fragmentation Slicer" w/+3 Consumable Bonus (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research Neural Disrupter Upgrade - Research Neural Disrupter design to provide our forces a means of protection against the adverse side effects of using the Neural Disrupter.
-[X] Research 'Breach Buster' Explosive Device - Research an anti-Breach bomb based around the hive-mind and bio-lock systems that the Kaiju Breaches are theorized to have, intended to function as a 'trojan horse' that would trick the breach into thinking that a Kaiju is passing through instead of a nuclear bomb, taking into account our current inability to build a nuclear explosive device and leaving space in the design for it to be implemented once we have that ability (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research ANGEL-Net Transmitter (Safe Research Mode as a precaution against accidentally damaging Jagdhund in the process of acquiring the design)
-[X] Research upgrade for Jaeger-Scale Vulcan cannons to increase range and firing rate.
-[X] Build 2*Military Production Facility (-1000 Resources)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund (-50 Resources)

(3765 Resources Spent, 29500 Resources Remain+Resources gained from Recycled Parts)
As if ceding to Ashley's vague threat/demand/tsundere request, Noah is slowly but surely recovering from his injuries. Ashley has resolved to continue trying to entice the man to get healthier, something Alec Webb has made no fair shortage of jokes about.

The week kicks off with J-tech addressing a steadily approaching issue; power. While the jaegers' current reactors provide enough output for their current states, if upgrades continue they're likely to reach the limit in a month or two. As such, their goal is to prepare a new power plant capable of fueling a Mark IV jaeger. By the end of the week, they approach the council with two proposals. Neither is 100% complete, and are very resource intensive, but they should accomplish the goal.

The first option is taken directly from the blueprints of one of the American Mark IVs, Basilisk Zephyr. Mark IV jaegers were notorious for being incredibly unique machines, sometimes even down to using different power plants instead of a standardised design, and Zephyr was no exception. In order to power its frame, the jaeger relied on a high-output stellarator-- a type of fusion reactor that uses differing magnetic fields to retain a net force of zero on the plasma particles suspended inside its magnetic coils. Unlike tokamek reactors, the stellarator proved far more stable, allowing the jaeger to push the limits of its output further, without a risk of overload. However, as with most Mark IV reactors, its magnetic fields were vulnerable to electromagnetic disruption, and the plasma flow could not be used as a weapon.

The second one is far more experimental than the stellarator, and falls in line with the recent Supercell designs. By increasing the size of the chamber and the initial reaction mass, as well as the compression rate of the plasma exhaust, J-tech believes they can force a Supercell to output sufficient levels of power. Additionally, any overload attacks would be roughly 50% denser in radiation content, and have a longer range. However, due to the compression equipment and additional stabilisers, the reactor would be very expensive, not to mention rather... unstable. If the stabilisers are damaged (such as by combat or an overload), it is extremely possible that the chamber's containment could undergo a catastrophic failure. This would not be good.

Choose one of the two options below to focus on. You may be able to research the other one later, but whichever one chosen will become available to you after the next encounter. You may research improvements as normal once they are available.
[ ] Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (cannot be overloaded as a weapon, very stable, greater vulnerability to emps)
[ ] Supercell Enhanced Quantum Reaction Chamber yVI-1 (overload can be weaponised, greater risk of containment failure, more expensive)

Another task, this one significantly less likely to take out half the city in a nuclear fireball, is also being worked on. With the Ascalon Blade simply sitting in storage, and the possibility of other weapon-wielding jaegers a high probability, another J-tech facility sets to work on making a sheath for bladed weapons like these.

New Jaeger Armour available to purchase: Jaeger Sheath!
Jaeger Sheath
200 Resources per location
Coverage: Spine and/or Thighs
AV: 1/-
Resilience: All
Durability: 9

Each sheath may store one (1) single-handed carried melee weapon.

Another thing is the search for nukes. It goes... eh. Nukes are not easy to find. Which is exactly what happens-- they don't find nukes. Most people don't carry intensive blueprints on building and locating materials for nukes. Go figure, right?

The most that Breath-Tech gets done with their wormhole project is the ability to stabilize the Breaches produced a bit longer. Current maximum time they've sustained one outside of a Supercell is just under ten seconds. The repeated city-wide blackouts are a little annoying, however.

(No immediate progress, but the difficulty is being lowered. You'll still need more Research-- actions or levels-- to make this work.)

More units come out of the factories. Nothing fancy.

2 SH-60 squadrons built!
1 AKM22 squadron built!

The recycler gets its first runs, breaking down the old steel armour into free resources for reuse once more. It's not much, but it's a fair deal.

+563 Resources! 9 Pieces of Steel Armour recycled!

The navy is having a party, and the Murasame-class is invited. A hell of a lot of new crewmembers join up, and there's obviously booze (because it's a brand-spanking-new boat, that's why).

Murasame-class Anti-Kaiju Destroyer Refitted!

A mundane, but fairly simple project for the military is set up-- to give the mortar teams a way of avoiding covering nearly a square kilometer in kaiju blue each time they hit something. The solution? Fire.

New ammunition for AKM22s!
- Napalm Rounds: 1d10 Fire damage. -1 Damage. Range 10/20/-, Hits on 5+. Radius 2. Cauterizes Wounds.

Slightly less mundane is the new attempt to miniaturize the new laser vulcan guns for the Anti-Kaiju Brigades. The result is... semi-successful, though the heat produced forces the soldiers to wear flashy heat suits, and the packs are bulky enough to take up valuable room. On the plus side, they have nearly double the range of the micro-missiles, and hit just as hard! Of course, the weapons' appearance has many soldiers attempting to inject some humour into the situation with jokes about 'crossing the streams' or screaming 'Tetsuo!!!' at their fellows.

AKBs choose one weapon on deployment!
- 'Kaiju-Buster' Super Micro-Missiles: 1d10 Impact/Fire damage. -3 Damage. Range 5/-/-. Hits on 4+. Fire only when dismounted. Cauterises Wounds. Benefits from Arges.
- Micro Laser Vulcans: 1d10 Fire damage. -2 Damage. Range 10/-/-. Hits on 4+. Fire only when dismounted. Cauterises Wounds. Benefits from Arges.

With the new Micro Laser Vulcans finished, work begins on designing an airframe for them to be mounted on. The new 'Banshee' model promises to be smaller, faster, and generally better than the Hellhound, if a little lighter in weapons and a bit more expensive from all the new tech being stuffed into it. Still, it should be easy for long-time Hellhound pilots to adapt to, and the Hellhound is by no means completely outdone by the new model.

New Military Unit Available: A-KA-78-L 'Banshee' Assault Helicopter Squadron!
A-KA-78-L 'Banshee' Assault Helicopter Squadron
600 Resources
Designed as a successor to the Hellhound, the Banshee trades hitting power for attrition and agility, mounting a series of Laser Vulcans instead of the standard 'Kaiju-Busters'. Like their parent units, Banshees mount a pair of Hellfire+ Missiles, and dedicated gyroscopes and manoeuvering thrusters to make them harder to hit, though their smaller size helps the system be more effective. Banshees operate in teams of three.
- Move up to 15 units a turn.
- Enhanced Manoeuvering Thrusters: All Ranged attacks against Banshees are at +1 difficulty to-hit, +2 if the Banshee squadron has moved 10 or more units its previous turn.
- Micro Laser Vulcans: 1d10 Fire damage. -2 Damage. Range 10/-/-. Hits on 4+. Fire only when dismounted. Cauterises Wounds. Benefits from Arges.
Pick one on launch.
- Hellfire+ Missile: 1d10 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Range 20/-/-. Hits on 4+. One Shot Only. Cauterises Wounds. Benefits from Arges.
- Neptune-43 Torpedo: 1d10 Impact damage. -1 Damage. Range 15/25/--, Hits on 5+. One Shot Only. Cauterizes Wounds. May only be fired against targets in the water.

More people are brought in to work on the "fragmentation slicer" project, attempting to create a viable jaeger weapon that uses the principle. And... Well... It kinda works?

The new weapon is gargantuan, nearly 80 metres long when active-- a length and thickness necessary to hold the technology used to activate and maintain its potential for harm. Just for a jaeger to use the thing in a semi-efficient manner requires them to use the handle mounted on the weapon's side to keep the thing stable-- otherwise, simply swinging the thing places incredible amounts of stress on the jaeger's servos. Not to mention it guzzles power like no other weapon in the city's arsenal.

As for its effectiveness at actually killing things? Well, that's the good news. The so-called "Buster Slicer" operates by creating an extremely narrow artificial Breach along its single "cutting" edge, forcing the gate to operate as both entrance and exit. Due to compression rates, this field is capable of ignoring practically any conventional defensive measure, while the wormhole tears a seared-shut chunk out of whatever it hits.

It's big, it's crude, and it's incredibly destructive.

New Jaeger Weapon available to purchase: BRFS-01y Fragmentation Buster Slicer!
BRFS-01y Fragmentation Buster Slicer
2250 Resources
Built-in/Carried One/Two-Handed Melee Weapon

Attack Dice: 1d5/1d10-1
Parry Dice: 1d5
Block Dice: 2d5
Armour Penetration: Ignores Armour
Grappling Bonus: -5/No Grappling
Durability: 8
Damage Type: Burst
Damage Bonus: 2/1d5+2

May be activated or sheathed as a Free Action.
Buster Weapon: This massive weapon requires both arms to make the most of it. If the wielder chooses to use it with only the limb that mounts it, use the first set of values. If both arms are used, use the second set of values.
The Buster Slicer takes up an Arm when sheathed, and both the Arm and Hand when active (both hands if held two-handed). It is always treated as built-in for the purpose of attacks, and as carried for the purpose of grappling.
The Buster Slicer may only be used by Mark III+ Jaegers with 3+ Strength.

The Neural Disruptor prototype is worked on some more, attempting to block out the human-harmful frequencies. Success is good, though there's still a little room for error-- however, it should be easier to shake off for non-kaiju.

Friendly units only have to roll 2+ or higher to ignore the effects of the Neural Disruptor. Toughness Test difficulty dropped to (5).

Work also also begins on Neo-Seattle's literal ace in the hole-- the so-called "Breach Buster". In theory, this would be a nuclear device, shielded and coated in something to fool the bio-metric locks into thinking it was a kaiju. Since, at the moment, the nuclear part is seemingly out of reach, the science teams try and tackle the bio-metrics. It's tough, especially since their knowledge of how the locks work is limited. While the presence of the kaiju helps, the best they can guess is somehow binding the weapon to a kaiju secondary brain and getting it through that way. Still iffy, but...

It should only take about another week or two to make some revelations on it.

(Similar to the portal, you're getting the difficulty lowered, albeit far more.)

Progress in replicating the ANGEL-Net system is bogged down. There's so much work on other fronts that the complex system is too much for the interns to deal with. It'll have to wait for another day.

Work on improving the jaeger-scale lasers is... iffy. The maximum range is extended a little, but with the aforementioned bogging, there's not much that can be done.

Laser Vulcans now have range: 5/10/15!

And then there's other stuff.

2 MPFs build!
Jagdhund repaired!

And that does it for the week.

A note on the Buster Slicer; considering you're basically making a brand new weapon type, it's pretty good. It's got Burst damage, and flat out
ignores armour. For a prototype? It's pretty sweet.

And now, I will let you vote and ramble about your new shinies.
[x] Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (cannot be overloaded as a weapon, very stable, greater vulnerability to emps)

We have an aug for protecting from EMPs. We have no such thing for preventing a the other generator from going nuclear.

Still reading the rest of the update.