[X] Cautious Optimism

Waltz will be disappointed at how little Science we did to his little present. Say, what did we get out of the biomechanical shell, anyway? I recall it had many neural connections inside it but I can't remember if we ever found out anything else.
Waltz will be disappointed at how little Science we did to his little present. Say, what did we get out of the biomechanical shell, anyway? I recall it had many neural connections inside it but I can't remember if we ever found out anything else.
Something something kaiju hivemind. It was at least part of that discovery, as well as the idea of a sub-hivemind (all sub-hivers connect to one main kaiju, who connects to the main hive), which seemed to be what was going on with Waltz and his shells.

[X] Cautious Optimism
-[X] Send Tacit and Jagdhund to the city wall
--[X] Make sure Jagdhund is fully up-to-date on our previous encounter with Waltz and our current ambiguous but hopeful stance towards him.
-[X] Have all conventional forces on standby and ready to launch if needed, but they are not to deploy without further authorization.
-[X] Everyone stand by and wait to see what Waltz does next. If he doesn't come any closer and doesn't act hostile towards us, no need to pick a fight with him right now.
The autonomous jaeger's had plenty of free time, and as such has analysed pretty much every kaiju that's came before she showed up here. She's aware as to what the preferred stance on the Seijin are, even if she is a bit iffy about kaiju-like beings running around... Still, it shouldn't be a problem.


But almost as soon as Jagdhund steps out of the shielded shatterdome, Supercell blazing away, there's activity from Waltz. The half-kaiju stops mindlessly ambling about, and starts moving towards the city, aiming for the point furthest North-- much like last time. It's not moving particularly fast for a kaiju, stopping occasionally, but its destination is clearly nearby Neo-Seattle.*

Things get more complicated, however, when two weak neural signatures split off from the Seijin, moving ahead. What they may be is a mystery, but they're at least twice as fast, and should reach the jaegers before Waltz does.

Waltz is about 15 kilometres out. The two oddities are 10 kilometres out. Yes, your jaegers are deployed.

As you're currently entering November in-universe, there is quite a bit of precipitation going on.

*For the record, Palisade and the brains are stored to the southeast of the city. So it doesn't seem like he's heading there.
But almost as soon as Jagdhund steps out of the shielded shatterdome, Supercell blazing away, there's activity from Waltz
That's interesting. Maybe Waltz is looking for Breach-like effects and the Supercell was enough to draw its attention?

Where was our Breach research facility, anyway? I seem to recall we built it outside the city for safety reasons and that might be what drew Waltz here in the first place.

The other two signatures are probably Drones or something like them. I don't think this'll end peacefully like last time, but it might work out alright.
That's interesting. Maybe Waltz is looking for Breach-like effects and the Supercell was enough to draw its attention?

Where was our Breach research facility, anyway? I seem to recall we built it outside the city for safety reasons and that might be what drew Waltz here in the first place.

The other two signatures are probably Drones or something like them. I don't think this'll end peacefully like last time, but it might work out alright.
1) I can neither confirm nor deny this.
2) Somewhere in the south also. I don't know, that's just where I always pictured it.
3) I can neither confirm nor deny this.
@Fyrstorm did you just change your avatar?
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He might be looking for Supercell signatures in particular, then.

Well, either way we need to meet the big guy and his little friends before doing anything else.

[X] Deploy both Jaegers to meet the two oddities. Conventional forces are to remain on stand-by for now.
[X] Have Tacit stay put and wait for what ever's coming our way.
[X] Have Jagdhund pull back a ways and see if she can power down as much as possible while still being ready to fight
-[X] See if we can mask her supercell signature somehow and see how the visitors react to it.
[X] Launch Hellhounds and Scout Helicopters, send them to back up Tacit.
-[X] If Scout Choppers arrive before the smaller signatures do, send a squadron out ahead to scout out the new arrivals, but be cautious.
I don't think asking a jaeger to power down right before a battle is a good idea. It took the Shatterdrome's defenses to hide the signal, so whatever Waltz and friends are using to detect it, it's fairly powerful and accurate.
It took the Shatterdrome's defenses to hide the signal
It's more that the shatterdome has some gnarly radiation shielding, so it's good to hide jaegers in.

so whatever Waltz and friends are using to detect it, it's fairly powerful and accurate.
At least as strong as your own sensors, since they're capable of detecting Breach Radiation just fine. Jaegers mount similar versions of these sensors, albeit less strong. Just a fun fact!
[X] Jagdhund fall back two units behind and to the side of Tacit.
-[X] Both Jaegers standby and wait to see what happens next.
[X] Launch Hellhounds and Scout Helicopters, send to stand by 5 units behind Tacit.
-[X] If Scout Choppers arrive before the smaller signatures do, send a squadron out ahead to scout out the new arrivals, but be cautious.
[X] Jagdhund fall back two units behind and to the side of Tacit.
-[X] Both Jaegers standby and wait to see what happens next.
[X] Launch Hellhounds and Scout Helicopters, send to stand by 5 units behind Tacit.
-[X] If Scout Choppers arrive before the smaller signatures do, send a squadron out ahead to scout out the new arrivals, but be cautious.
[X] Jagdhund fall back two units behind and to the side of Tacit.
-[X] Both Jaegers standby and wait to see what happens next.
[X] Launch Hellhounds and Scout Helicopters, send to stand by 5 units behind Tacit.
-[X] If Scout Choppers arrive before the smaller signatures do, send a squadron out ahead to scout out the new arrivals, but be cautious.
[x] Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (cannot be overloaded as a weapon, very stable, greater vulnerability to emps)

Can I still vote on that?

As for current business:

[X] Jagdhund fall back two units behind and to the side of Tacit.
-[X] Both Jaegers standby and wait to see what happens next.
[X] Launch Hellhounds and Scout Helicopters, send to stand by 5 units behind Tacit.
-[X] If Scout Choppers arrive before the smaller signatures do, send a squadron out ahead to scout out the new arrivals, but be cautious.
[X] Jagdhund fall back two units behind and to the side of Tacit.
-[X] Both Jaegers standby and wait to see what happens next.
[X] Launch Hellhounds and Scout Helicopters, send to stand by 5 units behind Tacit.
-[X] If Scout Choppers arrive before the smaller signatures do, send a squadron out ahead to scout out the new arrivals, but be cautious.
[X] Jagdhund fall back two units behind and to the side of Tacit.
-[X] Both Jaegers standby and wait to see what happens next.
[X] Launch Hellhounds and Scout Helicopters, send to stand by 5 units behind Tacit.
-[X] If Scout Choppers arrive before the smaller signatures do, send a squadron out ahead to scout out the new arrivals, but be cautious.
On a hunch, Jagdhund is ordered to back up a little. The jaeger stomps a few hundred metres closer to the perimeter, keeping an eye on the foggy ocean.

Meanwhile, the aerial forces launch, heading towards the jaegers. Thanks to the city setup, they get there-- just in time. Even as the Hellhounds come in, the signatures have crossed eight more kilometres. Under the view of two anxious giant robots, the dual oddities burst from concealment.

Each one is a spike of black-grey chitin, fifteen meters from tip to tail, and somewhat conical. There are twelve openings on each one, arranged in three rings of four. The central and rear quartets are deep and colourless, jets of vapour spurting out as the spikes twist out of the foggy bay, encircling each-other. The frontal four, however, shine cobalt blue, capped with a glimmering, translucent shell. The spikes spiral around each-other a few more times, before twisting away, and angling towards the jaegers, moving with no visible means of propulsion. There, two thousand meters from Tacit Ronin, the oddities hang, as if held up by invisible strings.

Silent. Unmoving. Alien.

The oddities are now two kilometres from Tacit (20 units). Jagdhund is 2 behind Tacit, and the airforce is 5 behind Tacit. Waltz is still ~5 kilometres out.

(Also, quick clarification on the Hellhounds vs. Banshees thing; Hellhounds' secondary armament does Impact/Fire, while the Banshees' does pure Fire. Ergo, the Banshees have better attrition, but ultimately tend to do less damage.)
[X] Attempt to Communicate
-[X] Tacit Ronin attempt to send the message 'Friend' in morse code.
--[X] First attempt via flashing lights.
---[X] If flashing lights doesn't work, try by sound of some kind.
[X] Don't make and sudden unnecessary moves.
[X] All units should remain cautious and ready to fight if need be, but should not make any aggressive moves except as a clear action of self defense or until we give orders to do so.

It sort of worked with these guys last time. I think.

Heres hoping we can negotiate with whatever these things are again.
[X] Attempt to Communicate
-[X] Tacit Ronin attempt to send the message 'Friend' in morse code.
--[X] First attempt via flashing lights.
---[X] If flashing lights doesn't work, try by sound of some kind.
[X] Don't make and sudden unnecessary moves.
[X] All units should remain cautious and ready to fight if need be, but should not make any aggressive moves except as a clear action of self defense or until we give orders to do so.
.....Oh my gosh, Waltz has Gundam Bits.

[X] Attempt to Communicate
-[X] Tacit Ronin attempt to send the message 'Friend' in morse code.
--[X] First attempt via flashing lights.
---[X] If flashing lights doesn't work, try by sound of some kind.
[X] Don't make and sudden unnecessary moves.
[X] All units should remain cautious and ready to fight if need be, but should not make any aggressive moves except as a clear action of self defense or until we give orders to do so.
.....Oh my gosh, Waltz has Gundam Bits.
Quick, we must level the playing field! Let me get my proposal for Rifle Bits for Jagdhund and Sword Bits for Tacit!

Speaking of Bits, I jut remembered Shield Bits are a thing and we could probably get them with some research into Remote Drones and defensive energy fields. Maybe a Frag Slicer style field applied defensively? Project it as a plane instead of a blade and it might be able to stop just about any physical attack.

...So, who wants to go Full Strenght Build for the next Jaeger with the BRFS and a Fragslicer Greatshield? :V