... I keep getting the feeling these guys are Alt-Earth Jaegers. And that they lost the fight.
Keep in mind that Waltz and Crank are the only Seijin you've met, and Crank was a fucking Angel with pincer arms.

.....Oh my gosh, Waltz has Gundam Bits Fangs.
Fixed that for you.

Quick, we must level the playing field! Let me get my proposal for Rifle Bits for Jagdhund and Sword Bits for Tacit!

Speaking of Bits, I jut remembered Shield Bits are a thing and we could probably get them with some research into Remote Drones and defensive energy fields. Maybe a Frag Slicer style field applied defensively? Project it as a plane instead of a blade and it might be able to stop just about any physical attack.

...So, who wants to go Full Strenght Build for the next Jaeger with the BRFS and a Fragslicer Greatshield? :V
1) you can do this. I have rules for bits/fangs/funnels in the works.

2) a Frag Shield is going to be ridiculously hard. However, you do have that Crank token for energy shields.

3) ...I don't know what you're talking about, but please do not make Throne Zwei your next jaeger. Think of the children.
Keep in mind that Waltz and Crank are the only Seijin you've met, and Crank was a fucking Angel with pincer arms.
Not the best sample size, no.

I almost wrote Funnels. But either way, you knew what I meant.

1) you can do this. I have rules for bits/fangs/funnels in the works.

2) a Frag Shield is going to be ridiculously hard. However, you do have that Crank token for energy shields.

3) ...I don't know what you're talking about, but please do not make Throne Zwei your next jaeger. Think of the children.
I want to take a moment to remind folks that one of my proposed features for Paladin Victor was a Mod that (by way of shoulder mounts) gave it some iteration of an Energy Shield....:p
1) you can do this. I have rules for bits/fangs/funnels in the works.
Where's that pic of Mr. Burns tenting his fingers and saying Excellent when I need it?

2) a Frag Shield is going to be ridiculously hard. However, you do have that Crank token for energy shields.
I'm going to have to set aside some time in the next downtime to check our inventory.

3) ...I don't know what you're talking about, but please do not make Throne Zwei your next jaeger. Think of the children.
I'm talking about Dark Souls, but don't worry about us building Throne Zwei. If anything we'd probably skip right to a 00 Qan [T]-Style build. And besides, the one who makes Third Impact Wings that irradiate kilometers around it with Evil GN Particles is the Throne Drei.

Children are relatively safe around the Zwei unless Ali is the one on the cockpit and if Ali Al-Saachez is nearby, no one is safe no matter what he's piloting.
Also, if you guys want more resources, there's always that fuckhuge Cat IV up in the West you can go kill. Or try to kill.

Also, my mind went to Zwei because y'all had been talking about funnels/bits/fangs, and Highwind mentioned the Buster Slicer. And the fact that this is slowly turning into 00. Fortunately, I shall abate this 00 spam.
And replace it with Muv Luv spam! Bwahaha! Prepare to drown in obscene silicone-based people-eaters! Wait a second...

[X] Attempt to Communicate
-[X] Tacit Ronin attempt to send the message 'Friend' in Morse code.
--[X] First attempt via flashing lights.
---[X] If flashing lights doesn't work, try by sound of some kind.
[X] Don't make and sudden unnecessary moves.
[X] All units should remain cautious and ready to fight if need be, but should not make any aggressive moves except as a clear action of self defense or until we give orders to do so.
"You want us to do what?!" Ashley demanded at the screen.

"Langley, calm down. All we're asking is for you to try communicating with them. Nothing too much, just some Morse code. We had a positive response last time we met this thing, so we don't want to risk it."

"But I- it-"

Do you really want to fight something we barely understand, sis? Maria asked through the Drift. Ashley frowned. Her stepsister had a point, annoying as it was.

"... Fine. This is Tacit Ronin, executing plan 'hope it speaks English'," the woman said.


Tacit's floodlights flash on and off in the most begrudging way possible, slowly spelling out 'friend' in Morse code-- a message repeated thrice more before the jaeger stops. The spikes remain in the air, twitching and spinning on their axes seemingly randomly. There's another pause... and Tacit honks its horn a few times.

The oddities whir like drills, before bursts of vapor stream from their hind rings, sending them darting forwards several hundred meters, before they sharply brake. The cobalt spots glimmer, and the high-power cameras in Jagdhund's head can just make out a refractive surface...

Meanwhile, Waltz continues to close distances, a more distinct profile showing up. This time, there's not two spires coming from its back-- there's four.

The oddities are now 1.5 kilometres from Tacit (15 units). Jagdhund is 2 behind Tacit, and the airforce is 5 behind Tacit. Waltz is still ~4 kilometres out. Everything's cryptic as hell.
[X] Attempt to communicate with Waltz directly.
-[X] Tacit Ronin should try sending the message 'Ally' toward Waltz in Morse Code, first by light, then by horn if lights get no response.
--[X] Then, once Tacit Ronin has finished, Jagdhund should try doing the same thing, directing the signals at Waltz directly.
[X] Attempt to analyze whatever it is Waltz and his minions are doing, see if there's any pattern or anything that could be taken as an attempt to communicate on their part.
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I fear things are going to be far more violent than last time. Maybe we should move a bit so we can activate the Ranged Dodge augment? Just in case?
What/how/where are we moving, and do you have any recommendations for how we move while still trying to communicate?
We just need to move at least three units to activate the GAPAS, so we can do that by raising Tacit's hands in a non-threatening gesture and slowly walking backwards.

Morse didn't work back in thw first round and it doesn't look like Waltz learned it since then, so we're going to have to try using gestures to convey our message. I say we get Neo-Seattle's best Mimic to help us. :V

I'm not sure what else we can do to communicate, really.

I don't think Jaegers are designed with interpretive dance in mind. :V
That's because no one tried it yet! Flamenco Driver, the Jaeger that will beat all Kaiju in a dance contest! Piloted by Louis "Cipher" Ciaphas and Tatsuya "Meijin" Kawaguchi and armed with a shipload of missiles.

Morse didn't work back in thw first round and it doesn't look like Waltz learned it since then, so we're going to have to try using gestures to convey our message. I say we get Neo-Seattle's best Mimic to help us. :V
... Who? (No, seriously, I don't know who you're talking about)

That's because no one tried it yet! Flamenco Driver, the Jaeger that will beat all Kaiju in a dance contest! Piloted by Louis "Cipher" Ciaphas and Tatsuya "Meijin" Kawaguchi and armed with a shipload of missiles.
... Well, at least it's not more 00 (who's this cipher dude? I'm only familiar with Tatsuya). Although, if you're looking for a jaeger design that'd be great at dancing, look at the super flexible grapplers (CT-IV, Cossack), the smooth moving sword fighters (Striker, TR, Echo Sabre), or the really humanoid ones (Gypsy, Jagdhund, Verde) for inspiration.

Now that I think of it, a dance-fighting jaeger actually can work. High agility, good grappling... you can even joke about the throws and submission holds working because the kaiju aren't following your moves right.

Of course, there's already like three other designs vying to be built first, so I dunno.

Also, plans, people!
[X] Attempt to communicate with Waltz directly.
-[X] Tacit Ronin should try sending the message 'Ally' toward Waltz in Morse Code, first by light, then by horn if lights get no response.
--[X] Then, once Tacit Ronin has finished, Jagdhund should try doing the same thing, directing the signals at Waltz directly.
[X] Attempt to analyze whatever it is Waltz and his minions are doing, see if there's any pattern or anything that could be taken as an attempt to communicate on their part.
... Who? (No, seriously, I don't know who you're talking about)
'twas a joke. It's not meant to be anyone specifically, just a general joke about getting a mime to help with communicating through gestures.

... Well, at least it's not more 00 (who's this cipher dude? I'm only familiar with Tatsuya)
Cipher is the callsign of the Demon Lord of the Round Table from Ace Combat Zero. He's The Ace Pilot in the Ace Combat universe and has an amazing Flamenco-style theme for the final battle of his game. The first name Louis is to go with his Demon theme, so Louis "Cipher", because I'm not a very creative man. Though the song is actually more closely associated with the Final Boss himself.

And I chose Meijin mostly because he also has a great Flamenco-style theme, but being from Gundam helped.

[X] Attempt to communicate with Waltz directly.
-[X] Tacit Ronin should try sending the message 'Ally' toward Waltz in Morse Code, first by light, then by horn if lights get no response.
--[X] Then, once Tacit Ronin has finished, Jagdhund should try doing the same thing, directing the signals at Waltz directly.
[X] Attempt to analyze whatever it is Waltz and his minions are doing, see if there's any pattern or anything that could be taken as an attempt to communicate on their part.
1d10+6 to read Waltz's power level.

Sorry, only just realised that this should be done.
[X] Attempt to communicate with Waltz directly.
-[X] Tacit Ronin should try sending the message 'Ally' toward Waltz in Morse Code, first by light, then by horn if lights get no response.
--[X] Then, once Tacit Ronin has finished, Jagdhund should try doing the same thing, directing the signals at Waltz directly.
[X] Attempt to analyze whatever it is Waltz and his minions are doing, see if there's any pattern or anything that could be taken as an attempt to communicate on their part.

- Tacit Ronin's Drift.

...Okay, this is going nowhere.

Nowhere? Wow, you don't say. Trying to speak English at a pair of floating spikes that came off of a freaky meat jaeger that doesn't speak English is going nowhere. Gosh, whoever would have guessed?

Ash, the least you can do is not snipe back at me. I didn't even finish my goddamn statement.

Oho, really? Well, let's hear it, "master tactician".

...First, shut up.

shut up.

Third, maybe these things aren't real kaiju-- like, remotes or something. We should try talking to the seijin
itself, not its dummies.


What the hell, can't go any worse than the rest of this.


The jaeger turns towards the swiftly approaching seijin, letting the others focus on the spikes. Closing another kilometre rapidly, the biomechanical being starts to surface.

It's bigger.

Waltz stands just over 80 meters now-- not including its cannons-- far taller than the real Coyote Tango was. Its body is clad in steel-flake armour, oily black coolant dripping from between the seams. Its joints look fleshier and more developed, ropy muscles gleaming like electrum cables. Even its 'eyes' seem more defined, the cobalt visor gleaming on its head, alongside many similar lights across its entire body. No longer are there only two cannons-- now, four spires grow from its back, pointing up to the sky-- while six sockets sprout from its spine, four filled with spikes identical to the ones floating ahead. Waltz doesn't look like some ramshackle fusion of machine and monster-- it looks complete.

This is a Seijin.

But Tacit Ronin isn't intimidated.


Meanwhile, technicians turn to the scanner system, attempting to analyse whatever it is that Waltz and the oddities-- tentatively named 'WZX-01' and 'WZX-02'-- are actually doing.


Unfortunately, the most they can gather is the presence of... signals. The techies don't know what they are, only that they're present-- hell, even their nature is hard to isolate. As to how to tap into the signals? As if.


Tacit flares its lights a few times, drawing the seijin's attention. As it advances towards the shore, Waltz's head darts over, the lights across its body shimmering with energy as its pace slows. The jaeger practically belts out their message, repeating the Morse five times.

And then Jagdhund repeats as well, flashing the same message five times as well. Waltz glances between them, its shimmering speeding up momentarily as it looks at Jagdhund...

For a second, the cobalt lights all turn off, leaving the seijin grey and almost statuesque. Then, a flare of light. Every pit flashes a brilliant blue for a second, before dying back down to grey. And then a second flash, lasting for three-- before the creature finally dims, returning to the shimmering state of before.


WZXs 01 and 02 are now 1.5 kilometres from Tacit (15 units). Jagdhund is 2 behind Tacit, and the airforce is 5 behind Tacit. Waltz is ~3 kilometres out. I am continuing to switch between capitalizing and not capitalizing Seijin/Jaeger/Kaiju.

And it is also my birthday.
Happy birthday!

Uh... ask him 'Morse Good?'

Apart from returning a '?' signal if he doesn't reply further, I don't really want to jump the gun on whatever he might mean with 'A'.

Unless we had a big giant honking board we could use as a morse cheat sheet for him to use in case he's not too good with morse. As it is, he might be the equivalent of a guy making sounds to try to ape another language.
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