@Fyrstorm : if I'm reading the sword right, it uses HtH for attack bonus instead of Dex because it counts as a built-in weapon when attacking? If so, that's awesome, but its sheer size means we need a new Jaeger to take advantage of it. Tacit's arms are already occupied with Fangblades, and JH is too weak to actually use it, plus her stats lean in a different direction.

[x] Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (cannot be overloaded as a weapon, very stable, greater vulnerability to emps)
@Fyrstorm : if I'm reading the sword right, it uses HtH for attack bonus instead of Dex because it counts as a built-in weapon when attacking? If so, that's awesome, but its sheer size means we need a new Jaeger to take advantage of it. Tacit's arms are already occupied with Fangblades, and JH is too weak to actually use it, plus her stats lean in a different direction.
PV or TY, d'you think?
@Fyrstorm : if I'm reading the sword right, it uses HtH for attack bonus instead of Dex because it counts as a built-in weapon when attacking? If so, that's awesome, but its sheer size means we need a new Jaeger to take advantage of it. Tacit's arms are already occupied with Fangblades, and JH is too weak to actually use it, plus her stats lean in a different direction.

[x] Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (cannot be overloaded as a weapon, very stable, greater vulnerability to emps)
This is correct. The BRFS-01y is basically clamped onto your jaeger's arm and locked into the power conduits. As such, the jaeger uses its entire arm for attacking, rather than any fancy tactics. The grips are just on it to stabilize the massive thing.

Also, it's a prototype. You can try to downsize it a little more, up its output, or otherwise improve it. And there's nothing stopping you from detaching one of Tacit's Fangblades again or upping Jagdhund's Strength to carry more weapons (though given that you guys are planning on giving her the Ascalon Blade, that may not be the best idea).

PV or TY, d'you think?
Honestly, Paladin seems more suited for a ridiculously large weapon. I was under the impression that Trailblazer used daisho-- and last I checked, Buster Swords weren't a part of daisho.
Honestly, Paladin seems more suited for a ridiculously large weapon. I was under the impression that Trailblazer used daisho-- and last I checked, Buster Swords weren't a part of daisho.
That's what I thought, but Knight seemed pretty set on PV getting a giant hammer.
[X] Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (cannot be overloaded as a weapon, very stable, greater vulnerability to emps)
All in favor of spending an action next downtime to try researching 'magic' again, assuming we have a spare action available to spend on it?

*Raises hand and says 'aye'.*


Pretty sweet goodies we got out of it.

Not sure about what to pick for the reactor. The Helios is safer, and with a bit of luck we might be able to study a way to have it EMP hardened, but...
New Jaeger Weapon available to purchase: BRFS-01y
Big. Fuckin'. Sword.

I love it. We kind of need to miniaturize it a bit though. It's too Fucking Big right now, and it's still a prototype so the concept has room to improve.

That said, we should also work on making a version that's just as large but also more portable. Fully hand-held instead of some sorta hybrid, stored In the back due to size and just as humongous.

Though it occurs to me that since the edge is a dimensional thingamabob, the BRFS doesn't need to rely on its weight to add power to its swings, so if we miniaturize the technology enough we can make not only Breach Slicer Fangblades (which is a weapon type we can't really move Tacit away from, thanks to his perks and also due to Style reasons) but also a relatively fast and lightweight Buster Sword.

And now onto something equally important...
[X] Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (cannot be overloaded as a weapon, very stable, greater vulnerability to emps)

The supercell is too dangerous for its instability, and we already have an augment to protect against EMPs, so this requres far less subsequent research to make it 100% viable, freeing up valuable spare Actions for Important Things.

Things like Actual Magic, and improved Buster Swords, and More Lasers for the Jaegers.
[X] Supercell Enhanced Quantum Reaction Chamber yVI-1 (overload can be weaponised, greater risk of containment failure, more expensive)

Way I figure it, we can take this, then use research in future turns to both increase the stability and safety features to reduce the possibility of containment failure and to reduce the overall cost.

I think the bonuses are worth the downsides, especially when the downsides can be fixed with research. We don't need the Mk IV reactor ASAP, we have time to work out the kinks in the design. Plus, I think this should make it easier to work towards Mk V reactors in the long-term, or even better, Mk V reactors that can power both Mk V and Mk IV Jaegers; who knows, maybe even Mk III-V class Jaegers.
[x] Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (cannot be overloaded as a weapon, very stable, greater vulnerability to emps)

PV or TY, d'you think?
Trailblazer Yamato, for reasons I state below.

This is correct. The BRFS-01y is basically clamped onto your jaeger's arm and locked into the power conduits. As such, the jaeger uses its entire arm for attacking, rather than any fancy tactics. The grips are just on it to stabilize the massive thing.

Also, it's a prototype. You can try to downsize it a little more, up its output, or otherwise improve it. And there's nothing stopping you from detaching one of Tacit's Fangblades again or upping Jagdhund's Strength to carry more weapons (though given that you guys are planning on giving her the Ascalon Blade, that may not be the best idea).

Honestly, Paladin seems more suited for a ridiculously large weapon. I was under the impression that Trailblazer used daisho-- and last I checked, Buster Swords weren't a part of daisho.
I'm going to be in the group trying to get the Buster Sword improved.

That's what I thought, but Knight seemed pretty set on PV getting a giant hammer.
I am, yes. :p
Dibs on installing the courage-powered crystals in PV if we make those, too.

Big. Fuckin'. Sword.

I love it. We kind of need to miniaturize it a bit though. It's too Fucking Big right now, and it's still a prototype so the concept has room to improve.

That said, we should also work on making a version that's just as large but also more portable. Fully hand-held instead of some sorta hybrid, stored In the back due to size and just as humongous.

Though it occurs to me that since the edge is a dimensional thingamabob, the BRFS doesn't need to rely on its weight to add power to its swings, so if we miniaturize the technology enough we can make not only Breach Slicer Fangblades (which is a weapon type we can't really move Tacit away from, thanks to his perks and also due to Style reasons) but also a relatively fast and lightweight Buster Sword.

And now onto something equally important...
[X] Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (cannot be overloaded as a weapon, very stable, greater vulnerability to emps)

The supercell is too dangerous for its instability, and we already have an augment to protect against EMPs, so this requres far less subsequent research to make it 100% viable, freeing up valuable spare Actions for Important Things.

Things like Actual Magic, and improved Buster Swords, and More Lasers for the Jaegers.
Yeah, I'd say setting the goal of making it small enough to A.) mount in the Fangblades and b.) in a Daisho pair for Trailblazer Yamato.

[X] Supercell Enhanced Quantum Reaction Chamber yVI-1 (overload can be weaponised, greater risk of containment failure, more expensive)

Way I figure it, we can take this, then use research in future turns to both increase the stability and safety features to reduce the possibility of containment failure and to reduce the overall cost.

I think the bonuses are worth the downsides, especially when the downsides can be fixed with research. We don't need the Mk IV reactor ASAP, we have time to work out the kinks in the design. Plus, I think this should make it easier to work towards Mk V reactors in the long-term, or even better, Mk V reactors that can power both Mk V and Mk IV Jaegers; who knows, maybe even Mk III-V class Jaegers.
I would say we kind of do need the Mark 4 reactor pretty soon. Tacit is almost maxed out.

That said, if we do end up giving the Frag Slicer sword, some variant of it at least, to Paladin Victor, we need to make sure it's announced as the SWORD THAT CLEAVES EVIL.
By the way, I figured out a good look for the BRFS, or at least a hypothetical improved version of it.

Meet Gundam Astaroth's Demolition Knife. Give it a glowy edge and its just perfect.
[x] Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (cannot be overloaded as a weapon, very stable, greater vulnerability to emps)
By the way, I figured out a good look for the BRFS, or at least a hypothetical improved version of it.

Meet Gundam Astaroth's Demolition Knife. Give it a glowy edge and its just perfect.
You're actually really close. The Demolition Knife is similar in concept, what with the handle and all, but my original idea combined that with the Destiny Gundam's Arondight Anti-Ship Sword with the Gundam Exia's GN Sword.

Specifically, it had the folding ability of all three, the GN Sword's arm attachment and main grip, the Demolition Knife's extra handle, and the Arondight's cutting edge (though an angry orange instead of pink). That's basically it.

Frag Slicer weapons in general will have a similar feel to them, being basically anti-ship swords (a Breach blade instead of a cutting edge, capped off with emitters).

Also, I see a few people misusing the term "Buster Sword". Buster Swords-- and by extension, all weapons with the descriptor/trait "Buster Weapon"-- are obscenely massive weapons that can only barely be wielded with one hand. They do best when two-handed, but it is possible to fight using only one. When you say "a smaller buster sword", what you mean is "a smaller frag slicer sword", which would therefore not be a buster weapon.

Also also, I see you guys like that stellarator. In the TRvTW timeline, Mark IVs are all powered by fusion reactors-- what even is a "cyclic fusion reactor"?-- it just depends what's going on with them. As I implied, tokamaks were the primary type used (a tokamak is a toroid of magnetic coils surrounding a plasma loop. It induces a rotation inside the plasma itself, rather than as a result of the coils' shaping), though some other types existed (like Zephyr's stellarator, or Typhoon's "Midnight Orb"). They're fancy, strong, and generally share similar properties.

That's all.
Also, I see a few people misusing the term "Buster Sword". Buster Swords-- and by extension, all weapons with the descriptor/trait "Buster Weapon"-- are obscenely massive weapons that can only barely be wielded with one hand. They do best when two-handed, but it is possible to fight using only one. When you say "a smaller buster sword", what you mean is "a smaller frag slicer sword", which would therefore not be a buster weapon.
My idea of upgrading the BRFS is to make it a fully handheld weapon, Demolition Knife style, and maybe make it lighter so it can be swung around and stored more easily. Any sword that size will need to be held in both hands to be used to full effect anyway, because of the lenght and the momentum.

Smaller Frag Slicers are definitely going to happen though. And it occurs to me we have made an equivalent to Beam Sabers, entirely by accident.
Just wait a bit, you guys. I still have to... Er...

... actually write up the kaiju you'll be facing.
A signature appears on the scanners. For the second time, it's one that's already on record.

<80% MATCH TO SE-26-009-X>

Well, well, who do we have here?...

Roll scanners.
is what you get said:
The signature is checked and double-checked. There's no doubt about it; this is Waltz, the first ever recorded Seijin. And, by the look of it, Waltz has grown significantly.

The seijin's nuclear signature is stronger than ever, comfortably landing it in the Category III range. Its armour appears to be thicker, its muscles and bones denser, and its neural activity higher, especially along its spine. The creature doesn't appear to be headed for the city at the moment, moving semi-randomly around the northwest area. It's hard to tell what's going on, but it may be worth a look at.

Waltz is about 30 kilometers northwest of the city. It is not currently approaching. What do you do?
[X] Cautious Optimism
-[X] Send Tacit and Jagdhund to the city wall
--[X] Make sure Jagdhund is fully up-to-date on our previous encounter with Waltz and our current ambiguous but hopeful stance towards him.
-[X] Have all conventional forces on standby and ready to launch if needed, but they are not to deploy without further authorization.
-[X] Everyone stand by and wait to see what Waltz does next. If he doesn't come any closer and doesn't act hostile towards us, no need to pick a fight with him right now.
[X] Cautious Optimism
-[X] Send Tacit and Jagdhund to the city wall
--[X] Make sure Jagdhund is fully up-to-date on our previous encounter with Waltz and our current ambiguous but hopeful stance towards him.
-[X] Have all conventional forces on standby and ready to launch if needed, but they are not to deploy without further authorization.
-[X] Everyone stand by and wait to see what Waltz does next. If he doesn't come any closer and doesn't act hostile towards us, no need to pick a fight with him right now.

I'm good with this. Here's hoping he's here just to say hi.