[X] R, R, R, & R (Research, Research, Research, and Repair)
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-1215 R)
-[X] Research Mk IV Jaeger Supercell Reactor Core - Research a Supercell Jaeger reactor capable of powering Mk IV class Jaegers (Free J-Tech Research 1) (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research Jaeger Sheathe - Research a Jaeger-scale 'sheathe' that would allow Jagdhund (or other Jaegers) to carry the Ascalon Blade (and maybe other, future Jaeger-scale swords too) into battle without actually needing to wield it all the time. (Free J-Tech Research 2)
-[X] Search for Intel and Resources that would allow for the construction of a Nuclear Explosive Device (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Research 'Breachgate' - Research gate system capable of holding open a breach between two points for an extended period of time in order to allow for their use long-distance travel as well as improving the ability to research an open breach. (Free Breach Research) (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Build 2*Scout Chopper Squadron, 1*Mortar Team (Free Construction Action)
-[X] Recycle 9 pieces of Steel Body Plating (Free Recycling Action)
-[X] Repair and Refit damaged Murasame-Class Anti-Kaiju Destroyer (-1500 R) (Free Action)
-[X] Research Cauterizing Ammo for Mortar Teams
-[X] Research downscaled Vulcan laser cannons that can be used by Anti-Kaiju Brigades.
-[X] Research Banshee-Class Attack Helicopter - A next-gen attack helicopter advancement that builds off the Hellhound design; Priority is replacing the dumbfire micro-missiles with downscaled, miniaturized Vucan Laser cannons, secondary design goals should be increasing maneuverability, speed, and other pilot survival mechanisms.
-[X] Research "Fragmentation Slicer" w/+3 Consumable Bonus (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research Neural Disrupter Upgrade - Research Neural Disrupter design to provide our forces a means of protection against the adverse side effects of using the Neural Disrupter.
-[X] Research 'Breach Buster' Explosive Device - Research an anti-Breach bomb based around the hive-mind and bio-lock systems that the Kaiju Breaches are theorized to have, intended to function as a 'trojan horse' that would trick the breach into thinking that a Kaiju is passing through instead of a nuclear bomb, taking into account our current inability to build a nuclear explosive device and leaving space in the design for it to be implemented once we have that ability (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research ANGEL-Net Transmitter (Safe Research Mode as a precaution against accidentally damaging Jagdhund in the process of acquiring the design)
-[X] Research upgrade for Jaeger-Scale Vulcan cannons to increase range and firing rate.
-[X] Build 2*Military Production Facility (-1000 Resources)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund (-50 Resources)

(3765 Resources Spent, 29500 Resources Remain+Resources gained from Recycled Parts)
Technically, Tacit can also use it, and use it just as well. I will say that flight systems for a jaeger will be expensive in one way or another.
But JH pried the sword from Ascalon's cold dead fingers. It's her loot, she keeps it. And besides, if Tacit is gonna get a sword, it's going to be a Katana-style blade.
Though if we're going to keep to their themes, them Tacit gets the Katana, Jagdhund gets either an oversized hunting knife or a better axe, while a hypothetical Knight themed Jaeger (Paladin Victor, I think the name was?) gets the Sword.

[X] R, R, R, & R (Research, Research, Research, and Repair)
But JH pried the sword from Ascalon's cold dead fingers. It's her loot, she keeps it. And besides, if Tacit is gonna get a sword, it's going to be a Katana-style blade.
Though if we're going to keep to their themes, them Tacit gets the Katana, Jagdhund gets either an oversized hunting knife or a better axe, while a hypothetical Knight themed Jaeger (Paladin Victor, I think the name was?) gets the Sword.

[X] R, R, R, & R (Research, Research, Research, and Repair)
Trailblazer Yamato gets the Katana (and Wakazashi), Paladin Victor gets a rocket hammer.
But JH pried the sword from Ascalon's cold dead fingers. It's her loot, she keeps it. And besides, if Tacit is gonna get a sword, it's going to be a Katana-style blade.
Though if we're going to keep to their themes, them Tacit gets the Katana, Jagdhund gets either an oversized hunting knife or a better axe, while a hypothetical Knight themed Jaeger (Paladin Victor, I think the name was?) gets the Sword.

[X] R, R, R, & R (Research, Research, Research, and Repair)
Jagdhund's theme is being versatile and well rounded-- the Ascalon Blade is pretty good at everything, and it has special armour piercing stuff. You could just have both sword and axe for extra versatility.

I'm not seeing it in the plan, but last I checked, this:

was a free action. Remind me, what's the refit do again?
It makes the ship seaworthy and ready to fight kaiju.
[X] R, R, R, & R (Research, Research, Research, and Repair)
But JH pried the sword from Ascalon's cold dead fingers. It's her loot, she keeps it. And besides, if Tacit is gonna get a sword, it's going to be a Katana-style blade.
Though if we're going to keep to their themes, them Tacit gets the Katana, Jagdhund gets either an oversized hunting knife or a better axe, while a hypothetical Knight themed Jaeger (Paladin Victor, I think the name was?) gets the Sword.

[X] R, R, R, & R (Research, Research, Research, and Repair)
I'd suggest we give Trailblazer Yamato the Sword, since TY's set to be The Swordsman anyway.

Paladin Victor is gonna have a hammer. By hook or by crook, man.

EDIT: Or we just listen to the QM's advice. I'm okay with Jaghund getting the Ascalon Sword, really.
Last edited:
Trailblazer Yamato gets the Katana (and Wakazashi), Paladin Victor gets a rocket hammer.
I was talking in terms of the theme of our Jaegers. So far we sorta have this theme of Ancient Warriors from different cultures, with Tacit being the Samurai while Jagdhund uses ranged stuff and an axe, so she's the German Huntress. To keep with the theme, we either turn her into a Teutonic Knight expy (or perhaps a Templar or Hospitaller, since they fought in the Siege of Ascalon,) or we scrap the idea of giving her the sword and stick with axes and (oversized) hunting knives.

Of course, even if we decided to turn Jagdhund into the Knight Archetype, not to deviate with this theme under any circumstance and made sure not to repeat a warrior archetype (which is a stupid idea, even if it is amusing to me), it wouldn't really impact any of the current plans for new Jaegers, surprising as it may seem. Trailblazer Yamato can most certainly be the Samurai Jaeger, because Tacit's speedy build and integrated (and thus, sorta hidden) weaponry means he can fill the role of a ninja just as well. A Teutonic Knight is a subtly different kind of knight from a Paladin, so Paladin Victor can keep the name and the Hammer. And if you believe in what Stephen King has to say, a gunslinger is totally a type of knight as well, so Grey Ghost can still follow the theme.
Why are we assuming things about future Jaegers right now as if getting a half dozen of them is a guarantee at any point in the near future?

You're throwing out names like "Trailblazer Yamato" and "Paladin Victor" and "Whatever Shotgun" as if all of them are guaranteed to be things that happen in the near future.

I think there really needs to be a dose of reality passed around for a moment as people remember that we might not even have a second Jaeger right now if one hadn't basically walked up to our front door and joined up basically out of opportunity. Getting a third is going to be a huge accomplishment in and of itself, let alone a fourth or fifth.
Why are we assuming things about future Jaegers right now as if getting a half dozen of them is a guarantee at any point in the near future?
'cause it's fun, mostly.

It's idle chatter that's also on topic and about something we plan on doing in the future for sure, so there's no reason to not talk about it. I mean, I talk about getting flying Jaegers and gunblades, but I don't push a plan to do it right now because I know we have better, more important things to spend actions and resources on.
Why are we assuming things about future Jaegers right now as if getting a half dozen of them is a guarantee at any point in the near future?

You're throwing out names like "Trailblazer Yamato" and "Paladin Victor" and "Whatever Shotgun" as if all of them are guaranteed to be things that happen in the near future.

I think there really needs to be a dose of reality passed around for a moment as people remember that we might not even have a second Jaeger right now if one hadn't basically walked up to our front door and joined up basically out of opportunity. Getting a third is going to be a huge accomplishment in and of itself, let alone a fourth or fifth.
First, question. Will you be adding the Muramas refit into the R^4 plan? I'll still vote it if not, but if/since the refit is free, we certainly have the $$$ for it, and it's another unit...

Anyway, I don't think it's that unrealistic. If nothing else, you yourself said you wanted to use our Comms action next turn toward sending a scouting party to Oblivion Bay; if that results in another Jaeger, or at least a Frame or the like, then we've got grounds to make a decision.

Incidentally, with R^4 giving us 2 more MPFs, and the talk of going to the Bay, offhand maybe we could use all 3 MPFs next turn to churn out helicopter and/or plane units, to supplement what we send down. This would include, mayhaps, 2-3 Jumphawk Squadrons; having more extra Jumphawks is a net positive, because even beyond salvage situations, they let us carry more military forces around more rapidly, such as for hunting actions.

'cause it's fun, mostly.

It's idle chatter that's also on topic and about something we plan on doing in the future for sure, so there's no reason to not talk about it. I mean, I talk about getting flying Jaegers and gunblades, but I don't push a plan to do it right now because I know we have better, more important things to spend actions and resources on.
Also this.

Hm. This all said, it might be good to try and talk about....hm. What about Research items for the next few turns? If nothing else, we have a guaranteed Breach Research and 2 guaranteed J-Tech Research actions. That's a bare minimum of 3 actions! And it's not unreasonable, with us at a whopping 10 Population/Actions, to set aside 1-3 Actions a turn for other research. Certainly the non-free actions can be supplanted, but it pays to plan ahead....
So, is plan 4 R's agreed on? Or is there some surprise other plan I don't know about that's won?
Hm. This all said, it might be good to try and talk about....hm. What about Research items for the next few turns? If nothing else, we have a guaranteed Breach Research and 2 guaranteed J-Tech Research actions. That's a bare minimum of 3 actions! And it's not unreasonable, with us at a whopping 10 Population/Actions, to set aside 1-3 Actions a turn for other research. Certainly the non-free actions can be supplanted, but it pays to plan ahead....
I want one of the J-tech actions to be for the Jaeger Flight Systems, possibly to build a Dragoon-Style Jaeger around it. :V

But realistically speaking, we could focus on improving the Laser Vulcans, researching a new weapon or improving one of the augments for the Jaegers. I've had this idea of making a derivative of the Solid Fuel Thrusters that's focused solely on the Sound Breaker, for extra speedyness, for a while now.
[X] R, R, R, & R (Research, Research, Research, and Repair)
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-1215 R)
-[X] Research Mk IV Jaeger Supercell Reactor Core - Research a Supercell Jaeger reactor capable of powering Mk IV class Jaegers (Free J-Tech Research 1) (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research Jaeger Sheathe - Research a Jaeger-scale 'sheathe' that would allow Jagdhund (or other Jaegers) to carry the Ascalon Blade (and maybe other, future Jaeger-scale swords too) into battle without actually needing to wield it all the time. (Free J-Tech Research 2)
-[X] Search for Intel and Resources that would allow for the construction of a Nuclear Explosive Device (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Research 'Breachgate' - Research gate system capable of holding open a breach between two points for an extended period of time in order to allow for their use long-distance travel as well as improving the ability to research an open breach. (Free Breach Research) (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Build 2*Scout Chopper Squadron, 1*Mortar Team (Free Construction Action)
-[X] Recycle 9 pieces of Steel Body Plating (Free Recycling Action)
-[X] Repair and Refit damaged Murasame-Class Anti-Kaiju Destroyer (-1500 R) (Free Action)
-[X] Research Cauterizing Ammo for Mortar Teams
-[X] Research downscaled Vulcan laser cannons that can be used by Anti-Kaiju Brigades.
-[X] Research Banshee-Class Attack Helicopter - A next-gen attack helicopter advancement that builds off the Hellhound design; Priority is replacing the dumbfire micro-missiles with downscaled, miniaturized Vucan Laser cannons, secondary design goals should be increasing maneuverability, speed, and other pilot survival mechanisms.
-[X] Research "Fragmentation Slicer" w/+3 Consumable Bonus (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research Neural Disrupter Upgrade - Research Neural Disrupter design to provide our forces a means of protection against the adverse side effects of using the Neural Disrupter.
-[X] Research 'Breach Buster' Explosive Device - Research an anti-Breach bomb based around the hive-mind and bio-lock systems that the Kaiju Breaches are theorized to have, intended to function as a 'trojan horse' that would trick the breach into thinking that a Kaiju is passing through instead of a nuclear bomb, taking into account our current inability to build a nuclear explosive device and leaving space in the design for it to be implemented once we have that ability (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research ANGEL-Net Transmitter (Safe Research Mode as a precaution against accidentally damaging Jagdhund in the process of acquiring the design)
-[X] Research upgrade for Jaeger-Scale Vulcan cannons to increase range and firing rate.
-[X] Build 2*Military Production Facility (-1000 Resources)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund (-50 Resources)

(3765 Resources Spent, 29500 Resources Remain+Resources gained from Recycled Parts)
2d5+8 for Mark IV reactor
1d10+8 for sheath
1d10+(whatever Comms is) for getting nukes (but not really)
2d5+8 for wormholes again
1d10+8 for cauterising mortars
1d10+8 for mini lasers
1d10+8 for getting to the chopper
2d5+11 for fragmentation slicer
1d10+9 for a safer disruptor
2d5+9 for kaiju nuke
2d5+8 for ANGEL-Net
1d10+8 for better lasers
Comms is 6, so @Kosjurake 's roll for that check is a total of 9.

Solid rolls so far folks!

We still need:
Really this feels like a very successful round. I suppose a couple projects might fail due to low rolls, but we have a nice high Science score to help. Payoff for investments and all that.