KRAUN can have something else.
For some reason, I'm imagining KRAUN coming to the rescue one day with this song as their theme, finally revealing they were really the Gutsy Geoid Guard the whole time.

Edit: I don't mean literally, of course. Just in the sense of a hotblooded organization that really does fight for the sake of helping the world and who has a lot of A.I.-controlled Giant Robots at their disposal.
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1 Arges hit!

The navy keeps firing, pounding the kaiju's head and hips with napalm and explosives. Shutters slam down over Vortex's eyes, shielding them from the worst of the assault, though a little gets past.

Vortex takes 2 Strikes!

Unfortunately, Jagdhund's gun jams, forcing her to discard the drum.

Out of ammo!

Before she can reload, Vortex crumples, toppling over silently into the water. Seems like that was too much for it to handle.

3 Strikes from Ongoing!

SE-26-042 "Vortex" Defeated!

Yep. I'm giving that one to the SDF, as they dealt the last blow. Stuff will be up in time.
I can't not see the version of the gif with hellfire burning behind that guy. But yeah, our SDF rocks. Poor Tacit and his Rangers will probably be bummed they didn't get to help with the battle.
Week 30: Combat End
Since I can't fit it into the narrative like I can the armour, here's your new Faraday Frame:

Faraday Frame
2000 Resources
The jaeger is completely immune to Electrical Stuns, and has an automatic +2 AV against Electric damage. A Major Wound to the body will disable this augment until repairs are carried out. This Augment has no effect when used underwater.


The jaegers are brought in, victorious. The only damage taken has been some scarring on Jagdhund's shoulder joint from the explosion-- and that's fairly minor.

Jagdhund will require 50 resources to repair.

However, some curious reading prompt an examination of the jaegers' superalloy. Unfortunately, it appears that there was a miscalculation in the formula, and further batches will be rather flawed. Even the current armour has been weakened to a degree, due to pressure differentials and immersion in fluids. The degradation won't permanently progress any further, but high-pressure environments will show negative effects for a short while.

Jaeger Armour updated: Superalloy Composite Plating!
Superalloy Composite Plating
250 Resources per Location
AV: 5/2
Coverage: Any but Conpod
Resilience: +1 Impact, +1 Edged, -1 Ice
Durability: 9

Pressure Intolerant: When submerged in liquid or another high-pressure environment, gain -1 Blunt for the duration of the time spent there.

Meanwhile, the aftermath of the fights are examined. While Telson's death was fairly clean, Vortex and its Spawn were repeatedly cut down with some very messy weapons. Due to having been immersed in water at the time, some of the Blue can't be cleared away, and the ecosystem will suffer for it.

Environmental score has begun to drop!

The kaiju themselves are plenty interesting. Vortex is clearly a Commander Type kaiju, based on what little neural data could be gleened from it, while Telson is fairly standard. After analysing their physiology, K-Science says it's for the best that Seattle didn't see them at their full combat strength. If they had, it could have been pretty nasty.

It is now downtime.

Kaiju Stats:
Class: Category IV Kaiju
Vortex is tall, its body a pillar-like mass of cartilaginous flesh and rippling muscle. Whereas others have only had a beak for a face, this one has an entire helmet-- a skull-like piece of shiny black chitin that stands out against its pasty white flesh. Its legs are thick and powerful, while a tangle of tentacles sprout from each shoulder, and three tubes rise from its spine.

HtH: 3
Ran: 2
Str: 4
Tou: 6
Agi: 2
Dex: 4

Dura: 9
Stru: 19

- Category IV: Has all the following rules:
-- Flat stun immunity
-- Universal, unbreakable AV of 1 on all locations
-- +5 to all the instant death thresholds
- Hive Centre: As a Standard action, Vortex may generate 1d10+Dex Spawn, and control all Spawn. Vortex cannot generate more Spawn once over its Durability, even if it reconstitutes later.
- Backup Systems: Treats all Vital/Brain/Eye damage rolls against it as -1.
- Emergency Reconstitution: Twice per battle, when Vortex is over its Durability, it may, as a Full Defense, regain 2d5+1 Strikes, heal 1 Minor Wound, and regrow up to 2 pieces of armour.

Tentacles (x6)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 3x 1d10
Parry Dice: 3d5-2
Block Dice: 3d5-1
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +4
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength

Expanding Jaw
Built-In Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d5
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +0
Damage Type: Edged/Fire/Acid
Damage Bonus: Strength x2
Swallow Whole: On a Minor/Major/Critical Wound, remove the limb struck.

Acid Spray
Built-In Ranged Weapon (Scatter)
Attack Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: Ignores Armour
Damage Type: Acid
Damage Bonus: Ranged
Range: 3/6/9
Radius: 2

Arc Bombs
Built-In Ranged Weapon (Rifle)
Attack Dice: 2x 1d10
Armour Penetration: 1
Damage Type: Impact, Electric
Damage Bonus: Ranged
Range: 5/10/15
Radius: 1
May not move and shoot (does not include Full Defense)
Deals double Electric to anything it hits

Squishy Hide
Coverage: All but Eyes, Head, Neck
Armor Value: 3/-
Resilience: All, +1 Blunt, -1 Edged
Durability: 11

Bone Helmet
Coverage: Eyes, Head, Neck
Armor Value: 4/2
Resilience: All, +1 Edged
Durability: 8

Vortex Spawn:
Class: Category 0 Kaiju
Larger than a Type-100, these creatures are similar to the previously seen "Twister Spawn", being pale, grub-like creatures with several tentacles and a beaked face. However, these ones are longer and taller, and their beaks cover more of their head, in a manner similar to their parent.
- Move 6 Units a turn
- Tentacles: 1d10 Blunt, +0 Damage, Melee Range, hits on 5s
- Acid Spit: 1d10 Acid, -1 Damage, 5/-/10, hits on 5s. Acid never sticks.
- Latch On: Melee Range, only against Cat/Mark Is or higher. Roll a 1d10, to-hit number is the target's HtH or Dex, whichever is higher. If the attack succeeds, this unit attaches to the target, and inflicts one Ongoing Strike as long as it is attached. A Dexterity or Hand to Hand Check by the target kills a number of attached Spawn equal to the flat number rolled.
Class: Category III Kaiju
A thin and sleek kaiju, Telson's skin is pitch black, and covered in a layer of glossy brown shell. The kaiju sports a short tail, digigrade legs, a tucked-in head, and four arms-- two of which end in truly massive lances on sliding joints, and two which end in defensive shields. Its head is round and flat, with a mess of mandibles and a spread of glowing turquoise eyes.

HtH: 4
Ran: 0
Str: 3
Tou: 6
Agi: 4
Dex: 2

Dura: 9
Stru: 14

- Lancer: Rolls 4d5 for Charges, choosing the highest two. Attack bonus is always +3.
- Fast Mover: While running, all ranged attacks are at +1 difficulty to-hit.
- Backup Systems: Treats all Vital/Brain/Eye damage rolls against it as -1. On a 7+, ignore Stunning.
- Last Dregs: Once over its Durability, Telson may dredge up an emergency store of energy as a Free Action for, gaining +2 Dura, +3 Agi, and +2 HtH for 2 rounds. Afterwards, suffer a -1 penalty to Agi and HtH for the remainder of the fight. Last Dregs may only be used once.

Lances (x2)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10
Parry Dice: 1d10-1
Block Dice: 1d10-1
Armour Penetration: 3
Grappling Bonus: -4
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Bonus: Strength+2
Unwieldy: May not be used for a counter-attack, in a grapple, or while Stunned.
Long-Range: May strike targets 2 Units away at a -1 penalty
Distance-Oriented: Only suffers -2 from moving and attacking, rather than -3

Feet (x2)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10-1
Parry Dice: 1d5
Block Dice: 1d5
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: -2
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength+1

Shock-Absorbing Shell
Coverage: All but Eyes, Ankles, Feet, Neck, and Arms
Armor Value: 3/1
Resilience: All, +1 Impact, -1 Edged
Durability: 8

Thin Skin
Coverage: Neck, Ankles, Feet
Armor Value: 1/-
Resilience: All, +1 Fire
Durability: 9

Shock-Absorbing Shields (x2)
Coverage: Any 3 Locations, Arms
Armor Value: 3/2
Resilience: All, +1 Impact, -1 Edged
Durability: 9
Slam Dice: 1d10+1
Parry Dice: 1d10+1
Damage Bonus: Strength
Grapple Bonus: -2

Category IV Kaiju killed: +5000 Resources
Category III Kaiju killed: +1000 Resources
Category 0 Kaiju killed: +3300 Resources
Salvage Facility Bonus: +2790 Resources
Quick Kill Bonus: +100 Resources
Manufacturing: +4500 Resources
Morale Bonus: +1125 Resources

Total Resources to Spend: 33265

Free Actions:
[ ] Clean up the Blue! (-1215 R)
[ ] Don't clean it up! (Worse environmental penalties)
[ ] Refit the Murasame class. (-1500 R)

Pick as many actions as you have Population (10), along with a Communications, Breach Research, 2 Jaeger Research actions, and 1 free J-Recycling action (optional).

And a roll for Noah, of course.
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This is effectively a preliminary plan, anyone got any suggestions for what we don't need that I've got listed and what we do need that I don't have listed?

[X] R,R, & R (Research, Research, and more Research)
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-1215 R)
-[X] Research Mk V Jaeger Supercell Reactor Core - Research a Supercell Jaeger reactor capable of powering Mk V class Jaegers (Free J-Tech Research 1) (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research Tacit Ronin Hand-to-Hand Upgrade*20 (Free J-Tech Research 2)
-[X] Search for Intel and Resources that would allow for the construction of a Nuclear Explosive Device (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Research 'Breachgate' - Research gate system capable of holding open a breach between two points for an extended period of time in order to allow for their use long-distance travel as well as improving the ability to research an open breach. (Free Breach Research) (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Build 2*Scout Chopper Squadron, 1*Mortar Team (Free Construction Action)
-[X] Recycle 9 pieces of Steel Body Plating (Free Recycling Action)
-[X] Research Cauterizing Ammo for Mortar Teams
-[X] Research downscaled Vulcan laser cannons that can be used by Anti-Kaiju Brigades.
-[X] Research Banshee-Class Attack Helicopter - A next-gen attack helicopter advancement that builds off the Hellhound design; Priority is replacing the dumbfire micro-missiles with downscaled, miniaturized Vucan Laser cannons, secondary design goals should be increasing maneuverability, speed, and other pilot survival mechanisms.
-[X] Research "Fragmentation Slicer" w/+3 Consumable Bonus (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research Neural Disrupter Upgrade - Research Neural Disrupter design to provide our forces a means of protection against the adverse side effects of using the Neural Disrupter.
-[X] Research 'Breach Buster' Explosive Device - Research an anti-Breach bomb based around the hive-mind and bio-lock systems that the Kaiju Breaches are theorized to have, intended to function as a 'trojan horse' that would trick the breach into thinking that a Kaiju is passing through instead of a nuclear bomb, taking into account our current inability to build a nuclear explosive device and leaving space in the design for it to be implemented once we have that ability (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research ANGEL-Net Transmitter (Safe Research Mode as a precaution against accidentally damaging Jagdhund in the process of acquiring the design)
-[X] Research upgrade for Jaeger-Scale Vulcan cannons to increase range and firing rate.
-[X] Build 2*Military Production Facility (-1000 Resources)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund (-50 Resources)

(2265 Resources Spent, 31000 Resources Remain+Resources gained from Recycled Parts)
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do we have an official agenda list? that feels like something we should have for the future.
@Space Jawa , going to just kind of step through comments here...
-I'm down for all the freebie actions.
-Is the Vulcan for the Anti-Kaiju Brigades supposed to be the Laser Vulcan?
-Mortar and Helicopter Research, sounds good.
-What is the Fragmentation Slicer, again?
-And....really I'm down for this plan.

Yeah, looks good to me. This downtime will hopefully give us some "breathing space".


What would you think of, either next turn or the one after that, sending a Scouting mission down to Oblivion Bay? Maybe build and send some empty Jumphawks, and see if we can salvage Jaegers, Reactors, Weapons, Parts, Designs....anything, really.
-Is the Vulcan for the Anti-Kaiju Brigades supposed to be the Laser Vulcan?

Yeah, it's meant to be the laser Vulcans. I can specify that to be on the safe side.

-What is the Fragmentation Slicer, again?

One of the two primary options for Breach-Based weaponry.

Technically, there's already a basis for Breach based weapons; the Supercells. The plasma pulse that they can create is directly caused by overloading the reactor, disengaging the safeties, and venting the resulting unstable soup of Cherenkov radiation and superheated plasma. It's incredibly dangerous, and damages the reactor each time it's used, but it's proven technology.

Alternatively, the unstable nature of the Breaches themselves could be used (as Admiral Jawa had actually suggested). Such a weapon could essentially tear slices out of a target, creating deep wounds without a focus on piercing armour-- at least in theory. The only problems are that the Breaches made so far (other than those in the Supercell) have only lasted for mere fractions of a second, and that this is completely new research. Still, it should have a chance, now that they know what they're looking for.

Disposable Bonus gained! One time use for one of the following:
+3 to "Supercell Discharge" research
+3 to "Fragmentation Slicer" research

What would you think of, either next turn or the one after that, sending a Scouting mission down to Oblivion Bay? Maybe build and send some empty Jumphawks, and see if we can salvage Jaegers, Reactors, Weapons, Parts, Designs....anything, really.

I'd absolutely be down for using our comm action next turn to send another scouting mission to Oblivion bay and see what we can dig up.
I want to see about researching some railguns suitable for Jaeger use next turn.
do we have an official agenda list? that feels like something we should have for the future.
Hm. I don't think we do...
We've got this Research List, made by @RagnorakTres . Beyond that, not really.

Broadly speaking, and going off of @Space Jawa 's plan above, here are the more "macro-scale" goals (as opposed to things like "we need more of X City Stat or Augment" or "we need more of Y Unit").

1.) Figure out Breach Buster Bomb (the nuke part, the getting-through the breach part, etc.), and then use it.
2.) Grow Jaeger force, either by building fresh, and/or recycling old.
3.) Expand to a 2nd city.
4.) Start really clearly out local Kaiju.
5.) Start coordinating more with KRAUN to begin clearing more and more substantial regions.
6.) Repeat steps 2-4 as needed to achieve broader and broader applications of 5. Apply Step 1 as needed for Breaches not in the middle of the Pacific or Atlantic (I can't remember if we've got one out East, or just the "main" one in the Pacific plus lots of other smaller ones scattered all over).
7.) Kill the Kaiju that's jacking up the atmosphere. This may involve returning to base while surfing on what remains of a Space Shuttle. This is normal and expected.
8.) Close the biggest ocean Breaches, and then cleanse the Earth of Kaiju.
9.) Colonize the Solar System.
10.) Invade the Kaiju Masters. Or just send through Anti-Matter bombs.
I want to see about researching some railguns suitable for Jaeger use next turn.

Maybe, but we may want to see what kind of ranged weaponry we get from this turn first; we've got both the Fragmentation Slicer and an upgrade to the Jaeger-scale Vulcan in the works this turn, jumping straight into Jaeger Railguns might not be needed right away, especially depending on what else we have going on next turn.
Yeah, it's meant to be the laser Vulcans. I can specify that to be on the safe side.

One of the two primary options for Breach-Based weaponry.

I'd absolutely be down for using our comm action next turn to send another scouting mission to Oblivion bay and see what we can dig up.
I'd like to play it safe there, for @Fyrstorm 's sake as much as our own.
.....Though I suppose ending up with units that at least faintly resemble the Gatling Tanks from Yuri's Revenge wouldn't be the worst fate ever....

Maybe, but we may want to see what kind of ranged weaponry we get from this turn first; we've got both the Fragmentation Slicer and an upgrade to the Jaeger-scale Vulcan in the works this turn, jumping straight into Jaeger Railguns might not be needed right away, especially depending on what else we have going on next turn.
I would generally agree.

I'll vote for the plan once we've "proofread" it a bit more.
Maybe, but we may want to see what kind of ranged weaponry we get from this turn first; we've got both the Fragmentation Slicer and an upgrade to the Jaeger-scale Vulcan in the works this turn, jumping straight into Jaeger Railguns might not be needed right away, especially depending on what else we have going on next turn.
Mostly I'm just trying to get the prerequisites for being able to build build my pet project out of the way when we have the time.
I'd like to play it safe there, for @Fyrstorm 's sake as much as our own.
.....Though I suppose ending up with units that at least faintly resemble the Gatling Tanks from Yuri's Revenge wouldn't be the worst fate ever....
Honestly, you're just giving your motorcycle dudes lasers instead of mini missiles. If you succeed, it'll probably look a little (vaguely) like the laser gun from Akira. Except bigger, bulkier, and not used to shoot espers.
As someone with pet projects of his own, including the whole submarine thing, what's yours?

I don't doubt you've mentioned it before, but reminders at times like these never hurt.
Revolver Shogun, the Gun Jaeger.
We don't actually have that many gun blueprints, so I'm trying to research some alternative kinds of ranged weaponry when possible.
-[X] Search for Intel and Resources that would allow for the construction of a Nuclear Explosive Device (Free Comm Action)

I then it may be better to replace this with a more focused action on the Areva plant in Richland Seattle. Sure, fuel production is nowhere near close to building a bomb, but it's the best thing we'll be able to find.

AREVA Inc. Richland: nuclear fuel production - AREVA

Edit: Or maybe not. I kind of did forget the Hanford site is in Washington State, just 2 hours away. However, all it's reactors have been largely dismantled, so I'm not sure it'd be useful.
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I then it may be better to replace this with a more focused action on the Areva plant in Richland Seattle. Sure, fuel production is nowhere near close to building a bomb, but it's the best thing we'll be able to find.

AREVA Inc. Richland: nuclear fuel production - AREVA

Edit: Or maybe not. I kind of did forget the Hanford site is in Washington State, just 2 hours away. However, all it's reactors have been largely dismantled, so I'm not sure it'd be useful.
Eh, we may as well check it out anyway.
My only objection to that plan is that it doesn't have an action to make a holster for JH's shiny new Sword. That and not researching Jaeger Flight Systems, but I know that won't happen anytime soon.
Noah Recovery: 1d10 4
At least he didn't get worse.

My only objection to that plan is that it doesn't have an action to make a holster for JH's shiny new Sword. That and not researching Jaeger Flight Systems, but I know that won't happen anytime soon.
Very good point there on the Sword. It's a huge upgrade to the Axe but we can't use it and the rifle at the same time until we deal with the storage issue.

Also we can convert the Murasame Destroyer we brought back as a free action and it's fairly cheap.

My biggest single issue with your plan @Space Jawa is trying to research a Mark V rated Supercell when our Jaegers aren't even close to Mark IV levels. It's too forward-thinking IMO.
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7.) Kill the Kaiju that's jacking up the atmosphere. This may involve returning to base while surfing on what remains of a Space Shuttle. This is normal and expected.
Time to try out Zero Gravity rules? Time to try out Zero Gravity rules.

Maybe, but we may want to see what kind of ranged weaponry we get from this turn first; we've got both the Fragmentation Slicer and an upgrade to the Jaeger-scale Vulcan in the works this turn, jumping straight into Jaeger Railguns might not be needed right away, especially depending on what else we have going on next turn.
The Fragmentation Slicer is not a Ranged weapon. Not with your current level of technology.

My only objection to that plan is that it doesn't have an action to make a holster for JH's shiny new Sword. That and not researching Jaeger Flight Systems, but I know that won't happen anytime soon.
Technically, Tacit can also use it, and use it just as well. I will say that flight systems for a jaeger will be expensive in one way or another.

My biggest single issue with your plan @Space Jawa is trying to research a Mark V rated Supercell when our Jaegers aren't even close to Mark IV levels. It's too forward-thinking IMO
This is a good point. You cannot jump from Mark III to Mark V. Unless you make a special reactor that works for Mark IV and V, like how the Quantum Reaction Chamber works for Marks II and III.
My biggest single issue with your plan @Space Jawa is trying to research a Mark V rated Supercell when our Jaegers aren't even close to Mark IV levels. It's too forward-thinking IMO.

Tacit is at 18/20 to Mk IV status, Jagdhund is at 16/20. Our current Supercell capabilities, if I'm not mistaken, only get us up to Mk III status, after that we can't go any further until we have something more powerful. Tacit at the very least, I think, is actually pretty dang close to hitting the max levels a Mk III can get to.

Not to mention that we have no idea how hard it is actually going to be to make a Mk V Supercell happens, I'd rather get started on it now rather than find ourselves maxing out one or both of our Jaegers and then discovering 'oh, it's going to take three or four or more weeks to design and build one of those'.

If we get a Mk V power core, I think that gets us about as powerful a Supercell as is going to be feasibly attainable for the foreseeable future, plus if we get it with time to spare that'll give us some time to work on lowering the cost before it become absolutely necessary to have them to further advance our Jaegers.

However, the current upgrade for Tacit's hand-to-hand is not something that's going to get Tacit to the next level this week anyhow, so I can see swapping that out for a sword holding action instead.

Also we can convert the Murasame Destroyer we brought back as a free action and it's fairly cheap.

I was wondering if the Destroyer was a free action, I'll add that in.

One moment while I get an updated list down...