...And I may rework the Faraday Frame a little. Complete stun immunity is a bitch to deal with. It'll still be good, just not... insanely good. I'm not letting you have 12 goddamn AV against Electricity.

Because you're right-- a stomp gets boring after a while. Which was why I was grinning evilly to myself when I had Vortex reconstitute and nail you with his Arc Bombs.
Nope, it's immunity to all non-electric stuns. Which means I can't just have a kaiju run up and hit your jaegers below the belt. Seriously.
Then make it immunity to Electric stuns and that problem is solved. The whole point of the Faraday Frame was to protect against EMPs and electric attacks, so this modification fits perfectly.
[X] JH fires another Burst.
-[X] Everything that can fire at the Kaiju does so.
2x 1d10 for Arges, hits on 5s
2x 1d10(+arges) for boats, hits on 4s
2x 1d10+4 for burst fire, hits on 5s
And hit locations as appropriate. Don't worry, Vortex can't constantly heal himself. But he is a Cat IV, so he shouldn't be easy.
[X] JH fires another Burst.
-[X] Everything that can fire at the Kaiju does so.
In spite of the radiation flush disrupting the Arges lock on, the boats fire anyways. One uses up the last of its ammo, while the other one lands a direct hit on the monster's face!

Vortex takes 1 Strike!
Out of ammo! Ammo restored! FRS has one use left!

Jagdhund fires with wild abandon, aiming for the kaiju's joints. Blue sprays from wounds, as Vortex howls.

Vortex takes 6 Strikes! +2 Ongoing! -1 Agi, -1 HtH, -1 Dex! Vortex is losing Stamina!
Vortex takes 2 Strikes from Ongoing!


The kaiju's dorsal cannons flare again, but the projectiles detonate too high up, the falling shrapnel not enough to harm the jaeger at all.

Vortex is 24 units from your ground conventionals, 14 from Jagdhund, 15 from boats, 11 from scouts.
[X] Repetitive tactic is repetitive
2x 1d10 for Arges, hits on 5s
2x 1d10(+arges) for boats, hits on 4s
2x 1d10+4 for burst fire, hits on 5s
1d100 for how little I care that my kaiju are getting mulched at range/in a matter of rounds before they can even do shit.
While I'm waiting for the rolls for Jagdhund, allow me to bring in Jagdhund's new theme/KRAUN's theme, Possibility (yes it's more 00 Gundam, we've established that TRvTW is full of Gundam love). Character-wise, I think it fits a lot more, with the general heroic tune to it. Tell me what you guys think!
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While I'm waiting for the rolls for Jagdhund, allow me to bring in Jagdhund's new theme/KRAUN's theme, Possibility (yes it's more 00 Gundam, we've established that TRvTW is full of Gundam love). Character-wise, I think it fits a lot more, with the general heroic tune to it. Tell me what you guys think!
<song is named Possibility>

<does not come from Unicorn>

<is legit surprised>

In before Full Frontal interrupt.

Gundam memes aside, I'd say it works for JH, but I'm not 101% sure I'd let KRAUN use it juuuuuuuust yet.