[X]JH fires at Vortex, Burst
[X]Scouts Arges Spawn
[X]Boats fire on Spawn again
[X]Conventionals overwatch Spawn
[X]JH fires at Vortex, Burst
[X]Scouts Arges Spawn
[X]Boats fire on Spawn again
[X]Conventionals overwatch Spawn
2x 1d10+4 to shoot Vortex, hitting on 7s
2x 1d10 for arges, hits on 5s
2x 1d10+(arges) for boats, hits on 4s

Hit locations only for Jagdhund's rolls.
[X]JH fires at Vortex, Burst
[X]Scouts Arges Spawn
[X]Boats fire on Spawn again
[X]Conventionals overwatch Spawn
2 Arges hits!

The boats fire again, with renewed vigor! Missiles tear the kaiju apart, flaming chunks showering those behind the targets.

10 Spawn destroyed!

With the sudden speed of Vortex, Jagdhund's next shots barely clip it, pinging off its rear.

Vortex takes 1 Strike!

The kaiju hisses again, continuing its mad dash forwards! At last, the spawn respond, returning to their surge towards land--

Which, to their misfortune, brings them into firing range.

Overwatch activated! Roll...
1d10+2 for tanks
4x 1d10+2 for arty
5x 1d10 for mortars
All hit on 6s
No hit locations needed.

Vortex is 24 units from your ground conventionals, 14 from Jagdhund, 15 from boats, 11 from scouts. Spawn are now 17/7/8/4 from said forces.

Current Spawn: 30
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Artillery showing up...

Oh my, someone got lucky there.
HolyDragoon threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Arty +1 Total: 20
5 5 3 3 10 10 2 2
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When the mortars hit, it's all over. The artillery barrage tears through half the kaiju, before the storm of shrapnel rips everything else to shreds.

All Spawn destroyed!

Vortex is 24 units from your ground conventionals, 14 from Jagdhund, 15 from boats, 11 from scouts.
I love those mortars.

Should we have the conventionals advance to get more shots in?
What is Jagd's maximum charge range? I say he pulls out his axe if he can get in range. Also, swimming tanks may be a future investment, strap a couple of torpedoes on the side of the thing and ram underwater kaiju with it. ;)
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What is Jagd's maximum charge range? I say he pulls out his axe if he can get in range. Also, swimming tanks may be a future investment, strap a couple of torpedoes on the side of the thing and ram underwater kaiju with it. ;)
14 units if the thrusters are used (meanwhile, Tacit has a maximum of 19). However, that's assuming you roll 5s for both of your dice, which is only an 11% chance.

Also, the general consensus/in-story canon is that Jagdhund is a she.

Also also; submarines. You're thinking of submarines. Possibly amphibious ones.
[X]Jh fires on Vortex, Burst mode
[X]Scouts Arges
[X]Boats Fire
[X]Conventionals hold fire
14 units if the thrusters are used (meanwhile, Tacit has a maximum of 19). However, that's assuming you roll 5s for both of your dice, which is only an 11% chance.

Also, the general consensus/in-story canon is that Jagdhund is a she.

Also also; submarines. You're thinking of submarines. Possibly amphibious ones.
She, my bad.
Also also; submarines. You're thinking of submarines. Possibly amphibious ones.

Submarines are something that have been part of my personal-wish since forever, but I've largely been refraining from trying to sneak them onto the weekly action list thus far because 1) There have been far more important and pressing matters that have taken priority; 2) Part of staying on top of and organizing the weekly downtime list and getting a vote that includes the stuff you think really are top priority involves avoiding pushing your personal wishlist goodie items over things that the group would really, really like to have (see also: laser research from the past week; 3) Right now our focus is on the inland mountain breach, which submarines are going to do squat to help with, doubly so since aquatic cons can't be pumped out by our con factories.
Like I said, torpedoes on a tank, not exactly a submarine. Fill the tank with ammunition and send it at and underwater kaiju. Ouch.
Edit: Thinking about it, if we built containers, filled them with explosives and strapped some boat engines to it....
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At the very least, torpedoes seem like a reasonable investment to me, even if submarines/a full-on Navy are less so.
[X] Jh fires on Vortex, Burst mode
[X] Scouts Arges
[X] Boats Fire
[X] Conventionals hold fire