Alright, good
Around the Tacoma area, there is a base called McChord AFB, I reccomend we check it out to try and gather some plane technology after the fight.
You already have some planes (though an air force base would be a good place to get ideas for other frames). Granted, the PL-92 is not a combat aircraft, but it's an aircraft nonetheless (and could probably be modified into one easily enough).
You already have some planes (though an air force base would be a good place to get ideas for other frames). Granted, the PL-92 is not a combat aircraft, but it's an aircraft nonetheless (and could probably be modified into one easily enough).
I know, but I'm talking cargo aircraft. I used to live on the base.
[X]Telson Group
-[X]Scouts close to 10 units, ARGES
-[X]All other units open fire, tanks & Arty use Powershell
-[X]Tacit activate Ramming Speed! & Rear Thrusters, charge Telson & use Lightning Strike
With all our charge boosters and base AGI we've got a +9 to charge rolling on a 2d5. Anything more than snake-eyes gets us there.

[X]Vortex Group
-[X]JH Reload
-[X]Boats move up 4 units & fire on Spawn
-[X]All other units overwatch
-[X]Mortars try to abuse their AoE as best they can
- Telson group:

2 Arges hits!

Instantly, the Arges dishes blaze to life, covering Telson in a burning red glow! A second later, everything opens fire.

Half the projectiles do nothing, deflecting off the armour or straight up missing. What does hit, however...

A swarm of missiles explode against the kaiju's left side, phosphorus seeping through its shoulder joint and vulnerable neck. Though one of the ground squadrons fails to pierce its shell, the other two are on point, blasting through the dent in its chest plating! Telson stops in its tracks, seizing up as the high explosive shells shred some important organs.

Telson takes 8 Strikes! +2 Ongoing! Internal damage! Telson's physical stats are reduced by 3!


It is at this point that Tacit Ronin charges. It is one moment later that Telson fails to get out of the way.

And it is one moment after that, that Tacit Ronin chops off the kaiju's right leg.

Telson takes 5 Strikes! +3 Ongoing! Right Leg Destroyed! -3 Agility! Telson is losing stamina!

Telson promptly falls down some stairs.

Straight onto Tacit's other fangblade.

SE-26-043 "Telson" Defeated!

... Well. I didn't see that coming.


- Vortex group:

Moving closer, the two gunboats open fire, a barrage of missiles swooping down into the kaiju swarm. Unfortunately, one of the ships suffers a targeting error, their shots falling just short.

3 Spawn destroyed!

Jagdhund grabs the magazine, locking it into place on top of her gun. Behind her, the land forces wait on bated breath, as the creatures come slowly closer.

Vortex simply watches.

Vortex is 40 units from your ground conventionals, 35 from Jagdhund and scouts, 31 from boats. Spawn are now 23/18/14 from said forces.

Current Spawn: 45
[X]JH advance 5 units, fire a single shot at Vortex
[X]Scouts fly into range and Arges some Spawn
[X]Boats shoot again
[X]Crunchies Overwatch

[X]Tacit + whatever can still shoot makes best speed towards Vortex group

Plan has been edited with GM notes, plus I forgot to shoot the boats >.>
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[X]JH advance 5 units, fire a single shot at Vortex
[X]Scouts fly into range and Arges some Spawn (does this even matter?)
[X]Mortars and Tanks move up 3 units and fire on the Spawn
[X]Artillery overwatch

[X]Tacit + whatever can still shoot makes best speed towards Vortex group
1) yes, it does matter.
2) because of the ocean, your land dudes can't go forwards. They're too heavy, and would sink.
[X]JH advance 5 units, fire a single shot at Vortex
[X]Scouts fly into range and Arges some Spawn
[X]Mortars and Tanks move up 3 units and fire on the Spawn
[X]Artillery overwatch

[X]Tacit + whatever can cross the sea make their best speed to reinforce JH.
[X] JH advance 5 units, fire a single shot at Vortex
[X] Scouts fly into range and Arges some Spawn
[X] Boats shoot again
[X] Crunchies Overwatch

[X] Tacit + whatever can still shoot makes best speed towards Vortex group
-[X] Fly the Hellhounds to - and land Tacit - behind Vortex to trap the Kaiju between our two Jaegers.
[X] JH advance 5 units, fire a single shot at Vortex
[X] Scouts fly into range and Arges some Spawn
[X] Boats shoot again
[X] Crunchies Overwatch

[X] Tacit + whatever can still shoot makes best speed towards Vortex group
-[X] Fly the Hellhounds to - and land Tacit - behind Vortex to trap the Kaiju between our two Jaegers.
[X] JH advance 5 units, fire a single shot at Vortex
[X] Scouts fly into range and Arges some Spawn
[X] Boats shoot again
[X] Crunchies Overwatch

[X] Tacit + whatever can still shoot makes best speed towards Vortex group
-[X] Fly the Hellhounds to - and land Tacit - behind Vortex to trap the Kaiju between our two Jaegers.
[X] JH advance 5 units, fire a single shot at Vortex
[X] Scouts fly into range and Arges some Spawn
[X] Boats shoot again
[X] Crunchies Overwatch

[X] Tacit + whatever can still shoot makes best speed towards Vortex group
-[X] Fly the Hellhounds to - and land Tacit - behind Vortex to trap the Kaiju between our two Jaegers.
Alright, roll me
2x 1d10 for Arges, hitting on 5s
2x 1d10(+Arges) for boats, hitting on 4s (mixed up missile stuff)
1d10+2 for Jagdhund's attack, hitting on 7s

And hit locations for anything that hits.

As for Tacit... Well, it'll take a long time to get there for any of the forces. And if you have Tacit run, it'll almost certainly fatigue the pilots (it's like 65 kilometres)
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1d10+2 for Jagdhund's attack, hitting on 7s

I'll take this, I guess.

EDIT: I think we may have just shredded this guy's ankle. Hard.

EDIT 2: I think I made a mistake of somehow thinking it was 2d10+2 instead of 1d10+2, so that 7 shouldn't have been rolled.

Still, an 11 (or 13 with the +2) isn't a bad roll at all.
Space Jawa threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Jagdhund STRIKES! (+2) Total: 18
10 10 1 1 7 7
Space Jawa threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Local Total: 4
3 3 1 1
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[X] JH advance 5 units, fire a single shot at Vortex
[X] Scouts fly into range and Arges some Spawn
[X] Boats shoot again
[X] Crunchies Overwatch

[X] Tacit + whatever can still shoot makes best speed towards Vortex group
-[X] Fly the Hellhounds to - and land Tacit - behind Vortex to trap the Kaiju between our two Jaegers.
- Telson group

Tacit Ronin wipes the sizzling kaiju blood off its blades, and turns back to the rest of the group.

"...Well? They need our help up there; let's go, guys!"


- Vortex group

2 Arges hits!

The helicopters swoop in, flashing their laser dishes across the horde. Guided in by the lights, the naval forces fire again, one running out of ammo before the resupply battalion comes to its aid. The other ship lands solid hits, blowing more of the swarm apart.

5 Spawn destroyed!
Out of ammo! Ignored by RSB! RSB has 2 uses left!

Jagdhund, meanwhile, has bigger fish to fry. Stomping forwards, the jaeger looses a single round, aimed at the kaiju's back half. The high explosive shell hits the kaiju's leg, penetrating deep before detonating!

Vortex takes 3 Strikes! +1 Ongoing! -1 Agility!

Vortex lets out a keening shriek, the first damage it's taken having been no small wound. Furious, the monster surges forwards, aiming for the one responsible for harming it!

Meanwhile, with their parent's aggression, the spawn mass momentarily pauses in their advance.

Vortex is 32 units from your ground conventionals, 22 from Jagdhund, 23 from boats, 19 from scouts. Spawn are now 23/13/14/10 from said forces.

Current Spawn: 40
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Hmmm... Methinks having Jaghund put some distance between itself and Vortex before they meet in combat would help the rest of the conventionals not get caught up so they can focus on the Spawn; sound good?

Also, good to be back and catching up with everything; 20 down, 80 or so to go!
[X] Jagdhund shoots the Spawn, Full Auto.
[X] Conventionals shoot the Spawn again.

Let's kill a few more before they swarm us, alright?
[X] Jagdhund shoots the Spawn, Full Auto.
[X] Conventionals shoot the Spawn again.

Let's kill a few more before they swarm us, alright?
Spawn didn't advance at all last turn. If they're willing to sit still and let us keep shooting their boss I'm happy to take advantage of that. Full Auto is also really likely to run us out of ammo again, I'd rather not do that with an angry Kaiju running at us.

[X]JH fires at Vortex, Burst
[X]Scouts Arges Spawn
[X]Boats fire on Spawn again
[X]Conventionals overwatch Spawn
[X]JH fires at Vortex, Burst
[X]Scouts Arges Spawn
[X]Boats fire on Spawn again
[X]Conventionals overwatch Spawn
[X] Jagdhund shoots the Spawn, Full Auto.
[X] Conventionals shoot the Spawn again.

Let's kill a few more before they swarm us, alright?
The way I see it, the faster we take out the big scary kaiju, the less spawn will be generated. If we don't take out the kaiju, he keeps spawning more spawn. So I'll go with the one that'll hurt Vortex.
[X] JH fired at Vortex, burst.
[X]Scouts Arges Spawn, boats fire on spawn
[X]Conventionals overwatch spawn.
[X]JH fires at Vortex, Burst
[X]Scouts Arges Spawn
[X]Boats fire on Spawn again
[X]Conventionals overwatch Spawn