[X] Vortex Group
-[X] Wait until the spawn get in range, then start shooting 'em and keep shooting 'em until all Spawn die. Jagdhund fires Full Auto and switches her focus to Vortex itself if it enters her range.
[X] Telson Group.
-[X] Tacit is to stand his ground and get ready to dodge in case Telson has some sort of Super-Charging Gimmick. All other units wait until the Kaiju is within range and fire as soon as it gets close enough.
- Vortex group

They wait. And wait. And wait. Slowly but surely, the kaiju close in. Only once does Vortex slow, its helmet sliding open beneath the waves. A moment later, six new Spawn swim to the surface, joining the crowd.

6 Spawn created!

After that, the creature speeds up, regaining its pace with its army. The leading edge crosses Jagdhund's maximum range...

And the jaeger opens fire!

Roll me 3x 1d10+3 for mulching Spawn, no hit locations required.

Vortex is 40 units from your ground conventionals, and 35 from your others. Spawn have their maximum edge at five units closer.

Current Spawn: 66


- Telson group

Tacit Ronin assumes a wide, tense stance, hydrazine maneuvering jets twitching on their gimble mounts. If Telson has some sort of ridiculous super-charge like the last one, Tacit won't get caught off-guard by it.

"Engaging automated targeting assist! Motion tracking calculations are underway!"

"All scouts, heat up your dishes. Soon as it gets close enough that the sky doesn't fuck our Arges, lay it on like butter."

"Get ready, everyone-- oh hell, here it comes!"

Telson charges forwards, zipping just into range of the Heimdal!

Roll 1d10+2, hitting on 8s, with a hit location if it lands.

Telson is 26 units from your forces.
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[X] Vortex Group
-[X] Wait until the spawn get in range, then start shooting 'em and keep shooting 'em until all Spawn die. Jagdhund fires Full Auto and switches her focus to Vortex itself if it enters her range.
[X] Telson Group.
-[X] Tacit is to stand his ground and get ready to dodge in case Telson has some sort of Super-Charging Gimmick. All other units wait until the Kaiju is within range and fire as soon as it gets close enough.
- Vortex Group


Jagdhund unleashes a barrage of fire that would give even Striker Eureka pause. High-explosive shell after shell cut through the ranks of kaiju, Blue spraying into the air like a grotesque light-show.

18 Spawn killed!
Out of Ammo!

Unfortunately, in the middle of all this, the gun jams. Jagdhund simply rips the magazine off, her backpack already drawing a new one to use.

Vortex does not move, dim orange eyes watching from its hollow sockets impassively. Its swarm, however, does. The waves of grub-like beasts surge forwards, jaws snapping mindlessly.

Vortex is 40 units from your ground conventionals, and 35 from your others. Spawn are now 29/24 from said forces. Keep in mind that your scouts and boats are capable of movement, in case you want to paste some with missiles or torps.

Current Spawn: 48


- Telson Group

For once, the Heimdal actually hits something. It seems that, even with the difficulties of tracking the moving target, the gunners have managed to nail their target right in the center! The railspike crashes into the kaiju's reinforced chest, buckling the armour-- but unfortunately, doing little else.

Hit to Chest! 1 Strike!

Telson snaps its fangs, and puts on more speed, halving the distance between it and the irritating machines!

Telson is now 12 units from your forces. He does not look happy that you actually hurt him.
[X]Telson Group
-[X]Scouts close to 10 units, ARGES
-[X]All other units open fire, tanks & Arty use Powershell
-[X]Tacit activate Ramming Speed! & Rear Thrusters, charge Telson & use Lightning Strike
With all our charge boosters and base AGI we've got a +9 to charge rolling on a 2d5. Anything more than snake-eyes gets us there.

[X]Vortex Group
-[X]JH Reload
-[X]Boats move up 4 units & fire on Spawn
-[X]All other units overwatch
-[X]Mortars try to abuse their AoE as best they can
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Choppers are all with Tacit. Nobody with JH is in range of Vortex even after moving.

Huh, I could have sworn there was some form of Hellhound support with Jagd.

Oh well, nevermind.

[X]Telson Group
-[X]Scouts close to 10 units, ARGES
-[X]All other units open fire, tanks & Arty use Powershell
-[X]Tacit activate Ramming Speed! & Rear Thrusters, charge Telson & use Lightning Strike
With all our charge boosters and base AGI we've got a +9 to charge rolling on a 2d5. Anything more than snake-eyes gets us there.

[X]Vortex Group
-[X]JH Reload
-[X]Boats move up 4 units & fire on Spawn
-[X]All other units overwatch
-[X]Mortars try to abuse their AoE as best they can
[X]Telson Group
-[X]Scouts close to 10 units, ARGES
-[X]All other units open fire, tanks & Arty use Powershell
-[X]Tacit activate Ramming Speed! & Rear Thrusters, charge Telson & use Lightning Strike
With all our charge boosters and base AGI we've got a +9 to charge rolling on a 2d5. Anything more than snake-eyes gets us there.

[X]Vortex Group
-[X]JH Reload
-[X]Boats move up 4 units & fire on Spawn
-[X]All other units overwatch
-[X]Mortars try to abuse their AoE as best they can
Roll me...
1d10 for Elite Arges, hitting on 4s
1d10 for Arges, hitting on 5s
2x 1d10(+Arges) for Elite Tanks, hitting on 4s
1d10(+Arges) for Elite Arty, hitting on 4s
6x 1d10(+Arges) for Hellhounds, hitting on 4s
1d10+2 for Heimdal, hitting on 5s
2d5+9 for Charging, succeeds on anything higher than a double 1
2d10+7 for Lightning Strike

And a hit location for everything that lands.

2x 1d10 for boats, hitting on 5s. No hit locations needed.
1d10 for Elite Arges, hitting on 4s
1d10 for Arges, hitting on 5s
2x 1d10(+Arges) for Elite Tanks, hitting on 4s
1d10(+Arges) for Elite Arty, hitting on 4s

10ebbor10 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Elite Arges Total: 6
6 6
10ebbor10 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Arges Total: 6
6 6
10ebbor10 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Elite tanks Total: 12
3 3 9 9
10ebbor10 threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Hitlocs Total: 19
4 4 4 4 9 9 2 2
10ebbor10 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Elite Arty Total: 11
10 10 1 1
10ebbor10 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Hitloc Total: 11
6 6 5 5
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For the nuclear powered tank!
Hopefully did this right :p
MTHayes123 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Heimdal +2 Total: 3
3 3
MTHayes123 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hitloc Total: 8
6 6 2 2
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6x 1d10(+Arges) for Hellhounds, hitting on 4s

Looks like this is the only thing that hasn't been rolled yet so I guess I'll take it.

....what the actual fuck. Three 1s in a row. ._.
Kosjurake threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: UNLEASH THE HOUNDS OF SATAN Total: 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 3 3 5 5
Kosjurake threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Locations Total: 13
7 7 6 6
Kosjurake threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Locations Total: 7
6 6 1 1
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It's only rolls of 0 or less that result in serious misfired. These just missed like champions.
Alright, good
Around the Tacoma area, there is a base called McChord AFB, I reccomend we check it out to try and gather some plane technology after the fight.
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