Sword Riot Quest

Turn 5
[X] Practice fighting as team and not an individual, covering for each members' weakness. It's teamwork that wins a war.

A few soldiers attempt teamwork, keyword: attempt. Instead of teamwork, it turns into a brawl as one soldiers apparently stole something of another soldiers and it just escalated from there.

[X] Search the middle city for information on our maker

One soldier searches and searches but nothing is found. In fact, she had no idea what to look for.

[X] Build the shrine to Grael.

It was going so well, they finished all the steps, put in the blood, and then realized everything was off by a millimeter and had to start all over. There was a lot of blaming and fingerpointing, but eventually things calmed down. (It was all Eri's fault!:p)

[X] Search the upper city for money and valuables.

There was some much money, the nobles must have been in a huge rush. You find jewelry and gems and lots and lots of coin.
Gained: Various Jewels and 270 Gold

[X] Search the (upper) city for more special swords.

You find a TON of swords, as much as you found on the battlefield. They were hidden away, but by looking carefully you found them all. You must have enough swords to equipt the whole company over again.

[X] Bury your dead

It was very close, and they almost didn't manage it, but they finished, they got all the dead buried.

[x] Have a another sparring match, test each groups skills (besides most of the Beserkers, because they can't kill their opponets), against each other. Although, you are not likely to improve much.

Another sparing match is organized, and to great surprise, small improvements are made with everyone everywhere.
Gained: +1 to combat

[X] Search the (middle) city for better armor.

The middle city is searched for armor, but nothing is found.

[X] Search the (lower) city for money and valuables.

The lower city is also searched for money, but Vanestus finds nothing. It seems the poor are much more carrying of their valuables, which makes sense.
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Following the nobles
The company sets out on the road, following the nobles and leaving the city behind. The tracks weren't hard to follow, lots of footprints, caravan, and camel tracked marked the way. After about a week of following the rough trail through the arid grassland, and eating through the supplies, they come upon the nobles destination.

The mining city of Gralzar, which is much richer and more prosperous then your city, although the relations of the nobles between both cities are know to be good and intermarriage isn't an unheard of occurrence.

The city itself is divided into five districts, although they aren't as heavily separated as in your city. They also have shorter walls, this is because one of your cities former less-than-sane rulers spent the whole treasury and increased taxes to put up extremely high walls. The city never really recovered.

Enough about that, though, now is the interesting part. Outside the city, two different armies are clashing, both with shield walls, but it looks like it will develop into a chaotic melee soon. One side you have some kind of besieging army, which has slightly superior equipment, discipline, and numbers, although it is not so much as to be insurmountable. On the other side is the nobles, or, more accurately, their troops. Behind the army, outside of the battle, is the camp where most of the nobles, camels, peasants, and caravans are at. There is also a mainly token force of troops protecting them.

As to the battle, the nobles left flank is weakening, but, at the same time, the besiegers right flank is also wavering, but not as much. The center of both lines is strong and bloated, while neither army put much effort into defending the back (although the nobles less so then the besiegers) focusing their forces on the fight in front of them.

The company decides to... (Regular Vote)
[] Attack the nobles
[] Attack the besiegers
[] Watch and not get involved
Combat turn; Besieger Battle
The nobles lose, badly. Both sides take extremely heavy casualties, but the besiegers arms, numbers, and discipline eventually win the day, through an intense battle of attrition. They slaughter the soilders guarding the camps, and loot the caravans. They do prove that they remain honorable, though, by allowing many of the civilians to flee, although, it is likely that at least a few will die from the lack of supplies.

The besiegers break camp and go through the loot they got. While they are relaxed, they weren't so lack as to not post guards (the element of surprise is more difficult to achieve). They are arranged in five different camps, the center camp containing the enemy command and the most populous by far. The eastern camp contains the most camels, the western camp contains the few caravans not kept in the central camp, and what looks like half of the food supplies, the southern camp is the second most populous, while the northern camp is the least, although the difference between them is less then 50, the rest of the supplies are kept in the central camp. The guards patrol in a tight circle around all the camps, breaking up fights and making sure no one is attacking. You are far enough away and out of sight, so you can manoeuvre to attack any of the camps. You are currently out numbered seven to one.

A few members of the company fall to their knees and pray to Grael, he seems to look upon you with favor, for everyone in the company seems more energized. (+5 to combat rolls for the battle)

Now, it is time to fight.
[] Write in (attack the western camp, act as a defence to ____, etc.)
-[] Who are you? (Beserker, Everblocker, etc. Remember that each has their specialities)

Feel free to make a plan, but, remember that If too few people vote that way, it will likely fail (although, that might be better then no plan at all)
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Combat Turn 2
The battle was combination of great sucess and terrible failure. First, a few soilders attacked the sentries, a one was successful and allowed the western camp attack to maintain the element of surprise. Unfortunately, another soldier was not carefully while killing a sentry, and alerted a different one who raised the alarm. The would-be sneak was by the western camp, so the central camp sent reinforcements there.

Another team also attempted sabatoge, but they weren't very careful and were seen in the first place they went, the eastern camp. Luckily, the Whirlwind fighters attacked quickly enough so that the eastern camp didn't have time to react to this and slaughter them to a man, along with the not-so-sneaky sabotagers. They also started killing most of the camels to prevent escape, but they didn't corridnate well, and started killing way more then they should have, not realizing that there fellows were doing the same. This led to the death of every single camel in the eastern camp.

The western camp attack went, much, much worse. Due to the earlier reinforcements, the western camp attackers were outnumbered much more then they thought they would be and be an alert force, instead of a surprised one. This lead to the enemy leveraging it's numbers to take out the few, uncordinated fighters with barely any casualties, killing them all.

This wasn't all bad though. The same Sword-Saint who sucessfully eliminated the western camp sentries along with an second sword-saint who attempted to gather a group to attack the central camp, but failed, then attacked the central camp, who was almost completely focused on the west, with the second soilder deciding to attack without a full group. The soilders carved a huge swath through the back of the enemy forces, before eventually being forced to withdraw to the now decimated eastern camp. A third soilder, hoping to kill the enemy leaders, joined them but then died early on because the soilder tripped over a dead body and onto an enemies sword, who rejoiced at killing one of the "demon" soilders. Unfortunately, he was then stabbed in the back by Mask (default) in the midst of his celebration.

Earlier, a few soilders took it upon themselves to pair up with a Beserker to keep them safe, while, at the same time, a few Beserkers took it upon themselves to order a Iron Warrior or Everblocker to do the same. This lead to their being no Beserker casualties during the attack on the eastern camp, nor during a brief foray into the central camp on the wake of Mask's (default) sucess, even though they use an extremely risky fighting style.

Another blunder made was an attempt by several fighters to attack the patrols around the central camp to prevent reinforcements. Unfortunately, they were already alerted and instead of killing a small patrol, the fighters fought the large group sent to reinforce the west, leading to their deaths.

(Same as before, but the eastern fighters can attack the North, South, or Central camps, also, coordination is important, who knew?)

The enemy currently outnumber you 1 to 6. The element of surprise is lost.
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Combat Turn 3
You attack the central camp with almost all your soldiers, but, while you mange to kill a bunch of them, they stage a fighting retreat to the other camps, mostly the northern and southern, and the majority gets away. Not only that, the troops in the other camps have marshalled and are ready to launch a three-pronged attack. Lucky for you, you can see it coming, and they don't have a rear-gaurd to hem you in. On the other hand, as soon you attack one of them from central, the others can swoop in and hit you from all sides. Not only that, but if you stay where you are, they will still hit you. Running away is not advisable when a god blessed your battle, so what do you do?

[] Write In

Currently outnumbered: 5.7 to one. Concentration of enemy forces: 2.2 in west, 1.7 in the north, 1.8 in the south.

(If you hadn't had a plus 50 bonus, you would have been screwed)
Combat Turn 4
The company charges the northern camp, using the Beserkers, Whirlwind Fighters, and Sword-Saints as a frontal force and the Everblockers and Iron Warriors as a rearguard, with a few Iron Warriors to reinforce whatever side Is needed. While victory is almost certain, it looks like heavy losses will have to be taken achieve it, until a single sword-saint takes command.

Erics, realizing that they were fast enough to avoid dealing with a pitcher attack, reroutes the rearguard to reinforce the frontal force, using the Everblockers to hem the enemies in, blocking attempts to maneuver, while the Iron Warriors provide support to both sides, attacking as both a defensive bulwark and a offensive one. This leads to a complete victory, with little casualties.

Once again, a single soilder attempts to gather support for a new offensive, but fails. And, once again, he is forced to go alone. This doesn't mean that it was a true failure, though. The soilder attacks like his namesake and is a whirlwind on the battlefield, raiding the western camp in a series of quick strikes, and killing many more enemy troops, before withdrawing. Due to this, the western camp's lines are thrown into disarray and delays their march on the northern camp so much that they will arrive behind the southern camp, both of which are marching to your postion in the northern camp to attack you in an all out offensive, right at this moment.

[] You know what to do.

Currently outnumbered: 3.9 to one. Concentration of enemy forces: 2.1 in west, 1.8 in the south.

Eri is upgraded to heroic unit: Commander. +10 to all command rolls involving Eri. Eri can now format her votes:
[] Action
-[] Commander: Sword-Saint Eri (this name can be changed, if @Eri wishes to do so before the next update).

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Combat Turn 5
The company sent out two different groups to try and hurt the enemy, a raiding party, and a small force to break through enemy lines. They also sent a smaller group to protect the raiding party and keep a route of escape.

The protecting group, unfortunately, were slaughtered in the very first skirmish to buy time for the raiders to escape, delaying the enemy forces. The rest of the raiding went well, though, and the raiders were able to harass the enemy and kill many of the them, more-so then before due to increased numbers. They were also able to once again delay the western troops insuring that they would not be able to fight with the southern troops and withdrew to the northern camp.

The attempt to headcap the enemy went much, much, worse though. The attacking soldiers were surrounded, separated, and killed quickly by the enemy forces. They ultimately achieve nothing, not even a major delay, and all die. The enemy is even less likely to rout now and has improved morale due to the crushing victory over the would-be headcappers.

Commander Erica is delayed and unable to help the attacking parties, but is not idle and manages to form a basic defense by organizing the troops that remain (+5 to defensive rolls in the norther camp next turn). Just in time too, because the southern troops reached the north and are right on your doorstep. You will need to either fight, or immediately abandon the northern camp and your position.


Currently outnumbered: 3.7 to one. Concentration of enemy forces: 1.9 in west, 1.8 in the south. Western troops continued to be delayed.
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Combat Turn 6
The company prepares to hold the line, and gets ready to face the enemy advance, with a line made of Everblockers and Iron Warriors. The enemy tries to push through with their shield wall, but the line holds firm turning it into a stalemate, although, with the Iron Warriors smashing the small holes in the enemy line, you might have won through attrition eventually, but luckily that wasn't necessary.

The Beserkers, Sword Saints, and Whirlwind Fighters flank the enemy, along with an Everblocker who went along with them to help protect them. The attack was a massive sucess, by attacking the enemy flanks while they were distracted with the stalemate, the flanking force destroys the enemy, killing them all without a single casualty on your side. In fact, one of the soldiers found a weird ring on the enemy commanders body, it seemed "special" somehow.

Commander Erica tried to organize the troops, but ended up getting entirely confused and ordering them to the wrong positions (If you didn't have a bodyguard, you would have died). Luckily, the troops realized this, and it didn't interfere too much with the plan. (It would have been a minus 5 to all actions this turn, but it wouldn't have changed any of the outcomes).

Finnally, a lone Whirlwind Fighter attempted to attack the western camp by going through the central camp, but was forced return after discovering that he would be facing heavy opposition if he attacked. It looks like the western troops are finally on the move.

Currently outnumbered: 1.9 to one.
Gained: Mysterious Ring
Total Victory; End of the Battle of Gralzar
The company preemptively attacked the enemy to try and gain the advantage, using a force of Beserkers, Whirlwind Fighters, and Sword Saints. They spilt up in two groups, a flanking group, and a group to attack head on. It looks like they are going to face extremely heavy casualties at first, but the defensive group changes that.

A group of Everblockers and Iron Warriors simultaneously works to hem the enemy in and protect the attacking groups. This is a massive sucess, the Iron Warriors not so much hem them in, as they crush them until they can't move, with the Everblockers herding them. At the same time, a mixed group of Iron Warriors and Everblockers keep the enemy off the attacking group's back, allowing them to cut through the enemies lines and excute a Double Spear Trap maneuver, breaking up the enemy and allowing the herding force to close in around the enemy and isolate them, quickly killing them all. The defensive maneuver was so well done, that all the soldiers gained more insight into successfully defending, even if it wasn't much. (+1 permanent bonus to defensive rolls).

Commander Erica attempted to gain a high ground, perhaps on a caravan, but there Is none around, so she makes do with a nearby hill that she observes the battle from. She doesn't manage to provide any help, although, she deos gain a little more knowledge about strategy from watching the battle (Erica's modifier increased by 1).

After the battle ends, in a total victory, everyone's sword had tasted blood. From this, the swords changed once more gaining new abilities.
[] A sense of oneness, with the other swords among you.
[] Before, whenever a world's wielder died, the sword would fall asleep. Now, they will stay awake, hopeful for a new weilder.
[] Sharper, stronger, faster, lighter, the blades become better then they were before.

Accounting was taken and looting was had, now that you were in full control of the battlefield, although, with the ending of the battle, the blessing of Grael faded away. You loaded up on supplies, although you couldn't carry it all, you still got a lot (4 months worth of supplies). Your preliminary search turned up less gold then you were expecting, though, only 56 coins. There were other things, like the caravans, but you couldn't take them, for now. Counting your numbers, you lost 16% of your force in this battle.

There is also the matter of the city, which you would like compensation from for destroying the invaders, you are mercenaries now, or at least to enter since their gates are still closed. Finally, there is the matter of those that failed much earlier from the former nobles group, many of which were likely peasants. You could chase after them before they got too far away, if you had a reason.
[] March up to the city and demand to be let in and paid.
[] Search for a hidden way in.
[] Chase after the refuges.
-[] Reason?
[] Write in

A.N. Wow, modifiers are great, aren't they? Also, don't include the type of soldier in your vote, with the exception of @Eri, if she makes a write in that applies her modifier.
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Turn 6
[X] A sense of oneness, with the other swords among you.

Some swords try to reach out to their fellows, but they can't quite make a connection.

[X] Sharper, stronger, faster, lighter, the blades become better then they were before.

The swords improve themselves after drinking blood, becoming ever more efficient and deadly. Now, few swords could compare to them, even without any of their special abilities. (Sword Quality becomes Master, +5 to all combat rolls)

[X] Before, whenever a world's wielder died, the sword would fall asleep. Now, they will stay awake, hopeful for a new weilder.

Not only will the swords stay awake, hungry for blood, but they will even draw people towards, itching to be picked up once more. This will make searching for the swords easier in the future. (+5 to searching for swords after future battles)

[X] March up to the city and demand to be let in and paid.

The majority of the company just marches right up to the city gates and demands to be let in and paid. They immediately up the gate for you, but when you ask for payment you only get a measly 15 gold coins from the cities stingy leadership, barely a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the city's wealth. On the other hand, almost all of the cities populace is gratefull, actually terrified, of you and you can expect a discount in the shops. In fact, they whisper a name, Battle Demons, and they seem more afraid of the female majority of your soldiers, rather then the few males, who they seem less scared of. (Gains Moniker)

As for the city itself, it is divided into four walled districts. There is the residential district, where most of the city lives, the nobles district, where the nobles live, along with some fancy shops, the merchants district, where the vast majority of the cities shops and markets reside, and the mining district, which is less a district and more a sprawl of mines sorounded by a wall.

[X] Search for a hidden way in.

At the same time, some soldiers search for a hidden entrance to the city, they found one on the side of a hill, covered by a rock. It looks like it was an old smugglers route and leads to a abandoned mine in one of the more deserted areas in the mining district. It is big enought for the whole company to go through, although, you do have to be careful if you want the passage to remain hidden. (Secret way in and out of the city)

[X] Chase after the refugees.
-[X] Reason? To see if they are people who we would want to invite to join our group and to invite them if they are.
--[X] Iron Warrior

The few soldiers who go after the refugees don't mange to catch up with them, they seem to be moving quickly, motivated by either cowardice or starvation, likely both. Regardless, you aren't likely to meet them any time soon.

[] Stake a claim to the battlefield (leave a token force so no one else tries to scavage)
[] Scavage the battlefield for the swords of your fallen.
[] Bury your dead.
[] Scavage the battlefield for money, maybe you missed some?
[] Sell your jewels.
[] Sell one month's worth of supplies.
[] Buy camels.
[] Pay for your armour to be altered for a better fit.
[] Build a shrine to Grael.
[] Write in