Sword Riot Quest

Hm, I think I'm renaming my wielder, seems weird to have her be called the same as me. Not too much though, in case you were planning to go back and edit it.

[X] Try to get an overview of the battle and co-ordinate raiding and movements.
-[X] Commander: Sword-Saint Erica
[X] Protect Our Commander
-[X] Everblocker

What if they retreat and take the supplies with them?
They have no camels to move the supply caravans with, so they can only take what they can carry on their person, which is not much compared to what they brought with them, what they took from the nobles, and what they raided from the town. Supplies are the LAST thing we should be worrying about right now.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Find the berserker I paired up with earlier (NotAlwaysFanfic) and keep her alive
-[X] Iron Warrior
No. of votes: 1

[X] Constantly raid and harass the West with some soldiers.
-[X] Whirlwind Fighter
No. of votes: 2
tzeench, D.D. Spectator

[X] Guard the raiding troops and keep route to fall back
-[X] Everblockers
No. of votes: 1

[X] Smash into the center of the enemy lines and hunt down it's commanders.
-[X] Beserker
No. of votes: 2
Mask, Plasmid

[X] Guard the raiding troops and keep route to fall back
-[X] Iron Warriors
No. of votes: 1

[X] Smash into the center of the enemy lines and hunt down it's commanders.
-[X] Whirlwind Fighter
No. of votes: 1

[X] Guard the smashing troops and keep route to fall back
-[X] Everblocker
No. of votes: 1

[X] Smash into the center of the enemy lines and hunt down it's commanders.
-[X] Sword Saint
No. of votes: 2
trekbook, Kliden

[X] Try to get an overview of the battle and co-ordinate raiding and movements.
-[X] Commander: Sword-Saint Erica
No. of votes: 1

[X] Protect Our Commander
-[X] Everblocker
No. of votes: 10
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Find the berserker I paired up with earlier (NotAlwaysFanfic) and keep her alive
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Iron Warrior
No. of votes: 1

[X] Constantly raid and harass the West with some soldiers.
No. of votes: 2
tzeench, D.D. Spectator

-[X] Whirlwind Fighter
No. of votes: 3
tzeench, D.D. Spectator, Trondason

[X] Guard the raiding troops and keep route to fall back
No. of votes: 2
Vanestus, Chiperninerm

-[X] Everblockers
No. of votes: 1

[X] Smash into the center of the enemy lines and hunt down it's commanders.
No. of votes: 5
Mask, Plasmid, Trondason, trekbook, Kliden

-[X] Beserker
No. of votes: 2
Mask, Plasmid

-[X] Iron Warriors
No. of votes: 1

[X] Guard the smashing troops and keep route to fall back
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Everblocker
No. of votes: 2
silentspirals, Arkatekt

-[X] Sword Saint
No. of votes: 2
trekbook, Kliden

[X] Try to get an overview of the battle and co-ordinate raiding and movements.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Commander: Sword-Saint Erica
No. of votes: 1

[X] Protect Our Commander
No. of votes: 1
Got some RL stuff, so I can't update. I am leaving the vote open a little while longer.
So let's spend this extra time to strategize. Thank you @Arkatekt for the vote tally. I've cut and pasted it (for our convenience. ;)) to show how many swords we have filling what roles.

Defence: (5)
[] Find the berserker I paired up with earlier (NotAlwaysFanfic) and keep her alive
-[] Iron Warrior
No. of votes: 1

[] Guard the raiding troops and keep route to fall back
-[] Everblockers
-[] Iron Warriors
No. of votes: 2
Vanestus, Chiperninerm

[] Guard the smashing troops and keep route to fall back
-[] Everblocker
No. of votes: 1

Btw. What's the difference here?

[] Protect Our Commander
-[] Everblocker
No. of votes: 10
(Shouldn't that be 1?)

Attack: (7)
[] Constantly raid and harass the West with some soldiers.
-[] Whirlwind Fighter
No. of votes: 2
tzeench, D.D. Spectator

[] Smash into the center of the enemy lines and hunt down it's commanders.
-[] Beserker (2)
-[] Whirlwind Fighter (1)
-[] Sword Saint (2)
No. of votes: 5
Mask, Plasmid, Trondason, trekbook, Kliden

Support: (1)
[] Try to get an overview of the battle and co-ordinate raiding and movements.
-[] Commander: Sword-Saint Erica
No. of votes: 1

So we're pretty good on attack. Could maybe be a bit better at defence. I'm not sure if we could do anything else on support. (Maybe some runners? No, we're not big enough. Or medics? Hm, no training though and we're outnumbered enough as it is.)

I was thinking we might try something like the Blitzkrieg part of this image? We'd need a few extra votes though...
Votes Locked (Thanks @Eri, made it easier to count)

+6 to all rolls

[] Guard the raiding troops and keep route to fall back
-[] Everblockers
-[] Iron Warriors
Bonus: 15

[] Constantly raid and harass the West with some soldiers.
-[] Whirlwind Fighter
Bonus: 9

[] Smash into the center of the enemy lines and hunt down it's commanders.
-[] Beserker (2)
-[] Whirlwind Fighter (1)
-[] Sword Saint (2)
Bonus: 25

[] Try to get an overview of the battle and co-ordinate raiding and movements.
-[] Commander: Sword-Saint Erica
Bonus: 15

[] Find the berserker I paired up with earlier (NotAlwaysFanfic) and keep her alive
-[] Iron Warrior
(Less casualties)

[] Protect Our Commander
-[] Everblocker
(Bonus to command, Erica less likely to die)
Dark Ness threw 4 100-faced dice. Total: 94
9 9 56 56 4 4 25 25
The RNG Gods have abandoned us so lets hope that Grael the God of Glorious and Honorable Melee Combat hasn't abandoned.
Combat Turn 5
The company sent out two different groups to try and hurt the enemy, a raiding party, and a small force to break through enemy lines. They also sent a smaller group to protect the raiding party and keep a route of escape.

The protecting group, unfortunately, were slaughtered in the very first skirmish to buy time for the raiders to escape, delaying the enemy forces. The rest of the raiding went well, though, and the raiders were able to harass the enemy and kill many of the them, more-so then before due to increased numbers. They were also able to once again delay the western troops insuring that they would not be able to fight with the southern troops and withdrew to the northern camp.

The attempt to headcap the enemy went much, much, worse though. The attacking soldiers were surrounded, separated, and killed quickly by the enemy forces. They ultimately achieve nothing, not even a major delay, and all die. The enemy is even less likely to rout now and has improved morale due to the crushing victory over the would-be headcappers.

Commander Erica is delayed and unable to help the attacking parties, but is not idle and manages to form a basic defense by organizing the troops that remain (+5 to defensive rolls in the norther camp next turn). Just in time too, because the southern troops reached the north and are right on your doorstep. You will need to either fight, or immediately abandon the northern camp and your position.


Currently outnumbered: 3.7 to one. Concentration of enemy forces: 1.9 in west, 1.8 in the south. Western troops continued to be delayed.
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I made a sketchy battle-map. Is this about what's happening? (We're red. Enemy is blue. I know it's usually the other way round, but our flag is red, so I thought it fitting.) The dotted arrows are potential flanking moves I'm not sure they're doing or not.

If this is right, then I suggest we get to the west camp or central camp somehow, perhaps by charging through the gap between the potential flanking force of the group to the south and the main force of the group to the south (taking out the flank) and positioning ourselves to the south of them. Then pushing the line back north a bit. They should have some momentum at least. I hope. Then when we hold the central or western camp we could either hold the line and do some attrition while a small group loots whatever we want. (That's why we want it to be the central or western camp, they have more loot) or we could "rinse and repeat."
OK we should hold this position and maybe have some people try to flank
[X] Defend the Northern Camp
-[X] EverBlocker
[ ] Prepare to flank when they reach our line
-[ ] Beserker or Whirlwind Fighter or Sword Saints

[ ] Defend the Northern Camp
-[ ] EverBlocker, Iron Warriors or Sword Saints
Eri we don't have to worry about being flanked for this turn so we should focus on defending our position or trying to send a group to flank them our selves.
They were also able to once again delay the western troops insuring that they would not be able to fight with the southern troops and withdrew to the northern camp.
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OK we should hold this position and maybe have some people try to flank
I'm a bit worried that if we try to do this then they will be able to encircle us. They do outnumber us. So I suggest we run circles around them and cut off small pieces of their forces in stead. Like I explained in my last post. What do you think?

My preliminary battle-plan

The slightly darker patch of red is supposed to be our everblockers protecting our rear flank.
I made a sketchy battle-map. Is this about what's happening? (We're red. Enemy is blue. I know it's usually the other way round, but our flag is red, so I thought it fitting.) The dotted arrows are potential flanking moves I'm not sure they're doing or not.

No, the western group is barely out of their camp, if you choose to stay and fight, the battle will be over before they get there. Also, the Southern group isn't occupying the central camp while preparing to attack, the groups on the map are way too big.

(Good try, though)
Your never going to get it perfect, if I wasn't on my phone (and knew how to use and upload paint) or could draw I would do it myself. But, as it is, it works.
Good. Then let the planning begin?

I still say we should be running circles around them, but given that we only have to deal with one group right now standing our ground could work about as well.

[X] Coordinate our movements and defences.
-[X] Commander: Sword-Saint Erica