Sword Riot Quest

[X] Set up some defences around the hole in the wall.
-[X] Shelter from defenders.
-[X] Support for the wall.
-[X] Spike traps to deter other attackers after the first two are complete.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Anouce yourself at the gate
No. of votes: 2
bdun140, trekbook

[X] You the sword channelers to cut your way in, and get some information.
No. of votes: 2
Trondason, Edkose

[X] Try to organise the efforts to circumvent the wall either by climbing or going through it. (Send a runner to fetch planks. They could be used like steps, maybe? Oh and maybe a caravan to stand on.)
-[X] If successful, try to get an overview of the battle. Preferably from a high vantage point.
--[X] Commander Erica
No. of votes: 1

[X] You the sword channelers to cut your way in, and get some information.
-[X] Hack some handholds and steps in the outer wall and look from up there or help similar plans.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Start digging a hole.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Announce yourself at the gate.
No. of votes: 2
Vanestus, ziizo

[X] Set up some defences around the hole in the wall.
-[X] Shelter from defenders.
-[X] Support for the wall.
-[X] Spike traps to deter other attackers after the first two are complete.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Start digging a tunnel.
No. of votes: 1
D.D. Spectator
[X] You the sword channelers to cut your way in, and get some information.
Bonus: 5

[X] Try to organise the efforts to circumvent the wall either by climbing or going through it. (Send a runner to fetch planks. They could be used like steps, maybe? Oh and maybe a caravan to stand on.)
-[X] If successful, try to get an overview of the battle.Preferably from a high vantage point.
--[X] Commander Erica
Bonus: 10

[X] You the sword channelers to cut your way in, and get some information.
-[X] Hack some handholds and steps in the outer wall and look from up there or help similar plans.

[X] Start digging a hole.
Bonus: 5

[X] Set up some defences around the hole in the wall.
-[X] Shelter from defenders.
-[X] Support for the wall.
-[X] Spike traps to deter other attackers after the first two are complete.
Requires cutting through to succeed
Dark Ness threw 5 100-faced dice. Total: 279
3 3 80 80 93 93 57 57 46 46
Work continues on making a pathway up the wall, and it succeeds. There are now hand holds all the way up the wall, thanks to the daring efforts of a single soldier. Commander Erica takes advantage of this, and climbs up the wall to figure out what is going on. What she finds is surprising.

There are two sides, one wearing good armour, with good weaponry along with discipline. Other side is a mish mash of everything. Men, women, even a few older children are fighting with whatever they can get their hands on, from swords, to knives, to hammers, and most have no armour and little displine. But, they have many times the numbers of the other force, and often utilize ambush tactics, with the exception of those who just decide to rush at their enemies head on. It seems there is a bloody rebellion going on and the disciplined force is the cities army. Suprisingly, the rebels seem to be winning by a large margin.

Unfortunately for you, the wall drop earlier seems to have drawn the attention of a force of tsoldiers guardsmen, since they are marching towards the location of your half complete hole, not that they could tell from that side of the wall. In what seemed to be a futile attempt to distract the force, Erica throws a rock of the wall. Luckily, it attracts the attention of a rebel force, who start fighting the guardsmen.

Erica relays this to the rest of the troops, and it is decided to abandon the attempt to make a hole at this location, in fear of attracting more attention. At the same time, a group of soldiers on the north side of the city start digging a tunnel under the city, although it might take a while. This leaves the company to decide who to fight, with any. After all, they might be able to convince their employer to pay them without fighting, since the rebels have already done their job for them, although, it might be difficult to convince him to pay the full amount.

(Regular Vote):
[] Help the guardsmen (may break contract, possible chance of higher rewards, can betray later which satisfies contract)
[] Help the rebels (Can betray later)
[]Attack both
[] Wait
-[] Attack whoever wins
-[] Just see what happens
[] Leave, try to get paid anyways
[] Write in
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Hmm, does our Contract just say kill the Guardsmen, or does it also say to not kill the towns-people? Cause I'm considering killing both.

You can kill both without breaking the contract. You could also help one to betray them later, but, if you agree to help them officially (instead of just attacking their enemy) you will take a reputation hit. (This will be a further vote, so if you chose to help one side now, it will not lock out betrayal)

You can make a write in if you wish, the options presented our not the only ones. Also, I am editing the options.
[X] Set up attack groups around the city. Kill all who leave and once the city guard is at their last stand attack both.
What are we trying to achieve here? Do we just want the money or do we care about the people?

If the people, do we empathise with the normal people or those sent to die for the nobles? Both?

If we're just looking out for ourselves, do we want a reputation for keeping our word to our employers? Is the higher pay worth ignoring our whims and morals?
[X] Help the rebels (Can betray later)
Let's do what we were paid to do and leave.