Sword Riot Quest

Votes locked
+6 to all
[X] Charge the North side
Bonus: 42

[X] Constantly raid the West with some soldiers and steal supplies.

[X] Reinforce main force wherever needed. (+5 to rear or attack, which ever does worse)

[X] Try to get an overview of the battle and co-ordinate reinforcements and movements

Are you fast enough?
Bonus: 22

If not,
[X] Protect the rear
Bonus: 17

Why the bonuses seem so screwy: there are hidden modifiers, suffice to say, your choice of group is important.
Dark Ness threw 4 100-faced dice. Total: 273
17 17 89 89 92 92 75 75
Combat Turn 4
The company charges the northern camp, using the Beserkers, Whirlwind Fighters, and Sword-Saints as a frontal force and the Everblockers and Iron Warriors as a rearguard, with a few Iron Warriors to reinforce whatever side Is needed. While victory is almost certain, it looks like heavy losses will have to be taken achieve it, until a single sword-saint takes command.

Erics, realizing that they were fast enough to avoid dealing with a pitcher attack, reroutes the rearguard to reinforce the frontal force, using the Everblockers to hem the enemies in, blocking attempts to maneuver, while the Iron Warriors provide support to both sides, attacking as both a defensive bulwark and a offensive one. This leads to a complete victory, with little casualties.

Once again, a single soilder attempts to gather support for a new offensive, but fails. And, once again, he is forced to go alone. This doesn't mean that it was a true failure, though. The soilder attacks like his namesake and is a whirlwind on the battlefield, raiding the western camp in a series of quick strikes, and killing many more enemy troops, before withdrawing. Due to this, the western camp's lines are thrown into disarray and delays their march on the northern camp so much that they will arrive behind the southern camp, both of which are marching to your postion in the northern camp to attack you in an all out offensive, right at this moment.

[] You know what to do.

Currently outnumbered: 3.9 to one. Concentration of enemy forces: 2.1 in west, 1.8 in the south.

Eri is upgraded to heroic unit: Commander. +10 to all command rolls involving Eri. Eri can now format her votes:
[] Action
-[] Commander: Sword-Saint Eri (this name can be changed, if @Eri wishes to do so before the next update).

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[X] Find the berserker I paired up with earlier (NotAlwaysFanfic) and keep her alive
-[X] Iron Warrior
[X] Constantly raid and harass the West with some soldiers.
-[X] Whirlwind Fighter
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[X] Constantly raid the West with some soldiers and steal supplies.
-[X] Whirlwind Fighter
[X] Constantly raid the West with some soldiers and steal supplies.
-[X] Whirlwind Fighter
[X] Constantly raid the South with some soldiers and steal supplies.
-[X] Whirlwind Fighter
Guys guys guys, WHY are we stealing supplies? Make them dead, and then we can loot them at our pleasure. It doesn't help us to grab the stuff NOW.
Constantly raiding them will tire them out, but with their supplies being stolen and no chance to rest they won't be able to fight properly.

They won't be resting anyways, they are marching towards you right now. (Didn't I mention that in the update?)

Edited to make more clear.
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Changed the vote to raid and harass, rather than and take supplies.

Makes more sense this way since the battle is expected not to go on that long that supplies would matter much.
[X] Smash into the center of the enemy lines and hunt down it's commanders.
-[X] Beserker

Could use a couple of whirlwhinds to come with me. Together, we should be able to stop them from properly forming up to deal with us by knocking out their commanders.