Sword Riot Quest

Work continues on making a pathway up the wall, and it succeeds. There are now hand holds all the way up the wall, thanks to the daring efforts of a single soldier. Commander Erica takes advantage of this, and climbs up the wall to figure out what is going on. What she finds is surprising.

There are two sides, one wearing good armour, with good weaponry along with discipline. Other side is a mish mash of everything. Men, women, even a few older children are fighting with whatever they can get their hands on, from swords, to knives, to hammers, and most have no armour and little displine. But, they have many times the numbers of the other force, and often utilize ambush tactics, with the exception of those who just decide to rush at their enemies head on. It seems there is a bloody rebellion going on and the disciplined force is the cities army. Suprisingly, the rebels seem to be winning by a large margin.

Unfortunately for you, the wall drop earlier seems to have drawn the attention of a force of tsoldiers guardsmen, since they are marching towards the location of your half complete hole, not that they could tell from that side of the wall. In what seemed to be a futile attempt to distract the force, Erica throws a rock of the wall. Luckily, it attracts the attention of a rebel force, who start fighting the guardsmen.

Erica relays this to the rest of the troops, and it is decided to abandon the attempt to make a hole at this location, in fear of attracting more attention. At the same time, a group of soldiers on the north side of the city start digging a tunnel under the city, although it might take a while. This leaves the company to decide who to fight, with any. After all, they might be able to convince their employer to pay them without fighting, since the rebels have already done their job for them, although, it might be difficult to convince him to pay the full amount.

(Regular Vote):
[] Help the guardsmen (may break contract, possible chance of higher rewards, can betray later which satisfies contract)
[] Help the rebels (Can betray later)
[]Attack both
[] Wait
-[] Attack whoever wins
-[] Just see what happens
[] Leave, try to get paid anyways
[] Write in
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Finally Made It
One final attempt is made to cut your way into the city, and it finally succeeds. Several sword channelers working together managed to cut an opening in the wall so the company could head inside, although, not at once. Nobody was crushed by the block they cut out of the wall, but a few whisper that it was a close call.

A single soldier also continued extending the tunnel under the city, and it is close to completion. Of course, it wasn't needed anyways, since the sword channelers managed to cut their way in. The company also decided almost unanimously to help the rebels against the guards, at least for now, but it turned out to be unnecessary.

Commander Erica stayed on top of the walls to report to the company how the battle was going. While the company was trying to get inside, the rebels forced the majority of the guards to fall back to the palace in the center of the city. Once they were there, the rebels threw themselves at the guardsmen. The rebels took losses, but quickly overwhelmed the guards with the streangth of numbers and took the palace. After this, the rebels quickly rooted out any pockets of resistance. The few remaining guards were forced either surrender or die. After there victory, the rebels started celebrating, and also looting, starting with the palace. It looks like you don't need to do anything more to complete your contract.

(Regular Vote)
[] Leave and collect your money
[] Try to loot the areas the rebels haven't gotten to before they can.
[] Attack the rebels
[] See if the rebels will hire you
[] Write in
Rebel Diplomacy?
The company enters the city through the opening you cut into the walls. The company tries to stay away from the areas that Erica said the rebels were in, when she was watching through the walls. The streets look deserted, but, the company has the feeling that They are being watched. They quickly move to the nobles district, where many of the houses have already been ransacked, but they managed to find some untouched stashs and gathered a total of 66 gold.

Unfortunately, the soon encountered the rebels, although, this wasn't a surprise. After all, by the indications so far, the rebels have the peoples support, and a whole company going is unnoticed is pretty improbable. Seeing you looting, the rebels seem angry, and one of them, likely the leader, steps out to talk to Commander Erica. He introduces himself as Ret and is willing to let this go, because he doesn't want a fight, but he may require you to give back some or all of the money. It goes unsaid, that although he doesn't want a fight, that doesn't mean he is unwilling to enter one if given cause.

(Regular Vote)
[] Try to convince the rebels to let you keep the money.
-[]Then go collect your reward.
[] Give up the money.
-[]Then go collect your reward.
[] Offer to work for the rebels, not only will you get to keep the money, you will even be payed more! Of course, if you don't like the work they will offer, you will need to give it up or even be forced to fight
[] Just attack the rebel group, they aren't much bigger then you. Of course, you will then have to deal with the rest of the rebels.
[]Write in

OCC: If (after this vote) anyone wants to write an omake about the conversion between Ret and Erica, I will likely give a reward. If I like it enough, I will even canonize it and add it to this update (you can accept a bigger reward then).