The nobles lose, badly. Both sides take extremely heavy casualties, but the besiegers arms, numbers, and discipline eventually win the day, through an intense battle of attrition. They slaughter the soilders guarding the camps, and loot the caravans. They do prove that they remain honorable, though, by allowing many of the civilians to flee, although, it is likely that at least a few will die from the lack of supplies.
The besiegers break camp and go through the loot they got. While they are relaxed, they weren't so lack as to not post guards (the element of surprise is more difficult to achieve). They are arranged in five different camps, the center camp containing the enemy command and the most populous by far. The eastern camp contains the most camels, the western camp contains the few caravans not kept in the central camp, and what looks like half of the food supplies, the southern camp is the second most populous, while the northern camp is the least, although the difference between them is less then 50, the rest of the supplies are kept in the central camp. The guards patrol in a tight circle around all the camps, breaking up fights and making sure no one is attacking. You are far enough away and out of sight, so you can manoeuvre to attack any of the camps. You are currently out numbered seven to one.
A few members of the company fall to their knees and pray to Grael, he seems to look upon you with favor, for everyone in the company seems more energized. (+5 to combat rolls for the battle)
Now, it is time to fight.
[] Write in (attack the western camp, act as a defence to ____, etc.)
-[] Who are you? (Beserker, Everblocker, etc. Remember that each has their specialities)
Feel free to make a plan, but, remember that If too few people vote that way, it will likely fail (although, that might be better then no plan at all)