Eldritch is an excellent choice, even if I think that you are overestimating it. Still, I'm sure it will come in handy at some point.
Its niche but when the niche comes up it will be very useful. But we already have a bunch of themes so we can go for more niche uses to have on hand in case it is needed instead of general coverage.
Considering Shadow's personality he'd probably love the Eldritch Theme going for an Eldritch Horse Abomination probably pitch black with lots of red glowing eyes and tentacles.
If I remember right alexandria body is in a moving time lock and that why she strong but can't heal even with Panecea around. With Eldritch Theme we can heal her.
Just found this and had a blast going through it. Quick question though - given how Paraguayans are based on trauma, is there a reason Hug (SCP-999) hasn't been put through testing yet? I feel like it'd be a really useful thing right now, given the general fatigue.

as someone that knows the history of the nation of Paraguay that statement is perfectly valid and correct, it does indeed apply to Paraguayans
Chapter 104: Again?
[X] Power

Power Roll: (210 points)
Roll D125=66
100 Animals Senses (Already Gained), 0 Bonus Themes (trigger Reroll), 50 Calming Aura
Bonus Themes reroll D125=121
200 Free Reroll,500 One of Each,100 Micro Bonus
Sub vote result: 0 Bonus Theme (Eldritch) + 200 Free Reroll
Banked 10 Points

I reached the parking garage with five minutes to spare and seeing no sign of either Miss Militia or Flashbang I decided that it was a good opportunity to call on my Denshark. There was enough room both under the ceiling and lengthwise for him if I called him with only one car.

I warned the technicians working there so they wouldn't panic and manifest the shark train hybrid in front of me.

The "thing" that appeared before me possesses the best slasher smile in existence. Rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth as big as my forearms lining a mouth big enough to engulf three of me. I could almost hear a menacing song in the background. And I did hear a shrill scream coming from behind me, someone didn't believe me.

"Your name will be Bruce. I can't wait to introduce you to the Empire. Their reactions promise to be most amusing. And if you're a good boy I may even let you have a taste. It's not healthy food but I'm sure you can handle it."

Bruce responds to that statement with a soft sound vaguely resembling a train horn as if coming from underwater. Fitting I suppose even if it makes no sense.

"Compendium, no feeding Empire members to your pet shark. That's what a villain would do."

The amused reprimand came from Miss Militia who just entered the room.

I laughed at that. "Yeah, I know. But you must admit that it would be very tempting. And I'm sure that Kaiser can make do without his legs."

Turning around I saw that she was admiring Bruce but also examining him with a critical eye.
I joined her and seeing him in profile really demonstrates its size. A bit longer than an articulated lorry, with a body separated in three parts, the massive head, the torso emitting white smoke from a sort of blowhole, and the passenger car.

"And you said that it can have up to a hundred cars?"


I heard a quiet damn from her, and Bruce emitted another horn noise that could only be interpreted as preening under the attention.

While we waited for Flashbang to show up I experimented with themes on Bruce. Plants gave his skin the texture of alga which was new but nothing specifically impressive, even a little ugly to be honest. Seeing that they were people here I ignored Constellation and skipped right to Musical Instruments. For once the result was really impressive, seemingly based on a pipe organ with pipe and tube everywhere, keyboard in place of teeth, and wooden skin decorated with scenes of sea life. Definitively a keeper. Miss Militia approved and said that for public use it could work really well, adding some silliness to an otherwise scary creature.

Air and Lightning produce good results as usual but nothing new. And Insect a sort of giant black beetle-like look, not specifically more frightening than giant shark but not much better either.

Flashbang joined us a little after I returned Bruce to normal and spent some time exploring its car.

He was taken aback by the, well existence, of my trainshark but managed to shrug it off very well. He informed us that he brought Panacea to check on Velocity and that was the reason why he was late.

After that explanation, it was time for us to depart. There were some contemplative looks from the New Wave member between the garage door and Bruce, visibly making size comparison and coming up short. With a whoosh of displaced air, I resolved that problem by turning Bruce into its weapon shape and giving it to Clank for safekeeping.

Flashbang blinked once or twice at the display but didn't comment beyond that. I could really appreciate his professionalism, he may not be a Protectorate hero but he knew how to stay calm no matter the situation. I could only hope to learn to do just as well under pressure at some point.

For this patrol I would be riding Pegase, it would be the first time I called on him. He was physically weaker than either Red or Hercules but he was much faster in the air and far less scary. It would be perfect for a morning patrol. Perhaps some children going to school would enjoy seeing him.

I also called on baby Rex, he would walk with Miss Militia and Flashbang. I really want him to have a good image before being forced to unveil its true size. Hopefully seeing an excitable dinosaur running around would help with that.

Despite the fact that this was a patrol taking place mostly on the boardwalk I couldn't help but be paranoid after what happened this morning to Velocity. I keep looking everywhere, on all rooftops, alleyways, and in between cars. Each time I spotted someone coming out of buildings I eyed them suspiciously.

Maintaining such vigilance was exhausting, thankfully I could count on my other Minds to take the relay regularly.

Periodically I look toward Rex who was dutifully following Miss Militia as ordered. He did get distracted a few times by some enticing smells and one time by a staring contest with a very courageous bulldog. The dog ends up running to hide behind the legs of his master but points for effort.

In the middle of the patrol, I felt once again the Celestial Menagerie activating. A familiar feeling bloomed in my soul. A new theme. While keeping an eye on the real world I ask my Minds for details.

This one seems to be different from the previous ones./Yeah, it's a lot more conceptual and subtle. It does not change the bodies of our partners into different materials or make them look like different objects. Instead, it only modifies part of them in different ways, all to make them more Eldritch./It's some sort of Lovecraftian inspiration./I did a few quick tests in the mental realm. The effect is consistent when used repeatedly on the same target but very varied across different ones. We got tentacles, eyes, hump, pustules, slimy skin, etc… But also more esoteric results, like wrong perspectives as if they were bigger or smaller, or both, moving shadow, different shadow, moving things under their skins. All in all the result is always unsettling. Might be cool as far as intimidation tactics go but worse than insects for PR situations./While this is a problem, the power granted by the themes is much more interesting. Selective immunity to time-based effects./It seems to be pretty strong but there are not that many powers like that running around./Aside from Clockblocker, who's on our team anyway, I can't really think of anyone else at the top of my head.

I felt a Mind hesitating before it spoke up.

Well, I can think of another one, Gray Boy.

Silence reigns for a moment inside my head.

You think it could help with his Bubbles?/I'm not sure. I mean the immunity applies to our partners or to us we can't give it to his victims./I guess we could enter the bubbles without trouble but would we be able to drag the victim outside it? Or even just interact with them?/We need to be careful with that one, we don't want to give people false hope./I think a few tests with Clockblocker should be done as soon as possible. Maybe this afternoon if he's there at the HQ.

I kept that idea in mind as we continued our patrol.

It was just after nine that I spotted a trail of light moving in the sky coming rapidly in my direction.

Hurriedly I activated my earbud. "Miss Militia I have a flier coming our way." After zooming with my eyes I added. "It's Purity. Order?"

"Be ready to defend yourselves. Rumordely she left the Empire but remained cautious. I'm contacting HQ."

The heroine barely stopped speaking when the light-shrouded cape reached my position. Hovering in the air in front of me.

The light around the woman should have protected her identity but I could see through it and she didn't look anything like I imagined. Purity turns out to be a mousy brunette, smaller than average and around thirty years old. She wasn't wearing her trademark pure white costume, just everyday clothes. And most importantly she was holding against her chest a bundle containing a baby.

I took all that at a glance and she spoke up before I could. Her voice sounded panicked.

"Please, please, I need help. He wants to take my baby. I'll do anything but please you have to help me."

I certainly wasn't expecting that, I hold my hands placatingly while slowly directing Pegase toward a nearby rooftop.

"Okay, can you give me more details? Who's trying to take your baby?"

She snarled in response. "M…Kaiser! He wants to force me to return to his side. He said that Aster would be better protected in his house. As if. He even sent his goons to my apartment while I was supposed to be away and my baby with T…the babysitter."

She chuckles at that. "But I didn't fall for it and I canceled my appointment. As soon as I recognized them at my door I fled with Aster."

She gave me a pleading look. "Please, you have to help me. I'll do anything. I'll join the Protectorate even. I'll give you everything I have on the Empire. Just help me protect my daughter."

The despair was obvious in her voice. I couldn't help but have flashbacks of yesterday. While yes the motivations were different, what were the odds of meeting two days in a row different Villains that wish to change sides?

"Okay let me call Miss Militia and we'll discuss our options. I promise you we'll do everything we can to protect your daughter."

This seems to reassure her a smidge and she focuses on the baby while I call my superior.
While explaining the situation I keep asking myself what decision would be reached.

[] Purity join the Brockton Bay Protectorate

[] Purity join another city Protectorate

[] Purity enter protective custody as a civilian

Wordcount: 1680
Excess word: 395
So yeah, now it's Purity's turn. I will be honest while this one was planned for a while, Uber and Leet's defection was improvised while writing chapter 99. So we end up with two defections in such a short time. I hope I managed to have those two encounters be sufficiently different from each other as to remain interesting to read.

Also, keep in mind the possible consequences of this vote.

For the roll, 250 points.

[] Creature

[] Power

Voting will be closed Monday at 3 PM GMT
Look, i like her powers, and i do like how trying to turn a villain that is clearly willing could be used to advance our character progression. And doing this, might get Theo a way out as well.

But at the same time, she shouldn't ever be put in a situation where she might have to fight her previous friends. It looks bad to allow a villain change in her own city when a rebrand is hard to pull trough, she is a glowing lightbub, she would be recognized. It makes sense to send her away.

Ad how Brockton is shaping up, and how much stronger our PRT is these days... Although, we are heavily exhausted. She could be a relief, even if she is only here short term...

Maybe have her work for us here for a week of three, before being sent to Legend?

[x] Power
[X] Purity join another city Protectorate

Remove the potential temptation to relapse as well as get her away from a threat.

[X] Power

Lots of useful powers plus as we narrow them down we are more likely to land on the various pick a creature powers.
[X] Purity join another city as a Proctectorate

No way are we letting her rebrand in brockton. She's assaulted plenty of minorities and destroyed buildings already. Send her somewhere else. A revised can't be hard to pull off, just force her to wear an actual costume with a mask without the whole light bulbs thing. Without the distinctive 'flying lightbulb' she should hopefully be basically indistinguishable from a basic flying blaster
[X] Purity join another city as a Proctectorate
[X] Power

She would definitely do better in New York with Legend around and others.

Aster and Theo can have some happy times there too away from Brockton and the eventual 9 arrival.

Great chapter though. The Eldritch theme and the testing for if he can free people from Grey Boy bubbles... the idea of sending in our friendly neighborhood unicorn to heal them and keep them stable and carry them out? Sounds perfect.

And yeah, definitely get her OUT of Brockton. Get her to New York where she, Aster, and Theo can be safe and Max can fuck off.

Also, yessssss... Jaws theme utilized and Kaiser's legs going to be bitten off! ...we can hope.

Also adorable Baby Rex is adorable. Can't wait for him to showdown with an Endbringer.
[X] Purity join another city Protectorate
Seems to be the best choice for her to be out of the city and away from her E88 history
[X] Purity join another city as a Proctectorate

I don't think the city wants to be reminded of the nazi that destroyed buildings when they look at the hero she rebranded as.
[X] Purity join another city as a Proctectorate
[X] Power

She would definitely do better in New York with Legend around and others.

Aster and Theo can have some happy times there too away from Brockton and the eventual 9 arrival.

Great chapter though. The Eldritch theme and the testing for if he can free people from Grey Boy bubbles... the idea of sending in our friendly neighborhood unicorn to heal them and keep them stable and carry them out? Sounds perfect.

And yeah, definitely get her OUT of Brockton. Get her to New York where she, Aster, and Theo can be safe and Max can fuck off.

Also, yessssss... Jaws theme utilized and Kaiser's legs going to be bitten off! ...we can hope.

Also adorable Baby Rex is adorable. Can't wait for him to showdown with an Endbringer.
The best way I can see getting the Gray Boy victims out is with Clank and his in-built Temporal Immunity going in and sharing it with the victims by touching them or strapping on to them while Compendium and his other Summons with the Eldritch Theme get them out to get proper treatment.
[X] Purity join another city Protectorate
I'd like to keep her but getting out of this place will be best I believe.

[X] Creature
I can't wait to introduce you to the Empire. Their reactions promise to be most amusing. And if you're a good boy I may even let you have a taste.
The return of the wooden dialogue makes him sound like a Villain. Especially ironic as Alex is gaining the Eldritch theme.
I heard a quiet damn from her
Ah, she too can do mental math.
he knew how to stay calm no matter the situation. I could only hope to learn to do just as well under pressure at some point.
Lmao, I think he's still processing this event rather than naturally focused.

[X] Purity join another city as a Proctectorate
[X] Power

We just got a free re-roll, so let's see if we can clear some of the Title Powers.