-One of Each: You gain one entry (creature, modifier, ability…) from any Creature Category of your choice from each category worth 100 points or less.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.
Note: Like last time you have three options to choose from. No matter what i'll be the one choosing the categories from which the creatures will be pulled, mainly Bonus Categories. Just because it will make things go faster.
@zagan I may just be having a bit of a brain fart but I'm struggling to understand what this really means/how it works, would you mind explaining it to me a bit?

EDIT: While I'm waiting on an answer I'm gonna go ahead and vote for it because if it works how I think it does it will be useful and I'm not entirely sure what summon I'd want another biosphere from.

[X] 600 One of Each (10 x 300 or less points creatures)
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[X] 600 One of Each (10 x 300 or less points creatures)

I just recently noticed there is a MTG bonus category now. This is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. Any chance it could be one of the chosen categories? we could get any uncommon creature from among those on the list, or else some interesting lands.

I don't suppose you would consider a new capstone power, similar to the "remove category" power, but instead one where a current category is exchanged for one of the bonus ones permanently? Just asking...
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@zagan I may just be having a bit of a brain fart but I'm struggling to understand what this really means/how it works, would you mind explaining it to me a bit?
So "One of Each" is the shortened form of "One entry from Each (main) category".
So you would look at each of the 50 main categories and choose in each one a creature, a modifier, or a category-specific power that is worth 100 points or less in each. So in Mundane Animal, you could pick a dog, in Ark an ammonite, in Avatar a goat gorilla, and so on.
So by paying 600 points, you'll get the equivalent of 5000 points worth of entries. Quite a bargain, no? Except that fifty-100-point creatures are in no way equal to one 600-point creature.
There's also the fact that there are a few categories that do not contain entries worth 100 points or less, so you'll get forty-something entries.

What may be confusing you is that I'm cheating and offering alternative options because organizing a vote for 40 entries is a pain. Namely 20 entries worth 200 points or less or 10 entries worth 300 points or less. With the caveat that for those options I'm the one to choose the categories, including a few bonus categories.

You can check the subvote 194 for an example.

I just recently noticed there is a MTG bonus category now. This is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. Any chance it could be one of the chosen categories? we could get any uncommon creature from among those on the list, or else some interesting lands.
It will be, I'm proud of this one. Seeing how the vote is going you can start looking for something you like in there.

I don't suppose you would consider a new capstone power, similar to the "remove category" power, but instead one where a current category is exchanged for one of the bonus ones permanently? Just asking...
Let's put a pin on that, I have a vague plan in mind that should alleviate your concern on that front.
Adhoc vote count started by jonasquinn on Jan 31, 2025 at 8:49 PM, finished with 29 posts and 15 votes.
Seeing how the vote is going you can start looking for something you like in there.

Oh my. I'm quite the Magic the Gathering fanatic, this may be a mistake. I may be asking some questions, since translating MTG rules to the Menagerie will involving some.. tweaking of options.

First, I'm assuming that some things that are on approved categories list will fail the "too human" test because of dual types. For example, Avatars are on the list, but one of the Uncommon Avatars is this: Saruman the White . So, probably not.

The next question is those that are part of a modular card, like an saga that flips into a creature, or an adventure card that has a instant/sorcery on one side and a summon creature on the other. Like this uncommon dragon for example. There don't seem to be any uncommon sagas that turn into creatures, but there are a couple of battles that do, might be useful for our dungeon? And finally, what about this uncommon bear, would we get to vote on a background at the same time if we chose him? If so, I might start pushing for that.

Okay, I did find one more thing where the answer could be various. One of the 300pt options is Novijen, Heart of Progress . What would count as a turn in this case, ie, which creatures would be eligible for the slight increase in power and toughness? Would it be all summoned that day, or would they all need to be summoned simultaneously?
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Oh my. I'm quite the Magic the Gathering fanatic, this may be a mistake. I may be asking some questions, since translating MTG rules to the Menagerie will involving some.. tweaking of options.
Yes, there are a number of mechanics that may be hard or even impossible to translate. Even something as basic as drawing a card. I'm drawing (pun intended) a blank on how that could be translated over.

First, I'm assuming that some things that are on approved categories list will fail the "too human" test because of dual types. For example, Avatars are on the list, but one of the Uncommon Avatars is this: Saruman the White . So, probably not.
That's right. It's something that I'll elaborate on when it comes time for the specific vote. First, I'll ask the questers to only vote for an entry such as Uncommon Bear, Uncommon black aura, and so on. Only after that has been determined, the vote for the specific card will be after.

And of course, a creature that is both a bird and a human would be exclude, or a cat and a zombie. Similarly I would exclude the makority of the crossover cards, transformers, doctor who, Warhammer, etc...

The next question is those that are part of a modular card, like an saga that flips into a creature, or an adventure card that has a instant/sorcery on one side and a summon creature on the other. Like this uncommon dragon for example. There don't seem to be any uncommon sagas that turn into creatures, but there are a couple of battles that do, might be useful for our dungeon?
Yes, a saga is perfectly acceptable. Alex would gain the ability to cast the spell as if he were summoning the creature, and afterward, he'll still be able to summon the creature itself.
Your link to Battle must be wrong because it's the same link as Dragon.
And I must admit that I'm unfamiliar with the term Battle as a mechanic, I haven't played in years. And I can't find it.

And finally, what about this uncommon bear, would we get to vote on a background at the same time if we chose him? If so, I might start pushing for that.
Okay, I need to look up Background. I'm not opposed to it, the bear would be the only Commander that this applies to. However, very few backgrounds appear to be thematically appropriate for the CM. And a lot have mechanics that are hard to translate. Maybe the Cloakwood hermit? Or the Master chef?

Okay, I did find one more thing where the answer could be various. One of the 300pt options is Novijen, Heart of Progress . What would count as a turn in this case, ie, which creatures would be eligible for the slight increase in power and toughness? Would it be all summoned that day, or would they all need to be summoned simultaneously?
A turn is defined in the CM as 10 minutes. So once activated, every creature summoned in the next 10 minutes would get a small boost.
Chapter 242: Sub-Vote Part 2
As I half expected, the winner was "600 One of Each (10 x 300 or less points creatures)", even if I hoped for True Customization. Below, you'll find the list of categories. You'll note that I include one subcategory, Dauntless, this means that you can only choose within that subcategory.
I tried to choose categories in which we have nothing or near nothing and ones wich offer a variety of options.
Remember that if you choose an entry that implies a choice (MTG being the most obvious but it may pop up elsewhere) we'll have one last round of voting for that.
I highly encourage you to pick entries that could be used to create new heroes, so ones that can be passed off as not creatures, or just fun ones.


[] Dauntless: Write-In
[] Jewel Pet: Write-In
[] Various: Write-In
[] League of Legends: Write-In
[] God of War: Write-In
[] Sonic: Write-In
[] Dota: Write-In
[] Star Trek: Write-In
[] Magic The Gathering: Write-In
[] Command & Conquer: Write-In

Voting will be closed Sunday at 3 PM GMT
Your link to Battle must be wrong because it's the same link as Dragon.
And I must admit that I'm unfamiliar with the term Battle as a mechanic, I haven't played in years. And I can't find it.

Oops, sorry. This was meant to be the link, it transforms into an uncommon Elemental. Battle has so far only appeared in the March of the Machine set, there was one battle for each realm the Phyrexians invaded, and the battle has an immediate effect, than after it is won it transforms into another permanent.

Also, Feywild Visitor would be another interesting background.
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I'm going to start my posting, and add to it as I go thru the lists. Was having trouble finding a Star Trek one, then it became obvious:

[X] Star Trek: Soong-Type Android

Now, normally I'm all about biological over tech creatures, but really, who doesn't want their own Data? Who knows what kind of tech advancements he could potentially be programmed with? What would his personal reality potentially look like.. the lab he was created in? A Spaceship?!
[X] Dota: Brewmaster
[X] God of War: Phoenix
[X] League of Legends: Zac
[X] Jewel Pet: Diana
[X] Various: Entwives (LOTR)

I will always vote for Entwives if I have the option, as noble and extinct race they are what the Menagerie is for.

I have several ideas for MTG, there is an uncommon Sphynx that brings two artifacts with him (and is a detective, and might be large enough to ride? so would be super good as a gifted creature.) Any dragon is always interesting, and there is a very nice treefolk in the uncommons as well.

[X] Magic The Gathering: Uncommon Bear
[X] Magic The Gathering: Uncommon Sphinx
[X] Magic The Gathering: Uncommon Treefolk
[X] Magic The Gathering: Uncommon Dragon
There is a MTG uncommon Elephant that prevents damage to all attacking artifact creatures. Assuming artifact creatures counts anything that is self-mobile and constructed rather than born, many of the Menagerie creatures should count for that...

[X] Magic The Gathering: Uncommon Elephant

I've found something else that needs a ruling I think, in the uncommon Shapeshifters. Clone comes in as a copy of any creature on the battlefield. I assume Endbringers and Scion would not count as creatures but rather as players? The much more ghoulish question: Body Double .

I hesitate to vote for them, but here goes:

[X] Magic The Gathering: Uncommon Shapeshifter
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Oops, sorry. This was meant to be the link, it transforms into an uncommon Elemental. Battle has so far only appeared in the March of the Machine set, there was one battle for each realm the Phyrexians invaded, and the battle has an immediate effect, than after it is won it transforms into another permanent.
Okay. I'll admit that I'm skeptical about how it could be implemented. In a card game putting a permanent on your opponent's battlefield and then attacking it works. But in "real life" I'm not convinced. I'm open to hearing your opinion however.

Also, Feywild Visitor would be another interesting background.
That's a good one yes.
Hmm, C&C could offer some interesting options, most notably in that it includes several vehicles that could be trivially passed off as tinkertech creations... Except they're not tinkertech for the most part and could be reverse-engineered and reproduced if deliberately left uncovered by Copyright. Or give one to a member of the Guild with material extraction and just pull technology out of them forever.

Or give someone the Nanocore and Controlled Reproduction and kick off a base-builder. Though that one may get nixed, as while somewhat balanced for its cost when not able to produce anything, if Controlled Reproduction allows the Nanocore to construct unit-production buildings that can produce persistent units, things could quickly get out of hand. As it wouldn't be that hard to build up to managing to build your own Nanocores.
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I've found something else that needs a ruling I think, in the uncommon Shapeshifters. Clone comes in as a copy of any creature on the battlefield. I assume Endbringers and Scion would not count as creatures but rather as players? The much more ghoulish question: Body Double .
Yeah, considering boss-type beings as players makes more sense.
As for the graveyard, well for our graveyard it could be all the creatures we already summoned for the day and that were killed.
Our opponent's graveyard? I would treat it as empty I think. Maybe with some corner case for capes that can manifest projection. Like Genesis.
I find it hilarious that Gandalf is available under Uncommon Avatar. I assume that he would be subject to veto if picked.

[] Star Trek: Prototaxites stellaviatori

I am going for this one on account of it not only just flat out giving the Summoner a FTL drive but also specifically allowing the user to travel to universes they have already been to. If I guessed correctly then it may allow Alex to more easily return to his Partners' home universes after using Dimensional Travel. We're allowed to post the components of our vote separately correct?
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[X] Dota: Brewmaster
[X] Command & Conquer: Nanocore
[X] Sonic: E-102 Gamma
[X] Sonic: Belle the Tinkerer
[X] Star Trek: Prototaxites stellaviatori
[X] Various: Worm (Futurama)
[X] Various: Bob
[X] God of War: Phoenix
[X] Dauntless: Stormclaw
[X] Dauntless: Riftstalker
[X] League of Legends: Void Symbiote
[X] League of Legends: Zac
[X] Jewel Pet: Kaiya

Ok this is going to take awhile for me to go through since I'm not familiar with most of the categories so I'm just going to update this list as I go. The Nanocore seems really versatile so it has my vote, not familiar with Dota but Brewmaster seems like a fun guy so I'll give him a vote. For Sonic I went with Gamma mostly because I like the character.Edit: Ok the Protaxites sound tempting getting something that allows FTL and possible synergy with Dimensional Travel.
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[X] Dauntless: Stormclaw
I couldn't pick one, so I voted for the first one someone else voted for. I just suggest picking one and Gifting it with Armor Summoning because the armor's they have all have give supernatural bonuses.
[X] Jewel Pet: Kaiya
Anti-Master Power (or at least anti-brainwashing)
[X] Various: Worm (Futurama)
They improve literally everything about you physically and mentally, and it is unknown what the limit is. A very good self-improvement power for anyone you can name.
[X] League of Legends: Ward
I know this isn't 300 Points, but this is too useful to pass up. Iit would make a decent Thinker out of anyone we Gift it too.
[X] League of Legends: Void Symbiote
If for some reason we can't Gift Ward, than Gifting this will make someone basically become a League Champion at will.
[X] God of War: Phoenix
Equip Trait for Immortality, alternatively they could use Equip Trait to become made of fire for a decent Breaker Power.
[X] Sonic: Little Planet Flowers
Pass off whoever we Gift this too as a Battery/Power Source Tinker. Very useful, Eggman's machines are very energy intensive so this would be good at powering a lot of things. Being able to create 3 a day is very good.
[X] Dota: Brewmaster
I know nothing about Dota, so I went with what everyone else voted for
[X] Star Trek: EMH
Star Trek medicine is really advanced, you can have the Emergency Medical Hologram perform lots of delicate surgeries to cure conditions we can't do anything about. I bet they could easily treat Cancer. Honestly, I say keep them and just drop them off at the hospital everyday, but I can see the arguement for Gifting them too.
[X] Magic The Gathering: Uncommon Bear
[X] Magic The Gathering: Uncommon Sphinx
[X] Magic The Gathering: Uncommon Treefolk
[X] Magic The Gathering: Uncommon Dragon
I know nothing about the game besides some stuff about Planeswalkers.
[X] Command & Conquer: Nanocore
RTS style building? Rapidly outfit an army with advanced weapons? Mass Produce military vehicles? Gift it with Maintain Summoning to someone stationed at a Quarantine Zone.

I recommend not going for the one that grants Master powers.
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[X] Wisps (Sonic)
Can create some heroes
[X] Star Trek: Soong-type android
Just think how much "basic" knowledge he has. Another path forward to humanities future.
[X] Various: Worms (Futurama)
Cognitive and dexterous enhancements within a short amount of time. Fry just became dumber again because he hurt himself. If only the Worms were removed he would have kept the enhancements. A quick and easy to use force multiplier.
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[X] Dauntless: Stormclaw
I honestly know nothing about this series. From what I can tell this is as good an option as any.
[X] Jewel Pet: Yuku
[X] Jewel Pet: Sango
I am not so convinced to vote Ruby. Apparently, the odds of her spells coming out successfully is 1%, with failures manifesting as explosions. I'd rather try for the intellect-booster or protection magic Pet.
[X] Various: Bob (Dresden Files)
[X] Star Trek: Prototaxites stellaviatori
[X] Ra-Seru (Legend of Legaia)
[X] Pikmin Onion (Pikmin)
[X] Entwives (LOTR)
I can't pick among these. Bob is a living magical library that can possess others if needed, Ra-Seru grant superpowers to their hosts, and Pikmin are a renewable workforce that I am convinced could be trained for reconstruction and S&R work. And AntaeusTheGiant made a good point about the Ents.
[X] League of Legends: Ward
[X] League of Legends: Stonehorn
Both of these seem interesting to me. The Ward is a good power and the stonehorn appears to have energy dampening abilities of some sort.
[X] God of War: Phoenix
[X] Sonic: Belle the Tinkerer
Apparently she is competent and knowledgeable enough to work with Eggman's technology. Might be useful have and easily passed off as a Tinker.
[X] DOTA: Draca Eel
This species is resilient, able to live in highly pressurized magma. Equip Traits or Armor could grant notable durability.
[X] Magic the Gathering: Shared Aura
[X] Magic the Gathering: Uncommon Treefolk
[X] Command & Conquer: Nanocore
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