So if regular animals work, then could he just get a bunch of cheap throwaway animals that he could then give away to people with a proper supporting power to mass create/empower heroes?
So if regular animals work, then could he just get a bunch of cheap throwaway animals that he could then give away to people with a proper supporting power to mass create/empower heroes?
In theory yes, and there will be some of that. However, there are still two problems.
First, at the moment, Alex and the Protectorate are still trying to keep Grant Summoning secret, so Alex can only give away creatures and powers that are not obviously linked to him.
Second finding a secondary power that can be given with an animal like a rat, squirrel, toad, or something equally minor and still make for a decent standalone power for a new hero is not that easy.
That's why for now he's focusing more on boosting existing parahumans instead of giving power to normal people.

If anyone has any ideas that fit within those parameters that would be great, I could always use more ideas.
In theory yes, and there will be some of that. However, there are still two problems.
First, at the moment, Alex and the Protectorate are still trying to keep Grant Summoning secret, so Alex can only give away creatures and powers that are not obviously linked to him.
Second finding a secondary power that can be given with an animal like a rat, squirrel, toad, or something equally minor and still make for a decent standalone power for a new hero is not that easy.
That's why for now he's focusing more on boosting existing parahumans instead of giving power to normal people.

If anyone has any ideas that fit within those parameters that would be great, I could always use more ideas.
What about more combat-focused animals like wolves combined with Accelerate Training? We could mass produce low Mover/Brute level animals for those that lak direct combat for their powers
What about more combat-focused animals like wolves combined with Accelerate Training? We could mass produce low Mover/Brute level animals for those that lak direct combat for their powers
Yes, that's a solution to the second problem, and it's certainly something that will happen in the future.

It could work once without drawing too much attention. But if two, three, or more, heroes suddenly appear all with the power to summon once per day (and the once per day limitation will come up when a submachine gun kills the animal and comes back the next day in perfect health) a highly trained wolf, puma, alligator, or whatever, questions will start to pop up.

That can be alleviated to a degree by having Alex train the animal beforehand and instead of Accelerate Training, he would give a theme to disguise the animal's appearance, preferably a theme that he himself won't use and a different one each time.
I have a question. Considering Dragon's Dragonsuits are listed in the Menagerie, does that imply Alex could use Creature Acquisition on one of her constructs? And perhaps other Tinker creations as well?

And in the event Alex gives away a Creature, can he then replace them using Creature Acquisition on another member of the same species? I assume not given Gifted Creatures return to him in the event of the recipient's death.
I have a question. Considering Dragon's Dragonsuits are listed in the Menagerie, does that imply Alex could use Creature Acquisition on one of her constructs? And perhaps other Tinker creations as well?
The Dragonsuit in the doc is a little special because while it's based on the one created by Dragon they have an independent AI roughly as intelligent as a dog or even a chimp.
So the existing Dragonsuits wouldn't qualify because either they're inanimates or they are controlled by Dragon.

As for robots, Tinker or not, yes they could be valid targets for Creature Acquisition. It will mainly depend on their level of independence.
As piloted mech or a remotely controlled one wouldn't qualify.

And in the event Alex gives away a Creature, can he then replace them using Creature Acquisition on another member of the same species? I assume not given Gifted Creatures return to him in the event of the recipient's death.
That's right giving away a creature does not free the slot for another of the same species.
To finalize the enchantment you need to sprinkle a few drops of this onto the item. You'll know it's enough when the item gains a subtle purple glow and the options disappear from the book. Please don't be wasteful with it, it's quite expensive."
I think there's a missing quotation mark it
'We can start testing right away."
"We can start testing right away."
[X] Power
That can be alleviated to a degree by having Alex train the animal beforehand and instead of Accelerate Training, he would give a theme to disguise the animal's appearance, preferably a theme that he himself won't use and a different one each time.
What about giving Accelerated Training to an actual Police/PRT Dog Trainer? Something like what Bitch did. Train them up then train the humans in the How To with the dogs.Or to Bitch if we can get her onside.
could work once without drawing too much attention. But if two, three, or more, heroes suddenly appear all with the power to summon once per day (and the once per day limitation will come up when a submachine gun kills the animal and comes back the next day in perfect health) a highly trained wolf, puma, alligator, or whatever, questions will start to pop up.
Would revealing them all at the same time as a Cluster Trigger alleviate that?
Non-Canon: Let's not go to Cauldron, 'tis a silly place. by Feather_Up
The Cluster Trigger disguise would really only work once before people started getting suspicious but I must admit it is a good idea @Doccer. I do not think just different animals will work for it though; more likely the 'Cluster' would require different ways of expressing their powers to truly sell the deception.

EDIT: I would hate to double-post, so I am placing this comment here. As I was suddenly struck by inspiration (it left a bruise) and am in a rather whimsical mood given the date, I wrote a short miniature omake. Here it is, please do not take it seriously, it is just silly fun.

Double EDIT: Is this offensive? I'm worried the dialogue might be more bothersome than I intended. Can I please receive feedback, I am not socially adept enough to tell what isn't acceptable with 100% accuracy.

Let's not go to Cauldron, 'tis a silly place.​

"So, that's the plan for Africa sorted." Doctor Mother gathered a series of reports into a folder before pulling out another file. "Now how are things progressing with Compendium? Legend?"

Keith cleared his throat. "Well, I would say. Alex continues to be an excellent hero. Doesn't let his growing power go to his head. I would place my bet on him being able to adapt to most problems easily."

"He's still only one man though. Have there been any developments regarding his power-granting ability?" asked Number Man. Rebecca, as head of the Protectorate, chose to answer. "No. Apart from new projections and their corresponding abilities, Compendium remains limited in his capacity to give powers."

"Hmm. Disappointing that. And we still haven't located his Agent's counterpart in the Garden." Number Man jolted a few notes onto his PDA, altering future plans in light of the information presented.

"We shouldn't hyperfocus on Compendium's Gift power. His Extraction power has proven just as influential when it comes to enhancing parahumans." Eidolon spoke as the light over the table shifted with his movements.

"We are well aware, Eidolon." Doctor Mother acknowledged. "However, the Gift power has proven to be the most permanent method available to Compendium and outside of the Vials I would claim it to be the best method for empowerment on all the known Earths."

Eidolon nodded in agreement. "True. I see your point." The Number Man scowled ever so slightly as brightness washed back and forth over his screen.

Keith coughed. "Speaking of Compendium's other power-granting methods," he began, as if that wasn't already a ridiculous statement, "David I don't want to tell you how to live your life, but do you have to carry that star jar everywhere?"

Eidolon, or David as he was sometimes known, took a defensive stance against his friend's pointed question. "The energies emitted from this device restore my powers, Keith! Maximizing time spent under its aura is vital."

"That doesn't mean you need to strap it to your head and wear it as a hat." Alexandria had had enough. The light from jar sat atop Eidolon's hood was distracting everyone. "David, you look ridiculous."

The world's strongest Trump scrunched his face in protest. The glowing bottle bound to his skull by ropes made him look for all the world as though he part-timed as a lighthouse. And in this particular moment, a grumpy lighthouse.

"I am simply keeping it as close to my Gemma as possible. I don't see what the problem is, no one in the office said anything bad about it. Tagg even complimented me."

"You've been wearing it around other people?" Legend was legitimately appalled. "David, Director Tagg should not be treated as a source of fashion advice. The man wears military boots to formal events. And if he could get away with it, that awful cowboy hat as well."

"Oh, stop being a stereotype Keith. The jar is fine."

Doctor Mother pinched the bridge of her nose as the capes in front of her slowly spiraled into a debate on fashion. Luckily for her patience, Contessa soon entered the room.

"I have acquired parallel processing via the power-granting capabilities of Compendium." And now Doctor Mother had a new headache.

"I had thought we agreed not to utilize Compendium's Gifting ability on Cauldron members at this time?" Number Man raised a single eyebrow. "Was this course of action necessary?"

"Yes. I chose to run a Path towards furthering my capabilities with Compendium's assistance. While the duplicate mind unfortunately cannot run a second Path as I had hoped, it nevertheless enhances my comprehension of the Path and its repercussions. I am now able to model secondary effects of most Paths with half again effectiveness."

Interest and excitement rose from the table as the implications set in. As their most valuable asset, any boost to Contessa's abilities was considered worthwhile, provided of course there were no drawbacks. Extensive testing had proven that Compendium's Trump abilities were harmless for the most part, so that was not a particular concern here. Still, that did leave one question…

"What partner did you get?" Keith was genuinely curious. The mysterious bogeyman of Cauldron had never really struck him as an animal person.

Fortuna smiled. With a wave of her hand a strange duck-billed creature appeared standing on the table. Dark-brown eyes looked out from brown fur as it stood on all fours before the cabal. A large flat tail completed the picture and made it obvious just what Compendium had given the Thinker.

"Is that a platypus?" Alexandria asked.

Fortuna reached into a back pocket and brought out a felt disk. A flick of her wrist caused it to pop out into a miniature fedora that the fearsome parahuman gently placed on the monotreme's head.

"His name is Perry." She said. The platypus chittered.
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Chapter 207: Sub vote
[X] Power
Power Roll: (360 points)
Entry Roll D24=8
100 Explosive Finish, 600 Gigantification (Too Expensive), 50 Alpha

-Explosive Finish: You can grant explosive energy to one of your creatures. Upon dying or on command the creature will violently explode. The strength of the explosion depends on the size of the creature, an insect would explode like a firecracker, a pig like a grenade, and so on. If the creature already explodes upon death, the strength of the explosion is doubled.
-Alpha: Your creatures emit an aura that makes weaker creatures that are similar to them subservient toward them. This means that they wouldn't attack them unless ordered by an exterior force and they may even follow their lead as long as it wouldn't be harmful to do so.
To determine the relative power level of a creature the factors to consider are size, intelligence, and magical powers, in all cases when compared to creatures of a similar power level your creatures have the advantage.


[] 100 Explosive Finish
[] 50 Alpha

[] Reject everything and keep points.

Voting will be closed Wednesday at 3 PM GMT

I think there's a missing quotation mark it
Thanks, corrected.

What about giving Accelerated Training to an actual Police/PRT Dog Trainer? Something like what Bitch did. Train them up then train the humans in the How To with the dogs.Or to Bitch if we can get her onside.
Accelerated Training applies to the partners, not the Summoner. There's the Trainer skill that can be given instead, it makes the recipient an excellent animal trainer, so that could be useful but not supernaturally so.

Would revealing them all at the same time as a Cluster Trigger alleviate that?
The Cluster Trigger disguise would really only work once before people started getting suspicious but I must admit it is a good idea @Doccer. I do not think just different animals will work for it though; more likely the 'Cluster' would require different ways of expressing their powers to truly sell the deception.
I hadn't considered a Cluster Trigger. That could work if done right. I'll need to think about it, thanks for the suggestion. But only once indeed.

EDIT: I would hate to double-post, so I am placing this comment here. As I was suddenly struck by inspiration (it left a bruise) and am in a rather whimsical mood given the date, I wrote a short miniature omake. Here it is, please do not take it seriously, it is just silly fun.

Double EDIT: Is this offensive? I'm worried the dialogue might be more bothersome than I intended. Can I please receive feedback, I am not socially adept enough to tell what isn't acceptable with 100% accuracy.
That was hilarious in an absurd kind of way. I really like it thanks. And it was much better than the majority of the April Fool joke I stumbled upon.
I'll get back to you for a reward soon.

… could we give someone a creature with creature acquisition?
That's one of the rare power that cannot be given away.