Child of Gaea
- Location
- Lawrence, KS
[X] Power
In theory yes, and there will be some of that. However, there are still two problems.So if regular animals work, then could he just get a bunch of cheap throwaway animals that he could then give away to people with a proper supporting power to mass create/empower heroes?
What about more combat-focused animals like wolves combined with Accelerate Training? We could mass produce low Mover/Brute level animals for those that lak direct combat for their powersIn theory yes, and there will be some of that. However, there are still two problems.
First, at the moment, Alex and the Protectorate are still trying to keep Grant Summoning secret, so Alex can only give away creatures and powers that are not obviously linked to him.
Second finding a secondary power that can be given with an animal like a rat, squirrel, toad, or something equally minor and still make for a decent standalone power for a new hero is not that easy.
That's why for now he's focusing more on boosting existing parahumans instead of giving power to normal people.
If anyone has any ideas that fit within those parameters that would be great, I could always use more ideas.
Yes, that's a solution to the second problem, and it's certainly something that will happen in the future.What about more combat-focused animals like wolves combined with Accelerate Training? We could mass produce low Mover/Brute level animals for those that lak direct combat for their powers
The Dragonsuit in the doc is a little special because while it's based on the one created by Dragon they have an independent AI roughly as intelligent as a dog or even a chimp.I have a question. Considering Dragon's Dragonsuits are listed in the Menagerie, does that imply Alex could use Creature Acquisition on one of her constructs? And perhaps other Tinker creations as well?
That's right giving away a creature does not free the slot for another of the same species.And in the event Alex gives away a Creature, can he then replace them using Creature Acquisition on another member of the same species? I assume not given Gifted Creatures return to him in the event of the recipient's death.
I think there's a missing quotation mark itTo finalize the enchantment you need to sprinkle a few drops of this onto the item. You'll know it's enough when the item gains a subtle purple glow and the options disappear from the book. Please don't be wasteful with it, it's quite expensive."
"We can start testing right away."
What about giving Accelerated Training to an actual Police/PRT Dog Trainer? Something like what Bitch did. Train them up then train the humans in the How To with the dogs.Or to Bitch if we can get her onside.That can be alleviated to a degree by having Alex train the animal beforehand and instead of Accelerate Training, he would give a theme to disguise the animal's appearance, preferably a theme that he himself won't use and a different one each time.
Would revealing them all at the same time as a Cluster Trigger alleviate that?could work once without drawing too much attention. But if two, three, or more, heroes suddenly appear all with the power to summon once per day (and the once per day limitation will come up when a submachine gun kills the animal and comes back the next day in perfect health) a highly trained wolf, puma, alligator, or whatever, questions will start to pop up.
And modify those those bugs in strange and unique ways.[X] Power
We should definitely have Taylor use her power to grab a bunch of bugs with Creature Acquisition
Well, Accelerate Training does work on insects. Super strong flies seem like they would have potential. Just imagine this gnat hovering with a bowling ball in its grip.
Huh. Compendium has too many that no one would notice but if we do that with just the one time it might work...
Thanks, corrected.
Accelerated Training applies to the partners, not the Summoner. There's the Trainer skill that can be given instead, it makes the recipient an excellent animal trainer, so that could be useful but not supernaturally so.What about giving Accelerated Training to an actual Police/PRT Dog Trainer? Something like what Bitch did. Train them up then train the humans in the How To with the dogs.Or to Bitch if we can get her onside.
Would revealing them all at the same time as a Cluster Trigger alleviate that?
I hadn't considered a Cluster Trigger. That could work if done right. I'll need to think about it, thanks for the suggestion. But only once indeed.The Cluster Trigger disguise would really only work once before people started getting suspicious but I must admit it is a good idea @Doccer. I do not think just different animals will work for it though; more likely the 'Cluster' would require different ways of expressing their powers to truly sell the deception.
That was hilarious in an absurd kind of way. I really like it thanks. And it was much better than the majority of the April Fool joke I stumbled upon.EDIT: I would hate to double-post, so I am placing this comment here. As I was suddenly struck by inspiration (it left a bruise) and am in a rather whimsical mood given the date, I wrote a short miniature omake. Here it is, please do not take it seriously, it is just silly fun.
Double EDIT: Is this offensive? I'm worried the dialogue might be more bothersome than I intended. Can I please receive feedback, I am not socially adept enough to tell what isn't acceptable with 100% accuracy.
That's one of the rare power that cannot be given away.