Name: Olivia M. Powell
Cape Name: Queen Wild
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Suffered a violent break-in while at her mom's work at the pound. 8 years old at the time. Was on Halloween day and dressed up waiting to go trick or treating. Was dressed as Black Panther, and pretended hard to be a real black panther. Money and drugs are taken and her mother and another worker were killed. Survived while hiding behind some animals in the cages. Took hours to bring her back from that mindset. Some cats seem unnaturally protective of her. Father was easily convinced to bring her into the Wards. Has stayed ever since.
Personality: Had many difficulties growing up and using her powers. After much therapy, she has since been stabilized and uses memetics heavily to bring her mind back from going too far. In her teenage years, she has since grown in confidence and capability, making the Protectorate her career. Likes to keep a number of rescue pets. Especially hard to keep ones that people went normally bothered trying with.
Career: Has a chip on her shoulder as being "not in her right mind" by people that knew her in her youth or seen her slip too deeply into an animal's mindset too many times. "Like the difference between a person that sees you as a person as well, and predatory lion that sees you as food," has been a more unfortunate statement made when she slipped too far in an all-out gang fight. Such statements and experiences have been a mark on her record and strained her relationships with coworkers. Has proven herself in search and rescue operations and the capture of some minor villains over the years. Studies Eastern animal combat styles. Has made the Protectorate her career path and expressed interest in a coveted Protectorate Leader position. Now that she's the legal age to join the Protectorate she has been looking to move to a new city for new opportunities and a fresh start.
Localization: Portland Oregon
Powers or Skills: Master 4 Thinker 2, Power Of Imitation. Can take control of creatures and individuals the more she imitates the species or individual. Effectiveness grows the better its kind is imitated or a specific individual. Power seems to work easier with feline animals, but not exclusively.
-Addendum research shows attempts at Imitation of a generalization of a species such as all reptiles prove a level of control over all reptiles in the affected area. With of course better control of Imitation of a specific subspecies.
-Addendum generalized imitation seems to improve when provided theological data on the behavior habits and environmental data on extinct members of reptiles.
-Addendum prolonged Imitation revealed her body making slight alterations to better resemble animals and their movements and to a degree their specific capabilities.
-Addendum Acting the Imitation for too long can negatively impact normal brain functions. Making it difficult to return the subject's mind back to normal behaviors.
Planned Partner and Power: To be determined
Explanations for new powers:
Trump 1. Had a breakthrough in attempting to Imitate the extinct Giant Moa for expert researchers attempting to more accurately catalog the Giant Moa as it may have acted in the wild. Publicly stated that they won't be doing more till the results of this are understood and verified to be positive with minimal impact on her mind.
Name: Choi Ji-Ho
Cape Name: Animalia
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Standing at 5"4, Ji-Ho Choi is a recent Wards graduate from California. She was only a member of the Wards for only two years before graduating. She has a troubled history with her parents, who are no longer involved in her life, which led to her triggering. Her Trigger Event was similar to Bitch's in that it involved her pet being hurt but differed in that she gained the power to have animals empower her rather than being able to empower animals. When not acting as a cape, she always has one of her pets with her.
Personality: Generally distant with people but always very loving to animals. She has been described as "politely friendly".
Localization: California
Powers or Skills: Changer 3, Animal Mimicry. Upon touching an animal she can copy one body part from it to temporarily replace her own. For example, touch a bear and get a bear's arm. She can only maintain as many parts as she has body parts. Body parts return to normal upon sleeping/going unconscious.
Planned Partner and Power: To be determined
Explanations for new powers:
Second Trigger.
Name: Charleen Worthington
Cape Name: Capoeira
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A tall (1.9m) and very muscular woman, but she does retain some womanly curves. Medium black hair, and maroon eyes. She's 26.
Her costume is a simple white capoeira uniform with a mask, no shoes, red weighted ankle, and wrist bands. In addition, she wears a red wig to hide her real hair.
Personality: Cheerful and outgoing, make friend easily. Secretly remained traumatized by her trigger event, a mugging gone wrong that killed her boyfriend. She wishes for a new start.
Localization: Salem, Oregon
Powers or Skills: Brute 2/Striker 3/Mover 1: Enhanced thoroughness and strength, can charge energy into her leg to enhance the strength of her kick or her jump. The effect is proportional to her leg strength.
She learned Capoeira and Kickboxing after gaining her power.
Planned Partner and Power: To be determined
Explanations for new powers:
None, her death will be faked and she will adopt a new identity in another city (Atlanta, Georgia)
Name: Eliot Ferron
Cape Name: Silver Feather
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A short (1.65m) man, fit but not muscular. Short blond air, green eyes. He's 32.
His costume is a silver bodysuit with feathers motifs, a short blue cape, and a helmet reminiscent of a bird's head.
Personality: Serious and calm. Antisocial. Deeply believe in the ideal of the Protectorate.
Localization: Topeka, Kansas
Powers or Skills: Master 4/Trump 2: Can control birds of all sorts. The maximum amount of birds he can control is based on their total mass which must be equal or inferior to his own weight. When under his control the birds are covered by a silvery forcefield that protects them.
Planned Partner and Power: To be determined
Explanations for new powers:
A false Hero will be created that will pretend to be a Trump that is able to give the power of shapeshifting into a Moa to one person at a time. Cooldown limitation (like a week after each use before the power can be given to someone else) and power synergy will explain why Silver Feather is always the recipient.
If need Silver Feather will go out occasionally with another costume, explaining that he's a PRT trooper that receives the power this time because Silver Feather was unavailable.
Name: None
Cape Name: Anatomy
Gender: None, Case 53
Brief Description: A medium (1.72m) human-shaped but without skin or hair, elongated arms, big hands and feet, a proportionally smaller head, and pure red eyes.
Personality: Reserved and shy. Love to observe the sky, day or night.
Localization: Jefferson City (Missouri)
Powers or Skills: Master 3/Brute 2: Can divide themselves into up to ten identical bodies. The more bodies are present the weaker they all are. Can only be killed if all bodies are killed. Must wait a few minutes after division before they can divide again.
Planned Partner and Power: To be determined
Explanations for new powers:
An attempt to return him to human shape gone wrong. The Tinker responsible was killed and the machine was destroyed during the experiment.
Name: Toran Anstel
Cape Name: Doppelganger
Gender: Man
Brief Description: Medium height (1.72m), lean swimmer build, red hair, brown eyes, chiseled jaw. He's 22.
Personality: Outgoing and friendly, big eater, loves to cook and sing.
Localization: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Powers or Skills: Stranger 4. He can create an illusory copy of himself and becomes invisible as long as the copy exists.
Planned Partner and Power: Brute partner and Share Powers.
Explanations for new powers: To be determined. Will depend on the specific partner.
Name: Vela Clemens
Cape Name: Fairy
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A short (1.5m) and plump woman, with brown hair, big grey eyes, and a button nose. She's 19.
Personality: Shy and quiet. Was bullied in school because of her short size. It was in part the cause of her trigger event.
Localization: Springfield, Connecticut
Powers or Skills: Changer/Breaker 3. She can reduce her size to a minimum of 10 cm tall.
Planned Partner and Power: A small partner that can serve as Mount when she's small and the Rider power.
Explanations for new powers: A slight bending on the truth, the mount is a normal animal that was trained by Compendium and gifted to Fairy to enhance her mobility. Fairy just needs to be careful of only summoning her partner before going out.
Name: Tupaq Aenoheso
Cape Name: Haunter
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A tall (2.03m) Native American man. He's 23. With long black hair, pulled into a ponytail, and black eyes. An ugly gunshot scar adorned his left cheek.
Personality: He is restless and jittery, always looking for something to do. He's imaginative and loves to draw. Brother to Ayun.
Localization: Billings, Montana
Powers or Skills: Thinker 2/Stranger 5. He can send his mind into someone else's body, sharing their senses. The target is not mastered and unaware of its presence. He can send his mind to someone else from the point of view of a previous target. He loses his own senses when doing so.
Planned Partner and Power: Need a small partner and Mental Partition
Explanations for new powers: A second trigger can explain the ability to control his body while still spying through someone else senses. The partner can remain hidden.
Name: Ayun Aenoheso
Cape Name: Manes
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A tall (1.98m) Native American woman. She's 26. With medium-length black hair, and black eyes.
Personality: Always calm and composed, can spend hours meditating. She loves fashion and frequently acts as her brother's model. Sister of Tupaq.
Localization: Billings, Montana
Powers or Skills: Master 4, Can send out one ghostly projection that can possess one person but fall unconscious when doing so.
Planned Partner and Power: A small agile animal and Creature Haunting. (So her body is safe while she's unconscious.)
Explanations for new powers: Same second trigger as her brother. The creature is just well-trained.
Note: Inspired by the fic Spirit of Sisterhood by Sierra101
Name: Sharron Sutton
Cape Name: Gleam
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A medium-sized (1.70m) very curvy black woman. She's 22. With long black hair and piercing green eyes. Her costume is a skintight red bodysuit and she wears an enclosed helmet.
Personality: Friendly and affectionate. Love to give hugs even to people she barely knows.
Localization: Aberdeen, South Dakota
Powers or Skills: Blaster 4. She can throw various energy blasts (Electricity, Heat, Kinetic, Light, or Sound). However, she must remain motionless to charge them requiring a least 30 seconds for anything truly damaging and more than a minute to really become potent.
Planned Partner and Power: Phantom Steed and Rider
Explanations for new powers: None, must wait until the revelation of Grant Summoning.
Name: Sonja and Idun Jenson
Cape Name: Alpha and Omega, Infinity when fused.
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Identical twins, both are stunning young women reasonably tall (1.77m). They're 19. Long dark blond curly hair, blue eyes.
Personality: Two very independent women with similar personalities. Sonja is spontaneous while Idun is a little more reserved. Both love cooking.
Refuse to be separated for long, uncomfortable if forced apart for too long.
Localization: Montpelier, Vermont
Powers or Skills: Thinker 2/Trump 1. They can communicate mentally with each other. If they grab each other hands they can fuse. The fusion is a beautiful woman (1.90m) that is a Striker 7/Brute 1, with Extremely high enhanced strength and a minor resistance boost. The fusion can be broken with a sufficiently strong hit.
Planned Partner and Power: Two partners that can protect them when they've not fused and Strength of Many to boost them in and outside of the fusion.
Explanations for new powers: None, need to wait for the reveal of Grant Summoning.
Name: None
Cape Name: Viridian
Gender: Identify as a woman
Brief Description: Case 53. Small (1.35m) human shape but covered in thick green fur. Genderless under the fur.
Personality: Sensitive and peaceful. Love animals but most of them don't like her scent.
Localization: Orlando, Florida
Powers or Skills: Thinker 6, can simulate the future by going into a trance, the simulation moves at twice the speed of the normal world. (to see 12 hours in the future would need 6 hours of trance). The longer the trance the harsher the Thinker's headache at the end.
Planned Partner and Power: A Small Partner and Mental Partition.
Explanations for new powers: None, because remain at base often, and even if going out the creature can be easily hidden under her costume or in a pouch.
Name: Beyza Terzi
Cape Name: Bluedrift
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A medium-sized (1.67m) woman with dyed blue, shoulder-length hair double braided and black eyes. She's 37. Her costume is a skintight light blue spandex suit, with a cyclist-like helmet and thick yellow-tinted goggles.
Personality: Materialistic, almost mercenary in her comportment. She always expects to receive something in exchange for service rendered. Proud of her Turkish origin.
Localization: Princeton, West Virginia
Powers or Skills: Mover 5, Can teleport through a line of sight.
Planned Partner and Power: A bird with good vision, or even night vision + Share Senses
Explanations for new powers: None, must wait for the reveal of Grant Summoning.
Name: None
Cape Name: Obelisk
Gender: None
Brief Description: A three meters tall cone, two meters in diameter at the base, made of an unknown material that looks like ceramic, weighing half a ton. A five centimeters clear glass-like sphere stood at the very top of the cone, it play the role of an eye. At the mid-height of the cone, four equidistant holes open allowing for four two meters long tentacles to emerge. Cannot move on its own, its tentacles are not strong enough to drag the cone. An Omega symbol is hidden on Obelisk's underside.
Personality: Obelisk cannot speak. They can only communicate through writing using a pen strapped to a tentacle. They are learning English. Their original language is similar to Hindi. Obelisk is easily angered, raging at his conditions. To distract himself from it he loves to watch movies, particularly ones that talk about traveling to distant lands.
Localization: New York City
Powers or Skills: Can emit a strong invisible microwave ray from the tip of their tentacles able to melt steel. Can also emit an even stronger ray from their eye but this exhausts them.
Planned Partner and Power: A mobile creature and Creature Haunting.
Explanations for new powers: To be determined
Name: Mat Denman
Cape Name: Weal
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A medium-sized (1.72m) man with brown, greasy hair. A cheerful face with gray eyes and a beard gracefully compliments his cheekbones. He's 23. His costume is a skintight green suit with a multitude of symbols for luck on it such as dice, clovers, or rabbit foot.
Personality: Mercurial, he can change moods in an instant. Going from depressed to cheerful or vice versa. Before his trigger spent all his time playing Tabletop games. Now can't stand them and is still searching for other things to do.
Localization: Little Rock, Arkansas
Powers or Skills: Trump 3. He can roll one d20 dice to boost a physical trait of a target, including himself, for a few hours, he cannot dismiss the effect. 11 and higher increase the trait. 10 and lower decrease the trait. One drops the trait to zero. Twenty increases the trait dramatically. What counts as a physical trait is very vague, it can be strength, speed, skin resistance, eyesight, immunity system, or even size.
Power normally does not work if someone or something tries to influence the dice roll.
Planned Partner and Power:
Scp-3973 and Strategist
Explanations for new powers: Second Trigger
Note: Taken from "theslowblitz" in this
Name: Mathias Lorenzen
Cape Name: Newton
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A medium (1.7) size man with brown, shoulder-length hair tight in a ponytail. A thin, pale angular face and bright green eyes. He's 29. His costume is a dark blue bodysuit with white arrows going in various directions. When using power his skin turns dark blue and his hair black.
Personality: Very adventurous he's always searching for new experiences. Easy going he never seeks conflict. Doesn't like to talk about his Danish origin.
Localization: Fargo, North Dakota
Powers or Skills: Shaker 4. He can modify the direction in which gravity applies in a zone, up to reversing it completely. He can do so in a radius between 1m to 30m centered on a point he can see.
Planned Partner and Power: Aerbunny and Equip Trait.
Explanations for new powers: False Tinkertech belt.