During the vote for chapter 210, I was honestly surprised that Dimensional Adaptation wasn't more popular. (Granted, there may have been some trouble with the Alerts.)
To me, it always seemed like a fun option. Thinking about I hit upon two possible issues. The first was complexity, this option offers so many options that it may be intimidating. And the second is that not everyone may be aware that I restrict those options, in part to limit that problem, and what those options are.
In order to address the second point I decided to post my list of Dimensional Adaptation options. You need to know that every time Alex gain a new creature, no matter its cost, I go looking at every Dimensional Adaptation possibility to see if I'm inspired by any. I will of course update the list in this post as the quest continues. Some options may disappear as time goes on too. If a creature gains significance in the story that would be hindered by changing its nature, or if it was given away with Grant Summoning.
Here's a reminder of the rules:
Dimensional Adaptation: When you gain this entry choose one creature you possess and PERMANENTLY transform it into a creature from another Dimension.
The options are listed below.
The Cost varies for each option, in most cases, the cost is calculated with one of two formulas.
Either "Base Cost - Creature Cost (X) = Real Cost"
Or "300 + Half creature Cost (X) = Real Cost
In all cases, the Real Cost cannot go below 100 points.
If you do not wish to gain any of the available entries you can keep your points. But you cannot reroll.
200 - X: Pokemon: Grant one or two appropriate Types, an Ability, and can learn Moves.
600 - X: Godzilla: Become a Kaiju between 80m and 100m in height and length.
200 - X: Devil May Cry: Become a Devil's Arms while keeping all their power.
200 - X: Dragons: Gain a Dragon-like body, wings, and an appropriate Breath Weapon.
600 - X: Xenoblade: Become a Rare Blade, gain an Element, a Class, a Weapon, a Field Skill, and appropriate Blade Arts.
100: Slime Rancher: Become a Slime that leaves behind a unique new Plort.
100: Final Fantasy: Become an Invocation.
300 + 1/2X: Terraria: Become an item that allows for the at-will summoning of the original creature.
600 -X: Naruto: Become a Tailed Beast with access to chakra.
300 - X: Golden Sun: Become a Djinn of an appropriate element, able to use ONE of their power when unleashed.
300 - X: Okami: Become a Celestial Brush God and give you access to ONE of their power as a Celestial Brush Technique.
100: Warhammer 40 000: Become a Tyranid, and gain the ability to equip Biomorph Equipment.
100: Horizon Zero Dawn: Become a Machine, and gain an integrated tool or weapon.
100: Subnautica: Become an aquatic creature, that can swim and breathe underwater.
300 - X: Card Captor: Become a Card, granting you access to their power.
300 + 1/2X: Worm: Become a Shard, giving you access to all their powers directly. Function like a Custom Shards
100: Slugterra: Become a Slug, return to the previous form only as Velocimorph
400 - X: Type-Moon: Become a Servant with all changes that entail, including a class, the ability to benefit from Command Seal, and transform any special move or power into Noble Phantasm.
Warning: Some of these options may not be proposed in a given vote if they've been used before at my discretion. (Until further notice, Tailed Beast and Servant are not available.)
And of course, the number of points available may also limit the options.
Dimensional Adaptation Possibilities:
[] 100
White: Become a Dragon, gain wings, and an Explosive Bite
[] 100
Horn: Become a Dragon, gain wings, and gain the ability to launch his horn which explodes on impact
[] 100
Denshark: Become a Dragon, gain wings, and an acid spray breath attack.
[] 200
Parasprites: Become a Dragon, gain wings, and an inhalation breath attack.
[] 100
Luggage: Become a Dragon, can grow wings instead of feet, and a golden coins breath attack.
[] 100
Gobimon: Become a Dragon, gain wings, and a Sandblast breath attack.
SPECIAL: Keep wings and breath attack in all forms and gain a third Digivolution path.
Coredramon (Blue) >
Wingdramon >
[] 200
Glaucus Atlanticus: Become a Dragon, Grow in size, can fly, and gain a poisonous cloud breath.
[] 100
Scorgem: Become a Pokemon Rock/Psychic, with
Prism Armor
[] 100
Red: Become a Pokemon Fighting/Flying, with
Anger Point
[] 100
Lepton Daisy: Become a Pokemon Plant/Fairy, with
Triage (only learn healing moves)
[] 100
Hooch: Become a Pokemon Ground/Water, with
Arena Trap
[] 100
Raptor: Become a Pokemon Steel, with
Tinted Lens. SPECIAL: At level 64 evolve into a Pokemon version of
Thunderjaw Steel/Dragon
[] 500
Thorne: Become a Terraria Item for At-will summoning, Cactus wand.
[] 400
Domo: Become a Terraria Item for At-will summoning, Magic staff.
[] 450
Rubble: Become a Terraria Item for At-will summoning, Grenade Launcher.
[] 400
Senzu Bean: Become a Terraria Item for At-will summoning, a small Cloth Bag.
[] 400
Quicksilver: Become a Terraria Item for At-will summoning, a Bottle of Mercury.
[] 100
Carapace: Become a Fire Slug, return to his previous form at Velocimorph
[] 100
Roller: Become an Earth Slug, return to his previous form at Velocimorph
[] 100
Siberian: Become a Light Slug, SPECIAL: does not return to its previous form at Velocimorph, it instead takes the shape of a big slug with a Tiger head.
[] 600
Weaver: Become an 80m tall Kaiju
[] 600
Mole: Become a Kaiju, 80m in length.
[] 600
Flat: Become a Kaiju, 80m in length.
[] 600
Diva: Become a Kaiju, 80m in length.
[] 100
Basil: Become a Slime, Give Poison Plort
[] 100
Shamirs: Become a tiny Slime, Give Cement Plort
[] 100
Clathrina Clathrus (Sponge): Become a Slime, Give Sponge Plort
[] 100
Hypno: Become a Devil Arm's, Hypnotic Fan
[] 100
Ombre: Become a Devil Arms, Twin Wings-Blade
[] 100
Mickey the Mouse: Become a Devil Arms, a Shield.
[] 100
Ous: Become a Devil Arms, a Shotgun.
[] 100
Hercule: Become a Machine from Horizon Zero Dawn, and gain a bomb bay on its underside.
[] 100
Centi: Become a Machine from Horizon Zero Dawn, and gain chainsaw claws.
[] 100
Terebras: Become a Machine from Horizon Zero Dawn, and gain a radar dish.
[] 100
SPECIAL: Become a Future Paradox Pokemon:
Iron Symbol: Become Flying type and Hidden Power is replaced by
Judgment (Flying Type).
[] 100
Gargant: Become a Machine from Horizon Zero Dawn.
SPECIAL: Become able to produce HZD machines.
[] 200
Snow: Become a Mercury Djinn +7 HP, +4 PP, +5 Def, Generate a miniature snowstorm as an attack.
[] 200
Electron: Become a Jupiter Djinn +8 PP, +3 Att, +5 Def, Generate an electric bomb as an attack.
[] 100 Cumulo: Become a Mercury Djinn +6 HP, +8 Agi, +2 Luck, Generate a damaging rain cloud as an attack. (Unavailable)
[] 200
Gobs: Become a Djinn +2 HP, +2 PP, +2 Att, + 2 Def, +2 Agi.
SPECIAL: It can be summoned as either Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, or Mars Djinn. Throw a corresponding elemental bomb as an attack.
[] 300
Sluggy: Become a Celestial Brush God, Give access to a Technique that generates puddles of glue.
[] 200
Waisrabbit: Become a Celestial Brush God, Give access to a Technique that can teleport a given target.
[] 300
Scorp: Become a Celestial Brush God, Give access to a Technique that can poison a target.
SPECIAL: The techniques can be used without summoning the Brush God if
Scorpius is visible in the sky.
[] 350
Etszu: Become a Shard, Grant Tinker power specialized in Medicine and Cybernetic but only with Oddworld technology.
[] 350
Nightmare: Become a Shard, Grant a Striker Power that puts people into a nightmare-filled sleep and the ability to visit those nightmares.
[] 450
Doc Robot: Become a Shard, Grant a Trump Power, the ability to manifest the eight Robot Master's powers.
[] 350
Stompy: Become a Shard, Grant a Shaker and Changer/Brute Power, Ability to generate shockwave by striking the ground and to grow when taking damage.
[] 350
Oscar: Become a Shard, Grant a Mover Power, Ability to run a super speed and generate illusory decoy when running.
[] 450
Phoenix: Become a Shard, Grant a Mover, Shaker, and Brute Power, Able to fly, generate a fiery aura, and resurrect if killed.
[] 100
Pegase: Become an Aquatic Creature, that can swim as fast as it flies.
[] 100
Eva: Become an Aquatic Creature, that can swim as fast as it can run.
[] 200
Healer: Become The Healing Card.
[] 200
Babel: Become The Language Card.
[] 300
Lucky: Become The Dice Card
[] 300
Scp-5094: Become The Teacher Card.
[] 250
Magical Owl: Become The Message Card.
[] 200
Scp-4384: Become The Sound Card.
[] 100
Scp-387: Become The Construction Card.
[] 100
Devin: Become The Clairvoyance Card.
[] 250
Godric: Become The Sorting Card.
[] 300
Garanian Bolite: Become The Color Card.
[] 500
Rayure: Become a Rare Blade, Tank Class, Earth Element, and War Yoyo weapon.
[] 300
R.O.B: Become a Rare Blade, Attacker Class, Fire Element, and Pincer Claw weapon
[] 300
Kageroumaru: Become a Rare Blade, Tank Class, Lightning Element, Tanto Weapon
[] 300
Legion: Become a Rare Blade, Attacker Class, Dark Element, Ether Canon Weapon
[] 400
Durandal: Become a Rare Blade, Attacker Class, Dark Element, Big Bang Edge Weapon
SPECIAL: When fully evolved will gain the ability to switch back and forth between Attacker Class and Tank Class.
[] 100
Sapientia: Become a Biju with Water-Aligned Chakra
[] 500
Blocking Spider: Become a Biju with Silk Chakra, an unusual combination of Water and Wind Chakra.
[] 300
Quartz: Become a Biju with Crystal Chakra, an unusual combination of Earth and Water Chakra.
[] 300
Rager: Become a Biju with Poison Chakra, an unusual combination of Medical and Water Chakra.
[] 100
Scalpa: Become a Tyranid able to equip Biomorph Weapon
[] 100
Deo: Become a Tyranid able to equip Biomorph Weapon
[] 100
Griever: Become a Tyranid able to equip Biomorph Weapon
[] 100
Grace: Become a Servant, Class Berserker
[] 100
Glouton: Becomes a Servant, Class Foreigner
[] 100
Master Hand: Becomes a Servant, Class Ruler
[] 100
Bob: Becomes a Servant, Class Caster
[] 100
Matamune: Becomes an Invocation, Unleashing his Oversoul on the target.
[] 100
Silverwood: Becomes an Invocation, instantly purifying a huge area of taint (and similar effects) and sprouting
shimmerleaf. SPECIAL: As it only affects an area instead of creatures there is no Pocket Dimension effect for this Invocation.
If an option has the keyword SPECIAL, it means that the creature gained an additional benefit from the transformation because I thought of a unique synergy for it.
Feel free to propose ideas, as you can see some options are sparser than others. I can't promise I'll okay them but I'll give them an honest look.
05/12/2024: Add 3 new options:
Oscar as a Shard,
Godric as a Card, and
Silverwood as an Invocation.
05/13/2024: Add 1 new option:
Master Hand as a Servant.
07/27/2024: Add 1 new option:
Legion as a Rare Blade.
07/28/2024: Add 1 new option:
Raptor as a Pokemon. Minor change to the Beta machine transformation (Air Slash replaced by Judgement).
08/24/2024: Made some changes to the Machine options to reflect an update to the main CM doc. Machines now gain an integrated tool or weapon.
10/1/2024: Add 2 new options:
Siberian as a Slug and
Diva as a Kaiju
11/29/2024: Add 1 new option:
Durandal as a Blade.
01/05/2025: Add 2 new options:
Gobs as a Special Djinn and
Quicksilver as a Terraria Summoning Item.
04/02/2025: Add 3 new options:
Phoenix as a Shard,
Garanian Bolite as a Card, and
Bob as a Servant.