Dimensional Adaptation List
During the vote for chapter 210, I was honestly surprised that Dimensional Adaptation wasn't more popular. (Granted, there may have been some trouble with the Alerts.)
To me, it always seemed like a fun option. Thinking about I hit upon two possible issues. The first was complexity, this option offers so many options that it may be intimidating. And the second is that not everyone may be aware that I restrict those options, in part to limit that problem, and what those options are.

In order to address the second point I decided to post my list of Dimensional Adaptation options. You need to know that every time Alex gain a new creature, no matter its cost, I go looking at every Dimensional Adaptation possibility to see if I'm inspired by any. I will of course update the list in this post as the quest continues. Some options may disappear as time goes on too. If a creature gains significance in the story that would be hindered by changing its nature, or if it was given away with Grant Summoning.

Here's a reminder of the rules:

-Dimensional Adaptation: When you gain this entry choose one creature you possess and PERMANENTLY transform it into a creature from another Dimension.
The options are listed below.
The Cost varies for each option, in most cases, the cost is calculated with one of two formulas.
Either "Base Cost - Creature Cost (X) = Real Cost"
Or "300 + Half creature Cost (X) = Real Cost
In all cases, the Real Cost cannot go below 100 points.
If you do not wish to gain any of the available entries you can keep your points. But you cannot reroll.
200 - X: Pokemon: Grant one or two appropriate Types, an Ability, and can learn Moves.
600 - X: Godzilla: Become a Kaiju between 80m and 100m in height and length.
200 - X: Devil May Cry: Become a Devil's Arms while keeping all their power.
200 - X: Dragons: Gain a Dragon-like body, wings, and an appropriate Breath Weapon.
600 - X: Xenoblade: Become a Rare Blade, gain an Element, a Class, a Weapon, a Field Skill, and appropriate Blade Arts.
100: Slime Rancher: Become a Slime that leaves behind a unique new Plort.
100: Final Fantasy: Become an Invocation.
300 + 1/2X: Terraria: Become an item that allows for the at-will summoning of the original creature.
600 -X: Naruto: Become a Tailed Beast with access to chakra.
300 - X: Golden Sun: Become a Djinn of an appropriate element, able to use ONE of their power when unleashed.
300 - X: Okami: Become a Celestial Brush God and give you access to ONE of their power as a Celestial Brush Technique.
100: Warhammer 40 000: Become a Tyranid, and gain the ability to equip Biomorph Equipment.
100: Horizon Zero Dawn: Become a Machine, and gain an integrated tool or weapon.
100: Subnautica: Become an aquatic creature, that can swim and breathe underwater.
300 - X: Card Captor: Become a Card, granting you access to their power.
300 + 1/2X: Worm: Become a Shard, giving you access to all their powers directly. Function like a Custom Shards
100: Slugterra: Become a Slug, return to the previous form only as Velocimorph
400 - X: Type-Moon: Become a Servant with all changes that entail, including a class, the ability to benefit from Command Seal, and transform any special move or power into Noble Phantasm.

Warning: Some of these options may not be proposed in a given vote if they've been used before at my discretion. (Until further notice, Tailed Beast and Servant are not available.)
And of course, the number of points available may also limit the options.

Dimensional Adaptation Possibilities:

[] 100 White: Become a Dragon, gain wings, and an Explosive Bite
[] 100 Horn: Become a Dragon, gain wings, and gain the ability to launch his horn which explodes on impact
[] 100 Denshark: Become a Dragon, gain wings, and an acid spray breath attack.
[] 200 Parasprites: Become a Dragon, gain wings, and an inhalation breath attack.
[] 100 Luggage: Become a Dragon, can grow wings instead of feet, and a golden coins breath attack.
[] 100 Gobimon: Become a Dragon, gain wings, and a Sandblast breath attack. SPECIAL: Keep wings and breath attack in all forms and gain a third Digivolution path. Coredramon (Blue) > Wingdramon > Slayerdramon.
[] 200 Glaucus Atlanticus: Become a Dragon, Grow in size, can fly, and gain a poisonous cloud breath.

[] 100 Scorgem: Become a Pokemon Rock/Psychic, with Prism Armor
[] 100 Red: Become a Pokemon Fighting/Flying, with Anger Point
[] 100 Lepton Daisy: Become a Pokemon Plant/Fairy, with Triage (only learn healing moves)
[] 100 Hooch: Become a Pokemon Ground/Water, with Arena Trap
[] 100 Raptor: Become a Pokemon Steel, with Tinted Lens. SPECIAL: At level 64 evolve into a Pokemon version of Thunderjaw Steel/Dragon

[] 500 Thorne: Become a Terraria Item for At-will summoning, Cactus wand.
[] 400 Domo: Become a Terraria Item for At-will summoning, Magic staff.
[] 450 Rubble: Become a Terraria Item for At-will summoning, Grenade Launcher.
[] 400 Senzu Bean: Become a Terraria Item for At-will summoning, a small Cloth Bag.
[] 400 Quicksilver: Become a Terraria Item for At-will summoning, a Bottle of Mercury.

[] 100 Carapace: Become a Fire Slug, return to his previous form at Velocimorph
[] 100 Roller: Become an Earth Slug, return to his previous form at Velocimorph
[] 100 Siberian: Become a Light Slug, SPECIAL: does not return to its previous form at Velocimorph, it instead takes the shape of a big slug with a Tiger head.

[] 600 Weaver: Become an 80m tall Kaiju
[] 600 Mole: Become a Kaiju, 80m in length.
[] 600 Flat: Become a Kaiju, 80m in length.
[] 600 Diva: Become a Kaiju, 80m in length.

[] 100 Basil: Become a Slime, Give Poison Plort
[] 100 Shamirs: Become a tiny Slime, Give Cement Plort
[] 100 Clathrina Clathrus (Sponge): Become a Slime, Give Sponge Plort

[] 100 Hypno: Become a Devil Arm's, Hypnotic Fan
[] 100 Ombre: Become a Devil Arms, Twin Wings-Blade
[] 100 Mickey the Mouse: Become a Devil Arms, a Shield.
[] 100 Ous: Become a Devil Arms, a Shotgun.

[] 100 Hercule: Become a Machine from Horizon Zero Dawn, and gain a bomb bay on its underside.
[] 100 Centi: Become a Machine from Horizon Zero Dawn, and gain chainsaw claws.
[] 100 Terebras: Become a Machine from Horizon Zero Dawn, and gain a radar dish.
[] 100 Beta: SPECIAL: Become a Future Paradox Pokemon: Iron Symbol: Become Flying type and Hidden Power is replaced by Judgment (Flying Type).
[] 100 Gargant: Become a Machine from Horizon Zero Dawn. SPECIAL: Become able to produce HZD machines.

[] 200 Snow: Become a Mercury Djinn +7 HP, +4 PP, +5 Def, Generate a miniature snowstorm as an attack.
[] 200 Electron: Become a Jupiter Djinn +8 PP, +3 Att, +5 Def, Generate an electric bomb as an attack.
[] 100 Cumulo: Become a Mercury Djinn +6 HP, +8 Agi, +2 Luck, Generate a damaging rain cloud as an attack. (Unavailable)
[] 200 Gobs: Become a Djinn +2 HP, +2 PP, +2 Att, + 2 Def, +2 Agi. SPECIAL: It can be summoned as either Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, or Mars Djinn. Throw a corresponding elemental bomb as an attack.

[] 300 Sluggy: Become a Celestial Brush God, Give access to a Technique that generates puddles of glue.
[] 200 Waisrabbit: Become a Celestial Brush God, Give access to a Technique that can teleport a given target.
[] 300 Scorp: Become a Celestial Brush God, Give access to a Technique that can poison a target. SPECIAL: The techniques can be used without summoning the Brush God if Scorpius is visible in the sky.

[] 350 Etszu: Become a Shard, Grant Tinker power specialized in Medicine and Cybernetic but only with Oddworld technology.
[] 350 Nightmare: Become a Shard, Grant a Striker Power that puts people into a nightmare-filled sleep and the ability to visit those nightmares.
[] 450 Doc Robot: Become a Shard, Grant a Trump Power, the ability to manifest the eight Robot Master's powers.
[] 350 Stompy: Become a Shard, Grant a Shaker and Changer/Brute Power, Ability to generate shockwave by striking the ground and to grow when taking damage.
[] 350 Oscar: Become a Shard, Grant a Mover Power, Ability to run a super speed and generate illusory decoy when running.
[] 450 Phoenix: Become a Shard, Grant a Mover, Shaker, and Brute Power, Able to fly, generate a fiery aura, and resurrect if killed.

[] 100 Pegase: Become an Aquatic Creature, that can swim as fast as it flies.
[] 100 Eva: Become an Aquatic Creature, that can swim as fast as it can run.

[] 200 Healer: Become The Healing Card.
[] 200 Babel: Become The Language Card.
[] 300 Lucky: Become The Dice Card
[] 300 Scp-5094: Become The Teacher Card.
[] 250 Magical Owl: Become The Message Card.
[] 200 Scp-4384: Become The Sound Card.
[] 100 Scp-387: Become The Construction Card.
[] 100 Devin: Become The Clairvoyance Card.
[] 250 Godric: Become The Sorting Card.
[] 300 Garanian Bolite: Become The Color Card.

[] 500 Rayure: Become a Rare Blade, Tank Class, Earth Element, and War Yoyo weapon.
[] 300 R.O.B: Become a Rare Blade, Attacker Class, Fire Element, and Pincer Claw weapon
[] 300 Kageroumaru: Become a Rare Blade, Tank Class, Lightning Element, Tanto Weapon
[] 300 Legion: Become a Rare Blade, Attacker Class, Dark Element, Ether Canon Weapon
[] 400 Durandal: Become a Rare Blade, Attacker Class, Dark Element, Big Bang Edge Weapon SPECIAL: When fully evolved will gain the ability to switch back and forth between Attacker Class and Tank Class.

[] 100 Sapientia: Become a Biju with Water-Aligned Chakra
[] 500 Blocking Spider: Become a Biju with Silk Chakra, an unusual combination of Water and Wind Chakra.
[] 300 Quartz: Become a Biju with Crystal Chakra, an unusual combination of Earth and Water Chakra.
[] 300 Rager: Become a Biju with Poison Chakra, an unusual combination of Medical and Water Chakra.

[] 100 Scalpa: Become a Tyranid able to equip Biomorph Weapon
[] 100 Deo: Become a Tyranid able to equip Biomorph Weapon
[] 100 Griever: Become a Tyranid able to equip Biomorph Weapon

[] 100 Grace: Become a Servant, Class Berserker
[] 100 Glouton: Becomes a Servant, Class Foreigner
[] 100 Master Hand: Becomes a Servant, Class Ruler
[] 100 Bob: Becomes a Servant, Class Caster

[] 100 Matamune: Becomes an Invocation, Unleashing his Oversoul on the target.
[] 100 Silverwood: Becomes an Invocation, instantly purifying a huge area of taint (and similar effects) and sprouting shimmerleaf. SPECIAL: As it only affects an area instead of creatures there is no Pocket Dimension effect for this Invocation.

If an option has the keyword SPECIAL, it means that the creature gained an additional benefit from the transformation because I thought of a unique synergy for it.

Feel free to propose ideas, as you can see some options are sparser than others. I can't promise I'll okay them but I'll give them an honest look.

05/12/2024: Add 3 new options: Oscar as a Shard, Godric as a Card, and Silverwood as an Invocation.
05/13/2024: Add 1 new option: Master Hand as a Servant.
07/27/2024: Add 1 new option: Legion as a Rare Blade.
07/28/2024: Add 1 new option: Raptor as a Pokemon. Minor change to the Beta machine transformation (Air Slash replaced by Judgement).
08/24/2024: Made some changes to the Machine options to reflect an update to the main CM doc. Machines now gain an integrated tool or weapon.
10/1/2024: Add 2 new options: Siberian as a Slug and Diva as a Kaiju
11/29/2024: Add 1 new option: Durandal as a Blade.
01/05/2025: Add 2 new options: Gobs as a Special Djinn and Quicksilver as a Terraria Summoning Item.
04/02/2025: Add 3 new options: Phoenix as a Shard, Garanian Bolite as a Card, and Bob as a Servant.
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Pocket Biospheres: What to expect by sonicyoash
Pocket Biospheres: What to expect


Overview: An overview of the world in question with general notable resources, hazards, and other things highlighted.
S-Class Warning: Highlights materials which can cause S-Class events if mishandled, and why they are listed as that.

[Example]-Specific Creature: Name - Their Name
  • Name of their Biome if applicable/basic description if not
    • Specific Unique Resources if applicable

[=Astral Chain=]​

Overview: The main draw of this world is the Astral Plane, home of the Chimeras which is described as being made of "crystalized data" with a specific sub-variety known as Red Matter. Legions live in the Ark, a futuristic artificial island arcology.
S-Class Warning: Red Matter: Corrupts humans exposed to it into Chimeras, which attack people and deliberately spread the stuff. Astral Chain's Earth is 99% uninhabitable because of this stuff.

[Astral Chain]-Axe Legion: Name - Howard
  • The Ark: Technology you'd find in a city 40+ years ahead of Earth Bet.


Overview: Set in a post-apocalyptic world, Ark's creatures primarily live in terraformed mini-biomes, with the occasional trace of Element, used to make advanced technology but dangerous if mishandled.
S-Class Warning: Element: Liquid element corrups animals and the environment in-general, killing life and spreading while creating Endbringer-like autonomous machines made of the stuff (re: Titans). It should be noted that they rendered all life outside of what the eponymous space habitat Arks create extinct, though this was after a World War using Element-based Tek spread it beyond any hope of containment.

[Ark]-Achatina: Name - Slow (Lend to Nimue)
  • marshes and jungles
[Ark]-Attack Drone: Name - Hover
  • Overseer Arena
    • Element based Early Interplanetary Age Tek
[Ark]-Blue Astrodelphis (Saddle): Name - Flypper
  • Space
[Ark]-Giant Queen Bee: Name - Beeauty
  • Nest located in either Redwood tree tops or on a rocky cliffside
    • Honey
[Ark]-Liopleurodon: Name - Charlie
  • Ocean
[Ark]-Manticore: Name - Rager
  • Desert Canyon
[Ark]-Raptor: Name - Delta
  • Forest or Jungle


Overview: Outside of the fantastic chimeric animals, the world of Avatar doesn't offer much outside of the Spirit world, but we don't have any Spirits, so that's moot.

[Avatar]-Deer Dog: Name - Max
  • Desert or ocean bay
[Avatar]-Frog squirrel: Name - Greenie (Lend to Nimue)
  • Swamp
[Avatar]-Koala Sheep: Name - Fluffy
  • Coastal cliffs
[Avatar]-Possum chicken: Name - Lazy
  • Swamp
[Avatar]-Purple Pentapus: Name - Penta
  • City sewers
[Avatar]-Tigerdillo: Name - Rayure
  • Presumably arid planes since they live near Ba Sing Se
[Avatar]-Turtle crab: Name - Sebastian
  • Tropical island beach


Overview: Paradiso and Inferno, the lands of angels and demons respectively, are the main draw here. I'm not sure what materials would be found here other than the metals that Angels have all over their bodies.

[Bayonetta]-Hideous A: Name - Hid
  • Inferno
[Bayonetta]-Hideous B: Name - Deo
  • Inferno
[Bayonetta]-Hideous C: Name - Ous
  • Inferno
[Bayonetta]-Sapientia: Name - Sapientia
  • Paradiso, presumably an ocean there.

[=Ben 10]=]​

Overview: Name an alien environment and you'll find something here. One of the most versatile categories with too many options to list.
S-Class Warning: Probably a bunch, don't think we encountered any yet though.

[Ben 10]-Arburian Pelarota: Name - Roller
  • World with lots of underground tunnels for rolling
[Ben 10]-Scrutin: Name -Eye
  • Legerdomain, the magic dimension
    • Presumably a LOT of magical regents and materials
[Ben 10]-Sphoeroid: Name - Scalpa
  • Homeworld is described as a rainy planet, so presumably a rainforest or something similar.

[=Cassette Beasts=]​

Overview: A strange island full of fantastic beasts that people from all kinds of different times and dimensions find themselves stranded on, building a civilization. Cassette Beasts are basically Pokemon except instead of capturing and training them you record them so you can transform into them.

[Cassette Beasts]-Diveal: Name - Cousteau
  • Mire Sea, Thirstation Lake, or The Marshes

[=Crash Bandicoot=]​

Overview: Set in an archipelego full of humans, animals, and spirits. Presumably has a bunch of random and weird materials, I don't know, I never played it.

[Crash Bandicoot]-Kupuna Wa: Name - Kupuna Wa
  • I don't know, some swamp/marsh village? I didn't play the game.

[=Code Lyoko=]​

Overview: Outside of the mundane earth part of the setting, the main draw is a virtual world full of strange monsters created by a skynet-like supercomputer with the ability to turn real things digital and digital things real.

[Code Lyoko]-Scorpion: Name - Stomper (Lend to Nimue)
  • Sector Five, the heart of the digital world that looks kinda like a dison sphere.

[=Danny Phantom=]​

Overview: The main environment is the Ghost Zone, a parallel dimension made of ectoplasm and filled with ghosts.

[Danny Phantom]-Cujo: Name - Cujo
  • Ghost Zone


Overview: A high-fantasy world/multiverse full of strange locals, there are too many possibilities to easily list, but all of them offer a lot of magical regents.

[D&D]-Crysmal: Name - Scorgem
  • Elemental Plane of Earth
    • Lots of rare metals and gemstones, a good number of which are full of magic.
[D&D]-Kamadan: Name - Sekmet
  • Jungles of Chult
    • Gold veins and gemstone deposits
[D&D]-Water Animental Crane: Name - Yuhua (Lend to Nimue)
  • Elemental Plane of Water
    • Anything found in water i.e. pearls, coral, seaweed, and magical versions thereof


Overview: As a Science Fantasy Space Opera Superhero world, DC has everything.
S-Class Warning: A ton of stuff that we haven't ran into yet but inevitably will.

[DC]-Goliath: Name - Red
  • Middle East mountains
[DC]-Mickey the Mouse: Name - Mickey
  • An ordinary mouse outside of their smartskin, so wherever mundane mice live.

[=Devil May Cry=]​

Overview: The main biome here is the Demon World aka Hell or the Netherworld where Demons live. Presumably a lot of demonic metals and such can be found here.

[Devil May Cry]-Damned Chessmen: Name - None
  • Damned Chess Board (literally a giant chessboard)
[Devil May Cry]-Devil Bringer: Name - None
  • …does this even count? It's literally a (demonic) prosthetic arm. Netherworld


Overview: The Digital World has a ton of ridiculously useful materials, such as Chrome Digizoid that every Endbringer-Tier Digimon appears to be made out of.

[Digimon]-Floramon: Name - Aylamon (Path 1: Ultimate 6/10)
  • Digital Jungle probably
[Digimon]-Sunarizamon: Name - Gobimon (Path 1: Champion 5/10)
  • Digital Desert


Overview: This world is basically mesozoic earth if the dinosaurs were half-vehicle.

[Dinotrux]-Junktools: Name - Tools
  • Desert
[Dinotrux]-Picktools: Name - Climb
  • Arctic Tundra


Overview: A Flatworld that literally only exists because of magic, full of fantasy environments.

[Discworld]-Luggage: Name - Baggage
  • Presumably wherever Sapient Pearwood comes from, which is apparently the edges of Fantasy Japan/China.


Overview: A lot of magical locales, none of which we have.

[Disney]-Flubber: Name - Flubber
  • Whatever lab it was invented in.

[=Don't Starve=]​

Overview: A dimension known as the Constant, this death world is full of weird monsters and resources.

[Don't Starve]-Bernie: Name - Bernie
  • The Constant
[Don't Starve]-Naked Mole Bat: Name - Sniffer
  • Lunar Grotto
    • Moon Glass & Stone Fruit
[=Dragon Age=]​
[Dragon Age]-Gurn: Name - Horn
  • Hissing Wastes (Western Orlaisian Desert)

[=Dragon Ball=]​

[Dragon Ball]-Senzu Bean: Name - None
  • Korin Tower
[=Dragon Quest=]​

[Dragon Quest]-Bullfinch: Name - Minos
  • Grassy Hill regions
[Dragon Quest]-Imp: Name - Trick
  • Underworld
[Dragon Quest]-Powie Yowie: Name - Yeti
  • Snowy Mountains
[Dragon Quest]-Shadow: Name - Ombre
  • World of Darkness

[Dragons]-Changewing: Name - Camo
  • Large, tall forest
[Dragons]-Fireworm (Drone): Name - Light
  • Firecomb filled cave
[Dragons]-Spiderwing: Name - Soiele
  • Web filled cave
[=Elder Scroll=]​

[Elder Scroll]-Ancestor Moth: Name - Memoria
  • Ancestor Glade
    • Canticle Bark
[Elder Scroll]-Clockwork Skeevaton: Name - Squee
  • Clockwork City
    • Dwemer Metal, maybe some soul gems
[Elder Scroll]-Mudcrab: Name - Crusty (Lend to Nimue)
  • Skyrim riverbank
[Elder Scroll]-Sep Adder: Name - Adet
  • Hew's Bane
[Elder Scroll]-Servant Shadowmere: Name - Shadow
  • Dark Brotherhood Falkreath Sanctuary & surrounding forests

[=Enter the Gungeon=]​

[Enter the Gungeon]-Blank Companion's Ring: Name - None
  • N/A 99% sure this doesn't count

[=Eternal Cylinder=]​

[Eternal Cylinder]-Ocular Orthopod: Name - I-Spy
  • The Tundra


[Fallout]-Automatron: Name - Automatron (Options)
  • The Mechanist's Lair ???

[=Fell Seal=]​

[Fell Seal]-Ercinee: Name - Domo
  • A lot of options, wiki sparse on details
    • Baaz Island
    • Banyan Span
    • Claret Woods
    • Devilsblood Ascent
    • Ekhidna Falls
    • Gelligh Foothills
    • Scarred Summit
[Fell Seal]-Lemon Pektite: Name - Malcolm
  • A lot of options, wiki sparse on details
    • Azure Fields
    • Drakesmouth Seaway
    • Gyaum Tor
    • Iirzk'tara Gorge
[=Final Fantasy=]​

[Final Fantasy]-Cactuar: Name - Thorne
  • Cactuar Island
[Final Fantasy]-Mandragora: Name - Merle (Lend to Nimue)
  • They're sapient, so a village I guess?
[Final Fantasy]-Tonberry: Name - Tom
  • Centra Ruins
[Final Fantasy]-Trick Sparrow: Name - Beaker
  • Treno Overworld

[=Generic Fantasy=]​

[Generic Fantasy]-Custom Dungeon Core: Name - Nimue
  • Generic JRPG Fantasy Setting

[=Genshin Impact=]​

[Genshin Impact]-Kageroumaru: Name - Kageroumaru
  • Serenitea Pot
[Genshin Impact]-Maintenance Mek: Name - None
  • Fontaine Lake

[=Girl Genius=]​

[Girl Genius]-Dingbot Prime: Name - Prime
  • Spark Lab???

[=Godzilla / EDF=]​

[Godzilla]-Tailed Beast Zilla: Name - Rex
  • Either New York Bay/River or Monster Island ???
[EDF]-Gargant: Name - Gargant
  • Destroyed City Ruins


[Half-Life]-Vortigaunt: Name - Kane
  • Xen
    • Xen Crystals & Healing Pools

[=Harry Potter=]​

[Harry Potter]-Demiguise: Name - Clear
  • Far East, presumably a forest or mountain region
[Harry Potter]-House Elf: Name- Olky
  • Wizard Home probably???
[Harry Potter]-Magical Owl: Name - Staria
  • Rookery
[Harry Potter]-Sorting Hat: Name - Godric
  • Hogwarts
    • Magical Textbooks
[Harry Potter]-The Monster Book of Monsters: Name - Booky
  • Hogwarts
    • Magical Textbooks
[Harry Potter]-Zouwu: Name - Rainbow
  • China

[=Horizon Zero Dawn=]​

[Horizon Zero Dawn]-Deathbringer: Name - Hexa
  • N/A - We Exchanged this guy awhile ago.
[Horizon Zero Dawn]-Redeye Watcher: Name - Raptor
  • The Sundom

[=JoJo's Bizarre Adventure=]​

[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]-Harvest: Name - Harvest
  • Morioh Town
[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]-Hermit Purple: Name - Hermit
  • Joestar Home

[=Kid Icarus=]​

[Kid Icarus]-Punch II Power V Divine Bow: Name - None
  • N/A - This is literally a bow guys.

[=Kingdom Hearts=]​

[Kingdom Hearts]-Bulky Vendor: Name - Vendor
  • A few options:
    • Agrabah: Bazaar
    • Halloween Town: Candy Cane Lane
    • The Land of Dragons: Checkpoint
    • Beast's Castle: The West Hall
    • Olympus Coliseum: Cave of the Dead: Entrance
[Kingdom Hearts]-Caves of Wonder Guardian: Name -
  • Arabian Desert
Note Sep 17: This is a work in progress that I'll continue tomorrow (starting with Dragon Age). ??? means that I haven't gotten to it yet. I hope to complete the entire thing within the week, and will update it as the story continues. Also, if you have any info to add about resources feel free to let me know so I can update it. Also, I'm not doing my color thing for this because massive posts tend to glitch out when I use colors on them, so have a rare non-blue post from me.

Note Sep 27: Updated up to the letter K, still need to do the Overview for everything past Don't Starve and finish the other entries, but I'm chipping away at it!
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Sonicyoash's List of Purchased (or not) Powers
Sonicyoash's List of Purchased (or not) Powers​

Processing... 40%... 65%... 89%... 100%! Upload Complete!

-This Category does not grant you any new creature, instead, it gives you various powers. These powers are separated into various sub-categories.
-Skill: Grant you exceptional skills in a particular field.
-Summoning: Grant you various ways to influence the way you summon your creatures.
-Enhancement: Grant you power to supports your creatures.
-Miscellaneous: Mostly power that boosts you or that grants unique effects.
-Choice: Those powers allow you to change the way you interact with the Menagerie itself, either one-time effect or permanent boost.
100Farmer1/1Chapter 181
100Hunter1/1Chapter 113
100Rider1/1Chapter 5
100Strategist1/1Chapter 163
100Survivalist1/1Chapter 219
100Trainer1/1Chapter 76
100Veterinary1/1Chapter 54
100Zoologist1/1Chapter 105
600Summon x 31/1Chapter 197
800Summon x 70/1Chapter -
200Swarm1/1Chapter 58
100Anchored Summoning1/1Chapter 77
0Baby Summoning1/1Chapter 53
200Chain Summoning1/1Chapter 126
100Contingent Summoning1/1Chapter 139
200Explosive Summoning1/1Chapter 228
50Flashbang Summoning1/1Chapter 161
300Fusion Summoning1/1Chapter 177
200Independent Agent1/1Chapter 209
300Invisible Summoning1/1Chapter 212
0Maintain Summoning1/1Chapter 54
0Mindless Summoning1/1Chapter 32
500Mundane Equalizing1/1Chapter 100
100Pint-sized Gigantification1/1Chapter 134
100Relay Summoning1/1Chapter 75
400Sheep's Clothing Summoning1/1Chapter 226
300Substitute Summoning1/1Chapter 160
800Ultimate Summoning1/1Chapter 143
200Armor Summoning1/1Chapter 116
200Vehicle Summoning1/1Chapter 144
200Weapon Summoning1/1Chapter 18
100Adaptive Camouflage1/1Chapter 16
200Armored Creatures1/1Chapter 110
100Copy Summoner1/1Chapter 180
200Creature Haunting1/1Chapter 128
200Defense Boost1/1Chapter 121
200Energy Boost1/1Chapter 183
200Magic Boost1/1Chapter 194
200Speed Boost1/1Chapter 72
200Strength Boost1/1Chapter 196
300Designated Target1/1Chapter 46
300Displace Damage1/1Chapter 188
300Exchange Positions1/1Chapter 203
100Explosive Finish1/1Chapter 223
300Free Modification1/1Chapter 48
100Grant Movement1/1Chapter 81
200Grant Traits1/1Chapter 154
100Healing Effect1/1Chapter 190
200Increase Damage1/1Chapter 142
300Resource Network1/1Chapter 94
300Share Senses1/1Chapter 172
300Size Augmentation1/1Chapter 53
100Size Reduction1/1Chapter 80
600Gigantification1/1Chapter 229
400Miniaturization1/1Chapter 182
300Supercharged Boost1/1Chapter 138
400Telepathic Communication1/1Chapter 133
200Backward Teleport1/1Chapter 186
200Forward Teleport1/1Chapter 147
200Accelerate Training1/1Chapter 71
200Adaptive Immunity1/1Chapter 151
50Alpha1/1Chapter 208
300Ally Transformation1/1Chapter 217
100Animals Language1/1Chapter 167
100Animals Senses1/1Chapter 33
0Bonus Theme13/39Chapter 2 - Plants
Chapter 29 - Constellation
Chapter 49 - Musical Instrument
Chapter 52 - Air
Chapter 72 - Insect
Chapter 86 - Lightning
Chapter 104 - Eldritch
Chapter 162 - Food
Chapter 182 - Slime
Chapter 183 - Scales
Chapter 200 - Fur
Chapter 223 - Machine
Chapter 228 - Forcefield
50Calming Aura1/1Chapter 114
300Combined Attack1/1Chapter 169
100Controlled Reproduction1/1Chapter 216
100Copyright1/1Chapter 148
500Creature Acquisition1/1Chapter 207
VariableDimensional Adaptation3/InfinityChapter 95 - Shadowmere (Skyrim) --> Servant (Type-Moon)
Chapter 129 - Zilla (Godzilla) --> Tailed Beast (Naruto)
Chapter 225 - Monotremata (Platypus) (Mundane Animal) --> Pokemon (Pokemon)
1000Dimensional Travel1/1Chapter 199
200Equip Traits1/1Chapter 143
200Enhanced Theme1/1Chapter 40
100Environmental Adaptation1/1Chapter 97
100Friendly Fire Immunity1/1Chapter 85
500General Boost1/1Chapter 162
100Gift Attack1/1Chapter 120
100Grant Summoning1/1Chapter 30
100Illusionary Summoning1/1Chapter 92
200Improved Distance2/2Chapter 17
Chapter 135
200Improved Limit2/2Chapter 36
Chapter 111
0Know Location1/1Chapter 64
100Material Extraction1/1Chapter 19
100Mental Partition1/1Chapter 38
100Mental Realm1/1Chapter 86
300Multi-Boost3/3Chapter 84
Chapter 221
Chapter 224
300Multi-Modification3/3Chapter 165
Chapter 189
Chapter 189
100Non-Lethal1/1Chapter 73
100Perfect Teamwork1/1Chapter 98
700Pocket Biosphere1/InfinityChapter 227 - Seer (RWBY)
100Random Summoning1/1Chapter 146
200Self Boost1/1Chapter 91
200Self Modification1/1Chapter 176
50Self Theming1/1Chapter 2
300Self Transformation1/1Chapter 198
200Share Power1/1Chapter 103
300Strength of Many1/1Chapter 44
900Summoning 3/day1/1Chapter 192
700Sustained Immortality1/1Chapter 210
0Toy Summoning1/1Chapter 32
0Unhindered Movement1/1Chapter 40
0Unsummoning1/1Chapter 117
200Companion1/InfinityChapter 155 - Dingbot Prime (Girl Genius)
400Greater Companion2/InfinityChapter 202 - Floramon (Digimon)
Chapter 220 - Geth Legion (Mass Effect)
VariableTrue Customization3/InfinityChapter 136 - Custom Summoning Contract (Naruto)
Chapter 178 - Custom Dungeon Core (Various)
Chapter 218 - Custom Pony (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
200Accelerate Gains1/1Chapter 55
200Choose one (100)0/InfinityChapter -
300Choose one (200)2/InfinityChapter 29 - House Elf (Harry Potter)
Chapter 211 - TM (Pokemon)
400Choose one (300)1/InfinityChapter 41 - Upgrade (Okami) + Bakugami (Okami)
500Choose one (400)2/InfinityChapter 179 - Tonberry (Final Fantasy)
Chapter 206 - Hermit Purple
600Choose one (500)0/InfinityChapter -
0Choose a Category3/InfinityChapter 117 - Type-Moon - N/A
Chapter 191 - Type-Moon - Zveri - Krestnyy Khod (Type-Moon)
Chapter 213 - Highschool DxD - Annihilation Maker (Highschool DxD)
0Bonus points (100)1/InfinityChapter 56
0Debt3/InfinityChapter 100
Chapter 170
Chapter 184
200Double Dice1/1Chapter 61
200Enlarged Dice1/1Chapter 50
0Exchange1/InfinityChapter 123 - Deathbringer (Horizon: Zero Dawn) --> Harvest (JoJo)
200Free Reroll1/1Chapter 104
600One of Each4/InfinityChapter 70
Chapter 141
Chapter 168
Chapter 195
100Micro Bonus1/1Chapter 158
200Random Gain4/InfinityChapter 32 - Goliath (DC)
Chapter 39 - Tiger Seal (Avatar: TLA) + Electric Crutter (Starbound) + Ship Pets (Starbound)
Chapter 93 - Vampire Frog Staff (Terraria)
Chapter 222 - Laurel (Vampire Survivors)
200Rejection1/1Chapter 59
0Removal1/InfinityChapter 119 - Bugsnax

Capstone Powers:
-If you manage to gain all the power that can only be gained a limited number of times (Including Improved Distance, Improved Limit twice each, and Multi-Boost and Multi-Modification three times each.) you can, roll on this list of Capstone powers.
-These powers are meant to be sharp improvements or extensions to the powers you already possess, and these new powers can all be gained any number of times. -For ease of use, this list also includes most of the previously existing powers that could already be gained without limit.
-Note that the Bonus Themes power is included at the bottom of this list because its limit is high enough, 39, that forcing you to gain it that many times would be impractical.
Roll:Name:Purchased? Y/N:Specifics:
600Defense Amplification0/InfinityChapter -
600Energy Amplification0/InfinityChapter -
600Magic Amplification0/InfinityChapter -
600Speed Amplification0/InfinityChapter -
600Strength Amplification0/InfinityChapter -
600Beneficial Emulation0/InfinityChapter -
800Bountiful Summoning0/InfinityChapter -
600Corpse Extraction0/InfinityChapter -
1000Empowerment of the Keepers0/InfinityChapter -
400Endless Multitude0/InfinityChapter -
700Equipment Summoning0/InfinityChapter -
800Extraordinary Quantity0/InfinityChapter -
800Extraordinary Radius0/InfinityChapter -
1000Impossible Hybrid0/InfinityChapter -
600Manifold Amalgam0/InfinityChapter -
1000Physical Splitting0/InfinityChapter -
700Pinnacle Specimen0/InfinityChapter -
200Supernatural Learning0/InfinityChapter -
800Peerless Companion0/InfinityChapter -
400Greater Companion2/InfinityChapter 202 - Floramon (Digimon)
Chapter 220 - Geth Legion (Mass Effect)
200Companion1/InfinityChapter 155 - Dingbot Prime (Girl Genius)
200Choose one (100)0/InfinityChapter -
300Choose one (200)2/InfinityChapter 29 - House Elf (Harry Potter)
Chapter 211 - TM (Pokemon)
400Choose one (300)1/InfinityChapter 41 - Upgrade (Okami) + Bakugami (Okami)
500Choose one (400)2/InfinityChapter 179 - Tonberry (Final Fantasy)
Chapter 206 - Hermit Purple
600Choose one (500)0/InfinityChapter -
0Choose a Category3/InfinityChapter 117 - Type-Moon - N/A
Chapter 191 - Type-Moon - Zveri - Krestnyy Khod (Type-Moon)
Chapter 213 - Highschool DxD - Annihilation Maker (Highschool DxD)
0Exchange1/InfinityChapter 123 - Deathbringer (Horizon: Zero Dawn) --> Harvest (JoJo)
VariableDimensional Adaptation3/InfinityChapter 95 - Shadowmere (Skyrim) --> Servant (Type-Moon)
Chapter 129 - Zilla (Godzilla) --> Tailed Beast (Naruto)
Chapter 225 - Monotremata (Platypus) (Mundane Animal) --> Pokemon (Pokemon)
VariableTrue Customization3/InfinityChapter 136 - Custom Summoning Contract (Naruto)
Chapter 178 - Custom Dungeon Core (Various)
Chapter 218 - Custom Pony (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
500One of Each4/InfinityChapter 70
Chapter 141
Chapter 168
Chapter 195
500Pocket Biosphere1/InfinityChapter 227 - Seer (RWBY)
200Random Gain4/InfinityChapter 32 - Goliath (DC)
Chapter 39 - Tiger Seal (Avatar: TLA) + Electric Crutter (Starbound) + Ship Pets (Starbound)
Chapter 93 - Vampire Frog Staff (Terraria)
Chapter 222 - Laurel (Vampire Survivors)
0Debt3/InfinityChapter 100
Chapter 170
Chapter 184
0Bonus points (100)1/InfinityChapter 56
0Bonus Theme13/39Chapter 2 - Plants
Chapter 29 - Constellation
Chapter 49 - Musical Instrument
Chapter 52 - Air
Chapter 72 - Insect
Chapter 86 - Lightning
Chapter 104 - Eldritch
Chapter 162 - Food
Chapter 182 - Slime
Chapter 183 - Scales
Chapter 200 - Fur
Chapter 223 - Machine
Chapter 228 - Forcefield


100 Farmer

You become an extremely skilled farmer, you can grow any type of plant and raise any type of animal.

100 Hunter

You become an extremely skilled Hunter, you can hunt any kind of animal you know how to track them and the best way to bring them down.

100 Rider

You become extremely skilled in riding living creatures as long as they can bear your weight, and it's even more impressive when you're riding one of your summoned creatures.

100 Strategist

You become an excellent strategist, you know how to detect weakness in your foe, how to best assault a position, or defend one. You know how to handle logistics and how to best formulate your order.

100 Survivalist

You become an extremely skilled survivalist, you can survive in the wild while naked, you are able to light a fire, create a shelter and find water and food in the most unlikely place.

100 Trainer

You become an extremely skilled animal trainer, you can train any animal to perform any trick as long as it can physically do it, and as long as doing that trick wouldn't be harmful to it.

100 Veterinary

You become an extremely skilled veterinarian, you can diagnose and heal any maladie affecting an animal as long as it's possible and you have access to the right tools.

100 Zoologist

You become an extremely skilled zoologist, your knowledge concerning animals is unparalleled.

600 Summon x 3

When you summon a creature less than 20m in length or height you can summon three of them instead of one. They only count as one creature for the purpose of your summoning limit. You can only have one creature affected at a time.

800 Summon x 7

When you summon a creature less than 20m in length or height you can summon seven of them instead of one. They only count as one creature for the purpose of your summoning limit. You can only have one creature affected at a time.

200 Swarm

When you summon a creature less than 50cm in length or height you can summon one hundred of them instead of one. They only count as one creature for the purpose of your summoning limit and for the power Strength of Many and Mental Partition. You can only have one Swarm at a time.

100 Anchored Summoning

When you summon a creature you can choose a point in space that you can see. The distance that this creature can move is centered on that point instead of centered around you. You can only have one Anchored creature at a time.

0 Baby Summoning

When you summon a creature you can choose to make it a baby version of itself.

When you gain this you can immediately reroll.

200 Chain Summoning

When you summon a creature you can choose another creature of the same size, with a 10% difference maximum. When the first creature dies or is unsummoned, the second creature is automatically summoned in the same place.

In addition, if any members of the chain benefit from one or more beneficial effects when it is dismissed the next members in the chain inherit those same effects. Detrimental effects are not transmitted, however.

In that way, you can create a chain of up to ten creatures. Any creature currently in a chain cannot be summoned without breaking the whole chain.

100 Contingent Summoning

You can choose a creature so it's summoned in a specific place related to you and upon a set trigger of your choice. Should that trigger be met the creature is immediately summoned. The trigger can be anything that you can imagine. As long as a creature is set to be summoned this way you cannot summon it normally. You can only have one Contingent summoning activated at a time.

200 Explosive Summoning

You can choose when you summon a creature to generate an explosion centered on where the creature will appear, damaging the surroundings but not the creature. The strength of the explosion depends on the size of the creature, an insect would explode like a firecracker, a pig like a grenade, and so on.

50 Flashbang Summoning

You can choose when you summon a creature to generate a flash of light and/or a blast of sound centered on where the creature will appear, affecting the surroundings but not the creature. The strength of the effect depends on the size of the creature, an insect would flash like a candle or a bell, a pig, like a torch or a gong, and so on.

300 Fusion Summoning

You can summon two different creatures at the same time, creating a new being the fusion of both. This resulting creature's appearance is a combination of both, it possesses the power of both and is the size of the biggest of the two. You can only have one fusion at a time.

The fusion count as only one creature.

200 Independent Agent

When you summon a creature you can choose to make it an independent agent.

This creature can freely leave the range of your normal summoning radius and it doesn't count toward your normal summoning limit.

You can only have one independent agent at a time, the Multi Boost power, the Summon x 3, x 7 powers, or similar do not function with this power.

You cannot use any power (such as forward teleport) or benefit from the presence of your independent agent (such as Strenght of Many) if it is outside your summoning radius.

Should you die your Independent agent remains until the end of its summoning duration.

300 Invisible Summoning

You can choose when you summon a creature to make it invisible and inaudible. It will remain in that state until it takes an aggressive action or until it takes damage.

0 Maintain Summoning

When you summon a creature you can choose to ignore the normal 24h time limit. The creature will stay by your side until it is killed or unsummoned. You can only have one creature at a time maintained this way.

0 Mindless Summoning

You can choose when you summon a creature to make it mindless. It possesses no capacity for reflection and no initiative. Unless ordered it will remain motionless. In addition, if you resummon this creature normally at a later time it won't have any memory of the Mindless summoning.

You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.

You can immediately reroll.

500 Mundane Equalizing

Choose a target, friend, or foe, and then summon a mundane animal. The chosen target loses access to all his power as long as your animal maintains a line of sight with the target, remains within half your distance limit, and remains in the same dimension.

In addition, your animal cannot benefit from any boost on your parts, such as Strength Boost or Invisible Summoning.

The power suppressed this way are only those inherent to the target, not those granted by tools and not internal power use. (a ninja from Naruto could reinforce his body but not throw a fireball.)

If you do not possess any mundane animals you gain a random one.

100 Pint-sized Gigantification

When you summon a creature less than 2m in size you can choose to enlarge it up to 2m in height or length. You can only have one creature under this effect at a time.

100 Relay Summoning

When you summon a creature you can choose any other being (belonging to you or not) that you can see. The distance that this creature can move is centered on that being instead of centered around you. You can only have one Relayed creature at a time.

400 Sheep's Clothing Summoning

When you summon a creature, you may choose to expend a summoning attempt for another creature as well to use this ability. If you do so, the first creature will be summoned in the form of the second creature. It may revert to its real form and back either entirely or partially if desired and is otherwise capable of using its abilities that aren't specifically linked to external anatomy (such as claws or bites) in the false form. Creatures summoned by this ability only count as a single creature.

300 Substitute Summoning

You can summon a creature one additional time than normal by expending the ability to summon two other creatures with each at the same cost as the resummoned Creature or a single Creature at a higher price. This power allows you to ignore the normal once per day limit but you still cannot have multiple copies of the same creature summoned at the same time.

800 Ultimate Summoning

Once per month, for up to one hour, you can summon all your creatures simultaneously fused into one being. You can do so even if you already summoned some of them. It will automatically dismiss all your current summoned creatures, and you cannot summon any other you may gain after its summoning as long as it's present.

This resulting being possesses all the power, ability, immunity, and resistance of the combined creatures. Its physical, mental, and magical abilities are the sum total of all component creatures. You can define its exact look, shape, and size using the various characteristics of all the combined creatures, with a minimum size of 1m tall.

This being is controlled by a copy of your own mind that joins back with you at the end of the summoning.

It still counts as being multiple creatures for the purpose of your power such as Multiple Minds or Strength of Many.

200 Armor Summoning

When you summon a creature you can choose to transform it into armor for you to wear. The armor shape is unique to each creature, and it's appropriately sized for you.

You also gain the skill necessary to use that armor.

You can only have one creature in armor shape at a time.

200 Vehicle Summoning

When you summon a creature you can choose to transform it into a vehicle. The vehicle shape is unique to each creature, and its size is proportional to the creature's normal size.

You also gain the skill necessary to drive that vehicle.

You can only have one creature in vehicle shape at a time.

200 Weapon Summoning

When you summon a creature you can choose to transform it into a weapon. The weapon shape is unique to each creature, and it's appropriately sized for you.

You also gain the skill necessary to use that weapon.

You can only have one creature in weapon shape at a time.

100 Adaptive Camouflage

At will, you can apply an effect to all your summoned creatures that make them blend better with their environment. This does not render them invisible but they simply change their look to something that looks normal. This lasts as long as you concentrate on this effect. This takes priority on any Theme that may be currently applied and some things may be harder to hide than others.

200 Armored Creatures

You can choose when you summon a creature to give equipment appropriate for its shape. This can include horseshoe, barding, saddle, armor, and/or weapon. For weapons, the creatures must possess limbs able to wield them. The equipment possesses no special property but is strong enough to resist the creature's own strength and is generally not cumbersome. You can only have one creature at a time equipped this way.

100 Copy Summoner

You can transform one of your summoned creatures into a copy of yourself. It assumes your shape, including clothes, it can move like you but unless it already knows how it does not learn to talk.

You can only use this power on a creature with a size close to your own, up to 20% bigger or smaller.

200 Creature Haunting

You can touch one of your creatures and disappear inside its body. You can perceive the world through its senses but you cannot control it. It will simply continue to follow your previous order.

200 Defense Boost

At any time you can choose to double the health and resistance of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.

200 Energy Boost

At any time you can choose to double all the energy pool of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. This includes mana, chakra, psionic, etc... This does not boost health. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature in a 24 hours period.

200 Magic Boost

At any time you can choose to double the magic (any sort of esoteric ability, spell, chakra techniques, pokemon moves, psionic abilities, etc...) power of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. This double the damage dealt, health rendered, duration, difficulty to resist, etc...

You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.

200 Speed Boost

At any time you can choose to double the speed and reaction time of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.

200 Strength Boost

At any time you can choose to double the strength and endurance of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.

300 Designated Target

At any time you can choose one of your summoned creatures until this creature is killed or unsummoned any of your foes that can perceive it are forced to prioritize attacking it instead of anything else. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.

300 Displace Damage

Once per minute you can choose one of your creatures, from this point on any damage that would be dealt to you is dealt to that creature instead. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.

300 Exchange Positions

You can exchange your position with one of your creatures.

Or you can exchange the positions of two of your creatures.

100 Explosive Finish

You can grant explosive energy to one of your creatures. Upon dying or on command the creature will violently explode. The strength of the explosion depends on the size of the creature, an insect would explode like a firecracker, a pig like a grenade, and so on. If the creature already explodes upon death, the strength of the explosion is doubled.

300 Free Modification

Instead of applying a modifier or a theme when you summon a creature, you can apply or remove it at any time after summoning it. This also applies to the baby, armor, vehicle and weapon summoning power if you have them.

If you gain this power while you do not have access to any Modifier you automatically gain Ark's Eerie Variant.

100 Grant Movement

At any time you can choose to grant the ability to fly, swim or burrow (with their normal speed) to one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned.

You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.

200 Grant Traits

At any time you can choose to grant ONE trait from one of your creatures to another one.

You can only grant a trait from a creature not currently summoned.

A trait can be a body part, limb, internal organ, skin. It can be characteristic such as immunity to poison, resistance to fire, or the ability to absorb sunlight. It can also be more esoteric such as magic reserve, knowledge on a subject, or skill with a weapon.

You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.

100 Healing Effect

Once per hour you can completely heal one of your creatures with a touch.

200 Increase Damage

When you and one of your creatures or when two of your creatures attack the same target you both do twice as much damage. Even if more than two creatures attack the same target the damage is not increased further than twice.

300 Resource Network

You form a network with all your summoned creatures. This network allows you and your creature to share any type of physical (health, endurance, electricity, etc...), mental (stress, emotion, psionic, etc...), or mystical (magic pool, chakra, haki, etc...) resource with any other member of the network. You are at the center of the network, you can refuse to share your resources and you can forcefully take the resources of your creatures.

300 Share Senses

At will you can share the senses of one of your creatures or allow one of your creatures to share yours.

300 Size Augmentation

At any time you can choose to double the size of one of your summoned creatures; this augments its strength and resistance in proportion but reduces its agility; this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.

100 Size Reduction

At any time you can choose to halve the size of one of your summoned creatures; this reduces its strength and resistance in proportion but augments its agility; this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.

600 Gigantification

At any time you can choose to multiply the size of one of your summoned creatures by a factor of your choice from 5 to 10, to a maximum of 200m in height or length. This augments its strength and resistance in proportion but reduces its agility; this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.

400 Miniaturization

At any time you can choose to divide the size of one of your summoned creatures by a factor of your choice from 5 to 10, to a minimum of 10cm in height or length.; this reduces its strength and resistance in proportion but augments its agility; this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.

300 Supercharged Boost

At any time you can choose one summoned creature and divide the time remaining before being unsummoned by 60 (transforming hours into minutes) and in exchange grant one of the following benefits to the creature:

-Create a perfect clone of it.

-Double its strength, endurance, and speed.

-Heal it completely and render it immune to damage.

You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.

You can only use this ability on creatures that possess a limited time for their summoning.

400 Telepathic Communication

You and your creatures can communicate by telepathy with each other.

200 Backward Teleport

You can instantly teleport one of your creatures next to you.

200 Forward Teleport

You can instantly teleport yourself to be adjacent to one of your creatures.

200 Accelerate Training

Your creatures that are naturally able to grow in strength, gain more power, or obtain more abilities with training and combat, do so at twice the normal rate.

This mainly includes creatures from the following categories Pokémon, Digimon, Fell Seal, Monster Sanctuary, Kingdom Hearts, and Ni no Kuni. But it may apply to others if appropriate.

In addition, this also removes any maximum level of training such creatures may possess.

Finally, this power also grants the ability to more easily grow for your other creatures but at a slower rate. As an example, a normal bear could gain the strength and endurance of an elephant with sufficient time and training but he wouldn't gain any special power.

200 Adaptive Immunity

Should one of your creatures die, you and all your other creatures immediately gain immunity to the specific type of damage that killed it for the next 24 hours.

50 Alpha

Your creatures emit an aura that makes weaker creatures that are similar to them subservient toward them. This means that they wouldn't attack them unless ordered by an exterior force and they may even follow their lead as long as it wouldn't be harmful to do so.

To determine the relative power level of a creature the factors to consider are size, intelligence, and magical powers, in all cases when compared to creatures of a similar power level your creatures have the advantage.

300 Ally Transformation

Instead of summoning a creature you can choose to transform a willing living being (thereafter designated as the target), not one of your creatures, into the shape of that creature, it lasts one hour. The target gains all the power and ability of that creature. This counts as summoning that creature for the day.

Once transformed the target counts as one of your creatures for all purposes, except for your Summoning Limit.

Lastly, when you apply to the transformation you can apply any viable Summoning Power to the target as if you were summoning the creature normally.

100 Animals Language

You gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with animals and other non-sapient creatures. The knowledge and awareness of many animals are limited by their intelligence, but at minimum, they can give you information about nearby locations and creatures, including whatever they can perceive or have perceived within the past day.

100 Animals Senses

At will you can enhance your senses, such as sight, hearing smell, etc, to become a copy of the senses of a creature you possess. This can even allow you to gain an entirely new sense such as electroreception from a shark.

0 Bonus Themes

You gain a new theme of your choice.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

You can immediately reroll.

50 Calming Aura

You gain a calming aura that affects animals or other non-sapient creatures. This aura calms agitated creatures and prevents them from panicking even in stressful situations.

300 Combined Attack

You and up to four creatures, or up to five creatures without you, can each make any sort of attack against the same target.

All five attacks are combined into one, in any way you wish. The resulting combined attack always hit its target as long as at least one attack that composed it could hit, even if the probability was low, and if the target was detectable when the attacks were launched.

In addition, the combined attack ignores all forms of artificial defense, resistance, or immunity that the target possesses. Such as an elemental immunity spell, a forcefield, or a potion of poison resistance.

It also deals twice as much damage as normal. If you possess the Increased Damage power, the effect stack for a total of four times as much damage.

You can make a Combined Attack once per hour.

100 Controlled Reproduction

You can allow your summoned creature to reproduce either with other compatible summoned creatures or with normal beings. You do not have any specific control over the resulting offspring, but they start with a favorable impression of you. In addition, you can double the growth rate of any such offspring until they reach adulthood.

100 Copyright

Your creatures cannot be forcefully controlled or copied by others. They cannot be cloned, reverse-engineered or mentally dominated.

500 Creature Acquisition

You gain the power to add willing creatures you encounter to your pool of summonable creatures. To do so the creatures must recognize you as its superior, it can be because you tamed it, because you defeat it and it agrees to serve you, or similar situations. Once made this decision is permanent and the creature becomes a companion (see the companion power for more detail), should it die it losse the companion statue and becomes a normal summonable creature.

You cannot use this ability on a humanoid creature.

Variable Dimensional Adaptation

When you gain this entry choose one creature you possess and PERMANENTLY transform it into a creature from another Dimension.

The options are listed below. The Cost varies for each option, in most cases, the cost is calculated with one of two formulas.

Either Base Cost - Creature Cost (X) = Real Cost Or 300 + Half creature Cost (X) = Real Cost. In all cases, the Real Cost cannot go below 100 points.

If you do not wish to gain any of the available entries you can keep your points. But you cannot reroll.

200 - X: Pokemon 600 - X: Godzilla 200 - X: Devil May Cry 200 - X: Dragons 600 - X: Xenoblade 100: Slime Rancher 100: Final Fantasy 300 + 1/2X: Terraria 600 -X: Naruto 300 - X: Golden Sun 300 - X: Okami. 100: Warhammer 40 000 100: Horizon Zero Dawn 100: Subnautica 300 - X: Card Captor 300 + 1/2X: Worm 100: Slugterra 400 - X: Type-Moon

1000 Dimensional Travel

Once per month, you can teleport in the original dimension of one of your creatures. You appear close to a member of the same species as the chosen creature. You can also teleport back to your original dimension with the same once per month limit.

200 Equip Traits

At any time you can choose to equip ONE trait from one of your creatures to yourself.

You can only equip a trait from a creature not currently summoned.

A trait can be a body part, limb, internal organ, skin, or others. It can be characteristic such as immunity to poison, resistance to fire, or the ability to absorb sunlight. It can also be more esoteric such as magic reserve, knowledge of a subject, or skill with a weapon.

You can use this ability at will but only ONE trait at a time.

200 Enhanced Theme

Applying a theme to your creature grants them a minor power depending on each theme.

If you do no possesses any themes you gain a random one.

100 Environmental Adaptation

You and your summoned creatures share with each other the ability to live in each other's respective environments. This can include breathing things other than air, surviving intense heat or cold, the ability to see in adverse conditions or similar effects.

100 Friendly Fire Immunity

You and your creatures are immune to the direct damage inflicted by each other's attack and such attacks can even phase through you to reach their true target if necessary.

500 General Boost

When summoned your creatures gains a 20% increase in Strength, Endurance, and Speed.

100 Gift Attack

You (or any of your summoned creatures, designated as Gifter) can choose any techniques/spells/special attack that does not depend on a physical medium, and gift it by touch to any of your summoned creatures or you, (from here on designated as Receiver). The Receiver can then launch that attack any time afterward.

Gifter cannot use or give the same attack to someone else as long the first gift attack isn't used.

A Receiver can only hold one gift attack at a time and can choose to lose the attack without using it.

The Gifter can take back the attack at any time with a touch.

100 Grant Summoning

You can give an ally, not one of your creatures, the ability to summon one creature that you possess, you lose access to that creature. This choice is permanent and you can only grant one creature per ally, but you can grant this ability to any number of allies as long as you have enough creatures.

They follow all the normal rules of the Celestial Menagerie.

In addition, when you grant one creature in that way, you can also grant them a copy of one of your powers.

The copied power can be:

Any Skill power

Any Summoning power.

Any Enhancement power except Grant Trait.

Among the Miscellaneous power only the following: Accelerate Training, Adaptative Immunity, Alpha, Animals Language, Animal Senses, Alpha Creatures, Controlled Reproduction, Copyright, Equip Trait, Enhance Themes with one theme you possess, Environmental Adaptation, Friendly Fire Immunity, General Boost, Gift Attack, Illusionary Summoning, Improved Distance, Know Location, Material Extraction, Mental Partition, Mental Realm, Non-Lethal, Perfect Teamwork, Pocket Biosphere, Self Theming with one theme you possess, Self Transformation, Share Power, Strenght of Many, Summoning 3/day, Sustained Immortality, Toy Summoning, Unhindered Movement, or Unsummoning.

Among the Choice powers only Companion or Greater Companion if the given creature respects the cost limit for those powers.

And no matter what no Capstone Powers can be granted this way.

Finally if after granting a creature to an ally you would roll the Exchange power you can choose to exchange their creature instead of one of yours if they are willing.

Should any being that benefits from this power die you are immediately alerted to that fact, but not how, and can choose to summon the creature that was granted to it at the location of the death. The creature act as if it was under the effect of the Independent Agent power, even if you do not possess it.

Regardless of your choice, that creature returns to your pool of creatures one week after the death of its previous owner.

100 Illusionary Summoning

You can create an illusion of one of your creatures, it looks and sounds the same but it cannot physically interact with the world. You can vary the size of the illusion from too small to be seen up to the normal size of the creature. You can mentally control the movement of the illusion. You can only have one illusion at a time.

200 Improved Distance

Double your summoning radius.

You can gain this power twice to quadruple it.

200 Improved Limit

You can have twice the number of creatures summoned at a time.

You can gain this power twice to quadruple the number.

0 Know Location

You always know the exact location of your creatures relative to your own position.

When you gain this you can immediately reroll.

100 Material Extraction

Instead of summoning one of your creatures you can instead summon one of its body parts such as bone, hide or blood. These materials remain permanently. You also gain any skills necessary to use these materials to create cloth, weapon, tool or food, as appropriate.

Using this ability counts as if the creature was summoned.

100 Mental Partition

You gain an additional train of thought for each creature currently summoned. This allows you to think about multiple things at once.

100 Mental Realm

You gain access to a purely mental realm, you can enter it either by meditating or in your dream. Inside this realm, you can find all your creatures, each one with its territory adapted to its need. This allows you to communicate with them without summoning them.

300 Multi-Boost

You can apply any Boost power you possess to two additional creatures for a total of three.

This includes Defense, Energy, Magic, Strength, and Speed Boost, plus Armored Creatures, Copy Summoner, Explosive Finish, Grant Movements, Grant Traits, Gigantification, Miniaturisation, Size Augmentation, and Size Reduction. This also applies to the following summoning powers: Anchored, Contingent, Invisible, Maintain, Mindless, Pint-Sized Gigantification, Relay, Armor, Vehicle, and Weapon.

If you do not possess any such power you can reroll.

You can gain this power up to three times for a maximum of seven creatures affected by the same boost.

300 Multi-Modification

You can apply the same modifier to two additional creatures for a total of three. Modifiers are effects that transform in some ways your creatures, such as Ark's Variants, Dungeons & Dragons Templates, Super Mario's Power Up, and Fell Seal's Variants, but others exist.

If you gain this power while you do not have access to any Modifier you automatically gain Ark's Tek Variant.

100 Non-Lethal

At will, you can designate any number of your summoned creatures until you dismiss this effect their attacks only deal non-lethal damage to living creatures. They can still deal a lot of damage such as broken bones, lost blood, burns, poison, etc... but this never kills the target and does not deal permanent damage. The damage can always be healed, but it may not be easy. Be aware that this does not protect the target from collateral damage.

100 Perfect Teamwork

You and your creatures can cooperate perfectly, you'll never get in each other's way, you can anticipate each other's actions, you can easily coordinate your strikes and move just the right way to protect each other.

700 Pocket Biosphere

Choose a creature you possess, you gain a pocket dimension tailored to that creature. When not summoned the creature resided inside that dimension. The size of the dimension varies depending on the creature but a minimum of 1km squared and a maximum of 10km squared. It contains an environment adapted to the creature, including illusory companions and prey. You can open a portal to that dimension at will.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

100 Random Summoning

Once per day you can roll for a creature. You immediately summon it no matter its cost. You do not gain it. If you roll something that is not a creature reroll. If you roll a modifier (such as a D&D template) reroll but the rolled creature gain that modifier if it was applicable. In all other respect, the creature obeys all the normal summoning rules.

If you rolled a non-creature/non-modifier entry, such as Pokemon Mega evolution or Harry Potter Animagus, reroll.

200 Self Boost

You can apply any Boost power you possess to yourself. This includes Defense, Energy, Magic, Strength, and Speed Boost. If you do not possess any such power you can reroll.

200 Self Modification

You can apply Modifiers to yourself.

Modifiers are effects that transform in some ways your creatures, such as Ark's Variants, Dungeons & Dragons Templates, Super Mario's Power Up, and Fell Seal's Variants, but others exist.

If you gain this power while you do not have access to any Modifier you automatically gain Ark's Tek Variant.

50 Self Theming

You can apply any theme that you possess, even multiple ones, to yourself.

300 Self Transformation

Instead of summoning a creature you can choose to transform yourself into the shape of that creature, it lasts one hour. You gain all the power and ability of that creature. This counts as summoning that creature for the day.

Once transformed you count as one of your creatures for all purposes, except for your Summoning Limit.

Lastly, when you apply to the transformation you can apply any viable Summoning Power to the target as if you were summoning the creature normally.

200 Share Power

If you have a power that can only affect yourself (an enhancement to your body or mind, a defensive aura, a movement effect, etc) you can share it with one of our creatures by touching it when the power takes effect. This does not apply to always active powers but does apply to power that triggers on their own as long as you are touching when it triggers.

And conversely if one of your creatures can use such a power they can share it with you in the same way.

300 Strength of Many

You gain a 10% increase in strength and endurance for each creature currently summoned.

900 Summoning 3/day

You can summon each creature three times a day instead of once per day.

700 Sustained Immortality

As long as at least one summoned creature is present in the same dimension as you, you cannot die. However, this does not prevent you from receiving wounds or from pain, it simply prevents your death.

Should your body completely disintegrate, your soul be destroyed, your mind obliterated, or any similarly drastic damage, a random creature is dismissed and you reappear in its place.

0 Toy Summoning

You gain the ability to, three times per day, summon a toy copy of one of your creatures. These copies are permanent and can be any sort of toy, plushy, plastic soldier, lead figurine, wooden puppet etc...

You can immediately reroll.

0 Unhindered Movement

You and your creature can move through each other bodies without any hindrance becoming intangible relative to each other as need.

When you gain this you can immediately reroll.

0 Unsummoning

Your creatures gain the ability to dismiss themselves.

Even your non-sapient creature can do so as long as you give the order to do it under X or Y circumstances.

You can immediately reroll.

200 Companion

You gain one creature of your choice costing 100 points or less. This creature is permanently summoned to your side, it does not count against your summoning limit. This creature is real in every sense of the word, it needs to eat, sleep and care. It can die but you can resummon it after 24 hours.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

400 Greater Companion

You gain one creature of your choice costing 300 points or less. This creature is permanently summoned to your side, it does not count against your summoning limit. This creature is real in every sense of the word, it needs to eat, sleep and care. It can die but you can resummon it after 24 hours.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

Variable True Customization

This power costs the same number of points as the entry you choose and if you do not wish to gain any of the available entries you can keep your points. But you cannot reroll.

You can choose all the parameters of your custom creature instead of rolling.

Choose one type of custom creature: Custom Hybrid (100), Custom Construct (200), Custom Animental (200), Custom Intelligent Weapon (300), Custom Magical Beast (200), Custom Eevee (200), Custom Common Blade (500), Custom Summoning Contract (800), Custom Shard (600), Custom Sea Beast (300), Custom Dungeon Core (800), Custom Theon/Parasite (400), Custom Transformer (300), Custom Mutant Animal (100), Custom Pony (200), or Custom Spirit (200 + X).

Consult the Custom Creatures sheet for more details on each type of creature.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

200 Accelerate Gains

Each time you gain 100 points you gain an additional 20 points.

200 Choose one (100)

You gain one entry (creature, modifier, ability...) from any Creature Category of your choice costing 100 points or less.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

If you already benefit from this entry at least once, you can reroll instead of choosing anything.

300 Choose one (200)

You gain one entry (creature, modifier, ability...) from any Creature Category of your choice costing 200 points or less.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

If you already benefit from this entry at least once, you can reroll instead of choosing anything.

400 Choose one (300)

You gain one entry (creature, modifier, ability...) from any Creature Category of your choice costing 300 points or less.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

If you already benefit from this entry at least once, you can reroll instead of choosing anything.

500 Choose one (400)

You gain one entry (creature, modifier, ability...) from any Creature Category of your choice costing 400 points or less.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

If you already benefit from this entry at least once, you can reroll instead of choosing anything.

600 Choose one (500)

You gain one entry (creature, modifier, ability...) from any Creature Category of your choice costing 500 points or less.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

If you already benefit from this entry at least once, you can reroll instead of choosing anything.

0 Choose a Category

You choose a category, and roll to gain something in that category, paying the normal cost for the rolled entry. If you do not have enough points to afford it, you keep your points.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

0 Bonus points (100)

You gain 100 bonus points

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

0 Debt

You can use this power only a single time for each time you gained it.

If you roll a creature entry that you cannot afford you can choose to still gain it and go into debt, your total amounts of points go in the negative equal to the difference between the cost of the entry and your current point total. Afterward, you can continue to roll normally but you can only gain 0 points entries until you've gone back to a positive amount of points.

200 Double Dice

When rolling for a creature you can roll twice, for the categories and for the entry, and choose either entry as long as you have enough points. You can even choose to gain both entries if you can afford it.

200 Enlarged Dice

When you roll a creature or a power you can choose the entry directly above or below the one rolled.

If you roll the first entry on the list you can choose the one below it or the last one on the list.

If you roll the last entry on the list you can choose the one above it or the first one on the list.

0 Exchange

You can choose one entry (creature, modifier, ability...) from any Creature Category you possess and exchange it for another entry of the same cost.

If you choose to not use this effect you can reroll.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

200 Free Reroll

If you fail to gain something that you rolled because you do not have enough points, you can immediately reroll, once. Stack with Double Dice and Enlarged Dice only if all options are too expensive.

This is a permanent effect.

500 One of Each

You gain one entry (creature, modifier, ability...) from any Creature Category of your choice from each category worth 100 points or less.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

100 Micro Bonus

Each time you gain a creature costing between 50 and 300 points you also gain one 0 points creature of your choice.

200 Random Gain

Each time you gain this power, roll for a creature. You gain it, no matter its cost.

In addition, if you would gain a creature costing 100 points or less this way you can roll again until you gain a second creature costing 100 points or less. Do not stack with Double Dice and Enlarged Dice.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

200 Rejection

When you would gain something you can choose to instead reject it, you gain nothing this time and keep your points. You cannot reject something twice in a row.

This is a permanent effect.

0 Removal

You can choose one category and permanently remove it from the Celestial Menagerie. You can immediately reroll.

You can gain this benefit any numbers of times.
Capstone Powers

600 Defense Amplification

Each time you gain this power increase the multiplier of your Defense Boost power by 1.

(It becomes x3 the first time, x4 the second time, and so on.)

600 Energy Amplification

Each time you gain this power increase the multiplier of your Energy Boost power by 1.

(It becomes x3 the first time, x4 the second time, and so on.)

600 Magic Amplification

Each time you gain this power increase the multiplier of your Magic Boost power by 1.

(It becomes x3 the first time, x4 the second time, and so on.)

600 Speed Amplification

Each time you gain this power increase the multiplier of your Speed Boost power by 1.

(It becomes x3 the first time, x4 the second time, and so on.)

600 Strength Amplification

Each time you gain this power increase the multiplier of your Strength Boost power by 1.

(It becomes x3 the first time, x4 the second time, and so on.)

600 Beneficial Emulation

Each time you gain this power choose one creature you possess. It permanently gains a copy of one Trait (as per the Grant Trait Power) or a copy of one Attack (as per the Gift Attack power) of another creature you possess.

800 Bountiful Summoning

Each time you gain this power you gain the ability to summon your creatures one additional time per day.

600 Corpse Extraction

Each time you gain this power chooses one creature you possess. When using your Material Extraction power on that creature instead of summoning only part of its body you can summon its whole corpse. In addition, you can choose to have the corpse instantly transformed into ready-to-use materials, skin turned into leather, meat cut into pieces, bones cleaned, a golem's body turned into ingots, an elemental into pure essence, and so on.

1000 Empowerment of the Keepers

Each time you gain this power you gain a +1% bonus to Strength, Endurance, Defense, Speed, Magic, and Intelligence for each creature you possess.

This stack with the benefits granted by Strength of Many.

400 Endless Multitude

Each time you gain this power you gain the ability to use Swarm on one additional creature or generate an additional 100 copies of a creature when using Swarm on it.

700 Equipment Summoning

Each time you gain this power chooses one creature you possess. You gain the ability to summon its Armor, Vehicle, or Weapon shape independently of the creature itself as if they were separate creatures.

For example, if Creature A possessed a Helmet shape, a Sword Shape, and a Car Shape, you could summon all four at the same time, each one within your normal summoning limit.

800 Extraordinary Quantity

Each time you gain this power add 20 to the maximum number of creatures you can summon at a time.

800 Extraordinary Radius

The first time you gain this power your summoning radius becomes 10km, this is true no matter the cost of the creature. If you possess creatures with their own special rules, such as a Familiar from Castelvania, their limit is instead multiplied by 10.

Each subsequent time you gain this power add 10km to your radius.

1000 Impossible Hybrid

Each time you gain this power chooses two creatures you possess, they can reproduce with each other (and any others that previously benefited from this power) no matter their nature, gender, or physical makeup.

You can determine the mean of reproduction in any way you wish. It can be gestated by one of the creatures, egglaying, cloning, etc...

Each creature affected by this power can only have one offspring per year.

The gestation period of the offspring lasts a minimum of six months but can be longer if you wish.

The specifics of the appearance of the offspring are determined by you based on the appearance of its progenitors.

The physical and mental abilities of the offspring are equal to the sum total of its progenitors' abilities divided by two. (Example: offspring AB's strength is equal to 1/2(strength of A + strength of B))

The powers (of all kinds, including skills, traits, abilities, etc...) of the offspring are chosen by you among those of its progenitors, gaining a maximum of half the powers from each.

You do not have any specific control over the resulting offspring, but they start with a favorable impression of you. In addition, you can double the growth rate of any such offspring until they reach adulthood.

If you wish, once the offspring reach adulthood you can use the Creature Acquisition power on it, but if you do so you can never recreate the same Hybrid.

600 Manifold Amalgam

When using your Fusion Summoning power you can select one additional creature to be part of the fusion.

Each time you gain this power you can add one more creature to the fusion.

1000 Physical Splitting

You gain the ability to summon one clone of yourself for one of your Minds created by your Mental Partition power to inhabit. Your clone is identical to yourself in all ways, it possesses the same powers as you including those granted by the Celestial Menagerie, it appears with the same clothes and gears, and it lasts for the same duration as the Minds controlling it.

When your clone disappears you regain all its memory. Should your real body die before your clone, the clone becomes the real you.

Each time you gain this power you can create one additional clone.

700 Pinnacle Specimen

Each time you gain this power chooses one creature you possess. This creature immediately became the strongest it can be.

For creatures that can grow in strength, this means reaching their maximum level, final forms, or equivalent. (Examples: A Pokemon would reach level 100 and final evolution, and a Digimon becomes a Mega)

For other creatures, this means an increase in all physical and mental parameters by a factor of 10 and they develop one special power appropriate for them. (This is left to your own interpretation.)

In both cases, the benefit of the Accelerated Training power still applies, the chosen creature can still grow stronger with training but this is more along the lines of refining what it can already do or learning new things.

200 Supernatural Learning

Each time you gain this power chooses one mundane skill that one of your creatures knows or any skill that could be tangentially related to studying or dealing with animals, plants, robots, etc... (Genetic or Paleontology would be appropriate but not Architecture.) you became a master with that skill.

800 Peerless Companion

You gain one creature of your choice costing 600 points or less. This creature is permanently summoned to your side, it does not count against your summoning limit. This creature is real in every sense of the word, it needs to eat, sleep and care. It can die but you can resummon it after 24 hours.

You can gain this benefit any number of times.

Themes are a way for you to modify the appearance of your creatures in various ways, you'll find here a list of forty themes.

Contrary to effects such as Template or Variant that you gain in the Celestial Menageries, the effect of a theme is purely cosmetic, it does not change your creature's health, strength, resistance, or power.

A Summoned Dog under the Machine theme still possesses the ability to smell things, and if you possess the Controlled Reproduction power you could allow him to reproduce with a normal dog. Despite being only cosmetic the effect is not purely external, if a Cat under the Plant theme is cut in two, its inside appears made of vines with bone made of wood. It is also not purely visual; it includes all senses. A theme does not create weakness either, a dragon under the insect theme, wouldn't be vulnerable to a power that grants insect control.

You can gain one free theme when you start your story and you can gain additional ones by rolling in the power section.

You choose what theme to apply, if any, each time you summoned a creature and if you possess multiple themes you can even combine them.

1 - Nothing

Normal: No change, you creatures keep the same appearance they possess in their original universe.

Enhanced: N/A

2 - Air

Normal: This theme makes your creature look like they are formed of Air, Tornado, Mist, Fog, Steam, or Smoke. Colors can vary from normal to outlandish. Your creature shape may also appear to be moved by an unseen wind. (Credit: Omnimercurial)

Enhanced: When enhanced this theme grants your creatures the ability to pass through partial barriers such as prison bars, air vents with grate covers, wire fences, etc. Does not allow them to pass through fully solid barriers.

3 - Anatomy

Normal: This theme makes your creatures appear like anatomical models, removing their skin and exposing their organs to the world. This can also include illusory text that indicated the name of various body parts. (Credit: chinlamp)

Enhanced: Seeing your creatures exposed organ induced feeling of disgust in other beings, they are reluctant to look at your creature and have a tendency to focus on other things instead.

This applies even to those normally accustomed to such sights, like doctors or forensic surgeons.

4 - Angel

Normal: Your creature gains angelic features. This can mean white wings, a halo, a white/gold/silver aura, glowing skin, silver or golden eyes, etc.

Enhanced: When your creatures die or are unsummoned, they leave behind a blessed zone, equal in diameter to their size plus one meter. Any ally that stands in that zone finds themselves slightly faster, tougher, and able to endure longer, equal to about a 5% increase on their base stats. This effect does not stack with itself.

5 - Balloon

Normal: The balloon theme transforms your creature to make them look as if they are made out of balloons, akin to balloon animals made by performers for parties, etc. (Credit: Omnimercurial)

Enhanced: Gravity is lighter for those with this theme, as if Helium-filled Balloons, gives a Moon-like Leap and Fall effect, giving higher and longer jumps with extended air time.

6 - Cloth

Normal: Your creatures appear to be made of various types of cloth and textile. It could be, cotton, nylon, silk, wool, etc... But it can also include buttons, zippers, belts, and knots, or any other such things.

Enhanced: Your creature gains a 50% resistance to bludgeoning damage

7 - Constellation

Normal: Your Creatures look like a piece of the night sky with a constellation inside it. The stars of the constellation are the joints and also in the center of distinct body parts, the chest, the face, etc... Glowing lines connected stars and distinct glowing outlines are optional. The look can also include galaxies, nebulas, or solar systems. Sometimes a cloud, a satellite, a comet, or even an aurora can appear inside the body as if seen from afar. (Credit: Tizian.s)

Enhanced: Your creatures are fascinating to look at, people other than you and your summons find it hard to look away from them. Sufficient willpower or sudden distraction can overcome this effect. Once overcome the effect is not reapplied for the same creature, but can still manifest from another one.

8 - Costume

Normal: Your creatures look like empty costumes of themselves that move on their own. This can range from fully realistic costumes, even animatronic, but can also resemble themed park mascots or even muppets. In all cases, your creatures cannot be mistaken for normal beings, the difference is made obvious by gaps in the costume, overlapping fabric, or badly hidden articulation.

(Credit: Doccer)

Enhanced: Your creatures can be opened and their interior is hollow. Items or beings can be put inside and are protected from attack while inside. Should the creature be unsummoned while it contains something it is left behind. If you possess the Free Modification power you cannot dismiss this theme as long as the creature contains something.

9 - Demon

Normal: Your creature gains demonic features. This can mean red skin, horns, bat wings, spade tails, flaming eyes, etc.

Enhanced: When your creatures die or are unsummoned, they leave behind a cursed zone, equal in diameter to their size plus one meter. Any enemy that stands in that zone finds themselves slightly slower, weaker, and runs out of stamina faster, equal to about a 5% decrease in their base stats. This effect does not stack with itself.

10 - Drawing

Normal: Your creatures appear as if drawn in the air. They appear two-dimensional from any angle but in true remain, three-dimensional creatures, and on touch possess a texture in accord with their look. The type of drawing can vary from cartoon to painting but also graffiti or charcoal drawing.

Enhanced: Your creatures can become two-dimensional to move along a solid flat surface. They are still subject to gravity in that state.

11 - Earth
Normal: Your creatures look like they are made of the ground beneath you. Be that looking like a pile of dirt and rock come to life in the rough shape of the creature, like a sculpture made of unfired clay, or even as though the asphalt and sidewalk of a road got up and decided to walk away. They are not made of such, simply appearing to be, nor can they manipulate the earth in any way.

Enhanced: When your creature walks on the ground it creates tremors that can destabilize creatures smaller than it within a radius equal to twice its size.

12 - Eldritch
Normal: The appearance of your creatures appears wrong, to a greater or smaller degree. This can include deformity, pustules, vestigial tentacles, additional eyes (non-functional) in random places. But it can also be more subtle, shadow too small, light that reflects as if the creature was farther away, colors that seem to change when not looking, or even voice too high pitched for their size.

Enhanced: Your creatures are immune to all time-based effects unless they allow it.

13 - Feather

Normal: Feathers and other bird features cover your creatures, replacing fur or any other body covering. This may also include vestigial wings, bird-like claws, or even a beak.

Enhanced: Your creatures gain the ability to slowly glide in the air. If a creature already could fly, it gains a 10% boost of its speed.

14 - Fire

Normal: Your creatures look like they are made of flames, in whatever color you choose. They can be a fully solid inferno of fire, an empty shell of flame, or even barely there, only the outlines and contours of their body are made of flame, while the rest is just a haze of shimmering heat. This look is just that, however, a look, as they are still fully solid and not made of fire. They do not burn, nor are they even hot to the touch beyond what is normal for their species. They cannot manipulate fire in any way.

Enhanced: Your creature's natural weapon and handheld weapon are surrounded by fiery energy that deals additional damage when they land an attack and leave persistent burns.

15 - Food

Normal: Your creatures all look delicious with this theme. Looking like they are made of various types of cooked food. Licorice for hair, bread for skin, fries as horns, or wine as blood.

Enhanced: Other beings can eat pieces of your creatures to gain a slow regeneration effect, this deals damage to your creatures depending on the size of the pieces taken.

16 - Forcefield

Normal: Your creatures are made of forcefields. Either one with a complex shape, or multiple small ones. They can be of any color but blue and green are the most common and they are semi-transparent.

Enhanced: Your creature can freely ignore any forcefield that could hinder them.

17 - Fur

Normal: The appearance of your creature mimics that of mammals. This mostly consists of a fur covering, but hide like a cow or elephant is possible, or even smooth skin like a dolphin is available. This may also include antlers, tusks, or horns.

Enhanced: Your creatures gain a 50% resistance to cold and heat.

18 - Glass

Normal: Your creatures become transparent like glass. This does not make them invisible. The glass quality can vary, can include mirror-like effects, stain glass, or even crystal effects.

Enhanced: Your creatures become immune to all light-based attacks, any such attack passes right through them. Any such attack can still damage their environment after passing through.

19 - Ice

Normal: Your creatures look like ice sculptures of themselves, quality of sculpting, and clarity of ice decided when summoned. They still move and act as normal.

Enhanced: Your creatures are lighter and faster, able to slip and slide around as they move. This comes at the cost of hitting slightly less hard due to reduced weight.

20 - Insect

Normal: Chitin becomes the main material that covers your creatures. It also includes antennae, mandible, pincer, elytra, and segmented body.

Enhanced: When wounded your creatures do not bleed, instead, they release a short-lived swarm of bugs that hover around them attacking anything close by. The swarm dissipates after no more than 15s.

21 - Lightning

Normal: Your creatures look like they're made of living electricity. Whether this is constantly crackling lightning bolts in the outline of your creature, a thundercloud in the shape of your creature constantly rumbling and flashing with inner light, or a creature-shaped plasma globe. They do not shock anything they touch, are not made of electricity, nor can they manipulate it.

Enhanced: Your creatures repel metallic items, lessening considerably the damage that they would receive from metallic weapons, it even affects bullets as long as they are metallic.

22 - Machine

Normal: Metal and plastic are now the main components of your creatures. They look like robots, clockwork toys, or even vehicles. They can have gear, pistons, doors, or even wheels.

Enhanced: Your creatures become immune to all poison and diseases. They also no longer need to breathe.

23 - Musical Instrument

Normal: With this theme, your creatures look like musical instruments. Either one instrument with a shape modified to that of the creature or a combination of different instruments such as trumpet for legs, guitar for the body, and flute for the tail. This theme doesn't change the volume of the sound your creature emits but makes them more harmonious and pleasant to hear.

Enhanced: Your creatures gain immunity to sonic damage and sonic-based hostile effects.

24 - Mystic

Normal: This theme gives your creatures a magical flair. This includes mystical tattoos, ioun stone floating around them, embedded gems in their body, amulets around their neck, glowing lines under their skin, etc...

Enhanced: Your creatures gain a 5% bonus to the effectiveness of their magical power, this includes damage, healing, benefits granted, and difficulty to resist.

25 - Oiled

Normal: With this theme, your creatures appear fatter, maybe even excessively so, and covered in a sheen of oil. This can be sunblock, body lotion, engine oil, etc. (Credit: Omnimercurial)

Enhanced: Your creatures became extremely slippery, this makes grappling them considerably harder, but not impossible. This may also permit them to slid upon flat surfaces.

26 - Paper

Normal: With this theme, your creature appears as if made of paper. Origami is the most obvious, but a mass of confetti is possible, stacks of cut paper, or even multiple cardboard boxes. The type of paper and the color can wary too, glossy, vellum, gift wrapping, postcard even paper money.

Enhanced: Your creatures can absorb loose paper to regain health.

27 - Plants

Normal: Your creatures are made of a mix of plant matter. This includes vines, woods, leaves, flowers, roots, fungus, fruits, seeds, etc...

Enhanced: Your creatures regenerate 5% of their health per hour when exposed to natural sunlight.

28 - Scales

Normal: The appearance of your creature mimics that of Fish, Lizard, Snake, or even Dragon. They are covered in scales, spines, and ridges, shells are also a possibility. Their shape may appear elongated. Vestigial fin and webbed-paw are also common.

Enhanced: Your creatures can swim at up to half their normal speed and can breathe water. If a creature already could swim, it gains a 10% boost of its speed.

29 - Screen Time

Normal: This theme is very varied it gives your creatures the appearance of coming out of the tv screen. It includes movie special effects as if incrusted on a green screen, stop-motion, or black and white movie. But also video game looks such as pixel art, Minecraft cube, vire frame or PS1 3D. In all cases, your creatures look wrong and can't pass for normal.

Enhanced: Your creatures became more image than real, they have a 50% chance to ignore any physical attack, passing right through them.

30 - Shadow

Normal: This theme makes your creatures appear as solids mass of shadow and darkness. They lose nearly all defining features except for their basic body shape. Their eyes, teeth, and claws may be the only thing not made of shadow, purple eyes, pure white teeth, or red claws are good examples.

Enhanced: Your creatures can see no matter the level of light, in perfect darkness, they simply see in shades of black and white. This does not allow them to see through opaque objects.

31 - Slime

Normal: Your creatures look like they are made of slime, jelly, tar, or other semi-liquid material. They can be of any color or combination of colors. On touch, they may be sticky or bouncy.

Enhanced: The surface of your creatures becomes adhesive, this allows them to cling to any surface vertical or horizontal, even upside down. This also means that they can keep hold of other creatures easily.

32 - Statue

Normal: The appearance of your creature mimics stone statues, be it marble, granite, clay, porcelain, or obsidian. This is different from the earth theme because it represents worked stone, with chisel marks, ornaments, or symbols.

Enhanced: When you creatures stand motionless they appear as inanimate objects even if people have seen them move before, and they ignore their presence.

33 - Stretched

Normal: This theme modifies the apparent proportion of your creatures. Their limb and body are stretched out or deformed. It can be limb much too tin, a compressed head, or the torso twisted into a spiral. This is similar to the effect produced by a funhouse mirror. But like all themes, this is only cosmetic and your creatures a perfectly fine. (Credit: chinlamp)

Enhanced: Your creature can stretch their limbs up to twice their own size to strike from afar. They can compress themselves to reduce their profile, but they can't maintain that for more than 1 minute at a time.

34 - Swarm

Normal: This theme makes your creatures look like a swarm or insect and vermin Tide, a flock of bats or birds, or a school of Fish if in or under Water. (Credit: Omnimercurial)

Enhanced: Your creature gains a 50% resistance to piercing and slashing damage

35 - Toy

Normal: With this theme, your creatures appear as if they were toys. This can mean plastic soldiers with big ball joints, plushy with button eyes, wooden puppets with leftover strings attached, or even remote control cars with a big antenna.

Enhanced: Your creatures emit an aura that makes them look less dangerous. This is not absolute and seeing them commit destructive action could overcome that effect.

36 - Undead

Normal: This theme appears to transform your creature into undeads. Walking skeletons, stumbling zombies, terrifying mummies, or ghosts (but they still are solid unless naturally intangible). This can also be more subtle with simply pale skin, sunken eyes, and disturbing odor.

Enhanced: When your creatures deal damage to a living creature by touching them with any part of their body they regenerate health for as much damage dealt.

37 - Uniform

Normal: This theme gives your creatures a uniform. Whether this uniform is military, emergency, or civilian-based is up to you at the time of summoning, as is whether the uniform is generic from Earth or matches with the specific world you're on. (Credit: chinlamp)

Enhanced: People who see your creatures assume they belong to the profession of the uniform they are wearing and treat them as such. A dog with a stethoscope and scrubs will be assumed to be a doctor, for example. This does not stop people from thinking of the creatures as enemies, or even attacking them, nor does it stop them from recognizing them as non-humans, but they see the uniform first and foremost, before the fact that it isn't a human underneath.

38 - Warrior

Normal: With this theme, your creature takes on the appearance of hardened warriors. This includes bulging muscles, scars all over their bodies, leather belts, or even (non-functional) ammunition belts. Aggressive-looking tattoos are also appropriate, such as predator animals, skulls, anchors, or even tribal designs.

Enhanced: Once enhanced this theme grant a 5% bonus to your creature's strength and basic instincts related to combat to those that do not possess them.

39 - Water

Normal: Your creature appears to be made of water. Whether your creature looks like it's made of churning seawater, calm clear water, or even green swamp water it is not actually made of that substance and is in fact as solid as its base form. They cannot manipulate liquids in any way.

Enhanced: Your creatures gain the ability to engulf creatures of their size or smaller, suffocating them should they not be able to breathe underwater, but anything able to swim can break free rather easily.

40 - Weapon

Normal: With this theme, your creature appears as if composed of a multitude of weapons and armor pieces. It can be elegant with each weapon positioned perfectly, knife for claw, whip for tails, greaves for legs, etc. Or it can be chaotic, with all the weapons mixed haphazardly in the shape of the creature.

Enhanced: Any weapons that strike your creature become trapped in their bodies and are slowly absorbed reinforcing your creatures at the same time.
Dimensional Adaptation


This power allows you to transform one of the creatures you already possess and gave it the property of another type of creature.

This can transform an otherwise bland or weak creature into a powerhouse or give more options to an already useful one.

The various options are detailed below.

Either Base Cost - Creature Cost (X) = Real Cost Or 300 + Half creature Cost (X) = Real Cost. In all cases, the Real Cost cannot go below 100 points.

200 - X Pokemon (Pokemon)

This option is particularly useful for creatures that already possessed some power, particularly elemental ones to give them more depth.

You must choose one or two types, ideally in line with what they already posesse. Giving the water type to a fire elemental make little sense.

You must choose one ability, again try to find one that would be coherent.

You must choose moves, depending on how you handle Pokemon in your story either a whole learnset if you handle levels or a list of moves it knows permanently.

Example: Cactuar could have the Plant Type, with the Iron Barbs ability and the moves, Pin Missile, Needle Arm, Spiky Shield, and Spike Cannon. Cost: 100

600 - X Godzilla (Kaiju)

This option is ideal for creatures that possess little to no power or for creatures that possess powers that are proportional to their size. It might be the solution if you never gained any giant creatures before and needed one.

You don't need to make any specific choice for this option besides determining their exact size (between 80 and 100m in length in height), becoming Kaiju-sized does not imply radioactive blood, an aura of terror, or even greater aggressivity. The only real power gained is the ability to ignore the square-cube law and the strength and resistance implied by their new size.

Example: A 100 m tall Goomba, able to destroy buildings just by walking. Cost: 500

200 - X Devil May Cry (Devil's Arms)

This option is useful for creatures that may be too big to use indoors, or for clumsy ones with useful contact-activated power.

You must choose your creature's weapon shape, ideally based on a physical feature it possesses.

If you have the Weapon Summoning power you can use it to summon your creature in its original shape instead.

Remember that you gain instinctual skill in how to wield it.

Example: A Devil's Snare that becomes a whip that can extend itself and entangle a target. Cost: 100

200 - X Dragons (Dragon)

This option is useful for creatures that could benefit from the ability to fly, particular mounts, and/or creatures that could use a breath weapon.

You must choose in what way your creature's appearance changes, it may be as simple as adding wings to it or more profound with reptilian traits, tails, scales, and claws.

You must also choose a breath weapon for it, ideally based on a trait or power it already possessed. A basic fire breath can work, but sonic, water, acid, etc... could be more appropriate. Be creative. Keep in mind that an overpowered breath weapon, like a disintegration beam, might not be appropriate and may be detrimental to your story.

Example: A winged Ankylosaurus that can breathe out sharp spikes of keratin. Cost: 100

600 - X Xenoblade (Rare Blade)

This option is useful and recommended for creatures that wield weapons or that are living weapons.

You must choose your new Rare Blade, Elements, Class, Arts, and Skills.

Example: The Devil Arms, Alastor, could become a Rare Blade with a Humanoid Avatar. It would be an Attack Class Blade with the Electric Element, able to use Swords Arts. And it would have the Skills, Electric Mastery, Ancient Wisdom, and Focus. Cost: 300

100 Slime Rancher (Slime)

This option is useful for creatures that produce some unique raw resources, particularly if you do not have the Material Extraction power.

The shape of your creatures will change into something as close to spherical as possible, eventually with some appendage like ears or tails. This does not prevent it from using abilities it possesses before that would require limbs. It would simply manifest a limb like a pseudopod to use those abilities.

Example: An Enderman transformed into a Slime would possess an elongated ovoid body with long and thin arms. And it would produce unique Plort that function like Enderpearls. Cost: 100

100 Final Fantasy (Invocation)

This option is useful for creatures that possess one devastating attack, difficult to use without destroying the environment.

If your creature possesses multiple abilities, you need to choose which one it will use when as an Invocation.

If you possess the Physical Manifestation power you can summon it normally.

Example: Godzilla transformed into an Invocation would use its Nuclear breath on the targets when summoned. Cost: 100

300 + 1/2X Terraria (Summoning Item)

This option is useful for creatures that you can and want to call on very often.

You need to choose to shape of the item that will summon your creature, it can be a scepter, a totem, a statue, a necklace, or anything you want. The item in question possesses no special property besides the ability to summon the chosen creature.

Example: A claw-shaped amulet that allows you to summon your Scizor at will. Cost: 400

600 - X Naruto (Tailed Beast)

This option is useful if you are lacking high-power options or you want the ability to make your hero into a Jinchuriki.

You must choose the number of tails and a specialty for your new Tailed Beast. It can be an element or a type of jutsu.

Example: A 50 m tall Bull Rancor with Four Tails/Tentacles specialized in Sonic Chakra. Cost: 300

300 - X Golden Sun (Djinn)

This option is useful for creatures that possess at least one elemental power but that may be awkward or dangerous to physically summon.

You must choose the exact effect of your Djinn when unleashed. In line with the powers, it possessed previously. You must also choose which benefits it will passively grant you. Keep in mind that those bonuses are minor.

Example: A Lucky Slime could become a Venus Djinn that grants increased critical chance when unleashed to you and your teammates and that gives a +4 bonus to agility and a +6 bonus to luck. Cost: 200

300 - X Okami (Celestial Brush God)

This option is useful for creatures that possess only one ability that affects the environment.

You only need to choose in what way the power will manifest as a Celestial Brush Technique.

If you possess the Upgrade power you also need to consider what the Upgrade version of that power entailed.

Example: A Core Bot Celestial Brush God would grant the ability to generate a pair of portals. Cost: 100

100 Warhammer 40 000 (Tyranid)

This option is useful if you possess one or more Biomorphs but no Tyrannid creatures.

You only need to choose to specific aesthetic change that your creature undergoes. The most common features are exposed muscles, bone spurs, or chitin plates.

Example: A Xenomorph with a white carapace that can wield a Bonesword. Cost: 100

100 Horizon Zero Dawn (Machine)

This option is useful as a low-price adaptation that will boost the strength and endurance of one of your creatures. It can also help compensate for some weaknesses, like the need to breathe. In addition, the integrated tool or weapon of choice can increase the versatility of your creature. It can be a set of rotating horns to till the soil, a spade tail to dig, or a laser gun.

Example: A Snake transformed into a machine would be much stronger than a normal one and could be equipped with a drilling tail. Cost: 100

100 Subnautica (Aquatic)

This option is useful if you lack creatures able to move and fight in an aquatic environment.

The chosen creature gains the ability to breathe underwater, swim, survive extreme depth, and use its powers underwater. Physically this can include gills, fins, webbed fingers, scally skin, etc... If they could move on land or fly before they do not lose those abilities.

Example: An Aquatic Kurama would have short blue fur, nine tailfins, and webbed paws. Cost: 100

300 - X Card Captor Sakura (Card)

This option is useful for creature that possesses abilities with a very specific and narrow effect. As a Card, it would allow for broader application of that ability.

You only need to choose the name and appearance of the Card.

Example: A Babel Fish could become The Language Card, illustrated by a fish. Cost: 200

300 + 1/2X Worm (Shard)

This option is useful for creatures that possess only one specific power or skill, that would be more practical to use yourself instead of by proxy of those creatures.

You only need to choose how the power will manifest. And keep in mind that as a Shard the creature will be permanently summoned to another dimension and connect to you.

Example: Queen Gohma as a Shard would grant you a master power that allows you to spawn Gohma Larva at will. Cost: 500

100 Slugterra (Slug)

This option is useful for creatures with an elemental affinity that may be too big to easily follow you all day but still small enough to be useful in multiple situations.

You only need to choose its element and exact appearance as a Slug. Your creature will return to its previous shape at Velocimorph, use one or two attacks, and then retransformed into a Slug.

Example: A Petrosapien Slug, would look like a large elongated crystal. Cost: 100

400 - X Type-Moon (Servant)

This option is useful for creatures that possess some deep lore than can be used to create their Noble Phantasms.

You need to choose your creature Classe, Parameters, Personal Skills, and Noble Phantasm.

Example: A Space Dragon as a Servant would have the Berserker Classe with the Mad Enhancement class skill. The Personal Skills Presence Concealment (False), Corpse Eating, and Adaptation. And the Noble Phantasm Breath of the Dragon. Cost: 100
True Customization


This power costs the same number of points as the entry you choose and if you do not wish to gain any of the available entries you can keep your points. But you cannot reroll.

You can choose all the parameters of your custom creature instead of rolling.

The various options are detailed below.

The Cost is the same as the category of custom creature you pick.

Custom Hybrid (Avatar) (100)

Once you've rolled on the Mundane Animals table to determine the two animals that will constitute your Hybrid roll a d100 and consult the table below to determine if your Hybrid can bend an element and if so which one.

The size of your Custom Hybrid can be at a maximum the size of the biggest animals rolled, but it can be smaller if you wish.

If both of your rolled animals cost 0 points you can reroll one.


1-80 - Nothing
81-82 - Airbending
83-84 - Earthbending
85-86 - Firebending
87-88 - Waterbending
89-90 - Bloodbending
91-92 - Lavabending
93-94 - Lightingbending
95-96 - Metalbending
97-98 - Plantbending
99-100 - Sandbending
Custom Construct (D&D) (200)

Once you've rolled on the Mundane Animals table to determine the base animals that will become your Construct roll a d20 to determine your Construct material.

The material determines your Construct look but also what special power it possesses.

If your rolled animal cost 0 points you can reroll once.


1 - Bone - Your construct can transform itself into a tornado of bone shard twice its size and reconstitute itself at will.

2 - Chain - Your construct can extend its chain from its body up to a double its size and use them to attack or to capture any target.

3 - Clockwork - Your construct can take a humanoid shape of the same size equipped with a repeating crossbow and a hammer. Your construct can produce its own munition by absorbing base material such as wood, metal or even stone, it starts with 100 bolts when summoned.

4 - Copper - Your construct can emit a strong electrical aura, electrocuting anything that comes within 1m of it.

5 - Crystal - Your construct can divide itself into any number of smaller copies of itself but it's mass total remains the same.

6 - Forcefield - When immobile your construct is extremely resistant to damage and can't be moved by outside force, including destroying the ground it stands on, it would simply remain floating in the air. Any movement on its part means losing that property, even if it remains very durable.

7 - Gem - Your Construct is half the size of the base animals it's based on but is twice as strong, fast and durable.

8 - Glass - Your construct can violently explode on command, projecting glass shrapnel all around and then over the course of 5min reconstitute itself.

9 - Gold - At will your construct can emit an extremely bright flash of light.

10 - Hologram - Your construct looks like a perfectly normal animal but is in fact an illusion generated by a small gem floating at the center of their body. It can take on a solid form to interact with solid objects but only up to 5min per hour.

11 - Ink - Your construct can transform itself into a small tattoo by touching a living creature or a graffiti by touching a wall. It can still move in those states.

12 - Iron - Your construct can attract or repel metal items weighing up to 100kg in a 10m radius around itself.

13 - Leather - Your construct can transform itself into a tough armor sized for a creature of its size.

14 - Mercury - Your construct can liquify itself, becoming a puddle of liquid mercury. In that state your construct can pass through very small openings and then return to it's normal form.

15 - Mirror - Your construct is immune to energy attacks and even reflects them back to their origin point. Energy attacks are attacks that have no solid or liquid component such as light, lighting, fire, forcefield or soundwave among other things.

16 - Origami - Your construct can take on any shape of the same relative size

17 - Rubber - Your construct is immune to physical attack and even reflects them back to their origin point. Physical attacks are attacks that have a solid or liquid component such as weapon strike, projectile or fallen object among other things.

18 - Steel - Your construct is hollow, can be entered through a door and its inside is arranged like a vehicle, depending on size it could even include multiple rooms.

19 - Stone - Your construct can absorb stone to grow in size proportional to the quantity of stone absorbed.

20 - Wood - Your construct can heal any damage it has received by absorbing wood or other plant-like materials.
Custom Animental (D&D) (200)

Once you've rolled on the Mundane Animals table to determine the base animals that will become your Animental roll a d20 to determine your Animental element.

The element determines your Animental look but also what breath weapon it possesses. Each Animental can use a breath weapon, once per minute, generating and projecting their element in a cone twice their size.

If your rolled animal cost 0 points you can reroll once.


1 - Acid

2 - Air - Breath Weapon: A powerful gust of air that pushes back anything in the zone of effect.

3 - Blood - Breath Weapon: A spray of blood that cling to living creatures and absorb their blood through their skin.

4 - Bubble - Breath Weapon: A great quantity of Bubbles that cling to any surface, obscure vision and irritate the skin of living creatures.

5 - Clay - Breath Weapon: A lot of clumps of clay that cling to anything they touch.

6 - Coral - Breath Weapon: Dozen of shards of coral that embed themselves in the surface of the touch and begin to grow at an accelerated rate.

7 - Earth - Breath Weapon: numerous boulders and pebbles of rock that bludgeon anything in the zone of effect

8 - Fire

9 - Ice - Breath Weapon: Freezing air that freeze anything in the zone of effect

10 - Light - Breath Weapon: Flash of light that slowly heals living creatures in the area of effect.

11 - Lighting

12 - Magma

13 - Oil - Breath Weapon: A spray of slick oil nearly frictionless and inflammable.

14 - Salt - Breath Weapon: Pulverize great quantities of salt that burn the eyes and absorb moisture.

15 - Sand - Breath Weapon: An extremely fast spray of sand that erodes any surface touched.

16 - Shadow - Breath Weapon: A zone of shadow that completely cut light in the area.

17 - Smoke - Breath Weapon: A cloud of burning hot and heavy smoke.

18 - Steam

19 - Vine - Breath Weapon: A burst of entangling vine.

20 - Water
Custom Intelligent Weapon (D&D) (300)

When you gain a custom intelligent weapon roll a d40 to determine its type, you are automatically proficient with that weapon. Then roll a d30 as many times as necessary to determine the various enhancement it possesses for a total of +10 cost.

Your weapon is sentient and sapient, you can choose its personality and it can talk to you when you wield it.

If your weapon needs munition they are automatically generated.

Throw weapon automatically reappear in your hand ten seconds after leaving it.

Your weapon is appropriately sized for you and changed size if you do.

You can activate or deactivate any enhancement on your weapon.

Weapon Type

1 - Dagger
2 - Gauntlet (Blunted or Spiked)
3 - Sickle
4 - Mace (Heavy or Light
5 - Club (Small or Great)
6 - Morningstar
7 - Spear (Long or Short)
8 - Quarterstaff
9 - Crossbow (Heavy or Light)
10 - Javelin
11 - Sling
12 - Throwing Axe
13 - Battleaxe or Greataxe
14 - Kukri
15 - Shield (Spiked or not)
16 - Rapier
17 - Scimitar
18 - Trident
19 - Warhammer
20 - Sword (Short, Long or Great)
21 - Composite Bow (Short ot Long)
22 - Flail (Heavy or Not)
23 - Lance
24 - Halberd
25 - Scythe
26 - Nunchaku
27 - Whip
28 - Spiked chain
29 - Double Axe
30 - Two-Bladed Sword
31 - Boomerang
32 - Shuriken
33 - Kama
34 - Sai
35 - Yo-Yo
36 - Horned Helmet
37 - Boots (Spiked or Not)
38 - Flintlock
39 - Tonfa
40 - Combat Fan


Roll - Cost - Effect

1 - "+1" - "+1" - Grant a slight bonus to your precision when attacking and deal slightly more damage. You can gain this effect multiple time the effect stack.

2 - "+2" - Anarchic

3 - "+2" - Axiomatic

4 - "+1" - Bane - You can choose any particular Bane. You do not need to choose a particular subtype for Humanoid or Outsider.

5 - "+1" - Bleeding - Each attack that hit a living creature inflict heavily bleeding wound.

6 - "+1" - Blocking - Your weapon can be used to blocked incoming attacks and guided your hand to make it easier.

7 - "+4" - Brilliant Energy - You can activate and deactivate this enhancement at will. Ranged weapon applies this effect to their ammunition.

8 - "+1" - Corrosive - Work like Flaming but with acid damage.

9 - "+4" - Dancing

10 - "+2" - Dispelling - Each time you strike a creature or object remove all positive current magical effects affecting it.

11 - "+1" - Distance/Reach - Ranged weapons can hit twice as far and melee weapons can extend up to twice their length.

12 - "+4" - Dominating - Any creature wound by your weapon is compelled to obey your order for one minute.

13 - "+1" - Flaming

14 - "+2" - Frightening - Any creature wound by your weapon is frightened and tries to flee immediately.

You can activate and deactivate this effect at will.

15 - "+1" - Frost

16 - "+1" - Ghost Touch

17 - "+2" - Holy

18 - "+1" - Invisible - Your weapon is invisible for everyone but you.

19 - "+1" - Keen - Can be applied to any type of weapon.

20 - "+1" - Knockback - Each time you strike a creature you can choose to push it back up to 2m away.

21 - "+1" - Merciful

22 - "+1" - Morphing - Roll for again for a weapon type, your weapon can change into that weapon type and back at will.

23 - "+1" - Seeking - Can apply to any weapon.

24 - "+1" - Shock

25 - "+3" - Speed

26 - "+1" - Thundering - Work like Flaming but with sonic damage.

27 - "+1" - Unbreaking - Your weapon cannot be destroyed.

28 - "+2" - Unholy

29 - "+2" - Vampiric - Any damage dealt by your weapon heals you for an equivalent amount of damage.

30 - "+2" - Venomous - The weapon is permanently coated with a powerful paralyzing poison
Custom Magical Beast (D&D) (200)
Once you've rolled on the Mundane Animals table to determine the base animals that will become your Magical Beast roll a d20 to determine your Magical Beast special feature, a d20 to determine the spell it can use and a d6 to determine how often it can use it.

The spell always affects your Magical Beast, or is centered on it and lasts one hour per use (unless it's Permanent.)

If your rolled animal cost 0 points you can reroll once.


1 - One Horn
2 - Two Horns
3 - Two more Legs
4 - Two Tentacles
5 - Two Sabertooth
6 - Two Heads
7 - Big Mane
8 - Bat Wings
9 - Bird Wings
10 - Butterfly Wings
11 - Fairy Wings
12 - One Scorpion Tail
13 - One Snake Tail
14 - Compound Eyes
15 - Glowing Eyes
16 - Only one Eye
17 - Third Eyes
18 - Bone Armor
19 - Transparent Skins
20 - Reroll Twice


1 - Air walk
2 - Antimagic field
3 - Barkskin
4 - Blink
5 - Blur
6 - Displacement
7 - Enlarge
8 - Entropic shield
9 - Ethereal jaunt
10 - Freedom of movement
11 - Gaseous form
12 - Greater magic fang
13 - Haste
14 - Invisibility
15 - Longstrider
16 - Mirror image
17 - Reduce
18 - Silence
19 - Spider climb
20 - Stoneskin


1 - 1/day
2 - 3/day
3 - 5/day
4 - 7/day
5 - At will
6 - Permanent - The spell permanently affects the creature and should it end for any reason it comes back immediately if nothing prevents it.
Custom Eevee (Pokemon) (200)

When you gained a custom Eevee, roll a d10 to determine into which type it will eventually evolve. You can then choose if it posses a normal ability or a hidden ability.

Your Eevee will evolve when it reaches level 20 with no particular requirement need but you can choose to include one in your story if you wish.

A name is indicated for each Eevee evolution but you are free to choose another one. You can also choose its exact appearance depending on its type.

Finally, a comment in each line indicated the move it will learn after evolving.

Type - Name - Normal Ability - Hidden Ability

1 - Bug - Nympheon - Compound Eyes - Shield Dust

Moveset - 20: Fury Cutter / 25: Spikes / 30: Sticky Web / 35: Skitter Smack / 40: Drill Run / 45: Sword Dance / 50: Megahorn / 55: Last Resort

2 - Dragon - Wyrmeon - Tough Claws - Multiscale

Moveset - 20: Dragon Tail / 25: Bites / 30: Noble Roar / 35: Dragon Dance / 40: Dragon Claw / 45: Crunch / 50: Outrage / 55: Last Resort

3 - Fighting - Champeon - Battle Armor - Pure Power

Moveset - 20: Rock Smash / 25: Bulk Up / 30: Feint Attack / 35: Double Team / 40: Brick Break / 45: Iron Head / 50: Close Combat / 55: Last Resort

4 - Flying - Cloudeon - Cloud Nine - Gale Wings

Moveset - 20: Air Cutter / 25: Tailwind / 30: Ominous Wind / 35: Roost / 40: Air Slash / 45: Strange Steam / 50: Hyper Beam / 55: Last Resort

5 - Ghost - Phanteon - Cursed Body - Infiltrator

Moveset - 20: Hex / 25: Confuse Ray / 30: Hidden Power / 35: Destiny Bond / 40: Eerie Spell / 45: Curse / 50: Shadow Ball / 55: Last Resort

6 - Ground - Duneon - Sand Rush - Sand Force

Moveset - 20: Sand Tomb / 25: Sandstorm / 30: Ancient Power / 35: Scorching Sand / 40: Shore Up / 45: Heat Wave / 50: Earth Power / 55: Last Resort

7 - Normal - Eeveon - Adaptability - Protean

Moveset - 20: Weather Ball / 25: Sketch / 30: Copycat / 35: Metronome / 40: Nature Power / 45: Sketch / 50: Tri Attack / 55: Last Resort

8 - Poison - Veneon - Poison Point - Corrosion

Moveset - 20: Acid / 25: Smokescreen / 30: Sludge / 35: Mud Bomb / 40: Toxic / 45: Muddy Water / 50: Sludge Wave / 55: Last Resort

9 - Rock - Geoeon - Solid Rock - Rock Head

Moveset - 20: Accelerock / 25: Rock Polish / 30: Block / 35: Submission / 40: Iron head / 45: Head Smash / 50: Double Edge / 55: Last Resort

10 - Steel - Bladeon - Iron Barbs - Full Metal Body

Moveset - 20: Metal Claw / 25: Metal Sound / 30: Aerial Ace / 35: Night Slash / 40: Sword Dance / 45: Sacred Sword / 50: Iron Tail / 55: Last Resort
Custom Common Blade (Xenoblade Chronicles) (500)

-When you gain a Custom Common Blade, roll 1d4 to determine the Blades body type (1=Beast, 2=Brute, 3=Masculine, 4=Feminine).

On a 1, roll on the Mundane Animals or Xenoblade category to determine the animal it takes the shape of. Must be an animal (no Machines, Blades or Titans allowed). Aquatic animals are able to hover 50cm off the ground. The body of your Common Blade must be within a maximum of 3 meters and a minimum of 1 meter in its greatest dimension (stuff like long tails and necks don't count towards this). Shapes that fall outside of these limitations are upscaled or downscaled to fit.

Roll 2d8 to determine which Element and Weapon of your Common Blade. Pick 4 Arts of your choice from the Common Blades weapon type.

Roll 3d10 to determine your Blade's Blade Arts. If you roll None 3 times, reroll until you get at least one Blade Art. Rolling a duplicate Blade Art counts as None


1 - Fire
2 - Ice
3 - Earth
4 - Water
5 - Wind
6 - Electric
7 - Dark
8 - Light

Attack Class Weapons

1 - Megalance
2 - Greataxe
3 - Ether Cannon

Tank Class Weapons

4 - Shield Hammer
5 - Chroma Katana

Healer Class Weapons

6 - Twin Rings
7 - Knuckle Claws
8 - Bitball

Blade Arts

1 - None
2 - Absorb Damage
3 - Accuracy Up
4 - Arts Plus
5 - Back Attack Up
6 - Critical Up
7 - Debuff Cancel
8 - Draw Aggro
9 - Nullify Reaction
10 - Recharge Boost

Field Skills

In addition to the above, your Blade gets 1 to 3 Field Skills. Your common Blade automatically starts with an Elemental Mastery skill for the element they rolled. This gives them a general "kinesis" ability for that element. (Light and Dark are more of fantasy elements, neither would be proper Photokinesis)

Roll 2d20 to decide your Blades two remaining Field Skills

1 - None - You stole Fizzy Lifting Drink. You get nothing. You lose. Good Day Sir.

2 - Agronomy - Knowledgable about Vegetables, skilled in farming and harvesting vegetables.

3 - Botany - Knowledgable about Plants, skilled in gathering berries and herbs.

4 - Entomology - Knowledgable about Insects, skilled in tracking and capturing small invertebrates

5 - Forestry - Knowledgable about Trees, skilled in harvesting wood and fruits.

6 - Ichthyology - Knowledgable about Fish, skilled in fishing.

7 - Minerology - Knowledgable about Minerals, skilled at Mining and locating ores and gems.

8 - Salvaging Master - Knowledgable about Recycling, skilled at salvaging materials from scrap and junk.

9 - Expeditionist - Able to use their full power regardless of distance from their Driver.

10 - Industry Master - Skilled at machine repair and upkeep.

11 - Info Collector - Skilled at gathering information from others.

12 - Production Mastery - Skilled at crafting and making things.

13 - Transport Mastery - Skilled at transporting large amounts of goods from place to place.

14 - Ancient Wisdom - In-depth knowledge of Ancient Cultures, used to decode writings, etc.

15 - Focus - The ability to focus completely on a single task. Also relates to control of other powers

16 - Fortitude - The ability to endure hardships, including boredom.

17 - Keen Eye - The power to see things clearly, used to see tiny details and small changes.

18 - Leaping - The ability to jump great heights and distances. - Aquatic creatures will be able to hover significantly higher off the ground. Flying creatures will be able to take off with significantly greater speed.

19 - Lockpicking - Skill with picking or otherwise opening locks.

20 - Superstrength - Extraordinary physical strength.
Custom Summoning Contract (Naruto) (800)

Once you've rolled on the Mundane Animals table to determine the animal that will become the center of your summoning contract roll a d12 to determine your Summon specialty, their specialty determined the type of Jutsu that they favored and that they are best at, but they can still use other jutsu in a lesser capacity.

The contract includes all the types of creatures described below, their shape is that of the animal rolled, their size depends on their role and their precise appearance is at your discretion.

Upon gaining your first Custom Summoning contract, your Chakra network is unlocked, you gain enough chakra to at least summon a Civilian animal, enough control to perform the summoning jutsu on your first try and you know the hand-sign for the jutsu. To learn more you'll need to experiment or the help of your Summoned Animals.

The Animals that are part of this contract can only be summoned by using the summoning jutsu and not your normal summoning method but they can still be affected by any power you possess that influences summoned creatures.

Finally, the animals of the contact live in their own personal pocket realm, 10 km in diameter, the environment is adapted to them and you can travel there and back using the reverse summoning jutsu.


1 - Barrier Ninjutsu
2 - Bukijutsu
3 - Fūinjutsu
4 - Genjutsu
5 - Medical Ninjutsu
6 - Space–Time Ninjutsu
7 - Taijutsu
8 - Earth Release
9 - Fire Release
10 - Lightning Release
11 - Water Release
12 - Wind Release

List of creatures

- The boss measured between 15 and 20m (or twice the size of the base animal if it's bigger), it's a master with the jutsu specialty and an adept at two other types of jutsu of your choice.

Sage - The sage is the same size as the base animal, it's a master with the jutsu specialty, an adept with three other types of jutsu of your choice, and a master of nature chakra.

2 Knights - A knight measured between 8 and 12m (or one and half the size of the base animal if it's bigger), it's an adept with the jutsu specialty and average at two other types of jutsu of your choice.

8 Soldiers - A soldier measured between 4 and 6m (or the size of the base animal if it's bigger), it's average with the jutsu specialty and barely competent with one other type of jutsu of your choice.

2 Scouts - A scout measured the same size as the base animal, it's average with the jutsu specialty and knows at least one jutsu to hide and one to enhance its perception.

2 Specialists - A specialist measured the same size as the base animal, it's a master with the jutsu specialty.

Messenger - The messenger measured the same size as the base animal or a little smaller, it's average with the jutsu specialty, possesses an enhanced speed, and knows at least one jutsu that can boost its speed further.

Healer - The healer measured the same size as the base animal, it's average with the jutsu specialty and adept with medical ninjutsu. (If the jutsu specialty is medical jutsu he is a master at it instead.)

Thief - The thief is half the size of the base animal (or the size of the base animals if less than 50cm); it's barely competent with the jutsu specialty but knows multiple jutsu to hide and to transport things.

Builder - The builder is the size of the base animal, it's barely competent with the jutsu specialty but knows multiple jutsu to construct buildings or fortifications.

10 Civilians - A civilian is the size of the base animal or smaller and can also be a young one, it has no competence with any jutsu and has just basic knowledge of the jutsu specialty. It can have some skill with various mundane crafts such as cooking, blacksmithing, farming, or others.
Custom Shard (Worm) (600)

When you gain a custom Shard first roll a d13 in the power classification to determine the type of power being granted, then roll a d10 on the power ranking to determine the potency. Finally roll a d30 on the shard keyword to determine the focus of the shard. This will help direct you to figuring out the specific power and ability the shard will grant.

Power Classification

1 - Mover
2 - Shaker
3 - Brute
4 - Breaker
5 - Master
6 - Tinker
7 - Blaster
8 - Thinker
9 - Striker
10 - Changer
11 - Trump
12 - Stranger
13 - Reroll Twice - Roll twice for both power classification and power ranking. you can roll this a maximum of 12 times.

Power Ranking

1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4
5 - 5
6 - 6
7 - 7
8 - 8
9 - 9
10 - 10


1 - Leash
2 - Pet
3 - Collar
4 - Care
5 - Genesis
6 - Assemble
7 - Call
8 - Direct
9 - Gather
10 - Invite
11 - Recall
12 - Request
13 - Pamper
14 - Capture
15 - Secure
16 - Seize
17 - Restraint
18 - Hamper
19 - Suppress
20 - Dream
21 - Spirit
22 - Quest
23 - Shade
24 - Solar
25 - System
26 - Monster
27 - Dungeon
28 - Director
29 - Fiend
30 - Guardian
Custom Sea Beast (One Piece) (300)

Roll a d43 (for Mammals) in the Mundane animal's category, and then choose an animal in the rolled entry, then increase its size to around 100m in length, replace the bottom half of its body with that of a fish, replace its front leg with fins and make it carnivorous.

You gain the resulting creature.
Custom Dungeon Core (Various) (800)

When you gain your custom dungeon core you must roll in the table below to determine its personality. Each personality gives a bonus and a malus that apply to the dungeon or its creature. Once the personality has been determined check the rules on how your dungeon core function below and make any necessary choice (the zone in green denote the choice you must make.). All choices are permanent.

When entering your own dungeon you can assume either the role of the master, in that case, you can move freely inside and won't be attacked by the monster and won't trigger the trap. You can also instantly teleport inside the core room.

Or you can assume the role of an invader and run the dungeon normally.

Personality - Bonus - Malus

1 - Carefree - Bigger Floor: +10% to max floor size - Weaker Trap: -10% to damage dealt by trap

2 - Serious - Stronger Trap: +10% to damage dealt by trap - Smaller Room: -10% to max floor size

3 - Bold - Enhanced Endurance: +10% to monster endurance - Less Magic: -10% to monster magic power

4 - Timid - More Magic: +10% to monster magic power - Reduced Endurance: -10% to monster endurance

5 - Aggressive - More Damage: +10% to damage dealt by monster - Less Defense: -10% to monster damage resistance

6 - Gentle - More Defense: +10% to monster damage resistance - Less Damage: -10% to damage dealt by monster

7 - Careful - More Intelligence: +10% to monster intelligence - Less Speed: -10% to monster speed

8 - Hasty - More Speed: +10% to monster speed - Less Intelligence: -10% to monster intelligence

9 - Boastfu - lEnhanced Size: +10% to monster size - Less Stealth: -10% to monster ability to hide

10 - Modest - More Stealth: +10% to monster ability to hide - Reduced Size: -10% to monster size

Dungeon Core Basic

While initially unintelligent, a dungeon core has a mind of its own and will attempt to expand and improve itself. As it creates more levels and grows, it will likewise grow in intellect, which will remain if for some reason it is forced to relocate and start anew. Due to its nature, a dungeon core can easily manage all aspects of maintaining its dungeon with a high level of instinctive finesse and engineering knowledge. It also has an instinctive knowledge of how to shape the mana it produces, meaning it does not need to rely on built-in shortcuts of monster and room creation, or get outside training in magic (though both things can still help it). A dungeon core does not need sleep, and can constantly keep its full attention on managing the dungeon.

Your dungeon core cannot make any change to his dungeon while invaders are present.

Choose One:

1 - Real World Dungeon

Builds in and alters the real world as it grows and builds. This means that changes made will persist when the dungeon is removed, but also means that the dungeon more or less has to start from scratch every time you summon it unless you summon it in the same spot. Could be handy for rapid building or terraforming, but is less useful for a portable base.

2 - Pocket Space Dungeon

Builds in a pocket space, only linked to the real world by a portal. Due to being in a pocket space, growth is not restricted by the world it is summoned into. Further, it takes the dungeon with it when unsummoned (ejecting anyone inside), and will bring said dungeon with it when re-summoned. This allows it to keep growing and progressing regardless of where you summon it but prevents it from being used to rapidly and easily change the world.

Choose One:

1 - Summoned Minions

The dungeon core may summon minions from nothing. It can summon as many copies of a minion as it desires, and may banish them if desired, within the cost limit of each floor. Minions may not be summoned or banished if invaders are in the dungeon.

While the dungeon may potentially learn designs for new minions on its own, via creatures dying within it and absorbing them, or learning to modify existing designs to create new variations of creatures (if you have the Creature Acquisition Power, these designs may be added to the menagerie), the main source of designs comes from the Menagerie.

When the Dungeon is not summoned, and when it gains a new floor, you may lend it any creatures, you possessed. While a creature is lent to the dungeon, you cannot summon it, however, the dungeon may summon copies of it. These copies do not count against your summoning limit, but they may not leave the dungeon. Lent creatures must be assigned to a dungeon floor, though it can be assigned to multiple floors, with limits on the creatures that can be assigned based on the cost of the creature and floor level.

The maximum cost of a creature for a floor is 50 + (50 * floor), while the sum of creature costs assigned to a given floor can't exceed 100 + (100 * floor). (0 points creatures count as 10 points.)

Summoned creatures cannot go to a weaker floor than the one on which they were summoned, and can only go one floor deeper. Summoned minions may rarely drop loot, but the majority of the body will dissipate when slain.

The core may apply any Summoning Powers or Modifiers you possess to lent minions, but note that effects that trigger on summoning will fail to function (add half the cost of the power or modifiers to the cost of the summon when calculating cost). Summoned minions are not the specific individual that the bearer of the Menagerie can summon, but soulless copies.

2 - Contracted Minions

Rather than summoning minions, the dungeon instead can form contracts with creatures to have them work as its minions. Such creatures are unable to leave the dungeon while the contract persists. As long as no invaders are within the dungeon, it is able to revive or heal contracted individuals. -Contracted individuals may not be banished, and must either be provided mana to sustain them, or have accommodations to feed and rest provided by the dungeon. If needs are met, additional mana may be provided by the dungeon to slowly improve and upgrade the contracted individuals over time (it should be cautioned that such upgrades often do not function in mana-free environments).

Individuals from the world on which the dungeon was summoned may enter it and form a contract, with the terms being decided between that creature and the dungeon (though you may provide the dungeon council on the matter if they are aware of the negotiations). Normal terms negotiated are physical good/wealth provided by the dungeon, specific living conditions/food, and improvements provided by being infused with mana beyond what is needed to survive.

Other than creatures from the outside world, you may lend creatures from the Menagerie to act as contracted minions. The cost of a creature lent this way cannot exceed 50 + (25 * deepest floor), but there is no limit to the number of creatures that can be lent this way, though the dungeon must be able to provide for them either in mana or amenities. As long as no invaders are within the dungeon, you may lend or stop lending creatures to the dungeon. Lent creatures may not be summoned by you, but do not count against their summon limit while summoned within the dungeon. As these are the specific individuals within the Menagerie, the dungeon cannot create copies of them.

You may apply Summoning Powers or modifiers to lent minions, but note that effects that trigger on death will fail to function (add half the cost of the power or modifier to the cost of the summon when calculating cost). Contracted minions may freely roam the entirety of the dungeon.

While the main strength of the dungeon's forces will come from contracted minions, the dungeon does still have access to summoned minions, albeit on a far more limited scale. A single 50 cost creature type is chosen from available summons to act as the dungeon's caretakers (if you have no 50 cost summons, gain a random one from Mundane Animals upon getting the dungeon core). This summon is not lent to the dungeon, rather it learns the design for itself. It may learn to summon other 50 cost equivalent minions on its own through samples, but may only create one type on each floor.

3 - Combination

The dungeon can use both summoned and contracted minions. However, the cost limits for summoned minions are reduced to 75%, the max cost of lent creatures is 25 + (25 * deepest floor), and it can only have one contracted minion per floor.


Dungeons are split up into floors. Generally, this takes the form of a first floor, close to the surface, with subsequent floors being deeper and more dangerous. However, despite the term, a floor need not correlate to vertical levels of construction. A single floor may contain rooms of varying heights or even rooms that are vertically stacked, while separate floors may be arranged on a single level.

The actual distinguishing factor for floors is not height, but rather a process dungeons undergo as they grow in which they segment themselves in a way that allows for greater concentrations of mana to be produced in the new segment. "Deeper" floors contain denser mana and thus can support stronger creatures. They are separated from the outside world by previous floors with less dense mana (though it is possible for dungeons to add shortcuts that bypass floors). The more floors a dungeon has the greater the quality and quantity of mana it releases into its surroundings, and the further it spreads.

The size of each floor varies depending on its depth, the first floor has a max size of 100 square meters, and each subsequent floor can have an additional 100 square meters.

Due to the nature of this segmentation, it allows each floor to act as its own world and biome, making drastically conflicting designs viable in close proximity.

When you first gain your dungeon core it can only support one floor, as it grows it will develop more.


Your dungeon core gains a particular benefit from themes, it has access to all the themes you have. If you do not have any themes you gain a random one.

Each floor of the dungeon may have its own theme assigned to it, as can the mana the dungeon produces as a whole. Applying a theme to a floor will influence the design of that floor, and apply the theme to any summoned minions from that floor. Contracted minions that lair on a given floor may, with the dungeon's permission, draw on the mana to gain the benefits of that theme as well. In both cases, the creatures benefit from the effect of an Enhanced theme even if you do not possess that power.

From floors 1 to 20, one theme can be applied per floor, from floors 21 to 60 two themes, and from floors 61 and beyond three themes. Once a theme (or a combination of themes) has been applied to a floor this choice is permanent. It is also possible to apply a theme to the whole dungeon, this does not grant the theme to the monster but it influences the decor, the loot, the class grant by the class system, and the mana enrichment effect.


A significant draw of dungeons is the loot. By default, dungeons can convert mana into building materials and treasure to fill their dungeon. They have access to mundane wood, paper, mundane stone, and any other mundane metals, minerals, etc. they can get a sample of. Starting on the 5th floor, they may learn to create a single supernatural material per floor by sampling it. Or devise it themselves with some work. They also have access to all materials that can be harvested from minions the dungeon has, though the dungeon is unable to provide complex body parts as found loot unless the bearer of the Menagerie has the Material Extraction Power.

With regards to using the materials, the dungeon may gain blueprints for items by absorbing samples of them to study. It may then expend mana to produce similar items from available materials.

Minions may also provide loot when killed. Summoned minions have a small chance of dropping body parts when slain. Contracted minions will leave their entire body behind, though the dungeon will reabsorb it once no invaders are in the dungeon, or within a half-hour of its death. Materials harvested before then will persist.

Magical items gain from the dungeon only function while inside the dungeon, in other high mana environments, or if the wielder himself can provide the necessary mana. The only exception is single-used items such as potions or scrolls.

Extra traits. Choose Two

1 - Auto Reset

The dungeon is the master of its domain, and no one else may inflict lasting change upon it. When there are no invaders in the dungeon, everything will automatically reset to how the dungeon designed it. Traps will be reset, damages will be repaired, graffiti will be removed, etc. The dungeon may choose to exempt changes from this effect, for instance allowing a contracted minion to personalize a living space. This reset bears no cost to the dungeon. The exception to the reset is replacing looted treasure and slain summoned minions. As the dungeon must spend mana to replace looted treasure or summoned minions, it must manually decide to replace them.

2 - Party limit

Dungeons with this trait are protected from being overrun by invaders. Instead, it may choose a party size from four to six. Only up to that many invaders may enter the dungeon at one time. Any further invaders will be magically barred entry.

If taken alongside Limit by Floor, the invader limit is per floor, with new ones being able to enter once those on a floor progress to the next. If while heading back out of the dungeon invaders would pass through an occupied floor, they will instead find themselves skipping over it to the closest entrance to the next floor with available space (or to the exit of the dungeon if there are none between them and the exit).

3 - Limit by Floor

Normally, a dungeon is unable to alter itself at all while invaders are inside it. With this ability, all such limits are instead applied on a floor-by-floor basis. Even if invaders are on one floor of the dungeon, it may still alter any other floors that have no invaders on them.

4 - Invader Revival

Rather than simply letting the souls of Invaders pass on when they die within it, the dungeon will instead hold on to them for a week. Within this time, the dungeon is able to revive the Invader much like it can its minions. However, doing so costs a significant portion of mana. As such, short of a direct order from you, it will require an offering of some nature to make it worth its while. Common examples include significant wealth, masterwork crafted items, or living sacrifices from outside (generally animals) made within the dungeon, or some combination. Such offerings can be made within the entrance of the dungeon, alongside an appeal for who should be revived. If the dungeon deems the offering acceptable for the individual, it will revive them at the entrance once the suppliant leaves the dungeon.

5 - Class System

Mana from the dungeon has been imbued in a way that encourages it to form in particular patterns. This results in an apparent class system, which helps to shape individuals' development along specific paths. When an individual without a class enters the mana-rich domain of the dungeon, they will find themselves prompted to choose a class from a list of available options. The contents of the list include a few "basic" classes, alongside some more specific options suited to the individual. Individuals may choose not to select a class, but the nature of the mana means that improvements will be drastically reduced until they do. As feats and exploits, especially within the dungeon may influence the list of available options, those unsatisfied with their choices may choose to try "unlocking" a preferable option.

If a theme is applied to the dungeon's mana, that will also impact the available classes, with the list always containing at least a few choices that fit the thematic and often shifting options to variations that fit the theme of the mana. For instance, wizard might be replaced with pyromancer, necromancer, or cultist if the mana is themed with fire, undead, or eldritch respectively.

Contracted minions of such a dungeon are less limited in their class options, as the dungeon can specifically shape the mana to form the base of any class appropriate to the mana's theme, including more "monstrous" classes. However, this often needs to be negotiated as part of the contract with the dungeon.

Once a class is chosen, the actions performed within the dungeon will largely cease to provide the semi-random benefits based on the action performed of normal mana, and instead will tend to provide a more generic "experience" boost to the chosen class, allowing most any actions to grant improved abilities along its lines. While contracted minions cannot gain experience normally, the excess mana a dungeon can provide converts into experiences for their class.

Depending on the specifics of the patterns this mana aligns to, it may be possible for classes to be changed or upgraded, or even potentially for multiple classes to be pursued. The specifics are determined upon selecting this trait.

6 - Assault

Once per month, a dungeon with at least two floors can empower its minions to go beyond its limits and attack the world beyond its walls. The process requires the dungeon to avoid spending mana for at least one day prior to initiating the assault, and then allows all minions to ignore floor limits, and even leave the dungeon for a number of hours equal to twice the total number of floors. The exception to this is minions from the lowest floor of the dungeon, which can freely roam the entirety of the dungeon, but cannot leave, instead acting as a last line of defense. Contracted minions are treated as being from the lowest floor that would allow them to be lent to the dungeon, or if all minions are contracted and could be placed on lower floors, at least one must remain in the dungeon during the assault.

Minions outside the dungeon cannot travel further than half a mile per floor from the dungeon. If not back in the dungeon by the time the assault ends, they will expire. After the assault, the dungeon can again summon or revive minions.

7 - Mana Enrichment

Your dungeon produces vast quantities of mana and will, given time, infuse the environment around their entrance with ambient mana. This has a variety of effects. Mana will generally cause life to flourish, living things will generally find themselves healthier, aches will fade, injuries will heal faster, diseases will be fought off more readily, muscles will grow more readily and stronger, etc. Further, creatures that gestate (and plants that germinate) within ambient mana will be prone to gain even greater boosts, becoming stronger, and even potentially gaining beneficial magical traits. These may range from minor things such as greater than normal strength to noticeable things such as unusual hair or eye color to notable things like elemental abilities and traits to the ability to produce small (relative to a dungeon) quantities of mana themselves. The frequency and strength of these traits are generally influenced by the quantity of ambient mana. These more supernatural traits will fade in the absence of mana (aside from the ability to produce it) but will return in full when mana is provided.

If a theme is applied to the dungeon's mana, the mana will be aligned to that theme, and as a result, supernatural enhancements caused by it will be more prone to fit that theme. This will especially be true for the effect on the environment around the dungeon, as plant life and inanimate objects become infused with mana fitting the theme, resulting in them slowly changing to fit it as well. For instance, fire-themed mana may cause plants to look burned and ashen, or even actively on fire, as the ground becomes dry and baked looking. While the actual ecosystem may remain healthy, it may come to look like a fiery hellscape or active volcanic region given time. Precise effects can vary based on a number of factors and would fade over time if mana were permitted to dissipate without being replenished.

The Dungeon Core can maintain a "grip" on the ambient mana the dungeon releases into the environment. This results in the Celestial Menagerie summoning and dismissing said ambient mana alongside the Dungeon Core when it is summoned or dismissed. While this does not impact mana already absorbed by the environment or creatures nor does it impact that process, it does allow for summoning the dungeon to produce an instant "magic zone" and dismissing it to similarly remove the mana immediately.

Environment and Classes depending on Themes.

You'll find here a list of environments and classes that are appropriate depending on the themes used by your dungeon. They are only examples, feel free to use other ideas if you think they are appropriate but try to remain within the boundary of each theme.

Also, keep in mind that each person can gain access to class depending on their own abilities.

Combining themes is also a possibility after floor 21, giving even more options both for the environment and the class avaible.

Environment: Without any themes, the environments available are quite basic, cavern, jail, warehouse.
Class: Only the most basic of classes are available without themes. Fighter, Rogue, Apprentice Mage, Beginner Priest

Environment: Foggy Forest, Solid cloud in the sky
Class: Cloud Surfer, Air Elementalist, Wind Runner

Environment: Hospital, Morgue
Class: Doctor, Acupuncturist, Skinwalker

Environment: Church, Paradise
Class: Cleric, Oracle, Paladin, Crusader

Environment: Carnival, Birthday party, Giant balloon in the sky, Bouncy Castle
Class: Clown, Stage Magician, Entertainer

Environment: Clothing Store, Fabric Factory
Class: Tailor, Cloth Manipulator, Needle thrower

Environment: Observatory, Space Station, Asteroide
Class: Astrologist, Cosmonaut, Stellar Knight

Environment: Puppet theater, Theme park
Class: Pupetter, Master of Mask, Mascot, Costumer

Environment: Dark Temple, Hell
Class: Cultist, Dark Knight, Hellfire Warlock, Inquisitor

Environment: Museum, Painting Studio, Pencil Factory
Class: Painter, Mapmaker, Colorist

Environment: Cave, Mine, Mountain
Class: Earth Elementalist, Mountain Defender, Miner

Environment: Living dungeon, Escher painting, Wall with Eyes
Class: Warlock, Space Warper, Mutant, Invoker, Binder, Ozodrin

Environment: Mountaintop, Flying Island, Forest Canopy
Class: Falconer, Archer, Wingsuit User

Environment: Volcano, Forge, Magma Lake
Class: Fire Elementalist, Mars Adept, Solar Priest

Environment: Kitchen, Restaurant, Food Store, Giant Ingredient
Class: Cook, Gourmet, Poisoner

Environment: Futuristic Prison, Forcefield labyrinth
Class: Force Mage, Psion, Incarnate

Environment: Tundra with Woolly animals, Savana with stripped or printed animals, Farms with cow/pig-like animals
Class: Ranger, Barbarian, Tamer, Animal Shifter

Environment: House of Mirror, Glassblower Workshop
Class: Invisible Man, Glass Manipulator, Alchemist

Environment: Thundra, Artic, Mountaintop
Class: Ice Elementalist, Glacial Adept, Frost Savage

Environment: Swamp, Giant Anthill, Spider Cavern
Class: Entomancer, Bugmorpher, Poisoner

Environment: Power Station, Plain with a constant Storm
Class: Lightning Elementalist, Stormcaster, Thunder Knight

Environment: Factory, Inside of a giant Golem, In a Train.
Class: Artificer, Golemist, Mechanist, Cyborg

Musical Instrument
Environment: Concert Hall, Organ Builder Workshop, Giant instrument
Class: Bard, Singer, Blade Dancer

Environment: Wizard Tower, Enchanted Forest,
Class: Archmage, Druid, Shaman, Summoner, Wizard

Environment: Tourist Beach, Garage, Refinery
Class: Fat Converter, Sumo, Petroleum Skin

Environment: Bibliotheque, School
Class: Gambler, Origami Master, Archivist

Environment: Forest, Jungle, Mushroom Cave
Class: Green Tumb, Treant Worshipper, Nature Warrior

Environment: Underwater Cavern, Marsh, Dragon Tomb
Class: Dragon Shaman, Serpent Whisperer, Sorcerer

Screen Time
Environment: Cinema, Studio
Class: Illusionist, Actor

Environment: Featureless Void, Gothic City
Class: Assasin, Shadowcaster, Ninja

Environment: Swamp, Sewer, Landfill
Class: Alchemist, Slime Eater, Shapeshifter

Environment: Castle, Temple, Museum
Class: Knight, Monk, Bishop, Animator

Environment: Swamp, Giant Beehive, Bat's Cave
Class: Swarmlord, Hivemind, Queen Bee

Environment: Giant Child Bedroom, Toyshop
Class: Toymaker, Doll Soldier, Reductionist

Environment: Graveyard, Abandoned Temple, Catacomb
Class: Necromancer, Death Knight, Vampire Lord

Environment: Barrack, Firefighting Station, Poste Office
Class: Soldier, Firefighter, Messenger

Environment: Battlefield, Bootcamp, Sparring Ring
Class: Warblade, Samurai, General, Monk

Environment: Ocean, Sea, Lake
Class: Water Elementalist, Aqua Warrior,

Environment: Armory, Forge
Class: Knight, Weapon Master, Battle Smith
Custom Theon/Parasite (Skullgirls) (400)

When you gain a Custom Parasite (formally known as a Theon), you may decide whether it is an Attached Parasite or a Remote Parasite. Remote Parasites are weaker overall but can act independently from your body. Roll a d4 to determine its form. This is the broad 'shape' that the parasite's appearance will be based on. Consult the Note below to see if a second roll is needed.

From there, roll a d20 to determine the Bodypart the Parasite will replace/take. The more of your body lost, the stronger the Parasite. Yes, some of these bodypart/form combos may be odd, silly, wrong, or downright creepy. It's all part of the experience.

Finally, roll a d20 to determine the Parasite's special power(s).


Theons appearances are incredibly variable, as such, it is up to you, the author, to decide how their Form and Bodypart combo looks in practice.

1 - Beast - Roll on the Mundane Animal category to determine the broad shape of the Parasite. Size of the animal rolled is largely irrelevant to the Parasite, as are special abilities of the animal.

2 - Natural - Parasite is largely similar to the replaced/taken bodypart, with some notable glaring differences (such as possible facial features, different color, being sharper, etc.)

3 - Object - Roll on the Objects list below to determine the broad shape of the parasite. Object types are often, but not necessarily, Remote.

4 - Weapon - Roll on the Weapon Type list on the Custom Intelligent Weapon section to determine the broad shape of the parasite.


All objects forms must be something meant to be carried by a person. No finegling a whole piano or pipe-organ out of one of the instrument options.

1 - Backpack
2 - Book
3 - Briefcase
4 - Cane
5 - Cloak
6 - Clothing
7 - Hand Mirror
8 - Hat
9 - String Instrument
10 - Woodwind Instrument
11 - Brass Instrument
12 - Pen
13 - Phone
14 - Pillow
15 - Plush Toy
16 - Pocketwatch
17 - Purse
18 - Smoke Pipe
19 - Telescope
20 - Umbrella


Any internal Parasites either come with or can create openings in your body to emerge from without harming you... much.

1 - Arm
2 - Both Arms
3 - Bone
4 - Blood - This comes with the Blood Manipulation power automatically.
5 - Eye
6 - Both Eyes
7 - Foot
8 - Both Feet
9 - Hand
10 - Both Hands
11 - Hair - This comes with the Malleable Form power automatically.
12 - Heart
13 - Jaw
14 - Leg
15 - Both Legs
16 - Skeleton
17 - Skin - Comes with the Regeneration power automatically.
18 - Spine
19 - Stomach - This comes with the Acid power automatically.
20 - Tail(/Tailbone)


1 - Acid

Your Parasite can produce and fire a potent acid. You are immune to this acid.

If you already have this power, reroll.

If you have this with the Explosive Tears power, you gain Acid explosive tears

2 - Barb Eruption

Large boney/metallic barbs can erupt from your Parasites body with great force, either as a melee attack or projectile.

If you have this with the Explosive Tears power, you gain Fragmentation explosive tears.

3 - Blood Manipulation

Your parasite can control and manipulate your blood. Your supply of blood can be supplemented with foreign blood.

If you already have this power, reroll.

If you have the Explosive Tears power, you gain Bloody explosive tears.

4 - Devouring

Your parasite can swallow anything that can fit into its mouth into a hammerspace/pocket dimension stomach.

5 - Drills

Your Parasite either has fully functional drills attached to it, or they can emerge from it. These drills can be fired out as projectiles.

6 - Electric Blasts

Your Parasite can charge itself and/or your body with dangerous electricity and then fire it out.

If you have this with the Explosive Tears power, you gain Electric explosive tears.

7 - Energy Cannon

Your Parasite can charge up to fire a massive single shot energy blast. This leaves the Parasite completely drained for several minutes.

If you have this with the Explosive Tears power, you gain Plasma explosive tears that can be charged to increase their size.

8 - Explosive Tears

Your Parasite can cry large, explosive tears that float in the air (or fall slowly if you choose) and can be detonated at will.

You may roll again to determine the type of Explosive. Any Power that does not list an explosive type gives concussive tears.

9 - Fire Breath

Your Parasite can charge up to fire a massive single shot energy blast. This leaves the Parasite completely drained for several minutes.

If you have this with the Explosive Tears power, you gain Plasma explosive tears that can be charged to increase their size.

10 - Flight

Your Parasite allows the capacity for (limited) flight through some means. If this is your first roll, you may roll again.

11 - Laser Eyes

Your Parasite can fire laser beams from its eyes and has extra eyes for more beams.

If you have this with the Explosive Tears power, you gain Laser explosive tears.

12 - Magnetism

Your Parasite is capable of manipulating magnetic fields to allow moving metallic objects of substantial size.

If you have this with the Explosive Tears power, you gain Magnetic explosive tears.

13 - Malleable Form

Your Parasite can manipulate and reshape its body to a moderate degree. You may roll a second time.

If you already have this power, it gets significantly stronger.

14 - Poison

Your Parasite is capable of producing and spitting globs/clouds of poison. You are immune to your Parasites poison.

If you have this with the Explosive Tears power, you gain Toxic explosive tears.

15 - Regeneration

Your Parasite can repair and regenerate your wounds quickly, undoing minor wounds in minutes and major ones in hours.

If this is your first roll, you may roll again. If you gain this twice, it becomes combat-viable regeneration.

16 - Sonic Wave

Your Parasite can fire powerful sonic waves.

If you have this with the Explosive Tears power, you gain Sonic explosive tears.

17 - Spacial Link

Your Parasite can open and close variably sized openings between two nearby locations, or a nearby location and a pre-set location at any distance.

18 - Super Strength

Your Parasite has incredible physical strength.

19 - Transmutation

After a short time your Parasite can transform objects and beings it touches into a similar object (With Natural or Object form), weapon (with Natural or Weapon form), or similar animal (with Beast form)

20 - Vampirism

Your Parasite can drink the blood of others to enhance its other powers. If this is your first roll, you may roll again. If you roll this a second time, reroll until you get a different power.
Custom Transformer (Transformers) (300)

Your Custom Transformer possesses an animal, a vehicle, and a humanoid shape.

When you gained a Custom Transformer, roll on the Mundane Animals category to determine its animal shape.

Afterward, roll one of the tables below to determine its vehicle shape, you choose the table depending on the animal shape. It can be terrestrial, aquatic, or aerial. If the animal you roll belongs to multiple categories choose whichever one you prefer.

The overall size of your Custom Transformer no matter its current chape depends on its vehicle shape. A 2m long Motorbike would give a 2m humanoid and also a 2m long animal shape even if its animal shape is a rat.

Lastly, in humanoid shape, your Custom Transformer, wield a weapon that it can summon at will. Roll on the Custom Intelligent Weapon table to determine its shape and on the Weapon Technology table below to determine the technology it uses.

Vehicle Shape

Maximum 30m in length, width, and height.

Terrestrial Vehicle

1 - Off-road Motorbike
2 - Street Motorbike
3 - Scooter
4 - Trikes
5 - Buggy
6 - Compact Car
7 - Luxury Car
8 - Off-road Car
9 - Supercar
10 - Construction Vehicle
11 - Truck
12 - Tanks

Aquatic Vehicle

1 - Boat
2 - Catamaran
3 - Hovercraft
4 - Hydrofoil
5 - Jet Ski
6 - Submersible

Aerial Vehicle

1 - Helicopter (1 Rotor)
2 - Helicopter (2 Rotors)
3 - Jet Aircraft
4 - Propeller Aircraft
5 - Rocket Aircraft
6 - Stealth Aircraft

Weapon Technology

1 - Drill
2 - Electrified
3 - Forcefield
4 - Chainsaw
5 - Monomolecular Edge
6 - Nanothorn
7 - Plasma
8 - Rocket Boosted
9 - Variable Mass
10 - Vibrating
Custom Mutant Animal (TMNT) (100)

Roll on the Mundane Animal category to determine your custom mutant base animal.

You gain a custom mutant animal, a normal animal that has taken a humanoid shape and has gained human-level intelligence.

Your mutant animal is between 1.5m and 2m tall, no matter the base animal.

Your mutant animal is an expert in any one skill of your choice. It can be using a particular weapon, a specific field of sciences, a particular trade, a sport, or even a musical instrument.
Custom Pony (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) (200)

When you gain your custom pony you must roll a D3 to determine if you gain an Earth Pony, a Pegasus, or a Unicorn. And then in the table below to determine its cutie mark. To do so roll a d50 to find the first word and a second d50 to find the second word.

Once you have found the two words of the cutie mark you can choose its precise shape and the talent associate with it.

First Word

1 - Apple
2 - Banana
3 - Cherry
4 - Grappe
5 - Lemon
6 - Orange
7 - Bamboo
8 - Beans
9 - Carrot
10 - Corn
11 - Pepper
12 - Potato
13 - Pumpkin
14 - Tomato
15 - Oak Tree
16 - Palm Tree
17 - Pine Tree
18 - Crocus
19 - Daisy
20 - Iris
21 - Lavender
22 - Mushroom
23 - Rose
24 - Cloud
25 - Moon
26 - Rainbow
27 - Star
28 - Sun
29 - Diamond
30 - Emerald
31 - Pearl
32 - Rubis
33 - Saphir
34 - Balloon
35 - Book
36 - Fan
37 - Horseshoe
38 - Pencil
39 - Pillow
40 - Scissor
41 - Telescope
42 - Trophy
43 - Watch
44 - Ant
45 - Bee
46 - Beetle
47 - Butterfly
48 - Dragonfly
49 - Snail
50 - Spider

Second Word

1 - White
2 - Black
3 - Red
4 - Green
5 - Yellow
6 - Purple
7 - Blue
8 - Grey
9 - Brown
10 - Pink
11 - Air
12 - Earth
13 - Fire
14 - Lightning
15 - Light
16 - Shadow
17 - Water
18 - Circle
19 - Heart
20 - Hexagon
21 - Losange
22 - Pentagon
23 - Square
24 - Triangle
25 - Ear
26 - Eyes
27 - Hand
28 - Horn
29 - Mouth
30 - Nose
31 - Wings
32 - Double
33 - Triple
34 - Autumn
35 - Spring
36 - Summer
37 - Winter
38 - Beach
39 - Castle
40 - Desert
41 - Farm
42 - Forest
43 - Fountain
44 - Island
45 - Lake
46 - Mine
47 - Mountain
48 - Plain
49 - River
50 - Town
Custom Spirit (Paranatural) (200 + X).

When you roll the entry for a Custom Spirit roll 1d6 to decide your Spirits power level. Multiply the number by 100 then add 200 to determine its cost, the Spirits individual power level is two tier lower than its cost. If it would be too much for your current point total you simply keep your points and do not gain a Custom Spirit.

You must determine the shape of your Custom Spirit, roll 1-3 times in 1-3 categories of your choosing (not including Paranatural) to determine its shape. Its shape has no bearing on abilities. A spirit may be a maximum of 5 meters in any dimension (with tails and necks able to extend up to 50% further each)

Roll a d12 to decide its Spectral Energy Color

Roll for each Common Trait individually to decide which ones your Spirit possesses.

Finally, click the link at the bottom of this section that will give you a random power from the Powerlistings wiki. Reroll any abilities it naturally possesses as a Spirit. Also, reroll any Almighty or Omni powers. The Strength of the Power depends on the result of your initial roll.

If your Spirits looks aren't in tune with its powers, you may choose to give it a theme by default. It does not confer the effect of the enhanced themes.

Common Traits

1d10 - Poltergeist

Must roll 6 or greater to gain the ability, the higher the number the more of their full strength they can use on non-spectral objects.

Your spirit is a Poltergeist, capable of selectively choosing to physically interact with the material world.

1d6 - Aerial Movement

Must roll 4 or greater to gain the ability. Higher rank is higher power.

Your Spirit is capable, through one means or another, of travelling through the air on its own power. Flight essentially.

1d2 - High Spirit

Optional Roll. Must roll 2 to gain this

Your Spirit can speak High Spirit fluently.

1d2 - Cursed Words

Optional roll. Must roll 2 to gain this

Your Spirit can speak Cursed Words fluently.

1d6 - Spectral Combat

Must roll 4 or higher to gain this. The higher the roll the greater the Spirits skill.

Your Spirit is skilled in the manipulation of its Spectral Energy for combat purposes.

1d10 - Grudge

Must roll 6 or higher to gain, the higher the roll, the more self control the Spirit maintains while in Grudge state.

Your Spirit is prone to entering a Grudge state. In this state its power is increased by 1 tier (up to a max of 7, does not increase cost) and its size may increase up to 10 meters (not including tails and necks)

It becomes mentally unstable and highly aggressive.

1d20 - Wight

You may choose not to roll this. You may not roll unless you have successfully rolled Grudge.

Must roll 16 or higher to gain this. The higher the roll, the less severe the drawback to using the Spirit is. Ranging from Near-fatal to Debilitating.

Your Spirit was so mentally damaged it has permanently shifted into a Wight. Its power is increased by 2 tiers (up to a max of 8, does not increase cost) and its size may increase to a maximum of 20 meters in any dimension.

Its powers are inherently dangerous and using it as a Tool or Medium comes with severe drawbacks.


1 - Cost 300
2 - Cost 400
3 - Cost 500
4 - Cost 600
5 - Cost 700
6 - Cost 800

Energy Color

1 - Red
2 - Orange
3 - Yellow
4 - Green
5 - Blue
6 - Indigo
7 - Violet
8 - Brown
9 - Black
10 - Teal
11 - Pink
12 - Grey

Random Power - Abilities that manipulate physical matter can affect non-Spectrals by default.
Last edited:
List of 100 points or less creatures, November 1st 2021
This will take a bit to complete, please wait while I edit in more. Done.
100 Points
50 Points
0 PointsAchatina
100 PointsUnown
Berry - You gain the ability to once per day summon any six berries of your choice.
100 Points
100 Points
Ant Trooper - You summoned can summoned either a Normal Ant Trooper or a Horned Ant Trooper.
Buzzy Beetle
Chain Chomp
Chargin' Chuck
Cheep Cheep
Koopa Troopa
Lava Bubble
Little Mouser
Monty Mole
Piranha Plant
Rocky Wrench
Rotten Mushroom
Shy Guy
Goomba's Shoe
Real Bombchu
Deku Baba
Tough Beetle
Cucco - Cucco is an entirely passive creature and even you can't give them any order. It will simply wander around looking for food and flee from danger. But if something or someone attacks Cucco repeatedly, it will summon out of nowhere 20 additional Cucco, and all of them with attack the aggressor. These additional Cucco will disappear once the aggressor is defeat or once you unsummon the original Cucco. As a side note, Cucco is extremely resistant to physical damage.
Red ChuChu - You also gain the material and the knowledge to safely extract red jelly from your Red Chuchu and to use it to create red potions. Red potions heal anyone that uses them but have limited effect. You can produce 3 red potions per week this way.
Green ChuChu - You also gain the material and the knowledge to safely extract green jelly from your Green Chuchu and to use it to create Green potions. Green potion replenishes magical energy for anyone that uses it but has limited effect. You can produce 3 green potions per week this way.
Yellow ChuChu - You also gain the material and the knowledge to safely extract yellow jelly from your Yellow ChuChu. Yellow jelly can be thrown like a grenade and create impact a small electrical blast.
White ChuChu - You also gain the material and the knowledge to safely extract white jelly from your White ChuChu. White jelly can be thrown like a grenade and create on impact a small freezing blast.
Young Gohma
Electric Keese
Fire Keese
Ice Keese
Like Like - If your Like Like suck in a creature while summoned, it will absorb any weapon or tool the creature is wielding but not clothes. If the Like Like is then unsummoned the creature is left behind and you can later recuperate those objects the next time you summoned the Like Like.
Pebblit - Exist in three variants Stone, Frost, or Igneo. You can choose any one when you gain it but only once each.
Shell Blade
Skulltula - If you gain a Skulltula a second time, your Skulltula becomes a Golden Skulltula or you can reroll.
50 Points
100 Points
Subspecies and Variant - When you summon a creature from this category that possesses a Subspecies or a Variant form you can choose to summon it transformed into any such form. If you do not possess any creature that possesses a Subspecies, or Variant form you gain a Velociprey.
Wyverian Transformation - At will, you can transform into a Wyverian or back to normal. You can remain in that shape as long as you wish with all the benefits that entail. In addition when in that shape any equipment you wear (clothes, armor, accessories, and weapon) weighs half as much for you.
Beetle - You gain one Beetle of your choice among the following possibility, Firebeetle, Mudbeetle, Thunderbeetle, or Snowbeetle.
Colored Lampsquid - You gain one Lampsquid of your choice among the following possibility, Red, Green or Yellow.
Toad - You gain one Toad of your choice among the following possibility, Poison, Paratoad, Sleeptoad, or Blastoad.
Puppet Spider
Snow-faced Fox
Trapbugs - You summon a group of three Trapbugs at the same time.
50 Points
0 Points
100 Points
Devil's Snare
Giant Purple Toad
Mackled Malaclaw
Portrait - You can summon a portrait of variable size, minimum 30cm by 30cm and up to 1m by 1m. This portrait represents you at any point in your life and possesses a copy of your mind, when unsummoned you gain the memory of the copy. The portrait can adhere to any vertical surface and only you can remove it. If the portrait is placed on a door it can control the opening and closing of that door.
Swooping Evil
Venomous Tentacula
Whomping Willow
50 Points
100 Points
Hunter Slime
Tangle Slime
Saber Slime
Rock Slime
Gold Slime
Lucky Slime
Feral Slimes - When you summon a Slime you can choose to make it a Feral Slimes, increasing it's strength and ferocity. If you gain this ability while you do not have any Slime Rancher Creature you automatically gain a Pink Slime.
50 Points
100 Points
Flower of Krakoa: I - You can summon enough Flower of Krakoa I to create one dose of Human Drug I and you know the process to do it.
Spider Bot
Redwing 65
Redwing 616
Memakata - You also gain the cat-headed amulet allowing you to transfer your mind inside Memakata body.
Mickey the Mouse
100 Points
Yellow Chocobo - If you have Blue magic you gain access to the Chocobuckle spell.
Blue Chocobo - Blue Chocobo can walk on water.
Green Chocobo - Green Chocobo can walk on vertical surface.
Mandragora - If you have Blue magic you gain access to the Dream Flower spell.
Trick Sparrow - If you have Blue magic you gain access to the Matra Magic spell.
100 Points
Bunger - Choose between Bunger and BBQ Bunger when you summon this.
Cocomite Husk - You can choose to summon them in their Husk form, or as a separated pair
Flapjackarak - Choose between Flapjackarak and Waffstackarak when you summon this.
Noodler - Choose between Noodler or Stewdler when you summon this.
Scorpenyo - When you roll this, you may choose to take a Scorpepper instead. If rolled again, you may take the other or reroll
Spuddy - Choose between Spuddy and Loaded Spuddy when you summon this.
Weenyworm (Shy)
50 Points
Aggrole - You may choose between a Banopper, Red Banopper, and Cobhopper when you summon this
Cheepoof - Choose between Cheepoof, White Cheepoof, or Flamin' Cheepoof when you summon this.
Cheezer - Choose between Cheezer, Chippy, and Kwookie when you summon this.
Crapple - Choose between Green Crapple or Red Crapple when you summon this.
Dr. Sodie - Choose between Dr. Sodie, Mt. Sodie, La Sodieux, or Sodie D when you summon this.
Fryder - Choose between Fryder or Sweet Fryder when you summon this.
Grapeskeeto - Choose between Purple or Green Grapeskeeto when you summon this.
Kweeble - Choose between Kweeble or Golden Kweeble when you summon this.
Lollive - Choose between Green or Black Lollive when you summon this.
Peelbug - Choose between Orange, Red, Green, or Yellow Peelbug when you summon this.
Poptick - Choose between Poptick and Caramel Poptick when you summon this.
Rootle - Choose between Rootle and White Rootle when you summon this.
Shishkabug - Choose between Shishkabug, Tropicabug, and Instabug when you summon this.
Snakpod - When you summon this, summon up to 8 Snakpods of any combination of flavors]
Strabby - Choose between Strabby, White Strabby, Razzby, and Black Razzby when you summon this.
Sweetiefly - Choose between Sweetiefly, Crystal Sweetiefly, Lovely Sweetiefly, and Rainbow Sweetiefly when you summon this.
Tacroach - Choose between Tacroach and Baja Tacroach when you summon this.
Wee Mewon
100 Points
Beehive - You summon one beehive that contains three bees.
Conduit - You can only summon your conduit fully submerged underwater and it appears within a Prismarine structure sufficient to activate its effect with a maximum radius of 100m.
The Killer Bunny
Spider - When you summon your spider it may appear with one beneficial effect.
Roll a d6 to choose the effect: 1 or 2: Nothing, 3: Strength, 4: Speed, 5: Regeneration, 6: Invisibility.
Cave Spider
Aechor Plant
Ash Sprite
Boulder Sprite
Golemancy - You can summon any type of golem allowed.
Wisps - You can summon any type of wisps.
Eldritch Crab
Pinch Beetle
Death Tome
Carminite Ghastling
50 Points
0 Points
100 Points
Two Den Den Mushi - As long as one Den Den Mushi remains within 500m of you the other (or others) can go up to 10km away without being unsummoned.
Black Den Den Mushi
Two Baby Den Den Mushi - As long as one Den Den Mushi remains within 500m of you the other (or others) can go up to 10km away without being unsummoned.
Two Visual Den Den Mushi - As long as one Den Den Mushi remains within 500m of you the other (or others) can go up to 10km away without being unsummoned.
White Den Den Mushi
Linear Fox
News Coo
Panda Shark
South Bird - You can also choose the North, Eastern, or Western variant.
White Walkie
Yagara Bulls
50 PointsCloud Fox
100 Points
50 Points
0 PointsPotato Mouse
- Exist in four variants: Soy, Salsa, Vinegar or Worcester. You can choose any variant when you summon it.
100 Points
Carnivorous Sand Clam
Cthellean Cudbear
Djemja Falak
Fedridian Althak
Machine Spirit - You can summon your machine spirit inside any machine to enhance its performance and to influence it.
Ptera-squirrel - You can choose to summon either the herbivorous or carnivorous version.
Squigs - You can choose any variant of Squigs when you summon one.
Sinophian Boreworm
Xothic Blood Locust
Gargoyles - By default you summon your Gargoyles without any Biomorph weapon, but if you have access to some Biomorph from this category you can summon it with one.
100 PointsJunktools
50 Points
Rotilian Reptools
Wrenchtools - You can choose either the Crescent, Hex or Pipe version when you summon it.
100 Points
Adult Poptop
Kluex Sentry
Fluffalo - When this creature is unsummoned it leaves behind 8 kg of Plant Fibre.
Electric Fluffalo - When this creature is unsummoned it leaves behind one Static Cell.
Fire Fluffalo - When this creature is unsummoned it leaves behind one Scorched Core.
Ice Fluffalo - When this creature is unsummoned it leaves behind one Cryonic Extract.
Poison Fluffalo - When this creature is unsummoned it leaves behind one Venom Sample.
Mooshi - When this creature is unsummoned it leaves behind 5 carton of Milk).
50 Points
100 Points
Axe Flapper
Jellyshade - Can Choose it's form upon Summoning.
Prize Pod
Red Hot Chili
Ringer Pot
Yellow Mustard
Aerial Knocker
Armored Knight
Bit Sniper
Blox Bug
Blue Rhapsody
Bulky Vendor - When unsummoned it conjures a capsule based on how much hp it had remaining
Bully Dog
Cannon Gun
Creeper Plant
Danger Bug
Driller Mole
Gigas Shadow
Hammer Frame
Heat Saber
Hook Bat
Icy Cube
Lance Soldier
Luna Bandit
Magnum Loader
Metal Bug
Minute Bomb
Pot Centipede
Prize Bug
Rabid Dog
Red Nocturne
Shadow Clone - Takes the appearance of the summoner
Sky Grappler
Tornado Step
Wight Knight
Card Soldier - If you roll it choose a card face, if you roll it again you can choose a different card face to gain for free, and reroll.
Ghost Dog
Magic Carpet
Pain and Panic - When you summon them you summon both.
Tuk Tuk - You summon Tik-Tuk with his special saddle.
Skilled Critter - When summoning a creature you can give it the ability to talk and think. It becomes as smart as an average human. It also gains a random skill in which they are adequately trained. These tend to be towards hobbies, or mundane activities such as farming, or knitting. You can only have one creature affected at times. If you apply this power to a creature on multiple different occasion, it always possesses the same mind and skill.
50 Points
100 PointsAtlas
50 PointsSnitch
100 Points
50 Points
Blade Ball
Claw Tooth Swarmer
Critters - You get any one critter. if you successfully get this 16 times you will get a Ryno 6 Protosuit.
0 PointsTetramite
100 Point
Scp-128 - SCP-128 can be summoned with or without the hamster.
Scp-157 - You summoned SCP-157 as a colony weighing 2.5kg.
Scp-212 - If you choose to use SCP-212 on yourself you are guaranteed to survive but the alteration may not necessarily be beneficial and may even be detrimental.
Scp-267 - You summoned only one example of SCP-267 of any caste of your choice.
Scp-621 - SCP-621 is summoned inside a small ceramic pot.
Scp-634 - SCP-634 is summoned inside a small round fishbowl. You are immune to SCP-634 memory alteration effect.
Scp-688 - SCP-688 can be summoned into any preexisting cavity within line of sight or it can be summoned with a small wooden box possessing only a 5cm circular opening.
Scp-772 - You can summon either a male or a female SCP-772.
Scp-919 - If SCP-919 projects your reflection it is not hystericale and when it disappears for any reason you gain its memories.
Scp-937 - You summoned SCP-937 and twenty instances of SCP-937-2 with it.
Scp-1147 - You can be summoned SCP-1147 on any surface, it is a mature specimen and it produces three fruit a few hours after summoning.
Scp-1267 - When summoning SCP-1267 roll a D36 on the Mundane Animals category to determine its shape.
Scp-1513 - SCP-1513 can only be summoned in loose grounds where it can put roots. When summoning SCP-1513 you can choose to have it take the shape of any mundane animal of your choice. No matter its shape it remains planted into the ground.
Scp-1552 - When SCP-1552 is unsummoned, all instances of SCP-1552-1 return to normal.
Scp-1755 - To summon SCP-1755 you must target a spherical area 10m in radius, every piece of cotton in that area is transformed in an instance of SCP-1755. In addition, you also summon a small device able to emit a 450-kilohertz frequency.
Scp-2819 - You can summon either SCP-2819-1, SCP-2819-2, or both at the same time.
Scp-3551 - When summoned SCP-3551 includes three instances of SCP-3551-1, three of SCP-3551-2, and three of SCP-3551-3.
Scp-3757 - You summon a swarm of 100 SCP-3757.
Scp-4088 - You summon SCP-4088 accompanied by SCP-4088-1.
Scp-4719 - Each time you summon SCP-4719 it possess a random assortment of carriage and always one gift for you.
Scp-5160 - When first summoned SCP-5160 gives you one wool gift. Afterward, she can give one wool gift per day to other people.
Scp-5918 - You can summon one SCP-5918 seed per day.
SCP-6968-2 - You can summon any type of SCP 6968-2, but only one at a time.
50 Points
Scp-021 - If you summon SCP-21 on your own skin you do not feel the pain it cause by moving.
Scp-111 - When summoning SCP-111 you choose any one of its variants.
Scp-131 - You summoned both SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B at the same time.
Scp-681 - You can summon SCP-681 inside a balloon animal in the shape of any creature you possess, but no more than 1m tall.
Scp-839 - You can summon SCP-839 in any avaible flavor. If an instance of SCP-839 that you summoned is eaten by someone. It will become separate from you and remain for its normal lifespan inside that person, replacing an organ depending on its flavor. But you will be unable to summon another instance of SCP-839 for one week.
Scp-995 - You can summon SCP-995 in any color, with corresponding abilities.
Scp-1091 - SCP-1091 is summoned with SCP-1091-1.
Scp-1105-1 - When summoning SCP-1105-1 you can choose its shape.
Scp-1615 - When summoning SCP-1615 you must touch a living being, this being immediately manifest the change induces by the consumption of SCP-1615. This persists for the next 24h. In addition, SCP-1615 cannot be unsummoned unless the affected being is killed before the duration end.
Scp-3338 - When you gain SCP-3338 you also gain middling musical skill, enough to use it fairly.
Scp-3508 - Roll on the Mundane Animal category to determine the shape of your SCP-3508. If you would gain this entry again you can reroll or gain a second one with a different shape.
Scp-3960 - When you first gain SCP-3960 you must choose five personality traits. It will possess those five traits when you summon it.
Scp-4021-1 - When summoned SCP-4021-1 is accompanied by 20 instances of SCP-4021-2.
Scp-5113 - You summon SCP-5113-1 and -2 at the same time.
SCP-6039 - You can summon SCP-6039 but you cannot control it, it merely follows its own instinct. It is not limited by your normal range limit and you cannot use any power you possess on him or use him as a target.
SCP-114-KO - You can summon a swarm of 50 SCP-114-KO.
0 Points
Scp-376 - You can choose SCP-376's exact appearance when you summoned it.
Scp-613-1 - You can summon SCP-613-1 with any normal bread shape.
Scp-1468 - When you first gain SCP-1468 you must determine what piece of fiction it is trying to transcribe. You can choose yourself or use a means to determine it randomly.
Scp-3453 - 1d6 weeks after gaining this it disappears and you lose access to it.
Scp-4209 - You gain a group of six SCP-4209.
Scp-5449 - SCP-5449 is summoned with SCP-5449-1.
Scp-5574 - When summoning SCP-5574 you must target either a work of non-interactive narrative media (books, movies, etc…) or an intelligent being. SCP-5574 is summoned infecting your target, should your target be destroyed or die before the end of the summoning you must choose a new viable target or end the summoning.
100 Points
Gyroïde (Animal Crossing) - Your Gyroide can sell flower seeds, generating them from nothing. And he can exchange flowers against furniture, generating them from nothings too. If your Gyroide collects money he can give it to you if you ask.
Greythorne (Baten Kaitos)
Crites (Critters)
Greasel (Deus Ex)
Karkian (Deus Ex)
Dingbot Prime (Girl Genius) - Any dingbot created by yours falls to pieces when it's unsommed.
Gremlins - You can summon your Gremlin either as a Gremlin or as a Mogwai.
Common Beast (Hearthstone) - You gain one common Beast of your choice. You can gain any number of different Beast but if you would gain it an additional time you can instead choose to reroll.
Babel Fish (Hitchhikers' Guide)
Treecat (Honor Harrington) - Your treecat is bonded with you automatically and the bond is already firmly established.
Varren (Mass Effect)
Common Sliver (MTG) - You gain one common Sliver of your choice. In addition, you can count as Sliver if it would be beneficial. You can gain any number of different Sliver but if you would gain it an additional time you can instead choose to reroll.
Mag (Phantasy Star) - Your mag is automatically fed once per week with one item of your choice per week.
WALL•E (Pixar)
Meatbun (1/2 Prince)
Shrieking eel (Princess Bride)
Lum (Rayman) - You gain the ability to summon a red, purple, or blue Lum. But only one at a time.
Small Lesser Tesseract (SIASSW)
Custom Mutant Animal (TMNT) - You gain a custom mutant animal, a normal animal that has taken a humanoid shape and has gained human-level intelligence. Your mutant animal is between 1.5m and 2m tall, no matter the base animal. Your mutant animal is an expert in any one skill of your choice. It can be using a particular weapon, a specific field of sciences, a particular trade, a sport, or even a musical instrument. Roll on the Mundane Animal category to determine your custom mutant base animal.
Kuriboh (Yu-Gi-Oh) - At any time you can unsummon Kuriboh, if you do so you are immune to damage for 1 minute.
50 Points
0 PointsTwelve Tribble (Star Trek)
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List of 100 points creatures or less by sonicyoash
I changed my mind again, here's the full list:

View: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR61vIDT6AeY5Qe2N1Z2HlchTqhJQbylUz-tuDWqUuF9VQ_rYsDh-cCxJqnpH-croww3EgmBHM_ZWdT/pubhtml
Strikethrough Text: The Creature is either already acquired and can't be acquired again (Certain Creatures like Starbound's Cruttur can be gotten multiple times in different forms (i.e electric or poison) and so are left as it) or are from a Removed Category (currently Bugsnax).

Red Categories: Bonus Categories that may be included or not at @zagan's discretion.
Celestial Menagerie V3 update
Important information, starting with the roll that will take place after the next chapter (28) I will use the V3 of the Celestial Menagerie.
The V3 is the final version of the CM. I won't add any more powers, any creatures to the various category or modify any cost. The only changes still possible are if a setting is updated (like a new monster in Minecraft, a new pokemon generation, etc...), or if a power wording is plain wrong.

This new version includes 5 more categories (Subnautica, Starbound, Card Captor Sakura, Kirby, and Percy Jackson), 9 new creatures in Various, 15 new powers, a few creatures in multiple categories, and the cost of a fair number of creatures and powers were reduced. (More detail in the changelog section)

If you want to object to any of those changes, you need to do it now. But please use this thread.