Well, it's a real space that anyone can enter, things can be stored or built inside, it can be opened or closed at will, it does not cost a summoning slot, resources can be taken out of it depending on the environment it mimics, even at its minimum it's much bigger than what we have access to, and I'm sure it could be put to a lot of different uses.
Grant we do have access to some extra-dimensional spaces already but they have their own limitation.
Like Princess's Orb costs a summoning slot, and the orb must remain in the real world and be put somewhere secure. and it can only be entered by teleportation so that limit the ease of use.
The Master Quarter has similar issues, the Dungeon needs to be summoned and it's basically a house inside with furniture and everything so that limits what you can do inside.
Fair enough then.

In that case I'm curious who people are thinking for it?
[X] 0 Bonus Theme (Uniform) + 200 Explosive Summoning

Ok, with some choices we have, this could be good.

However, Bonus Theme+Explosive Summoning removes 2 powers, also we could have 7xSummoning next time. And 7xSummoning+ Siberian could be really, really strong.
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[X] 0 Bonus Theme (Uniform) + 200 Explosive Summoning
[X] 0 Bonus Theme (Uniform) + 600 Gigantification
[X] 0 Bonus Theme (Uniform) + 400 Choose one (300)

Imagine Perry abusing the shit out of Uniform to do his sneaky-sneaky spy stuff!
Pocket Biosphere
[X] 0 Bonus Theme (Write-in) + 200
[X] 500 Pocket Biosphere
[X] 0 Bonus Theme (Write-in) + 200 Explosive Summoning
Need to write in. May I interest you in Uniform?
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[X] 0 Bonus Theme (Forcefield) + 200 Explosive Summoning
[X] 0 Bonus Theme (Uniform) + 200 Explosive Summoning

Pocket Biosphere is very tempting but I find Themes to be even more so. My plan is thus; vote for Bonus Theme + Explosive Summoning this turn then next turn there ought to be enough points to afford most anything on the Power list and a 50% chance to roll Pocket Biosphere again.

As for the Theme choice, this being a superhero setting the odds of encountering a forcefield are pretty good. Either in the form of Tinkertech or a parahuman power. Uniform is mostly picked for fun, though Nimue could potentially generate an interesting Class around it.
I just thought of something: How does Pocket Biosphere interact with settings that contain some ambient force? For instance, if an Elder Scrolls creature was picked would its Biosphere be inundated with magicka?

Also, what would the Biosphere of Booky look like? Would it not be either a wizard's library or bookstore and thus contain multiple books of magical knowledge available for reading?
Pocket Biospheres: What to expect by sonicyoash
Pocket Biospheres: What to expect


Overview: An overview of the world in question with general notable resources, hazards, and other things highlighted.
S-Class Warning: Highlights materials which can cause S-Class events if mishandled, and why they are listed as that.

[Example]-Specific Creature: Name - Their Name
  • Name of their Biome if applicable/basic description if not
    • Specific Unique Resources if applicable

[=Astral Chain=]​

Overview: The main draw of this world is the Astral Plane, home of the Chimeras which is described as being made of "crystalized data" with a specific sub-variety known as Red Matter. Legions live in the Ark, a futuristic artificial island arcology.
S-Class Warning: Red Matter: Corrupts humans exposed to it into Chimeras, which attack people and deliberately spread the stuff. Astral Chain's Earth is 99% uninhabitable because of this stuff.

[Astral Chain]-Axe Legion: Name - Howard
  • The Ark: Technology you'd find in a city 40+ years ahead of Earth Bet.


Overview: Set in a post-apocalyptic world, Ark's creatures primarily live in terraformed mini-biomes, with the occasional trace of Element, used to make advanced technology but dangerous if mishandled.
S-Class Warning: Element: Liquid element corrups animals and the environment in-general, killing life and spreading while creating Endbringer-like autonomous machines made of the stuff (re: Titans). It should be noted that they rendered all life outside of what the eponymous space habitat Arks create extinct, though this was after a World War using Element-based Tek spread it beyond any hope of containment.

[Ark]-Achatina: Name - Slow (Lend to Nimue)
  • marshes and jungles
[Ark]-Attack Drone: Name - Hover
  • Overseer Arena
    • Element based Early Interplanetary Age Tek
[Ark]-Blue Astrodelphis (Saddle): Name - Flypper
  • Space
[Ark]-Giant Queen Bee: Name - Beeauty
  • Nest located in either Redwood tree tops or on a rocky cliffside
    • Honey
[Ark]-Liopleurodon: Name - Charlie
  • Ocean
[Ark]-Manticore: Name - Rager
  • Desert Canyon
[Ark]-Raptor: Name - Delta
  • Forest or Jungle


Overview: Outside of the fantastic chimeric animals, the world of Avatar doesn't offer much outside of the Spirit world, but we don't have any Spirits, so that's moot.

[Avatar]-Deer Dog: Name - Max
  • Desert or ocean bay
[Avatar]-Frog squirrel: Name - Greenie (Lend to Nimue)
  • Swamp
[Avatar]-Koala Sheep: Name - Fluffy
  • Coastal cliffs
[Avatar]-Possum chicken: Name - Lazy
  • Swamp
[Avatar]-Purple Pentapus: Name - Penta
  • City sewers
[Avatar]-Tigerdillo: Name - Rayure
  • Presumably arid planes since they live near Ba Sing Se
[Avatar]-Turtle crab: Name - Sebastian
  • Tropical island beach


Overview: Paradiso and Inferno, the lands of angels and demons respectively, are the main draw here. I'm not sure what materials would be found here other than the metals that Angels have all over their bodies.

[Bayonetta]-Hideous A: Name - Hid
  • Inferno
[Bayonetta]-Hideous B: Name - Deo
  • Inferno
[Bayonetta]-Hideous C: Name - Ous
  • Inferno
[Bayonetta]-Sapientia: Name - Sapientia
  • Paradiso, presumably an ocean there.

[=Ben 10]=]​

Overview: Name an alien environment and you'll find something here. One of the most versatile categories with too many options to list.
S-Class Warning: Probably a bunch, don't think we encountered any yet though.

[Ben 10]-Arburian Pelarota: Name - Roller
  • World with lots of underground tunnels for rolling
[Ben 10]-Scrutin: Name -Eye
  • Legerdomain, the magic dimension
    • Presumably a LOT of magical regents and materials
[Ben 10]-Sphoeroid: Name - Scalpa
  • Homeworld is described as a rainy planet, so presumably a rainforest or something similar.

[=Cassette Beasts=]​

Overview: A strange island full of fantastic beasts that people from all kinds of different times and dimensions find themselves stranded on, building a civilization. Cassette Beasts are basically Pokemon except instead of capturing and training them you record them so you can transform into them.

[Cassette Beasts]-Diveal: Name - Cousteau
  • Mire Sea, Thirstation Lake, or The Marshes

[=Crash Bandicoot=]​

Overview: Set in an archipelego full of humans, animals, and spirits. Presumably has a bunch of random and weird materials, I don't know, I never played it.

[Crash Bandicoot]-Kupuna Wa: Name - Kupuna Wa
  • I don't know, some swamp/marsh village? I didn't play the game.

[=Code Lyoko=]​

Overview: Outside of the mundane earth part of the setting, the main draw is a virtual world full of strange monsters created by a skynet-like supercomputer with the ability to turn real things digital and digital things real.

[Code Lyoko]-Scorpion: Name - Stomper (Lend to Nimue)
  • Sector Five, the heart of the digital world that looks kinda like a dison sphere.

[=Danny Phantom=]​

Overview: The main environment is the Ghost Zone, a parallel dimension made of ectoplasm and filled with ghosts.

[Danny Phantom]-Cujo: Name - Cujo
  • Ghost Zone


Overview: A high-fantasy world/multiverse full of strange locals, there are too many possibilities to easily list, but all of them offer a lot of magical regents.

[D&D]-Crysmal: Name - Scorgem
  • Elemental Plane of Earth
    • Lots of rare metals and gemstones, a good number of which are full of magic.
[D&D]-Kamadan: Name - Sekmet
  • Jungles of Chult
    • Gold veins and gemstone deposits
[D&D]-Water Animental Crane: Name - Yuhua (Lend to Nimue)
  • Elemental Plane of Water
    • Anything found in water i.e. pearls, coral, seaweed, and magical versions thereof


Overview: As a Science Fantasy Space Opera Superhero world, DC has everything.
S-Class Warning: A ton of stuff that we haven't ran into yet but inevitably will.

[DC]-Goliath: Name - Red
  • Middle East mountains
[DC]-Mickey the Mouse: Name - Mickey
  • An ordinary mouse outside of their smartskin, so wherever mundane mice live.

[=Devil May Cry=]​

Overview: The main biome here is the Demon World aka Hell or the Netherworld where Demons live. Presumably a lot of demonic metals and such can be found here.

[Devil May Cry]-Damned Chessmen: Name - None
  • Damned Chess Board (literally a giant chessboard)
[Devil May Cry]-Devil Bringer: Name - None
  • …does this even count? It's literally a (demonic) prosthetic arm. Netherworld


Overview: The Digital World has a ton of ridiculously useful materials, such as Chrome Digizoid that every Endbringer-Tier Digimon appears to be made out of.

[Digimon]-Floramon: Name - Aylamon (Path 1: Ultimate 6/10)
  • Digital Jungle probably
[Digimon]-Sunarizamon: Name - Gobimon (Path 1: Champion 5/10)
  • Digital Desert


Overview: This world is basically mesozoic earth if the dinosaurs were half-vehicle.

[Dinotrux]-Junktools: Name - Tools
  • Desert
[Dinotrux]-Picktools: Name - Climb
  • Arctic Tundra


Overview: A Flatworld that literally only exists because of magic, full of fantasy environments.

[Discworld]-Luggage: Name - Baggage
  • Presumably wherever Sapient Pearwood comes from, which is apparently the edges of Fantasy Japan/China.


Overview: A lot of magical locales, none of which we have.

[Disney]-Flubber: Name - Flubber
  • Whatever lab it was invented in.

[=Don't Starve=]​

Overview: A dimension known as the Constant, this death world is full of weird monsters and resources.

[Don't Starve]-Bernie: Name - Bernie
  • The Constant
[Don't Starve]-Naked Mole Bat: Name - Sniffer
  • Lunar Grotto
    • Moon Glass & Stone Fruit
[=Dragon Age=]​
[Dragon Age]-Gurn: Name - Horn
  • Hissing Wastes (Western Orlaisian Desert)

[=Dragon Ball=]​

[Dragon Ball]-Senzu Bean: Name - None
  • Korin Tower
[=Dragon Quest=]​

[Dragon Quest]-Bullfinch: Name - Minos
  • Grassy Hill regions
[Dragon Quest]-Imp: Name - Trick
  • Underworld
[Dragon Quest]-Powie Yowie: Name - Yeti
  • Snowy Mountains
[Dragon Quest]-Shadow: Name - Ombre
  • World of Darkness

[Dragons]-Changewing: Name - Camo
  • Large, tall forest
[Dragons]-Fireworm (Drone): Name - Light
  • Firecomb filled cave
[Dragons]-Spiderwing: Name - Soiele
  • Web filled cave
[=Elder Scroll=]​

[Elder Scroll]-Ancestor Moth: Name - Memoria
  • Ancestor Glade
    • Canticle Bark
[Elder Scroll]-Clockwork Skeevaton: Name - Squee
  • Clockwork City
    • Dwemer Metal, maybe some soul gems
[Elder Scroll]-Mudcrab: Name - Crusty (Lend to Nimue)
  • Skyrim riverbank
[Elder Scroll]-Sep Adder: Name - Adet
  • Hew's Bane
[Elder Scroll]-Servant Shadowmere: Name - Shadow
  • Dark Brotherhood Falkreath Sanctuary & surrounding forests

[=Enter the Gungeon=]​

[Enter the Gungeon]-Blank Companion's Ring: Name - None
  • N/A 99% sure this doesn't count

[=Eternal Cylinder=]​

[Eternal Cylinder]-Ocular Orthopod: Name - I-Spy
  • The Tundra


[Fallout]-Automatron: Name - Automatron (Options)
  • The Mechanist's Lair ???

[=Fell Seal=]​

[Fell Seal]-Ercinee: Name - Domo
  • A lot of options, wiki sparse on details
    • Baaz Island
    • Banyan Span
    • Claret Woods
    • Devilsblood Ascent
    • Ekhidna Falls
    • Gelligh Foothills
    • Scarred Summit
[Fell Seal]-Lemon Pektite: Name - Malcolm
  • A lot of options, wiki sparse on details
    • Azure Fields
    • Drakesmouth Seaway
    • Gyaum Tor
    • Iirzk'tara Gorge
[=Final Fantasy=]​

[Final Fantasy]-Cactuar: Name - Thorne
  • Cactuar Island
[Final Fantasy]-Mandragora: Name - Merle (Lend to Nimue)
  • They're sapient, so a village I guess?
[Final Fantasy]-Tonberry: Name - Tom
  • Centra Ruins
[Final Fantasy]-Trick Sparrow: Name - Beaker
  • Treno Overworld

[=Generic Fantasy=]​

[Generic Fantasy]-Custom Dungeon Core: Name - Nimue
  • Generic JRPG Fantasy Setting

[=Genshin Impact=]​

[Genshin Impact]-Kageroumaru: Name - Kageroumaru
  • Serenitea Pot
[Genshin Impact]-Maintenance Mek: Name - None
  • Fontaine Lake

[=Girl Genius=]​

[Girl Genius]-Dingbot Prime: Name - Prime
  • Spark Lab???

[=Godzilla / EDF=]​

[Godzilla]-Tailed Beast Zilla: Name - Rex
  • Either New York Bay/River or Monster Island ???
[EDF]-Gargant: Name - Gargant
  • Destroyed City Ruins


[Half-Life]-Vortigaunt: Name - Kane
  • Xen
    • Xen Crystals & Healing Pools

[=Harry Potter=]​

[Harry Potter]-Demiguise: Name - Clear
  • Far East, presumably a forest or mountain region
[Harry Potter]-House Elf: Name- Olky
  • Wizard Home probably???
[Harry Potter]-Magical Owl: Name - Staria
  • Rookery
[Harry Potter]-Sorting Hat: Name - Godric
  • Hogwarts
    • Magical Textbooks
[Harry Potter]-The Monster Book of Monsters: Name - Booky
  • Hogwarts
    • Magical Textbooks
[Harry Potter]-Zouwu: Name - Rainbow
  • China

[=Horizon Zero Dawn=]​

[Horizon Zero Dawn]-Deathbringer: Name - Hexa
  • N/A - We Exchanged this guy awhile ago.
[Horizon Zero Dawn]-Redeye Watcher: Name - Raptor
  • The Sundom

[=JoJo's Bizarre Adventure=]​

[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]-Harvest: Name - Harvest
  • Morioh Town
[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]-Hermit Purple: Name - Hermit
  • Joestar Home

[=Kid Icarus=]​

[Kid Icarus]-Punch II Power V Divine Bow: Name - None
  • N/A - This is literally a bow guys.

[=Kingdom Hearts=]​

[Kingdom Hearts]-Bulky Vendor: Name - Vendor
  • A few options:
    • Agrabah: Bazaar
    • Halloween Town: Candy Cane Lane
    • The Land of Dragons: Checkpoint
    • Beast's Castle: The West Hall
    • Olympus Coliseum: Cave of the Dead: Entrance
[Kingdom Hearts]-Caves of Wonder Guardian: Name -
  • Arabian Desert
Note Sep 17: This is a work in progress that I'll continue tomorrow (starting with Dragon Age). ??? means that I haven't gotten to it yet. I hope to complete the entire thing within the week, and will update it as the story continues. Also, if you have any info to add about resources feel free to let me know so I can update it. Also, I'm not doing my color thing for this because massive posts tend to glitch out when I use colors on them, so have a rare non-blue post from me.

Note Sep 27: Updated up to the letter K, still need to do the Overview for everything past Don't Starve and finish the other entries, but I'm chipping away at it!
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It is entirely possible that the Biosphere for Baggage is a literal store. Fun fact, the trope of "magical shops that sell peculiar items and disappear when you try looking for them the next day" are so common on Discworld that they have a scientific classification. One of these is where the original Luggage was purchased from.

Also the Counterweight Continent is the name of the place where Sapient Pearwood grows. Technically the plant grows on the sites of ancient magical disasters but has apparently been harvested to near-extinction elsewhere. It is absolutely Discworld's equivalent of China, Imperial China at that.
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Chapter 226: Sub-Vote part 2
Vote Closed: Winning vote: 500 Pocket Biosphere

Now we need to determine which of our partners will gain its own extradimensional space.
Keep in mind that the size of the creature has a good chance to correlate with the size of the biosphere, but not always.
Natural resources found in the Biosphere do regenerate over time, even minerals, but at a very slow rate.
Plants and fungi may be available but no animals.

[] Pocket Biosphere: Write-in

Voting will be closed Wednesday at 3 PM GMT

Pocket Biospheres: What to expect

Thank you for that. Much appreciate. I will threademark it immediately.
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Crysmal
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Geth Legion
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Aerbunny
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Golemancy
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Silverwood
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Root Sprite
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Death Tome
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Clank
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Red Slime
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Anomura Fungus
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Nightmare
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Seer

[ ] Pocket Biosphere: Frillish
[ ] Pocket Biosphere: Sneasel
[ ] Pocket Biosphere: Duplicat
[ ] Pocket Biosphere:
Sentry Turret
[ ] Pocket Biosphere: Volumen Hydrargyrum


Crysmal - Elemental Plane of Earth is full of rare minerals and ores, to the point they aren't rare at all. Also, magical reagents.

Geth Legion - Either we get a Geth Station full of advanced technology and Eezo, or we get Rannoch, an Alien world to explore that also has advanced tech and access to Eezo.

All the Minecraft Stuff - Have you seen how resource rich a Minecraft world is? The Aether/Betweenlands/Twighlight Forest are similarly resource rich with additional unique materials, and Thaumcraft includes Thaumcraft magical resources

Clank - Ratchet & Clank technology

Red Slime - Stardew Valley's Dungeon Mines are a great way to acquire resources.

Anomura Fungus - Glowing Mushroom are an important ingredient for healing potions, can probably do something with them.

The Grimm - Gravity Dust, enough said.
Pokemon - One word: Berries. Way more could be acquired this way than by our Summon Berries ability. Apparantly these are less likely than I thought

Sentry Turret - Access to Aperture Science tech. Honestly outside of a couple things in a test chamber, not actually all that great since I doubt @zagan will just give us a Portal gun.

Volumen Hydrargyrum - The El Melloi Mansion is a Magus's Workshop with tons of magical regents and materials. @zagan said that's not the case
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[X] Pocket Biosphere: Crysmal
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Geth Legion
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Clank

The reasons for these ones have already been given and I think they're all good options.

[X] Pocket Biosphere: Nightmare
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Seer

Similarly any partner from RWBY would give us access to Dust which would be very interesting for both magic and tinkering.
Pokemon - One word: Berries. Way more could be acquired this way than by our Summon Berries ability.
My concern with Pokémon is that I imagine we'd get a biosphere that replicates their specific natural environment and with the possible exception of Koraidon none of our current Pokémon partners come from an environment conducive to growing berries. And even Koraidon is somewhat questionable considering he's a legendary.

Also @zagan a thought that occurred to me while looking through our options, would a fusion between Spy and Shush be viable? It would theoretically allow us to intercept communications on a far larger scale.
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[X] Pocket Biosphere: The Monster Book of Monsters
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Zouwu
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Volumen Hydrargyrum
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Shadowmere
[X] Pocket Biosphere: Red Slime
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Okay, guys and girls. I'm happy for the enthusiasm but I may need to douse it slightly. You may be going too far.

Volumen Hydrargyrum - The El Melloi Mansion is a Magus's Workshop with tons of magical regents and materials.
A mansion for Trimmau would be appropriate but it wouldn't contain any magical materials (except perhaps some more magical mercury) unless they can grow on tree in the garden of the mansion.

Access to Legerdomain would come with a few major benefits, primarily access to magical knowledge and the fact that magic is stronger there but also time dilation, days in Legerdomain can be minutes on Earth, and the Door To Anywhere, which lets you travel anywhere in the universe so long as you know it's "true name."
Yeah, no. No time dilatation or unlimited teleportation.

Any partner from One Piece has a chance to give us access to an island with a Devil Fruit which is arguably one of our best sources of powers to give away. IMO White and Adam are the most likely, the former comes from an island where we know for a fact several Devil Fruits have been found and the latter would likely create a forest with an increased chance of them appearing there.
Island yes, certainly. Devil Fruit no.

Similarly any partner from RWBY would give us access to Dust which would be very interesting for both magic and tinkering.
Dust is acceptable but both the Seer and the Nightmare came from Salem which lives in a dark and forbidding castle, I'm not sure we would be able to find a dust mine nearby.

The best option would probably be Booky since I imagine that would give us a library filled with other books on magic.
A bookstore or a library would be appropriate but it wouldn't contain any magic book with actual spells. It may contain a lot of history books, fiction, cooking recipes, animated comics, newspapers, things like that.

Also @zagan a thought that occurred to me while looking through our options, would a fusion between Spy and Shush be viable? It would theoretically allow us to intercept communications on a far larger scale.
Yes, there's some good synergy there. I could be a nice option for spying.
Dust is acceptable but both the Seer and the Nightmare came from Salem which lives in a dark and forbidding castle, I'm not sure we would be able to find a dust mine nearby.

Do you see those giant crystals that are literally everywhere? Those are Dust crystals.

As you can see from this outside view of Salem's castle it's 90% Dust Crystal.

As you can see from this inside view of Salem's Castle, they're everywhere.

I think we're good on that front. Especially as, according to this page, that's all Gravity Dust. I don't think I need to say why having enough Gravity Dust to casually make Monstra fly is groundbreaking? Also, even if you can't actually go to space with, you can still make a launch platform in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, which will be useful for after the Simurgh's death.
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Yeah, no. No time dilatation or unlimited teleportation.
Island yes, certainly. Devil Fruit no.
These are fair enough.
Dust is acceptable but both the Seer and the Nightmare came from Salem which lives in a dark and forbidding castle, I'm not sure we would be able to find a dust mine nearby.
I do kinda feel the need to debate this for a few reasons. Firstly, while the Seer primarily hangs around Salem and her minions the Nightmare explicitly doesn't, like most Grimm it can be found all over the world. Secondly, even if we use the logic that a Grimm's "home" is the Land of Darkness because that's where they're usually created there is still a ton of Dust there, likely because it's never been exploited by anyone, and while Gravity Dust is definitely the most prevalent I wouldn't be surprised if there were other types though I'm flexible on that part.

Also, personally speaking, I kinda feel like having a Grimm biosphere that doesn't contain Dust would be a little boring since that's the main distinction between Earth and Remnant nature wise.
A bookstore or a library would be appropriate but it wouldn't contain any magic book with actual spells. It may contain a lot of history books, fiction, cooking recipes, animated comics, newspapers, things like that.
That's fair though I feel like there could also be some books on magical theory as well.
Yes, there's some good synergy there. I could be a nice option for spying.
Good to know.
I think we're good on that front. Especially as, according to this page, that's all Gravity Dust. I don't think I need to say why having enough Gravity Dust to casually make Monstra fly is groundbreaking? Also, even if you can't actually go to space with, you can still make a launch platform in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, which will be useful for after the Simurgh's death.
That's fair enough, I admit I didn't check.

I do kinda feel the need to debate this for a few reasons. Firstly, while the Seer primarily hangs around Salem and her minions the Nightmare explicitly doesn't, like most Grimm it can be found all over the world. Secondly, even if we use the logic that a Grimm's "home" is the Land of Darkness because that's where they're usually created there is still a ton of Dust there, likely because it's never been exploited by anyone, and while Gravity Dust is definitely the most prevalent I wouldn't be surprised if there were other types though I'm flexible on that part.
My reasoning was more about those specific Grimms (because I didn't know that Salem's castle was literally made of gravity dust). If we had a Beowulf, I would have no problem including some dust deposits in the middle of a forest.

That's fair though I feel like there could also be some books on magical theory as well.
Maybe some theory yes, but in more esoteric fields like astronomy or runes. Things that would require a lot of effort to uncover. Not a quick guide to caste Wingardium Leviosa and similar spells.
Huh... You know... I realize that with the seer, we could just tp right over to Salem....

I actually kinda wanna do that. Idk why, it just sounds interesting... Do we have anything that could kill her? Pretty sure she would be very happy to let us....

Imagine we somehow gained control of all grimm by killing her somehow lol.
Huh... You know... I realize that with the seer, we could just tp right over to Salem....

I actually kinda wanna do that. Idk why, it just sounds interesting... Do we have anything that could kill her? Pretty sure she would be very happy to let us....

Imagine we somehow gained control of all grimm by killing her somehow lol.
That would be true with Dimensional Travel, but not Pocket Biosphere.