You have the wrong link, it goes to the TWEWY wiki.

Well, the user would summon the jade wisp-like any other creature. Wisp that can then fuse with them, or with someone else, while fused the subject becomes a Ghost (more or less), and at the end of the duration (undetermined) they return to normal and the wisp must recharge before it can fuse again.
Whoops I'll fix that my phone is giving me problems. EDIT: Alright fixed
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Well, the user would summon the jade wisp-like any other creature. Wisp that can then fuse with them, or with someone else, while fused the subject becomes a Ghost (more or less), and at the end of the duration (undetermined) they return to normal and the wisp must recharge before it can fuse again.
Okay so there is a time limit, which isn't too bad, but the wisp can recharge while it's summoned right?
Hmm depending how long the duration/cool down is if we do end up gifting them it would probably be best to give them one of the powers that Summons multiple of them so when one goes into cooldown they can switch to another one.
Hmm depending how long the duration/cool down is if we do end up gifting them it would probably be best to give them one of the powers that Summons multiple of them so when one goes into cooldown they can switch to another one.
That's a really good idea. Plus that way if we give them X7 Summoning they'd also be able to give other people powers temporarily in case of emergency.
Vote closed: Winning votes:

Magic The Gathering: Argothian Treefolk
Sonic: Jade Wisp (Jade Ghost)

Not many voters for this last phase, but I'll take it.
With that, the voting period for One of Each is concluded. Thankfully, it didn't take too long and I think we got an excellent haul. And some surprise, I didn't expect a Treefolk or Zac but I can work with all that.

Expect to see an update of the character sheet in the next few hours.

What kind of extractions were you thinking about the EMH with? Hyposprays? Tricorders? Holodiodes?
I was asking myself that question. I'm going to go with Holographic Projector the small ones that you can put on your desk.
So Gifting it with Equip Trait would make someone immune to damage by Tinkertech basically? Also empowered items like Dauntless's equipment? Are Artifacts all supernatural or does mundane technology count too (in which case they are also bullet-proof, knife-proof, and being-run-over-by-a-car-proof)?
Gun and car proof, yes, but not knife, hammer, or punch proof. They would still take damage from falls, from direct parahuman powers (laser from Legend or Purity, fire from Lung), from poison.

So useful, yes. But not something that I would rely on to fight at street level. If they want to infiltrate the town where the Machine army resides it's great. Fighting against a boxer is more difficult. Weirdly enough.
Oh! Give it to someone who is a glass canon (strong power, squishy body) who is stationed at Eagleton!
Alternatively if there's someone whose power makes them immune, or at least resistant to, more mundane forms of attack giving them it would round them out a bit.

EDIT: Also @zagan it occurs to me that while we could give the nanocore to someone new to create a new infrastructure Tinker it could also potentially be a good partner for Dragon?
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Kaiya gives Master Effect Detection? That is potentially very useful and potentially risks witchhunts if given to the wrong person.
Oh! Give it to someone who is a glass canon (strong power, squishy body) who is stationed at Eagleton!
Alternatively if there's someone whose power makes them immune, or at least resistant to, more mundane forms of attack giving them it would round them out a bit.
Both of those are good possibilities. I need to look up existing capes or create one. I'm open to suggestions.

EDIT: Also @zagan it occurs to me that while we could give the nanocore to someone new to create a new infrastructure Tinker it could also potentially be a good partner for Dragon?
Yes, tactically it would work great for Dragon. However, I was hoping to find a more personable creature, a true companion for her. She's Alex big sister after all. The perfect one would be Porygon or maybe Rotom. But any similar electronic spirit would be fine. We have the Machine Spirit but that's a little too simple. There's Glitch that's somewhat close.

Kaiya gives Master Effect Detection? That is potentially very useful and potentially risks witchhunts if given to the wrong person.
Yep, I hesitate but it makes too much sense not to. I fully intend to give it away to a special agent that will be tasked with rescuing victims of Master, and maybe Simurg bombs. I'm inclined to go with a non-parahuman for now. But maybe a Stranger if I can think of a flavorful power for him or her.
Yep, I hesitate but it makes too much sense not to. I fully intend to give it away to a special agent that will be tasked with rescuing victims of Master, and maybe Simurg bombs. I'm inclined to go with a non-parahuman for now. But maybe a Stranger if I can think of a flavorful power for him or her.
Remember way back when when you wanted us to create OC characters and I believe I created one where I think I created a girl who parents ran a vet or pound or something and was attacked and got a power that lets her camoed into the animals to hide and got some kind of power from that. Man it's been awhile I barely recall. Anyway I remember giving a downside that makes it so while she gets stronger or better as she sinks into the animals mindset but gets harder to get out of it.
Kaiya could fight the Conflict Drive in all Parahumans and could help her use her power without losing her mind. ?
Both of those are good possibilities. I need to look up existing capes or create one. I'm open to suggestions.
Well in regards to existing cape for someone whose already fairly tanky there's Auroch, assuming she's already triggered, whose power allows her to control inertia around her, basically meaning if you try to hit her she can just slow you down enough that she can easily dodge or that the attack is much weaker. It's not explicitly stated anywhere as far as I can tell but my guess would be that she's still weak to stuff like bullets or Lasers because they move faster than she could react to so giving her this could boost could be good for that.

For a glass cannon there's Raymancer who while a powerful Blaster is specifically noted to need to be protected by the rest of his team due to his lack of defence.

Of course the problem with birth of them is that they're Wards who iirc were trying to avoid giving powers to for now.
Yes, tactically it would work great for Dragon. However, I was hoping to find a more personable creature, a true companion for her. She's Alex big sister after all. The perfect one would be Porygon or maybe Rotom. But any similar electronic spirit would be fine. We have the Machine Spirit but that's a little too simple. There's Glitch that's somewhat close.
Yeah that's fair, I'd kinda prefer she have something more meaningful too.
Yep, I hesitate but it makes too much sense not to. I fully intend to give it away to a special agent that will be tasked with rescuing victims of Master, and maybe Simurg bombs. I'm inclined to go with a non-parahuman for now. But maybe a Stranger if I can think of a flavorful power for him or her.
I think a non-parahuman would be better considering parahumans known issues with their conflict drives and the last thing you want from an agent whose job it is to infiltrate dangerous locations and stay hidden is a tendency to get into fights.

Alternatively they could be a Cauldron cape, since they at least have less of a conflict drive, potentially with a Stranger power that makes them impossible to be sensed through parahuman powers? That would let them infiltrate places like Heartbreaker's base without risking being found by some emotional detection power or something.
I'd argue that Kaiya would be able to free her partner from the Conflict Drive given that is in itself a Master Effect.
Maybe though that is debatable since I'd hesitate to class the conflict drive as an out and out master effect.

It's less a supernatural effect and more just basic conditioning. Shards tend to specifically choose people who are predisposed to conflict and encourage them to participate in it by making their powers easier to use/control when they do and harder to use/control when they don't .
Maybe though that is debatable since I'd hesitate to class the conflict drive as an out and out master effect.

It's less a supernatural effect and more just basic conditioning. Shards tend to specifically choose people who are predisposed to conflict and encourage them to participate in it by making their powers easier to use/control when they do and harder to use/control when they don't .
Sounds like manipulation either way. Especially as most don't know they are getting a nudge.
In my opinion, the perfect partner for dragon would be something like the Galvanic Mechamorph from Ben 10
That would be phenomenal!

Remember way back when when you wanted us to create OC characters and I believe I created one where I think I created a girl who parents ran a vet or pound or something and was attacked and got a power that lets her camoed into the animals to hide and got some kind of power from that. Man it's been awhile I barely recall. Anyway I remember giving a downside that makes it so while she gets stronger or better as she sinks into the animals mindset but gets harder to get out of it.
I do remember her. She's still on my list of candidates. Animalia. I haven't found anything good for her yet. I think waiting for the reveal of Grant Summoning before giving her anything.

I think a non-parahuman would be better considering parahumans known issues with their conflict drives and the last thing you want from an agent whose job it is to infiltrate dangerous locations and stay hidden is a tendency to get into fights.

Alternatively they could be a Cauldron cape, since they at least have less of a conflict drive, potentially with a Stranger power that makes them impossible to be sensed through parahuman powers? That would let them infiltrate places like Heartbreaker's base without risking being found by some emotional detection power or something.
I was thinking less infiltration into Master's bases and more checking government agencies for mastered moles. Less risky that way.

Maybe though that is debatable since I'd hesitate to class the conflict drive as an out and out master effect.

It's less a supernatural effect and more just basic conditioning. Shards tend to specifically choose people who are predisposed to conflict and encourage them to participate in it by making their powers easier to use/control when they do and harder to use/control when they don't .
Sounds like manipulation either way. Especially as most don't know they are getting a nudge.
The point is moot. The way I see it Kaiya can remove Master effects. But she cannot prevent it from being reapplied. So the Shard could just reapply the conflict drive. There's also the fact that I don't consider the conflict drive to be a continuous effect. I see it more as a series of discrete nudges at the right times.

In the same way, Kaiya couldn't stop the mastering effect of an implanted parasite made by a biotinker.
Chapter 243: Cleaning up the Trash New
[X] Power
Capstone Power Roll: (770 points)
Roll D36=31
"Variable" True Customization, 600 One of Each, 700 Pocket Biosphere
Sub-vote results: 600 One of Each (10 x 300 or less points creatures)
Banked: 170

A good chunk of this chapter is focused on Alex interacting with his new partners. I tried to make it as interesting as possible but I fear it may be repetitive after a while.
Also, some creatures got more screen time than others, either because I wasn't inspired or because I didn't know them well. My apologies to anyone who is a fan of those creatures.
Sunday, 06/05/2011 (9 AM)

As much as I appreciate the efforts that Mayor Christner put into today's event, I would have appreciated a shorter speech even more. From my position at the back of the podium, I could see the public in attendance. They were buzzing with excitement, finally after years of trouble the tanker blocking the bay would be removed, a vital step for the return of the city's prosperity. I wasn't alone in the back. Miss Militia was here, as was Triumph. Deputy Director Rennick was also nearby. Both Director Piggot and Colin managed to skip the whole ceremony.

Instead of paying attention to the Mayor's speech, which was kind of good I must admit, I focused my attention on the public. Half the town must be there, and the other half must be watching on their TV.

Focusing my attention through a Harvest's unit, I locate a peculiar red hairband holding back blond hair. Crystal, like all the other members of her family, was in attendance. And to my eternal jealousy, she was holding hands with one of my wood clones in the role of Alex Crewser.

This was the perfect occasion to have civilian identity be seen in the same place as my costumed identity. The wicked grin that Crystal gave me this morning when I visited her home and explained the plan to her and her family would haunt me for a long while. Without a doubt, she had ideas about that power of mine. I didn't know if I should be afraid or excited at the prospect. Both, maybe.

Even if I would get the memories afterward, seeing her with not-me was irritating. To my delight, she was looking straight at me, instead of looking at the clone so I took that as a win. While I would have loved to wave at her or even wink in her direction I couldn't afford to do so.

I settled on simply looking left to right, panning over the whole public, and only briefly stopping my head's movement when she came into my field of view. It at least allowed me to see her with my own eyes, and damn did she look good today.

After an eternity, the mayor finished his speech and it was my turn to speak. I didn't write my speech, it was done by the branding department. I only insist for it to be short and to the point. I didn't pay much more attention to my speech than to the one delivered by the mayor. I spoke on autopilot while mentally reviewing my plans for the tanker. Well tanker was the wrong word, it was a container ship, but we always called it a tanker.

I've considered multiple different possibilities, from the most spectacular to the most subtle. It also depends on what the mayor intends to do with it. After consulting with him and with the expert we settled for something in the middle, enough to put on a show for the public but not something explosive either.

"..., so thank you for coming to see the first day of Brockton Bay renewal!" As I ended my speech the public erupted into cheers and applause. I remained on the podium smiling and waving for a bit. Seeing that they weren't looking to stop any time soon, I decided to get on with the program.

Equipping Flypper's ability to swim through the air, I flew up, accelerating rapidly away until I reached the middle of the bay.

With no further ceremony, Rex appeared in the water next to me roaring to announce his presence. Once the sound faded, I perceived an echo, the thunderous cheer from the public. It was funny to think that summoning such an impressive monster would provoke such a positive reaction. Cheers, that redoubled when I had Rex incline his head in their direction.

For today, Rex looked a bit different. He appeared to be made from liquid metal. And that was because he was fused with Trimmau. The fusion of those two was the key to my plan. Despite his size, Rex couldn't just grab the tanker, it was three times his size and more importantly much more fragile. Relatively speaking. Increasing Rex size could help. Between Gigantification, Size Augmentation, the Brute modifier, and The Big I could have Rex big enough to fit the ship in the palm of his hand. But at that size, his very presence would crater the ground and his every move would generate earthquakes.

With Trimmaus' mercury body, there was no need to go that far. I would still increase his size but not that much.

At my command, Rex started advancing toward the tanker, and as he walked his body began to lose cohesion, gradually transforming into a spherical mass of mercury barely visible above the water line. This caused some consternation from the public but I didn't pay it too much attention. Only then did I apply Gigantification and Size Augmentation, multiplying Rex size by twenty. As such when he reached the tanker he was easily able to engulf it, even if most of the mass remained underwater.

The gasps of amazement from the public were no surprise.

Once the ship was in his grasp, with an earth-rending screech of metal that reverberated through the whole Bay the amorphous Rex lifted it from the seafloor. Unseen by anyone, tendrils of mercury scoured the inside the ship in search of pollutants that may remain, which when found were eaten by equipping Cutie's bottomless appetite.

With the tanker in his grasp, Rex continued to move toward the sea, soon fully disappearing under the water. And revealing for the first time in years the empty entrance of the bay. The thunderous applause that followed would have been audible from my position even without any form of enhanced hearing.

Beneath the wave, some distance from the coast and deep enough to never be a problem for passing ships, Rex dropped the tanker with a muffled crash that reverberated through the ocean for miles. In his new position, the tanker would serve as an artificial reef and maybe a tourist attraction for professional divers.

When Rex re-emerged from the sea at the mouth of the bay, back to his normal size and shape, he roared in triumph. He was answered in kind by the public. I directed Rex to come closer and landed on his head. Together we walked back toward the tribune. Being careful to not generate too many waves. On the way, we passed by other shipwrecks. We could have cleaned those up, it wouldn't even take an hour. But we wouldn't do so. The mayor agreed to pay the cost of cleaning up the rest of the bay. It would give some well-deserved jobs to numerous people in dear need of them.

As if to reward us for our effort the Menagerie dumped ten new partners on me all at once, and no minor ones at that. I let my Minds endure the strain and start to sort them out. I could already tell the majority of them were sapient so I would need to talk with them soon.

Refocusing on the present, I started to shrink down Rex. As the star of the show, he deserved to be able to interact with his fans. When we reached the stand I jumped down, and he ended up around six meters tall. Still massive compared to humans but more reasonable.

Our arrival was once again heralded by cheers and applause. What followed was a semi-impromptu party, with food provided by the city. Amusingly enough I ended up talking briefly with Crystal and I gave an autograph to my wood clone. With the costume, the different posture, and the makeup applied by Smurfrouge I was confident that nobody would notice anything more than a superficial resemblance between us. Still, I kept the encounter brief.

It wasn't until noon that I was able to get away. The party itself would continue well into the afternoon and even into the evening for some. The Dallon family left a little before I did, and I was able to link up with them at their home. It allowed me to collect the memories from my clones and to dismiss them. Despite Crystal's teasing she thankfully didn't do anything weird with the clones, only holding his hand and exchanging brief kisses. Nothing that I mind now I regained the experience. We spent a little time together in her room before I was forced to leave. I had work to do.

It was time to meet my new partners. I was currently in the orb's dimension because it was a much more pleasant environment than the Pocket Biosphere.

I start with one of the few non-sapient ones of the bunch. The Stormclaw looked awfully like a giant crocodile, with a dash of lion throw-in, massive antlers, and the size of a truck. Coming closer he sniffed me before huffing and plopping down. He seemed to appreciate it when I scratched his snout, letting out a humming sound that reminded me of a microwave. As I continued to pet him I pondered how I could turn him into a worthy power for a hero. Armor again? I only used it once so far, so it should be fine. We'll see.

Dismissing the newly named Burst, I continued on. I still had a lot of other partners to check upon.

My new Argothian Treefolk couldn't be called non-sapient. They were certainly smart and aware. They weren't talkative, however. As a six-meter tall tree in a humanoid shape, they were certainly imposing to look at. And they possessed the unique quality to be fully immune to damage originating from any sufficiently complex item, be it magical or technological. That could certainly come in handy as a trait to equip. I didn't think it was viable as a standalone power, too specific. But as a complementary defense for a Brute with an immunity or resistance to some other type of damage, it could work well.

Except for one, the other partners I gained today were all sapient and with much more personality. So interacting with them will be more draining on my social batteries. I've considered summoning them all together and explaining things to them only once, but I think it would have been disrespectful to them. And their widely varying personalities may have caused some friction.

I started with the one that I hoped would be easiest to interact with.

As he appeared in front of me, I let out an impressive whistle. "Damn, you're magnificent."

The fiery bird in front of me preened under my attention, happy that I recognized his perfection. After the dragons, the pegasus, the hydra, and the unicorn, I knew it was bound to happen at some point. But damn this Phoenix was a beautiful specimen. As big as an elephant, with a constant aura of fire around him, and a beak that looks sharp enough to pierce steel.

"Master. I am ready to serve." He fixed me with a fiery stare.

I nodded. "I'll be sure to call on you shall the need arise. For now, you can relax."

He inclined his head in acknowledgment. "Very well." With a powerful flap of his wings, he burst into the air.

Watching him go, I considered what would be the best way to capitalize on him. His self-resurrection ability would be priceless of course, particularly in a fusion. And there may be some exploits with Explosive Finish. Could it be triggered repeatedly if the holder died multiple times? Something to consider.

Then it was the turn of a new cat, because, of course, I didn't have enough cats. The cutest Siamese cat I've ever seen appeared in front of me. She was wearing a golden crown and a collar made of pearl with a big blue gem in the middle. She looked around for a bit before focusing on me.

She inclined her head toward me. "Good day. I'm Kaiya."

"Good day to you Kaiya. I'm Alex."

What followed was a long discussion on the current situation. Kaiya was outraged to discover that Master powers even existed. My proposal to have her help free people from any such control was welcomed with open paws. I'll need to contact Legend for that. This will require even more secrecy than the current candidate program.

Funnily enough, my next new partner looks remarkably like a giant red panda. Hopefully, he'll go along well with the panda clan. Though its race was called Panderan, and he was also a half-Celestial, some type of god-like being from his dimension.

Mangix's apparition was heralded by a boisterous bout of laughter. "Ha, ha, ha! Hello, Summoner! It's a good day to share a drink."

He didn't wait for my consent before pulling out a chope from somewhere, and filling it to the brim with cinder from his keg. With no other choice, I picked it up, though I made no move to drink it yet. "Well, hello and thanks."

"So what can the Brewmaster do for you little man?" He punctuates his question by gulping down half of his keg in one go.

And so we started talking. In the beginning, it was about his abilities. And I was impressed with them. Just his ability to split himself into four elemental beings was unique among my partners. But quickly the subject derived toward his brewing prowess, he wasn't called the Brewmaster for nothing. While I wasn't a huge consumer of alcohol my cooking knowledge ensured that we could exchange on level ground on the subject. And when I revealed that I had access to some unique fruits and plants to brew with he got really enthusiastic.

Along the way, I drank the offered cinder, and it was damn good. Thankfully my enhanced metabolism, and little self-healing, allowed me to handle the alcohol.

When we finished talking, we made a brief foray in the Panda Realm and I introduced Mangix to Laoban. It may have been a mistake, the two of them get on like a house on fire. As I left, they were sharing a new keg of cinder and laughing uproariously.

The next one on the list was one that I already had plans for. What could be reasonably called a green ghost appeared in front of me. Even without eyes, they focused on me. Without any warning, they float right in front of my face, before speaking in a high-pitched voice. "Hello! I'm Hoody. What's your name? Can we be friends? Can we? Please?"

A little nonplussed, I nodded and took a step back from the intrusive Wisp. "Hm, I'm Alex. And, yes, I'll be happy to be your friend."

Their strangely shaped mouth morphed into the equivalent of a massive smile before they started spinning on themself. "Yeah!!!. We're gonna have so much fun."

Then they started flying circles around me at high speed while speaking at even higher speed. "We can play hide and seek. Or cop and robber. Or Tag. Or Simon Say, Or …"

It continued like that for a bit, with no sign of stopping so I decided to intervene. I put my hand in front of them so they would stop. They did so and turned back toward me. And despite the fact that they didn't have eyes, I still got a very firm impression of blinking.

"I'm sorry I'm a little busy right now. I can't play."

"Haaaaa." Seeing them slumping down I hurried to continue.

"But I can call some of my other friends and you can play with them if you want?"

"Yeah!!! More friends!!!" And they were back to dancing.

A few minutes later the game was on. Hoody was playing a mix of hide and seek and tag with Thorne, Buoy, Spike, and Fluff.

Well, that was brief but tiring. I certainly hoped that the remaining ones wouldn't be as exhausting to interact with. Still, despite their childish personality, I knew that Hoody could make for a fantastic partner for a future candidate.

The following meeting was brief. Zac was a nice being with a truly heroic personality. Yet, another living ooze. They were almost as common as cats. We didn't talk much, Zac was an empath and between that and our mental link with the Menagerie with didn't need to talk. We were on the same wavelength, nothing needed to be said.

The next one was truly peculiar. A spirit of intellect called Bob, a being literally made of knowledge, was housed inside a human skull covered with runes and glyphs. The skull appeared in my hand, two blue pinpricks of light popping up in the empty orbit.

A smooth voice spoke up. "Yo, a pleasure to meet you, Boss. So what's the deal?"

"My name is Alex." With Bob, I decided to try something. Most of the time my partners don't know anything about the Menagerie, the few that did were special cases. As a spirit of intellect, Bob may be among those. " Do you know anything about the Celestial Menagerie?"

"Give me a moment." The light dimmed in the skull's orbit before brightening again after a minute. "Nope, sorry boss. Doesn't ring a bell. Tell me more."

It was a little surprising. For the umpteenth time, I explained about the Menagerie and my situation.

"Wow, that's huge! So that means that I'm the representative of the spirit of intellect as a species?" Bob's voice sounded dumbfounded by that possibility.

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Damn, if I told that to Harry, he wouldn't have believed me."

This prompted a segue about his previous owner. A private detective and wizard who kept stumbling into trouble. Bob was full of praise for the man.

"Harry would have been a big fan. He loved superheroes."

"He sounds like a good man." Maybe I'll meet him someday when I start to travel through dimensions. I decided to change the subject. "Now I know that you're a specialist in magical theory. Would you like to help me study the various magical traditions that I have access to? And see what can be adapted from your traditions?"

Even though Bob didn't have any facial features, I could hear the shark-like grin in his voice. "You know what boss. I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship."

With that I dismiss him. In the Mental Realm a few of my Minds would start exploring magical theory with Bob.

The last partner I needed to talk to made me a touch nervous. It was the closest thing to a human that I've gotten so far.

With a thought a man with pointed ears and wearing a black and blue jumpsuit. The only adornment was a badge on his chest shaped like an arrowhead.

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency." Those were the first words uttered by the Emergency Medical Hologram. A being made of light and forcefield, created with the express purpose of healing in case the primary medical officer was incapacitated. In a way, they remind me of Trimmau, a being made in the image of humanity but with a very specific goal in life and not much else beyond that.

In that case, the EMH wasn't based on a human but on a similar-looking species called a Vulcan.

"There's no emergency doctor. I just called you to explain to you your new situation." I gave him an encouraging smile.

My senses allow me to discern a tiny frown on his face. "This is illogical. I do not need any explanation to perform my duties. You need only to call me when there is an emergency."

"I assure you the situation is unique enough that you need a briefing, for when I'll call you for an emergency." I gestured around us. "As you can see you are not on a Federation Starship." I was thankful for the knowledge that the Menagerie gave me about EMH. At least I knew the basics of this Federation. To think that in another dimension exists a federation regrouping multiple species dedicated to exploring the cosmos. It sounds wonderful.

He started looking around and a brief look of confusion broke his stoic facade. "Where are we? I shouldn't be able to exist outside of the USS Magellan's sickbay."

What followed was my usual spiel about the Celestial Menagerie and about myself. I also explained how we didn't have access to all the technology he was accustomed to, but that in exchange we had access to other sources of healing. In the end, the EMH was left somewhat confused. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word magic.

I settled on sending him back to the Mental Realm with another Mind to answer his questions.

For the last one, I moved into the Pocket Biosphere. The Nanocore was an autonomous vehicle that could unfold into different structures, factories of various sorts, generators, mining stations, or shield projectors. In this case, I deployed it as Ore Refinery. With a little tweaking, it would be able to mine the gravity dust very efficiently. My AI self would handle the necessary tweaks. Once I had a big enough stockpile of dust, I would give it away.

Dragon would certainly be able to put it to good use but I was a little reluctant to give it to her. My big sister was worth more than an unfeeling robot. I would like something with more personality for her. We'll see.

It was time for me to rejoin Zhu Bajie. After assimilating the memories of the wood clones I left behind, we resumed our training. I learned plenty from the reformed pig demon. Mainly how to integrate the shapeshifting abilities granted to me by Equip Trait and plasma body into my combat style. Of course, some tricks were obvious, elongating my arms to extend my reach, moving mass to avoid a hit, enlarging a fist for stronger blows, growing additional limbs, and so on. Zhu Baje taught me many subtler tricks. Such as enlarging my feet by a fraction to improve my stance or giving myself double-joint elbows and knees for unexpected flexibility. And so much more.

Besides that, we worked on general martial arts, with and without weapons.

Without a doubt, I learned more about combat in twenty-four hours than I did since gaining my powers. At the end of the summoning period, I was sad to see him go. Even more than with Cernunnos, I would be delighted if one day I had him as my partner.

"Thank you for all your help, Teach. It was invaluable. I will continue to practice like you showed me." I bowed low.

He returned my bow with a smile. "You better. If we ever see each other again I want to see some progress. Farewell Keeper." With those words, he disappeared.

To distract myself from the sudden heartache generated by missing someone I only knew for a day I focused on a new round of Random Summoning.

(D145=35 Subnautica/Evolve, D101=13 Brute Shark (100))
(D145=14 Monster Hunter/Dauntless, D362=213 Tobi-Kadachi (200))
(D145=34 Horizon Zero Dawn/Dinotrux, D82=12 Dreadwing (200))

Sadly for me, nothing was interesting in today's round. Well, nothing with long-term impact anyway. Today's three creatures were all very cool looking and I took some photos. But that was all.

I ended the day with a delve inside Nimue's Dungeon, to try out the tricks I learned today.

Tomorrow was the start of a new week, and in the afternoon I had unexpected matters to deal with.

[] Haven requested a meeting and Legend approved it.
[] For some reason, I was supposed to meet a senator from Washington.
[] Elytra wanted to see me but she didn't say why.

Wordcount: 4015
Excess words: 278
This chapter kicked my ass. Writing so many meetings with intelligent creatures was difficult, particularly for those I'm unfamiliar with. Honest question, do you like that type of thing? I mean when Alex first met a new partner? Should I reserve it for important ones only?

Concerning the vote, no matter what you choose the other events will happen later. We're just determining what comes first.

For the roll, 170 (Banked) + 480 (Chapter) + 0 (Excess words) = 650 points.

[] Creature

[] Power

Voting will be closed Wednesday at 3 PM GMT

Note: If you have any ideas for shape-shifting tricks that Alex could have learned from Zhu Bajie I'm open to suggestions.

Note: My apologies if there are more mistakes than usual. I'm having trouble with Grammarly, it says that I have X mistakes but it doesn't underline them.
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