Chapter 241: An Unexpected Consequence
[X] a tiny wooden gnome.
[X] Creature
Creature Roll: (400 points)
Category Roll D50=15 Harry Potter/Percy Jackson, Entry Roll D137=48
100 Grindylow, 50 Hinkypunk, 200 Hippogriff
Category Roll D50=2 Ark/Primeval/The Future is Wild, Entry Roll D290=25
50 Blade Wasps, 300 Bloodstalker, 200 Brontosaurus
Sub-vote results: 50 Hinkypunk + Micro Bonus
Banked: 350

This one kick my ass but I hope you like the result.
Tuesday, 05/31/2011 (10 AM)

Right as the loop reset, I transformed him and applied the Eldritch Theme at the same time. In a blink the transformation was complete. Standing before me, was now a tiny wooden gnome.

Mentally I isolated the transformed man from the network while still sending him soothing vibes. He appeared confused as if he couldn't believe what was happening. And I couldn't fault him for that. As gently as possible I picked him up and sat him down on my outstretched hand. Then I stood up and walked out of the bubble.

Once out of the bubble, I removed the Elritch Theme from myself and the transformed mayor. There was no need to traumatize those watching.

The transformed mayor was frantically looking around, in a confused mix of elation, wonderment, hope, and fear. Would he dare to believe that it was real? As he gone mad? Again? One of his tiny arms was patting his belly, constantly checking that it was intact. Unconsciously he was emitting tiny squeaking sounds weirdly reminiscent of a creaking door.

Respectful silence fell as I approached the stretcher, the heroes and the troopers parting. With great care, I deposited him in the middle of the stretcher and took a step back.

"I'm going to turn you back to normal now. Ready?"

It took a bit for him to understand my words. When he did, he nodded frantically.

I flipped a mental switch, dispelling the effect and turning him back into his proper shape. And that's when things went wrong.

As soon as he turned back to normal, he started convulsing. Meanwhile, the heroes by my side collapsed. And Solar sent me a hurried message. Something, that I only heard once before.


Trigger event. Fuck!

I sent a hurried no to Solar. This situation was already complicated enough, there was no need to add more complexity to the Power that the Shard was brewing.

"Step back! Step back, he's triggering!" I shouted at the nurses and paramedics who were trying to restrain the convulsing man. Troopers were approaching the downed heroes to assist them. I let them do it. My attention was fully on the man currently undergoing a trigger event.

The convulsion had stopped but this wasn't the end. Under my eyes, he was transforming. His body was getting bigger and longer, his arms and legs were retracting into his body, his head was flattening, and his mouth was enlarging to occupy his whole face. His clothes got destroyed in the process, tearing under the strain. I didn't dare interrupt the process, I could cause more harm than good. Soon the stretcher broke under the new Parahuman increased bulk. Hopefully, this was a Changer power and he would be able to get back to normal.

Once the change was completed, the result was unsettling. Mayor Tiller has become a giant worm, around seven meters in length and three in height. One factor jumped to my attention immediately, his skin possessed a texture that was eerily reminiscent of bark. Bark that looked just like that of Root. It was evident that his Shard took some notes from the transformation. Was the trigger event on hold all those years in the bubble? If so, while transformed it couldn't connect due to the Menagerie protection and was forced to wait until I dismissed it. However, I still used that short window of time to analyze my partner through that fleeting connection. What else did it manage to learn? Root Sprite weren't in any way potent creatures. Nevertheless, they still possess a spark of magic. And what would have happened if I had chosen a more esoteric creature?

Behind me, the heroes were already waking up. My partners were still observing the scene with interest. Sifu in particular appears fascinated by the whole thing.

Despite his fearsome appearance the transformed mayor didn't appear to be aggressive. Reading emotion on a giant worm was far from easy but seeing that he wasn't indiscriminately attacking everything in the vicinity I decided to approach. And hoping he could still hear and understand my voice. I called on everything I learned about Psychology from Miss J.

"Mister Tiller. Things must be very confusing for you right now. Between being freed and now this, it's perfectly normal."

The worm turned to face me, lowering his head until I could see deep into his gullet. Despite my strength and my daily encounter with creatures that could swallow me in one bite, this felt different and a little intimidating. My hindbrain is screaming at me that I should flee. I ignored it. I had a much harder time ignoring the smell. How does something that only exists for less than a minute manage to have such rotten breath?

"I want you to focus. You should be able to find a new switch in your mind to turn back. I know you can do it."

For a bit, nothing seems to happen, apart from the mouth in front of my face opening and closing repeatedly. Then a shiver passed through the worm's body. He pulsed and shrunk, even changing color back to a more human skin tone.

Then he stopped and with a shriek, the flow reversed and returned to his monstrous worm shape. In reflexive anger, the traumatized man struck the ground with his new tail, cratering it with a thunderous blow. Everyone in the vicinity moved a few more steps back.

Strength is at least proportional to his new size, maybe superior. That was good to know.

"It's fine, it's fine. It was working. Not getting it on the first try is normal. You just need to keep trying."

The rumble coming from the man-turned-worm wasn't reassuring but he still hadn't made any aggressive move, so I took that as a win. He closed his mouth in what I could only hope to be the equivalent of closing his eyes in concentration. Absently, I wondered how he was perceiving the world in this state. Vibration maybe?

Ursa Aurora, who recovered in the meantime, approached cautiously. She spoke in a whisper. "Is it working?"

I answered in an equally low tone. "I think so. He nearly got it the first time."

And indeed this time it seems to be working. The pulses over the worm's body were happening more frequently, and each time he was shrinking a little more and returning to a more human shape. Until a naked man lay spread out on the ground. He was unconscious, the strain was too much for him.

Crouching down in front of him, I murmured. "You did good."

I gestured for the medical personnel to come over. Then I stood up and turned toward Ursa, with Bladelord behind her. Heatsink however was hovering near the medics, watching intently as Mayor Tiller was put on a new stretcher.

"Well, that didn't go quite as planned. But nobody was hurt, so there's that."

"Small mercy that. I certainly didn't expect to witness a Trigger event today." Ursa shook her head.

"Me neither." Bladelord clapped his hand. "Thankfully nobody was harmed. And by the way congratulation Compendium. You did it."

I gave him an honest smile. "Thank you. It will be the first of many."

Turning back toward the medical team we watched as Mister Tiller was being loaded into an ambulance. He would be transported to the nearest hospital and be put under observation. Considering the latest developments, he would certainly be put under watch by the Protectorate. In addition, as the very first person to be freed from a Gray Boy's bubble, the media would be eager to learn more about him. So he would need to be protected from that too. Considering the size of today's operation, hiding this was a pipe dream. A press conference was planned at ten to get ahead of any rumors. And this time they're would be no Triumvirate member to take the heat for me.

To try and distract myself from that dread event, I refocused on the bubble that was still there. Ultimately, it would need to be covered up again, this time with a much smaller building because there would be no need to consider the relative comfort of the person inside.

While I continued talking with Ursa and Bladelord, my partners got to work.

The first one to try was Quanta. The teleporting blob was able to generate a ghost inside the bubble. However, to his mounting frustration, it was unable to align with the ghost and teleport inside. It was a little funny to see the normally cheerful slime, glaring at its ghost and vibrating in annoyance.

Doc was the next to try his hand at it. I didn't know what to expect from this but I wasn't hopeful. And the results were indeed disappointing. The Time Stop effect didn't appear to interact with the Bubble in any way. Doc couldn't enter it while time was stopped. And if I equipped him with the Eldritch theme and he tried to activate it from the inside nothing happened. Well, the Time Stopper spread through the Bubble and even outside of it but when the effect ended the Bubble was still there.

Then it was time for the grandmother of time to try her hand at it. From the get-go, she told me that it wouldn't work. But she was willing to try if only to see if we could deduce anything from the attempt. While Kupuna Wa's time slowing ability looked at first glance very similar to Doc's Time Stop effect, weaker in fact, it worked on a completely different scale. Doc's was an extremely localized effect. Kupuna Wa's encompasses an area that I can't quantify, at minimum the size of the planet, and certainly a lot more.

She positioned herself, above the Bubble. I felt her focusing before unleashing the effect. For me and everyone else, it looked like nothing happened, except for the Mind linked with Kupuna Wa. This specific Mind saw things from her point of view. And sadly even from this unique perspective, the Bubble wasn't disturbed. The grandmotherly living mask could tell that the area of looping time continued to chug along as if nothing had happened.

With a disappointed sigh, Kupuna Wa returned to hovering near me.

The last one to make a move was Sifu. By now both Ursa Aurora and Bladelord had left to supervise the end of the operation. And Heatsink left with the ambulance carrying Mayor Tiller. By this point, the familial connection was pretty much confirmed. His son? A nephew? Something like that, but I wouldn't go digging.

I observed with great interest as the sage of the Panda Clan laid seals all around the bubble. What he was doing went so far beyond the little I already learned of Fuinjutsu that I couldn't make head or tail of what I was seeing. However, it was still fascinating to watch a master at work.

When he was finished, the ground around the Bubble was covered in esoteric characters and an unfurled scroll, also covered in seals, was positioned in an empty circle in front of Sifu.

"That looks extremely impressive, Sifu. You're going to try to seal the bubble inside the scroll?"

The red panda nodded firmly. "Yes. I've never sealed any phenomenon like that before." He gave me a wink. "This should prove interesting."

As he watched he launched a long sequence of paw-seals. After nearly a minute of uninterrupted motion, he slammed his paws on the ground at the very edge of the scroll. Light travels through the network of symbols, starting at the edge before converging toward the bubble.

For the first time since we started this experiment, the bubble showed some reactions. I held my breath as I watched it take on a mirror-like texture, before flashing through all the colors of the rainbow, then turning pitch black, and finally shrinking by a few centimeters. It remained like that for a few seconds as I prayed for it to work.

My hopes were dashed when the scroll burst into flames and the ink on the ground sublimated into noxious blue smoke. At the same time, the Bubble returned to its previous size and monochrome coloration.

Sifu hopped back and I followed his example. I remained silent, mentally raging against fate. The guards noticed the commotion and one was approaching. I waved him away. "It's fine. Don't worry about it." The man appeared unsure but ultimately nodded and stepped back.

I turned toward Sifu, who was talking to himself. "I didn't expect such a volatile result. Clearly, we'll need a much more robust scroll and a different type of ink." He was rubbing his chin. "Maybe some tweak to the matrix too."

Hearing that I regained some hope. "But if you do that, it will work?"

"I'm fairly confident yes."

I let out a smile. "That's excellent news, Sifu. Would it free the victim?"

Looking toward the sky, Sifu started muttering under his breath. "Hmm. Let me think." The red panda spent the next few minutes deep in thought before finally refocusing his attention on me. "No, anything inside would be dragged with the zone of looping time."

"Damn." I frowned. "At least, it could allow us to move the Bubbles. Clean things up once the victims are freed. But it's not a priority."

I turned back toward Sifu. "Thank you very much for your help Sifu. Will you be able to continue working on it in the Valley? Or do you need to remain here?"

He shook his head. "No, I've learned everything I could from this. I will be going back now. Good Day Summoner." With that, he bowed and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Sadly for me, I couldn't do the same thing. Once, I confirmed with the lieutenant in charge that my business with the bubble was done.

A little later, I found myself in front of the Montpelier Protectorate building. Bladelord just finished addressing the press and announcing that for the first time, someone was freed from one of Gray Boy's Bubble. He was of course immediately pelted with questions from all corners. He was prompt to pass on the ball to me.

My appearance caused another ruckus. Using a trick that Eidolon gave me, I remained stubbornly silent until the journalists realized that I wasn't answering anyone's question. Only, when they fell silent in turn did I speak.

"Thank you. Yes, I can confirm that today I used a power I recently acquired, in conjunction with some other ones to free someone from a time loop. And yes, I can promise to the families of the victims that I fully intend to free all the others. It will take time but we will do it. Now I can answer a few questions. You in the back."

The woman I designated eagerly addressed me. "Montpellier Herald. Compendium can you elaborate on the means used to free Gray Boy's victims?"

"Of course." I gave them a summary of the process without going into too much detail. The revelation that I could transform people into my partners caused another minor ruckus. The urge to call on The Voice on them all was rising but I suppressed it.

Then there was a question about the limits of this transformation power. I kept my answer vague, they didn't need to know the details.

Next, I selected another journalist standing in the middle of the pack. "NBC Vermont. What criteria will be used to decide the order in which the victims will be freed?"

"Mainly by the severity of their situation. A panel of medical professionals and Thinkers had been assembled to do so."

This answer didn't prompt an avalanche, so I was able to select another person.

"Fox News. As you only free the victims, what will happen to the Bubbles?"

"That has yet to be decided." The journalists didn't appear to be satisfied with that answer but they didn't press further.

The next question caught me a little off guard. "Vermont Daily News. Compendium, if I may, I have a question on a different subject."

I gave him a nod, at least she was polite. "Thank you. During the last week, you've been spotted in multiple different central states visiting the local PRT or Protectorate Headquarters. May we know why?"

"You're very well informed." She smiled at the compliment and I continued. "For security reasons, I can't give you all the details. However, I can tell you that this is linked to an effort to make my healing power more widely available all over the country. It does require some setup to be enacted, which is why I must travel to each location."

The following questions were all related to this. Some tried to pry more details about the setup, which I refused to answer. And some asked if this healing would be provided to civilians. On this, I remained as vague as possible. Only saying that it would be reserved for emergencies.

After that, I was able to conclude the press conference. A fair number of journalists grumbled at not being able to ask more questions, but I would be there all day if I didn't put a stop to it.

While I was in Montpellier, I picked up a new partner. Thankfully, Bladelord already adopted a young goat, creatively named Billy, to become the mascot of the local team. The enthusiastic caprin has been installed in a pen near the exterior training ground.

The Menagerie decided to gift me with two new partners immediately after I bonded with Billy.

A diminutive fairy-like magical beast made of smoke that carries a lantern, a Hinkypunk./And of course it uses that lantern to lure travelers into swamps and bogs, like a will-o-the-wisp./It can fire small fireballs from its lantern so it's not entirely defenseless.

Not bad.

We also got a Gecko. He's cute./That's all.

The Hinkypunk may have the potential to make a hero. Equip Trait as a pseudo breaker power maybe or weapon summoning with the lantern. Something to think about.

Getting back to Brockton, I had a short debrief with Colin and Director Piggot. They were mainly interested in knowing how much more time I would be spending away from the Bay, now that in addition to the partner network I had the Gray Boy's victims to free. They were in no way opposed to this, but they needed to know to schedule patrols and such.

My afternoon was much calmer, with a few meetings and some training. The most notable event was Nimue gaining her eighth floor after a delve by the Pioneer. I was extremely proud of her. She was advancing at an incredible pace. Of course, she had access to reliable delvers, lots of resources, and all the other advantages of the Menagerie but that was still impressive.

We spent a while designing her new floor together. And after consulting with my partners, Hé-no volunteered to serve as her boss. This surprised me a little but I had no problem with it, and he would indeed make for a fantastic boss.

(D142=95 Mortashen, D160=46 Fragnetic (200))
(D142=26 The World Ends With You, D108=95 Vespertilio Canor (400))
(D142=20 Terraria, D217=40 Pygmy Staff (300))

The round of Random Summoning wasn't anything special today, but I had worse. Sadly nothing, with long-term benefits.

I ended my day with a visit to the Pelham house. Crystal invited me for dinner. Seeing her bedroom I discovered that my girlfriend was kind of a slob. Her blush was extremely cute when she realized that maybe doing some cleaning before inviting her boyfriend would have been a good idea. Before, dinner we spent an hour together, cuddling with the occasional kiss. She also showed me some art pieces she made for her classes, mainly stylized logos. Even though she didn't call herself an artist, she had some serious talent. She gave me a drawing of my symbol, a dragon head coming out of an open book, and the results were breathtaking. It would feature prominently in my office.

During dinner itself, today's events came up but thankfully we didn't linger too long on it. All in all, it was a very pleasant and relaxing evening.

Wordcount: 3361
Excess words: 542
As some of you have guessed, Gray Boy's victims have a high chance of triggering when freed. However, as Scion still lives it wasn't a broken trigger. Can you guess what I intend to do with the ramifications that the Shards can gather and use Data if the host was transformed during the trigger event?

For the roll, 350 (Banked) + 360 (Chapter) + 0 (Excess words) = 710 points.

[] Creature

[] Power

Voting will be closed Saturday at 3 PM GMT

Note: You may remember that a while back I asked for ideas on what Alex could give to Crystal so she could come with him when traveling dimensions.
You had some good proposals, and I continue to look on my own. I would like your opinion on the options that appeal to me the most. This is not a vote, I'll decide myself, just please tell me what you think. And if you've thought of other things don't hesitate to share.

(700) Ramiel with Equip Trait (proposed by @Kratos1990): She could equip the S2 engine as an organ, allowing her to manifest an AT field (but not the laser) and only call Ramiel if things go to hell.
(600) Matatabi with Maintain Summoning: She could be a Jinchuriki all the time. And slowly learn to use chakra. The drawback is that she would need to learn, which takes time she may not have before she could do much more than call on a Chakra cloak.
(500) Horse Talisman with one undecided power: The pure survivability option. The Dog Talisman could work too.
(300) Crystalsapien with Armor Summoning (proposed by @jonasquinn): The least expensive option of the lot, but flavorful. It's not discreet at all, and cannot be hidden if she uses it.
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I mean. The dungeon is right there. And you have more freedom with classes.

1.Matatabi +maintain summon.

2.Matatabi enters and picks the patron class that makes it easier to buff a contractor with power and skills.

3.Crystal enters and picks the warlock class that increases power and control of gifted abilitys.

4. Equipment, stat boost from conumables, learning meditation and king-fu from the friendly programm.

that should speed things up a lot.

Also, she would be a perfect jinchuriki from the start, so it will be a lot easier for her anyway.
[X] Power

Ramiel sounds like the best choice. It takes a lot of physical force to break an AT Field, also pretty sure an S2 Engine would come with regeneration and if it doesn't she can equip Angel Rengeration to heal in a pinch. Having a shapeshifting mobile laser artillery station capable of erasing cities if needed is also the best kind of defense if you ask me.
The results of that trigger event will be very important depending on whether it gathers its data at the point of freezing or immediately after leaving, cause if it's the form there we gonna be a loooooooooot of endurance/regen powers or physical ones to deal with the trauma of the bubbles.

I'll be honest I never considered the tree sprites magic as coming into play but I'm kinda here for it lol, knowing that naturally shards won't last even another century makes me feel good about them possibly being mutated by exposure to Compendium.
[X] Power
Can you guess what I intend to do with the ramifications that the Shards can gather and use Data if the host was transformed during the trigger event?
Honestly I hope it doesn't become particularly important. It would be kinda frustrating is a whole new problem popped up because of this. Especially since the Root Sprite is so insignificant I doubt the Shard learned anything noteworthy from it and now Alex knows to only ever use mundane animals.
(700) Ramiel with Equip Trait (proposed by @Kratos1990): She could equip the S2 engine as an organ, allowing her to manifest an AT field (but not the laser) and only call Ramiel if things go to hell.
(600) Matatabi with Maintain Summoning: She could be a Jinchuriki all the time. And slowly learn to use chakra. The drawback is that she would need to learn, which takes time she may not have before she could do much more than call on a Chakra cloak.
(500) Horse Talisman with one undecided power: The pure survivability option. The Dog Talisman could work too.
(300) Crystalsapien with Armor Summoning (proposed by @jonasquinn): The least expensive option of the lot, but flavorful. It's not discreet at all, and cannot be hidden if she uses it.
If I had to rank them I'd probably go:

1) Ramiel - It gives Crystal a pretty significant power and defensive boost wi5out giving away her connection to Menagerie or his ability to give powers. It also somewhat fits her/her family since it's kinda the same as Vicky's forcedield.

2) Crystalsapien - I'm obviously biased because I suggested it but I do think it works well for her as both defence and an offensive boost. Though with the caveat that it could only be done after Alex's ability to grant powers has been exposed.

3) Matatabi - Being a jinchuriki would obviously give Crystal a bunch of improvements but isn't particularly exciting or the thematic IMHO.

4) Horse Talisman - By no means a bad option but just not a particularly exciting one.
Damn so not every grey boy will be released
Unless I'm missing something they should be, we just can't get rid of the bubbles themselves quite yet.
Ramiel sounds like the best option to me, tho i am a little afraid of what her shard would do with access to AT fields
Honestly out of all of them Matatabi is the most exciting, not even counting potential stuff like her using the dungeon it'd allow both micro and macro power boosts and gives an excuse for her to come learn with the pandas in the summoning realm if possible.

The only disadvantages would be chakra and flame powers being off from her base stuff, but if Compendium will eventually reveal both his relationship and his ability to grant partners it should be mitigated.

The only part I'm sad about is that she wouldn't have baby summoning cause a Tailed Beast kitten sounds hilarious.
I mean. The dungeon is right there. And you have more freedom with classes.

1.Matatabi +maintain summon.

2.Matatabi enters and picks the patron class that makes it easier to buff a contractor with power and skills.

3.Crystal enters and picks the warlock class that increases power and control of gifted abilitys.

4. Equipment, stat boost from conumables, learning meditation and king-fu from the friendly programm.

that should speed things up a lot.

Also, she would be a perfect jinchuriki from the start, so it will be a lot easier for her anyway.

This is good. Lots of synergies between everything. Both the warlock class and chakra use are also extremely flexible.

[X] Creature
Clever thinking @zagan. I hadn't thought of it but in hindsight it's obvious the Shard would be able to scan its Host's transformed biology, especially if it has been waiting years to finish the connection. The bark-skin of the mayor's Changer form probably contains some interesting chemicals if I had to guess. Almost everything in the Between Lands contains Aspects for its alchemy system, I'm not sure how it would manifest (I distinctly doubt the magical parts carried through) but I recommend not licking the worm.

On a related note, I feel I have to speculate on what could have happened if Sloth had been picked instead. Despite the existence of psychic powers and extradimensional forces, Mortasheen's monsters are primarily rooted in the biological sciences. I suspect this makes them easier for Shards to grasp compared to literal magic. The problem is that even though Sloth is the least active of the Devilbirds, it is still a member of that monster family. Devilbirds all have fairly horrific powers that warp the mind and body in accordance to whatever sin they represent. The mayor could have ended up sweating mind-altering "yolk" from his Changer form if Sloth had been picked, not dissimilar to Newter come to think of it.

As an aside, the Grey Bubbles could be used as a largely impregnable storage vaults couldn't they? If Alex and Luggage went in under Eldritch theming then they could offload hazardous and dangerous materials into an area no one can enter and no one cares about.

[X] Creature
If there were 800 points it might be worth risking a Power roll but as it stands the more potent abilities are out of reach.
1.Matatabi +maintain summon.

2.Matatabi enters and picks the patron class that makes it easier to buff a contractor with power and skills.

3.Crystal enters and picks the warlock class that increases power and control of gifted abilitys.

4. Equipment, stat boost from conumables, learning meditation and king-fu from the friendly programm.

that should speed things up a lot.

Also, she would be a perfect jinchuriki from the start, so it will be a lot easier for her anyway.
The idea has merits, but I'm not sure what you mean by the patron class or the warlock class, we have neither in the present list. (I could create them but that would be a lot of work for me.)

Damn so not every grey boy will be released
I'm not sure what you mean. Alex fully intend to free all the victims. However, the bubble won't be destroyed. Not yet anyway.

Honestly I hope it doesn't become particularly important. It would be kinda frustrating is a whole new problem popped up because of this. Especially since the Root Sprite is so insignificant I doubt the Shard learned anything noteworthy from it and now Alex knows to only ever use mundane animals.
No, it won't become a major plot plot point. It will come up once in a few chapters when I manage to fit it and that's all.
Alex knows only to use animals.

On a related note, I feel I have to speculate on what could have happened if Sloth had been picked instead. Despite the existence of psychic powers and extradimensional forces, Mortasheen's monsters are primarily rooted in the biological sciences. I suspect this makes them easier for Shards to grasp compared to literal magic. The problem is that even though Sloth is the least active of the Devilbirds, it is still a member of that monster family. Devilbirds all have fairly horrific powers that warp the mind and body in accordance to whatever sin they represent. The mayor could have ended up sweating mind-altering "yolk" from his Changer form if Sloth had been picked, not dissimilar to Newter come to think of it.
My plan if Sloth won would have been to have the mayor morph into an egg. And from this egg his worm shape would have emerged. the longer he remained as an egg the stronger the worm became.

As an aside, the Grey Bubbles could be used as a largely impregnable storage vaults couldn't they? If Alex and Luggage went in under Eldritch theming then they could offload hazardous and dangerous materials into an area no one can enter and no one cares about.
Alex has better storage options than that.
The idea has merits, but I'm not sure what you mean by the patron class or the warlock class, we have neither in the present list. (I could create them but that would be a lot of work for me.)

I'm not sure what you mean. Alex fully intend to free all the victims. However, the bubble won't be destroyed. Not yet anyway.
Oh,there is a fixed list? I thought you just added apropriate classes for partners they can choose.

And designing the classes should be relatively easy.

Warlock just use a warlock class from anywhere, change eldritch blast to chakra surge, flavour the spells as jutsu, and give a scaling bonus to using jinchuriki chakra , control and efficiancy both.

For patron, i could write in one if you want?

Class: Patron
Description: You are a powerful being beyond the comprehension of most mortals. You have decided to share some of that power with mortals for your own reasons.
Stat bonus: N/a
--Make contract
--Bestow power
Skill description:
--Make contract:
You offer a mortal a deal. Write out what you offer them,write out what you recieve. Allows the use of bestow power on a mortal who signed your contract.
Lv1: Make 1 patron contract.
--Bestow power:
GIve up a portion of your power to a mortal, and make it easier for them to use it.
Can only be used on mortals you have made a patron contract with.
Lv1: Bestow mortal contractors with 0.1% of your pools and skills.

Edit: I can write up a warlock variant if you want? This was suprisingly fun.
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Oh,there is a fixed list? I thought you just added apropriate classes for partners they can choose.

And designing the classes should be relatively easy.

Warlock just use a warlock class from anywhere, change eldritch blast to chakra surge, flavour the spells as jutsu, and give a scaling bonus to using jinchuriki chakra , control and efficiancy both.

For patron, i could write in one if you want?

Class: Patron
Description: You are a powerful being beyond the comprehension of most mortals. You have decided to share some of that power with mortals for your own reasons.
Stat bonus: N/a
--Make contract
--Bestow power
Skill description:
--Make contract:
You offer a mortal a deal. Write out what you offer them,write out what you recieve. Allows the use of bestow power on a mortal who signed your contract.
Lv1: Make 1 patron contract.
--Bestow power:
GIve up a portion of your power to a mortal, and make it easier for them to use it.
Can only be used on mortals you have made a patron contract with.
Lv1: Bestow mortal contractors with 0.1% of your pools and skills.

Edit: I can write up a warlock variant if you want? This was suprisingly fun.
Yes, it is indeed a little more complicated than that. You can find the list here.
And while I appreciate the offer, I prefer to design the classes myself. It's my control-freak side, don't worry about it.
Chapter 241: Sub-Vote
[X] Creature
Creature Roll: (710 points)
Category Roll D50=24, Entry Roll D47=20
300 Frost Atronach, 300 Storm Atronach, 200 Gargoyle
Category Roll D50=45 Ni No Kuni, Entry Roll D90=25
200 Hog-Goblin, 200 Hooray, 200 Hullaballoon

Elder Scroll and Ni No Kuni, why not. Nothing major.

Nothing this time.


[] 300 Frost Atronach + Micro Bonus
[] 300 Storm Atronach + Micro Bonus
[] 200 Gargoyle + Micro Bonus

[] 200 Hog-Goblin + Micro Bonus
[] 200 Hooray + Micro Bonus
[] 200 Hullaballoon + Micro Bonus

[] 300 Frost Atronach + 200 Hog-Goblin + Micro Bonus*2
[] 300 Frost Atronach + 200 Hooray + Micro Bonus*2
[] 300 Frost Atronach + 200 Hullaballoon + Micro Bonus*2

[] 300 Storm Atronach + 200 Hog-Goblin + Micro Bonus*2
[] 300 Storm Atronach + 200 Hooray + Micro Bonus*2
[] 300 Storm Atronach + 200 Hullaballoon + Micro Bonus*2

[] 200 Gargoyle + 200 Hog-Goblin + Micro Bonus*2
[] 200 Gargoyle + 200 Hooray + Micro Bonus*2
[] 200 Gargoyle + 200 Hullaballoon + Micro Bonus*2

[] Reject everything and keep points.

Voting will be closed Sunday at 3 PM GMT