Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

Wow, a Spyro Legends game. I can't say I know much about the series outside of LPs but I'm interested in how you do world building. Theres actually quite alot of backstory put out by former designers on Twitter and Deviantart.
Because I think we already did this action last turn, I'm treating our intrigue as if we have 2 slots free.
From what I saw looking back, that action still had another year left to go; its a three year action.

Hmm action started at turn six apparently, yeah you have two slots free.
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Wow, a Spyro Legends game. I can't say I know much about the series outside of LPs but I'm interested in how you do world building. Theres actually quite alot of backstory put out by former designers on Twitter and Deviantart.
Yep and I memorized all of it :) You'll see places where I have spun my own take on something, but most of the time it's to work with the crossovers. At the moment only Runescape has come into play, but I have another setting lined up in case I need more material to work with. The original concept however was from Spyro's Kingdom which was the mmorpg that never even got past a demo.
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These are the last ones that look wrong to me.

Look for Survivors: Now that maps of the continent have been completed, Ventis proposes sending scouts out to look for survivors. Small enclaves of dragons or other races may be out there still in hiding. In particular small villages of dragons and tribes of cheetahs used to dot the world, while lesser known races such as the atlawa could be found in isolated communities. Ventis thinks that most of these groups were either wiped out during the war or never came out of hiding and would like to send scouts to find them.
Chance of Success: 70%. Time: 4 years. Rewards: Possible new allies or immigrants. Locked - Three years remaining.
This looks right to me because we failed a roll once, but the prior turn 8 passed, and said two turns remain.

Farming Prey: Now that you have maps detailing the migratory routes and locations of prey, Glacies would like to see if purposely containing large amounts of prey species to be bred and harvested enmasse is possible. If successful this could very well solve the food problem that having nearly two thousand carnivores the size of dragons in a single city brings. Unfortunately this project is very much going to be trial and error and Glacies is not even sure if anything will come from this. Chance of Success: 40%. Cost: 286 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Ranching; +1 Food level, +200 income in gold. Locked - Two years remaining.
This one should read one year remaining, we passed the prior two turns.
Turn 9 Results
Treasury: 1935 Gold
Income: 1350 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose Two.
According to Clarity, their number one problem appeared to simply be that the Bandosians had armor which was more than capable of ignoring everything except high level elemental attacks and that their weapons could slice through dragon scale with an ease that even the apes had never truly managed. In order to even the odds, they would need to increase the training the soldiers went through and get armor distributed to them that could turn aside the weapons that were used on this new world. First things first however, they were going to have to tear apart the fort and use the materials from it to construct adequate defenses around the portal.

Fortifying the Gielinor Side Portal: Now that the fort has been cleared out and in the claws of dragons, Clarity has deemed it vital to tear it apart and use the material to build proper defenses around the portal itself. Such defenses will include the same kind of things used on the Avalar side or around Warfang. Knowing what she knows now about the kind of opposition you will be facing, Clarity is determined on making sure nothing survives long enough to get through the portal, let alone past both sets of defenses.
Cost: 300 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Bandosian fort torn down and used to build defenses around the Gielinor-side portal. Locked - One Year Remaining

- Over the course of the year the Bandosian fort has been picked apart for useful items and reduced to the base stone that it was built out of. Teams of earth dragons have worked through the year to use this base stone in building a large multi-story wall around the Gielinor side of the portal. With such a large collection of high quality stone already nearby, the wall and trench are finished before the year is up. Already enchanters are coming in to fortify the defenses, but Clarity is satisfied that the portal will be able to withstand small scale attacks rather easily now. Reward: Large wall and trench constructed around the Gielinor side portal. Old Bandosian fort torn down and 500 gold of loot has been collected from it.

The populace have calmed down and have been returning to a pre-war lifestyle. However the recent revelation of the rift and the green-skinned warriors coming out of it has convinced Clarity that patrols around the city and in particular around the rift would be a wise course of action.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 100 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Patrols around Warfang and the rift.
Needed: 30. Rolled: 41+14(martial)+20(bonuses)+10(maps)=85.

- Patrols went rather routine this year and Clarity believes that she now has enough dragons who are disciplined enough to do the patrols without her, that she will no longer have to devote her time to them in the future. Clarity claims that this group of dragons who will be doing patrols will give her an excellent source of recruits for her soldiers whenever she needs to expand or replace them. Reward: Patrols are now automatic with a 10% chance of yielding useful finds.

Choose One. One Locked.
According to the suave wind dragon, this was an unprecedented time in dragon history as never before had they encountered so many new peoples all at once. With the portal finally secured on both sides, he could start putting together proper plans to introduce themselves to the more agreeable parties. In particular, he thinks it is high time that they introduce themselves to the Aviansie 'god' and ruler, Armadyl.

Look for Survivors: Now that maps of the continent have been completed, Ventis proposes sending scouts out to look for survivors. Small enclaves of dragons or other races may be out there still in hiding. In particular small villages of dragons and tribes of cheetahs used to dot the world, while lesser known races such as the atlawa could be found in isolated communities. Ventis thinks that most of these groups were either wiped out during the war or never came out of hiding and would like to send scouts to find them.
Chance of Success: 70%. Time: 4 years. Rewards: Possible new allies or immigrants. Locked - One year remaining.
Needed: 30. Rolled: 93+10(bonuses)=103.

- Near the end of the year one of Ventis' scouts reports back that a large enclave of hidden dragons were found banded together in an incredibly well hidden community that was only found by the aforementioned water dragon literally falling down into the massive cave that housed the community. While the community has thus far resisted the idea of joining the greater dragon community on the surface, they have offered to open trade up between them and Warfang. They call themselves the Reliquia. Reward: +200 gold in income from trade. Knowledge of the Reliquia another large dragon community.

Coordinate with the Moles (Rebuilding the City Artisan):
The moles have agreed to coordinate on construction projects around the city. They are eager to rebuild the city and have expressed worries about the lack of walls.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Notes: Must be done on the first turn of the project. Reward: Half cost and time of selected construction project.
Needed: 10. Rolled: 91+11(diplomacy)+15(bonuses)=117.

- Ventis spent part of year haggling with the moles and by the end of the year, he has managed to hash out an agreement between your two peoples. After seeing the the continued projects to properly restore the city to it's glory and perhaps beyond that, Forticus has agreed to smooth over the details that might have kept his people from agreeing to future work. Reward: Chance of success removed. Halved cost and time of 'Rebuilding the City Artisan'.

Choose Two. Must take an Investigating Gielinor Shadow action
Now that the other side of the portal has been cleared, Umbra has his work cut out for him. In addition to coming up with new plans for deepening your intelligence, he also has his Guardian given task of investigating Shadow on Gielinor which will take quite a lot of time and effort.

Establish Intelligence Network: Umbra has decided that it is time to put one of the most effective spy tools that he knows about, to work. Spyro was rather surprised when Umbra clarified that he was actually talking about rumors. The use of rumors allows for the fast gathering of questionable intelligence as well as the possibility of spreading information in a controlled manner. He admits that any information gathered or spread through rumors is very much at the risk of being lost or changed due to the nature of rumors, but it will allow a solid starting point for his small team.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 250 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Rumor Mill, +5 to related rolls.
Needed: 30. Rolled: 97+15(Intrigue)+15(Traits)+10(bonuses)=137

- Throughout the year Umbra's people begin approaching a small number of dragons in regards to the slowly growing intelligence network. A number of reliable moles and cheetahs from the war were also approached and a mixed team is in the process of being put together to sort through the gathered information. The process of vetting the new agents proceeds slowly, but everything is in place by the end of year for reliable information to start flowing into what has been nicknamed the Umbra's Shadows. Perhaps even more unexpectedly, one of the aviansie from the Nohar Zu'uk caught wind of what was happening and offered her services in passing along rumors from Gielinor so long as it did not endanger the aviansie at all. Reward: Basic intelligence network and rumor mill established. Rumors from Avalar and the aviansie included.

Investigating Gielinor Shadow (Intrigue):
With the revelation that something about the Shadow element on Gielinor feels strange and that it might be taking the place of aether, Cyril and Volteer have ordered Umbra to investigate the element as it could be critical. In order to accomplish this, Umbra wants to take a small group of shadow dragons with him to help him experiment.
Chance of Success: ???. Time: 1 year. Reward: Knowledge of the state of Shadow on Gielinor.
Needed: ???. Rolled: 62+19(Piety)+15(Traits)=96

- With orders having been given to his subordinates and everything on Avalar wrapped up for the time being, Umbra passed through the portal and began his investigation on Gielinor's Shadow element. What he found is both amazing and far more concerning than expected; a 'shadow realm' runs below alongside Gielinor. This shadow realm seems to be the source of Shadow on Gielinor, though from what Umbra has discovered, it runs far past the planet itself. In fact as Umbra ventured further into the shadow realm, it became evident that it had strange shadow elementals living inside of it. By the time Umbra managed to get past the planet itself, the shadow realm seemed to get thicker by such a small amount that only a master such as himself could detect it. Together with what the aviansie have told him about their homeworld of Abbinah, Umbra suspects that this shadow realm connects all of the planets in this universe together. Reward: Knowledge of Gielinor shadow realm. The shadow realm is a reliable way to cross between planets, but the Shadow grows thicker as you cross deeper into it. New options unlocked.

Choose One. Two Locked.
In a very refreshing change of pace, Glacies' work is business as usual. The ranching project continues to go well and she is hopeful that soon food concerns will be a thing of the past. On the other paw, it looks like the nobles had in the past made even more stupid decisions than you had been aware of; a set tangled allowed for the nobles to interpret them as they pleased in order to draft the common dragon into their personal feuds whenever they wanted. The ice dragoness is quite upset that such a thing has been allowed to exist for so long.

Farming Prey: Now that you have maps detailing the migratory routes and locations of prey, Glacies would like to see if purposely containing large amounts of prey species to be bred and harvested enmasse is possible. If successful this could very well solve the food problem that having nearly two thousand carnivores the size of dragons in a single city brings. Unfortunately this project is very much going to be trial and error and Glacies is not even sure if anything will come from this. Chance of Success: 40%. Cost: 286 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Ranching; +1 Food level, +200 income in gold. Locked - One Year Remaining
Needed: 60. Rolled: 1+15(stewardship)+5(bonuses)=21.

- Just as they had enough large animals to comfortably maintain both a stable population and feed more than a handful of dragons at a time, the unthinkable happened. From what Glacies reports, it was the result of a pile-up of minor things such as the fear dragons all being unavailable at the same time, a new alpha being selected by the herd, and a major storm weakening the fence enough that the herd was able to escape. Glacies has already taken steps to prevent this from ever happening again, but the damage has already been done. According to the dragoness, this disaster has set the project back by two years due to the massive size of the herd. Thankfully she claims that with the new measures that she has came up with, it will be easy to complete the project, but still time consuming. Reward: Two years left on the action. Chance of success is now 100%.

Rebuilding the City Artisan:
It has come to Glacies' attention that those dragons who consider themselves artisans lack the facilities to do anything truly impressive. She has put together a proposal for the planned 'industrial' or 'artisan' district which calls for a series of state of the art workshops for artists, blacksmiths, potters, jewelers, masons, and other trades. Glacies knows that this district will be essential to provide the skilled labor needed for some of the more ambitious projects that she and the other advisers have planned.
Cost: 1428 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Artisan district, +300 gold income from produced goods, future expansions to the district.

- With the moles helping to build the artisan district to her specifications, Glacies was able to focus her efforts on the nobles. Through the heavy use of bribes, threats, and playing the nobles against themselves, Glacies was able to convince the artisans among them to set up shop in the new district. Though many nobles only made the move once it became clear that the average dragon would rather fly to the district for what they want done, than battle with the politics involved with the nobles. For the district itself, the ice dragoness ended up settling on dividing the new district into sections. These sections will be appropriately themed for the craft taking place within; metal buildings for metalworking, wooden buildings for woodworking, stone buildings for masonry, liberal use of cloth for the cloth workers, and elaborate designs for the more creative artists. Reward: Artisan District with themed sections for the different crafts. Nobles sidelined yet again by Glacies. +300 gold in income from produced goods.

A Legal Conundrum:
Now that Glacies has for the most part untangled the laws relating to taxes, she believes that her next step should be in updating the rest of the laws. Due to the centuries where the noble families had free run of the kingdom except where it concerned the Guardians, they have written new laws or changed existing laws at their convenience. This has resulted in a horrendous mess of legal contradictions that makes it incredibly difficult to go without breaking at least one law in everyday life. Fortunately with the nobles holed up in their own district and occupied with their feuds, Glacies has spotted an opportunity to work on fixing it.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 285 Gold. Time: 4 years. Reward: Updated laws, ???. Locked - One Year Remaining.
Needed: 40. Rolled: 100+15(stewardship)=115.

- In contrary to the sheer number of headaches that the ranches and nobles have caused her this year, Glacies did not seem to mind the legal snarl at all. Between herself and her small army of assistants, she was able to rewrite over half of the laws and has already started on the final part of it. These new laws emphasize fairness and have closed almost all of the loopholes that the nobles were using to twist them to their own advantage. In fact a young shadow dragon came up with an idea to pacify the angry nobles by using the booming state of the city to his advantage. Reward: Vast majority of laws have been rewritten and the nobles have been persuaded to accept the changes.

Choose One. One Locked.
Therris is still recovering from the experiment earlier in the year, but says that he would like to get started on researching more uses for the sympathetic enchantments as soon as possible. Adamant orbs and other types of locking mechanisms should be fairly simple to figure out now, but Therris has high hopes for figuring out how the Pool of Visions worked or even how to create portals. When it comes to the much needed dragon armor however, the earth master is bewildered at how difficult the proper enchantments for it are proving to be.

Attribute Amplification: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. One of the more interesting enchantments discovered was pieced together from the adamant orbs and what can be gleaned from the dragon armor without taking it apart. These enchantments seem to be able to greatly increase or possibly even decrease a given quality of an object such as weight, durability, strength, or even regeneration. This enchantment seems particularly prevalent on dragon armor and would be the first step to reverse engineering the armor.
Chance of Success: 60%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Attribute amplification enchantments, first step toward recreating dragon armor.
Needed: 40. Rolled: 97+10(learning)+10(traits)+20(bonuses)=137.

- Enchanting armor to give more than just minor boosts to the wearer turns out to be a much easier process than Therris suspected. Instead of one immensely complicated enchantment to give the desired effect, Therris has instead designed a series of enchantment chains consisting of several simple enchantments building off of each other. The drawback to this method is that the enchantment requires a bigger area to be applied to and the earth dragon decided to spend the rest of the year engineering a series of incredibly complicated enchantments which would do the same thing but could be applied to a much smaller area. Unfortunately it will take an experienced enchanter in order to apply the more complicated version, making it far more expensive to produce enmasse. Reward: Major versions of all attribute enchantments. Greater versions are also unlocked for small scale use.

A Study in Gemology:
Now that Therris has determined that diamonds resonate strong with the concepts of hardness, piercing, and durability, he would like to spend the time determining what other properties can be found in the known gems. In particular he theorizes that there is likely a gem resonating with each element. If he can discover which gems are tied to the elements, then many new projects will be opened up. Such a study will have an immense impact in regards to the spiritual which excites Timor and Zephyr greatly as it will greatly benefit their as of yet unmentioned plan.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Magical resonance for known gems is documented.
Needed: 20. Rolled: 76+10(learning)+10(traits)+20(bonuses)=116.

- Therris spent the year investigating the newly discovered connection between gems and the various elements. It turns out that several of the superstitions around gems were discovered to have basis in fact. Several gems in particular seemed to be attuned to incredibly odd things.

*Apologies in advance for this interpretation of gemology

Red Topaz=Nullification
Lapis Lazuli=Mind

Piety: Choose Two.
The completion of the elemental crystals at the heart of each of the wings has made the temple quite comfortable for the Guardians. Unfortunately the news from the Guardians is quite mixed. The positive side of things is that Phydra has managed to master Water, though she still has a ways to go before she can quite match the level of skill and knowledge the Guardians are known for. Slightly concerning news is that Pyra has come down with a sickness that stubbornly clings to him, connections the same illness that killed Terrador are abound, but without the numerous magical injuries of the late Earth Dragon, nobody is too concerned. It has however made the normally cheerful Fire Guardian quite moody as the healers have forbidden him from using his element too much until the disease goes away. The bad news this year is that Cyril and Volteer are quite worried about the Shadow element on Gielinor and have ordered Umbra to look into it.

Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d100 (500, or 1000). Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Phydra/Zephyr/Virii/Timor gain Water/Wind/Poison/Fear Master, Pyra/Umbra gain Fire/Shadow Grandmaster.
Argent: 96+17(piety)+25(bonuses)=138
Phydra: 51+24(piety)+25(bonuses)=100
Zephyr: 64+22(piety)+25(bonuses)=111
Umbra: 93+19(piety)+25(bonuses)=137
Virii: 100+17(piety)+25(bonuses)=142
Timor: 97+22(piety)+25(bonuses)=144

- It was a productive year for the Guardian Apprentices this year as Argent managed to breakthrough to becoming an expert, while Zephyr and Virii managed to become masters in their own elements. With Timor rapidly approaching his own mastery of Fear, it will not be long until the Temple can claim to have masters for all nine of the elements. Unfortunately Pyra was forbidden from doing any elemental training at all and instead focused on the new species from Gielinor and the tactics that have been observed thus far. Despite the amount of progress made this year with the elements, it will still be a long time until any of them manage to become a grandmaster and be formally elevated to Guardian. Reward: Argent is now an earth expert, while Zephyr and Virii are wind and poison masters respectively.

Rebuilding the City Spiritual (Piety):
The new Dragon Temple is an excellent start for matters of the spiritual, but Glacies finds that it does little to help the average dragon hone their connection to the world. To change this, she and the Guardians would like to construct a set of training areas dedicated and attuned to each element. This will give the average dragon a specialized environment within which to train their element.
Cost: 476 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Increase to elemental skill for the average dragon.

- As the home of the dragons, Warfang has always had a deep connection to the elements and this year the Guardians spent the year building on this connection. An entire section of the city was set aside for what can only be described as an extensive piece of nature in it's most raw form. Nine shrines were constructed and inlaid with gems attuned to the different elements, before being inscribed with the proper enchantments and ritually consecrated to dedicate each shrine to it's element. From the blisteringly hot fire shrine and it's flames that burn unending, to it's polar opposite ice shrine whose ice never melts even in the hottest of summer months. Already are dragons of all ages making use of the new spiritual district to meditate and train with their elements in an area saturated with energy. Fungi, poisonous plants, and venomous animals seem to congregate around the poison shrine, while the fear shrine forces dragons to combat their deepest fears. Reward: Increase to average elemental skill level for all dragons.

Choose Three (Spyro, Cynder, and Either)
Though their injuries were quite severe, Spyro and Cynder both made it out okay and are determined to do better next time so that this never happens again. Getting back to ruling the city after such a difficult fight, is actually relaxing. Something that neither of them thought they would ever think. Now though they just want to relax and wait for their egg to hatch; Spyro has odds on a male dragon and Cynder a female dragon, though either way raising a wind dragon is going to be interesting.

Relaxation: Now that Spyro and Cynder are used to their new lives, they can afford to take it easy every once in a while to unwind or simply spend more time together.
Time: 1 year. Notes: Can double up on Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: Reduced stress. Other things if time is spent together.

Spend Time with (Cynder): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.
Rolled: 41.

- This year Spyro and Cynder took a while to just enjoy each other's company for the first time in a long while. The stress that was starting to get to the two of them seems to have dissipated and by the end of the year, Spyro feels like he's ready to deal with the various problems that have been popping up. Cynder greatly enjoyed the time spent together and suggested that Spyro should unlock the five elements that he has yet to learn. Reward: Spyro and Cynder de-stress. Cynder suggests unlocking the other five elements.

Spyro - Mastering the Elements (Earth):
While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with the temple restored and the new initiates trained, it will be considerably easier to train the elements.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 100 (Water/Wind/Shadow/Poison/Fear) or 500 (Fire/Ice/Electricity/Earth). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.
Rolled: 51+33(piety)+30(traits)+25(bonuses)=139.

- Spyro spent some of the year working on learning the Earth element and though he did not quite manage to breakthrough the plateau to mastery, he is on the verge of doing so and thinks that it would not take much more to do so. Reward: Spyro on the edge of mastering earth.
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Been taking the time to clean up mistakes and I will now be adding a technology and spiritual section on the front page.
Damn, those were some good rolls!

I wonder how they will react when they find a Runescape dragon... Horrified? Shocked? Scared? Or maybe they will try and help it.
what is the problem with runescape dragons? i've only very briefly played runescape back when it was the old school browser version and even then only around the start area so i have no idea of the lore
Turn 9 Rumor Mill

Dragon Noble Feud Continues!: The feud between the Baselt, Novis, and Sonis clans. All three are of course well known for their artisans and enchanters, the clans are competing for the opportunities created by hero and ruler Spyro. The opening of a district built to accommodate the artisans of the city has the clans ruthlessly squashing their rivals attempts to benefit.

Purple Saviors Destroy Enemy Fort: Spyro and Cynder once more take the fight to the enemy by destroying the fort on the other side of the portal and killing it's commander. Teaming up with the newly discovered aviansie, Spyro and Cynder led the new soldiers into battle and emerged victorious, losing only four dragons to kill hundreds of the evil invaders. The monster that commanded the fort was reportedly larger than a full grown dragon and clad head to toe in an incredibly durable armor. Despite the monster's massive size, our heroes vanquished it with ease.

Dethrone Spyro and Fix the Government!: Spyro has proven time and time again that he cares not for the nobles who run the city. For too long now has he trampled on our laws and reignited the feuds between the clans. Despite ruling for nine years now, he has not even bothered to restructure the government, costing the city in gold and wasted time. Send him to the Guardians where he can continue to sit around and do nothing, until someone attacks as fighting is the only thing the 'savior' can actually do!
The noble responsible has been quietly referred back to his angry parents.

Dragon City of Reliquia Discovered: Scouts sent to check the world for surviving peoples have come across a hidden dragon city named Reliquia. Detailz at the moment are sparse, but trade has already started up between Reliquia and Warfang. Our lord Spyro once again shows why he is worthy of the divine powers of the purple dragon. Praise Spyro, deliverer from evil! It is by His grace that the world still exists and it is by His wisdom that we are safe and secure!
Thankfully the fanatics are in the scant minority, but you have some devout fans.

Chief Prowlus Grows Tribe: Chief Prowlus showed his wisdom this turn and negotiated the merger of a smaller tribe. Thanks to the improvements in the valley, there is more than enough room and prey to feed the new tribesmen. The chief has continued to better the tribe at every opportunity and thanks to his skill in diplomacy, we are almost at the numbers we were prior to the dragon-ape war. With the strange portal secured, the tribe can live in peace and focus on our own matters now.

Overseer Forticus Signs Agreement With Dragons: Forticus signed an agreement with the dragons this year which forces the moles to assist in one construction project a year. Though the dragons have continued to aid in the rebuilding of Warfang, it will not be long until they force us to help with something that does not benefit the moles. We need to band together and join our cousins in separating from the dragons, leave Warfang to the dragons and we will build a new city just for us!
Not all moles are happy with Forticus' agreement. Will need to watch for splintering.

Mugorim the Unstoppable: The Bandosian general in charge of the Kandarin front has long been the cause of repeated Bandosian victories and this trend seems set to continue. Despite what reports of intelligent dragons crushing Rahgzor's fort would have you believe, the spirits seem against the aviansie at the moment. The dozens of human villages in the area provide vital supplies to us, but it is doubtful that they can last against the much feared ourg commander. Even Armadyl's vaunted Dayguard seem unable to stop Mugorim's rampage across the continent as the Bandosian's new opal-tipped bolts provide a catastrophic advantage against our aerial superiority.

Northern Bandosian Fort Crushed by Dragons!: Fearsome ourg colonel Rahgzor and his forces met the unexpected alliance of the Nohar zu'uk and dragons from the world of Avalar. Under General Mugorim, Rahgzor's battalion had become a hardened force that used opal enchanted bolts to negate the natural advantages of aviansie. It was with great relief that the Nohar zu'uk was saved by the Avalar dragons and the fort's commander killed. We expect representatives of these strange dragons to make their way to the Empyrean Citadel soon so that the two species can craft deeper ties.

Saradominist Missionaries Attempt to Convert Zu'uk: A group of Saradominist missionaries have once again attempted to convert a zu'uk to following their god. Their latest attempt to convert a zu'uk, this time on the Si'lika zu'uk, comes only two decades after the previous attempt.They should have known better by now as all true aviansie pay their respects to the spirits of Abbinah and not to any of the gods, not even Armadyl. These 'god wars' have already brought too much suffering and we will all be better off without the gods.

Nightguard Strikes Decisive Blow Against Vampyres: Long has it been known that the treacherous vampyres have sought aviansie to turn into fledgelings for their vile race. Our Lord's holy Nightguard struck against an encampment of vampyre hunters and freed dozens of soon-to-be-doomed aviansie from various zu'uks. Their foul blood magicks stood no chance against the lightning fast strikes of the Nightguard whose most righteous powers over wind and legendary skill allowed them to surprise the blood-drinkers and slaughter them. Praise be to Armadyl!
I suspect vampyre hunters to attempt the same against us once they become aware.

Lekhitra Zu'uk Defends Grateful Centaur Herd: Many centaurs have grown disenchanted with the god Saradomin and now a small herd of the people have separated from the rest. This effort would have been doomed to failure when the horde encountered a large group of mountain trolls, were it not for the Lekhitra zu'uk. The Lekhitra had been tracking the unusually large force of trolls through the mountains when the Bandosian brute came across the unprepared centaurs. Unwilling to let the centaurs die and always willing to slay followers of the war god, the Lekhitra rained death on down from above upon the small army. The centaur chief Pavlan made the decision to stay with the zu'uk and have settled near an Armadylean village. We wish the centaur herd a swift justice to their enemies.

Zamorakians Press Deeper into the Desert: Rumors concerning the Zamorakian Kharidian Desert Campaign suggest that a major victory was scored against the desert empire. Details are sparse as always, but what little is known suggests that a major Kharidian city was captured. As you are no doubt aware, Thammaron is the Zamorakian general in charge of the attack and is known for cunning plans that have time and time again allowed him to beat his opponents through unusual strategies.

Azzanadra Defends Paddewwa Against joint Saradominist and Zamorakian Assault: Long known to be both the most powerful mahjarrat and the most devoted to the god Zaros, Azzanadra led the defenders of Paddewwa in repelling a massive invasion. Traditional enemies of each other and made more so by the transformation of Hallowvale into Morytania, the Saradominists and Zarosians have nonetheless been known to team up against the decaying Zarosian empire. Many predicted the fall of Paddewwa this year when a massive force joined together to besiege it, but Azzanadra proved to be as strong as ever and almost single-handedly repelled the assault.
Formidable individual, need more information.
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After many months, we finally have access to the rumor mill!

Nianque said:
Dethrone Spyro and Fix the Government!: Spyro has proven time and time again that he cares not for the nobles who run the city. For too long now has he trampled on our laws and reignited the feuds between the clans. Despite ruling for nine years now, he has not even bothered to restructure the government, costing the city in gold and wasted time. Send him to the Guardians where he can continue to sit around and do nothing, until someone attacks as fighting is the only thing the 'savior' can actually do!
The noble responsible has been quietly referred back to his angry parents.
Poor guy, they can actually see the writing on the wall. To be fair to Spyro he was busy trying to keep the economy from collapsing in those nine years, and dealing with the portal issue. We haven't really had time to handle the issue of government. And the feud is sorta a meh thing to me, probably wise to pick a side and settle the problem soon.

Nianque said:
Chief Prowlus Grows Tribe: Chief Prowlus showed his wisdom this turn and negotiated the merger of a smaller tribe. Thanks to the improvements in the valley, there is more than enough room and prey to feed the new tribesmen. The chief has continued to better the tribe at every opportunity and thanks to his skill in diplomacy, we are almost at the numbers we were prior to the dragon-ape war. With the strange portal secured, the tribe can live in peace and focus on our own matters now.
Someone is doing well. Kinda surprised the newly found survivor dragon city isn't mentioned in the rumor mill.

Nianque said:
Head Foreman Forticus Signs Agreement With Dragons: Forticus signed an agreement with the dragons this year which forces the moles to assist in one construction project a year. Though the dragons have continued to aid in the rebuilding of Warfang, it will not be long until they force us to help with something that does not benefit the moles. We need to band together and join our cousins in separating from the dragons, leave Warfang to the dragons and we will build a new city just for us!
Not all moles are happy with Forticus' agreement. Will need to watch for splintering.
Arghhhh!?! Drat, going to take some clever action use to handle this.

Nianque said:
I'm not very familiar with runecraft, so I can't say what is good news or bad news.
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I'm not very familiar with runecraft, so I can't say what is good news or bad news.
I can easily tell you this, we might want to get in Armadyl's sphere of influence before Saradomin decides he want us in his, because Saradomin is a tiny-bit tyrannical at times, but he likes Armadyl at the moment, so he will probably respect Armadyl enough to leave us alone if we ally with Armadyl quickly enough.