It was rather unusual for one of the moles to be sitting in on the annual meeting. Usually Forticus had things of his own to worry about and in this case he did, though they also concerned the dragons for once. "I can only see two outcomes. The first and most likely is that a vast majority of my people will break away to found their own city, while the second is that I will be disposed of and my people stay in the city, but isolate ourselves in our own quarter." Forticus explained.
"How did this happen?" Cyril asked. "You seemed to be a popular leader." It was not an exaggeration to say that Forticus was the longest serving Overseer of the moles in record, which only made it more baffling that his people would start going against him.
The decorated mole sighed. "We are not as united as it appears and many of my competitors dislike being 'dragon-servants' as they call my followers and I. Spyro's actions in restoring the planet mended many of the fissures, however this has been building up far longer than anyone is aware. For as long as our records extend we have been your faithful allies and there are some who see this as us being mere servants toward dragons. Your efforts in fixing the city have provoked jealousy in doing what was typically mole work and my attempts at binding us together even further seem to have backfired."
"Why would you risk the long-standing alliance on doing so?" Cynder asked from where she was sharing the head of the table with Spyro.
Ventis looked up from the notes that he had been taking and voiced his own question, "Is there anything we can do to help?"
Forticus shook his head. "Ignitus and I made a plan to unify our peoples under one government. This would curtail the dragons' nobles which were doing whatever they wanted, as well as focus the other foremen in benefitting the city as a whole instead of just their crews. He believed that with enough effort we could unite not just the dragons and moles, even the cheetah tribes in time. The talk of splintering has hurt the plan, but if they leave peacefully and we are able to make a working government with which to unite under, then we would be in an excellent position to suggest such a move to other prominent groups." The much smaller mole slowly looked all of the gathered dragons in the eye. "This project has become more important than ever with the discovery of Gielinor; there are too many threats both known and unknown to risk going at it alone. With this we can pool our resources and talents together to keep Avalar safe."
Spyro could already tell that Clarity, Ventis, and Glacies had taken the idea and started to fly with it. Umbra was as difficult to read as always, but no doubt the Shadow Guardian in training was making new plans to account for the information revealed. The question however was whether or not to embrace the idea and aim at unifying the planet, or continuing to go at it alone. Both ideas had their own strengths and weaknesses… Spyro felt this was decision was important enough to be made over the next couple of years instead of immediately. First thing first however was o try and calm down the moles.
Treasury: 4285 Gold
Income: 1850 Gold per turn.
Martial: Choose Two.
Clarity has come up with two plans for the military this year. The first of which is to recruit another flight of 100 soldiers and the second is to train the existing soldiers to a new level of skill. The water dragoness believes that the current priority however needs to be building the military district so that she has somewhere for the soldiers to live, train, and relax together which according to her will build the bonds between her soldiers and make them their teamwork more effective.
Patching the Holes Part 2 (Martial): Now that new walls have been erected, it is time for the stone to be fused together into one whole piece. Clarity and Glacies would like to get started immediately as the sooner the walls are made stronger, the less likely an enemy will be able to breach them. Durability enchantments combined with a massive amount of Earth manipulation will be required for this. As such they expect this project to take a while to finish, but once done it will greatly increase the protection granted by Warfang's walls.
Cost: 952 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +400 to defense rolls.
Rebuilding the City Military (Martial): With Clarity's new professional soldiers proving to be well worth the time and money it took to train them, she and Glacies would like to construct a district dedicated to training and equipping future soldiers. This will also give the soldiers a place to stay when they are not on assignment and ensure that training replacements or new flights will go smoothly.
Cost: 952 Gold, 300 Upkeep. Time: 2 years. Reward: Military district, Reduce training cost, time, and upkeep for soldier flights, +10 soldiers' rolls.
The Second Flight: Now that the population of Warfang has grown and she has a reliable source of recruits, Clarity feels that it is time to train a second flight of soldiers. Unfortunately this second flight will be just as expensive and time-consuming as the last as has to ensure they are up to her new standards which have grown quite high after the first major battle. A second flight will enable her to use one for defense and the other for campaigns away from Avalar.
Cost: 200 Gold. 300 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: A second flight of dragon soldiers.
Drilling Dragons: The battle for the fort was a complete success as far as Clarity is concerned, however there is plenty of room for improvement. Now that she knows how durable the Bandosians' army is, Clarity wants to ensure all of her soldiers have at least expert level skill in their element. In addition there are several minor improvements alongside a complete revamp of tactics when dealing with the Bandosians in general. The retraining will take some time to complete, but the expected benefit more than outweighs the time lost in her eyes.
Time: 2 years. Reward: +100 to soldier skill level.
A Different Kind of Hunting: With the food situation as bad as it is, Clarity has offered her time toward organizing more hunting trips to make sure everyone has enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.
Diplomacy: Choose One. One Locked.
Ventis has his paws full this year as not only are the last of the scouts starting to return, but the aviansie are requesting a meeting at the Empyrean Citadel, and the moles are beginning to fracture. Unfortunately the wind dragon has neither the time nor the skill to balance all three of these things. Then of course there were other peoples that deserved an official envoy from Warfang such as the Reliquia, other cheetah tribes, the manweersmalls, and the many peoples of Gielinor.
Look for Survivors: Now that maps of the continent have been completed, Ventis proposes sending scouts out to look for survivors. Small enclaves of dragons or other races may be out there still in hiding. In particular small villages of dragons and tribes of cheetahs used to dot the world, while lesser known races such as the atlawa could be found in isolated communities. Ventis thinks that most of these groups were either wiped out during the war or never came out of hiding and would like to send scouts to find them.
Chance of Success: 70%. Time: 4 years. Rewards: Possible new allies or immigrants. Locked - One year remaining.
Coordinate with the Moles (action): The moles have agreed to coordinate on construction projects around the city. They are eager to rebuild the city and have expressed worries about the lack of walls.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Notes: Must be done on the first turn of the project. Reward: Half cost and time of selected construction project.
Coordinate with Cheetahs (action): Ventis says that the cheetah are greatly worried about the rift and are willing to send what warriors they can to help. They offer their expertise in either fortifying the rift, patrolling around it, or scouting the other side.
Chance of Success: 100%. Time: 1 year. Notes: Must be done on the first turn of the project. Reward: +10 to Securing the Rift, Patrolling, or similar action.
Diplomatic Negotiations (Group and Topic): Ventis has offered to enter talks with one of the other races or groups. Several of the known races have knowledge or services that dragons do not and the Wind dragon is willing to see if he can negotiate a deal of some kind. There are many groups that could be negotiated with, though not all would be easy.
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Negotiations for goods, services, knowledge or other information.
Dragon Emissary (Armadyl): Tsa'ar has offered to introduce Ventis to the aviansie court and Armadyl himself in the Empyrean Citadel. Correspondence has already been taken back to the citadel and she believes now would be the best time to make introductions, while the recent battle is in everybody's memories. Establishing a proper relationship is crucial according to the wind dragon and the sooner you jump on it, the better off both peoples will be.
Time: 1 year. Reward: Empyrean Citadel interlude.
Calming Down the Moles: Information from both Umbra's spy network and Head Foreman Forticus suggests that the moles of Warfang are beginning to fracture. Not all of the mole foremen wish for friendly relationships with the dragons as too many have seen the grim records of the pre-war situation with the dragon nobles treating all non-nobles badly. Ventis thinks that negotiating with the groups is possible, but it would definitely be difficult.
Chance of Success: 40% (9 times). Cost: 200 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Mole factions swayed to pro-dragon stance.
Intrigue: Choose Two.
Though not many would be capable of catching it, Umbra came back from his trip into Gielinor's shadow realm unnerved. He seems unable to describe just how truly massive the strange realm is and believes that it is a useful tool, but full of unknown dangers. In particular, he doubts that he is the only shadow user of such skill to find the shadow realm and suspects that the mahjarrat whom are rumored to wield shadow routinely travel the realm. As skilled as he is, the mahjarrat seem unimaginably powerful and such an unpredictable force with access to the shadow realm is dangerous.
Feuding Nobility (Support Family/Resolve/Dissolve): With the noble clans falling upon themselves in a three-way shadow war, Umbra has decided this would be an excellent time to influence the result one way or another. Supporting the Baselt family would see a sharp uptake in mining as they can afford to expand their mining activities. The Sonis on the other claw have the most skilled traders and supporting them could see an upturn in trading. Meanwhile the Novis are very much in favor of going on the offense and smashing the enemies of the city aside in order to secure dragon dominance. Another option would be to try and resolve the situation peacefully which would be difficult, but would restore things to how they were before the shadow-war. The last option Umbra has proposed with much prompting by Glacies, would be to work toward dismantling the nobility entirely; neither of them are entirely sure what the result will be without the noble families propping up crucial aspects of life.
Chance of Success: 50%/30%/30%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: Variable. Reward: Increase to mining, trading, military, status-quo, or ???. Bad things happen if discovered.
Investigate (Group): Umbra has offered to investigate any of the groups on Avalar or Gielinor. He is however uncertain about his chance to sneak around where the mahjarrat are concerned which rules out any Zarosian, Zamorakian, or Kharidian territory as those are likely locations of the mysterious race. Additionally sneaking around a god or other entities who can use shadow is also a risky move. On the other paw, the wealth of information gained could outweigh the risks. As the dragons of Warfang already have a strong rapport with the aviansie, he thinks he could investigate any Armadylean aligned group relatively hassle-free, though how much he gains from such an endeavor is open to question.
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information on chosen group.
Widen the Network: Though the fledgeling spy network is a good start, it is just that, a start. Umbra wants to recruit more operatives and widen the area within which you get usable intelligence from. This will result in more accurate information, foreknowledge of important events, and potentially uncover important secrets. In particular Umbra would like to try and recruit more varied races from Gielinor into his network, though he is unsure of how hard this will be to accomplish.
Chance of success: 40% Time: 3 years. Reward; Accurate information on Avalar and the Kandarin, Feldip, Forinthry, and Kharidian provinces of Gielinor.
Stewardship: Choose One. Two Locked.
Glacies has several projects that she thinks should be completed, but only one of those is a priority in her mind. In her 'humble' opinion, it is high time to revamp the city government as the inefficiencies in running the city with just a small number of chosen advisors, are beginning to pile up in a big way. In fact Clarity thinks that unless this is done soon, you will begin seeing the more morally corrupt dragons finding ways around the current system as the current system is simply not big enough to catch everything.
Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Glacies recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year. The food situation has finally stabilized and Glacies would like to give the animals in the area around the city a chance to repopulate
Chance of Success: 70%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.
Farming Prey: Now that you have maps detailing the migratory routes and locations of prey, Glacies would like to see if purposely containing large amounts of prey species to be bred and harvested enmasse is possible. If successful this could very well solve the food problem that having nearly two thousand carnivores the size of dragons in a single city brings. Unfortunately this project is very much going to be trial and error and Glacies is not even sure if anything will come from this.
Cost: 286 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Ranching; +1 Food level, +200 income in gold. Locked - Two years remaining.
Rebuilding the City Education (Stewardship): The new school is a good first step toward ensuring the best possible education, but Glacies and Therris would like to take it even further. They have plans to create buildings designed to assist in the training of all major specialties including healers, enchanters, diplomats, and construction among others. With assistance from the other advisers, they will be able to have talented dragons trained and directed their way. In addition to the proposed university,
Cost: 2857 Gold 200 Upkeep. Time: 3 years. Reward: Education district, university for continued education, library, increase in trait chance for specialized skills, higher base stats for all future dragons.
Rebuilding the City Military (Stewardship): With Clarity's new professional soldiers proving to be well worth the time and money it took to train them, she and Glacies would like to construct a district dedicated to training and equipping future soldiers. This will also give the soldiers a place to stay when they are not on assignment and ensure that training replacements or new flights will go smoothly.
Cost: 952 Gold, 300 Upkeep. Time: 2 years. Reward: Military district, Reduce training cost, time, and upkeep for soldier flights, +10 soldiers' rolls.
Patching the Holes Part 2 (Stewardship): Now that new walls have been erected, it is time for the stone to be fused together into one whole piece. Clarity and Glacies would like to get started immediately as the sooner the walls are made stronger, the less likely an enemy will be able to breach them. Durability enchantments combined with a massive amount of Earth manipulation will be required for this. As such they expects this project to take a while to finish, but once done it will greatly increase the protection granted by Warfang's walls.
Cost: 952 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +400 to defense rolls.
A Legal Conundrum: Now that Glacies has for the most part untangled the laws relating to taxes, she believes that her next step should be in updating the rest of the laws. Due to the centuries where the noble families had free run of the kingdom except where it concerned the Guardians, they have written new laws or changed existing laws at their convenience. This has resulted in a horrendous mess of legal contradictions that makes it incredibly difficult to go without breaking at least one law in everyday life. Fortunately with the nobles holed up in their own district and occupied with their feuds, Glacies has spotted an opportunity to work on fixing it.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 285 Gold. Time: 4 years. Reward: Updated laws, ???. Locked - One year remaining.
Prospecting Gold: With the new maps that the cheetahs have helped to supply, Glacies is salivating over the potential gold to be made in hard to acquire materials. As it stands right now, most dragons make use of the already existing materials as the families who worked the various gem and metal deposits were mostly killed off during the early stages of the war as easy targets. This means that there are very few new sources of critical materials, such as gold, silver, iron, coal, or gems, let alone the more magical materials. Glacies would like to remedy this soon.
Chance of Success: Variable. Cost: 95 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Gem and ore deposits uncovered.
A Better Governing System: It has been suggested by many already that the current governing system which has Spyro and a small council of advisers ruling the city, could be further tuned to be more effective.
Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote, ???.
Learning: Choose Two.
If Therris had to consider something a priority, it would be building a library or the education district and discovering a simple, yet mass-producible armor (if only to stop Clarity's constant requests). He would much rather be furthering the research into enchantments, but even he must acknowledge that there might be more important things than research.
Save the Books! Part Two: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. The other half of the issue is that with the Warfang library and Dragon Temple gone, there is no longer a place to store books. Volteer has deemed this a lesser priority, but says that the sooner it is done, the sooner they can take inventory and figure out what they have and what the Guardians and other older dragons may have to rewrite from memory. Cannot be taken with 'Rebuilding the City (Education)'
Cost: 500 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Library built, librarian hired, actions unlocked.
Rebuilding the City (Education): The new school is a good first step toward ensuring the best possible education, but Glacies and Therris would like to take it even further. They have plans to create buildings designed to assist in the training of all major specialties including healers, enchanters, diplomats, and construction among others. With assistance from the other advisers, they will be able to have talented dragons trained and directed their way.
Cost: 2857 Gold 200 Upkeep. Time: 2 years. Reward: Education district, university for continued education, library, increase in trait chance for specialized skills, higher base stats for all future dragons.
Reverse Engineering (basic bandosian enchantments): According to Therris the enchantments on the weapons and armor recovered are incredibly simple, if crude. In fact such enchantments are ideal for mass production and if superior dragon knowledge is applied, then he is sure that he can create an easy to make enchantment which could be applied on a large scale with ease. Such enchantments consist of durability, strength, sharpness, weight, and similar attribute enhancements. In fact this would serve as an ideal stepping stone for his other related project to greatly improve attribute enhancing enchantments.
Chance of Success: 70%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Mass producible basic enchantments. +10 toward Attribute Amplification.
Reverse Engineering (bandosian metal): The metal that makes up the Bandosian weapons and armor is unlike anything Therris has seen before outside of dragon armor. Preliminary research suggests that the metal is highly magical and that it is over three times tougher than almost anything he can think of. Though the metal compares favorably to the metal dragon armor was made of, he can already tell that it is heavier and as such not a complete match. Nonetheless, the amount of this metal recovered suggests that it should be easy to mass produce and as such would be ideal for outfitting large amounts of dragons in.
Chance of Success: 55%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Bandosian metal identified, first step toward mass producible armor.
Adamant Orbs: In ancient times, the adamant orbs were used as a secure locking mechanism by linking together an incredibly heavy orb to a switch and then separating them. This made it so that whenever somebody want to unlock the mechanism, they had to carry the orb a very long distance often filled with hazardous terrain or traps. While such locks are truly unwieldy for the day-to-day use, when locking something that you do not want opened, they were top notch. Therris insists that though adamant orbs may not be too useful now, the information gleaned on how to make them will be useful for other more relevant projects.
Chance of Success: 40%. Cost: 50 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Adamant orbs, +10 to other sympathetic enchantment projects.
Thinking with Portals Part 1 Enchantments: With the knowledge of portals between worlds or into and out of Convexity, Therris thinks it possible to link together much more mundane areas such as Warfang to the cheetah village, or a far reaching enclave. This will be a very long and involved process that Therris admits will most likely take a very long time to get right. In fact such an undertaking will be so difficult and tedious that he has split it into three different parts, the enchantments, the connection with aether, and combining the knowledge.
Chance of Success: -10%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments for portals.
Viewing the World Part 1 Enchantments: One of the great losses of the war was the loss of the Dragon Temple's Pool of Visions. This unassuming artifact allowed the Guardians to keep abreast of everything going on in the world and seemed to be even further amplified by a rare talent that very few had. Unfortunately the knowledge of how to make the artifact was lost and recreating it will be incredibly difficult, perhaps even more difficult than portals.
Chance of Success: -30%. Time: 4 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments for the pool of visions.
Advanced Sympathetic Enchantments: Now that Therris has discovered how sympathetic enchantments works, he had discovered that there is far more to the subject than he had first thought. From portals, to the pool of visions, to even the disease that killed Terrador. All of these things and more used the same concepts and Therris thinks that he can figure out the underlying principles. This will enable the use of the enchantments on a far wider range of things, such as connection distant locations, the Fire of a volcano to a place far away, and other such things.
Chance of Success: 30%. Time: 3 years. Reward: +30 to other sympathetic enchantment projects.
Piety: Choose Two.
With the majority of the apprentices having reached mastery of their element and Argent having been made an official apprentice, there is much cause for celebration in the Dragon Temple. Project-wise, it is much agreed that finding the elemental nexuses for each element on Avalar is an important task and that beginning research into the state of the nine elements on both Avalar and Gielinor could reveal important information on the states of the planets. Additionally there is the research into the mysterious seers for the Pool of Visions, though Cyril and Volteer are not clear on where to start concerning that.
Argent upgrades trait Guardian Initiate (+1 Diplomacy, +3 Learning, +4 Piety) into Apprentice Guardian (+5 Diplomacy, +5 Learning, +6 Piety, +2 all stats, +10 to all knowledge rolls): Argent has reached the point in her training where she can be called a proper Guardian Apprentice. This fast speed is as much a credit to her as it is to the new standardized education in the city.
Timor upgrades trait Fear Expert (+3 Piety, +30 to all Fear rolls) into Fear Master (+5 Piety, +1 Combat, can use more powerful fear techniques, +50 to all Fear rolls): Timor treads upon a path none save Malefor have walked to it's end. His unerring control over himself is what has allowed him to become the first known master of fear excluding the Dark Master.
Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d100 (500, or 1000). Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Argent/Timor gain Earth/Fear Master, Pyra/Umbra gain Fire/Water/Wind/Shadow/Poison Grandmaster.
Viewing the World Part 2 Spiritual: The possibility of recreating the incredible pool of visions has greatly interested Volteer, who goes on at length to convey all of the different possibilities of the artifact. Unfortunately not only is the knowledge lost, there was a spiritual component to it as well that they do not seem able to pin down. In addition that, they describe that only Ignitus and a handful of others throughout history could use the pool of visions to it's utmost potential. They describe the rare dragon capable of mastering the artifact as 'seers', though just what being a seer means is not something either of them were fully aware of. They seek to answer these important questions, so that when Therris has figured out the enchantments, work will be able to begin immediately on building it.
Chance of Success: 40%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Spiritual component to pool of visions figured out.
Elemental Nexuses: Now that all of the Guardian Apprentices bar Argent are masters, Cyril and Volteer suggest that this would be an excellent time to locate the most powerful nexus for each element and meditate there. Not only might this give further insight into their elements, it would also locate the most critical nodes of that element on the planet which could open up a number of new projects down the road. Zephyr and Timor in particularly are eager to do this, muttering something about their mysterious project.
Time: 2 years. Reward: +1d100 to elemental trait progress. Nexuses for each element are identified and explored.
Research (Element) (Planet): With Umbra's successful investigation into Gielinor's Shadow, the Guardians have decided that additional investigations into not just Gielinor's elements, but also Avalar's elements might be warranted in order to catch any surprises. This is particularly important as Malefor's destruction and Spyro's restoration of Avalar might have had unforeseen consequences on the elements.
Chance of Success: 50% (Avalar)/20% (Gielinor). Reward: Knowledge of current state of element on chosen planet.
Personal: Choose Three (Spyro, Cynder, and Either)
Spyro has at last done his late mentor Terrador proud and achieved mastery with Earth. Though he still has far to go if he wishes to pursue the next step, it would be nice to take a break from the element to work on other things. In particular it has been suggested that Spyro should unlock all nine of the elements in order to be more balanced spiritually. The Guardians agree that there is wisdom in this, but nobody knows quite what will result in such a feat. Cynder meanwhile has been working on her fear element and has become emboldened through talking with Timor about what the element is truly about.
Spyro upgrades trait Earth Expert (Can use Earth, +3 Piety, +30 to all Earth rolls) into Earth Master (Can use Earth, +4 Piety, +1 Combat, can use more powerful earth techniques, +50 to all Earth rolls): Spyro has at last mastered the first of the four pillar elements of Avalar. If he focuses he can almost hear Terrador whispering congratulations on the wind.
Relaxation: Now that Spyro and Cynder are used to their new lives, they can afford to take it easy every once in a while to unwind or simply spend more time together.
Time: 1 year. Notes: Can double up on Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: Reduced stress. Other things if time is spent together.
Spend Time with (character): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.
Spyro - Mastering the Elements (Element): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with the temple restored and the new initiates trained, it will be considerably easier to train the elements.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 100 (Water/Wind/Shadow/Poison/Fear), 500 (Fire/Ice/Electricity) or 1000 (Earth). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.
Cynder - Mastering the Elements (Element): While Cynder can be considered an expert in using the elements, she could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with the temple restored and the new initiates trained, it will be considerably easier to train the elements.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 500 (Wind/Shadow/Poison/Fear). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.
Mastering the Code of Reality: Aether allows one to alter reality with enough will and provides both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense. Unfortunately Aether is incredibly difficult to master as nobody, save Spyro and Cynder can even use it and both have been almost lost to the dark side of it forever. Mastering the conventional elements first may make this easier.
Chance of Success: 1d100/1000 (Low rolls have disastrous consequences). Reward: Progress toward becoming a master in Aether.
Shaping Reality: It is a purple dragon's spiritual right to master the elements. Malefor however did something nobody had even considered and added the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear. With this revelation, there has been rumors that Wind and Water are not original elements either and that only the prime elements of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are natural. While Spyro is nowhere near Malefor's level of mastery over Aether, it could be done.
Chance of Success: 16% (Spyro)/15% (Cynder). Time: ??? Notes: Can double up Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: New Element.
Thinking with Portals Part 2 Aether: In order to make portals a reality, Therris has determined that the connection between portals and aether must be figured out. This means that Spyro and/or Cynder will have to touch the one thing that truly scares them. Just as aether can be a tremendous force for good, so too can it be a catastrophic force of destruction. Despite this concern, both dragons are willing to admit that being able to create portals would a massive help and that it should not be too dangerous, so long as the avoid overreaching themselves.
Chance of Success: 30%(50% with both dragons). Time: 2 years. Notes: Can double up Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: Aether connection to portals unraveled.
Dragon Emissary (Armadyl): Tsa'ar has offered to introduce Ventis to the aviansie court and Armadyl himself in the Empyrean Citadel. Correspondence has already been taken back to the citadel and she believes now would be the best time to make introductions, while the recent battle is in everybody's memories. Establishing a proper relationship is crucial according to the wind dragon and the sooner you jump on it, the better off both peoples will be. Ventis believes that bringing Spyro and/or Cynder will make the negotiations much more binding.
Time: 1 year. Notes: Can double up on Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: Empyrean Citadel interlude.