Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

You currently have basic through greater, though your understanding of greater is limited. The best aviansie enchanter can create grandmaster enchantments, but they are lacking basic enchantments as that was a Bandosian invention.
so would it be a fair trade to help them out with basic enchantments and they help us with our greater enchantments or would that be a poor deal heavily in our favor?
Is "Empyrean Citadel Interlude Part 1" intended to be a plan vote, or a not by plan vote (the one where every voter can choose multiple single line options)?
so would it be a fair trade to help them out with basic enchantments and they help us with our greater enchantments or would that be a poor deal heavily in our favor?
That would be agreeable. You have already done the majority of the work in figuring out greater enchantments and basic enchantments would give the various villages of humans and untrained aviansie access to minor buffs. Interestingly enough the deal would be in Armadyl's favor as he has a lot of territory that is only lightly guarded (a consequence of how nomadic aviansie are).

I had planned on doing any major trades as a second update, but feel free to squeeze it into this one.

Things Armadyl is interested in: any intelligence on the Bandosians, your information network, freedom for Armadyleans to rest on Avalar (maybe set up a small village or two so that his people can farm in relative safety), mundane trade (about 300 gold income; mostly from seeds, raw goods, and aviansie traders in your market), healing magic, wind techniques/knowledge, a military alliance.

Things Armadyl has to offer: enchantment knowledge, crafting/metalworking knowledge (they have grandmasters of both), higher quality intelligence from Gielinor, wind techniques/knowledge.

If you do open-borders, make sure to let me know whether that includes permanent settlements on Avalar or not. The aviansie could also assist Zephyr in reaching grandmaster faster as they have a handful of wind grandmasters including Armadyl himself.

Is "Empyrean Citadel Interlude Part 1" intended to be a plan vote, or a not by plan vote (the one where every voter can choose multiple single line options)?
By plan.

Part of the reason this took so long was I could not think of a way to do the negotiations cleanly.
[X] Plan Full Alliance
-[X] Non-Aggression Pact
-[X] Military Alliance
-[X] Open Borders
--[X] Allow Armadyleans settlements on Avalar
-[X] Information
--[X] Propose regularly sharing information that our scouts/spies gather on Bandosian movements
-[X] Trade
-[X] Trade knowledge of Basic enchantments for Armadyleans' knowledge of greater enchantments
-[X] Propose an exchange of knowledge on wind magic

The Armadyleans seem like good guys, so I don't see any reason not to go for a full alliance type deal.
Since Armadyleans have grandmaster enchanters and smiths, we might want to see about getting armor for Spyro and Cynder, if we don't already have good armor for them
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[X] Plan Full Alliance

This is good enough. If I see a plan I like more I'll switch to that one.
Since Armadyleans have grandmaster enchanters and smiths, we might want to see about getting armor for Spyro and Cynder, if we don't already have good armor for them
Between the fury armor that they are currently using and the opportunity to get armor made from a metal that resonates with 'Dragon' (provided Therris' research pans out), neither of them think it would be a good investment at the moment. If Therris can find a 'Dragon' metal, it will be a completely different story.
[X] Plan Full Alliance

So what was the Armadyleans first reaction to us when they heard about a race of friendly smart dragons from another world?
[X] Plan Full Alliance

So what was the Armadyleans first reaction to us when they heard about a race of friendly smart dragons from another world?
Not the weirdest thing that has happened during this 3000 year long war. Not something they really expected, but there have been so many different kinds of dragons that nobody is really sure how the pieces fit together. There are some legends and myths about a 'dragonkin' however.

Keep in mind that in Runescape and especially during this age, portals between worlds and different races coming to and from those worlds with the help of the gods is a known event.
As things stand a few hundred humans, the only armadylean centaur tribe, and the Nohar zu'uk (about 200 aviansie) of aviansie will be immigrating to Avalar. This group is unlikely to grow in size very fast.

Oh and uh...if you agree to it Armadyl will be teleporting the Nohar's floating island with them. Which is basically basecamp and home for the otherwise nomadic aviansie as they can just move the islands around with them.
Well seeing how spyro and friends home got torn to holly hell and back at the end of the third game I doubt anyone is going to be bothered by ANOTHER floating island
Empyrean Citadel Interlude Part 2
The non-aggression pact is easily agreed to by both Spyro and Armadyl, while the other points of the negotiations require more careful thought. Trade would do neither peoples much harm and the exchange of knowledge regarding Wind was something that would definitely benefit the dragons. Trading knowledge of the basic enchantments for a complete understand of greater enchantments was the first real stumbling block; the Armadyleans were a very numerous faction if one included all of the minor human villages under their protection and thus basic enchantments which might allow a human peasant to harm a dragon was a risk. Ultimately however Spyro's senses reached deeper than most and due to the unique makeup of gods, he could tell that the values that defined Armadyl the most were justice, idealism, and equality. Through this new information both dragons agreed that Armadyl could be trusted to be a fair, but possibly naive ruler and as such could limit any damage done by the proliferation of basic enchantments. Information was another topic that turned out to be an easy negotiation as the Bandosians were very much a threat to both factions and thus any information shared on their movements would benefit both of them greatly.

The military alliance seemed like it would be the biggest point of contention, but once Armadyl explained just how prideful aviansie tended to be, they realized that neither faction would be likely to call for help unless it was truly serious. Once the dragons had finished fortifying the portal to the degree that they wished, then it would take a major army to dislodge them and likewise it was unlikely that any Armadyleans would ask the dragons for help unless much of the region was on fire by a truly massive Bandosian force. This left the only stickler as open borders; to allow aviansie free access through the portal could endanger not just Warfang, but the cheetahs, moles, and the near extinct atlawas as well. The numerous walled defenses would prove useless against raiding aviansie and if they attacked a far enough away target, then the new flight might not be mobilized fast enough. Once again Armadyl enlightened just why this was an important topic to him; Avalar was a peaceful world that was almost equal to Gielinor in it's glory and as such he saw the possibility of establishing enough farms and villages that he could begin to curb the long-standing raiding nature of the aviansie. With the assistance of the dragons, Armadyl could shepard large amounts of humans, the centaur herd, and a single aviansie zu'uk through the portal so that they may begin work on transitioning to more peaceful lives.

With the major points of the negotiations out of the way, Armadyl took the time to show his new allies the true depth of aviansie culture. Tsa'ar was waiting when they returned to the throne room and revealed that it would be her zu'uk that was going through the portal as they the Nohar zu'uk and dragons of Warfang were already acquainted with one another. Additionally Tsa'ar revealed that the zu'uk had ended up in bad shape and thus the peace of Avalar would allow them to recover in relative safety. After that the trades of knowledge were discussed and it was decided that the training would be done either on the Empyrean Citadel or in Warfang where the resident experts would be in no danger. Once the topic turned to the exchange of wind knowledge and techniques, Armadyl surprised them by saying that he would be delighted to teach what he could and in turn they surprised him as not only was wind one of Cynder's elements, but Spyro could additionally learn to use the element with little difficulty. As it turns out Armadyl was underplaying his skill and knowledge and revealed that being as old as he was, he had picked up quite a few tricks. It took only a handful of days for the god to both unlock Spyro's element as well as create significant progress toward Cynder's own mastery of the element; Armadyl's title of God of the Skies was very much well deserved.

Oh and Tsa'ar wanted to know if there was a way they could moving the Nohar zu'uk's floating island through the portal. As it turned out each zu'uk had its own floating island that moved with the zu'uk whenever they migrated and it served as a safe haven to fall back to as well raise children and practice crafts.

Reward: Military alliance with Armadyleans, shared intel on Bandosian forces, open borders and permission for a few hundred humans, a small centaur herd, and the Nohar zu'uk to set up a small settlement on Avalar, +300 gold in income, restriction on greater enchantments lifted, and a bonus to the wind element. Nohar island move to Avalar, small Armadylean settlement to be built in an uninhabited part of Avalar. Spyro learns wind and Cynder is halfway to wind mastery.
not bad
and now I can't help but wonder if this is how the whole sky land thing comes to be as in portals keep opening up and they some of the locals move to Avalar and they form their own floating islands.
Very good result overall. Let's hope we can keep up this positive momentum.
Turn 10 Rumor Mill

Novis Clan Fortunes Spiralling Downward: The Novis family have proven to lack the subtle touch of the Sonis or Baselt and as a result have suffered, while the other two have prospered in the feud. Again and a again the dragons of Novis have blundered into cunning traps and legal trouble as their chosen method of picking fights has fallen to the wayside with the recent uptick in Warfang's prosperity. In addition their rhetoric of dragon superiority has consistently been undermined as the young ruler, Spyro, reaches out to other peoples.

Moles Split in Half: Over half of the moles have expressed the intent to leave Warfang and make a home for themselves away from their 'dragon overlords'. Only a portion of these renegades seem actively hostile and many believe that it would be in the best interest of Warfang for them to be let go without further action. Some however are calling for their deaths as a preventive measure and others still think that any who go against Spyro need to be put to the death.
The fanatics are… concerning. It is in everybody's interest if the renegade moles are seen leaving the city. What happens after that is something to be decided upon later.

Chief Prowlus Fends off Challenge: The cheetah chieftain of the Valley of Avalar, Chief Prowlus was forced to defend his position against a charismatic young male from the tribe that they merged with. Persus has managed to gather a third of the large tribe behind him and has even convinced some longtime supporters of Prowlus that the chieftain is getting too old to adequately do his job. Not much is known about Persus' own goals or style of ruling.
Will need to keep a watch on this, Persus is an unknown.

Spyro and Cynder Seen With Strange Peoples: The young couple vanished for a week late in the year and when they returned, they were not alone. Not only were the aviansie from before with them, but also two other strange races; a bipedal mammal similar to the apes and cheetahs as well as a strange four-legged equine peoples whose upper body transitioned into something similar to the one of the bipedal races. Those curious and daring enough to investigate discovered that the aviansie, humans, and centaur would be setting up a small settlement to the east of the mysterious portal. Perhaps even more strange is that they appear to have somehow brought an entire floating island in with them. Nobody is quite sure how to react to these events.
Your choice to allow settlers from Gielinor has turned many heads, if we wish to maintain a positive view on these three races then now is our best chance to act.

Trade with Reliquia Reveals Oddities: Ever since the hidden city of Reliquia was discovered, many have attempted to learn more about them from the traders who come and go from Warfang. Those few who have been inside the city itself have reported an alarming number of earth, water, shadow, and fear dragons and a sharp decrease in other elements being born. Perhaps this is merely a consequence of living so far below the surface or perhaps this is due to something far more sinister.
We have done our best to steer the curious to the first possibility and it appears that the work put in by you almost a decade ago continues to hold.


Dragons in the Empyrean Citadel: Two magnificent dragons whose scales shone different shades of purple were spotted being escorted by the Nohar zu'uk to Armadyl. Doubtlessly these are the same two dragons that rumors say managed to kill Rahgzor and it appears that they have indeed come to the citadel seeking deeper ties. Very few know the few details of what happened between the dragons and our lord, though the facts seem to indicate that a proper alliance was worked out by the three of them. More interestingly however is that the enchanters and those more connected to wind seem to be in high spirits after the negotiations were finished. On a possibly unrelated note the Nohar zu'uk, several human villages near the front, and the centaur tribe seem to have vanished.

Bandos Stronghold in Forinthry Shattered: The foul war god's forces in Forinthry were shattered this year as Zarosian and Saradominist forces managed to launch offenses at the same time. Due to the sheer hatred that Saradominists hold for the Zarosians, it is unlikely that this was intentional, though the results speak for themselves. A Zarosian army led by one of the Mahjarrat managed to break the encirclement around Paddewwa and smashed into the unsuspecting Bandosian garrison at the fallen city of Lassar, recapturing the city with minimal losses and quickly fortifying it. Around the same time a Saradominist army consisting of a large number of centaurs marshalled in southern Forinthry and fought a difficult battle that ended in the capturing of a key fort in the southern parts of what Saradominists are now calling Asgarnia. Between this and Bandos' losses last year, it is inevitable that the war god is planning a massive offense, though no targets are confirmed as of yet.
Hopefully these defeats will force Bandos to put more of his efforts on Forinthry instead of Kandarin.

Kharyll Stands Tall Against Zamorakian Invasion: The Zarosian city of Kharyll is a key buffer between Zamorakian Morytania and the heartlands of the Zarosian empire. If Kharyll were to fall then the vampyres and demons that call the blighted land home could lay siege against the walls of the Zarosian capital. A massive army led by multiple Vampyre leaders as well as the Furies attempted to take the last line of defense protecting Sennisten and failed spectacularly. In a crushing blow of unexpected strength, the defenders of Kharyll managed to inflict grievous casualties upon the attacking army and even managed to slay one of the legendary Furies and several important vampyres. The Furies were reportedly three sisters of utter ruthlessness who have long been essential Zamorakian commanders.

Kharidian Mahjarrat Push Zamorakians Back: The Kharidian Empire has suffered greatly over the course of the war as their territory shrinks and their strongest are hunted down to the last. It appears however that the handful of remaining Kharidian Mahjarrat have defeated a large Zamorakian force which should buy the empire enough time to consolidate what strength it has left. Of the shining cities of the empire there are only three true bastions remaining; Ullek, Sophanem, and Menaphos with most lesser villages and cities having already been destroyed by invading armies.

Rumblings Underground: Rumors have appeared suggesting that something momentous is happening beneath the earth. Nobody knows where these rumors appeared from, though it is known that not all dwarves joined Saradomin and that the majority of the race still lives underground. Other information suggests that the movement of a Bandosian army beneath the surface. If Bandos has sent an army into the tunnels beneath Forinthry, then there is no telling what he is after and few would be capable of fighting such a force in such close quarters. It is an unfortunate fact of reality that we aviansie are not capable of handling such terrain and thus we must hope that the war god does not get whatever it is he is after.
We might want to look into this as our shadow dragons would be at an advantage down there.
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Will need to keep a watch on this, Persus is an unknown.

Agreed. This will definitely be something to look into.

We might want to look into this as our shadow dragons would be at an advantage down there.

Hmmm, this might be an opportunity. If it is something friendly it would be good to make first contact. If it is something bad then scouting it out early on would give us more time to prepare.

We have done our best to steer the curious to the first possibility and it appears that the work put in by you almost a decade ago continues to hold.

It might be smart to do a bit or research into this in addition to maybe a PR outreach to help further the idea it is the cause until we learn differently
I'll be updating the Other Realms infomark soon, but just becuase it might be pertinent: During the 2nd age (you're in the 3rd) the Zarosian Empire was basically Rome and the Kharidian Empire was Egypt, though they were rivals. Both empires seem to be in decline now and you have heard little about Zaros or the Menaphite pantheon.

To further the RL comparisons, Bandos is basically Napoleon, Armadyl's realm is kind of an idealized America, mixed with the Mongols, Saradomin's is more along the lines of a theocracy where falling out of line with the church is bad, and Zamorak's is kind of anarchy with his people mostly doing whatever they want so long as they do what he says.

You all don't have much of any information regarding the other players and these comparisons aren't the best.
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Turn 11
"-Armadyl's mind, body, and soul seem to be fused into one consistent form. Along with the extremely strong Wind I could sense from him, I also sensed the concepts of the sky, justice, and equality." Being so in tune with the world had left Spyro with some very odd impressions of both the Empyrean Citadel and Armadyl. "The… divine energy that Armadyl was made of seems be the same energy as the life energy and magic, just in different concentrations." He finished.

Cynder relaxed into his side and pulled their egg closer between them. "All that tells us that it takes concentrated magic to become one of these gods, but doing so changes your spirit." All of them knew just how big of a deal the spirit was and to throw away your own spirit was unthinkable.

"Maybe I could get Armadyl's take on how he became a god? He might not have known was was happening as this kind of thing must have taken a long time, right?" Ventis proposed to thoughtful mutters.

Umbra thoughts on the matter took a much darker turn. "If a god is just 'divine energy' and magic, divine energy, and the lifeforce energy are all the same thing in different concentrations and we know that somebody can become a god, could a god not learn to tap into the lifeforce energy?" The thought of any god able to mess with an energy that seemed to be heavily involved with life itself was scary. The idea of Bandos managing to do so? That was horrifying in an entirely new way.

"It's anima." Volteer clarified, stopping all conversation and making everybody turn to look at him. "Avalar has something similar, analogous, comparable to it. The spirits, ancestors, ancients are bound, tied, connected to the world life."

"Could a god form on Avalar then?" Therris questioned.

Cyril immediately shot it down. "I suspect the purple dragon fulfills a similar niche in a vastly different way. Aether is the element of creation, spirits, and the cosmos and is in fact what the ancestors exist as. Gielinor's anima seems to be fulfilling the same role that our aether is, except where they have gods, we have purple dragons for some reason."

"We'll need to discuss this at a later date, as that could be crucial for understand these gods." Spyro said to move the meeting along to the next topic. "Now what do we do about the moles who have split off from Forticus?"

The aforementioned mole took that as his cue to speak. "It would be for the best if we just let them leave the city. A few decades away from dragons should diffuse their resentment."

"Or make it worse." Umbra broke in. "Regardless of whether we let them leave the city or not, we need to keep tabs on them. It would be easiest to just tail them with shadow dragons until they reach a sufficient distance and then ambush them with overwhelming force." Many of the others found the idea of just outright killing them to be distasteful and Umbra could tell. "It is simply the easiest way to keep them from becoming a problem later on."

Glacies shook her head at the idea and put her own opinion forth. "The most important thing here is to get them out of the city before they pose a problem. Agreed?" Nods from around the room echoed her.

Just as the topic turned to the pros and cons of letting them live or not, Spyro and Cynder both jolted in alarm as they felt the egg move between them. "It's hatching." The dragoness whispered, unsure whether or not to be in awe of her own child being born or scared of how things would change.

How do you deal with the renegade moles?
[X] Write-in

The egg hatched into a female wind dragoness with silver scales and a light purple underbelly. What do you name her?
[X] Name

Treasury: 4831 Gold
Income: 2150 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose None. Two Locked.
A group of troublemaker drakes had a very unpleasant surprise a few weeks ago when they ran into Clarity while causing mischief. Despite her increasingly advanced age, Clarity proved why she has been able to live so long when she soundly thrashed the group of five. They were released back into their parents' care who promised to discipline the drales. The old dragon believes it a shame that Warfang has no set standard for dealing with such incidents. Both she and Glacies think it might be best to discuss the consequences for breaking laws when the new government is being decided upon.

Rebuilding the City Military (Martial): With Clarity's new professional soldiers proving to be well worth the time and money it took to train them, she and Glacies would like to construct a district dedicated to training and equipping future soldiers. This will also give the soldiers a place to stay when they are not on assignment and ensure that training replacements or new flights will go smoothly.
Cost: 952 Gold, 300 Upkeep. Time: 2 years. Reward: Military district, Reduce training cost, time, and upkeep for soldier flights, +10 soldiers' rolls. Locked - One year remaining.

Drilling Dragons:
The battle for the fort was a complete success as far as Clarity is concerned, however there is plenty of room for improvement. Now that she knows how durable the Bandosians' army is, Clarity wants to ensure all of her soldiers have at least expert level skill in their element. In addition there are several minor improvements alongside a complete revamp of tactics when dealing with the Bandosians in general. The retraining will take some time to complete, but the expected benefit more than outweighs the time lost in her eyes.
Time: 2 years. Reward: +100 to soldier skill level. Locked - One year remaining.

Choose Two.
Now that you have an alliance with the Armadyleans, Ventis would like to deepen ties with them by helping to establish their first settlement on Avalar. Now would also be an excellent time to get more information on Chief Prowlus' rival and contender, Persus. Sooner or later Ventis would also like to reach out to more of the factions on Gielinor, though it may be best to ask the Armadyleans for their opinions on the fractions first to ensure you are not unknowingly pulled into a tug of war between two rival powers. In much more somber news, the atlawas seem to have vanished from the route that they said they would be taking to Warfang and there is no trace of them.

Coordinate with the Moles (action): The moles have agreed to coordinate on construction projects around the city. They are eager to rebuild the city and have expressed worries about the lack of walls.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Notes: Must be done on the first turn of the project. Reward: Half cost and time of selected construction project.

Coordinate with Cheetahs (action): Ventis says that the cheetah are greatly worried about the rift and are willing to send what warriors they can to help. They offer their expertise in either fortifying the rift, patrolling around it, or scouting the other side.
Chance of Success: 100%. Time: 1 year. Notes: Must be done on the first turn of the project. Reward: +10 to Securing the Rift, Patrolling, or similar action.

Diplomatic Negotiations (Group and Topic): Ventis has offered to enter talks with one of the other races or groups. Several of the known races have knowledge or services that dragons do not and the Wind dragon is willing to see if he can negotiate a deal of some kind. There are many groups that could be negotiated with, though not all would be easy.
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Negotiations for goods, services, knowledge or other information.

Assisting the Armadylean Settlers: Last year negotiations with Armadyl resulted in an agreement that a small group could set up a settlement of Gielinor. While the aviansie are already settled thanks to their nomadic nature and the island that they brought with them, the humans and centaurs are in the planning stages of a village. Ventis wants to offer your help in planning and constructing the village. Not only would the help speed up construction and keep it from being a liability if the portal is overrun, it would also establish friendly relations with you new neighbors.
Cost: 400 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Armadylean village constructed and fortified, positive relations, +100 gold per year.

Persons of Interest (Target): With the help of Umbra's intelligence network, Ventis has offered to build a profile on notable individuals to assist in diplomacy or intrigue. Gathering this information will depend on how friendly you are with them and thus trying to ascertain information on the leader of a hostile or unknown power would be extremely difficult and unlikely to gather much usable information.
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Character sheet for given character.

What Happened to the Atlawas (Diplomacy): Kane and the atlawas have utterly vanished from the path that they were taking to Warfang. There is no sign of them whatsoever and such an abrupt disappearance worries Umbra. Umbra recommends immediately finding out what happened to them as not only were these the last living atlawas on the planet, but there could be an unknown threat responsible for the disappearance. Ventis has offered to lend his own people for this job, though they are much less prepared for a fight than Umbra's Shadows.
Chance of Success: ???. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Find out what happened to the atlawas and Kane.

Intrigue: Choose One. One Locked.
Umbra is swamped in projects this year as several time sensitive things have made themselves known. The first is that the feud between the noble families has been reduced to two and thus seems to be ending soon. The second is investigating what is happening under Forinthry on Gielinor and the third is to find the missing atlawas to ascertain their wellbeing and if there is a new threat. On top of these projects is the pressing need to investigate the different factions of Gielinor and widening the intelligence network even further.

Feuding Nobility (Support Family/Resolve/Dissolve): With the downturn in Novis fortunes, only the Baselt and Sonis remain reliable contenders for dominance amongst the nobility. Supporting the Baselt family would see a sharp uptake in mining as they can afford to expand their mining activities. The Sonis on the other claw have the most skilled traders and supporting them could see an upturn in trading. Another option would be to try and resolve the situation peacefully which would be difficult, but would restore things to how they were before the shadow-war. The last option Umbra has proposed with much prompting by Glacies, would be to work toward dismantling the nobility entirely; neither of them are entirely sure what the result will be without the noble families propping up crucial aspects of life.
Chance of Success: 50%/30%/30%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: Variable. Reward: Increase to mining, trading, status-quo, or ???. Bad things happen if discovered.

Investigate (Target): Umbra has offered to investigate any of the groups on Avalar or Gielinor. He is however uncertain about his chance to sneak around where the mahjarrat are concerned which rules out any Zarosian, Zamorakian, or Kharidian territory as those are likely locations of the mysterious race. Additionally sneaking around a god or other entities who can use shadow is also a risky move. On the other paw, the wealth of information gained could outweigh the risks. As the dragons of Warfang already have a strong rapport with the aviansie, he thinks he could investigate any Armadylean aligned group relatively hassle-free, though how much he gains from such an endeavor is open to question.
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information on chosen group.

Widen the Network: Though the fledgeling spy network is a good start, it is just that, a start. Umbra wants to recruit more operatives and widen the area within which you get usable intelligence from. This will result in more accurate information, foreknowledge of important events, and potentially uncover important secrets. In particular Umbra would like to try and recruit more varied races from Gielinor into his network, though he is unsure of how hard this will be to accomplish.
Chance of success: 40% Time: 3 years. Reward; Accurate information on Avalar and the Kandarin, Feldip, Forinthry, and Kharidian provinces of Gielinor. Locked - Two years remaining.

Investigate the Gielinor Underground:
Rumors have surfaced regarding… something happening under Forinthry, though details are sparse. A Bandosian army is also thought to have disappeared into the earth and anything involving them is something that should be investigated. It could be anything from something to do with the dwarves or a lost artifact that Bandos is interested in. A squad of shadow dragons could easily go unnoticed in the dark caves of the region, though the area is so massive that it may take awhile to search.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Information on what is happening under the earth.

What Happened to the Atlawas (Intrigue): Kane and the atlawas have utterly vanished from the path that they were taking to Warfang. There is no sign of them whatsoever and such an abrupt disappearance worries Umbra. Umbra recommends immediately finding out what happened to them as not only were these the last living atlawas on the planet, but there could be an unknown threat responsible for the disappearance. Ventis has offered to lend his own people for this job, though they are much less prepared for a fight than Umbra's Shadows.
Chance of Success: ???. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Find out what happened to the atlawas and Kane.

Stewardship: Choose One. Two Locked.
Now that the city no longer needs to worry quite so much about the treasury or food, Glacies believes now would be the best time to reform the government. In fact she has several new plans that she cannot put forward until she knows what form the new government will be taking. Her current projects remain on schedule and Glacies is sure that by the end of the year you will have a constant flow of high quality meat and a military district to use in training your flights.

Glacies gains trait Skilled Politician (+2S, +2I,+20 to political rolls) - Throughout her service as the chief administrator for Warfang, Glacies has been entangled in subtle battles against the nobility as she fights to hold them accountable and grow Warfang's treasury.

Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Glacies recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year. The food situation has finally stabilized and Glacies would like to give the animals in the area around the city a chance to repopulate
Chance of Success: 70%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Farming Prey: Now that you have maps detailing the migratory routes and locations of prey, Glacies would like to see if purposely containing large amounts of prey species to be bred and harvested enmasse is possible. If successful this could very well solve the food problem that having nearly two thousand carnivores the size of dragons in a single city brings. Unfortunately this project is very much going to be trial and error and Glacies is not even sure if anything will come from this.
Cost: 286 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Ranching; +1 Food level, +200 income in gold. Locked - One year remaining.

Rebuilding the City Education (Stewardship):
The new school is a good first step toward ensuring the best possible education, but Glacies and Therris would like to take it even further. They have plans to create buildings designed to assist in the training of all major specialties including healers, enchanters, diplomats, and construction among others. With assistance from the other advisers, they will be able to have talented dragons trained and directed their way. In addition to the proposed university,
Cost: 2857 Gold 200 Upkeep. Time: 3 years. Reward: Education district, university for continued education, library, increase in trait chance for specialized skills, higher base stats for all future dragons.

Patching the Holes Part 2 (Stewardship): Now that new walls have been erected, it is time for the stone to be fused together into one whole piece. Clarity and Glacies would like to get started immediately as the sooner the walls are made stronger, the less likely an enemy will be able to breach them. Durability enchantments combined with a massive amount of Earth manipulation will be required for this. As such they expects this project to take a while to finish, but once done it will greatly increase the protection granted by Warfang's walls.
Cost: 952 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +400 to defense rolls. Locked - Two years remaining.

Prospecting Gold:
With the new maps that the cheetahs have helped to supply, Glacies is salivating over the potential gold to be made in hard to acquire materials. As it stands right now, most dragons make use of the already existing materials as the families who worked the various gem and metal deposits were mostly killed off during the early stages of the war as easy targets. This means that there are very few new sources of critical materials, such as gold, silver, iron, coal, or gems, let alone the more magical materials. Glacies would like to remedy this soon.
Chance of Success: Variable. Cost: 95 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Gem and ore deposits uncovered.

A Better Governing System: It has been suggested by many already that the current governing system which has Spyro and a small council of advisers ruling the city, could be further tuned to be more effective.
Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote, ???.

Learning: Choose Two.
Therris is hard at work learning the secrets of greater enchantments from the aviansie and it is with great reluctance that he sets aside the new knowledge in favor of his duties. As he knows how important a 'dragon' resonant metal would be, he recommends that searching for it be made one of this projects this year. All of this new enchanting tips and tricks flowing in from aviansie masters and grandmasters means that he would much prefer to put some of these new concepts to the test and believes that figuring out the adamant orbs would be an excellent starting point for work into the truly advanced enchantments that his is aware of.

Save the Books! Part Two: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. The other half of the issue is that with the Warfang library and Dragon Temple gone, there is no longer a place to store books. Volteer has deemed this a lesser priority, but says that the sooner it is done, the sooner they can take inventory and figure out what they have and what the Guardians and other older dragons may have to rewrite from memory. Cannot be taken with 'Rebuilding the City (Education)'
Cost: 500 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Library built, librarian hired, actions unlocked.

Rebuilding the City (Education): The new school is a good first step toward ensuring the best possible education, but Glacies and Therris would like to take it even further. They have plans to create buildings designed to assist in the training of all major specialties including healers, enchanters, diplomats, and construction among others. With assistance from the other advisers, they will be able to have talented dragons trained and directed their way.
Cost: 2857 Gold 200 Upkeep. Time: 2 years. Reward: Education district, university for continued education, library, increase in trait chance for specialized skills, higher base stats for all future dragons.

Finding the Dragon Metal: Therris believes that he has a lead on a metal that resonates with the concept of 'dragon'. Though he is unsure how such a thing came to be, he is sure that it exists. By scouring old archives, questioning your new allies, and doing an in-testing of known metals, he believes that he can find a metal that far outstrips any other known material when used by dragons. Such an endeavor will be time consuming, but if the metal could be produced en masse then it will be a force multiplier like none other.
Chance of Success: 50%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Metal that resonates with dragons (considerable boost in capabilities when used by dragons).

Adamant Orbs: In ancient times, the adamant orbs were used as a secure locking mechanism by linking together an incredibly heavy orb to a switch and then separating them. This made it so that whenever somebody want to unlock the mechanism, they had to carry the orb a very long distance often filled with hazardous terrain or traps. While such locks are truly unwieldy for the day-to-day use, when locking something that you do not want opened, they were top notch. Therris insists that though adamant orbs may not be too useful now, the information gleaned on how to make them will be useful for other more relevant projects.
Chance of Success: 45%. Cost: 50 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Adamant orbs, +10 to other sympathetic enchantment projects.

Thinking with Portals - Enchantments: With the knowledge of portals between worlds or into and out of Convexity, Therris thinks it possible to link together much more mundane areas such as Warfang to the cheetah village, or a far reaching enclave. This will be a very long and involved process that Therris admits will most likely take a very long time to get right. In fact such an undertaking will be so difficult and tedious that he has split it into three different parts, the enchantments, the connection with aether, and combining the knowledge.
Chance of Success: -5%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments for portals.

Viewing the World - Enchantments: One of the great losses of the war was the loss of the Dragon Temple's Pool of Visions. This unassuming artifact allowed the Guardians to keep abreast of everything going on in the world and seemed to be even further amplified by a rare talent that very few had. Unfortunately the knowledge of how to make the artifact was lost and recreating it will be incredibly difficult, perhaps even more difficult than portals.
Chance of Success: -25%. Time: 4 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments for the pool of visions.

Advanced Sympathetic Enchantments: Now that Therris has discovered how sympathetic enchantments works, he has discovered that there is far more to the subject than he had first thought. From portals, to the pool of visions, to even the disease that killed Terrador. All of these things and more used the same concepts and Therris thinks that he can figure out the underlying principles. This will enable the use of the enchantments on a far wider range of things, such as connection distant locations, the Fire of a volcano to a place far away, and other such things.
Chance of Success: 35%. Time: 3 years. Reward: +30 to other sympathetic enchantment projects.

Piety: Choose One. One Locked.
There was quite a fright early this year as Volteer was found unconscious in his wing of the Dragon Temple near an incredibly complex enchantment. Fortunately the Electricity Guardian turned out to be okay with a little bit a rest. The enchantment that was found near Volteer turned out to be a greater level enchantment of his own creation and he is now confident that has achieved a solid understanding on the complexity of greater enchantments. Meanwhile a series of spars were arranged amongst the apprentices and the result was quite surprising. Pyra managed to beat everyone, including Cyril and Volteer, while Argent was not very far behind him and managed to make the two older Guardians work for their victory and defeating all of the others.

Argent upgrades trait Dragon Kata Adept (+1P, +2C, +20 melee combat rolls, can use Chi) into Dragon Kata Expert (+1L, +2P, +3C, +30 to melee combat rolls, can use Chi) - As Argent completes her education to be a Guardian and trains her element to new heights, she finds herself having more time to work on her true passion; martial arts. Her expertise with Dragon Kata has allowed the young prodigy to rise to being one of the most skilled melee fighters in Warfang.

Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d100 (500, or 1000). Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Argent gains Earth Master, Pyra/Phydra/Zephyr/Umbra/Virii/Timor gain Fire/Water/Wind/Shadow/Poison/Fear Grandmaster.

Viewing the World - Spiritual: The possibility of recreating the incredible pool of visions has greatly interested Volteer, who goes on at length to convey all of the different possibilities of the artifact. Unfortunately not only is the knowledge lost, there was a spiritual component to it as well that they do not seem able to pin down. In addition that, they describe that only Ignitus and a handful of others throughout history could use the pool of visions to it's utmost potential. They describe the rare dragon capable of mastering the artifact as 'seers', though just what being a seer means is not something either of them were fully aware of. They seek to answer these important questions, so that when Therris has figured out the enchantments, work will be able to begin immediately on building it.
Chance of Success: 40%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Spiritual component to pool of visions figured out. Locked - One year remaining.

Elemental Nexuses:
Now that all of the Guardian Apprentices bar Argent are masters, Cyril and Volteer suggest that this would be an excellent time to locate the most powerful nexus for each element and meditate there. Not only might this give further insight into their elements, it would also locate the most critical nodes of that element on the planet which could open up a number of new projects down the road. Zephyr and Timor in particularly are eager to do this, muttering something about their mysterious project.
Time: 2 years. Reward: +1d100 to elemental trait progress. Nexuses for each element are identified and explored.

Research (Element) (Planet): With Umbra's successful investigation into Gielinor's Shadow, the Guardians have decided that additional investigations into not just Gielinor's elements, but also Avalar's elements might be warranted in order to catch any surprises. This is particularly important as Malefor's destruction and Spyro's restoration of Avalar might have had unforeseen consequences on the elements.
Chance of Success: 50% (Avalar)/20% (Gielinor). Reward: Knowledge of current state of element on chosen planet.

Personal: Choose Three (Spyro, Cynder, and Either)
Truly joyous news spread fast across the city and beyond as Spyro and Cynder's new daughter hatched. Whispers of the child being blessed due to her parentage are already surfacing throughout the city; it remains to be seen whether or not these rumors are indeed true. Both dragons appear to be bewildered by their new responsibility and neither are sure of how to raise her as both Spyro and Cynder were orphans and in fact only had interactions with other dragons when they were nearing the end of their childhoods. The heightened emotions and stress in the last few days seems to have crystallized the odd bond that exists between Spyro and Cynder and they have found themselves constantly aware of where the other one is at all times among other things.

Spyro gains trait Wind User (+1P, can use Wind) - With the help of Armadyl, god of the skies and justice, Spyro has unlocked the ability to use Wind. Although this ability is at it's utter most basic for the moment.

Spyro and Cynder upgrade trait Bonded (???, perfect teamwork with Spyro/Cynder, +50 to teamwork rolls) into Soul-Bound (Share emotions, lifeforce, and magic through the bond, bonus to learning skills the other knows, always aware of where the other is, +100 to combat rolls when fighting together, Cynder can now learn new elements) - Spyro and Cynder were bound together by Malefor for the Dark Master's amusement and through great challenge and adversity, they learned to use this bond to defeat him. Now the bond has solidified into something more; they seem supernaturally aware of the other at all times and share their emotions, lifeforce, and magic freely through the bond. ...There is no telling what would happen to the other if one of them was controlled or killed now.

Relaxation: Now that Spyro and Cynder are used to their new lives, they can afford to take it easy every once in a while to unwind or simply spend more time together.
Time: 1 year. Notes: Can double up on Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: Reduced stress. Other things if time is spent together.

Spend Time with (character): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.

Spyro - Mastering the Elements (Element): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with the temple restored and the new initiates trained, it will be considerably easier to train the elements.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 100 (Water/Shadow/Poison/Fear), 200 (Wind), 500 (Fire/Ice/Electricity) or 1000 (Earth). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.

Cynder - Mastering the Elements (Element): While Cynder can be considered an expert in using the elements, she could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with the temple restored and the new initiates trained, it will be considerably easier to train the elements.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 500 (Wind/Shadow/Poison/Fear). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.

Mastering the Code of Reality: Aether allows one to alter reality with enough will and provides both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense. Unfortunately Aether is incredibly difficult to master as nobody, save Spyro and Cynder can even use it and both have been almost lost to the dark side of it forever. Mastering the conventional elements first may make this easier.
Chance of Success: 1d100/1000 (Low rolls have disastrous consequences). Reward: Progress toward becoming a master in Aether.

Shaping Reality: It is a purple dragon's spiritual right to master the elements. Malefor however did something nobody had even considered and added the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear. With this revelation, there has been rumors that Wind and Water are not original elements either and that only the prime elements of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are natural. While Spyro is nowhere near Malefor's level of mastery over Aether, it could be done.
Chance of Success: 16% (Spyro)/15% (Cynder). Time: ??? Notes: Can double up Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: New Element.

Thinking with Portals - Aether: In order to make portals a reality, Therris has determined that the connection between portals and aether must be figured out. This means that Spyro and/or Cynder will have to touch the one thing that truly scares them. Just as aether can be a tremendous force for good, so too can it be a catastrophic force of destruction. Despite this concern, both dragons are willing to admit that being able to create portals would a massive help and that it should not be too dangerous, so long as they avoid overreaching themselves.
Chance of Success: 30%(50% with both dragons). Time: 2 years. Notes: Can double up Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: Aether connection to portals unraveled.
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How do you deal with the renegade moles?
[X] Try and separate the hostile extremist faction from the more peaceful faction that simply want to leave. Send the extremist faction out of the city as quickly as we can without making it look like we're throwing them out. The peaceful faction on the other hand give some simple gifts (like food and water) and wish them the best of luck on their journey to try and foster more positive relations. Have shadow dragons tale both groups without being seen and monitor them to see where they settle. From there we can keep an eye on them to see if they calm down and become more friendly to us or become a threat that needs to be taken down.
-[x] If anyone ask about why we gave gifts to the peaceful faction and not the extremist faction claim that the extremist faction left in such a hurry we could not give them anything and didn't try and stop them as we were afraid it might escalate into violence.
-[x] If asked why we gave the peaceful factions gifts tell them that while the moles may wish to leave they are still citizens of warfang while in it's walls. Did the moles not fight side by side with us when Malefor's armies where at it's gates? Did they not insure that Warfang's walls stood strong to protect everyone inside? If they wish to leave I say they have more then earned that right.

The egg hatched into a female wind dragoness with silver scales and a light purple underbelly. What do you name her?
[X] Galena

[x] Plan: Old Promises and New Tomorrows
-[x]Assisting the Armadylean Settlers

Cost: 400 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Armadylean village constructed and fortified, positive relations, +100 gold per year.
-[x]What Happened to the Atlawas (Diplomacy)
Chance of Success: ???. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Find out what happened to the atlawas and Kane.

-[x]Investigate the Gielinor Underground

Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Information on what is happening under the earth.

-[x]A Better Governing System

Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote, ???.

-[x]Finding the Dragon Metal

Chance of Success: 50%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Metal that resonates with dragons (considerable boost in capabilities when used by dragons).
-[x]Adamant Orbs
Chance of Success: 45%. Cost: 50 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Adamant orbs, +10 to other sympathetic enchantment projects.

-[x]Elemental Nexuses

Time: 2 years. Reward: +1d100 to elemental trait progress. Nexuses for each element are identified and explored.

-[x] Either - Spend Time with (Any of the new Guardians)

Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.
-[x] Spyro - Mastering the Elements (Wind)
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 100 (Water/Wind/Shadow/Poison/Fear), 500 (Fire/Ice/Electricity) or 1000 (Earth). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.
-[x]Cynder - Mastering the Elements (Wind)
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 500 (Wind/Shadow/Poison/Fear). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.

Total cost
-400 gold

So in diplomacy I'm haveing them look for the Atlwas as we did say we would help them and them disappearing is not a good thing and while I would prefer to send our spies after them I feel they are better used in looking into whatever the hell is happening in the Gielionor underground. Also I'm going with Armadylean Settlers over looking into Persus as I feel that is a more time sensitive event. Stewardship I was planning on working on the government for awhile but wanted to wait until the noble thing was done with so they couldn't try to sabotage it as easily as they could have should the laws still be broken in their favor. In learning I really, REALLY, wanted to take both building actions but I do realize that the armor is more immediately important. Piety I'm going with the nexuses this turn to help train up the guardians faster and speaking of the guardians I feel that as the leaders both Cinder and spyro should get to know them better seeing how important the old guardians were during the Malefor war. Don't think it maters to much who at this stage since they're all around the same level of unknown though I would ask that if spryo goes to met some of the guardians that he see someone besides the earth guardian as they are already good friends from when he had to help her finish her training after the other earth guardian past. Also saying that both spryo and cinder learn wind since they did both just get it buffed and it would be an excuse to spend time together and with their kid since she's also a wind dragon.

Oh and putting the plan below my thoughts on how to deal with the moles and the kid's name so people can pick something else if they agree with the plan but not the moles and name and vise versa.
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[X] Try and separate the hostile extremist faction from the more peaceful faction that simply want to leave. Send the extremist faction out of the city as quickly as we can without making it look like we're throwing them out. The peaceful faction on the other hand give some simple gifts (like food and water) and wish them the best of luck on their journey to try and foster more positive relations. Have shadow dragons tale both groups without being seen and monitor them to see where they settle. From there we can keep an eye on them to see if they calm down and become more friendly to us or become a threat that needs to be taken down.
-[x] If anyone ask about why we gave gifts to the peaceful faction and not the extremist faction claim that the extremist faction left in such a hurry we could not give them anything and didn't try and stop them as we were afraid it might escalate into violence.
-[x] If asked why we gave the peaceful factions gifts tell them that while the moles may wish to leave they are still citizens of warfang while in it's walls. Did the moles not fight side by side with us when Malefor's armies where at it's gates? Did they not insure that Warfang's walls stood strong to protect everyone inside? If they wish to leave I say they have more then earned that right.

[X] Skyla

[x] Plan: Old Promises and New Tomorrows
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Also saying that both spryo and cinder learn wind since they did both just get it buffed and it would be an excuse to spend time together and with their kid since she's also a wind dragon.

Dragons don't usually come into their elements until about 10 or 11 years old.
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