Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

The Ice Guard: Rorrim
@Nianque: Finally, a Guard omake POV who isn't Dawn.


The Ice Guard: Rorrim
Staring down at the research settlement so far below, is an Ice Dragon. Yet, this Ice Dragon is clearly odd: Scales shiny like ice, carefully placed crystalline growths over his body, his face covered by a mask of glass...

It looks like he's perpetually prepared for conflict, his expression serious and focused. Yet, as he flies down to the settlement, he receives nothing but polite greetings.

"Oh, Rorrim, how did practice go?" Turning his attention to the dragon who spoke, Rorrim shrugs casually. "As I feared, the wildlife just isn't good enough for me anymore."

The older dragon sighing at that, he puts on a reassuring smile. "Well, you could always devote your full time to research. Still nobody is willing to spend as much time near the Nexus like you."

Yet, Rorrim just scoffs, as he inspects a pair of crystalline claws. "No offense, but they don't have drive like me. Between the wildlife, extreme cold, and the... things they wouldn't last for long."

Hopping up to the top of a nearby structure, Rorrim surveys the local area. Yet the dragon he was talking to doesn't leave, instead approaching him from the ground.

"Which is exactly why we could use you. If those are really Ice Elementals or something new, then you're our best chance of studying them. Think what we could do with the Elementals' help."

Glancing at his older friend, Rorrim sits down as he focuses on him. "Trust me, understanding those things is impossible. Been over a decade, and they still make no sense to me."

The researcher sighing, he looks over the nearby area. "You could be doing more, and we both know you don't like working only for yourself. So... there's actually a soldier from Warfang here."

That catches Rorrim's attention, even hopping back to the ground. "Why are they here? Did a portal open up nearby? I didn't find anything like that while exploring."

His researcher quickly making reassuring gestures, he points over to the warmer areas. "Nothing like that, apparently Warfang has been searching for exceptional individuals for a new bodyguard program."

Intrigued by this, Rorrim glances over to the warmer areas. "Why come to a research settlement though? It isn't like anyone here wants to fight for a living."

The older dragon smiles slightly at this, before looking at Rorrim. "They figured, since one of their comrades had good luck, they might as well look. Besides, you want to, don't you?"

Looking back at the older dragon, Rorrim is silent for a few moments. "... Not exactly, but yes. Hmm, I could finally make my case about Ice's usefulness... Alright, can you take me to them?"

It wasn't exactly difficult finding the soldier, what with them hanging out in the area usually reserved for low-level Ice Dragons. Even then, they so were bundled up for warmth Rorrim could barely make any features out.

Still, judging by her face's white coloration, she's probably a Wind Dragon. Though, the moment she spotted him, her eyes widened at his obviously different appearance.

"You're new, Rorrim right? No other Ice Dragon here looks remotely like you do. Oh, I guess it doesn't really matter who you are, so long as I can convince you to join the guards."

"Well, she wastes no time..." Having mused to himself, Rorrim inspects his claws somewhat casually. "What exactly would I be doing, if I said yes? If you want me wasting my training protecting only a few, then no thanks."

The Wind Dragoness flinching at that, she seems unsure what to say. Rorrim though doesn't mind, having already decided to visit Warfang regardless. "I can't progress anymore here, so about time I introduce myself."

Finally, the dragoness replies. "W-well, you'll be protecting very important individuals, who provide very valuable help to all of Avalar. Even then, I'm sure things could be worked out if you wanted to do even more."

Focusing on her, Rorrim was intrigued. "Is that so? Are these individuals likely to hear my suggestions then, regarding improving defense? I've spent over a decade here, refining my abilities for exactly that."

That seems to get her excited, even stepping forwards some. "Really!? Uh, ahem, I mean... you're exactly the type of dragon we're looking for. Strong, determined, wanting to protect... I'm sure something could be arranged."

"Hmm... Fine, I need to convince authority figures anyways." "Alright, I'm willing to accompany you then. Getting the walls of Warfang outfitted with attack reflecting Ice is my real goal, though, so don't let your superiors forget it."

The dragoness smiling, she even sounds happy. "Yes! Don't worry Rorrim, I'll do my best! Probably need to get other Ice Dragons trained though, oh and the expenses..."

Watching as she gets sidetracked by her own muttering, Rorrim just waits patiently. "Hmm, should probably tell her I'll still be a guard even if she fails, but she seems happy enough for now... Wait."

"Excuse me, but what is your name? Rather rude of me not to ask you sooner." The dragoness snaps from her thoughts as she looks back at him, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, just call me Gale. Anything you need to collect Rorrim?" Looking at her, Rorrim is getting a little surprised how consistently friendly she is. Still, with a simple a "No", he watches as she gathers her things.

"Been so long since I was home... Does anyone remember me?" Sighing quietly, Rorrim follows Gale silently. Whatever the case, getting to Warfang is the most important thing right now, and he will do what he can.

So that's that for my Guard Omakes, might be a while before I write Blackout and Selene. Though I'm also thinking of some Character Interaction omakes, regarding the Guards. Like, Zap & Cynder regarding multi-Elements or Dyno & Therris regarding technology.

Rorrim ability-wise still has that heavy defense focus, with the ice/crystal/glass covering him even being armor he made. I thought about having some demonstrations, but figured I can save that for some Guard Training omakes.
The Ice Guard: Rorrim
Take your time writing more, you've already done more than enough :) It'd be possible to design Ice enchantments for Warfang's walls like that, but you may want to Study Ice first.

I feel like I'm missing some things that I promised you all, but I've been sick so... I need to post Lyseera's character sheet and update the text for the Research/Study Earth stuff right? I don't think I'll be doing much more than that until I feel better. Oh and I really do need to write some more stuff for the Guardians. Ugh.
Take your time writing more, you've already done more than enough :) It'd be possible to design Ice enchantments for Warfang's walls like that, but you may want to Study Ice first.

I feel like I'm missing some things that I promised you all, but I've been sick so... I need to post Lyseera's character sheet and update the text for the Research/Study Earth stuff right? I don't think I'll be doing much more than that until I feel better. Oh and I really do need to write some more stuff for the Guardians. Ugh.

Well, not sure how much you actually have to do for Research Earth. Seems like the over 100 score would at most confirm there's weird stuff going on, so we don't have to Research Fire/Ice/Electricity to confirm things.

Though the fact we succeeded Study Earth with 118 more points than required... Yeah, one would think there'd be more there to reflect the incredible success.

Still, no need to get worked up about everything. If you're sick, just take your time. Lyseera's character sheet can be put up whenever, you can always just say if the updated text would change things, and there's no rush to put out the Guardian sidestories.
Other Characters
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Titles: Earth Guard
Age: 32

Martial: 10+1=11 - While Bash is not terrible at things like tactics or leadership, he finds his talents better suited to actual combat.
Diplomacy: 12+2+1-2-2=11 - Bash's amputated wings have resulted in him being the target of much ridicule throughout his life.
Intrigue: 8-3+5+3=13 - Like most Earth dragons, Bash has for the most part chosen to disregard the more subtle arts.
Stewardship: 11-3+3=11 - Like most dragons, Bash has little appreciation of things like paper work.
Learning: 9+3=12 - While Bash is not what one would call slow, he has always been driven to far more physical pursuits in order to prove himself.
Piety: 15+5+3+4=27 - Living without wings has taught Bash to appreciate Earth to a level that most dragons never come to understand.
Combat: 15+4+5+5=29 - Bash is always pushing himself harder and harder, this has resulted in him developing his own style of combat that uses his incredible connection to rock to it's fullest.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +4C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Bash was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Earth Master (+5P, +20 to all Earth rolls): Through hard work and sheer stubbornness, Bash has managed to become a master of Earth at a very young age.
Earth Guard (+5I, +3S, +3L, +3P, +5C, +1 all stats): Bash has been chosen to protect the Guardians; a prestigious task that has him swearing to give his all to.
Grounded (-2D, +4P, -3C, cannot fly): Bash had to have his wings amputated when he was born and as a result has spent his entire life on the ground to the pity of those around him. This has resulted in him becoming far closer to his element than most dragons ever manage.
Stubborn (-2D): Bash has always been a very stubborn person and this has only increased in response to people trying to treat him differently.
Rock Solid (+5C, +1 armor tier, +10 to Earth rolls): Bash's determination and sheer stubbornness have pushed him to hone his mastery of rock to incredible degrees. This focus on rock and stone has resulted in his scales becoming denser and stronger.

Bash was born with deformed wings which caused him much pain and discomfort when he was little. Knowing that his wings would never be able to hold him aloft and seeking to end the pain, his parents had his wings amputated. While this brought a halt to the immediate problems, Bash found himself ridiculed throughout his life for his lack of wings. Rather than grow angry or try to shut out other dragons entirely, Bash instead grew into the legendary stubbornness of Earth dragons and doubled down on his element and combat abilities instead. Thanks to the safety of Warfang's formidable walls and his own lack of wings, Bash was never once called upon to protect the city, much to his frustration. Instead of trying to settle for an easy life after the war, Bash has instead focused on developing his connection to Earth. This relentless training has resulted in his scales growing increasingly thicker and stronger alongside an ever growing skill with his element. Dragons many times his age have found themselves utterly outclassed thanks to this single-minded devotion, though his other skills have begun atrophying.

When the kingdom's military commander; Clarity offered him a once in a lifetime chance to protect, assist, and learn from the Guardians, Bash jumped at the offer. His legendary stubbornness allowed him to outlast all of his competition and has earned him a spot as one of the Dragon Temple's official Guards.

Titles: Smoke-Born, Lyseera the Elusive, Former Praetor
Race: Mahjarrat
Age: 4163

Martial: 4+1+3=8 - Like many of the mahjarrat, she is completely inept at commanding and it is only her past as a praetor and long life that has led her to having as skill in it that she does.
Diplomacy: 13-3+5+5=20 - Her skill in negotiating with her fellow mahjarrat may be the only reason that she has not yet been sacrificed.
Intrigue: 20+5+3+5+8+3+3=47 - Like many of the Zarosian praetors, Lyseera is truly skilled at intrigue; having carried out innumerable spying, assassination, and sabotage missions.
Stewardship: 6+3+3=12 - Like many mahjarrat, Lyseera has little talent or patience for management, preferring to rely more on herself.
Learning: 8+5+5=18 - Though little of a scholar, Lyseera has delved deep into the secrets of Smoke.
Piety: 16+10+3+8+2+2+3+3=46 - Though she has an extraordinary connection to Smoke, her weak connections to the other 'Dark' elements is holding her back.
Combat: 8+5+3+5+3+3=27 - Lyseera is one of the less combat oriented mahjarrat, a true death sentence among their society.

Mahjarrat (-3D, +5I, +10P, +5C, can use Shadow, Smoke, Blood, and Ice, can shapeshift, less likely to die) - Lyseera is a mahjarrat from the planet Freneskae, a deathworld from which no life could ever be expected to survive on. Like most other mahjarrat, she has switched allegiances multiple times and is seen as untrustworthy like the rest of her race.
Shadow Expert (+3P, +15 to Shadow rolls) - As a praetor, Lyseera was expected to have a strong grasp of Shadow. Despite having little skill for the element, she picked up a lot in the time that she was a praetor.
Smoke Grandmaster (+3I, +8P, +3C, +25 to Smoke rolls, can use more powerful Smoke techniques) - Lyseera has been one of the foremost experts on the capabilities of Smoke, delving deeper into the element than any other except the god Zaros.
Blood Adept (+2P, +10 to Blood rolls) - Lyseera has little affinity for Blood, but managed to pick up some skill with it regardless over her long life.
Ice Adept (+2P, +10 to Ice rolls) - Lyseera has little affinity for Ice, but managed to pick up some skill with it regardless over her long life.
Former Praetor (+1M, +5I, +3S, +3C, +15 to Intrigue rolls, +10 to Shadow rolls, +10 to Smoke rolls) - Though the praetors pride themselves on their incredible grasp of Shadow, Lyseera learned to get by with Smoke. It did alienate her from the other praetors though.
Scholar of Smoke (+5L, +3P, +20 to rolls with Smoke) - Over her long life Lyseera has focused on unravelling the element of Smoke for what amounts to her entire life. She has learned things regarding the element that few others have managed.
Persistent Like Smoke (+5D, +8I, +5C, bonus to escaping and dodge rolls, much less likely to die) - Lyseera has long been hunted as one of the few mahjarrat not aligned with the Kharidians, Zarosians, or Zamorakians. The fact that she is still alive says a lot about her skills in negotiating, escaping, and dodging.
Smoke-Form (+3I, +3C, can shapeshift into a cloud of smoke with no penalties) - While the mahjarrat are indeed skilled in shapeshifting, they have great difficulty in maintaining forms that have no basis in biology. Lyseera has managed to do what some would believe impossible and can now turn into a great cloud of smoke.
Ancient (+5D, +5L +3 all stats, much less likely to die) - Lyseera has lived for over 4000 years which is an incredible achievement even for a mahjarrat.

Like most of the mahjarrat Lyseera was born on their homeworld of Freneskae. Like the others, she jumped at Icthlarin's offer to take them from the world if they would be willing to help in the Kharidian Empire's war against the Zarosian Empire. For a time she was content with serving as one of Icthlarin's 'Stern Judges' and together with the other several hundred of the mahjarrat helped to turn the tide of the war. Ultimately however Zaros became interested in the mahjarrat who had stymied his armies and proved far more understanding and knowledgeable about their natures than the Khardians did. Like most of the other mahjarrat, she willingly joined Zaros' Empire when he managed to construct a ritual marker so that they could keep sacrificing and thus keep their power. With the help of the mahjarrat, Zaros' armies pushed deep into the Khardian until they were confronted by Tumuken and the remaining loyal mahjarrat. Furious at their treachery and seeing what would befall his people, Tumuken sacrificed himself in a massive explosion that turned half of the Kharidian land into a desert wasteland and annihilating the majority of mahjarrat on both sides. Lyseera was saved from this explosion by the efforts of Azzanadra who shielded those that he could.

With the war upon the Kharidian Empire over for the most part, the mahjarrat were offered high ranking positions in the Zarosian Empire. Lyseera proved to have the right temperament for being a praetor and would serve in this role for several hundred years until Zamorak staged his rebellion. With Zaros banished and Zamorak reappearing to herald the start of the God Wars, Lyseera resigned from her post of praetor, though she remained on amicable terms with her fellows for a long time afterward. This relationship with the mahjarrat of the Zarosian Empire would fall apart late in the God Wars due to a series of misunderstandings and her abandonment of her post. Eventually her former friend, Praetor Trinedine would chase her out of Paddewwa on Praefectus Sliske's orders. It was only her remarkable aptitude for surviving that allowed her to escape Trindine and only barely managed to cross the mountains into Kandarin. Knowing that she was on her last legs and that she would be easy to dispatch in her weakened state, Lyseera headed for the mysterious dragon fort and only barely managed to sneak into it as a shapeshifted dragon.

She would be retrieved by Umbra's agents who felt something off about her and would later wake to the sight of three powerful dragons standing over her weak form.
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@Nianque: Oh right, the Guards... Hmm, I could write up rough drafts for their Character Sheets, assuming they'll get any. Would be a good chance to drop some more details about their personalities, abilities, and history.

Anything in general I should keep in mind? Like, Dyno/Inferni/Dawn/Rorrim would be Master rank and Nim/Zap/Venenum would be Experts (plus weird factors), though I'm not sure how many Stat Points or Traits they should have.

EDIT: Just realized, but why no Options for researching and manufacturing Experience Gems/Crystals? Would make accelerating Elemental Mastery a lot easier, plus the Health and Magic ones would be amazing resources too.
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@Nianque: Oh right, the Guards... Hmm, I could write up rough drafts for their Character Sheets, assuming they'll get any. Would be a good chance to drop some more details about their personalities, abilities, and history.

Anything in general I should keep in mind? Like, Dyno/Inferni/Dawn/Rorrim would be Master rank and Nim/Zap/Venenum would be Experts (plus weird factors), though I'm not sure how many Stat Points or Traits they should have.
Character sheets would be awesome :)

I roll the stats on 4d5 or 4d6 depending on whether or not they grew up in Warfang after the education/school and spiritual districts were built. Then depending on how the rolls worked out I will go back and distribute as needed if I have a specific plan for the character.
In general for young characters I try and keep it to only a handful of traits, while older characters typically have more. ...Most of the time, The Cyril and Volteer actually have less traits than I would have liked them to have. Most of them would have traits that show they can pull off less common aspects of their element like Inferni, Dyno, Dawn, Rorrim, and Nim, while Zap would be much simpler with just Water and Electricity. Venenum would be interesting because she'd have something like 'First Poison Dragon (+P, bonus to Poison rolls, more likely to gain Poison traits)' and the piety and the boost to Poison rolls would be quite sizeable. Maybe something like +5P or +7P and +50 to Poison rolls.

Feel free to shoot me some messages once you have rough drafts.
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@Nianque: Hmm... Well, Dawn/Dyno/Inferni/Zap/Rorrim would be around their mid-20s, with them being a little younger than Spyro & Cynder when the quest started.

Venenum would of hatched shortly after Malefor was sealed away, so she'll currently be 15. Nim would be anywhere between 18 & 21, with the idea being she met Blackout very early.

Dawn/Dyno/Inferni should have rather even/decent stat spreads, with particular focuses on Intrigue for Dawn and Learning for all three. Besides their exotic facet Traits, they likely only have one other special Trait.

Like, a Trait reflecting Dawn's habit of recognizing potential and some Technology Trait for Dyno. Actually, it would help knowing what are considered "generic"/"mundane" Traits. "Scholar of Electricity" fits Dyno's desire to unlock electricity's true potential.

Nim/Zap/Venenum would be much more over the place, reflecting their more isolated lives. Probably high Learning & Piety: Nim loves exploring the dreamscape with Blackout, Zap is determined to master his Elements regardless, and Venenum's curious nature was why she learned "Common" to begin with.

Finally, I see Rorrim as a more exaggerated version of them stat-wise: Clearly not incompetent interacting, but Learning/Piety/Combat are most definitely his highest stats. Maybe a "Scholar of Ice" Trait or something, given how focused he is on mastering Ice's power?

So, overall... I'm hoping to get a clearer idea on how I should handle their stats and Traits. Like, should I just roll 4d5 for all their stats and then apply the Trait modifiers?

On a different topic line, would Study Earth give us any revelations or actions regarding Health/Magic/Experience Crystals? Or were those being written off as just gameplay mechanics?
@Nianque: Hmm... Well, Dawn/Dyno/Inferni/Zap/Rorrim would be around their mid-20s, with them being a little younger than Spyro & Cynder when the quest started.

Venenum would of hatched shortly after Malefor was sealed away, so she'll currently be 15. Nim would be anywhere between 18 & 21, with the idea being she met Blackout very early.

Dawn/Dyno/Inferni should have rather even/decent stat spreads, with particular focuses on Intrigue for Dawn and Learning for all three. Besides their exotic facet Traits, they likely only have one other special Trait.

Like, a Trait reflecting Dawn's habit of recognizing potential and some Technology Trait for Dyno. Actually, it would help knowing what are considered "generic"/"mundane" Traits. "Scholar of Electricity" fits Dyno's desire to unlock electricity's true potential.

Nim/Zap/Venenum would be much more over the place, reflecting their more isolated lives. Probably high Learning & Piety: Nim loves exploring the dreamscape with Blackout, Zap is determined to master his Elements regardless, and Venenum's curious nature was why she learned "Common" to begin with.

Finally, I see Rorrim as a more exaggerated version of them stat-wise: Clearly not incompetent interacting, but Learning/Piety/Combat are most definitely his highest stats. Maybe a "Scholar of Ice" Trait or something, given how focused he is on mastering Ice's power?

So, overall... I'm hoping to get a clearer idea on how I should handle their stats and Traits. Like, should I just roll 4d5 for all their stats and then apply the Trait modifiers?

On a different topic line, would Study Earth give us any revelations or actions regarding Health/Magic/Experience Crystals? Or were those being written off as just gameplay mechanics?
Yeah, roll for stats first and then apply the modifiers from traits. Typically I like to give characters one trait for personality/who they are and then one for anything special they would have.

Maybe give Dyno and Rorrim a less powerful version of the scholar trait I gave Lyseera as they haven't dedicated thousands of years to learning as much as he could about the element.

I personally would give Venenum 'Curious (+2L, more likely to gain new traits)' and 'First Poison Dragon' which... Is basically a more powerful version of what I'm giving Galena come to think of it. I'd throw in one more Poison themed trait for Venenum simply to reflect how fast/good she is with her element.

So Venenum might be something like
Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, -3I, -3S, +2C (scales with age))
Poison Expert (Can use Poison, +3P, can use more powerful Poison techniques, +30 to all Poison rolls)
First Poison Dragon (-3S, +7P, +50 to Poison rolls, more likely to gain Poison related traits)
Curious (+2L, more likely to gain new traits)
*additional Poison related trait*

That last could be some level of Healer or perhaps a similar Poison related trait to reflect how she has gotten really good at curing sickness.

Could you elaborate on 'generic/mundane traits' please? Like non-element related traits? You would have things like Curious, Just, Brave, and other such things. The other CK2 QMs and I lean heavily on Crusader King 2's traits which is an excellent reference to be using.

As for the crystals, they're in the setting yes. But nowhere near as common as to be springing up literally everywhere. Not sure they would fall under Earth as the seem to be tied far more into Aether considering that one type heals, one restores mana, one passes on the knowledge of the ancestors, and one super-charges a dragon's element. Yeah, let's save that for if you all ever study Aether.

Edit: You may want to increase the ages of some of them a little bit. Especially the masters among them. Advancing through your element like that is unheard of outside of the Guardians, Spyro, and Cynder and they get to cheat with the Dragon Temple's resources.
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@Nianque: Okay, so, the stats are kind of all over the place and I was unsure what to do for all their Traits. So here's a very rough version, I'm really not used to stating things out and the like.

Titles: Warfang Solider / Guard of Shadow
Age: 27

Martial: 13
Diplomacy: 13 + 2
Intrigue: 13 - 3 + 3
Stewardship: 13 - 3
Learning: 13 + 3
Piety: 15 + 5
Combat: 13

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Dawn was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Shadow Master (+5P, +50 to all Shadow rolls): Through hard work and a desire for safety, Dawn has developed a master's level of skill in Shadow.
Sleep Wielder (): From tapping into Shadow's more exotic features, Dawn can inflict sleep on others or merely exhaust them.
Whispers from Shadows (+3I, +3L): Dawn regularly listens in to the shadows, stemming from a long-rooted desire to always know what is going on around her.

Titles: Inventor / Guard of Electricity
Age: 27

Martial: 14
Diplomacy: 14 + 2
Intrigue: 14 - 3
Stewardship: 14 - 3
Learning: 14
Piety: 15 + 5
Combat: 14

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Dyno was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Electricity Master (+5P, +50 to all Electricity rolls): Through his desire to unlock Electricity's true potential, Dyno has reached a master's level of skill with it.
Magnetism Wielder (): Through his desire to unlock Electricity's true potential, Dyno has learned how to electrically manipulate things.
Seeker of Electricity (+3L, +1P, +10 to rolls with Electricity): To understand its power, Dyno has constantly researched Electricity whenever he wasn't experimenting, making him more knowledgeable on it than the average dragon.

Titles: Guard of Fire
Age: 27

Martial: 12
Diplomacy: 12 + 2
Intrigue: 12 - 3
Stewardship: 12 - 3
Learning: 12
Piety: 15 + 5
Combat: 12

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Inferni was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Fire Master (+5P, +50 to all Fire rolls): Through personal drive and Noir's encouragement, Inferni has achieved a master's level of skill with Fire.
Smoke Wielder (): Partially her own drive and Noir's guidance, Inferni has learned how to generate and manipulate smoke born from Fire.

Titles: "Dream Dragon" / Guard of Fear
Age: 18

Martial: 18
Diplomacy: 18 + 2
Intrigue: 18 - 3
Stewardship: 18 - 3
Learning: 18
Piety: 15 + 3
Combat: 18

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Nim was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Fear Expert (+3P, +30 to all Fear rolls):
Dream Weaver (): Ever since she was little, Nim has been exploring the realm of dreams alongside another. The result of this is her incredible skill with manipulating dreams and illusions, putting her beyond her proper skill level with Fear.

Titles: The Electric Water Dragon / Guard of Water
Age: 24

Martial: 14
Diplomacy: 14 + 2
Intrigue: 14 - 3
Stewardship: 14 - 3
Learning: 14
Piety: 15 + 3 + 2
Combat: 14

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Zap was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Water Expert (+3P, +30 to all Water rolls):
Electricity Adept (Can use Electricity, +2 Piety, +20 to Electricity rolls):
Dual Connection (Can use Water & Electricity, potential to combine them together)

Titles: First Poison Dragon / Guard of Poison
Age: 15

Martial: 8
Diplomacy: 8 + 2
Intrigue: 8 - 3
Stewardship: 8 - 3
Learning: 8
Piety: 15 + 3 + 7
Combat: 8

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, -3I, -3S, +2C (scales with age))
Poison Expert (Can use Poison, +3P, can use more powerful Poison techniques, +30 to all Poison rolls)
First Poison Dragon (-3S, +7P, +50 to Poison rolls, more likely to gain Poison related traits)
Curious (+2L, more likely to gain new traits)
Poisonous Purifier (): Venenum is particularly skilled at manipulating her element, allowing her to "heal" others by extracting and negating the presence of Poison's facets.

Titles: Guard of Ice
Age: 28

Martial: 11
Diplomacy: 11 + 2
Intrigue: 11 - 3
Stewardship: 11 - 3
Learning: 11
Piety: 15 + 5
Combat: 11

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Rorrim was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Ice Master (+5P, +50 to all Ice rolls): Through his desire to become strong enough to protect others, Rorrim has reached a master's level of skill with Ice.
Icicle Defender (): Through his desire to perfect Ice's defensive power, Rorrim has learned how to create attack reflecting ice, sturdy crystal constructs, and others.
Seeker of Ice (+3L, +1P, +10 to rolls with Ice): Between his desire to master Ice and the years he has spent at the Ice Nexus, Rorrim has gleamed an understanding that average dragons lack.
@Nianque: Okay, so, the stats are kind of all over the place and I was unsure what to do for all their Traits. So here's a very rough version, I'm really not used to stating things out and the like.
Okay, a few things: I meant rolling 4d5 6 times for each character and then distributing the rolls how you want across the character's stats.

As an example I will use Dragon A. First I shall roll all my dice: 5+2+2+1=10, 4+2+4+2=12, 4+1+4+5=14, 1+2+1+5=9, 1+2+2+5=10, 1+2+4+1=8. So in total we have 10, 12, 14, 9, 10, 8

Now if I have no concrete plans for the character I might just assign these stats in order. Martial: 10, Diplomacy: 12, Intrigue: 14, Stewardship: 9, Learning: 10, Combat: 8.

If instead I wanted to make sure this character was strong in one particular stat like say diplomacy and stewardship, I'll rearrange things as appropiate. Martial: 10, Diplomacy: 14, Intrigue: 9, Stewardship: 12, Learning: 10, Combat: 8.
Now these may look like low stats, but keep in mind that characters born under Warfang's new education system roll with 4d6 instead so you'll see much better stats across the board. There's also cases where the character trains a stat higher which is how the apprenticeships typically work, though Spyro, Cynder, and the Guardians also had this. In general for that I will give +3 to the stat if it's equal to or lower than 10, +2 if it's equal to or lower than 16, and +1 if it's above 16.

The traits that you have created and stated out thus far look good. Might add an additional trait to Inferni. Also once the action finishes all of them will get an additional trait to reflect their new training as guards Something like: (Element) Guard (+5I, +3L, +3P, +5C, +1 all stats):

...Yes this quest has ended up being far more math-based than I thought it would be when I started it. I hope you all enjoyed this brief look into how I make the character sheets :)
The rumor mill is going to be nice this turn, I am guessing.

I wonder if becomming a dragon is a way to stabalize the Mahjarrat.
.then again, I am not a magic scientist or strategist, and want to stay away from that conflict.
I wonder if becomming a dragon is a way to stabalize the Mahjarrat.
.then again, I am not a magic scientist or strategist, and want to stay away from that conflict.
Looking at that stat line, I think I can see part of the problem right here: they're friggin' OP. That bonus Piety is the same as a Purple Dragon's!

That kind of power isn't cheap. Whether manufactured internally or pulled from elsewhere, backlash is inevitable. Either that or they're so well tied into their power source that no inherent consequence exists - in which case their decline may well not be a problem with them at all, but with the source of their power. A dying god, or ruined meta-ecosystem? I can only speculate.

If we need a short-term solution, simply feeding power in from outside might be enough. We have options on that front, including this convenient Earth element that's just been confirmed to be outputting than we need. My fear is that if we find something we'll have to keep that info quiet, since spies are going to start making the rounds in Avalar eventually. If the Mahjarrat find we have even a half-baked way to reduce their ritual needs, they're going to fight us over it.
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Looking at that stat line, I think I can see part of the problem right here: they're friggin' OP. That bonus Piety is the same as a Purple Dragon's!

That kind of power isn't cheap. Whether manufactured internally or pulled from elsewhere, backlash is inevitable. Either that or they're so well tied into their power source that no inherent consequence exists - in which case their decline may well not be a problem with them at all, but with the source of their power. A dying god, or ruined meta-ecosystem? I can only speculate.

If we need a short-term solution, simply feeding power in from outside might be enough. We have options on that front, including this convenient Earth element that's just been confirmed to be outputting than we need. My fear is that if we find something we'll have to keep that info quiet, since spies are going to start making the rounds in Avalar eventually. If the Mahjarrat find we have even a half-baked way to reduce their ritual needs, they're going to fight us over it.
Based on what you know, it's unlikely that Earth would be even remotely compatible with the Mahjarrat. To do what you suggest would require hooking up a Mahjarrat directly to the nexus or the leylines which is very, very dangerous. You'd actually have more luck using Shadow or Ice for it, though there'd still be problems. The first is again, too much power and you don't have the required paragons, technology, or knowledge to pull it off safely. The second is that it would most likely cause an elemenetal imbalance and you don't know enough to say for sure what that would do. Your safest bet would be to figure out how to channel balanced amounts of Shadow, Smoke, Blood, and Ice into the mahjarrat. Of course, Spyro will know more about the issue once he takes a look at the spiritual side of the problem.
It was just one random brainstorming idea. I don't know that much about runescape.

Also, I updated the omake I did awhile ago. I put the old verison in spoiler tabs.
I said I would do it eventually, and finally got to giving a better version, one with more trust between collegues and a more sensible approach to Ventis.
It was just one random brainstorming idea. I don't know that much about runescape.

Also, I updated the omake I did awhile ago. I put the old verison in spoiler tabs.
I said I would do it eventually, and finally got to giving a better version, one with more trust between collegues and a more sensible approach to Ventis.
I really, really like it. :)
Turn 15 Rumor Mill
Rumor Mill


Chief Kane Wrecked by Disease!: Disaster continues to strike the atlawa as their leader, Kane has still not recovered from the virulent disease that ripped through their population last year. Many fear that he will have to choose a successor before long, though the proud leader has refused to entertain any notion of his own death. Now more than ever, the atlawa need their strong leader and with him bed-ridden, it falls on others to step up. Unfortunately none seem capable enough to fill in for Kane and prospects look bleak regarding a successor. Many hope that Kane will recover now that Guardian Phydra has cleansed his body of the disease, however more experienced healers have stated that his body is still in bad shape thanks to the stress and accumulated injuries of the last few years.

Renowned Warrior and Explorer Hunter Vanishes!: Hunter is perhaps the most famous and well-regarded cheetah thanks to his work during the war. Ever since the war, Hunter has been exploring the newly reconstructed Avalar and was in fact responsible for mapping the single largest percentage out of all of the explorers. He is credited with many extraordinary discoveries during this time and is the only known individual to have explored multiple nexuses; a feat that is truly impressive considering that the nexuses have been known to completely overwhelm dragons of the same element. Most recently however Hunter claims to have uncovered the hints of something big and despite attempts to follow him, has managed to vanish completely and utterly.
None of my shadows can find him either and I doubt he is dead. Whatever has caused Hunter to vanish is undoubtedly huge and must be uncovered.

Hunting Disaster! Elder Adrian Wounded!: The animals of this new land are incredibly dangerous and it would be wise not to forget this lesson. Early this year Elder Adrian and his hunting party were tracking a massive animal that stands as tall as a house, when things suddenly went awry. The massive beast appears to have been panicked by some unknown event and turned to run, only to flee right through the hunting party. At least one was killed during this time and several more injured, including the venerable Elder. It was only thanks to his quick thinking that the party managed to bring down the massive behemoth. By the time dawn had come again and assistance was dispatched from the village, four of the seven man hunting party were dead, while the other three were heavily injured including the Elder. It is fortunate that thanks to some assistance from the dragons, the Elder and his two companions were pronounced healed by the year's end.

Guardian Phydra Heals Disease!: The Guardian Phydra is known for her less than stellar social skills owing to a result of her history. None can deny however that Phydra is as deserving of her title as any of the other Guardians and exemplified it this year. Early this year the Guardian of Water used her supreme knowledge of her element to combat the virulent disease that was ripping through Warfang and was able to heal the infected enmasse thanks to her knowledge of Water's cleansing properties and her quick study of the healing arts. This was followed up by visits around the kingdom with other healers to spread the very valuable knowledge of the art. Of particular importance is Guardian Phydra's assistance in healing the atlawa Chief Kane and the human Elder Adrian.
Reward: +1 Internal Ties

Matriarch Announces Nemestra and Astolea:
In accordance with tradition, Matriarch Pavlan has given names to her daughters upon completion of their first year in the world. Nemestra has a shining white pelt, while Astolea has a pelt as black as the night sky. Though they are not the first centaur born on this new world of Avalar, this is still a significant milestone for the herd. The eldest all agree that Nemestra and Astolea will go on to accomplish great things. Already there are numerous adults who are offering to mentor one of the girls, though the Matriarch has refrained from accepting any as is her right.

Zu'uk Postpones Trip to the Wind Nexus: While we are as a whole excited for the opportunity to study and observe the Wind Nexus, Kahkan Tsa'ar has made the decision to postpone this unique event. She cautions that the convergence of the world's Wind energy is likely an incredibly dangerous place and that it would be far better to have a guide. Though the zu'uk has several prominent Wind manipulators, non can doubt that the dragon's Guardian of Wind is both far more skilled and already familiar with the place. Instead the Kahkan has put forward a proposal to the dragons of Warfang to have a mass expedition of wind dragons and aviansie. She claims that such an event will bring our peoples closer together and many are in agreement; we await a reply from the new kingdom.
Such a proposed gathering offers an unprecedented opportunity to gather intelligence or influence the Nohar.


Cataclysmic Battle Shakes Northern Kandarin!: Early this year the Bandosian General Mugorim attempted to press push back into Northern Kandarin and was met bet by a joint force of the Si'lika Zu'uk and the Dayguard. The battle that followed is being called Battle of the Shattered Plains and is sure to go down in legend on both sides. Mugorim had assembled a truly massive force of the strange Bandosian artillery which filled the air with metal as unprecedented numbers of ourg, faurg, ogres, trolls, and orks presented a nearly unstoppable force. Stopped they were however as Dayguard Flockleader Qin'ahk gathered together an army of golems from the surrounding towns and met them in pitched battle. The defense might have failed were it not for the Si'lika Zu'uk managing a true miracle of our Lord. It is said that the full might of Ba'Tieru, the storms of Abbinah, had manifested and helped protect our brave warriors from the foul Bandosians. Armadyl protects!
We suspect both factions will be able to do little more than rest and recuperate in Kandarin region for a while to come.

Battle of the Shattered Plains Overturns Beliefs: Few aviansie actually worship our noble leader, Armadyl as while a powerful individual and a brilliant commander, the ancestral spirits of Abbinah have always held our faith. These beliefs were challenged this year as a massive storm akin to those of Abbinah appeared during the battle. Already the more zealous are calling it a miracle of Armadyl and even the more reluctant are hard pressed to explain how Ba'Tieru may have manifested on a different world entirely. As it is the Si'lika Zu'uk have whole-heartedly embraced the worship of our Lord and debates in the Citadel grow ever more heated over this supposed miracle.

Traitor Lucien Pronounced Dead!: Late this year news filtered in that Praetor Trinedine has vanquished the grievously wounded Lucien. As with all confirmed mahjarrat deaths, it may in fact be impossible to say for sure. Though the Praetors have announced the traitor dead, Mahjarrat are notoriously difficult to kill and this would not be the first time that one of them has evaded death by the most narrow of margins. May the traitor forever suffer at the feet of our lord Zaros!
Lyseera finds it hard to believe that Trinedine actually managed the kill, despite her being one of the most skilled assassins the Empire has access to.

Missionaries of Holy Saradomin Anger Allies: Our Lord's holy missionaries have the most important task of all; spreading Saradomin's Light to everyone! Unfortunately it seems that they have pressed too hard and too fast as hundreds poor into Kandarin and have upset our longtime allies, Armadyl and his aviansie. Rumor has it that the reason for their excitement is that strangely intelligent dragons have been seen with the aviansie and the missionaries were eager to poach the mysterious dragons from Armadyl and bring their might to our wise and benevolent lord, Saradomin. Alas it seems that they were too late and have angered the aviansie for nothing as rumor has it the dragons already worship Armadyl.
...Good to see the bluff is working. What is wrong with them that they would anger their own allies over such a thing though?

Reckless Hotblooded Warriors Lose Fleet!: A massive fleet set sail against the Lunar Isle and the mages who reside there this year. This assault was against the wishes of the Chiefs and was almost entirely sunk with only one ship having managed to get away. Tensions between the Lunar Isle and many of the other villages have risen, with many decrying the mages as having gone too far by sinking the entire fleet. Though Relekka has yet to take any sides, it seems that the mages of the isle are once again at ill-odds with the rest of the Fremennik. Many wonder if it would be better to just wash our hands of the matter entirely and declare them enemies, while others say that V would be greatly displeased if such a thing were to come to pass. We hope that our god returns from his exploits soon…

Fortresses of the Empire Imperiled!: Notorious Zamorakian commander K'ril, a tsutsaroth demon has laid siege to Carralanger! Nearby forces appear to have been tied up with issues of their own and it falls to Legate Kolton and Praetor Rahgustiv to defend the city. Fighting alongside K'ril is the foul traitor Ralvash who has managed to wound Kolton. Reports coming in indicate that the fortress of Kharyll is likewise at risk with the Furies having made significant progress against the defenders with Legatus Akthanakos, Pontifex Nabor, and Praetor Kharsai giving their all to protect the bastion against the foul hordes of Morytania!
Looks like the Zamorakians are not too happy about losing Lucien.
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I've decided to do one interlude of your choice. All of these are events that have or are happening and choosing one does not stop the others from occurring. All of these are important events and are of equal weight where it concerns the overall scope of the quest.

Choose carefully...

[] Plans of War
[] Secrets of Avalar
[] The Four Horsemen
[] Progenitors of Dragonkind
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@Nianque: Wait, what exactly is "The First Dragons" about? Still haven't done the omakes for Blackout and Selene, though guess I did spew enough details to form something coherent...