@Nianque: Finally, a Guard omake POV who isn't Dawn.
The Ice Guard: Rorrim
Staring down at the research settlement so far below, is an Ice Dragon. Yet, this Ice Dragon is clearly odd: Scales shiny like ice, carefully placed crystalline growths over his body, his face covered by a mask of glass...
It looks like he's perpetually prepared for conflict, his expression serious and focused. Yet, as he flies down to the settlement, he receives nothing but polite greetings.
"Oh, Rorrim, how did practice go?" Turning his attention to the dragon who spoke, Rorrim shrugs casually. "As I feared, the wildlife just isn't good enough for me anymore."
The older dragon sighing at that, he puts on a reassuring smile. "Well, you could always devote your full time to research. Still nobody is willing to spend as much time near the Nexus like you."
Yet, Rorrim just scoffs, as he inspects a pair of crystalline claws. "No offense, but they don't have drive like me. Between the wildlife, extreme cold, and the...
things they wouldn't last for long."
Hopping up to the top of a nearby structure, Rorrim surveys the local area. Yet the dragon he was talking to doesn't leave, instead approaching him from the ground.
"Which is
exactly why we could use you. If those are really Ice Elementals or something new, then you're our best chance of studying them. Think what we could do with the Elementals' help."
Glancing at his older friend, Rorrim sits down as he focuses on him. "Trust me, understanding those things is impossible. Been over a decade, and they
still make no sense to me."
The researcher sighing, he looks over the nearby area. "You could be doing more, and we
both know you don't like working only for yourself. So... there's actually a soldier from Warfang here."
That catches Rorrim's attention, even hopping back to the ground. "Why are they here? Did a portal open up nearby? I didn't find anything like that while exploring."
His researcher quickly making reassuring gestures, he points over to the warmer areas. "Nothing like that, apparently Warfang has been searching for exceptional individuals for a new bodyguard program."
Intrigued by this, Rorrim glances over to the warmer areas. "Why come to a research settlement though? It isn't like anyone here wants to fight for a living."
The older dragon smiles slightly at this, before looking at Rorrim. "They figured, since one of their comrades had good luck, they might as well look. Besides,
you want to, don't you?"
Looking back at the older dragon, Rorrim is silent for a few moments. "... Not
exactly, but yes. Hmm, I could finally make my case about Ice's usefulness... Alright, can you take me to them?"
It wasn't exactly difficult finding the soldier, what with them hanging out in the area usually reserved for low-level Ice Dragons. Even then, they so were bundled up for warmth Rorrim could barely make any features out.
Still, judging by her face's white coloration, she's probably a Wind Dragon. Though, the moment she spotted him, her eyes widened at his obviously different appearance.
"You're new, Rorrim right? No other Ice Dragon here looks
remotely like you do. Oh, I guess it doesn't really matter
who you are, so long as I can convince you to join the guards."
"Well, she wastes no time..." Having mused to himself, Rorrim inspects his claws somewhat casually. "What exactly would I be doing, if I said yes? If you want me wasting my training protecting only a few, then no thanks."
The Wind Dragoness flinching at that, she seems unsure what to say. Rorrim though doesn't mind, having already decided to visit Warfang regardless.
"I can't progress anymore here, so about time I introduce myself."
Finally, the dragoness replies. "W-well, you'll be protecting
very important individuals, who provide very valuable help to all of Avalar. Even then, I'm sure things could be worked out if you wanted to do even more."
Focusing on her, Rorrim was intrigued. "Is that so? Are these individuals likely to hear my suggestions then, regarding improving defense? I've spent over a
decade here, refining my abilities for exactly that."
That seems to get her excited, even stepping forwards some. "Really!? Uh, ahem, I mean... you're
exactly the type of dragon we're looking for. Strong, determined, wanting to protect... I'm
sure something could be arranged."
"Hmm... Fine, I need to convince authority figures anyways." "Alright, I'm willing to accompany you then. Getting the walls of Warfang outfitted with attack reflecting Ice is my real goal, though, so don't let your superiors forget it."
The dragoness smiling, she even sounds happy. "Yes! Don't worry Rorrim, I'll do my best! Probably need to get other Ice Dragons trained though, oh and the expenses..."
Watching as she gets sidetracked by her own muttering, Rorrim just waits patiently.
"Hmm, should probably tell her I'll still be a guard even if she fails, but she seems happy enough for now... Wait."
"Excuse me, but what is your name? Rather rude of me not to ask you sooner." The dragoness snaps from her thoughts as she looks back at him, a little embarrassed.
"Oh, just call me Gale. Anything you need to collect Rorrim?" Looking at her, Rorrim is getting a little surprised how consistently friendly she is. Still, with a simple a "No", he watches as she gathers her things.
"Been so long since I was home... Does anyone remember me?" Sighing quietly, Rorrim follows Gale silently. Whatever the case, getting to Warfang is the most important thing right now, and he
will do what he can.
So that's that for my Guard Omakes, might be a while before I write Blackout and Selene. Though I'm also thinking of some Character Interaction omakes, regarding the Guards. Like, Zap & Cynder regarding multi-Elements or Dyno & Therris regarding technology.
Rorrim ability-wise still has that heavy defense focus, with the ice/crystal/glass covering him even being armor he made. I thought about having some demonstrations, but figured I can save that for some Guard Training omakes.