Treasury: 3457 Gold
Income: 2100 Gold per turn.
Focus: Choose Two.
Now that the Kingdom of Avalar has been formed and Spyro elected as it's king, it is time to decide on a focus. This will allow you to influence the other settlements of the kingdom and direct their spare resources. Note: You may double down on the focus.
1st Avalar Army (0/2): At the recent conference to decide the fate of the government, it was decided to raise an army to defend Avalar. This army will be a combined arms force consisting of 10% of each group's total population. It would be best to focus on creating this army first. Note: The army does not currently exist. (Clarity)
- Clarity spends the year working with military minds throughout the kingdom to establish the new army. The first part of this has consisted of having each settlement send their best warriors that they can afford to give up and putting them through training. This consists of 278 dragons, 300 mole engineers and artillery experts, 80 cheetah scouts and marksmen, 30 centaur heavy cavalry and skirmishers, and 60 human warriors. To aid in logistics each new army will consist of 1,000 soldiers and once the population of Avalar increases enough, Clarity will be able to create a second army. All that is left now is to continue training the new army and begin creation of the equipment and tactics that it will need. Reward: 1/2 Progress on the 1st Avalar army. 1,000 soldiers across the kingdom have been gathered and are training. Tactics and equipment are being worked on at the moment.
Internal Ties (3/10): The many peoples of Avalar are as of yet not used to working together on such a large scale. Focus on binding the many peoples of Avalar closer together. Note: The kingdom is currently not unified. (Zephyr)
- Zephyr had quite a lot of fun this year as he flew from settlement to settlement to smooth out tensions. His generally optimistic and easy-going demeanor was more than enough to get on the good-sides of many of the people he had to speak with. Those who were not swayed by his personality quickly found themselves on the backfoot as he switched from easy-going and casual, to serious in the span of a wing-beat. Most of the problems that Zephyr came across seemed to boil down to the fact that nobody was used to having to answer to a higher authority and were far more used to doing what they want in accordance to a general goal. As such the Wind Guardian to-be spent all of his time away from Alpin working closely with Spyro and the other leaders and diplomats to solve problems and get everyone used to working as a part of one system. Zephyr says that there is still a lot of conflicts, but he has made considerable progress this year. Reward: 4/10 internal ties. Zephyr spent the year smoothing out conflicts and reminding people that they agreed to be just one part of a much bigger kingdom.
Martial: Choose Two.
Clarity is of two minds regarding the recent conference. On one hand, you now have more resources to draw upon when trying to defend Avalar. On the other hand things have gotten a whole lot more complicated and now you have to worry about keeping everybody happy.Clarity thinks that you should focus on forming the 1st army of Warfang, while she secures the portal and expands Warfang's own army into a second flight.
Secure Portal (Hyrule): Working together with Ventis, Clarity would like to cooperate with Reliquia to build defenses around the Hyrule portal. As the portal is a continent a way, this will be quite expensive though Reliquia will provide half of the expense. Clarity regards this as urgent due to the known threat of monsters on Hyrule.
Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 300 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: +100 to rift defense rolls. (Virii)
Needed: 10. Rolled: 17+11(Martial)=28.
- Virii worked closely with experts from both Warfang and Reliquia to build fortifications around the portal leading to Hyrule this year. Stone walls around the portal were quickly established as Virii sought to emulate the defenses around the Gielinor portal whenever she was not off in Tlaloc. With an existing set of defenses to model the new ones off of, Virii found that the hardest part was dealing with the differences which had cropped up between the dragons from Warfang and those from Reliquia. Though her lack of reputation with Reliquia hindered her greatly, by the end of the year she had managed to get the two teams working together and learning off of each other. Reward: Basic walls and trench around Hyrule portal. Work on enchantments is starting. Virii had to prove herself to the Reliquia dragons.
Extract the Atlawa: When the portal to Hyrule opened, it opened directly under the extraordinarily unlucky atlawa, sending them to a war torn land filled with monsters. Due to an immediate attack by monsters, the atlawa were driven away from the portal and eventually found themselves hastily fortifying a nearby ridge. With their leader Kane badly injured and only an estimated 300 atlawa still living. If they are not extracted soon, the atlawa people will go extinct.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 50 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Atlawa escorted back to Avalar. (Pyra)
Needed: 30. Rolled: 25+20(average martial&combat)+10(traits)=55.
- Pyra charged through the portal with the first Flight of Warfang's soldiers this year. Their inexperience with these new monsters and the overall ferocity was something that almost ended more than one dragon's life. In particular what the natives call 'lynels' are something that only combatants on a similar level to Pyra can actually defeat in a fair fight. The sheer hordes of monsters was something he was more than used to however and his experience against overwhelming numbers allowed him give useful tip to the soldiers, greatly increasing his own reputation and keeping everybody alive. When they finally reach the atlawas, every single one of Kane's people including himself had been injured and it was in this evacuation through the portal that the soldiers and Pyra fought their greatest battle. Thankfully Pyra was more than capable of keeping the lynel from singlehandedly wiping out both the atlawas and the soldiers and there were minimal casualties as they reached the portal. With the atlawas safely through the portal, Pyra led them to first Reliquia to get patched up and now they are being taken across the ocean on dragon-back once they are well enough to fly. Reward: Hyrule monsters are scary. Pyra has to fight a lynel to keep it from utterly wrecking everything. Atlawas are being treated and then flown to Warfang like Kane requested.
Diplomacy: Choose One. One Locked.
Ventis is thrilled at how the conference turned out, though inability to convince Tsa'ar to join the kingdom does sting. He does however have high hopes for convincing her at a later date and is already making plans to the effect. The most immediate business in his opinion is to forge the still tenuous ties to the rest of the kingdom into something that will outlive everybody, even the gods.
Deeper Ties (Manweersmalls): According to Ventis it would a good idea to deepen the ties with not just the other parts of the kingdom, but also other kingdoms and peoples. At the moment Ventis would prefer to bring the peoples of the new kingdom closer together.
Chance of Success: Various. Cost: 50 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Increase closeness and opinion with chosen group. (Ventis)
Needed: 10. Rolled: 81+11(diplomacy)+5(traits)+5(omakes)=102.
- As it turns out, you had nothing to fear from the renegade moles turning the manweersmalls against you. The inhabitants of Boyzitbig still remember how Spyro saved them during the war and would not hear any ill of their savior. Using this to his advantage, Ventis was able to negotiate their entrance into the kingdom and already an envoy from Warfang has been sent over to make the transition smooth. Reward: Manweersmalls will not hear anything ill about Spyro and gladly join the kingdom.
Assisting the Armadylean Settlers: Last year negotiations with Armadyl resulted in an agreement that a small group could set up a settlement of Gielinor. While the aviansie are already settled thanks to their nomadic nature and the island that they brought with them, the humans and centaurs are in the planning stages of a village. Ventis wants to offer your help in planning and constructing the village. Not only would the help speed up construction and keep it from being a liability if the portal is overrun, it would also establish friendly relations with you new neighbors.
Cost: 400 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Armadylean village constructed and fortified, positive relations, +100 gold per year.
- The village of Croesus that the Armadylean humans call home has at last been completed. With strong walls and a plethora of farms to feed it, the village is able to claim light defenses that would repel any forces who lack the ability to deal with stone walls. In addition to this, the earth dragons assigned to the project have gone ahead and expanded proposed size and Croesus can now be called a proper town. Reward: Human town of Croesus established with level 2 defenses (light). +100 gold per year in trade and increased standing with Croesus.
Intrigue: Choose None. Two Locked.
Umbra is quite frankly swamped this year. Between his ascendance to shadow grandmaster, the expanding spy network, taskforce sent into the caves under Gielinor, and the new workload resulting from the creation of the kingdom, he simply has no time at all.
Widen the Network: Though the fledgeling spy network is a good start, it is just that, a start. Umbra wants to recruit more operatives and widen the area within which you get usable intelligence from. This will result in more accurate information, foreknowledge of important events, and potentially uncover important secrets. In particular Umbra would like to try and recruit more varied races from Gielinor into his network, though he is unsure of how hard this will be to accomplish.
Chance of success: 40% Time: 3 years. Reward; Accurate information on Avalar and the Kandarin, Feldip, Forinthry, and Kharidian provinces of Gielinor. (Umbra)
Needed: 60. Rolled: 42+15(Intrigue)+15(Traits)+10(bonuses)=82.
- Umbra has succeeded in spreading his intelligence network through the entirety of Avalar and known Gielinor. New agents amongst the aviansie, centaur, and humans have allowed previously unmatched information gathering. Already a more in depth picture of the Fremmenik Provinces, Zarosian and Khardian Empires, and Bandosian, Saradominist, and Zamorakian holdings is flowing in. Though details regarding Morytania and the elves of Tirannwn remain scarce. Reward: Up to date information on Avalar and much of the known world of Gielinor. Morytania and Tirannwn remain completely unknown despite efforts.
Investigate the Gielinor Underground: Rumors have surfaced regarding… something happening under Forinthry, though details are sparse. A Bandosian army is also thought to have disappeared into the earth and anything involving them is something that should be investigated. It could be anything from something to do with the dwarves or a lost artifact that Bandos is interested in. A squad of shadow dragons could easily go unnoticed in the dark caves of the region, though the area is so massive that it may take awhile to search.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Information on what is happening under the earth.
Needed: 20. Rolled: 17+20(bonuses)=37.
- The scouting party that Umbra sent into the caves beneath Gielinor returned this year. Of the ten shadow dragons that went out, two of them failed to return and the survivors were all injured. According to the survivors, they had a disastrous run-in with not just the Bandosian army, but also an unseen foe who wielded shadows to a similar level of skill that Umbra is capable of. Thankfully they did still manage to accomplish their mission and discovered why Bandos was so interested. As it turns out a break-away tribe of goblins called the Dorgeshkaan were exiled for refusing to die for Bandos and have managed to survive in the dark caves that they were exiled to. Not only did they manage to survive, but recently the tribe managed to get in touch with the elusive dwarves who have cut off contact with the surface. The two groups have entered a booming partnership and thanks to left over Bandosian equipment as well as the Zamorakian curse the prevents dwarves from using magic, the two have entered an age of technological innovation and are already the most advanced non-magical groups that you are aware of. Reward: Dorgeshkaan goblin tribe and Keldagrim Dwarves discovered. They have entered a booming partnership and have technology that you have never even heard of before. Also they really do not want to get involved with the surface world due to the constant wars.
Stewardship: Choose One. Two Locked.
Glacies is finally satisfied with how the government is shaping up now that it is not merely an ad hoc rulership by a handful of people. She will however be busy dealing with the results of the conference for years to come. Many of her ideas of how to approach the opportunities opened up by this reform will have to wait until either the immediate changes are out of the way or the administrative district and palace are completed. Until then Glacies urges that a prospecting of the area around Warfang be done so that you know what all materials you have to work with.
Patching the Holes Part 2 (Stewardship): Now that new walls have been erected, it is time for the stone to be fused together into one whole piece. Clarity and Glacies would like to get started immediately as the sooner the walls are made stronger, the less likely an enemy will be able to breach them. Durability enchantments combined with a massive amount of Earth manipulation will be required for this. As such they expects this project to take a while to finish, but once done it will greatly increase the protection granted by Warfang's walls.
Cost: 952 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +200 to defense rolls.
- The last of the enchantments are laid upon the walls now, bringing Warfang's overall defense up to 'heavy'. According to Clarity, this is the highest you will be able to bring the city to until you either expand it or have enough artillery to cover the walls. Reward: Warfang Defenses increased to level 4 (heavy). Defense system changed and is in the state of the realm info-mark.
A Better Governing System: It has been suggested by many already that the current governing system which has Spyro and a small council of advisers ruling the city, could be further tuned to be more effective. Now that the Kingdom of Avalar has been formed, Glacies needs a year to get everything in order and coordinate with the other settlements of the kingdom.
Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote, Implement changes. (Glacies)
- All sorts of changes are coming to not just the city, but every group of people across the planet as Glacies works with representatives from all over the newfound kingdom to hash out the finer details and oversee any changes that need to be made. This has consisted of travelling to each other the different settlements and spending long hours trying to find every exploitable flaw in the new system so that they can be fixed. Reward: Glacies goes over the plans for the new government with a fine-tooth comb, ironing out all the kinks and implementing the changes in coordination with representatives from the other groups.
Rebuilding the City Government: Now that the Kingdom of Avalar has been formed with Spyro and Cynder as it's rulers and Warfang as the de facto Capital, it is time to build a headquarters for the Kingdom's government. This will take the form of what some would call a palace, though Clarity and Glacies insist that said palace have defenses formidable enough to defend the beating heart of the kingdom. As such the 'palace' will have runed walls like Warfang itself has, though with greater enchantments instead of major enchantments. Alongside it's own minor garrison and storage houses, the palace will be able to act as the ultimate fallback point should everything else go wrong.
Cost: 2857 Gold 300 Upkeep. Time: 3 years. Reward: Government district constructed, Increased ties to the rest of the kingdom, ultimate fallback point, massive show of prestige to visitors, +200 gold in taxes. (Argent)
- In between visits to the earth nexus this year, Argent has been supervising the building of the government district and palace. This has been quite a learning process for the Earth Guardian to-be and she spent much of her time being coached by Clarity, Glacies, architects, and engineers in the designing process. Her knowledge of the earth element has come in handy as the fortifications will be constructed out of stone. Most of her contribution has consisted of identifying weak points in the planned structures and coming up with ways to bypass or destroy the walls. Reward: Plans drawn up for walls, buildings, and palace. Land is being cleared and basic earthen walls are being erected. Argent's contribution has consisted of pointing out ways to defeat the fortifications that are immediately corrected.
Learning: Choose One. One Locked.
Therris has been looking over the reports on education and knowledge that the other settlements of the new kingdom have and what he finds is quite disappointing. Only Warfang can truly be called a seat of higher learning and Therris has been reaching out to those that he can get in touch with to see about fixing this. When it comes to more local things, he strongly advises finally building the library or scratching the topic completely and building the entire education district all in one go. In addition to these topics Therris also advises that he look into a similarly resonant metal for the moles, cheetahs, centaurs, and humans, so that they are well-protected in the inevitable battles to come.
Finding the Dragon Metal: Therris believes that he has a lead on a metal that resonates with the concept of 'dragon'. Though he is unsure how such a thing came to be, he is sure that it exists. By scouring old archives, questioning your new allies, and doing an in-testing of known metals, he believes that he can find a metal that far outstrips any other known material when used by dragons. Such an endeavor will be time consuming, but if the metal could be produced en masse then it will be a force multiplier like none other.
Chance of Success: 50%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Metal that resonates with dragons (considerable boost in capabilities when used by dragons). (Therris)
Needed: 50. Rolled: 43+10(learning)+10(traits)+10(aviansie)=73.
- Therris has at last succeeded in forging orikalkum into a small bar of metal. In order to accomplish this, Therris needed to have multiple dragons working together to melt it, quench it, and mold it. The more involved dragons were with the creation process, the stronger the resultant bond turned out to be. Without using conventional forging methods at all and instead substituting them for dragons using the elements, Therris find that the result out does everything he can compare it to except the armor the ourg wore who Spyro and Cynder fought in the battle for the fort. If a dragon who was capable of working all three of fire, earth, and ice or water managed to forge a suit of armor for themselves, then Therris is sure it would be a phenomenal masterpiece which outdoes everything he's ever heard of. Reward: Orikalkum must be forged with dragonfire. The more involved dragons are in the forging process, the more powerful the result is. If done solely by the dragon whom the armor is for, it would be an unmatched masterpiece.
Finding the (Mole) Metal: With the revelation that orikalkum resonates incredibly strongly with dragons, Therris wonders about whether or not similar metals exist for the other races. With the knowledge that Gielinor is not the original world for most of the races who inhabit it, the studyies into centaur and human metals will have to wait until access to their original planets can be undertaken. For the moles and centaur however, Therris is sure that a thorough search of Avalar will turn up something that resonates strongly with the race. In fact the limited research that he has managed to do into the metal that the aviansie use has revealed that it resonates with them and one of the main components of it is a metal that they have thus far only found on Abbinah, lending credit to his theory.
Chance of Success: 50% (moles/cheetahs/atlawas)/0% (centaurs/humans). Cost: 200 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Metal that resonates with chosen race (considerable boost in capabilities when used by that race). (Volteer)
Needed: 50. Rolled: 68+22(learning)+50(traits)=140. Critical Success
- Volteer spent the year in collaboration with the moles finding the material that resonates with them. He has had quite a lot of success in this regard and found that adamantium is actually the metal that he was looking for. While the base form of it enhances a mole's abilities by small amounts, it is only when alloyed with a powdery white metal that it can truly match orikalkum's effects on dragons. So far only exceptionally skilled earth dragons have managed to isolate the powdery metal that some call have called 'titanium'. Volteer has already written up proposals for future projects that involve identifying a method to isolate this 'titanium' without earth dragons. Until then the powerful mole-resonant alloy will require earth dragon assistance to create. Reward: Action is finished in one year. The mole resonant material is adamantium alloyed with a strange white powder that some call 'titanium'. Attempts to isolate the titanium and forge the alloy require earth dragon assistance at the moment.
Piety: Choose One. One Locked.
This year the Guardians celebrate the first of the apprentices reaching grandmastery of their element. This makes Umbra the first one to wield such control over shadow since Malefor himself. Close behind him is Pyra who says that he feels like he is on the very edge of attaining a similar mastery over fire. With Umbra and Pyra's accomplishments, Cyril and Volteer are already planning the last phases of their apprenticeships including the knowledge that only a true Guardian can be trusted with as well as an exhausting series of tests to truly test their knowledge of what it means to be a Guardian. In other news the acceptance of Armadyleanism has caused a stir in the nine Guardians and they collectively request an in depth study into the religion as soon as it can be undertaken.
Viewing the World Part 2 Spiritual: The possibility of recreating the incredible pool of visions has greatly interested Volteer, who goes on at length to convey all of the different possibilities of the artifact. Unfortunately, not only is the knowledge lost, there was a spiritual component to it as well that they do not seem able to pin down. In addition to that, they describe that only Ignitus and a handful of others throughout history could use the pool of visions to it's utmost potential. They describe the rare dragon capable of mastering the artifact as 'seers', though just what being a seer means is not something either of them were fully aware of. They seek to answer these important questions, so that when Therris has figured out the enchantments, work will be able to begin immediately on building it.
Chance of Success: 40%. Time: 1 years. Notes: Forgot about this last turn. Reward: Spiritual component to pool of visions figured out. (Cyril)
Needed: 60. Rolled: 18+12(learning)+30(traits)=60.
- Through long and fierce debates with some of the oldest and most established noble clans, Cyril seems to have at last found what he was looking for. Seers as it turns out have a rare gift that has no obvious connection to lineage or one's spiritual connection. While Cyril is unsure what the chance of one being born with this rare ability is, he speculates that it may well be a one-of-a-kind ability similar to the purple dragon. Much to his disappointment, all of the notable dragons have tested negative for it and Cyril started looking for dragons born at the time of Ignitus' death. It took him all year to track the dragon down, but Cyril finds a young electric dragon by the name of Fulmen in Reliquia that claims to have periodic visions that make little sense. Volteer expresses interest in testing the young dragon and should he like what he finds, Volteer may have found himself an apprentice. Provided that Fulmen and other parties in Reliquia agree of course. Reward: Seers are unique dragons who are unrelated to each other and are born once the previous seer dies. The new seer is a young electric dragon named Fulmen in Reliquia. Volteer has a possible new apprentice.
Elemental Nexuses: Now that all of the Guardian Apprentices bar Argent are masters, Cyril and Volteer suggest that this would be an excellent time to locate the most powerful nexus for each element and meditate there. Not only might this give further insight into their elements, it would also locate the most critical nodes of that element on the planet which could open up a number of new projects down the road. Zephyr and Timor in particular are eager to do this, muttering something about their mysterious project.
Time: 2 years. Reward: +1d100 to elemental trait progress. Nexuses for each element are identified and explored.
Pyra: 59+26(piety)+25(bonuses)=110.
Argent: 74+21(piety)+25(bonuses)=120.
Phydra: 7+24(piety)+25(bonuses)=56.
Zephyr: 67+24(piety)+25(bonuses)+30(aviansie)=146.
Virii: 100+19(piety)+25(bonuses)=144.
Timor: 58+24(piety)+25(bonuses)=107.
- Between all of the duties that the Guardians are dealing with this year, they still make time to meditate upon their elements at their respective nexuses. Despite all of his other duties this year, Umbra still manages to track down the Shadow nexus in an unnaturally dark area of the Odrium swamps where shadows dance at the mouth of a deep cave. Virii meanwhile finishes combing through the Tlaloc rainforest and found the poison nexus at a marsh where everything including the water, animals, and plants are filled with deadly poisons, venoms, or acids; one of the less experienced poison dragons in the expedition even had to be escorted to Reliquia to be treated for a horrific neural toxin. Timor meanwhile found the fear nexus deep in Mount Malefor where a mind-numbing terror seemed to grip all save for him. Thus Timor meditates in solitude at the very location where Spyro fought Gaul and Malefor himself entered the world a decade and a half ago.
Deep within Boyzitbig long after Pyra succeeded in rescuing the Atlawas, he manages to touch upon why Fire is considered a pillar element. Where other fire dragons had to turn back due to the extreme heat, Pyra claims to have heard his fallen mentor and predecessor, Ignitus and at last found solace. His guilt at his mistakes in the war and perceived fault for not being at Ignitus' last moments has finally been resolved and it is as if a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. Argent likewise comes to a revelation as she masters Earth; she too claims to have heard long dead earth dragons and even Terrador himself. While none of the others managed such significant breakthroughs, they all come away from it changed in small ways. In fact none of them are willing to talk about exactly what happened, but they all claim to have heard deceased dragons talking to them. Reward: The last three nexuses are found. Pyra breaks through to fire grandmaster, Argent manages to reach earth master. All Guardians save Cyril and Volteer come away from it changed, claiming to have heard the voices of the ancestors.
Personal: Choose Three (Spyro, Cynder, and Either)
With his recent election to King of Avalar alongside Cynder as his queen, Spyro has been swamped getting up to date with the rest of his new realm. Whenever one of them feels stressed however, they look upon the infant form of their new daughter and all their worries wash away. To two dragons that had been through everything that they had, the simple peace of relaxing together as family makes everything worth it.
Spend Time with (Galena): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress. (Both)
Rolled: 72.
- Spyro winds up being the one to look after Galena this year as Cynder sets off to help Sparx in his quest. To his delight and slight worry, Galena has shown all the signs of a healthy, young wind dragoness; that is overly curious, exploration-prone, and refusing to be cooped up inside. She always watches Spyro train the wind element with an unusually intense concentration. In consultation with other wind dragons, Spyro has pegged her as most likely being gifted with her element. How much of that is a natural inclination, a result of her heritage, or a possible over-exposure due to the nexus remains to be seen. Reward: Galena is quite healthy, though she shows signs of being very gifted with her element. Strong signs of an unusually strong affinity for her element and possible over-exposure.
Spend Time with (Sparx): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress. (Cynder)
Rolled: 62.
- Cynder and Sparx might respect each other in their own ways, but anybody who has been around the two for a long period of time will immediately point out that their personalities clash. Thus it was to some surprise when Cynder volunteered to go with Sparx and search Tlaloc for any dragonflies that might be found there. After a full year of searching the massive rainforest, they finally stumble across a small enclave of dragonflies who secluded themselves away in such a manner that makes it all but impossible for non-dragonflies to find them, let alone reach them. This group prefers their isolation and though they hesitate at welcoming Sparx into their midst, Cynder is told in no certain terms that she is not welcome. Despite how unfriendly this group has proven to be, Sparx is still ecstatic that he is not the last dragonfly. Reward: Small isolationist community of dragonflies is found. Sparx is semi-welcome, but everyone else is to stay away.
Spyro - Mastering the Elements (Wind): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with the temple restored and the new initiates trained, it will be considerably easier to train the elements.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 100 (Water/Wind/Shadow/Poison/Fear), 500 (Fire/Ice/Electricity) or 1000 (Earth). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.
Rolled: 5+36(piety)+30(traits)+25(bonuses)+20(Cynder)+30(aviansie)=146.
- Between running the kingdom and spending time with his daughter, Spyro did not make as much progress on wind as he would have liked this year. Of course not much progress for Spyro is still the work of years for other dragons. Between some timely assistance from a visiting aviansie, the bond with Cynder, and the resources at the Dragon Temple, Spyro is sure that he is reaching a similar proficiency with wind that he has with fire, ice, and electricity. Reward: Spyro makes everybody else look bad by how much progress he makes in Wind, even on an off-year. He is close to reaching expert in wind.