Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

Fire: fire, heat, combustion, insulation, illumination(e), smoke (e), sun (e)
Personality traits: passion, growth, rage, illumination, and rebirth.
Other: Ruby, Iron, coal, Tungsten,

Ice: ice, cold, snow, hail, insulation, glass (e), crystal (e), reflection (e)
Personality traits: logic, coldness, purity, and a lack of emotion
Other: Quartz, mirrors

Electricity: electricity, lightning, resistivity, conductivity, induction/magnetism (e), plasma (e), illumination (e)
Personality traits: energy, energetic, lack of control, and movement
Other: Copper, Topaz

Earth: earth, dirt, sand, ground, stone, metal, gems (e), crystal (e), solids (e)
Personality traits: stubbornness, safety, strength, and to be unyielding
Other: Titanium, Adamantium, Jade, Metals, Gems,

Water: water, whirlpools, waterfalls, pressure, liquids (e), cleansing (e)
Personality traits: fluidness, change, peace, and creativity
Other: Opal, Silver,

Wind: wind, air, cyclones, gas (e), vacuum (e), pressure (e),
Personality traits: freedom, loftiness, contentment, discovery, and detachment
Other: Sapphire, Aluminum, Mithril

Shadow: shadows, concealment, darkness, night, moon (e), sleep (e)
Personality traits: subterfuge, shelter, concealment, and caution
Other: Onyx, Nickel

Poison: poison, venom, toxins, corrosion, acids, bases, disease (e), sickness (e), decay (e)
Personality traits: scholarly, caring, bitterness, acidity,
Other: Emerald, Lead, Medicine

Fear: fear, willpower, courage, illusions (e), nightmares (e),
Personality traits: reckless, bravery, adversity, terror, and willpower
Other: Amazonite, Mercury

I'll update the Spiritual infomark when I get the chance. Also still working on the techniques.
Edit: There is overlap and that is intentional. Fire also has smoke, but that's exotic and high end manipulation. low end smoke manipulators can do a lot of the same stuff that high end fire manipulators are capable of with smoke.
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@Nianque: How intelligent are Phoenixes, as one example of an Elemental Race tied to a Nexus? Would that be the average baseline for Elemental intelligence? I'm thinking First Poison was raised by whatever Poison Elementals are (Basilisk?).

Regarding First Shadow & Umbra: how close would Umbra need to be to detect them? Does Umbra constantly eavesdrop on his surroundings, or would he need to spot them/be told first?

Though focusing on techniques and Element facets: how well-known are the various applications? Like for example, given how rare sane Fear Dragons are, would their ability to manipulate dreams/nightmares be relatively unknown?

Sorry if I've been asking too much, I'm just wanting a lot of information before working on those Guard & First Dragon Omakes. I'll probably write Dinobot/Dyno first, though I have no particular order beyond that.

Oh, speaking of the Informationals: what about threamarking that Elemental Progress post? Having quick access to Spyro & Cynder's progress would be handy for future planning.
What does the (e) mean?
Exotic. Parts that are only vaguely considered connected to the actual element. Things that would be better off being part of another element because as of now only masters and grandmasters can actually make use of them. Smoke is a good example as while fire masters can use it, so can a smoke novice.

@Nianque: How intelligent are Phoenixes, as one example of an Elemental Race tied to a Nexus? Would that be the average baseline for Elemental intelligence? I'm thinking First Poison was raised by whatever Poison Elementals are (Basilisk?).

Regarding First Shadow & Umbra: how close would Umbra need to be to detect them? Does Umbra constantly eavesdrop on his surroundings, or would he need to spot them/be told first?

Though focusing on techniques and Element facets: how well-known are the various applications? Like for example, given how rare sane Fear Dragons are, would their ability to manipulate dreams/nightmares be relatively unknown?

Sorry if I've been asking too much, I'm just wanting a lot of information before working on those Guard & First Dragon Omakes. I'll probably write Dinobot/Dyno first, though I have no particular order beyond that.

Oh, speaking of the Informationals: what about threamarking that Elemental Progress post? Having quick access to Spyro & Cynder's progress would be handy for future planning.
Avalar doesn't quite have elementals in the same way as other places. Avalar has elemental animals that more physical than elementals. I haven't really settled on anything for them aside from phoenixes, but typically think the upper-end of animals: raccoons, monkeys, and similar. Maybe not to the same extent as porpoises, orangutans, chimpanzees, and octupi. Again, not something I have nailed down details for yet.

If they're in the same room as each other, Umbra will pick up on it passively. Further than that and Umbra would have to be actively looking for him. Say... 10 feet passively and 50 feet actively?

Yeah manipulating dreams/nightmares is loosely enough connected to the element that even Timor is only just now touching on the fact he can do those things. Had Timor been further away from grandmastery I might not have told you about it at all. The more exotic parts of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are understood (mostly by scholars and the Guardians). Likewise some of the more exotic parts of Water and Wind have been known for a while, if not quite as understood as there have been far fewer grandmasters of those elements. Shadow, Poison, and Fear...? Umbra, Virii, and Timor are learning as they and only Malefor actually understood those three elements completely.

It's fine, just understand that I'm not nearly as active this weekend.

Info-marking elemental progress... That would mean updating it every turn. Uh... Maybe if I don't show the individual turn progress as having so many columns in a small table might cause problems. I could keep the total progress up to date?

Edit: Updated and info-marked.
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@Nianque: So in short, the exotic functions of Fire/Ice/Electricity/Earth are well known, the ones for Water/Wind aren't quite as known, and finally Shadow/Poison/Fear have been taken at face value.

Hmm... more elaboration on the Exotic functions would be nice, but for the most part I can manage. Really, what I'm most curious about is what Shadow's moon facet actually means.

Well that, and if making progress on an Exotic Facet lends bonuses to mastering overlapping Elements. Like does mastering Fire's smoke facet provide a bonus to Smoke training, does tapping into Earth's crystal facet make tapping into Ice's crystal facet easier, etc.

Regarding elemental animals: Maybe Shadow/Poison/Fear's artificial nature produced unusual elementals? That, or they were intelligent enough to deliberately avoid Malefor.

More specifically, it could of been evolution / natural selection. Thus why Elementals for other Nexuses aren't as intelligent, since Malefor didn't pay their Nexuses nearly the same focus.

I just know I'll figure something out. Mean, cats are actually a lot smarter than people give them credit, so I can always just base the Poison Elementals off the emotional/intellectual ability of cats.
@Nianque: So in short, the exotic functions of Fire/Ice/Electricity/Earth are well known, the ones for Water/Wind aren't quite as known, and finally Shadow/Poison/Fear have been taken at face value.

Hmm... more elaboration on the Exotic functions would be nice, but for the most part I can manage. Really, what I'm most curious about is what Shadow's moon facet actually means.

Well that, and if making progress on an Exotic Facet lends bonuses to mastering overlapping Elements. Like does mastering Fire's smoke facet provide a bonus to Smoke training, does tapping into Earth's crystal facet make tapping into Ice's crystal facet easier, etc.

Regarding elemental animals: Maybe Shadow/Poison/Fear's artificial nature produced unusual elementals? That, or they were intelligent enough to deliberately avoid Malefor.

More specifically, it could of been evolution / natural selection. Thus why Elementals for other Nexuses aren't as intelligent, since Malefor didn't pay their Nexuses nearly the same focus.

I just know I'll figure something out. Mean, cats are actually a lot smarter than people give them credit, so I can always just base the Poison Elementals off the emotional/intellectual ability of cats.
More ideas about the exotic facets of each element would definitely be appreciated. This isn't something I've spent a long time thinking about, so feel free to suggest stuff.

It'd count as normal training, but there'd be traits for learning different parts of the element. To truly master the element to it's fullest extent would pretty much consist of grandmaster in the element and then each part of the element. Then there's additional element-related traits which... The Guardians all due for some of those. In short you would need 1000+ years to truly learn everything one element has to offer. But those who manage it? That's like transcendent level stuff. If a purple dragon completely masters aether and manages the same immortality that Malefor had, they would have enough time to do it, otherwise it just ain't happening. Of course there's that one mahjarrat who is on his way to doing such a thing with Shadow... Also known as Sliske, Praefactus of the Zarosian secret police. Lyseera is very, very adamant that Sliske is both a big deal and completely unpredictable, she recommends staying really, really far away from him alongside Azzanadra and Temekel (though those two you could actually predict or befriend, Sliske not so much). In fact Runescape has an awesome questline dealing with Sliske and it's immensely enjoyable and shows you why Sliske competes on the same level as the gods (cunning, thy name is Sliske).

Well... I was kind aiming at the upper end of animal intelligence in general. But yeah, I'm fine with it.
Important People
Important People
Pontifex Maximus Azzanadra: Zarosian fanatic and Pontifex Maximus (High Priest). Rules the most powerful empire alongside the Praefactus and Legatus Maximus. Most powerful mahjarrat, using both his god's might and a grandmaster's understanding of Shadow, Smoke, Blood, and Ice to smite his foes.
Praefactus Sliske: Praefactus of the Zarosian secret police. Rules the Zarosian empire alonside the Pontifex Maximus and the Legatus Maximus. Most powerful shadow manipulator in known existence and according to Lyseera would give Zaros a run for his money if they were both restricted to just Shadow. Cunning to an absurd degree, insane, and very, very bored.
Praetor Trindine: Likely grandmaster in Shadow and shares a lot in common with her superior Sliske. One of a very small number of female mahjarrat left.
Praetor Kharshai: Perhaps the only likeable praetor in the entire empire. Very good at investigation.
Praetor Rahgustiv: Zarosian fanatic.
Pontifex Jhallan: Arrogant, egotistical, and weak in power. Likely only expert-level in Shadow, Smoke, Blood, and Ice.
Pontifex Mizzarch: Very weak by mahjarrat standards and will likely be sacrificed soon. Spends little time preaching and is in charge of civil engineering in the western half of the empire.
Pontifex Nabor: Runs the only known asylum for the insane. Hates Azzanadra and the feeling is mutual.
Pontifex Lamarinta: One of a very small number of female mahjarrat left.
Legatus Wahisietel: One of a small number of mahjarrat scholars. Would likely prefer to spend more time in search of knowledge as opposed to leading a legion.
Legatus Akthanakos: Bitter rivals with Enahkra and formerly trapped with her inside a desert temple. Spends a lot of time in the Kharidian Desert and has some fascination with the camel-like ugthanki.
Legatus Kolton: Was once a tribunus and later promoted to legatus. CONFIRMED DEAD
Legatus Lakosta: Was once a tribunus and later promoted to legatus. One of a very small number of female mahjarrat left.
Legatus Untrad: Was once a tribunus and later promoted to legatus.

Legatus Maximus Nex: Unknown species and appeared one day with Zaros after another of the god's mysterious absences. Nex is perhaps Zaros' most favored and likely more powerful than even Azzanadra. Assumed grandmaster in Shadow, Smoke, Blood, and Ice. He is Zamorak's successor to the position after the mahjarrat betrayed Zaros and ascended to god-hood. Currently trapped under the ice near Ghorrock.
Lucien: Most powerful out of the Zamorakian mahjarrat and an incredibly knowledgeable mage. Likely master in Shadow, Smoke, Blood, and Ice. PRESUMED DEAD
Zemourgal: One of the most powerful Zamorakian mahjarrat. Very powerful necromancer.
Hazeel: Actually from the Mahserrat tribe. Rules a fiefdom in Kandarin, mentor to Khazard.
Ralvash: Average in power.
Bilrach: Zamorakian fanatic. Average in power.
Enahkra: Zamorakian fanatic. Bitter rivals with Akthanakos and formerly trapped with him inside a desert temple. One of a very small number of female mahjarrat left. Currently imprisoned in the Kharidian Desert.
Lamistard: Tries to stay out of mahjarrat politics.
Khazard: Son of Palkeera (Deceased) and an unknown father. Rules a fiefdom in Kandarin, mentored by Hazeel. Powerful, but egotistical.

K'ril Tsutsaroth: A tsutsaroth demon and one of Zamorak's greatest generals. Currently trapped under the ice near Ghorrock.
Thammaron Tsutsaroth: A tsusaroth demon and one of Zamorak's generals, he excels at trickery. Captured Uzer by somehow appearing directly in the throneroom of the city.
Nymora and Avaryss: Zamorak's Furies, together they lead one of Zamorak's armies. They had another sister, but she was killed in a failed assault on Kharyll.
Agrith Naar: An alyaroth demon. Very powerful demon, even when compared to tsutsaroth demons.
Balfrug Kreeyath: An alyaroth demon. One of K'ril's lieutenants and currently trapped under the ice near Ghorrock with him.

Lord Lowerniel Drakan: Ruler of the Vampyres and of Morytania. Lead an army to capture the Icyene realm of Hallowvale, turning the formerly Saradominist province Zamorakian and somehow blotting out the sun over the entire region. One of the greatest Blood manipulators known.
Vanescula Drakan: Sister of Lowerniel Drakan. Jointly rules Meiyerditch with her brothers Draynor and Ranis.
Draynor Drakan: Brother of Lowerniel Drakan. Jointly rules Meiyerditch with his brother Ranis and sister Vanescula.
Ranis Drakan: Brother of Lowerniel Drakan. Jointly rules Meiyerditch with his brother Draynor and sister Vanescula.
Temekel: Leader of the Kharidian mahjarrat and formerly the most powerful. Was killed by Lucien and Bilrach during the 2nd age and has now returned through unknown means. Fanatic of Tumuken and the Menaphite Pantheon. Wants the traitor mahjarrat (all non-Kharidians) dead. Presumably grandmaster in Shadow, Smoke, Blood, and Ice.
Damarhiun: One of the very few who stayed loyal to the Kharidian Empire. Likely grandmaster in Blood.
Artifae: One of the very few who stayed loyal to the Kharidian Empire. Seems unusually difficult to kill and has risen from the 'dead' numerous times. One of a very small number of female mahjarrat left.
Najimas: One of the very few who stayed loyal to the Kharidian Empire. Fanatic of Tumuken and the Menaphite Pantheon. Seems blessed by Tumuken and it is as if he is calling upon the sun to smite his foes.
Ptelmos: Spends a lot of time in the Menaphos Grand Library and is considered one of the very few mahjarrat scholars.
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The Electric Guard: Dyno
@Nianque: Well, I intend for the Guards and First Dragons in my Omakes to touch upon the more exotic applications, so there's always that. Like the Fire Guard creating smokescreens, the Ice Guard being a living Attack Reflector, and the Wind Guard employing wind tunnels.

Though it'll take me a little while to make 12 different Omakes... Figures there's enough time before Turn 15, judging by the fact Rumor Mill hasn't gone up. So... Guess I'll try writing Drobot/Dyno's Omake now.

The Electric Guard: Dyno
Up in the sky is what appears to be a normal event: some dragon flying around, clearly experimenting with or training their ability to do so. Even the appearance of armor doesn't seem strange, given Warfang's 1st Flight will be getting new armor.

Yet... Dawn knew better, what with being one of Clarity's soldiers after all. It wasn't long ago that the order was sent out for Guards for "special VIPs" to be recruited, ideally being exceptional individuals.

So whereas some of her comrades immediately went beyond Warfang, Dawn spent the last few days gathering up information and checking the local population.

One thing led to another, and now she's here, watching a civilian dragon flying around in personally crafted armor. She wasn't really sure what he was trying to accomplish, but-

Seeing him dart forth with a sudden increase in speed, Dawn actually had to refocus. "Isn't he suppose to be an Electricity Dragon? Honestly, I would of assumed he was a Wind Dragon otherwise."

Watching him dart through the air with a speed and maneuverability normally befitting a Wind user, he finally approached the ground- and Dawn realized he wasn't even moving his wings.

Seeing him hover in place briefly before touching down, it was only then his wings began moving- with him clearly inspecting the armor. Seeing this as her chance, Dawn finally approached him.

"Hey, nice flying there, you a Wind Dragon?" Dawn knew he wasn't, but she wanted to see his reaction. Focusing as he turns to her, he seems surprised by her presence.

Yet, he seems calm, though that helmet makes him somewhat difficult to read. "Ah, no actually, my Element is Electricity." It was Dawn's turn to be surprised, having not expected his voice to be so deep and booming.

The other dragon didn't seem to notice, having stretched out a wing and pointed his head at it. "Electricity is actually quite fascinating, one can channel it through metal and manipulate it that way."

That gathers Dawn's focus, intrigued by the implication. "So he was using Electricity to move his armor? Ah, could he push others away if they wore armor too?"

"Right, did you want something?" Shaken from her thoughts, Dawn figured she should start explaining herself. "Not sure if you've heard, but Clarity is wanting to recruit skilled individuals to serve as guards for special VIPs."

Despite how deep his voice is, the other dragon sounds excited. "The Clarity? Though what brought about this need? More specifically... why are you telling me?"

Dawn considered what to say, she didn't want to upset him with how much she already knew... "Well, most Electricity Dragons I know don't fly like you, and manipulating metal with your Element seems like a rare skill from what I know."

There were a few moments as they silently watched each other, before he finally responds. "Thus I seem like a good candidate? What if I'm not interested in being a guard?"

Ah, Dawn was waiting for that actually... "No problem, I'll just leave. The position isn't really meant for those doing it on a whim, after all. We need dragons seriously devoted to helping others."

As he stood there in silence, Dawn decided to turn and start slowly walking off. If what his family said was true, then... Hearing a "Wait!", Dawn stopped as she looked back to him.

Watching him pull his helmet off, he had a rather serious expression. "If I succeed in becoming a guard, could I safely assume I'll have access to better resources?"

Intrigued somewhat by how his voice is so much softer, Dawn ignored it for now as she focused. "Possibly, ultimately Clarity would judge if you're qualified, so you'll have to take it up with her."

Seeing him glance back to his wing-armor, and then his helmet... Dawn could tell he was motivated by more than just materials, though she wasn't quite sure what was driving him.

"Spyro is actually my inspiration, when it came to experimenting with my Element." Confused, Dawn couldn't recall Spyro ever manipulating metal, though she figured she just didn't know.

"He has access to so many Elements as a Purple Dragon, and he was clearly strong enough to... well, save everything. Yet, I kept wondering 'what if he focused all that skill on just one Element'? So..."

Watching metal objects pop off his wing-armor, Dawn could see the objects floating unattached to anything. "I devoted myself to learning what my Element could really do. Yet I haven't been making much progress lately, so..."

Ah, of course... "Do you want to protect others? If you just want to get stronger or further your study, there are better ways. What's the point of a self-obsessed guard, right?"

The other dragon almost seemed offended, yet he stopped himself before getting carried away. Dawn watching as he puts his helmet back on, those metal objects attach back to his wings before answering.

"My name is Dyno, and helping is all I ever wanted." Dawn smiling a little at that, Dyno would ultimately have to do a lot more to impress Clarity... but Dawn has high hopes for him.

"Alright, if that's so... then follow me. I'm Dawn, by the way." Even with that helmet on, Dawn figured it must of been confusing to Dyno. After all, what kind of Shadow Dragon has that for a name?


I didn't really know if there was any particular vibe or length you wanted, so... sorry if this wasn't the best. I was kind of testing the waters too, and my idea for Dyno's Omake was simple enough.
are we an expert yet? or what does that mean there?

Edit: nevermind, I think I missunderstood.
No that's just me not updating something again. It's actually 1100 to reach master.
The Electric Guard: Dyno
Short omakes are perfectly fine as well. Though twelve omakes... That's quite a few. And yes, next turn will be a few days. I'd like to have the actual turn posted by Wednesday or Thursday.

I do quite like Dyno, just from that short piece you can really feel what he's actually like which tells me that you wrote him well. He seems like he'll get along quite well with both Volteer and Fulmen. Unconventional Electricity use is something those two would really, really like to see.
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@Nianque: Hey, if other people want to do Guard Omakes, they're more than welcome. Still don't have any solid Characterization Ideas for the Ice and Wind Guards, anyways.

I see the Fire Guard as someone who is the (adoptive) sister or daughter for an Umbra's Shadow, with said Shadow deliberately wanting her to master Fire's smoke facet.

My plans for the Earth Guard, admittedly, is currently uncertain. I'm still sticking to Dawn being the Shadow Guard, Zap being the Water Guard, Blackout's Friend being the Fear Guard, and First Poison also being Poison Guard.

Oh, speaking of Dyno, I had considered establishing his gadgeteer ways. Like he has prototype wing-blasters (more like focusers for Electricity) installed, as further sign he's focused on unlocking Electricity's true potential. They rely too much on brute-force currently, much to his displeasure.

Back to the Omake part: I could just leave Ice/Earth/Wind for someone else to write up. So that's just 5 Guard Omakes left, plus three for the Shadow/Fear/Poison First Dragons (well backstory omake for Poison).
Elemental Techniques
Fire-infusion teeth or claws
Fire-infusion lasts seconds
Fire breath
Minimal heat resistance
Apply minimal heat
Apply heat self

Fire-infusion a limb
Fire-infusion lasts half a minute
Low heat resistance
Fire wall
Apply low heat
Apply heat single target

Fire-infusion entire body
Fire-infusion lasts minutes
Medium heat resistance
Comet dash
Apply medium heat
Apply heat small area
Small heat empowerment
Illuminate single-target

Fire-infusion lasts an hour
High heat resistance
Fire meteor
Apply high heat
Apply heat large area
Large heat empowerment
Manipulate small amount of smoke
Illuminate small area
Small Solar Empowerment
Weak Desiccation

Fire-infusion lasts several hours to days
Extremely high heat resistance
Rain of fire meteors
Apply extreme heat
Apply heat massive area
Massive heat empowerment
Manipulate large amount of smoke
Illuminate large area
Large Solar Empowerment
Strong desiccation
Ice-infusion teeth or claws
Ice-infusion lasts seconds
Ice breath
Minimal cold resistance
Apply minimal cold
Apply cold self

Ice-infusion a limb
Ice-infusion lasts half a minute
Low cold resistance
Ice bomb
Apply low heat
Apply heat single target

Ice-infusion entire body
Ice-infusion lasts minutes
Medium cold resistance
Ice Storm
Ice wall
Light Hail
Apply medium cold
Apply cold small area
Small cold empowerment

Ice-infusion lasts an hour
High cold resistance
Ice comet
Heavy hail
Apply high cold
Apply cold large area
Large cold empowerment
Manipulate small amount of glass
Weak reflection
Reflect energy
Small-term crystal-stasis

Ice-infusion lasts several hours to days
Extremely high cold resistance
Rain of ice comets
Apply extreme cold
Apply cold massive area
Massive cold empowerment
Manipulate large amount of glass
Strong reflection
Reflect matter
Long-term crystal-stasis
Electricity-infusion teeth or claws
Electricity-infusion lasts seconds
Electric stream
Electric arc
Generate 120 volts
Redirect 10 amps
Control 1 amp
Minimal electric resistance

Electricity-infusion a limb
Electricity-infusion lasts half a minute
Electric orb
Low electricity resistance
Generate 500 volts
Redirect 100 amps
Control 10 amps

Electricity-infusion entire body
Electricity-infusion lasts minutes
Electric twister
Medium electricity resistance
Generate 1,000 volts
Redirect 500 amps
Control 100 amps
Small reflexes boost
Small speed boost
Weak magnetism

Electricity-infusion lasts an hour
Electric tornado
High electricity resistance
Generate 5,000 volts
Redirect 1,000 amps
Control 500 amps
Large reflexes boost
Large speed boost
Medium magnetism
Illuminate small area
Create small plasma
Redirect small energy

Electricity-infusion lasts several hours to days
Electricity saturated field
Extremely high electricity resistance
Generate 10,000 volts
Redirect 10,000-100,000 amps (lightning)
Control 1,000 amps
Massive reflexes boost
Massive speed boost
Strong magnetism
Illuminate large area
Create large plasma
Redirect large energy
Earth-infusion teeth or claws
Earth-infusion lasts seconds
Earth shot
Earth bomb
Manipulate small rock
Earthquake Magnitude 4

Earth-infusion a limb
Earth-infusion lasts half a minute
Earth flail
Earthquake Magnitude 5
Rock Armor
Manipulate large rock
Manipulate small metal

Earth-infusion entire body
Earth-infusion lasts minutes
Earth boulder
Earthquake Magnitude 6
Iron armor
Small strength boost
Small defense boost
Withstand High pressure
Manipulate massive rock
Manipulate large metal
Manipulate small crystals/gems

Earth-infusion lasts an hour
Steel armor
Earthquake Magnitude 7
Boulder fall
Large strength boost
Large defense boost
Withstand High pressure
Manipulate massive metal
Manipulate large crystals/gems
Lightly amplify crystal and/or gem properties

Earth-infusion lasts several hours to days
Adamant armor
Earthquake Magnitude 8
Boulder rain
Massive strength boost
Massive defense boost
Withstand High pressure
Manipulate small solids
Manipulate massive crystals/gems
Majorly amplify crystal and/or gem properties
Water-infusion teeth or claws
Water-infusion lasts seconds
Water shot
Submerge minutes
Minimal water pressure
Withstand minimal pressure

Water -infusion a limb
Water-infusion lasts half a minute
Water beam
Small tidal wave
Submerge hours
Low water pressure
Withstand low pressure

Water-infusion entire body
Water-infusion lasts minutes
Climb small waterfall
Create small whirlpool
Large tidal wave
Light rain
Submerge days
Medium water pressure
Withstand medium pressure
Cleanse small
Weak cleanse
Weak desiccation

Water-infusion lasts an hour
Climb large waterfall
Create large whirlpool
Small tsunami
Heavy rain
Submerge weeks
High water pressure
Withstand high pressure
Cleanse large
Medium cleanse
Medium desiccation
Control small liquids

Water-infusion lasts several hours to days
Climb massive waterfall
Create massive whirlpool
Large tsunami
Submerge indefinitely
Extremely high water pressure
Withstand extremely high pressure
Cleanse massive
Strong cleanse
Strong desiccation
Control large liquids
Wind-infusion teeth or claws
Wind-infusion lasts seconds
Control winds 20mph
Very weak wind blades

Wind-infusion a limb
Wind-infusion lasts half a minute
Control winds 35mph
Weak wind blades
Very Weak Shattering Scream
Small cyclone

Wind-infusion entire body
Wind-infusion lasts minutes
Medium wind blades
Weak Shattering Scream
Large cyclone
Small tornado
Weak cyclone armor
Control winds 55mph
Small flight speed boost
Small agility boost
Withstand Low pressure

Wind-infusion lasts an hour
Strong wind blades
Medium Shattering Scream
Massive cyclone
Large tornado
Medium cyclone armor
Control winds 70mph
Large flight speed boost
Large agility boost
Withstand Medium pressure
Small gas control
Create small vacuum
Very Weak Sound Scream

Wind-infusion lasts several hours to days
Extremely strong wind blades
Strong Shattering Scream
Massive tornado
Create hurricane
Strong cyclone armor
Control winds 100+mph
Massive flight speed boost
Massive agility boost
Withstand High pressure
Large gas control
Create large vacuum
Hiding in shadows
Disorient targets
Shadow-infusion teeth or claws
Shadow-infusion lasts seconds
Minimal shadow empowerment

Limited movement through shadows
Single target sound-nullification
Single target sight-nullification
Shadow-infusion a limb
Shadow-infusion lasts half a minute
Shadow strike
Low shadow empowerment

Shadow-infusion entire body
Shadow-infusion lasts minutes
Short distance shadow travel
Limited shadow travel
Small area sound-nullification
Small area sight-nullification
Single target scent-nullification
Single target touch-nullification
Medium shadow empowerment
Single target sleep

Shadow-infusion lasts an hour
Partial body phasing
Unrestricted shadow travel
Large area sound-nullification
Large area sight-nullification
Large area scent-nullification
Large area touch-nullification
Single target total senses-nullification
High shadow empowerment
Small area sleep
Small Lunar Empowerment

Shadow-infusion lasts several hours to days
Full body phasing
Long distance shadow travel
Large area total senses-nullification
Extremely high shadow empowerment
Large area sleep
Large Lunar Empowerment
Poison-infusion teeth or claws
Poison-infusion lasts seconds
Identify very weak poisons/venoms/toxins
Very weak poison/venom/toxin
Poison shot

Poison-infusion a limb
Poison-infusion lasts half a minute
Identify weak poisons/venoms/toxins and very weak acids/bases
Weak poison/venom/toxin
Very weak acid/base
Weak cure
Poison Injection
Acid bomb

Poison-infusion entire body
Poison-infusion lasts minutes
Identify medium poisons/venoms/toxins, weak acids/bases, and weak sickness
Medium poison/venom/toxin
Weak acid/base
Medium cure
Induce weak sickness
Induce weak corrosion
Scorpion Strike

Poison-infusion lasts an hour
Identify strong poisons/venoms/toxins, medium acids/bases, medium sickness, and weak disease
Strong poison/venom/toxin
Medium acid/base
Strong cure
Induce medium sickness
Create disease
Induce medium corrosion
Induce weak decay
Decay small area

Poison-infusion lasts several hours to days
Identify all poisons, venoms, toxins, acids, bases, sicknesses, diseases
Extremely strong poison/venom/toxin
Strong acid/base
Extremely strong cure
Induce strong sickness
Create virulent disease
Prion diseases
Induce strong corrosion
Induce strong decay
Decay large area
Fear-infusion teeth or claws
Fear-infusion lasts seconds
Induce very weak fear/terror
Single target fear/terror

Fear-infusion a limb
Fear-infusion lasts half a minute
Induce weak fear/terror
Induce weak courage
Small area fear/terror
Single target courage
Siren Scream

Fear-infusion entire body
Fear-infusion lasts minutes
Induce medium fear/terror
Induce medium courage
Medium area fear/terror
Small area courage
Fortify weak willpower
Induce weak panic
Phantom Fright
Create single illusion

Fear-infusion lasts an hour
Induce strong fear/terror
Induce strong courage
Large area fear/terror
Medium area courage
Fortify medium willpower
Induce medium panic
Create small illusion
Induce weak nightmare

Fear-infusion lasts several hours to days
Induce extremely strong fear/terror
Induce extremely strong courage
Massive area fear/terror
Large area courage
Fortify strong willpower
Induce strong panic
Create large illusion
Induce strong nightmare
Minor Elemental Power Increase
Life or Death Aether Usage (enhancement, attacks, or healing)
Minor Aether Power
Aether Fury

Lesser Elemental Power Increase
Lesser Aether Power
Minor Aether Enhancement
Aether Breath
Aether Beam (Fury)

Medium Elemental Power Increase
Medium Aether Power
Lesser Aether Enhancement
Cleanse Corruption
Aether Beam (At Will)
Minor Aether Form (Fury)

Greater Elemental Power Increase
Greater Aether Power
Medium Aether Enhancement
Aether Shield
Lesser Aether Form
Minor Dragon Time
Minor Portals
Elemental Gift (Hard)
Elemental Theft (Hard)
Create Element (Incredibly Hard)

Major Elemental Power Increase
Major Aether Power
Greater Aether Enhancement
Greater Aether Form
Lesser Dragon Time
Lesser Portals
Elemental Gift (Moderate)
Elemental Thief (Moderate)
Create Element (Hard)
Influence Element (Hard)

Very Weak Gas Resistance
Single Target Poison
Very Weak Poison
Obscure Self
30 Second Lingering Clouds

Weak Gas Resistance
Very Weak Heat Resistance
Very Weak Poison Resistance
Small Area Poison
Weak Poison
Obscure Small Area
5 Minute Lingering Clouds
Poisonous Gas

Medium Gas Resistance
Weak Heat Resistance
Weak Poison Resistance
Medium Area Poison
Medium Poison
Obscure Medium Area
5 Hour Lingering Clouds
Very Weak Contaminate

Strong Gas Resistance
Medium Heat Resistance
Medium Poison Resistance
Strong Area Poison
Strong Poison
Obscure Large Area
1 Day Lingering Clouds
Very Weak Radioactive Gases
Weak Contaminate

Very Strong Gas Resistance
Strong Heat Resistance
Strong Poison Resistance
Very Strong Area Poison
Very Strong Poison
Obscure Very Large Area
1 Week Lingering Clouds
Weak Radioactive Gases
Medium Contaminate
5 Second Smoke Form
Minor Blood Empowerment
Very Weak Life Steal
Very Weak Blood Siphon
Single Target Drain/Transfer

Lesser Blood Empowerment
Weak Life Steal
Weak Blood Siphon
Small Area Drain/Transfer
Very Weak Health Transfer

Medium Blood Empowerment
Medium Life Steal
Medium Blood Siphon
Medium Area Drain/Transfer
Weak Health Transfer
Very Weak Blood Sacrifice (Self)
Blood Control (Small Animal)

Greater Blood Empowerment
Strong Life Steal
Strong Blood Siphon
Large Area Drain/Transfer
Medium Health Transfer
Weak Blood Sacrifice (Self)
Very Weak Blood Sacrifice (Target)
Blood Control (Large Animal)
Control Small Group
Create Minor Blood Golem

Major Blood Empowerment
Very Strong Life Steal
Very Strong Blood Siphon
Massive Area Drain/Transfer
Strong Health Transfer
Medium Blood Sacrifice (Self)
Weak Blood Sacrifice (Target)
Blood Control (Sapient)
Control Large Group
Create Lesser Blood Golem
Create Multiple Golems
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Not quite techniques, but I'm not sure what else to call it. Should give you all a rough idea of how the elements work at different skill levels.
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Hmm... puts things into perspective in regards to our priorities.
Lightning isn't of as much use as it could be, since Avalar doesn't have much electrical-based technology.
We'll likely train Earth or Ice of the pillar elements to Grandmaster first instead, not to mention that fucking HUGE utility for Fear and Shadow - Stealth is a supreme tactic, for if your stealth is unbroken, your enemy cannot directly attack you.
Poison seems to be of minimal non-combat/non-destructive uses, since the only things it has that isn't harmful to something or someone is it's supreme ability of knowing all bases to counter Acids and the knowledge of all Anti-Dotes (or at least treatments for poison) with the knowledge of all poisons.
Water seems interesting, I assume that the "Cleanse" under Water was meant as "Cleanse Water".
I'd actually argue Lightning is of massive usefulness, because while we may not need the actual electricity portion, Speed is second only to stealth in combat. The ability to strike first, repeatedly, and avoid incoming attacks is not a small thing, and that seems to be a passive effect.
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Water seems interesting, I assume that the "Cleanse" under Water was meant as "Cleanse Water".
I left the cleanse aspect of water intentionally vague, because I myself was not sure what to do with it. Water has a cleansing part to it, but... I wasn't sure how to express that. Though yes, water dragons can purify water quite easily. In fact high level water dragons can counter lower level poison dragons pretty effectively due to 'washing away' poisons, acids, bases, disease, ect.

The big thing to take away from this however is that all nine of the guardians could utterly destroy cities and in most cases the entire area around the city. Virii is a walking extinction-level event if she took the time to learn the more disease-focused parts of her element.
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The big thing to take away from this however is that all nine of the guardians could utterly destroy cities and in most cases the entire area around the city. Virii is a walking extinction-level event if she took the time to learn the more disease-focused parts of her element.
Mhm. That's why they are "Guardians" - they watch over their element and make sure it's not being used for ill like how you described.
Power unrestrained is always a risk, such is why the Guardians have their duties.
Mhm. That's why they are "Guardians" - they watch over their element and make sure it's not being used for ill like how you described.
Power unrestrained is always a risk, such is why the Guardians have their duties.
Yep. Also helps demonstrate how dangerous other grandmasters are, let alone paragons above them. *cough*Mahjarrat*cough* Almost all the mahjarrat are about 4000 years old by this point and at the low end are equivalent to Spyro when the quest started. At the high end they give gods a run for their money, though that's only Azzanadra, Temekel, and Sliske who can fight the gods on even ground.

Thank you Runescape for giving me such a lovely overpowered race to work with :p
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Yep. Also helps demonstrate how dangerous other grandmasters are, let alone paragons above them. *cough*Mahjarrat*cough* Almost all the mahjarrat are about 6000 years old by this point and at the low end are equivalent to Spyro when the quest started. At the high end they give gods a run for their money, though that's only Azzanadra, Temekel, and Sliske who can fight the gods on even ground.
A problem, but mountains are known for being difficult to surmount but possible to conquer.
Added a few things to poison and water to make it clear that they are the 'healer's' elements. Also added hysteria to Fear to better show how a fear grandmaster could turn a city against itself.
@Nianque: Okay, so I got the rough idea for the Fire Guard omake more-or-less figured out. It involves Dawn being brought to the prospective Fire Guard (Inferni), by the Umbra's Shadow raising Inferni.

However, the idea for Inferni is that she uses Fire's smoke facet, particularly for stealth/combat-pragmatism reasons. Would it be possible for her to create smokescreens and generate smoke over her body?

I'm thinking she has little ability to manipulate the smoke after generating it. So she could spit out fireballs that burst into a cloud of smoke, but couldn't actually shape it. Even her "Smoke Shroud" is more about obscuring her precise movements and getting it in people's eyes.

Oh, I would actually like clarifications for what Electricity & Water could do together (besides electrified water attacks). Huh, actually... given how rare it is for Dragons to have multiple Elements, the synergistic effects known would be from multiple Dragons cooperating.

Hmm... the main reason I want Zap to have his multi-connection is to give in-universe proof that people can gain Elemental connections. Then there's Dyno, whose whole thing is wanting to unlock Electricity's "true potential".

So... what if Zap managed to touch upon new synergistic effects between Water & Electricity? Given he's elementally stunted, it makes sense he would explore & refine how he could use them together after hitting his limit on individual progression.

Regarding the Fear Guard... given the main idea is that she's initially oblivious to her true nature and is friends with Blackout, she's meant to be rather skilled with the dream-related aspects.

Given her unusual situation (being a clueless Fear Dragon learning alongside the First Fear Dragon), it makes sense she'll be especially skilled with the illusions & nightmare aspects. Throw in willpower/courage...

You get a Dragoness who, due to living with a nomadic Wind Dragon group, has traveled all around Avalar helping people resolve their fears and anxieties.
@Nianque: Okay, so I got the rough idea for the Fire Guard omake more-or-less figured out. It involves Dawn being brought to the prospective Fire Guard (Inferni), by the Umbra's Shadow raising Inferni.

However, the idea for Inferni is that she uses Fire's smoke facet, particularly for stealth/combat-pragmatism reasons. Would it be possible for her to create smokescreens and generate smoke over her body?

I'm thinking she has little ability to manipulate the smoke after generating it. So she could spit out fireballs that burst into a cloud of smoke, but couldn't actually shape it. Even her "Smoke Shroud" is more about obscuring her precise movements and getting it in people's eyes.

Oh, I would actually like clarifications for what Electricity & Water could do together (besides electrified water attacks). Huh, actually... given how rare it is for Dragons to have multiple Elements, the synergistic effects known would be from multiple Dragons cooperating.

Hmm... the main reason I want Zap to have his multi-connection is to give in-universe proof that people can gain Elemental connections. Then there's Dyno, whose whole thing is wanting to unlock Electricity's "true potential".

So... what if Zap managed to touch upon new synergistic effects between Water & Electricity? Given he's elementally stunted, it makes sense he would explore & refine how he could use them together after hitting his limit on individual progression.

Regarding the Fear Guard... given the main idea is that she's initially oblivious to her true nature and is friends with Blackout, she's meant to be rather skilled with the dream-related aspects.

Given her unusual situation (being a clueless Fear Dragon learning alongside the First Fear Dragon), it makes sense she'll be especially skilled with the illusions & nightmare aspects. Throw in willpower/courage...

You get a Dragoness who, due to living with a nomadic Wind Dragon group, has traveled all around Avalar helping people resolve their fears and anxieties.
Yeah, simple smoke stuff is do-able. The truly powerful stuff you would need the actual smoke element for. Smoke (the element) is kind of a heated poisonous air element that is a mix of Fire, Wind, and Poison. Lyseera could use it to drown the city in a persistent super-hot toxic cloud that resists attempts to clear it away.

Combinations of elements either come from purple dragons (of which only two are known) or teams of dragons working together. One dragon using more than one element is absurdly rare and thus techniques revolving specific combinations are unknown. That said, feel free to fall back on electrified water, moving water conduits of electricity (Naruto's Storm combination element), and other fun stuff like creating electrified whirlpools. If Zap gets good enough then he'd be able to make electric rain that electrifies everything it touches and create a terrain effect that would greatly harm/inconvenience anyone except him (save Spyro and Cynder with the appropriate elements) and would be able to enhance himself when he's inside of it. Mostly it would be electrified water attacks, though if you figure out cool techniques, please share them.

Speculation suggests that with enough time and effort, Zap could theoretically combine his two elements together completely and invent an entirely new element. Which would be restricted to himself, unless Spyro or Cynder got involved.

Hmm. Nomadic wind dragon group could work, but there would be some rumors about the other elements. Thus she might have heard bit and pieces concerning Fear, but not actually put the pieces together.

I hope my ramblings weren't too bad :p