[X] Plan Friendship Makes The Dream Work
-[X] Education (9): While Warfang currently boasts an outstanding level of education, the other parts of the kingdom are not so fortunate. Focus on making sure everyone in the kingdom is well educated.
--[X] Timor
-[X] Education (9): While Warfang currently boasts an outstanding level of education, the other parts of the kingdom are not so fortunate. Focus on making sure everyone in the kingdom is well educated.
--[X] Phydra
Full focus on Education because having our citizens be more informed will help prevent discrimination. Discrimination relies a lot on people being ignorant, and the update said Internal Ties should be developing naturally.
The Second Flight: Now that the population of Warfang has grown and she has a reliable source of recruits, Clarity feels that it is time to train a second flight of soldiers. Unfortunately this second flight will be just as expensive and time-consuming as the last as has to ensure they are up to her new standards which have grown quite high after the first major battle. A second flight will enable her to use one for defense and the other for campaigns away from Avalar. Now that the 1st Army of Avalar has been formed, the dragons who Clarity will be using to form the second flight have already received a significant amount of training.
Cost: 100 Gold. 150 Gold per year. Time: 1 year. Reward: A second flight of dragon soldiers.
--[X] Argent
Mainly because it provides an 1-turn boost to Warfang's defensive/offensive potential, whereas everything else either takes multiple turns or only affects limited targets. Not sure why we have "Make 2nd Flight's armor" when we don't have them yet.
-[X] Deeper Ties (Poison Dragons): According to Ventis it would a good idea to deepen the ties with not just the other parts of the kingdom, but also other kingdoms and peoples. At the moment Ventis would prefer to bring the peoples of the new kingdom closer together.
Chance of Success: Various. Cost: 50 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Increase closeness and opinion with chosen group.
--[X] Zephyr
I feel putting effort into developing positive reputation for Poison Dragons would help a lot. Hard to discriminate against someone with majority support from society.
-[X] Diplomatic Negotiations (Lunar Clan and Protection): Ventis has offered to enter talks with one of the other races or groups. Several of the known races have knowledge or services that dragons do not and the Wind dragon is willing to see if he can negotiate a deal of some kind. There are many groups that could be negotiated with, though not all would be easy. Ventis would also like to see if he can negotiate the admittance of other peoples into the kingdom, both on and off of Avalar.
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Negotiations for goods, services, knowledge or other information.
--[X] Ventis
Because yeah, let's save them before they get ganged up on and murdered. Plus, their magical proficiency would be very helpful, and hopefully enlightens us IC to more of their realm's Elements.
-[X] Persons of Interest (Lyseera): With the help of his intelligence network, Umbra has offered to build a profile on notable individuals to assist in diplomacy or intrigue. Gathering this information will depend on how friendly you are with them and thus trying to ascertain information on the leader of a hostile or unknown power would be extremely difficult and unlikely to gather much usable information. Lyseera's assistance has made the prospect of researching individual mahjarrat a significantly easier affair.
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Character sheet for given character.
--[X] Cyril
Mostly because getting Lyseera as a Hero Unit would be greatly helpful for Smoke & Blood related actions. So yeah, securing her loyalty would be really valuable.
-[X] Rebuilding the Undercity (Stewardship): Now that the moles have decided to rebuild the undecity of Warfang, Ventis and Glacies have decided it would help heal any developing rifts between the two peoples. As the moles greatly aided the dragons of Warfang in construction, it is the opinion of Ventis that the same should be reciprocated back. This will be a very time intensive project, but once done will give the moles a place unto themselves and earn their complete gratitude.
Cost: 1905 gold. Time: 4 years. Reward: Undercity reconstructed, tensions between dragons and moles healed, the gratitude of the moles.
They have been our most important ally, and we really need their "Reduces Time & Cost" action. Presumably they could provide some support to keeping the Element Temples later, at least with the mundane stuff.
Consequences for House Temero: House Temero is the noble house that encouraged one of their more skilled members to craft several devastating plagues to 'cleanse the city'. It is Glacies' opinion that both of the diseases that had to be cured were a collaboration work across the entire clan. Thus Glacies seeks to pin the blame solely where it belongs and prevent a return to the ostracisation of the Poison element.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: House Temero and the Nobility take a reputation hit. Poison dragons are not blamed for the recent wave of sickness.
--[X] Glacies
They have to be dealt with, not only to protect the rep of Poison Dragons but also to provide our first Major Display of the Criminal Punishment system. Show our people we're not joking around.
Study Element (Earth): With the reports back from the Guardians and their trips to the elemental nexuses, Therris would like permission to delve into the more material side of each element. For example the strange sight of electricity flowing through the ground at Sky's Conduit has made the researcher question whether a more physical use of the element could be identified. Further the elements of earth and poison have a great many varied compounds that could prove interesting such as the metal titanium or the neural toxin that a frog of all things afflicted a poison dragon with. To start with Therris recommends that he does a comprehensive in order to catalogue everything related to the element in question.
Chance of Success: 60% (increased by studying the respective element). Cost: 100 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Increased knowledge of the chosen element's interactions with the physical world, new actions unlocked.
--[X] Therris
---[X] Double Down
With Therris' Learning (22), Double Down (20), and Earth Master (???) this becomes a guaranteed success. Yet I'm hoping that if we do
really well we could finish this early. Plus superior understanding of Earth would be invaluable for construction work.
-[X] Thinking with Portals Part 1 Enchantments: With the knowledge of portals between worlds or into and out of Convexity, Therris thinks it possible to link together much more mundane areas such as Warfang to the cheetah village, or a far reaching enclave. This will be a very long and involved process that Therris admits will most likely take a very long time to get right. In fact such an undertaking will be so difficult and tedious that he has split it into three different parts, enchantments, the connection with aether, and combining the knowledge.
Chance of Success: 25%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments for portals.
--[X] Volteer
Having access to Portals would greatly change things, and logically should allow for significantly more progress as a society. Being able to quickly reach the Nexuses, valuable mining spots, or even just connecting all the settlements.
-[X]Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 1000. Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Argent/Phydra/Zephyr/Virii/Timor gain Earth/Water/Wind/Poison/Fear Grandmaster.
-[X] Temple Acolytes: Before the war the Dragon Temple had been home to dozens of scholars studying the elements in the hopes of uncovering more of their mysteries. The temple would take in orphaned eggs and raise them in the temple as acolytes. From these acolytes the Guardians would often select their apprentices. Cyril and Pyra would like to return to this practice, insisting that having multiple acolytes will make research on the elements easier as they will have multiple assistants to spread the load around. On the downside, the Guardians will spend less time looking for noteworthy drakes to take on as apprentices outside of the acolytes.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 200 gold. 50 gold per year in upkeep. Reward: +10 to elemental research actions, eggs will once more be found and brought to the temple to be raised as acolytes. Less time looking for apprentices.
--[X] Pyra
Honestly, this is just to make Study and Research Element actions more likely to produce better results. With a lower requirement to meet, our successes would therefore be better by 10 points.
-[X] Either - Thinking with Portals Part 2 Aether: In order to make portals a reality, Therris has determined that the connection between portals and aether must be figured out. This means that Spyro and/or Cynder will have to touch the one thing that truly scares them. Just as aether can be a tremendous force for good, so too can it be a catastrophic force of destruction. Despite this concern, both dragons are willing to admit that being able to create portals would a massive help and that it should not be too dangerous, so long as they avoid overreaching themselves.
Chance of Success: 30%(50% with both dragons). Time: 2 years. Notes: Can double up Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: Aether connection to portals unraveled.
Again, unlocking Portals would be a huge gamechanger. We can always get Shadow Skilled & Shadow Master next turn.
-[X] Personal Attention (Spyro) (Research (Earth) (Avalar): Now that the governing district has been completed, Spyro finds himself having enough time to take on a project himself. With the kingdom as inundated in possible projects as it is, he and Cynder have agreed to set aside time for overseeing them.
Reward: Action from another category taken as a personal action.
Mostly for the synergy with Study Earth, and because Spyro should give a higher bonus (since he and Argent are both Earth Masters). That, and hopefully Research Element would improve mastery with it.
-[X] Cynder - Mastering the Elements (Electricity): While Cynder can be considered an expert in using the elements, she could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with the temple restored and the new initiates trained, it will be considerably easier to train the elements.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 100 (Fire, Ice, Electricity, Earth, Water), 500 (Wind/Shadow/Poison/Fear), 1000 (Wind). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.
Because she's literally one point off, and hopefully it'll improve the roll some for Portals (since Elemental Mastery makes using Aether easier).
@Nianque: Oh hey, for future consideration, but is "Create Hybrid Element" an option available yet for Spyro & Cynder? Cause having a Light Element (Fire + Electricity) or Gas Element (Wind + Poison) would be valuable for research.
Actually, do you already have plans for the various Element Combinations? Crystal (Ice + Earth) and Explosions (Fire + Wind) would be really great for defense & offense.
Yet stuff involving Shadow and Fear is leaving me a bit stumped. Mean, Shadow + Fear could give a Mental-related Element (Shadow's sleep facet and Fear's everything).
I'm also questioning what Fire + Ice would do. Like, does that mean Spyro could supercharge his progress with Water? It being the Steam Element begs the question of what Fire + Water would be.
Wind + Water equaling Snow or Mist also seems an odd choice. I suppose Electricity + Earth could give a Metal Element, which might double as an Magnetism Element.
Fear + Poison sounds like it'll just be the Trauma Element, though... given the positive aspects for both, maybe Fear + Poison would actually let us heal psychological issues?