Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

@Nianque: I've been mulling over Venenum's omake, but wanted to check with you regarding the general idea. Okay, so overall she's essentially dragon Tarzan, being raised in a wild environment by intelligent beings that she's different from.

I was thinking the first segment covered her being discovered by the Basilisks, with one wary because she's a dragon yet the other thinking it'll be fine since Venenum "smells" a lot like them.

The second segment I imagined being a scene from her (younger) youth, with her being warned not to leave the Nexus because of the monsters (aka Dragons) out there.

The next segment would be her witnessing Virii's expedition, and working up the nerve to finally leave the Nexus so she could meet with the others like her.

From there, the segments consist of her getting used to the research settlement and eventually the encounter with Dawn to be recruited. Oh, and something else I considered...

Since "Healer" is a common approach for Poison Dragons, do most of them rely purely on Elemental prowess or do they supplement it with Enchantments & mundane medical knowledge?

I was thinking for Venenum, she would be using purely her Element. So quality to make up for her lack of unconventional techniques, though I guess "Understands Poison Elementals" does open unique doors with her.
The biggest problem I see here, is how she learns to speak 'Common' like everyone else. Everything else is fine.

Most of them are not skilled enough with their element and supplement it with enchantments, anatomy, herbs, and a very rudimentary 'healing magic'. There is some extremely basic magic on Avalar that is not elemental. The problem is that it is very, very limited and not of much use. In fact it's pretty much useless unless you supplement it with other things. Closing a small cut with 'healing magic' is possible, but if you want to do anything bigger than that, good luck.

The collars that bound Spyro and Cynder together during DotD were a mix of non-elemental magic, enchantments, and aether. From what Spyro has figured out, the aether that helped to form those collars is why he and Cynder have such an extremely powerful spiritual bond between them. Its also why neither the Guardians or the moles had ever seen such magic before.
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@Nianque: I actually figured her ability to speak "Common" is still a work in progress, but serviceable enough with the education the Poison Research Settlement gave her. Understanding-wise, I think she manages partially by reapplying or drawing parallels to what the Basilisks taught her.

Back to her ability-set... would it be impressive for a Poison Dragon to save someone seemingly doomed, using pure Elemental power? I was thinking she would unwittingly gain the Researchers' favor that way.

Oh, something I've actually been meaning to ask for awhile: can Dragons survive off of raw Elemental energy, or at the very least eat their Element? I was thinking Venenum would just casually plop the ball of extracted poison into her mouth, eating it without any ill effects.
@Nianque: I actually figured her ability to speak "Common" is still a work in progress, but serviceable enough with the education the Poison Research Settlement gave her. Understanding-wise, I think she manages partially by reapplying or drawing parallels to what the Basilisks taught her.

Back to her ability-set... would it be impressive for a Poison Dragon to save someone seemingly doomed, using pure Elemental power? I was thinking she would unwittingly gain the Researchers' favor that way.

Oh, something I've actually been meaning to ask for awhile: can Dragons survive off of raw Elemental energy, or at the very least eat their Element? I was thinking Venenum would just casually plop the ball of extracted poison into her mouth, eating it without any ill effects.
That's fair. Just keep in mind 'Common' and the Poison language are so radically different that there are very few commonalities.

Yes, but it depends. Saving someone who just had a limb cut off is far outside of a Poison dragon's capabilities unless they were heavily spec'd into virus engineering or something similarly unbelievably difficult (not something even Virii has the slightest idea is even possible). Treating a cold or the flu is incredibly simple for a dragon of this power and would not be that notable. Now treating a genetic disease would be difficult enough to be notable, though completely curing it is far more questionable unless the dragon in question has focused on that all of their life.

They still need meat as they are physical beings, the elementals could manage such a thing though. Eating a glob of poison to no ill effects would be possible for masters and grandmasters theoretically.
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@Nianque: Hmm... would First Dragons be any different when it comes to Elemental energy as sustenance? Cause that alters a lot regarding my plans for Blackout, with him being a "Spirit Dream Eater" (oblivious to his real nature as a physical being) to contrast the Dark Stygian being "Nightmare Dream Eaters".

Back to Venenum, the idea is she's the First Poison Dragon with a specialty in "Healing" (aka manipulation). So she would be really great at removing/diminishing/etc her Element to help people, but has little progress on actually generating her Element.

I also figured the Researchers had to teach Venenum how to properly recognize the types of poisons/etc, with her otherwise just identifying their presence and shrugging off the need for distinguishing between them.
@Nianque: Hmm... would First Dragons be any different when it comes to Elemental energy as sustenance? Cause that alters a lot regarding my plans for Blackout, with him being a "Spirit Dream Eater" (oblivious to his real nature as a physical being) to contrast the Dark Stygian being "Nightmare Dream Eaters".

Back to Venenum, the idea is she's the First Poison Dragon with a specialty in "Healing" (aka manipulation). So she would be really great at removing/diminishing/etc her Element to help people, but has little progress on actually generating her Element.

I also figured the Researchers had to teach Venenum how to properly recognize the types of poisons/etc, with her otherwise just identifying their presence and shrugging off the need for distinguishing between them.
Not nearly as much. They are about halfway between dragons and elementqls in a lot of regards. Hmm... I could see it working if his physical body was in some kind of stasis. Upon waking up he would start needing actual food however.

The 'first dragons' would be natural savants regardless of specializing in a single aspect of their element. She would be picking stuff up extremely fast.

She would be familiar with the effects of the natural poisons and acids found in and near the nexus
@Nianque: My idea is that Blackout's egg was sealed within the Fear Nexus, so that nobody could rescue the egg to hatch him. Thus why he's been exploring and navigating the collective subconscious/dreamscape since he hatched.

Similarly, I could see First Shadow being sealed within the shadows to minimize the individuals who could free her. Thus explaining her predisposition to shadow-traveling and interest in "uplifting" the Shadow Elementals.

Regarding power... Hmm, guess what I really mean is that I see Venenum (and the others) as both Weak but Skilled and Unskilled but Strong. Specifically, that they're really good on what they actually focused on but for everything else their skill is very raw.

So for example, Blackout is great at weaving happy dreams but hasn't bothered to master causing fear. Whereas First Shadow actively avoids combat, so when forced to fight she's basically throwing around raw bolts of shadow.

Thus for Venenum, the idea is simply that she never had need to generate poison/etc before. I figured the Researchers didn't mind, since they could just create substances for her to manipulate.
That all sounds good. Though one thing to think about is that perhaps they Blackout never actually hatched and hasn't aged at all physically, while mentally he is much olded.
That all sounds good. Though one thing to think about is that perhaps they Blackout never actually hatched and hasn't aged at all physically, while mentally he is much olded.

Hmm... I was thinking Blackout/Nim would be an eventual couple, and it'll definitely be odd seeing a hatchling display ridiculous levels of Fear mastery. Though, I'm also liking the idea "Blackout" is actually an abnormally powerful Fear Elemental/Dream Shadow controlled by him...

Well, I was planning on his omake after Venenum/Dawn/Ice Guard, so I've got plenty of time. So one hand, Blackout has physically developed within the dreamscape making him the number one expert...

Or he's living proof of heroic Dream Shadows being a thing, especially since the common "Berserks" and the Dark Stygian would make Fear Elementals/Dream Shadows look bad otherwise.

Both have distinct possibilities, like "Physically Present" meaning Blackout has to deal with the fact leaving the dreamscape means permanently needing to spend less time there to treat his physical needs...

Whereas "Dream Shadow" has to accept he never was Blackout and therefore can't enter the waking world without dying. Hmm... Option 1 makes a Dream Defender organisation more necessary.

Whereas Option 2 means an quasi-immortal being whose mastery of Fear would mean being the obvious choice for the next Fear Guardian. Therefore, the first non-dragon as Guardian, assuming no other Elementals ever held the role.
Whereas "Dream Shadow" has to accept he never was Blackout and therefore can't enter the waking world without dying.
I had interpreted Nianque's answer as "mentally mature dragon, physically unhatched egg", in which case Blackout could wake - as a hatchling. Or did you discard that scenario because it'd be "odd seeing a hatchling display ridiculous levels of Fear mastery"? I don't want to read too much into that sentence, so I thought it's better to ask for clarification...

As to the Blackout/Nim pairing, considering that dragon lifespans can measure in millenia, I think Nim could just wait until Blackout's body has matured? It's not like a decade or two would be prohibitively long to her.

Nearly all long-lived fantasy races seem to reach physical maturity rather fast (i.e. about as fast as other species), and IIRC Avalar dragons are included in that, as we can see with Spyro himself.
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Pretty much, since Blackout being weirdly powerful for a hatchling would cause all kinds of social issues for him. Like, even though people know he's 15+ mentally, they would still be uncomfortable having a "kid" poke the highly dangerous dreamscape despite him being the premier expert.

Well... it would be another approach with interesting yet mutually exclusive possibilities. Can't see him being allowed to do much of anything for years though, and I figured by the time he's in the Waking World he would want to help sooner or later.

Whatever the case, there's plenty of time to decide what approach to go with for Blackout. Figured even his introductory omake would avoid setting in stone a chosen approach.
Can't see him being allowed to do much of anything for years though
Who would stop him? He only needs to go to sleep, and he's back in the dreamscape. Our Fear Guardian Timor is the only one who might be able to keep up with him there, and considering his own backstory I doubt he would look down on Blackout.

And trying to discipline him in the waking world would only drive him to sleeping more where he's free to do whatever he wants.
As to the Blackout/Nim pairing, considering that dragon lifespans can measure in millenia, I think Nim could just wait until Blackout's body has matured? It's not like a decade or two would be prohibitively long to her.

Nearly all long-lived fantasy races seem to reach physical maturity rather fast (i.e. about as fast as other species), and IIRC Avalar dragons are included in that, as we can see with Spyro himself.
I actually have Avalar dragons at old age at about 250, to match what Jared Pullen said about Ignitus
Is there any way we can extend that even further? Like introducing a life element?
Malefor managed it with grandmaster aether.

Aside from that, try researching elements that are connected to life. Virii suspects that Poison should be capable of it, but nobody has delved far enough into the facet required. It would require an understanding of how to build and modify diseases (viruses) to a degree that might not even be possible.

Basically: Research required.
Aside from that, try researching elements that are connected to life. Virii suspects that Poison should be capable of it, but nobody has delved far enough into the facet required. It would require an understanding of how to build and modify diseases (viruses) to a degree that might not even be possible.

Basically: Research required.
That is for the future.
The only real viable way of making new Nexus more than once is by Aether. Otherwise, we'd have to attain paragon of every element we want to make a Nexus for.
This, means training Aether high enough to install new Nexus', which means either we max out our current available elements at Grandmaster and then train Aether, or we discover that maxing out all currently available elements doesn't get us satisfactory ease of Aether training and thus we discover and train new elements, in which case either we'll get lucky and discover Life, or we won't and we'll simply start looking for the Life element after we Grandmaster Aether.

As to what *combination* the Life element is... Life is a concept. Life is things that move, and do stuff, and have will. That is extremely complex - the Poison element is the concepts of "Corrosion", "Poison", both the ability to inflict such things as well as endure and cure them.
Fear is the concepts of "Terror" and "Flee", both the ability to inflict, endure, and do the opposite of such things. While seemingly simple, it is an emotion rather than an actual physical element or phenomenon.
Shadow is the concepts of "Concealment", "Darkness" and "Unknowing". In our reality, a Shadow isn't a "thing", it is something that occurs when light is being blocked. Thus, again, a complex element since it's defined by the absence of something else.
Life, would require a number of elements in the correct combination and application. IRL, life-forms are basically "soup", just a few degrees below your normal body temperature and you begin to die, just enough bad air and you begin to die, just enough physical trauma and you begin to die.
But the Life element wouldn't be only the physical component of life-forms, it would be the conceptual as well.
Fire, Lightning, Blood - those are the essential components I can think of thus. Fire and Lightning are hard to concisely say the concepts of since they are so broad, but Life is "Warmth" and "Activity", making Fire and Lightning essential components.
Blood, is self-explanatory. It was said somewhere in this quest that the Blood element would allow the transference of life and health, both to help and to harm. Blood, is "health".
Beyond that, the components could be nearly any element.
Poison: Life causes activity, life causes disruptions, life makes and removes poisons and corrosion.
Water: Life is change, chaotic, turmoil.
Fear: Life is willpower, self-deciding, conflict
Wind: Life is movement, fleeting, fickle
The only three Elements I don't think can be components of Life is Ice, Earth and Shadow.
Ice and Earth, are "static", "cold", "firm", "unyielding", "hard". None of those are defining characteristics of the concept of "Life" so far as I can tell. And Shadow is "Concealment", "Unseeing", and "Absence", which are not defining characteristics of "Life" either.
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@Nianque: I should be writing Venenum's omake tomorrow, and in the meantime have been figuring out the specific details. Which... led to this next question of mine. Well, two actually...

First, are there poisons/diseases/etc in the Nexus that the Researchers would be particularly interested in Venenum bringing back? Since only Venenum and Virii can explore the Nexus fully, there must be lots that Researchers couldn't reach on their own.

Second, I was thinking Venenum had been helping the Researchers make contact with some friendlier Basilisks. Specifically, I came up with it as one reason they're fine with Venenum leaving for Warfang.
Ice and Earth, are "static", "cold", "firm", "unyielding", "hard". None of those are defining characteristics of the concept of "Life" so far as I can tell. And Shadow is "Concealment", "Unseeing", and "Absence", which are not defining characteristics of "Life" either.
If the others are to define metaphysical characteristics of life, would not Earth define the physical attributes as both the literal physical nature and as that which life springs from?
If the others are to define metaphysical characteristics of life, would not Earth define the physical attributes as both the literal physical nature and as that which life springs from?
Difficult part is that these are just names that are given to forces of nature. If we called Earth something else, Earth would still maintain the same characteristics. Names are irrelevant, I use such simple descriptors because we are trying to categorize forces that are or are near conceptual.
Besides, ground that can harbor life is specifically "soil" rather than "Earth", and ultimately, "Fertility" doesn't seem to be a defining characteristic of "Earth".
If you're wondering where I'm pulling my "descriptors" from, basically, I look at the abilities list, and then question myself "Ok, what principles do these powers have in common?". Actions speak louder than words, words were created by beings to communicate, the Elements are forces of nature and existence, thus their actions speak louder than ours.
The listed Earth techniques, don't have anything to do with soil fertility directly, only manipulating Earth, techniques involving "strength" and "endurance" and techniques to manipulate the properties of crystals at the very high end.
Thus, I sincerely doubt that "Earth" is a major component in "Life" if it is an essential component at all.
Though, now that you bring it up, depending upon how complex "Life" is, it may have components of most elements, even if in trace amounts.
Difficult part is that these are just names that are given to forces of nature. If we called Earth something else, Earth would still maintain the same characteristics. Names are irrelevant, I use such simple descriptors because we are trying to categorize forces that are or are near conceptual.
Besides, ground that can harbor life is specifically "soil" rather than "Earth", and ultimately, "Fertility" doesn't seem to be a defining characteristic of "Earth".
If you're wondering where I'm pulling my "descriptors" from, basically, I look at the abilities list, and then question myself "Ok, what principles do these powers have in common?". Actions speak louder than words, words were created by beings to communicate, the Elements are forces of nature and existence, thus their actions speak louder than ours.
The listed Earth techniques, don't have anything to do with soil fertility directly, only manipulating Earth, techniques involving "strength" and "endurance" and techniques to manipulate the properties of crystals at the very high end.
Thus, I sincerely doubt that "Earth" is a major component in "Life" if it is an essential component at all.
Though, now that you bring it up, depending upon how complex "Life" is, it may have components of most elements, even if in trace amounts.
You answered the second part - that of "life springs forth from" - but not the first part of "phsyical characteristics" in Earth being the body itself.
@Nianque: I should be writing Venenum's omake tomorrow, and in the meantime have been figuring out the specific details. Which... led to this next question of mine. Well, two actually...

First, are there poisons/diseases/etc in the Nexus that the Researchers would be particularly interested in Venenum bringing back? Since only Venenum and Virii can explore the Nexus fully, there must be lots that Researchers couldn't reach on their own.

Second, I was thinking Venenum had been helping the Researchers make contact with some friendlier Basilisks. Specifically, I came up with it as one reason they're fine with Venenum leaving for Warfang.
Lots of things that they're trying to figure out cures or treatments for. Some of the stuff in the nexus can be really, really nasty. In fact there have been a couple times that a nasty disease has broken out among the researchers and it's been all handspaws on deck

Sure. Just remember that basilisks do not see the world like mortals do. Elementals are pretty much mono-focused on their element (not completely, but you get the idea).
The Poisonous Protector
@Nianque: Now, for the First of the... "First" Dragons.


The Poisonous Protector
Within the depths of the Tlaloc rainforest, lies a marsh filled with all manner of dangerous beast and deadly substances. With such a hazardous environment, the thought of anything intelligent living there let alone surviving for long sounds impossible...

Yet as the cries of a dragon hatchling ring out, two mysterious creatures draw near. From afar, one could be forgiven for assuming they were wingless dragons... but closer, their more serpentine nature makes it clear they're something else.

The first, a masculine creature, looks at the hatchling with contempt. <"Rot away, little monster..."> Yet his companion, a more feminine specimen, approaches the hatchling with curiosity.

Leaning in close and sniffing the hatchling, the female not-dragon turns to the male. <"It smells like us, despite being one of them... Even the great destroyer didn't seem like us.">

The male snarls at the claim, leaning in to prove her wrong... only to notice the hatchling's peculiar smell. <"Impossible, did the Lifespring create it? We must bring it back, the Highbloods will know.">

The female agreeing wordlessly, she grasped the hatchling with her tail. Upon doing so the hatchling seemed to calm some, much to her curiosity. Truly, the great destroyer's kind are bizarre creatures...

Perched atop a tree's branch, a young dragoness giggles to herself. Looking below, she sees her nurturer searching for her. Having had quite the clever idea, she decided to climb a tree after realizing no one else ever did.

Yet, her giggling stops as her nurturer's voice rings out. <"Venenum, why are you on that? That, I don't... just come back to the ground!"> Pouting, Venenum was having such fun...

And then she realized she had no idea how to get down. Glancing around confused, Venenum tried to climb down the same way she got up- only to lose her balance when she tried to walk down.

Frightened, she closes her eyes and feels her body go stiff. Yet, when she didn't feel herself impact the ground, Venenum reluctantly opened her eyes- and saw she was somehow moving without touching the ground.

Baffled by this, she glances around in confusion before noticing those odd limbs of hers growing from her back. She never understood why they were there, when nobody else had anything like it.

Yet, the moment she tries pulling them in she promptly starts dropping, and thus spread them out again. Finally, as Venenum touches the ground, her nurturer approaches her.

Looking up at the older being, Venenum smiles excitedly. <"I was moving through the air! Not sure why, but isn't it intriguing!?"> Her nurturer, however, doesn't seem to share her excitement.

<"Venenum, what you... Don't do that ever again. The ability to move through the air... it'll scare others. There are monsters beyond the Lifespring, terrible things that can use impossible Lifebloods to do unnatural things.">

Hearing this, Venenum looks at her flying-limbs with fright. Her nurturer, however, nuzzles Venenum gently. <"You're one of us, just... don't give others reason to doubt that.">

Looking at her nurturer, Venenum promises. <"Alright, I won't scare others."> Though her nurturer seems content with the response... Venenum figures she needs to use her strange ability more to understand why it is scary.

Now that she has grown enough, the Highbloods were willing to allow Venenum to explore the Lifespring alone. Even then, she still found it difficult to find truly isolated areas to test her strange ability.

Though one day, as she went about her usual routine, Venenum noticed others slipping away to hide. Initially confused, she soon realized why when she saw them: creatures with wings, who even looked like her.

Intrigued yet unsure, she decided to watch the strange creatures from afar. Watching as they head towards the Lifespring, Venenum couldn't help being confused when some of the creatures would turn back.

One even seemed to collapse after making contact with a hopper, of all things! Yet... no matter how many left, the green and purple leader seemed to be handling things just fine.

So intrigued by what was happening, Venenum merely watched as the leader finally reached the Lifespring. Even the Lifespring seemed intrigued, as Venenum could sense a strange reaction from it.

If monsters live beyond the Lifespring's reach, then... what does that make the green leader and its kind? Such odd creatures, approaching the Lifespring yet having no intention to harm...

It was difficult, trying to explain the green leader to the others. Venenum could tell this was upsetting information, as even the Highbloods seemed uncertain how to react. Yet what bothered her most, was how she was getting strange reactions from others.

Her nurturer told Venenum once, that their people were unsure about her. Venenum assumed that matter was dealt with, but now she kept overhearing comparisons between her and the strange creatures.

Yet, between the comparisons and her own interest... Venenum wanted to know what those creatures really are. Thus, she kept an eye out, watching and searching for more.

Eventually, she found more, though the green leader wasn't present... Still, deciding to follow them, Venenum glided from above and submerged herself whenever she could to hide.

It was strange for her, feeling the distance between her and the Lifespring increasing, but she wouldn't let that stop her. These creatures, she needs to know why they look like her!

Blinking her eyes, Venenum had never seen the world so bright before. If it wasn't for how open everything was out here, Venenum was sure she would of lost track of them.

Though once there was nowhere to hide, it didn't take very long for the three odd creatures to notice her. Stilling as they looked at her, Venenum watched them with uncertainty.

"Hey, what are you doing out here? The Poison Nexus is incredibly dangerous for someone as young as you." Tilting her head in confusion, Venenum wasn't sure what the creature was... saying?

"Look at her, she looks so confused... Do you think she got lost here?" Glancing towards a more feminine one, Venenum started to relax a little as they haven't attacked her yet.

"Possible, but how did she survive this long? Maybe there's some substance that induced memory loss?" Whatever the case, Venenum was sure they could give her answers.

<"Hey, what are you? Why do you have flying-limbs like me?"> Extending said limbs as she asked, the three creatures simply seemed confused yet... intrigued. Maybe they don't realize they have flying-limbs?

"Is that an actual language? How did she learn that?" "Maybe she isn't actually a dragon? Never seen a Poison Elemental before..." "Whatever she is, we should bring her back to the settlement. Imagine what we could learn!"

Venenum has no idea what those creatures were getting excited about, but as one began leading her forwards Venenum went along without issue. Hopefully the green leader could explain things to her.

Stopping the omake here, partially because continuing means definitely not posting until tomorrow, and partially because I'll tackle her encounter with Dawn in an omake focused on it.

That, and I wanted to see how this would be received so far. Hard to write a truly inhuman perspective, and I'll admit to seeing animal intelligence as more like "different values". Seriously, dolphins are terrifying for something people insist are stupid.

Oh, the "Highbloods" are suppose to be particularly old/strong Basilisks, with the idea that some of them were even present back when Malefor was researching the place. Whereas "Lifespring" and "Lifeblood" are simply their terms for Nexus & Elements respectively.

I'm really unsure about this one, given how it not only introduces Basilisks to the setting but also First Dragons. Still, I wanted to give the three First Dragons backstory omakes, and Venenum is meant as the Poison Guard so... didn't want to interrupt the chain of Guard omakes.
Stopping the omake here, partially because continuing means definitely not posting until tomorrow, and partially because I'll tackle her encounter with Dawn in an omake focused on it.

That, and I wanted to see how this would be received so far. Hard to write a truly inhuman perspective, and I'll admit to seeing animal intelligence as more like "different values". Seriously, dolphins are terrifying for something people insist are stupid.

Oh, the "Highbloods" are suppose to be particularly old/strong Basilisks, with the idea that some of them were even present back when Malefor was researching the place. Whereas "Lifespring" and "Lifeblood" are simply their terms for Nexus & Elements respectively.

I'm really unsure about this one, given how it not only introduces Basilisks to the setting but also First Dragons. Still, I wanted to give the three First Dragons backstory omakes, and Venenum is meant as the Poison Guard so... didn't want to interrupt the chain of Guard omakes.
I really do like it thus far.

We see in canon some weird elemental things anyways such as the golems and that one boss in TEN, thus elementals do fit the setting in my opinion. The nexuses were my own idea and it just seems to click together in my mind that a dragon egg being inside a nexus as it forms would result in a kind of half-elemental dragon. The fact that it was Malefor who started this? I can see him doing such a thing early on before he decided to just destroy and remake the entire world.

I think you did a wonderful job showing how different the basilisks are from dragons. All of the terms you used were obvious in their meaning, so no problems there and as far as I can tell you have hit where I was aiming for intelligence-wise in spite of my lackluster rambling explanations.

All in all? I loved it.
...Of course, I am biased because I love people expressing interest in my work and expanding upon the world building. :)
The Poison Guard: Venenum
@Nianque: Now for the follow-up!


The Poison Guard: Venenum
When Dawn went to inform Zap she was leaving, he expressed interest in tagging along. Explaining she had another to track down, she insisted he go straight for Warfang. Though, now that she actually flew out to the Tlaloc research settlement...

She regretted it a little, having no one for company. Dyno, Inferni, Nim, Zap... they intrigued her in ways different from others. Such, earnest dragons who want to help others... "Would being around Spyro and Cynder be the same?"

Whatever the case, at least she'll finally meet her last candidate. Touching down, as Dawn spread out her senses... she noticed a few strange shadows, belonging to dragons without wings.

"Ah, must of lost them somehow..." It was strange to think about, having an Element that could seriously harm the dragon wielding it. Still, for all that power to destroy, it honestly amazes her how Poison could heal instead.

Finally entering the settlement after failing to locate any young dragons, Dawn figured her candidate was exploring the area around the Nexus. Much like with Zap, the information was confusing in contradictory ways, though the idea of some... age-shifting dragon is just too strange.

So, Dawn wasted no time asking the first individual she saw. "Hello there, I'm looking for a young dragon who supposedly explores the Nexus' area. On behalf of Clarity I would like to recruit them, so where might they be?"

The researcher looking her over, Dawn simply looked them over in turn. "Doesn't seem particularly impressive, though no obvious signs of injury or illness. All in all, seemingly average."

The researcher giving a little snort, they speak with an annoying disappointed tone. "Of course you care more about her combat potential... Honestly, unleashing some plague wouldn't do anyone good."

Narrowing her eyes just the slightest, Dawn really doesn't want to bother with them. "Be so much easier explaining she'd be training to protect the Guardians..."

Though, as she cast out her senses again, Dawn finally notices a shadow belonging to a younger dragon. Giving a polite yet professional farewell, Dawn promptly heads towards the guard candidate.

Once Dawn reaches her, she finds a dragoness roughly fourteen years old. Who, despite being so close to the deadliest place on Avalar, seems remarkably casual about it.

Even the older researchers don't have that level of cheer and comfort about them... "This research settlement should of been built after Virii's expedition, so a natural savant?"

Deciding to just ask the young dragoness outright, Dawn approaches calmly- yet when the other dragoness spotted her by chance, Dawn stops as the candidate herself approaches excited.

"Hi! <I'm Vene-> Venenum me is! Odd other, why dark so?" Blinking at Venenum, Dawn is unsure what just happened. "Was she speaking another language? Never heard anything like it before... self-taught maybe?"

Simply gesturing at herself, Dawn figured being polite would be best. "I'm a Shadow Dragon, Venenum. I take it few non-Poison Dragons come out here to visit?"

For some reason, what she said intrigued the younger dragoness. "Shadow? <Real Lifeblood?> Uh... Shadow is... Element, yes? Not Poison why? Very good Element, yes."

Tilting her head some at Venenum's odd behavior, surely... surely she didn't grow up out here? How did she even- wait... "Did she get lost here when Avalar was restored?"

Whatever the case, Dawn decided to simply respond. "I was born far away from here, though that didn't stop me from being Shadow-aligned... Anyways, Venenum, do you travel to the Poison Nexus?"

That gets her excited, Venenum's wings fluttering as she jumps about in place. "Yes! <Lifespring>, uh, Nexus soothing! Others limited, so go I instead! Others interested, so things bring back."

Taken aback by the casual statement, Dawn looks Venenum over worryingly. Yet... Venenum seems perfectly unharmed, despite her claim(?) she goes further than the researchers themselves.

"Awfully talented for your age... Venenum, did you grow up around here? You keep speaking an odd language, and only very powerful dragons should be able to explore a Nexus."

Initially, Venenum seems puzzled by what Dawn said... Yet as a look of realization hits her face, Venenum's voice is excited. "Yes, raised by... Basilisk? Others say I strong, very very connected to Poison yes."

Blinking as she processes this information, Dawn mulls it over. "Basilisk, never heard of anything like... Elementals? Was she seriously raised at the Poison Nexus by Poison Elementals? How did... and the researchers have her merely doing errands?"

Giving Venenum another look over, she doesn't... seem fundamentally different. Yet if she's truly been raised like that... then she would be the ideal candidate as Virii's apprentice.

"Venenum, someone as talented as you could be doing a lot more. Being that connected to Poison... you could potentially become Avalar's greatest healer. With that kind of training, you could save very important figures who keep Avalar intact."

Yet, to Dawn's surprise, Venenum doesn't seem all that interested. "Others say help lots, would get hopper sick without me. Very very silly, others yes."

Confused by Venenum's casual rejection, Dawn can't help herself from immediately reacting. "They are researchers of the Poison Element, if they can't fend for themselves why are they out here? We could teach you so much..."

That causes Venenum to focus, with a surprisingly insightful expression. Finally, after a few moments, she speaks. "Learned to hunt, not be forever fed for. Others not learning, reliant growing... Help nice yes, but more others for meeting. Take me to meet, yes?"

Giving a little nod and smiling, Dawn is quite glad with the turnaround. "Yes, though we should get your things and talk things over with the settlement. Don't want them being confused when you leave."

Venenum in turn nods excitedly, the younger dragoness just... overall excited. "Having her as just a guard is a little wasteful, but if she's really that connected to Poison... Who else could Virii consider?"

Whatever happens, Dawn is just glad she found such a talent... Avalar will need more powerful individuals, and having such a potentially powerful healer helps.

The idea was that all the Guards were recruited before Turn 15, so regarding Venenum and the outbreak: I figure she's still in training, and hasn't actually learned healing magic.

That, and given her unusual status & power, would make sense they would want Venenum's potential to be secret-ish. Of course, would be easy enough to adjust the timeline...

Oh, ability-wise, a quick reminder for others: Venenum is very skilled at manipulating Poison, allowing her to treat high-level health problems by literally removing them. Between the Nexus' environment and the researchers though, she doesn't have much experience generating her Element.