Treasury: 4682 Gold
Income: 2100 Gold per turn.
Focus: Choose Two.
The kingdom continues to come together and overtime it is expected that the bonds that have been formed will grow stronger without any further oversight. Zephyr and Ventis request that the kingdom's focus be upon the proposed Pilgrimage to the Wind Nexus. Clarity meanwhile believes it a matter of time before the aviansie have to either withdraw further into northern Kandarin or call upon your alliance to prevent the region from falling completely. Note: You may double up on the focus.
2x Pilgrimage to the Wind Nexus: The Nohar Zu'uk will be making a pilgrimage to the Wind Nexus and this is an excellent opportunity to get the wind dragons of both dragon cities together and socializing. Note: Variable benefits dependent upon the amount of effort sunk into this. (Zephyr) (Galena)
- Early in the year Zephyr begins coordinating with Kahkan Tsa'ar and rounding up as many interested Wind dragons that he could. Out of the almost 300 Wind dragons split between the two dragon cities, 200 managed to show up; this includes 30 from Reliquia which is ⅔ of their total Wind dragon population. In contrast Kahkan Tsa'ar brought half of her zu'uk which turns out to be somewhere around 450 aviansie. The two groups met just outside the Wind Nexus, making camp in the cliffs opposite of it, allowing dragons and aviansie to mingle freely. As a result of this intermingling is the realization that neither of them had sole dominance of the skies anymore. Techniques are freely shared during this pilgrimage and the few youths that came along make strong friendships. Perhaps most intriguing is that with this large gathering near the nexus, the sylphs came out to play in equally vast numbers; the Wind elementals proving to be as flighty and curious as their element. In fact several dragons and aviansie both suggest expanding the small research base at the nexus into a full fledge town for Wind-aligned individuals.
It is the Wind Nexus itself that is the main fascination however and with so many high-level Wind-users all gathered together near it, revelations were bound to occur. A great many insights were made into the nature of the Wind Nexus itself which Zephyr suspects could make tapping into the individual Wind leylines a reality. Possibly the biggest impact with having so many Wind users in one place is that over the course of the year Zephyr could feel element growing stronger, almost like the significance placed upon Wind this year has had a tangible effect on the element. Only a handful of masters and the sole aviansie grandmaster actually know about this thus far, but Zephyr and his compatriots all suspect that they may have inadvertently changed the elemental balance of the world and quite possibly made Wind a 'Pillar' element.
Reward: Massive dissemination of Wind-related techniques. Permanent +100 to Wind progression among dragons and aviansie. Suggestion for creating a town at the nexus for those aligned with Wind. +??? For Zephyr and Taladis (Wind Grandmaster aviansie). Increased knowledge regarding the Wind Nexus +10 to all rolls regarding it. Wind on Avalar is strengthened somehow, possibly a Pillar element?
Martial: Choose One. One Locked.
Clarity is still hard at work with narrowing down the dozen remaining prospective 'Guards' to the nine who will end up being chosen. In particular she has yet to choose which of the wind and earth dragons would be the best fit for the remaining slots. In less local news, the expected lull in the fighting around the Gielinor side of the portal has failed to manifest as a fresh regiment of Bandosian troops has appeared, alongside an unknown combatant who has slain dozens on every side except yours. Massive battles between the 'giant', Bandosians, Zamorakians, and Aviansie have become increasingly common place despite the obvious exhaustion that grips the aviansie. Clarity recommends reinforcing the aviansie soon before their 'line' fails completely. In particular despite truly amazing displays of Wind from the Si'lika Zu'uk, the ourg, demons, mahjaraat, and the unknown giant have prevented the aviansie from attaining any more significant victories.
Commissioning New Armor (Flight): Now that the secrets to orikalkum have been unlocked, Clarity believes it time to properly outfit all of the dragons under her command. Instead of creating enough armor to outfit all three hundred of the dragons, she could instead order a mere third of that and outfit just the 1st Flight. As orikalkum is still a very rare metal and difficult to produce enmasse, doing this will be both expensive and time consuming. To further strengthen the new armor it would be best to make it all 'in house' so to speak, which will require the soldiers contributing in whatever ways that they can to the process.
Cost: 400 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Warfang's 2nd Flight are outfitted in orikalkum armor. +100 to soldier rolls, tier 7 armor.
- Throughout the year Warfang's 2nd Flight have been busy forging dragon armor. This includes buying the extremely rare orikalkum metal, learning basic smithing techniques, and leveraging their elements in the forging process. After sufficient ore is bought, the Flight gets together to start forging it into armor which takes the rest of the year as none of them have experience in smithing metal and as such are watched over by the same blacksmiths who helped the 1st Flight. In the end 100 new suits of dragon armor are created and like the flight's own unity, the armors are almost identical. Clarity believes that based on what little you know about resonance that it may be possible to form a lesser connection between the armors and the flight as a whole which is what she has been aiming to accomplish. In addition one dragon from each of the two Flights is taken aside to apprentice over an existing blacksmith in order for the Flights to be able to maintain their armors in house. Reward: 2nd Flight has Dragon Armor, 100 to soldier rolls, Tier 7 armor. Each flight will have it's own blacksmith.
Guards for the Guardians: The Guardians are leaders who are trained from a young age in every facet of leadership imaginable and their element to otherwise unheard of levels of skill which makes them important pillars of the community.. Now that Clarity has become more aware of just how time intensive it is to train a Guardian, she regards their protection more essential than ever. In conversation with Cyril, Clarity has come up with the idea of training an assistant to both take care of the more minute details of a Guardians' role as well as keep an eye out for threats. Considering that the Guardians frequently attend to elementally powerful locations, these assistants would have to be at least experts in their element, though she would prefer that they be masters. This is of course in addition to all the training that an important bodyguard should receive.
Cost: 300 gold. 50 gold per year. Time: 3 years. Reward: Bodyguards for each of the Guardians. Drastically reduced chance to be impacted by poor rolls. (Clarity)
- The last of the Guards are selected this year and Clarity is impressed despite what she would have others think.
Dyno's penchant for working with metal and magnetism as well as his determination to explore everything Electricity has to offer has led to him displaying a level of skill with magnetism that rivals the vast majority of Electric dragons. Inferni meanwhile has focused on the smoke aspect of Fire which allowed her to copy most of what a novice Smoke user was capable of and with practice would take it even further. Dawn meanwhile has somehow found a way to 'sense' things through Shadow which alongside a talent for inflicting tiredness or sleep has more than solidified her spot. Rorrim meanwhile was found living near the Ice Nexus and has been steadily honing the more defensive aspects of Ice including it's ability to reflect things. Bash meanwhile is a much more typical candidate for Earth despite having to have his wings amputated due to a birth defect; his heavy reliance on the rock portion of Earth has resulted in truly formidable defense as well as utilizing massive boulders for combat in addition to the beloved standard of Earth dragons everywhere: rolling over your enemies as a giant fast moving ball of solid stone. Sonar, the Wind dragoness is actually one of the rare Wind dragons from Reliquia and as a result lacks many of the typical techniques for Wind-users and has instead come to rely almost solely on the sound facet of Wind.
The final training this year focused far more on getting the candidates to put the lives of their charges first and their own lives second. A heavy focus on elemental combat was also included and this included pitting each of the new Guards up against varying opponents of skill and numbers, including practice with and against each other as well as in teams. By the end of the year, the nine Guards are deemed ready and move into the Dragon Temple where they can protect, aid, and learn from the Guardians. Reward: Guards (Dyno, Inferno, Nim, Zap, Venemum, Dawn, Rorrim, Bash, and Sonar). +10 toward Guardian survival. If a Guardian were to die, the Guard may die in their stead. Nine new heroes of note (may not use them for actions).
Diplomacy: Choose Two.
Kahkan Tsa'ar has come to Ventis with a proposal to hold a massive pilgrimage to the Wind Nexus consisting of almost the entirety of her zu'uk and as many wind dragons as could be convinced. Such an event could have a dramatic impact on relations between wind dragons of Warfang and Reliquia, and the Nohar as well as serving as a training trip and research opportunity for hundreds. With the 5th anniversary of the kingdom, Ventis believes it appropriate to use this pilgrimage to try and convince the Nohar Zu'uk to join the kingdom. He does however admit that he is unsure what the other zu'uks will think of this, though the consequences are unlikely to be too severe. In other news, Ventis believes it would be a good idea to strike a formal treaty and trading agreement with the Lunar Isle.
Diplomatic Negotiations (Formal Treaty and Trading Agreement with the Lunar Isle): Ventis has offered to enter talks with one of the other races or groups. Several of the known races have knowledge or services that dragons do not and the Wind dragon is willing to see if he can negotiate a deal of some kind. There are many groups that could be negotiated with, though not all would be easy. Ventis would also like to see if he can negotiate the admittance of other peoples into the kingdom, both on and off of Avalar.
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Negotiations for goods, services, knowledge or other information. (Virii)
Needed: 30. Rolled: 14+19(Diplomacy)+10(Bonuses)=43.
- Virii's appearance at the Lunar Isle led to many questions being asked by the mages there on the nature of the elements in Avalar's dragons. Her explanation has intrigued the Moonclan and they are eager to trade their knowledge of Gielinor's own elements in exchange for the dragons' knowledge on the elements that they have not seen before or on knowledge about the mahjarrat elements that they have little information regarding. In particular they explain that they make heavy use of the Astral element, one that had gone thus far unnoticed by Avalar. In general they are able to trade their extensive knowledge regarding Astral, Law, and Cosmic in exchange for Ice, Shadow, and Poison. Discussions regarding Nature, Chaos, Mind, Body, Mind, and Soul also occur, but they admit to having not interacted with those much. Fear, Blood, and Smoke are also discussed, but it is decided to hold off on discussing them until the Moonclan is able to gather equivalent knowledge on one of the other Gielinor elements. Also traded is a wide variety of goods which neither group had access to before. Reward: Treaty with the Moonclan. Information regarding Astral, Law, and Cosmic. +100 gold in trade income.
Diplomatic Negotiations (Request Nohar Zu'uk join the Kingdom of Avalar): With the proposed pilgrimage, Ventis believes now would be the perfect time to try convincing the Nohar Zu'uk to join the kingdom. The Nohar aviansie are one of the few foreign entities left on Avalar and if convinced to join, would give the kingdom free access to much of the zu'uk's knowledge, technology, and experts. There are however a few pieces of knowledge that they admit is not in their rights to share and would need to discuss with the other zu'uks and/or Armadyl.
Chance of Success: 40%/60%/80% (influenced by related actions). Cost: 50 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Nohar Zu'uk joins the kingdom. +50 gold/year in trade, assorted benefits, unknown effect on relations with other zu'uks. (Ventis)
Needed: 20. Rolled: 5+11(Diplomacy)+5(Traits)+10(Bonuses)=31.
- Ventis found Kahkan Tsa'ar and the rest of the zu'uk to be stringently holding to allegiance to Armadyl and thus the rest of the aviansie. Between Ventis' own innate charm, the massive intermingling between dragons and aviansie, as well as numerous other factors, he was able to convince the Nohar that joining the kingdom would mean a stronger defense toward off-world threats. Kahkan Tsa'ar however makes it clear however that they will rush to help Armadyl and the rest of their people if needed and expects that the Kingdom of Avalar will abide by this decision. Reward: Nohar Zu'uk joins the Kingdom of Avalar
Intrigue: Choose Three.
Several very important events seem to be happening almost simultaneously on all three of the different worlds that your have access to. On Avalar you have not just the Wind Nexus Pilgrimage which opens up opportunities with the Nohar Zu'uk, but also the strange circumstances surrounding Hunter's disappearance. On Gielinor it seems like the God Wars are heating up as more factions begin making their appearance, the existing factions struggle to maintain dominance, alongside four strange entities who have made themselves known. Your information on Hyrule is spotty for the moment, but the known world has been rebuilding as quickly as it can and there is a feeling in the air over there that suggests that the current reprieve in Hyrule will not last much longer. To combat these things, Umbra has been expanding his spy network as fast as he can safely do so. +1 Intrigue Action
The Search for Hunter: Recently the renowned war hero, explorer and one of Spyro's close friends has gone missing. Rumor holds that Hunter managed to discover something important in the caves under one of the nexuses, though interestingly enough there seems to be a series of rumors that claims he vanished under each of the different nexuses. Umbra would like to get to the bottom of the matter and dedicate a large team of dragons to each of the nexuses. Due to the fact that Hunter most likely disappeared deep underneath one of the nexuses, the teams will be expensive and sub-optimal. Umbra recommends that the teams consist of dragons composed solely of one element in order to deal with the ambient environments around each nexus.
Chance of Success: ???. Cost: 500 gold. Time: ???. Reward: Hunter found. ??? (Argent)
Fire: 29
Ice: 33
Electricity: 85
Earth: 59
Water: 67
Wind: 86
Shadow: 2
Poison: 41
Fear: 67
- Nine teams comprised of each of the nine elements were sent out this year to the Nexuses. Of these nine teams, the Shadow team nearly died in the utterly dark labyrinth that is under the Shadow Nexus, having to be rescued when they failed to report in. A further six teams reported either dead-ends or became overwhelmed by the nexus and had to retreat. The Electricity and Wind dragons that were sent out however came back with the news of a cave network unlike any other. With Spyro's blessing, Argent put together a highly skilled team and led the way into the caves under the Wind Nexus which she knew to be significantly safer than the copper-coated electricity filled caves under the Electricity Nexus. Reward: Journey to the Center of Avalar Interlude
Hyrule Intelligence Network: Umbra believes that now would be the best time to establish an intelligence network in Hyrule, while the different groups are still in the process of rebuilding with the defeat of Calamity Ganon. As it is, Umbra has few operatives currently on the world due to his current resources being stretched too thin. The Shadow Guardian feels that this needs to be a priority as there is a strange tension beginning to once more grip the peoples of Hyrule. Umbra suspects that the problems of the world are not yet over with. With the current lack of relations and a proper fort to defend the Hyrule-side portal, Umbra believes that this coming change could have far reaching consequences for the kingdom.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 200 gold. 100 gold/year in upkeep. Time: 3 years. Reward: Hyrule Rumor Mill. Locked - Two Years Remaining. (Phydra)
Needed: 30. Rolled: 36+10(Intrigue)+20(Bonuses)=66
- Phydra has found herself assisting Umbra in expanding the spy network throughout Hyrule. For the moment this has been primarily recruiting more dragons, cheetah, and moles to help keep the network stable. Without an existing contact in Hyrule, Phydra finds herself rather stumped on where to go from here however. She advises that formal contact be established with at least one of the local realms or else she might risk incurring their wrath if she makes a mistake in who she approaches. In particular Phydra advises approaching the rito or hylians as they seem to be extremely widespread throughout Hyrule. Reward: Management for the Intelligence network is increased. Phydra is stumped on where to proceed without assistance from one of the polities on the other side to smooth things over.
Send Shadow Dragons to Soften up Targets for Aviansie Raids: By sending forth Umbra's Shadows, he believes that he can wreak significant havoc on enemy forces.
Chance of Success: ???. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Enemy forces weakened. (Umbra)
Rolled: 93+19(Intrigue)+25(Shadow)+20(Traits)+20(Bonuses)=177. Bandosians: 32+16(Commander)+20(Discipline)=68. (Critical)
Rolled: 76+19(Intrigue)+25(Shadow)+20(Traits)+20(Bonuses)=160. Zamorakians: 97+20(Hazeel)+20(Khazard)+20(Shadow)+10(Demons)=167
- Umbra sends out his best agents this year in order to soften up targets for raids by the aviansie. This had a massive effect on the effectiveness of Bandosian forces in the region with multiple officers and even an ourg slain through assassination, while the artillery that they use to counter the aviansie is found sabotaged with all of the accompanying ogres assassinated. This allowed the aviansie to overwhelm several Bandosian strongpoints and when combined with attacks by both the Zamorakians and the mysterious giant, the Bandosians find themselves have to pull back or risk losing their forces in the region completely.
Unfortunately attempts to do the same thing against the Zamorakians has resulted in a massive shadow-war breaking out across the entire front. Demons and dragons find themselves waging an unseen battle in the shadows which prevent any notable amounts of sabotage or assassination from occuring. Meanwhile Umbra finds himself having to rush to counter Hazeel or Khazard in person whenever one of the two mahjarrat show up. While the Guardian is more skilled in using Shadow than either of the two mahjarrat, they both proved to be an equal match for him. In fact based on other intelligence that has been gathered and Lyseera's insights, Umbra believes that both of them are actually on the low end of personal combat, though their skills as commanders far exceeds almost all of the other mahjarrat. Unfortunately this shadow war means that a handful of Shadow dragons were lost this year. Reward: Bandosians in full retreat. Zamorakians prove skilful enough to engage Umbra's Shadows and prevent progress on that front. Hazeel and Khazard intrigued by this newcomer to the battlefield.
Stewardship: Choose Two. One Locked.
Glacies finds herself with a lot of free-time at the moment and has suggested that her department assist the others with their projects should they be too busy. In particular, she is eager to help Umbra in sabotaging House Temero.
Rebuilding the Undercity (Stewardship): Now that the moles have decided to rebuild the undecity of Warfang, Ventis and Glacies have decided it would help heal any developing rifts between the two peoples. As the moles greatly aided the dragons of Warfang in construction, it is the opinion of Ventis that the same should be reciprocated back. This will be a very time intensive project, but once done will give the moles a place unto themselves and earn their complete gratitude.
Cost: 1905 gold. Time: 4 years. Reward: Undercity reconstructed, tensions between dragons and moles healed, the gratitude of the moles. Locked - Three years remaining.
- Dozens of dragons, primarily Earth dragons, continue to assist the moles in renovating the massive cavern under Warfang. This has been made particularly difficult by the large pits that separate the different sections, the need to maintain massive support pillars for the city above, and finding ways to make the undercity habitable for moles. This year the workers managed to finish the massive bridges that span the area in order to allow the moles to more easily get around their new city. Work on gradually reinforcing the cavern proceeds apace and will likely be a continued project for decades after the city is rendered habitable. The moles have been quite thankful for the assistance as this is a project that could have easily taken five times as long without the help of Earth dragons to fly around and add new supports where needed. Reward: Work proceeds. Reinforcing the supports for both Warfang and the Undercity will be a project for decades to come for the moles.
Center for Foreign Affairs (Stewardship): Ventis has decided that it is time to build an official diplomatic building in Warfang to both train and house existing diplomats as well as receive diplomats from out polities. Due to the vastly different needs between different races, construction of the building will be quite complicated in order to comfortably house foreign emissaries for long periods of time. As it is difficult to predict future relations, Ventis wants to start with a three story building with different sections for underground, surface-dwelling, water-dwelling, and aerial races. Each room will be custom-built for the needs of an individual race, though thus far the only plans are for aviansie and humans as they are the only races that the kingdom currently has relations with. Glacies has offered to assist in this endeavor should Ventis be too busy.
Cost: 952 gold, 100 gold/year. Time: 2 years. Reward: +1 Diplomacy action, +1 to all existing foreign relation scores. Relations with new realms start with +1. +50 gold per year per trading partner.
- Glacies has enlisted the rest of the Earth dragons not currently busy elsewhere alongside a sizable portion of Ventis' own people in order to complete the new diplomatic headquarters. For the moment this has consisted of obtaining and clearing the land as well as beginning the foundations for a massive multi-story building. By the end of the year the sub-level which will be allocated toward more subterranean and earthen races has been excavated and work has begun on the ground floor of the building. Enchanters have gone in behind the other workers to begin laying Earth-aligned enchantments on the basement in order to make it more comfortable toward those that are aligned with the element. Reward: Basement excavated and ground floor under construction. Minor enchantments being inscribed to promote a feeling of comfort among Earth-aligned races.
Sabotage House Temero (Stewardship): House Temero was the house responsible for the recent outbreak in disease and encouraged the dragon responsible to 'cleanse the city'. Thus far the knowledge of who was ultimately responsible has not spread far and Umbra would like to use this as an opportunity to undermine the house and potentially the nobility as a whole. To accomplish this, Umbra and his agents will assist Glacies in deflecting blame away from poison dragons and onto the nobility as a whole by staging multiple minor events that can be chased back to House Temero. Glacies has offered to takeover this endeavor should Umbra be too busy.
Chance of Success: 40%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: House Temero is dismantled. (Glacies)
Needed: 60. Rolled: 5+9(Average of Intrigue and Stewardship)+10(traits)+20(bonuses)=44
- As the task was very much more suited for those inclined to intrigue, which is something that Glacies lacks the patience for, she has instead opted for much more straight-forward paths to destroy House Temero. These include bribes toward the more notable Houses, a smear campaign directed at Temero, and propaganda. Unfortunately it seems that while the other nobles are disgusted with House Temero at the moment, they are not willing to assist in actively destroying a fellow House. As such they merely pocketed the money and left Glacies without anything to show for the spent gold. Without their help, the ice dragoness' smear campaign failed to find purchase and has instead forced the nobles to turn their attention toward Glacies. The propaganda campaign was far more successful and seems to have turned the average citizen against the nobility completely. Reward: Action failed. Increasing split between the nobility and the rest of Warfang. Nobles not impressed with Glacies.
Learning: Choose None. Two Locked.
Therris and Volteer have been running the researchers ragged this year and as such the entire department is too busy to take on another project. To combat the ever-increasing number of proposed projects, Therris has begun rapidly expanding both his facilities and the number of subordinate researchers and enchanters under him. He estimates that he will have enough resources to focus on three different projects at once, by next year.
Thinking with Portals Part 1 Enchantments: With the knowledge of portals between worlds or into and out of Convexity, Therris thinks it possible to link together much more mundane areas such as Warfang to the cheetah village, or a far reaching enclave. This will be a very long and involved process that Therris admits will most likely take a very long time to get right. In fact such an undertaking will be so difficult and tedious that he has split it into three different parts, enchantments, the connection with aether, and combining the knowledge.
Chance of Success: 25%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments for portals. (Volteer)
Needed: 75. Rolled: 98+22(learning)+20(traits)+30(bonuses)=170 (Critical Success)
- Volteer has spent the year working on the problem of turning sympathetic enchantments into a method with which to permanently link two arches together. Not only did he succeed in this regard, but in fact Volteer managed to finish a full year ahead of schedule. The resultant enchantment is by far one of the most complicated enchantments that any dragon has ever been able to create. Volteer has managed to ensure dozens of redundancies which will prevent the traveler from being harmed should anything happen to the portal and has managed to guarantee an unbelievable level of durability in the arches themselves. With Therris' help, Volteer has created two identical arches to serve as the test-bed for the first portals. All that remains now is collaborating with Spyro or Cynder and integrating their discoveries into the enchantment so that it can be properly configured. Reward: Volteer finishes a year ahead of schedule. Grandmaster-level portal enchantments are almost complete and the accompanying arches are ready.
Study Element (Earth): With the reports back from the Guardians and their trips to the elemental nexuses, Therris would like permission to delve into the more material side of each element. For example the strange sight of electricity flowing through the ground at Sky's Conduit has made the researcher question whether a more physical use of the element could be identified. Further the elements of earth and poison have a great many varied compounds that could prove interesting such as the metal titanium or the neural toxin that a frog of all things afflicted a poison dragon with. To start with Therris recommends that he does a comprehensive in order to catalogue everything related to the element in question.
Chance of Success: 60% (increased by studying the respective element). Cost: 100 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Increased knowledge of the chosen element's interactions with the physical world, new actions unlocked. (Therris)
Needed: 40. Rolled: 3+12(learning)+30(traits)+20(double down)+20(bonuses)=85.
- Earth as it turns out it both far more and far less complicated than Therris thought. It is the element of rocks, metals, and other things found in the ground and yet one can learn so much from these things. Already Therris has found over a dozen small improvements to existing stone or metals that make them much tougher. The researcher has already filled countless scrolls and books on all the different variations that he has found in stone and metal, though it pales in comparison to what his studies into gems have resulted in. Gems as it turns out are heavily tied into Earth, but they are at the same time tied strongly into a second aspect or element. This was already known, but Therris is amazed at how much more significant this far is than it appears. Gems appear to 'catch' elemental energy that resonates with them and become quite durable in regards to that element. He believes that it would be possible to create structures made out of a 'resonant' gem inside the nexuses themselves. Reward: New options. Small improvements to stones and metals in-use, potential for massive improvements. Possible to build structures at the nexuses at 5x the cost in exchange for a 100% success chance.
Piety: Choose Two.
Virii's appointment as Guardian of Poison has been a much celebrated affair in the wake of her assistance in dealing with the series of crafted plagues that threatened the city last year. Timor's own revelations regarding Fear are much less widely known and he requests a much needed study of Fear to be done next year once he passes the many trials and tests that will be thrown at him this year. Fulmen meanwhile has proven to be an utterly brilliant pupil and has worked tremendously hard in his own studies which have resulted in a plethora of new experiment. Unfortunately it seems that the young Electric dragon may not be so in tune with his gift as past Seers have been which the Guardians attribute to his more materially grounded mindset. Zephyr has meanwhile requested to take part in the Nohar Zu'uks pilgrimage to the Wind Nexus and believes it will be a very worthwhile use of his time.
Temple Acolytes: Before the war the Dragon Temple had been home to dozens of scholars studying the elements in the hopes of uncovering more of their mysteries. The temple would take in orphaned eggs and raise them in the temple as acolytes. From these acolytes the Guardians would often select their apprentices. Cyril and Pyra would like to return to this practice, insisting that having multiple acolytes will make research on the elements easier as they will have multiple assistants to spread the load around. On the downside, the Guardians will spend less time looking for noteworthy drakes to take on as apprentices outside of the acolytes.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 200 gold. 50 gold per year in upkeep. Reward: +10 to elemental research actions, eggs will once more be found and brought to the temple to be raised as acolytes. Less time looking for apprentices. (Pyra)
- Pyra continues to build on the work he started last year, by finding more orphaned eggs, hatchlings, whelps, and even a few drakes. Living quarters are made out of empty rooms in the Temple, with Pyra having to even enlist help in expanding the temple. As a result of this the Temple's small basement has been expanded and is now home to a large nest. The care of so many young dragons would have quickly grown out of control, but thankfully the drakes are perfectly willing to alleviate many of the more mundane concerns of the Dragon Temple. The three older dragons are already in training to be acolytes and are rapidly becoming accustomed to working with each Guardian. Reward: +10 to elemental research actions. Further benefits as the acolytes-to-be get older.
Research (Ice) (Avalar): With Umbra's successful investigation into Gielinor's Shadow, the Guardians have decided that additional investigations into not just Gielinor's elements, but also Avalar's elements might be warranted in order to catch any surprises. This is particularly important as Malefor's destruction and Spyro's restoration of Avalar might have had unforeseen consequences on the elements.
Chance of Success: 50% (Avalar)/20% (Gielinor). Time: 1 year. Reward: Knowledge of current state of element on chosen planet. (Cyril)
Needed: 50. Rolled: 22+28(piety)+25(traits)+25(bonuses)=100
- Cyril spends the year in deep contemplation of the element of Ice, to determine if anything has changed regarding the element. He is able to quickly confirm that Ice still represents logic, coldness, purity, and a lack of emotion and is heavily tied to cold, reflection, glass, and crystal. By the end of the year, Cyril is able to collaborate Spyro's own finds regarding Earth as Ice also appears to be significantly out of balance. The Guardian share's Spyro's conclusions regarding the pillar elements being out of balance with the other five elements and admits that it is likely that this may always have been the case, however it took Spyro's unique nature as the Purple Dragon to actually reveal it. Cyril further suspects that it could be possible to adjust this balance with a lot of work, which would likely mean an increase in births of non-pillar dragons at the cost of unknown consequences. Reward: Cyril collaborates Spyro's findings; pillar elements are significantly stronger than the rest of the elements. New options.
Personal: Choose Three (Spyro, Cynder, and Either)
Celebrations were had, marking the five year anniversary of the kingdom. The festivities combined with looser inhibitions than usual resulted in a significant population boom around the kingdom. Spyro and Cynder were not exempt from this and are proud to announce that Cynder will be laying their second child soon. Aside from that, Spyro would like to get the examination of Lyseera done and out of the way, to see what can be gleaned from the Mahjarrat race. Cynder however would believes that the sooner the two of them have improved armor, the better off any future conflicts will go.
Cynder - Spend Time with (Lyseera): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.
Rolled: 49+27(Piety)+20(Traits)+10(Lyseera)=106
- After a long debate with Spyro, Cynder made the decision of studying Blood under Lyseera's guidance. She seems to connect with Lyseera much easier than Spyro did and as a result somehow made more progress with the element than the Purple Dragon did. Cynder reports that Blood is completely unlike the native elements of Avalar and requires a much different mind-set than any of the current nine elements. She attributes this to both Blood not being 'canonized' yet in Avalar as well as having being intrinsically tied with one's life-force. The other discovery that she makes is that, while practicing an element does not seem to have much effect on the unborn egg that she is carrying, she can feel the change in both her own spirit and that of her child's spirit that takes place when the element becomes part of her. Reward: Cynder gets along quite well with Lyseera and learns Blood. Child's element shifts to Blood.
Spyro - Mastering the Elements (Blood): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with the temple restored and the new initiates trained, it will be considerably easier to train the elements.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 100 (Water/Shadow/Poison/Fear), 300 (Wind), 500 (Fire/Ice/Electricity) or 1000 (Earth). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.
Rolled: 5+36(Piety)+30(Traits)+10(Lyseera)=81
- In contrast to Cynder's easy friendship with the mahjarrat, Spyro's trustworthy nature seems to clash with Lyseera's own talent for deception which seems to have impeded his progress in learning Blood. Furthermore the element is like none-other that he has ever interacted with and seems to require a very sacrifice-heavy mentality in order to actually function. Though Spyro is more than alright with putting his own life on the line for others, he was unable to muster up the more ruthless feelings required to truly accept the element into himself. He did however come close though and is sure that he is not far from a break-through. Reward: Spyro makes progress on learning Blood.
Masterwork Dragon Armor (Spyro and Cynder): The potential of a masterwork piece of orikalkum armor enfused with greater/master/grandmaster level enchantments for the elements and aether exists. In order to make this possible a year will need to be completely dedicated toward making a single set of this armor as well as other dragons to help in the forging process. If an aviansie master or grandmaster smith and enchanter could be persuaded to assist then the quality will increase dramatically. This will be an expensive undertaking since the ore has to be attained, willing metalworkers and enchanters paid, and the prestigious master or grandmaster aviansie smiths and enchanters convinced..
Chance of Success: 100%/50%/10% (uses diplomacy). Cost: 400 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Tier 8, 9, or 10 armor. +200 to combat rolls.
Needed: Variable. Rolled: 68+15(diplomacy)+10(Bonuses)+20(Double Down)=113
- For most of the year Spyro and Cynder begin putting together everything they need for creating masterwork dragon armor for themselves. This involves buying the massive amounts of orikalkum needed to make the two full sets of armor and negotiating for aviansie smiths and enchanters of the highest possible level. As it turns out the Nohar zu'uk does actually have a grandmaster smith, though Spyro had to go further afield to find an enchanter of similar quality. After a brief letter to the Empyrean Citadel, the Na'fay zu'uk were convinced to send they're best enchanter at the cost of the rest of the funds that Spyro had set aside for this endeavor. It was not until the later part of the year that Spyro, Cynder, Isra'k, and Tisra'l got together to start planning the armors. After the dragons had shared what they wanted in the armor, Tisra'l began designing the enchantments necessary, while Isra'k walked them through how to smelt the metal into the most pure form possible; fortunately Spyro was able to generate flames host enough to smelt the incredible resilient ore. Then began the arduous process of shaping the metal through high level Earth manipulation and arduous physical effort.
Isra'k had to painstakingly instruct the dragons on incredibly difficult or time-consuming smithing techniques, this includes folding the metal hundreds of times, using Earth to compress it as much as possible, and creating a series of interlocking plates that were still easy enough to don and doff. In order to make the armors as powerful as they could, Tisra'l had to spend vast amounts of time inscribing the phenomenally complex enchantments into every available inch of the insides of each of the pieces. In the process of doing so the aviansie enchanter had to invent entirely new enchantments on the spot in order to attune the armors with all of the known elements. Perhaps the single most impressive part of these enchantments is that Tisra'l was able to incorporate the formerly unknown Soul element which bound the armors to Spyro and Cynder as well as allowing them to grow with the dragons. Once the enchantments were laid, Spyro and Cynder called upon every bit of power that they had access to and flooded the inlaid arrays with truly staggering amounts of aether. The end result is two sets of shining purple and gold armors which magnified their physical abilities by several times and dramatically reduced the energy cost of using the elements, while doubling their elemental power. According to Isra'k and Tsira'l these are among the greatest artifacts that either of them have even heard of with only those used by the gods and legendary artifacts, that they have only ever heard fragmented stories of such as the fabled and much sought after Staff of Armadyl, being superior. Reward:
Low Artifact - Spyro's Regalia (Tier 10, bonded (Spyro), +200 Combat Rolls, +20 to Diplomacy rolls)
Low Artifact - Cynder's Odium (Tier 10, bonded (Cynder), +200 Combat Rolls, +20 to Intrigue rolls)