Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

Might be a few stragglers, but yes mostly during the first year.

It is kind of odd that Dawn is the one find8ng everyone thus far as she is just one dragon and Clarity would have than just her looking.

I did really enjoy it though :)

Yeah, that was partially my reason for not doing Ice/Earth/Wind so others could try. Even with my plans for Ice Guard, the idea is he approaches of his own volition. Plus, Dawn was introduced to Inferni rather than locate her.

I also wasn't sure how many guard candidates there would be. Even if just 9 for the Guardians, there's bound to be plenty of individuals good enough Clarity would want for other things.

Overall though... Dawn would definitely be my last Guard omake, and Ice Guard as a possibility. I could always just detail the idea and let you sort it from there. He does seem like a possible Ice Guardian candidate, so maybe I should leave him to you.
@Kkutlord @Nachtigall

I should have caught this earlier, but I have been distracted all week.
Its an outdated wording. You can choose either one for the action or dedicate an action for both.

...Actually I don't see much reason for Spyro or Cynder only actions due to the link between them.
I think I confused not only myself, but everyone else by saying this and for that I apologize. I don't even remember why I said what I said.

The original intention between "Spyro, Cynder, or Either" was that both of them had one action each and you could choose who was assigned to the third action. When you all started using it for the 'Spend Time With' action, I decided that was fine because it made sense that both of them could dedicate some time toward a friend or their daughter. Then we come to this turn and the action is instead spent on figuring out portals and I backed myself into a corner by saying something which most likely confused everyone.

My final take on this is thus: Using the 'Spend Time With' action for 'Either' withough specifying which dragon will be undertaking that action is fine (If something comes up like they're on different planets, I'll work around it). If you choose to use it for a different action, you must specify whether you want Spyro or Cynder to be the one undertaking the action.

Is there any last minute changes to the plan now that I have clarified this? I have started writing the turn, though I am saving the Personal actions for last so you have time to discuss this among yourselves. Update will likely be tomorrow.
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@Nianque: Well in that case, then Spyro since he has higher Piety and more Elements. Though a confirmation on what Spyro's Total Bonus for Portals is would help. Oh, would it be possible having Cynder help him for next Turn's vote? Getting a Critical on Portals sounds incredibly helpful.

Oh, right, I'll wait until the update before doing Dawn's omake. Still figuring out how to approach it, but I was thinking Clarity herself brings up the idea to Dawn. Though not knowing how to write Clarity... Any suggestions or things to keep in mind for Dawn's omake?
@Nianque: Well in that case, then Spyro since he has higher Piety and more Elements. Though a confirmation on what Spyro's Total Bonus for Portals is would help. Oh, would it be possible having Cynder help him for next Turn's vote? Getting a Critical on Portals sounds incredibly helpful.

Oh, right, I'll wait until the update before doing Dawn's omake. Still figuring out how to approach it, but I was thinking Clarity herself brings up the idea to Dawn. Though not knowing how to write Clarity... Any suggestions or things to keep in mind for Dawn's omake?
Spyro is currently getting 36(piety)+15(aether)=51 for the action.
I'll allow Cynder to join in on the action late.

Clarity is an old-soldier type of person. She has seen and fought against just about everything on Avalar over the course of 200+ years and as such nothing really surprises her. She's also the only dragon with command experience (save Cyril, Volteer, and Cynder) to have survived the war against Malefor. Very no-nonsense kind of dragon and is both cautious and has an eye for detail which allowed her to survive repeated decapitation attempts (as in killing commanders, not the actual act of taking one's head off).

@Nianque: Can I put my +5 to an action regarding the Gielinor portal into Thinking with Portals Part 2 Aether?
I will allow that.
@Nianque: Alright, so we only need a 14 to pass the Spyro Portal action then. Hmm, even if we Nat 1 and only had 57, would we at least avoid major problems? Oh, and what would Spyro & Cynder's combined total be. Honestly, we can save Cynder's Electricity training for later anyways, so I might just change it.

Though regarding omake rewards... Does Nim mean there'll be Dream-related options, Zap giving Elemental Connection options, and Venenum causing Elementals related options? I'm curious what my omakes have enabled/unlocked.

Oh right, if you want, I got some more ideas regarding them. Like, since Zap is based off the Skylanders character, I was thinking he's a lost Water Noble who doesn't remember his status.
@Nianque: Alright, so we only need a 14 to pass the Spyro Portal action then. Hmm, even if we Nat 1 and only had 57, would we at least avoid major problems? Oh, and what would Spyro & Cynder's combined total be. Honestly, we can save Cynder's Electricity training for later anyways, so I might just change it.

Though regarding omake rewards... Does Nim mean there'll be Dream-related options, Zap giving Elemental Connection options, and Venenum causing Elementals related options? I'm curious what my omakes have enabled/unlocked.

Oh right, if you want, I got some more ideas regarding them. Like, since Zap is based off the Skylanders character, I was thinking he's a lost Water Noble who doesn't remember his status.
If you roll a nat 1, I'll roll again to see how bad it is. Depending on that roll I might roll yet again and give options. This goes to all nat 1s relating to aether by the way.
Spyro and Cynder's joint bonus would be: 36(Spyro)+27(Cynder)+15(aether)+5(omake).

Pretty much; canon characters who are much better than what you would have gotten along with new options and information.
[X] Plan Friendship Makes The Dream Work

-[X] Education (9): While Warfang currently boasts an outstanding level of education, the other parts of the kingdom are not so fortunate. Focus on making sure everyone in the kingdom is well educated.
--[X] Timor

-[X] Education (9): While Warfang currently boasts an outstanding level of education, the other parts of the kingdom are not so fortunate. Focus on making sure everyone in the kingdom is well educated.
--[X] Phydra


-[X] The Second Flight: Now that the population of Warfang has grown and she has a reliable source of recruits, Clarity feels that it is time to train a second flight of soldiers. Unfortunately this second flight will be just as expensive and time-consuming as the last as has to ensure they are up to her new standards which have grown quite high after the first major battle. A second flight will enable her to use one for defense and the other for campaigns away from Avalar. Now that the 1st Army of Avalar has been formed, the dragons who Clarity will be using to form the second flight have already received a significant amount of training.
Cost: 100 Gold. 150 Gold per year. Time: 1 year. Reward: A second flight of dragon soldiers.
--[X] Argent

-[X] Deeper Ties (Poison Dragons):
According to Ventis it would a good idea to deepen the ties with not just the other parts of the kingdom, but also other kingdoms and peoples. At the moment Ventis would prefer to bring the peoples of the new kingdom closer together.
Chance of Success: Various. Cost: 50 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Increase closeness and opinion with chosen group.
--[X] Zephyr

-[X] Diplomatic Negotiations (Lunar Clan and Protection): Ventis has offered to enter talks with one of the other races or groups. Several of the known races have knowledge or services that dragons do not and the Wind dragon is willing to see if he can negotiate a deal of some kind. There are many groups that could be negotiated with, though not all would be easy. Ventis would also like to see if he can negotiate the admittance of other peoples into the kingdom, both on and off of Avalar.
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Negotiations for goods, services, knowledge or other information.
--[X] Ventis

-[X] Persons of Interest (Lyseera):
With the help of his intelligence network, Umbra has offered to build a profile on notable individuals to assist in diplomacy or intrigue. Gathering this information will depend on how friendly you are with them and thus trying to ascertain information on the leader of a hostile or unknown power would be extremely difficult and unlikely to gather much usable information. Lyseera's assistance has made the prospect of researching individual mahjarrat a significantly easier affair.
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Character sheet for given character.
--[X] Cyril


-[X] Rebuilding the Undercity (Stewardship):
Now that the moles have decided to rebuild the undecity of Warfang, Ventis and Glacies have decided it would help heal any developing rifts between the two peoples. As the moles greatly aided the dragons of Warfang in construction, it is the opinion of Ventis that the same should be reciprocated back. This will be a very time intensive project, but once done will give the moles a place unto themselves and earn their complete gratitude.
Cost: 1905 gold. Time: 4 years. Reward: Undercity reconstructed, tensions between dragons and moles healed, the gratitude of the moles.

-[X] Consequences for House Temero: House Temero is the noble house that encouraged one of their more skilled members to craft several devastating plagues to 'cleanse the city'. It is Glacies' opinion that both of the diseases that had to be cured were a collaboration work across the entire clan. Thus Glacies seeks to pin the blame solely where it belongs and prevent a return to the ostracisation of the Poison element.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: House Temero and the Nobility take a reputation hit. Poison dragons are not blamed for the recent wave of sickness.
--[X] Glacies


-[X] Study Element (Earth): With the reports back from the Guardians and their trips to the elemental nexuses, Therris would like permission to delve into the more material side of each element. For example the strange sight of electricity flowing through the ground at Sky's Conduit has made the researcher question whether a more physical use of the element could be identified. Further the elements of earth and poison have a great many varied compounds that could prove interesting such as the metal titanium or the neural toxin that a frog of all things afflicted a poison dragon with. To start with Therris recommends that he does a comprehensive in order to catalogue everything related to the element in question.
Chance of Success: 60% (increased by studying the respective element). Cost: 100 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Increased knowledge of the chosen element's interactions with the physical world, new actions unlocked.
--[X] Therris
---[X] Double Down

-[X] Thinking with Portals Part 1 Enchantments: With the knowledge of portals between worlds or into and out of Convexity, Therris thinks it possible to link together much more mundane areas such as Warfang to the cheetah village, or a far reaching enclave. This will be a very long and involved process that Therris admits will most likely take a very long time to get right. In fact such an undertaking will be so difficult and tedious that he has split it into three different parts, enchantments, the connection with aether, and combining the knowledge.
Chance of Success: 25%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments for portals.
--[X] Volteer

-[X]Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental:
With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 1000. Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Argent/Phydra/Zephyr/Virii/Timor gain Earth/Water/Wind/Poison/Fear Grandmaster.

-[X] Temple Acolytes: Before the war the Dragon Temple had been home to dozens of scholars studying the elements in the hopes of uncovering more of their mysteries. The temple would take in orphaned eggs and raise them in the temple as acolytes. From these acolytes the Guardians would often select their apprentices. Cyril and Pyra would like to return to this practice, insisting that having multiple acolytes will make research on the elements easier as they will have multiple assistants to spread the load around. On the downside, the Guardians will spend less time looking for noteworthy drakes to take on as apprentices outside of the acolytes.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 200 gold. 50 gold per year in upkeep. Reward: +10 to elemental research actions, eggs will once more be found and brought to the temple to be raised as acolytes. Less time looking for apprentices.
--[X] Pyra

-[X] Either (Spyro) - Thinking with Portals Part 2 Aether:
In order to make portals a reality, Therris has determined that the connection between portals and aether must be figured out. This means that Spyro and/or Cynder will have to touch the one thing that truly scares them. Just as aether can be a tremendous force for good, so too can it be a catastrophic force of destruction. Despite this concern, both dragons are willing to admit that being able to create portals would a massive help and that it should not be too dangerous, so long as they avoid overreaching themselves.
Chance of Success: 30%(50% with both dragons). Time: 2 years. Notes: Can double up Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: Aether connection to portals unraveled.

-[X] Personal Attention (Spyro) (Research (Earth) (Avalar): Now that the governing district has been completed, Spyro finds himself having enough time to take on a project himself. With the kingdom as inundated in possible projects as it is, he and Cynder have agreed to set aside time for overseeing them.
Reward: Action from another category taken as a personal action.

-[X] Cynder - Thinking with Portals Part 2 Aether: In order to make portals a reality, Therris has determined that the connection between portals and aether must be figured out. This means that Spyro and/or Cynder will have to touch the one thing that truly scares them. Just as aether can be a tremendous force for good, so too can it be a catastrophic force of destruction. Despite this concern, both dragons are willing to admit that being able to create portals would a massive help and that it should not be too dangerous, so long as they avoid overreaching themselves.
Chance of Success: 30%(50% with both dragons). Time: 2 years. Notes: Can double up Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: Aether connection to portals unraveled.

@Nianque: Yeah, getting Cynder Electricity User is basically certain if somebody just does a Cynder omake. So going all in on Portals, especially since the Bonus Score is 83 points.

Though, regarding the Guards... what would we have gotten without omakes? As is, only Earth & Wind are unaccounted for, and I have clear plans for Shadow & Ice.

So more specifically... If no Earth & Wind Guard omakes are made, what can we expect from them? I don't have enough to write proper omakes for them, though I do have plenty of ideas to suggest.

Oh right, since Dawn has been involved in every Guard Omake so far, would her having some "Talent Appraiser" Trait be possible? Like, something to reflect how she can gauge others' potential and figure out possible applications.
@Nianque: Yeah, getting Cynder Electricity User is basically certain if somebody just does a Cynder omake. So going all in on Portals, especially since the Bonus Score is 83 points.

Though, regarding the Guards... what would we have gotten without omakes? As is, only Earth & Wind are unaccounted for, and I have clear plans for Shadow & Ice.

So more specifically... If no Earth & Wind Guard omakes are made, what can we expect from them? I don't have enough to write proper omakes for them, though I do have plenty of ideas to suggest.

Oh right, since Dawn has been involved in every Guard Omake so far, would her having some "Talent Appraiser" Trait be possible? Like, something to reflect how she can gauge others' potential and figure out possible applications.
High-end expert, but nothing too special about them; no unusual traits or abilities.

Possibly... I shall consult the dice.
Turn 15 Results
Treasury: 4132 Gold
Income: 2100 Gold per turn.

Focus: Choose Two.
The Kingdom continues to come together and overtime it is expected that the bonds that have been formed will grow stronger without any further oversight. Clarity believes that focusing on training will give the most benefit at the moment. Therris however wishes to focus on education and ensuring that all of the kingdom has an education comparable to Warfang. Note: You may double up on the focus.

2x Education (9): While Warfang currently boasts an outstanding level of education, the other parts of the kingdom are not so fortunate. Focus on making sure everyone in the kingdom is well educated. (Phydra and Timor)

- This year Timor teamed up with the newly declared Water Guardian in order to encourage education throughout the realm. The Fear dragon had a much more broad education and spent most of his time with the humans and centaurs, helping to get them caught up with the rest of the kingdom. Phydra meanwhile spent much of her time with the cheetahs of the Valley of Avalar tribe and Reliquia, encouraging the two peoples to share what the know regarding healing with each other and chiming in with her own observations when she could. By the end of the year, both Guardians are quite pleased with the progress that they have made and estimate that the overall level of education has been raised substantially thanks to their efforts. Reward: Education 11. Broader education for humans and centaurs. Healing knowledge shared between Warfang, Reliquia, and the cheetah tribes.

Martial: Choose One. One Locked.
Now that the Gielinor portal is behind the fighting, Clarity would like to know if the Kingdom of Avalar will be contributing to the fighting. Now that the fiefdoms of Hazeel and Khazard are close enough to affect the fighting, she is worried that the aviansie will not be able to effectively fight the mahjarrat without dedicating significant resources that are otherwise occupied. Also of note is that the water dragoness feels that now is a good time to train the 2nd Flight which will greatly increase their skill level and give them proper equipment, save for armor.

The Second Flight: Now that the population of Warfang has grown and she has a reliable source of recruits, Clarity feels that it is time to train a second flight of soldiers. Unfortunately this second flight will be just as expensive and time-consuming as the last as has to ensure they are up to her new standards which have grown quite high after the first major battle. A second flight will enable her to use one for defense and the other for campaigns away from Avalar. Now that the 1st Army of Avalar has been formed, the dragons who Clarity will be using to form the second flight have already received a significant amount of training.
Cost: 100 Gold. 150 Gold per year. Time: 1 year. Reward: A second flight of dragon soldiers. (Argent)

- The one hundred dragons that make up Warfang's Second Flight are pulled from the greater Avalar Army for the year. Argent uses this time to great effect and begins year long intense training program that she has put together from advice given by Clarity. As such the entire Flight is pushed hard through constant physical exercise, mental exercises, and combat drills. The trainees figure out early on that if they want to make it through to the end of year, then they have to start relying on each other. With the assistance of Clarity and the other Guardians, Argent introduces a wide array of team-building activities that prove to be impossible to be completed by oneself. which pushes forces the trainees to adapt. By the end of the year each dragon in the flight has begun thinking not of themselves, but of the flight as a whole. Not only has the overall skill level of the flight increased massively, but their teamwork has reached a level that is only equaled by the 1st Flight. Reward: Warfang's 2nd Flight is ready. Skill increased to 250.

Guards for the Guardians:
The Guardians are leaders who are trained from a young age in every facet of leadership imaginable and their element to otherwise unheard of levels of skill which makes them important pillars of the community.. Now that Clarity has become more aware of just how time intensive it is to train a Guardian, she regards their protection more essential than ever. In conversation with Cyril, Clarity has come up with the idea of training an assistant to both take care of the more minute details of a Guardians' role as well as keep an eye out for threats. Considering that the Guardians frequently attend to elementally powerful locations, these assistants would have to be at least experts in their element, though she would prefer that they be masters. This is of course in addition to all the training that an important bodyguard should receive.
Cost: 300 gold. 50 gold per year. Time: 3 years. Reward: Bodyguards for each of the Guardians. Drastically reduced chance to be impacted by poor rolls. Locked - One year remaining. (Clarity)

- This year sees Clarity stepping up the training for the guards-to-be and as a result several choose to drop out of the program and offered jobs more suited to their interests. Of the dozen or so remaining prospects, there were many who proved to be both quite unusual and skilled. Of note is the water dragon Zap who ended up with a weak secondary element of Electricity thanks to living near the Electricity nexus his entire life, the fear dragoness Nim who did not even know she was a fear dragon and instead has a substantial skill with illusions and dreams, and the poison dragoness Venenum who had a truly unbelievable connection to her element. Other candidates were notable in their own ways though mostly in regards to having focused on a much more rare part of their element enough to be usable in combat. The actual training for the year focused primarily on threat detection and close-quarters fighting which proved to be vastly different from what most of the dragons were familiar with. At the end of year Clarity shared the full details of exactly what they were training for which served to motivate the majority of them. Reward: Several notable dragons discovered. The prospective guards are trained in threat detection and close-quarters fighting. Several more dragons remaining than expected.

Diplomacy: Choose Two.
An emissary from Saradomin arrived at the Gielinor fort this year, proclaiming Saradomin's majesty and great wisdom. Thus far any serious attempts at preaching have thus far been stymied by the Armadyl worshipers among the humans and centaur. Ventis believes that this emissary is just the beginning and that the other known powers of Gielinor will begin taking an interest. He recommends accelerating plans for introducing the kingdom to the major realms.

Deeper Ties (Poison Dragons): According to Ventis it would a good idea to deepen the ties with not just the other parts of the kingdom, but also other kingdoms and peoples. At the moment Ventis would prefer to bring the peoples of the new kingdom closer together.
Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 50 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Increase closeness and opinion with chosen group. (Zephyr)
Needed: 10. Rolled: 72+16(diplomacy)=88.

- Zephyr spent the year connecting with the poison dragons of Warfang in Virii's place, as the Poison Guardian-to-be was busy with the rigorous studying and tests that the Guardians use to ensure a new member is ready for their duties. As Zephyr is the most charismatic out of all of the Guardians, he enjoys a popularity that the others lack and as such was able to preempt any negative feelings on either side. In particular Zephyr was able to show the city that not all poison dragons are lack the agent of House Temero and in fact many simply want to go on about their lives. On the opposite side of things, the poison dragons of Warfang were quite glad to see one of the other Guardians sticking up for them which is a nice change of pace for those who remember what it was like before Spyro ruled the city. Reward: Bad feelings regarding poison dragons preempted on both sides.

Diplomatic Negotiations (Moonclan and Protection):
Ventis has offered to enter talks with one of the other races or groups. Several of the known races have knowledge or services that dragons do not and the Wind dragon is willing to see if he can negotiate a deal of some kind. There are many groups that could be negotiated with, though not all would be easy. Ventis would also like to see if he can negotiate the admittance of other peoples into the kingdom, both on and off of Avalar.
Chance of Success: 20%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Negotiations for goods, services, knowledge or other information. (Ventis)
Needed: 80. Rolled: 71+11(diplomacy)+5(traits)+10(bonuses)=97

- The Fremennik as it turns out are incredibly hostile to 'outlanders' and more than once Ventis had to either flee or resort to some exceptional fast talking to get him out of the situations that he found himself in. Eventually however the diplomat managed to worm his way into the Moonclan Chief's good graces by sharing information about the host of hostile warriors that were gathering to assault the isle. With Ventis' warning, the host ended up ship-wrecked thanks to a ritual which resulted in a massive storm that capsized the longboats. This ill-fated assault on their island seems to have proven some among the clan right and their opinion on the rest of the Fremennik has rapidly soured. Despite this, the mages on the isle do not feel threatened and as such see little reason in seeking protection from a group that they know little of. They are however willing to trade knowledge regarding their magic for the far more elemental magic possessed by dragons. Reward: Moonclan warned of raiding host. Lunar mages are not worried by the continued hostility of the other Fremennik. Moonclan is starting to drift apart from the rest. Would like to trade magic knowledge.

Intrigue: Choose One. One Locked.
Now that the major powers of Gielinor are becoming aware of the kingdom, Umbra recommends investigating all polities save for the Zarosian Empire which he believes is far too risky to attempt, even for himself. Additionally Umbra would like to take some time to build a better rapport with Lyseera and putting together a profile on the mahjarrat which would make it easier to trust her outside of the small outpost that she currently resides in.

Persons of Interest (Lyseera): With the help of his intelligence network, Umbra has offered to build a profile on notable individuals to assist in diplomacy or intrigue. Gathering this information will depend on how friendly you are with them and thus trying to ascertain information on the leader of a hostile or unknown power would be extremely difficult and unlikely to gather much usable information. Lyseera's assistance has made the prospect of researching individual mahjarrat a significantly easier affair.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Character sheet for given character. (Cyril)
Needed: 20. Rolled: 60+10(average of diplomacy and intrigue)+10(bonus)

- Cyril spend the year getting to know Lyseera better. During this time, he has found that the mahjarrat is deeply concerned with her own survival to the point that one could uncharitably call her a coward. The truth is slightly more complex as interactions with her reveal that she is typically a very cautious and elusive individual who has done what she could to keep from being sacrificed. Perhaps most remarkable are the various things that she speaks of surviving which should have killed her, though Cyril suspects that her accounts are biased which is unavoidable with only Lyseera's own account of her history. Ultimately everything ties back to the fact that she is willing to do quite a bit to avoid death and is most unwilling to return to Gielinor unless she has no other choice. By the end of the year the Guardian of Ice feels that she can be trusted enough to be given greater freedoms. Reward: Lyseera's character sheet. Lyseera is trusted enough to walk around under escort.

Scouting Hyrule:
With the more immediate issues taken care of, Umbra believes that it would be a good time to scout Hyrule and find out what possible allies and enemies can be found in this new land. He would prefer to do this as soon as possible in order to not be blindsided; there may be things worse than the already encountered monsters and the spy would like to know what he needs to prepare for. Umbra does believe it likely that the natives are for the most part friendly, but you have likely not encountered all of the different races that call Hyrule home.
Chance of Success: ???. Cost: 100 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of factions, monsters, and possible resources among other things. (Umbra)
Opposing: 5. Rolled: 54+

- Umbra managed to finish his scouting this year and brings with him information on both the most recent events as well as goron, zora, and sheikah. To start off with, Umbra can finally confirm that the Champion Link managed to defeat 'Calamity Ganon'. In fact the Shadow Guardian would go so far as to say that Link's defeat of the Calamity is what caused the hole in Convexity to connect the two worlds in the first place.

The rock-like goron rule the province of Eldin which mostly seems to consist of 'Death Mountain', an active volcano. Thanks to the volcano that they make their home on, the goron have a remarkably strong connection to Fire and Earth. The most notable things about the goron seem to be their diet of rocks, their massive heat resistance, and their incredible metalworking. Some of the greatest metalwork in all of Hyrule seems to originate in their forges and before the Calamity, they were a true center of metallurgical masterpieces. The goron champion seems to have been the late Daruk whose massive strength and strange magical defense rendered him unbelievably tough, even for a goron. Daruk was the chosen pilot of the magi-tech lizard Vah Rudania which now rests on top of the volcano.

The amphibious zora meanwhile call the province of Lanayru their home which consists of several great bodies of water, including the reservoir that once supplied much of Hyrule with fresh drinking water. The zora are a proud fish-like race that are most attuned to Water, though Ice is not unheard of for them and Electricity is apparently much more dangerous to them than usual. Their main qualities seem to be the strange relationship they have with Water which lets them swim up waterfalls in spite of what should be possible, their truly stunning architecture, and their shining culture. While the zora have a very strong tradition of healers, the late champion and princess Mipha is said to have been able to bring back the recently deceased and was unmatched when she used her signature trident. Mipha had been chosen to pilot Vah Ruta, a magi-tech elephant that now rests above the reservoir.

Lastly is the mysterious sheikah who call the small town of Kakariko of the Dueling Peaks province home. The sheikah appear as humans, but according to Umbra seem attuned to Shadow instead of the unknown element that the Hylians are attuned to. Much of the magi-tech that litters Hyrule seems to be the result of the ancient sheikah, though the modern sheikah are for the most part incapable of making it anymore. In addition to their strong Shadow affinity, the sheikah also seem to be blessed with a strange lifespan that seems to be anywhere from a few hundred to thousands of years long, though Umbra suspects that the ancient monks have the blessing of their goddess Hylia to keep living that long. Additionally the Sheikah seem to have a hostile splinter who call themselves the Yiga, though the rogue splinter was for the most part wiped out by Link.

Stewardship: Choose Two. One Locked.
The damage down by the rogue poison dragon is immense not for the costs associated with it, but for how it has affected the minds of the populace. Morale has taken a dramatic turn for the worse and Glacies has been doing everything that she can to shift the narrative away from poison dragons in general and toward the nobility and specifically house Temero which is a recent nobility house composed almost solely of poison dragons.

Rebuilding the Undercity (Stewardship): Now that the moles have decided to rebuild the undecity of Warfang, Ventis and Glacies have decided it would help heal any developing rifts between the two peoples. As the moles greatly aided the dragons of Warfang in construction, it is the opinion of Ventis that the same should be reciprocated back. This will be a very time intensive project, but once done will give the moles a place unto themselves and earn their complete gratitude.
Cost: 1905 gold. Time: 4 years. Reward: Undercity reconstructed, tensions between dragons and moles healed, the gratitude of the moles.

- Glacies directed dozens of dragons of a variety of elements to assist the moles this year. This mostly consisted of earth dragons, though all of the elements were represented in different capacities. The dragons, already skilled at construction from work on Warfang proper, have been of great assistance to the moles and already the beginning stages of construction are progressing far faster than they would have without the help of so many dragons skilled in construction. Reward: Dozens of dragons are sent to help the moles in their reconstruction of the Undercity.

Prospecting Gold:
With the new maps that the cheetahs have helped to supply, Glacies is salivating over the potential gold to be made in hard to acquire materials. As it stands right now, most dragons make use of the already existing materials as the families who worked the various gem and metal deposits were mostly killed off during the early stages of the war as easy targets. This means that there are very few new sources of critical materials, such as gold, silver, iron, coal, or gems, let alone the more magical materials. Glacies would like to remedy this soon.
Chance of Success: Variable. Cost: 95 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Gem and ore deposits uncovered.
Rolled: 69.

- The prospecting teams followed the leads from last year and managed to track down deposits of onyx and nickel close to the Shadow Nexus. Even further south revealed large amounts of jade, titanium, and a small amount of adamantium near Mount Terris where the Earth Nexus sits. This confirms that certain gems and metals resonate with different elements. The usual deposits of the more common metals were also discovered. Reward: Onyx and nickel close to the Shadow Nexus. Jade, titanium, and adamantium near the Earth Nexus. Large array of lesser metal deposits.

Consequences for House Temero:
House Temero is the noble house that encouraged one of their more skilled members to craft several devastating plagues to 'cleanse the city'. It is Glacies' opinion that both of the diseases that had to be cured were a collaboration work across the entire clan. Thus Glacies seeks to pin the blame solely where it belongs and prevent a return to the ostracisation of the Poison element.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: House Temero and the Nobility take a reputation hit. Poison dragons are not blamed for the recent wave of sickness. (Glacies)
Needed: 30. Rolled: 38+19(stewardship)+10(traits)+20(bonuses)=87.

- Glacies has been utterly enjoying herself this year as she brings to bear every resource that she has access to. Multiple bribes had to be made in order to stop the nobility as a whole from coming together to support House Temero, but by the end of the year, Glacies has done it. Though the rest of the nobility only takes a slight hit to their reputation, Houses Temero is publicly connected to the recent outbreaks of disease. The majority of the houses' contacts seem to dry up as the year progresses and by the time the year ends, House Temero sits by itself as a disgraced house. Unfortunately this is not enough to completely destroy the house and already the nobles of Temero are expanding their interestes so as to recover faster. Without further intervention, Glacies suspsects that they will have mostly recovered in 5-10 years, though their reputation will take much longer than that to truly bounce back. Reward: Minor reputation hit to the Nobility. Massive reputation hit to House Temero. Poison dragons are not blamed for the recent outbreaks of disease.

Learning: Choose One. One Locked.
Therris is fascinated by the discoveries made with the research into Armadyleanism and is eager to delve into how worship of the other gods on Gielinor affect their followers. Before that however he would like to crack the secrets to titanium, figure out how to create portals, and how the Pool of Visions works. In fact Therris has so many projects that he would dearly like to do that he has recently been expanding the number of researchers that he employs by several dozen.

Thinking with Portals Part 1 Enchantments: With the knowledge of portals between worlds or into and out of Convexity, Therris thinks it possible to link together much more mundane areas such as Warfang to the cheetah village, or a far reaching enclave. This will be a very long and involved process that Therris admits will most likely take a very long time to get right. In fact such an undertaking will be so difficult and tedious that he has split it into three different parts, enchantments, the connection with aether, and combining the knowledge.
Chance of Success: 25%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments for portals. (Volteer)
Needed: 75. Rolled: 11+22(learning)+20(traits)+30(bonuses)=83

- This year sees Volteer start on the enchantments for the arches that will house the portals. According to the Electricity Guardian, these are the most complex enchantments that he has had to work with yet. This new enchantment involves using a very complex sympathetic enchantment to link two arches together which sounds rather simple at first. The problem comes with both the harsh environments these portals are expected to reside in and the vast distances that they are expected to bridge. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments to link two portal arches together started.

Double Down - Study Element (Earth):
With the reports back from the Guardians and their trips to the elemental nexuses, Therris would like permission to delve into the more material side of each element. For example the strange sight of electricity flowing through the ground at Sky's Conduit has made the researcher question whether a more physical use of the element could be identified. Further the elements of earth and poison have a great many varied compounds that could prove interesting such as the metal titanium or the neural toxin that a frog of all things afflicted a poison dragon with. To start with Therris recommends that he does a comprehensive in order to catalogue everything related to the element in question.
Chance of Success: 60% (increased by studying the respective element). Cost: 100 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Increased knowledge of the chosen element's interactions with the physical world, new actions unlocked. (Therris)
Needed: 40. Rolled: 76+12(learning)+30(traits)+20(double down)+20(bonuses)=158

- Therris has been truly at home this past year as he has been given free reign to research everything that is even remotely connected to Earth on the physical side. For the most part this seems to just be metals, though gems and other crystals also seem to have a connection to the element. Perhaps more importantly Therris believes different combinations of metals and minerals might yield some truly interesting results. Reward: 2x Progress. Therris is documenting the properties of the different metals and gems. Also experimenting with alloys and composites.

Piety: Choose Two.
The sickness that spread through the city turned out to be the work of a disgruntled noble who had been told to 'cleanse the city'. Virii found herself working with the disease part of Poison far more than she is comfortable with, while Phydra has found a talent in healing. Cyril and Pyra would like to re-implement the old acolyte system of the temple where orphaned eggs are brought in to be raised as acolytes to assist the Guardians in studying the less common facets of their elements.

Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 300 (Fulmen), 1000 (Argent/Timor). Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Fulmen gains Electricity Expert, Argent/Timor gain EarthPoison/Fear Grandmaster.
Fulmen: 45+15(piety)+25(bonuses)+25(Volteer)=110
Argent: 49+23(piety)+25(bonuses)=97
Timor: 93+24(piety)+25(bonuses)=142

- Timor has become the first dragon sense Malefor to truly master the element of Fear and were it not for his unbreakable will, he would have been driven mad by the revelations that this has caused him. Though he refuses to speak of what exactly was revealed to him in his meditations, Timor has stated that the element is far more than what anyone had thought it was. The only information that he has shared regarding this, is that he has a lead on one of the major reasons for why Fear dragons almost always go crazy. Reward: Timor becomes Grandmaster in Fear. Leads on why Fear dragons go crazy.

Temple Acolytes:
Before the war the Dragon Temple had been home to dozens of scholars studying the elements in the hopes of uncovering more of their mysteries. The temple would take in orphaned eggs and raise them in the temple as acolytes. From these acolytes the Guardians would often select their apprentices. Cyril and Pyra would like to return to this practice, insisting that having multiple acolytes will make research on the elements easier as they will have multiple assistants to spread the load around. On the downside, the Guardians will spend less time looking for noteworthy drakes to take on as apprentices outside of the acolytes.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 200 gold. 50 gold per year in upkeep. Reward: +10 to elemental research actions, eggs will once more be found and brought to the temple to be raised as acolytes. Less time looking for apprentices. (Pyra)

- The temple is abuzz with activity this year as Pyra begins hunting down orphaned eggs and drakes . Many of the young drakes that he talked to were eager to take him up on his offer to become acolytes at the temple and by the end of the year half a dozen orphaned eggs as well as four young dragons have been relocated to the Dragon Temple where they will assist the Guardians in various tasks. Though it will be a long time before any are able to contribute to the research directly, the extra help should ease the Guardians' work. Additionally, the Fire Guardian has led the effort in making sure the new acolytes are comfortable and are receiving the training that they need. Reward: Half a dozen eggs and four young orphans found.

Research (Earth) (Avalar):
With Umbra's successful investigation into Gielinor's Shadow, the Guardians have decided that additional investigations into not just Gielinor's elements, but also Avalar's elements might be warranted in order to catch any surprises. This is particularly important as Malefor's destruction and Spyro's restoration of Avalar might have had unforeseen consequences on the elements.
Chance of Success: 50% (Avalar)/20% (Gielinor). Time: 1 year. Reward: Knowledge of current state of element on chosen planet.
Needed: 50. Rolled: 39+36(piety)+20(traits)+25(bonuses)=115.

- Spyro delved deep into the element of Earth on Avalar this year. According to what notes remain from before the restoration of the planet, Earth does not appear to have changed much. It is heavily tied into stability, stubbornness, metals, and gems. The only noteworthy and new information seems to be the fact that Earth is far stronger than he thought and it may in fact be smothering the other elements. In fact, Spyro believes that the four pillar elements as a whole might be completely out of balance with the other five elements and are likely smothering them. He believes it might be best to investigate the other three pillar elements soon to confirm this. Reward: Information about Earth confirmed. Earth is far stronger than it should be compared to the other elements. Pillar elements smothering the other elements?

Personal: Choose Three (Spyro, Cynder, and Either)
Now that Spyro has learned how to use Shadow, he has become able to detect low level Shadow manipulators which when combined with Cynder's own skill in Shadow is proof against most of the lesser threats that could threaten them. He still has only caught some of Umbra's Shadows that Cynder claims are following the two of them. As Galena grows, so too does her curiosity and her ability to escape from her watchers. Most importantly however the two rulers have found themselves with enough time now to directly oversee projects which will greatly aid in keeping up with the complicated situations in Gielinor and now Hyrule as well.

Thinking with Portals Part 2 Aether (Spyro and Cynder): In order to make portals a reality, Therris has determined that the connection between portals and aether must be figured out. This means that Spyro and/or Cynder will have to touch the one thing that truly scares them. Just as aether can be a tremendous force for good, so too can it be a catastrophic force of destruction. Despite this concern, both dragons are willing to admit that being able to create portals would a massive help and that it should not be too dangerous, so long as they avoid overreaching themselves.
Chance of Success: 30%. Time: 2 years. Notes: Can double up Spyro and Cynder actions. Reward: Aether connection to portals unraveled.
Needed: 70. Rolled: 59+36(Spyro)+29(Cynder)+15(aether)+5(omake)=144

- Spyro and Cynder worked closely this year to unravel more of the aether-side of portals. This is dangerous work and both of the young rulers know the consequences should they allow the aether that they are working with to get away from them. Despite the fears of being overtaken by dark aether, the strong emotional bond between the two of them seems to prevent either one of them from falling into the darkness. With the two of them working in concert and many of the risks of working with aether already being worked around, they make exceptional progress on identifying how to create portals out of aether. By the end of the year the two dragons even manage to form a short-range portal from one side of the city to the other, though without some kind of enchanted anchor, the portal destabilizes within seconds. Reward: Aether component to portals, +100 to Aether progression. Soul-Bond emotional component helps to prevent Spyro and Cynder from falling to Dark Aether.

Personal Attention (Spyro) (Research (Earth) (Avalar)):
Now that the governing district has been completed, Spyro finds himself having enough time to take on a project himself. With the kingdom as inundated in possible projects as it is, he and Cynder have agreed to set aside time for overseeing them.
Reward: Action from another category taken as a personal action.

- Spyro spent the year investigating the element of Earth on Avalar.
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@Nianque: I think I see a few problems:
The Second Flight: Now that the population of Warfang has grown and she has a reliable source of recruits, Clarity feels that it is time to train a second flight of soldiers. Unfortunately this second flight will be just as expensive and time-consuming as the last as has to ensure they are up to her new standards which have grown quite high after the first major battle. A second flight will enable her to use one for defense and the other for campaigns away from Avalar. Now that the 1st Army of Avalar has been formed, the dragons who Clarity will be using to form the second flight have already received a significant amount of training.
Cost: 100 Gold. 150 Gold per year. Time: 1 year. Reward: A second flight of dragon soldiers. (Clarity)
Clarity should still be working on Guards for the Guardians, and Argent should be on The Second Flight.
-[X] The Second Flight: Now that the population of Warfang has grown and she has a reliable source of recruits, Clarity feels that it is time to train a second flight of soldiers. Unfortunately this second flight will be just as expensive and time-consuming as the last as has to ensure they are up to her new standards which have grown quite high after the first major battle. A second flight will enable her to use one for defense and the other for campaigns away from Avalar. Now that the 1st Army of Avalar has been formed, the dragons who Clarity will be using to form the second flight have already received a significant amount of training.
Cost: 100 Gold. 150 Gold per year. Time: 1 year. Reward: A second flight of dragon soldiers.
--[X] Argent
Also, you forgot to finish this:
Consequences for House Temero: House Temero is the noble house that encouraged one of their more skilled members to craft several devastating plagues to 'cleanse the city'. It is Glacies' opinion that both of the diseases that had to be cured were a collaboration work across the entire clan. Thus Glacies seeks to pin the blame solely where it belongs and prevent a return to the ostracisation of the Poison element.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: House Temero and the Nobility take a reputation hit. Poison dragons are not blamed for the recent wave of sickness. (Glacies)
Needed: 30. Rolled: 38+

QM just needs to add a threadmark to the result update and everything should look fine.

Bonuses are ever so helpful.
@Nianque: Wait, I thought the Study/Research Elements actions were suppose to give each other bonuses? Also, Study Earth doesn't seem to include the 20 points from Double Down. Then there's how Argent was assigned to the 2nd Flight, instead of Clarity. Oh, and Nim was referred to with male pronouns, despite being female.
Clarity should still be working on Guards for the Guardians, and Argent should be on The Second Flight.
...Ah. I must have been looking at a previous version of the plan.
Wait, I thought the Study/Research Elements actions were suppose to give each other bonuses? Also, Study Earth doesn't seem to include the 20 points from Double Down. Then there's how Argent was assigned to the 2nd Flight, instead of Clarity. Oh, and Nim was referred to with male pronouns, despite being female.
I'll fix it.
@Nianque: Wow, Argent is surprisingly terrifying... Anyways, I'm still trying to figure out how Dawn's omake will go. Regarding Clarity, would it be accurate saying she's an experienced mostly serious individual who isn't easily surprised? I'm wanting to know if that's good enough for me trying to write her.

Though the omake in question mostly consists of Dawn being acknowledged for her work and offered the chance to be a "VIP" Guard as well. Figure it'll also elaborate some more on her motives and backstory.

Oh, could you give me personality keywords for Timor? I've been thinking for a while now that Blackout noticed Timor's poking of the Fear Nexus, and with the discoveries he just made... Maybe they finally met, only for a member of Dark Stygian to interfere?

On different matters... Since Study Earth is nearly 4 times the needed score and Portals Aether is twice the score, did that reduce the time required?
@Nianque: Wow, Argent is surprisingly terrifying... Anyways, I'm still trying to figure out how Dawn's omake will go. Regarding Clarity, would it be accurate saying she's an experienced mostly serious individual who isn't easily surprised? I'm wanting to know if that's good enough for me trying to write her.

Though the omake in question mostly consists of Dawn being acknowledged for her work and offered the chance to be a "VIP" Guard as well. Figure it'll also elaborate some more on her motives and backstory.

Oh, could you give me personality keywords for Timor? I've been thinking for a while now that Blackout noticed Timor's poking of the Fear Nexus, and with the discoveries he just made... Maybe they finally met, only for a member of Dark Stygian to interfere?

On different matters... Since Study Earth is nearly 4 times the needed score and Portals Aether is twice the score, did that reduce the time required?
Yeah... I need to rewrite the flavor text of that action as it was written for Clarity, not Argent. I only swapped the names this morning.

Those are the big things concerning Clarity.

Sounds good.

Timor is optimistic and very self-assured; he knows himself inside and out. Quite serious and intense when it counts, though he knows to relax and enjoy himself as well.

Spyro and Cynder's part of the portal action is finished. I'll get back to you on the other stuff when I have time.
The Shadow Guard: Dawn
@Nianque: Finally, an omake for Dawn!


The Shadow Guard: Dawn
Having arrived back in Warfang little over a week ago, Dawn has been taking the time to relax after all her traveling. Well, for a given definition anyways...

Since Venenum didn't have anywhere else to live, Dawn has been caring for the young dragoness. Between Venenum's curiosity and unusual upbringing, her antics alone have been pushing Dawn's abilities just to keep her out of trouble.

Still, where others saw a rambunctious dragoness unfit to be a guard, Clarity saw potential waiting to be brought forth. Truly, that's one of the many reasons Dawn preferred working for her.

Though, it is because of her respect for Clarity that Dawn doesn't spy on her like she does almost everyone else around her. Resulting in the current situation: Dawn standing before Clarity, not understanding why she was summoned.

Looking up at the larger dragoness, it was always difficult for Dawn to tell what she was thinking. "Though, I suppose there aren't many who can. Venenum's mere existence didn't seem to faze her, and Zap didn't mention getting a reaction from her either..."

Finally, Clarity speaks, her voice composed. "I've been alive for a very long time, and seen many strange things. Even so, you found three different dragons with abilities many would assume only Purple Dragons could possess. Well done, Dawn."

... "That can't be all, she has more important things than briefly congratulating others. Is this a test of some kind? Is she setting up a point? Does... she think I'm secretly working for Umbra?"

Focusing on her superior, Dawn does her own best to speak composed. "Thank you, though I was just doing my job. The others have done excellent work as well, no need to single me out."

Watching as Clarity silently looks at her, Dawn focuses as her superior responds. "You deserve praise for a job well done... Still, you could of worked for Umbra with talent like that. So, why haven't you joined him after all this time?"

Dawn shifting slightly at that, she wasn't sure what to say. Yet... she already knew the answer, for a long time she had lived by it... So, Dawn just let it come naturally to her.

"I never liked hiding from my problems, and problems hiding from me even less. I could never bring myself to sit back and watch, letting others suffer just so I can tell someone else to save them."

Though Dawn isn't sure why, something about Clarity seems to change. "If that's the case, then being one of my soldiers must still be limiting for what you'd prefer. Perhaps you would be willing to try the guard program?"

... "Wait, what?" Confused by the sudden question, Dawn couldn't help herself. "M-me? I... It would be easy for anyone to do what I do. Really, I'm not special, I just bothered to train unlike most."

Clarity raises a wing, signaling for Dawn to fall silent. Looking her superior over, Dawn listens quietly. "True, anyone could technically do what you can... Though I imagine making others tired is highly unusual."

That surprises Dawn, even stepping back a little as she tries to suppress her reaction. "I'm not sure what you mean, I just get lucky that's all." Yet, as she replied, Dawn realized her mistake: Clarity never gave context.

Clarity, for her part, still seems completely calm. "I may not be a spymaster, but I'm still perfectly capable. If you're just hiding the ability so others don't plan for it, that's fine. Preferable even, for a future guard."

Yet, Dawn looks away in silence, her tail curling around her leg. "I wish that was the answer, hurts less that way..." Finally, as she lets out a quiet sigh, Dawn turns back to her superior.

"I actually developed the ability early when first experimenting. I... initially didn't think much of it, and simply used it to sleep easier. I only began developing it and my information gathering..."

Dawn doesn't want to say more, thinking about what happened... Thankfully, Clarity doesn't press for now. "We all have our scars, so if it hurts that bad... Then fine. You'll still do an excellent job without it."

... Taking a professional stance, Dawn speaks with composed steel. "I can use that facet without issue, too valuable to ignore after all. If you really want me to try for the guard program, then holding back achieves nothing."

Clarity smiles at this, a no-more-than-necessary serious one. "Good, I need someone like you in the program. Oh, and do try to keep your candidates involved. Potential like that needs to be cultivated, rather than wasted."

Nodding her head in silent agreement, Dawn begins to leave before stopping. Looking back to Clarity, Dawn eases her body as she smiles slightly. "Thank you, for giving me this chance."

With that done, Dawn figures she should check on Venenum. Hopefully she hasn't been too much for Nim to handle, Nim manages her nieces fine. Though, she supposed, all six of them will be seeing a lot of each other...

So it was kind of weird writing Clarity, since I was trying to avoid defining her character too much. I'm not really sure if I could rewrite this. Still, explanations for a few things...

I figure Clarity would like having a loyal soldier operating as a "Guardian" Guard, and that the other Guard Candidates (Nim/Zap/Venenum especially) would be incredibly valuable for protecting the Guardians.

For Dawn's backstory, I do have a concrete idea. That she was born in a Fire Dragon family, and that she initially refined her Shadow abilities to cope. I would say she hasn't actually specialized in the sleep facet, and more her skill with it comes from how early she tapped into it.

Of course, I'm also assuming that Shadow Dragons could make others tired instead of outright making them sleep. Anyways, I would say Shadow Travel/Shadow Sense/Sleep are her most particularly refined followed by general combat and sensory invisibility.

She doesn't have any meaningful understanding of the moon facet, partially... because I don't either. Really, Moon is associated with a lot of things like madness and cold. So while shooting madness beams sounds awesome, it also sounds like a Fear Dragon thing.
Of course, I'm also assuming that Shadow Dragons could make others tired instead of outright making them sleep. Anyways, I would say Shadow Travel/Shadow Sense/Sleep are her most particularly refined followed by general combat and sensory invisibility.

She doesn't have any meaningful understanding of the moon facet, partially... because I don't either. Really, Moon is associated with a lot of things like madness and cold. So while shooting madness beams sounds awesome, it also sounds like a Fear Dragon thing.
I'm happy with how you wrote Clarity.

Shadow dragons can intentionally cause fatigue and tiredness, yes.

I included moon as part of Shadow because they are often connected in other fiction. What the moon aspect of the element can do? I have not fleshed it out yet. Generally a 'Lunar Enhancement' that enhances them under moonlight, tying magical effects into the moon-cycle (werewolves could be created like that though you would need Shadow paragon or to supplement it heavily with Body (also werewolves exist on Gielinor...)), and of course beams of concentrated moonlight. Do keep in mind that I expect there to be lots of overlap between certain elements and perhaps the very fringes of Shadow and Fear share some things in common?
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@Nianque: Huh, that... makes First Shadow (Selene) a lot more ridiculous ability-wise. Like, she's already meant to be so good with Shadow Travel she could casually warp between cities, but with "The Moon's Power"...

I could see her basically having omnidirectional abilities, standing on "air" and swimming through the sky purely due to the darkness & moonlight. Oh, and with the Shadow Elementals being shapeshifters, they could be the "proto-werewolves" that Avalarians base Weres off of.

Hmm, I would definitely say Selene's omake will be complex. Her world-traveler ways, her wanting to "uplift" Shadow Elementals, her interest in Spyro/Cynder/Galena... I'm just glad the world building in it won't get excessive.

Though speaking of omakes: The Ice Guard (Rorrim?) will be my last "Guard Intro" omake. Things are pretty much set, I just need to make sure there won't be any issues. So...

The idea is that Rorrim was affected by the war, with him deliberately seeking out the Ice Nexus so he could become powerful enough to fight against future tragedies.

For the most part he's been alone, living at/near the Ice Nexus. I'm thinking his appearance might have been affected by the years of exposure, and/or he survives being unnaturally cold.

Once the Ice Nexus Research Settlement formed, Rorrim would spend time down there- clearly interested in learning more and sharing his knowledge.

Eventually, he learns about Warfang's guard program, seeing it as the perfect chance to demonstrate how much Ice could do to protect everyone. He has a heavy "Defense" specialty, and thus familiar with Ice's exotic facets.

His main approach is "Attack Reflection", though he's also good at freezing things and making it incredibly durable via the crystal facet. I could also see him being good at messing with light via ice shenanigans, partially to blind people and partially being crazy-prepared.
@Nianque: Huh, that... makes First Shadow (Selene) a lot more ridiculous ability-wise. Like, she's already meant to be so good with Shadow Travel she could casually warp between cities, but with "The Moon's Power"...

I could see her basically having omnidirectional abilities, standing on "air" and swimming through the sky purely due to the darkness & moonlight. Oh, and with the Shadow Elementals being shapeshifters, they could be the "proto-werewolves" that Avalarians base Weres off of.

Hmm, I would definitely say Selene's omake will be complex. Her world-traveler ways, her wanting to "uplift" Shadow Elementals, her interest in Spyro/Cynder/Galena... I'm just glad the world building in it won't get excessive.

Though speaking of omakes: The Ice Guard (Rorrim?) will be my last "Guard Intro" omake. Things are pretty much set, I just need to make sure there won't be any issues. So...

The idea is that Rorrim was affected by the war, with him deliberately seeking out the Ice Nexus so he could become powerful enough to fight against future tragedies.

For the most part he's been alone, living at/near the Ice Nexus. I'm thinking his appearance might have been affected by the years of exposure, and/or he survives being unnaturally cold.

Once the Ice Nexus Research Settlement formed, Rorrim would spend time down there- clearly interested in learning more and sharing his knowledge.

Eventually, he learns about Warfang's guard program, seeing it as the perfect chance to demonstrate how much Ice could do to protect everyone. He has a heavy "Defense" specialty, and thus familiar with Ice's exotic facets.

His main approach is "Attack Reflection", though he's also good at freezing things and making it incredibly durable via the crystal facet. I could also see him being good at messing with light via ice shenanigans, partially to blind people and partially being crazy-prepared.
The biggest problem for Rorrim would be food as the Ice Nexus is really cold and not much survives near it. Living on it completely would be a trial in just getting enough food for a grown dragon. The further away he is however, the easier time getting food. His best bet for survival would be fishing or trying to hunt polar bear expies

No real problems with Rorrim, just something to keep in mind. Not decided on Selene yet.
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I had an idea for the Earth guard, but I don't know whether I'll have time to flesh it out.

Pirro would be a noble of Warfang for whom the stability/stubbornness aspect of Earth manifested as laziness. When his family tried to get him out of his rut by volunteering him for the construction efforts, he looked to his element for a solution to avoid the strenuous work that awaited him. He reasoned that if he can make detailed 3D models of buildings, he'll get a place on the planning team instead of one of the work crews. The only other unusual trick he has is how he can burrow down in seconds while keeping a large air bubble with him to breathe. He uses it to avoid falling debris on construction sites, but Dawn would obviously recognize its value for VIP protection. Her first impression of his family's manor would be "jade everywhere". Pirro recently had it imported after hearing of its resonance with Earth for no other reason than that it takes less effort for him to manipulate.

Maybe I would add a bit of hilarity where, when Dawn first arrives, Pirro thinks his family is trying to set him up with a dragoness again...

That said, I don't trust myself to do @Kkutlord's characterization of Dawn justice, so if I find time to write it, it would be from Pirro's perspective.
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@Nachtigall: You don't have to have Dawn be involved, I really only had her as the POV for the various Guard omakes because it was easier for me. My plans for Rorrim don't really involve her for example.

Still, I like the idea for Pirro, especially how he puts so much effort into being lazy. Hmm, it was established that Dawn shared some of her information on interesting candidates to other recruiters. So maybe Dawn could be referenced?