Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

[] Plans of War
[] Secrets of Avalar
[] The Four Horsemen
[] Progenitors of Dragonkind
Plans of War is probably on Glienor, and as long as we hold the portal I think we can deal with whatever issues may arise.

Secrets of Avalar is being investigated by Hunter and Umbra wants it investigated as well, so I see little reason to get OOC information when we'll learn about it IC anyhow.

I have no idea what world involves The Four Horsemen, does anyone have ideas?

Progenitors of Dragonkind will definitely affect us...

Personally, I'm picking based on what we know the least about:
[x] The Four Horsemen
[X] Progenitors of Dragonkind

why do I get the feeling that we need to train Spryo and Cynder up more after reading all of this?
I am not trying to get everyones' hopes up, but to fill the time to the next update what types of omakes are needed or wanted in the meantime?

One I thought about for some time involves how the citt almost broke down into elemental war, and the specifics Spyro, Ventis and everyone else had to do to solve that. (I am going to do that, but life(tm) has been a little distracting.)

Then there is Glacis and her hatred of the nobility despite being part of that herself.
How much is self-hate? How much is from getting a clearer picture of the suffering of others? They are an interesting case.
@Zavvnao: Well, there are no Guard Omakes for Earth and Wind. It was already established that Guard Omakes would get us better guards, as otherwise we just get normal candidates.
I am not trying to get everyones' hopes up, but to fill the time to the next update what types of omakes are needed or wanted in the meantime?

One I thought about for some time involves how the citt almost broke down into elemental war, and the specifics Spyro, Ventis and everyone else had to do to solve that. (I am going to do that, but life(tm) has been a little distracting.)

Then there is Glacis and her hatred of the nobility despite being part of that herself.
How much is self-hate? How much is from getting a clearer picture of the suffering of others? They are an interesting case.
Ooh I really like the one about the civil war that almost happened. Aside from that omakes for Sparx, Hunter, Lyseera, the Guardians, advisors, the other rulers of the kingdom, Spyro, Cynder, and Galena.

Anything about Runescape or Zelda would be appreciated as well. Particularly cool OCs for different factions.

...Honestly just throw ideas/omakes at me and I'd appreciate it.

Update is on it's way... this week? Been slow because I lost interest for a few days and considered just redoing the quest to make everything original. Then some friends pulled me back into Magic: the Gathering and I bought Spyro Reignited now that it's out for the Switch.

So... excuses pretty much. Just out of curiousity though, what's the interest level for a rewrite where I take out all the Spyro/Runescape/Zelda stuff and instead keep similar themes and ideas, but everything is original?
So... excuses pretty much. Just out of curiousity though, what's the interest level for a rewrite where I take out all the Spyro/Runescape/Zelda stuff and instead keep similar themes and ideas, but everything is original?
it would be interesting, but I'd prefer to keep the progress and story we've made so far much more than I would like to start all over.
This is literally the first story I ever produced this many omakes for, which I rarely do to begin with. So yeah, I really like this Quest and want to see where it goes. Very least I'd prefer a natural ending instead of an abrupt cancellation.
This is literally the first story I ever produced this many omakes for, which I rarely do to begin with. So yeah, I really like this Quest and want to see where it goes. Very least I'd prefer a natural ending instead of an abrupt cancellation.

I might write something else and just update it sporadically. This will always be my main focus as long as you all are still interested in it.
I have to concur that I'd rather see Spyro's Kingdom continue. We readers are already invested and looking forward to see where the story leads. Besides, you teased us with several plot threads of which we could only peek at one via the interlude choice, so I'm eagerly anticipating when we'll encounter the others.

I thought there were already guards written for those elements.
While I came up with a character for the Earth guard position, Pirro, I haven't had time to write an omake about him.

Since I haven't properly claimed that guard omake, I could send you what little I have in terms of notes so far if you want to write either about Pirro or another Earth guard (in the later case it should at least offer a bit of inspiration).
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So... excuses pretty much. Just out of curiousity though, what's the interest level for a rewrite where I take out all the Spyro/Runescape/Zelda stuff and instead keep similar themes and ideas, but everything is original?
I personally clicked on because I saw Spyro, but I would read an original quest (especially if it meant getting rid of the more unnecessary compounding of crossovers). That said, it would make me lose faith that said spiritual reboot would actually get anywhere since you would be setting precedent for discontinuing and restarting.
While I came up with a character for the Earth guard position, Pirro, I haven't had time to write an omake about him.

Since I haven't properly claimed that guard omake, I could send you what little I have in terms of notes so far if you want to write either about Pirro or another Earth guard (in the later case it should at least offer a bit of inspiration).
Maybe you should continue your idea?

You are further along than me.
I personally clicked on because I saw Spyro, but I would read an original quest (especially if it meant getting rid of the more unnecessary compounding of crossovers). That said, it would make me lose faith that said spiritual reboot would actually get anywhere since you would be setting precedent for discontinuing and restarting.
That's one of the reasons I was contemplating it, simply because I've gone overboard on crossovers already. I've already trashed Runescape lore because I'm constantly finding new stuff that contradicts what I've established and I've realized you all are probably not too thrilled about an increasing number of crossovers.
Crossovers can work, you just need a healthy balance and not be afraid to twist things.

Sometimes, the balance is no crossovers, and sometimes, a few over time. Hyrule and Runescape are good for now till that is settled or plot inspiration happens
So as an apology for the lack of updates, I have a little treat for you all.

Aether: The element of creation, the cosmos, and the spiritual. It is split into the light and dark halves of aether and is only naturally usable by the purple dragons. Light aether has properties of healing, creation, and positive emotions, while dark aether has properties of corruption, destruction, and negative emotions.
Facets: Heal, Destroy, Purify, Corrupt, Transfer/Gift/Steal, Creation (e), Time (e), Space (e)
Personality Traits: Heroic, Destroyer
Materials: Dragon Crystals?

Minor Elemental Power Increase
Life or Death Aether Usage (enhancement, attacks, or healing)
Minor Aether Power
Aether Fury

Lesser Elemental Power Increase
Lesser Aether Power
Minor Aether Enhancement
Aether Breath
Aether Beam (Fury)

Medium Elemental Power Increase
Medium Aether Power
Lesser Aether Enhancement
Cleanse Corruption
Aether Beam (At Will)
Minor Aether Form (Fury)

Greater Elemental Power Increase
Greater Aether Power
Medium Aether Enhancement
Aether Shield
Lesser Aether Form
Minor Dragon Time
Minor Portals
Elemental Gift (Hard)
Elemental Theft (Hard)
Create Element (Incredibly Hard)

Major Elemental Power Increase
Major Aether Power
Greater Aether Enhancement
Greater Aether Form
Lesser Dragon Time
Lesser Portals
Elemental Gift (Moderate)
Elemental Thief (Moderate)
Create Element (Hard)
Influence Element (Hard)
Smoke: One of the four 'Dark Elements' of Gielinor. Smoke seems to represent persistence, clinginess, poison, heat, and contamination
Facets - Smoke, heat, poison, toxic gases, contamination(e), radiative gases (e)disembodiment (e)
Personality Traits - Persistent, toxic, stubbornness, clinging
Materials - Aquamarine, Unidentified (Radium), and other hazardous gasses

Very Weak Gas Resistance
Single Target Poison
Very Weak Poison
Obscure Self
30 Second Lingering Clouds

Weak Gas Resistance
Very Weak Heat Resistance
Very Weak Poison Resistance
Small Area Poison
Weak Poison
Obscure Small Area
5 Minute Lingering Clouds
Poisonous Gas

Medium Gas Resistance
Weak Heat Resistance
Weak Poison Resistance
Medium Area Poison
Medium Poison
Obscure Medium Area
5 Hour Lingering Clouds
Very Weak Contaminate

Strong Gas Resistance
Medium Heat Resistance
Medium Poison Resistance
Strong Area Poison
Strong Poison
Obscure Large Area
1 Day Lingering Clouds
Very Weak Radioactive Gases
Weak Contaminate

Very Strong Gas Resistance
Strong Heat Resistance
Strong Poison Resistance
Very Strong Area Poison
Very Strong Poison
Obscure Very Large Area
1 Week Lingering Clouds
Weak Radioactive Gases
Medium Contaminate
5 Second Smoke Form

In addition my friend is starting the art for Timor, so look forward to that :)
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So as an apology for the lack of updates, I have a little treat for you all.

Aether: The element of creation, the cosmos, and the spiritual. It is split into the light and dark halves of aether and is only naturally usable by the purple dragons. Light aether has properties of healing, creation, and positive emotions, while dark aether has properties of corruption, destruction, and negative emotions.
Facets: Heal, Destroy, Purify, Corrupt, Transfer/Gift/Steal, Creation (e), Time (e), Space (e)
Personality Traits: Heroic, Destroyer
Materials: Dragon Crystals?

Very Weak Gas Resistance
Single Target Poison
Very Weak Poison
Obscure Self
30 Second Lingering Clouds

Weak Gas Resistance
Very Weak Heat Resistance
Very Weak Poison Resistance
Small Area Poison
Weak Poison
Obscure Small Area
5 Minute Lingering Clouds
Poisonous Gas

Medium Gas Resistance
Weak Heat Resistance
Weak Poison Resistance
Medium Area Poison
Medium Poison
Obscure Medium Area
5 Hour Lingering Clouds
Very Weak Contaminate

Strong Gas Resistance
Medium Heat Resistance
Medium Poison Resistance
Strong Area Poison
Strong Poison
Obscure Large Area
1 Day Lingering Clouds
Very Weak Radioactive Gases
Weak Contaminate

Very Strong Gas Resistance
Strong Heat Resistance
Strong Poison Resistance
Very Strong Area Poison
Very Strong Poison
Obscure Very Large Area
1 Week Lingering Clouds
Weak Radioactive Gases
Medium Contaminate
5 Second Smoke Form
Smoke: One of the four 'Dark Elements' of Gielinor. Smoke seems to represent persistence, clinginess, poison, heat, and
Facets - Smoke, heat, poison, toxic gases, contamination(e), radiative gases (e)disembodiment (e)
Personality Traits - Persistent, toxic, stubbornness, clinging
Materials - Aquamarine, Unidentified (Radium), and other hazardous gasses

Minor Elemental Power Increase
Life or Death Aether Usage (enhancement, attacks, or healing)
Minor Aether Power
Aether Fury

Lesser Elemental Power Increase
Lesser Aether Power
Minor Aether Enhancement
Aether Breath
Aether Beam (Fury)

Medium Elemental Power Increase
Medium Aether Power
Lesser Aether Enhancement
Cleanse Corruption
Aether Beam (At Will)
Minor Aether Form (Fury)

Greater Elemental Power Increase
Greater Aether Power
Medium Aether Enhancement
Aether Shield
Lesser Aether Form
Minor Dragon Time
Minor Portals
Elemental Gift (Hard)
Elemental Theft (Hard)
Create Element (Incredibly Hard)

Major Elemental Power Increase
Major Aether Power
Greater Aether Enhancement
Greater Aether Form
Lesser Dragon Time
Lesser Portals
Elemental Gift (Moderate)
Elemental Thief (Moderate)
Create Element (Hard)
Influence Element (Hard)

In addition my friend is starting the art for Timor, so look forward to that :)

You mixed up the two. But that sounds about right for two esoteric elements messing with their own format.
I've already trashed Runescape lore because I'm constantly finding new stuff that contradicts what I've established
Well, you were the first to find said discrepancies. Nobody amongst us readers mentioned them, so nobody minds (and I doubt anybody even noticed). Ergo, I think none of us is bothered if quest lore doesn't exactly match the source material.

and I've realized you all are probably not too thrilled about an increasing number of crossovers.
Runescape and Hyrule are great, so while crossover bloat could become a problem if even more portals open before we've found an equilibrium with those two worlds, I don't think you need to worry so that much about that.