@Nianque: Time for something a little bit different.
The Water(?) Guard: Zap
Touching down on land, Dawn stretches herself out. After all that flying, she finds it good she can finally afford to enjoy her surroundings. Sure it wasn't the easiest reaching the domain of Sky's Conduit, but thankfully she didn't have to approach the Nexus outright.
Instead, she made her way to the closest settlement to it which was positioned not far from the ocean. It wasn't particularly large, and judging by appearances the scholars and researchers did more to develop it.
Still, it was nonetheless a fishing community of sorts, if electrocuting fish and gathering their floating corpses counted... Yet she was here for a
specific fisher, who she kept getting contradictory info for Element-wise.
"Seriously, the Element of a dragon outright called Zap should be obvious..." Whatever the case, Dawn should get a clear answer now she can directly ask the settlement he lives at.
The moment Dawn asks one dragon, they insist "little ole Zap" is a weak but skilled Electric Dragon- only for another to insist he's a Water Dragon, some even claiming he's oddly strong for his rank.
Dawn had hoped to find a researcher, but apparently most set out for the Nexus or took boats to study the aquatic life. The few she did find were themselves new arrivals, having yet to meet the young dragon.
Still... Dawn could tell something was off, regarding the subject of Zap's abilities.
"If asking others and spying won't work... guess I'll just have to ask him directly."
Now, getting a clear answer on Zap's whereabouts was
much easier: of all the settlement's dragons, he's spends the most time interacting with the ocean. Beyond that, though, Dawn simply had to hope for an encounter.
Flying around the air leisurely, Dawn was keeping close to the water. It always felt weird trying to extend her senses to underwater shadows, but so far nothing down there seemed like a dragon.
"Honestly, I'm starting to think I shouldn't have saved the Poison Nexus for my return trip to Warfang..." Yet, as she began considering heading back to the settlement, she noticed a dragon's shadow speeding into her awareness.
Spotting the source, they weren't as fast as Dyno but they were still faster than she was expecting. Though as she watched them hang in the air briefly, Dawn noticed they were wearing incomplete armor of some kind.
Before she could call out through, the blue dragon tilted downwards and launched with his wings into the water like an arrow. Seeing him pierce through the water with minimum ripples, Dawn knew immediately: it had to be Zap.
"He's the only Water Dragon I've seen here, but how could anyone be confused about his-" Suddenly the water below lights up briefly with wild electricity, and fish begin floating to the surface.
... Landing down, Dawn looks on confused.
"Okay, so he's an... oddly colored Electricity Dragon. Yet how did he dive through the water so seamlessly? Can Electricity even affect water like that?"
Seeing Zap surface from the water, he doesn't seem to notice Dawn- and the water pushes the fish towards Zap. It is only when he starts swimming to the shore he spots a
very confused looking Dawn.
Yet Zap just emerges from the water seemingly without a care, his collected fish gathered into a pool of water placed on his back. Finally, Dawn asks unusually subdued.
"You're... Zap, right? The local Water Dragon for this settlement?" For some reason Zap seems amused, and replies as he cheerfully starts walking pass.
"Yep! Did you know, Water Dragons can actually mimic any aquatic creature? Quite a fascinating ability, really!" Yet, as he smiles to himself, Dawn emerges from a shadow in front of him.
Looking at Zap's briefly surprised expression, Dawn stares at him intensely. Going back to having a friendly yet amused expression, Zap chuckles a bit and tries to move pass Dawn-
Only for her to block him, Dawn not taking her eyes off him. Zap chuckling a little awkwardly, he opens his mouth to speak- only for Dawn to bluntly interrupt him.
"How do you have two Elements? There's only three Dragons who can do that, and they're
all important. Where were
you during everything?" That causes Zap to look away, before sighing...
Yet, he does his best staying calm and friendly. "Well, I don't know all the details, but I was found by my adoptive family as a very young whelp. They stayed close to the Nexus for protection. So between my age and regular exposure..."
Turning his head and firing a bolt of electricity into the air with a distinctive zap-like noise, Zap then slides around on water beneath him. Seeing these displays just confuses Dawn more as she tries to process.
"Okay, not many dragons deliberately take eggs or whelps to the Nexuses. If unborn dragons can have their Element overwritten, then a sufficiently young dragon gaining a secondary Element... sounds plausible."
Still, eyeing Zap's odd chestpiece suspiciously, maybe... "What's with the armor then? I know an Electricity Dragon who uses the Element on his armor, forcibly making himself faster."
Seeing Zap immediately brighten up as he focuses on Dawn, she's taken back a little by his sudden excitement and curiosity. Even his words carry that excited curiosity.
"Really!? I've been doing a
lot of reading up, and I just
know I'm close to unlocking new facets! Which aspect of Electricity was he using!? Can't do much just shooting lightning bolts from my body!"
That gets Dawn's curiosity, though a little annoyed he ignored her question. "Yet you're clearly very capable with Water, so... is there something wrong with your Electricity Element? Are you using that armor to make up somehow?"
Zap chuckling awkwardly, he fidgets with his claws. "Well, my connection to Electricity is all... weird? I am really skilled, but I can't go further. Still! My armor helps some, and I can even use it to make my Water Element stronger!"
Hearing that last part... is what solidifies Dawn's decision. "Hey, I actually came all the way from Warfang. I and others like me have been searching for exceptional individuals to join a new guard program for special VIPs. Someone like you... is
incredibly unique."
"Especially since neither Spyro or Cynder have the Water Element from what I know..." Blinking at this, Zap tilts his head about in curiosity. Finally, with a genuine smile he responds.
"Huh, alright! I do like adventure, and maybe I'll finally make my breakthrough there! Oh, do need to sort things out with my family first. Never actually went anywhere without them, so..."
Giving Zap a rather simple nod, he grins excitedly as he takes off for the settlement. Watching him head off, Dawn isn't sure what will happen... but whatever does, at least civilization will learn of this potential.
So ability-wise...
Skylander Zap seems reasonable enough for building his skill-set. Though I could also see him using a version of
Exo Spark, specifically using his armor to project Electricity into a radius around him.