Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

@cheesyme: Actually, Volteer would give us around 70 points by himself, so we only need to roll a 5 to succeed. Nianque edited the update, so Portals has a 25% Chance of Success.

As for Portals Research on Spyro & Cynder's end, their combined Piety easily lets us succeed. So unless we roll Nat 1s, we should be fine and we wouldn't get Horrific Failures anyways because of the bonuses.

@Nianque: Wait, you already said Zap could eventually combine Electricity & Water to create a Hybrid Element he could use. So is that not a thing then, or would that work differently than 'combinations'?
@cheesyme: Actually, Volteer would give us around 70 points by himself, so we only need to roll a 5 to succeed. Nianque edited the update, so Portals has a 25% Chance of Success.

As for Portals Research on Spyro & Cynder's end, their combined Piety easily lets us succeed. So unless we roll Nat 1s, we should be fine and we wouldn't get Horrific Failures anyways because of the bonuses.
Huh, just checked the math and yeah fair enough so what the hell.
[X] Plan Friendship Makes The Dream Work
@cheesyme: Actually, Volteer would give us around 70 points by himself, so we only need to roll a 5 to succeed. Nianque edited the update, so Portals has a 25% Chance of Success.

As for Portals Research on Spyro & Cynder's end, their combined Piety easily lets us succeed. So unless we roll Nat 1s, we should be fine and we wouldn't get Horrific Failures anyways because of the bonuses.

@Nianque: Wait, you already said Zap could eventually combine Electricity & Water to create a Hybrid Element he could use. So is that not a thing then, or would that work differently than 'combinations'?
It's... not quite a completely different element? I haven't quite nailed down the details as of yet. But Zap would be making a psuedo-element with traits similar to both Water and Electricity. It would make it extremely easy to make such an element real using the personal action.
Oh hey, no one's trying to kill us. You know what that means!
Internal politics. o_O

[X] Plan The Kingdom Matters
-[X] Internal Ties (x2)
--[X] Assign Zephyr and Phydra

-[X] The Second Flight
--No Hero

-[X] Negotiation (Nohar Zu'uk and Joining the Kingdom)
--[X] Assign Ventis
-[X] Negotiation (Lunar Isle and Protection)
--[X] Assign Pyra

-[X] Persons of Interest (Persus)
--[X] Assign Cyril

-[X] Rebuilding the Undercity
--[X] Assign Argent
-[X] Consequences for House Temero
--[X] Assign Glacies
---[X] Double Down

-[X] Study Titanium
--[X] Assign Therris
---[X] Double Down
-[X] Thinking with Portals Part 1: Enchantments
--[X] Assign Volteer

-[X] Training New Guardians Part 2: Elemental
--[X] No Hero
-[X] Temple Acolytes
--[X] Assign Timor

-[X] Cynder – Spend Time With Lyseera
--[X] No Hero
-[X] Spyro – Spend Time With Matriarch Pavlan
--[X] No Hero
-[X] Cynder – Personal Attention: Persons of Interest (Lyseera) (Intrigue)
--[X] No Hero

Pretty much just hard diplo and clearing up blind spots. Tried to get as much synergy as possible with stuff like Argent to Undercity and the Cynder/Lyseera sequence. Phydra isn't a great diplomat, but if she plies her skills as a healer abroad the public may be more understanding.

Still need to assign double-downs. Added. Also changed Spyro's training action to spend time with Pavlan.
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@Box Lunch: The Undercity construction will be fine without Hero Units assigned. All assigning Argent does is maybe getting her a trait (upgrade) and/or stat boosts. Even then, we won't be able to reassign her for four turns.

I'm also pretty sure we can't assign Hero Units to Spyro or Cynder's training. Really, that's basically us in-universe commanding them to spend the year with us specifically for training. Choosing "Spend time with [Character]" that matches the Element would get us a bonus anyways.

Besides that, you gave Cynder two actions despite that not being an option. So you'll have to change "Spend time with Lyseera" to Either rather than just Cynder.
So you'll have to change "Spend time with Lyseera" to Either rather than just Cynder.
Whoops, took that word literally. Altered.

Advice on Spyro's action taken, Timor freed up for Temple Acolytes as originally planned. I'm considering taking Argent off of Undercity duty, but there's a lot of diplomatic power in sending the Guardian who built the royal palace to help the Moles build their city.

Anything else? It's greatly appreciated. :)
[X] Plan Friendship Makes The Dream Work

-[X] Either - Thinking with Portals Part 2 Aether

-[X] Personal Attention (Spyro) (Research (Earth) (Avalar)

-[X] Cynder - Mastering the Elements (Electricity)

Because she's literally one point off, and hopefully it'll improve the roll some for Portals (since Elemental Mastery makes using Aether easier).
As for Portals Research on Spyro & Cynder's end, their combined Piety easily lets us succeed.
@Nianque, could you please clarify whether using a single "Either" action on portals means that both Cynder and Spyro will work on them? Because to me, it looks like it would only be one of them...

And assigning only one of our purple dragons would IMHO not be an acceptable risk. In that case, I'd petition to set Cynder's action on the project as well.
@Nachtigall: Their individual Piety are each around 40 (46 Spyro / 37 Cynder) and they're both Aether Experts so that should give a decent bonus. So even just one of them should have a bonus of around 50.

Plus, (some of) my reasoning for Spyro doing Earth Research and Cynder training Electricity is to further boost the odds. Fire/Ice/Earth/Electricity provides the biggest bonuses to Aether after all.
[X] Plan Friendship Makes The Dream Work

@Nianque, could you please clarify whether using a single "Either" action on portals means that both Cynder and Spyro will work on them? Because to me, it looks like it would only be one of them...

And assigning only one of our purple dragons would IMHO not be an acceptable risk. In that case, I'd petition to set Cynder's action on the project as well.
Its an outdated wording. You can choose either one for the action or dedicate an action for both.

...Actually I don't see much reason for Spyro or Cynder only actions due to the link between them.
@Nianque: The distinction matters a little bit now that Personal Attention is available. Though the fact they share emotions & magic means the distinction only matters when it comes to interacting with others.

Wait, actually, what does their bond entail in its entirety? Like shouldn't they get Elemental training bonuses even working alone? Shouldn't Spyro's familiarity with Electricity been good enough to get Cynder that last Electricity point?
@Nianque: The distinction matters a little bit now that Personal Attention is available. Though the fact they share emotions & magic means the distinction only matters when it comes to interacting with others.

Wait, actually, what does their bond entail in its entirety? Like shouldn't they get Elemental training bonuses even working alone? Shouldn't Spyro's familiarity with Electricity been good enough to get Cynder that last Electricity point?
Cynder got a +20 bonus when training because of that and Spyro gets +20 for shadow and wind for the same reason.
The Water(?) Guard: Zap
@Nianque: Time for something a little bit different.


The Water(?) Guard: Zap
Touching down on land, Dawn stretches herself out. After all that flying, she finds it good she can finally afford to enjoy her surroundings. Sure it wasn't the easiest reaching the domain of Sky's Conduit, but thankfully she didn't have to approach the Nexus outright.

Instead, she made her way to the closest settlement to it which was positioned not far from the ocean. It wasn't particularly large, and judging by appearances the scholars and researchers did more to develop it.

Still, it was nonetheless a fishing community of sorts, if electrocuting fish and gathering their floating corpses counted... Yet she was here for a specific fisher, who she kept getting contradictory info for Element-wise.

"Seriously, the Element of a dragon outright called Zap should be obvious..." Whatever the case, Dawn should get a clear answer now she can directly ask the settlement he lives at.

The moment Dawn asks one dragon, they insist "little ole Zap" is a weak but skilled Electric Dragon- only for another to insist he's a Water Dragon, some even claiming he's oddly strong for his rank.

Dawn had hoped to find a researcher, but apparently most set out for the Nexus or took boats to study the aquatic life. The few she did find were themselves new arrivals, having yet to meet the young dragon.

Still... Dawn could tell something was off, regarding the subject of Zap's abilities. "If asking others and spying won't work... guess I'll just have to ask him directly."

Now, getting a clear answer on Zap's whereabouts was much easier: of all the settlement's dragons, he's spends the most time interacting with the ocean. Beyond that, though, Dawn simply had to hope for an encounter.

Flying around the air leisurely, Dawn was keeping close to the water. It always felt weird trying to extend her senses to underwater shadows, but so far nothing down there seemed like a dragon.

"Honestly, I'm starting to think I shouldn't have saved the Poison Nexus for my return trip to Warfang..." Yet, as she began considering heading back to the settlement, she noticed a dragon's shadow speeding into her awareness.

Spotting the source, they weren't as fast as Dyno but they were still faster than she was expecting. Though as she watched them hang in the air briefly, Dawn noticed they were wearing incomplete armor of some kind.

Before she could call out through, the blue dragon tilted downwards and launched with his wings into the water like an arrow. Seeing him pierce through the water with minimum ripples, Dawn knew immediately: it had to be Zap.

"He's the only Water Dragon I've seen here, but how could anyone be confused about his-" Suddenly the water below lights up briefly with wild electricity, and fish begin floating to the surface.

... Landing down, Dawn looks on confused. "Okay, so he's an... oddly colored Electricity Dragon. Yet how did he dive through the water so seamlessly? Can Electricity even affect water like that?"

Seeing Zap surface from the water, he doesn't seem to notice Dawn- and the water pushes the fish towards Zap. It is only when he starts swimming to the shore he spots a very confused looking Dawn.

Yet Zap just emerges from the water seemingly without a care, his collected fish gathered into a pool of water placed on his back. Finally, Dawn asks unusually subdued.

"You're... Zap, right? The local Water Dragon for this settlement?" For some reason Zap seems amused, and replies as he cheerfully starts walking pass.

"Yep! Did you know, Water Dragons can actually mimic any aquatic creature? Quite a fascinating ability, really!" Yet, as he smiles to himself, Dawn emerges from a shadow in front of him.

Looking at Zap's briefly surprised expression, Dawn stares at him intensely. Going back to having a friendly yet amused expression, Zap chuckles a bit and tries to move pass Dawn-

Only for her to block him, Dawn not taking her eyes off him. Zap chuckling a little awkwardly, he opens his mouth to speak- only for Dawn to bluntly interrupt him.

"How do you have two Elements? There's only three Dragons who can do that, and they're all important. Where were you during everything?" That causes Zap to look away, before sighing...

Yet, he does his best staying calm and friendly. "Well, I don't know all the details, but I was found by my adoptive family as a very young whelp. They stayed close to the Nexus for protection. So between my age and regular exposure..."

Turning his head and firing a bolt of electricity into the air with a distinctive zap-like noise, Zap then slides around on water beneath him. Seeing these displays just confuses Dawn more as she tries to process.

"Okay, not many dragons deliberately take eggs or whelps to the Nexuses. If unborn dragons can have their Element overwritten, then a sufficiently young dragon gaining a secondary Element... sounds plausible."

Still, eyeing Zap's odd chestpiece suspiciously, maybe... "What's with the armor then? I know an Electricity Dragon who uses the Element on his armor, forcibly making himself faster."

Seeing Zap immediately brighten up as he focuses on Dawn, she's taken back a little by his sudden excitement and curiosity. Even his words carry that excited curiosity.

"Really!? I've been doing a lot of reading up, and I just know I'm close to unlocking new facets! Which aspect of Electricity was he using!? Can't do much just shooting lightning bolts from my body!"

That gets Dawn's curiosity, though a little annoyed he ignored her question. "Yet you're clearly very capable with Water, so... is there something wrong with your Electricity Element? Are you using that armor to make up somehow?"

Zap chuckling awkwardly, he fidgets with his claws. "Well, my connection to Electricity is all... weird? I am really skilled, but I can't go further. Still! My armor helps some, and I can even use it to make my Water Element stronger!"

Hearing that last part... is what solidifies Dawn's decision. "Hey, I actually came all the way from Warfang. I and others like me have been searching for exceptional individuals to join a new guard program for special VIPs. Someone like you... is incredibly unique."

"Especially since neither Spyro or Cynder have the Water Element from what I know..." Blinking at this, Zap tilts his head about in curiosity. Finally, with a genuine smile he responds.

"Huh, alright! I do like adventure, and maybe I'll finally make my breakthrough there! Oh, do need to sort things out with my family first. Never actually went anywhere without them, so..."

Giving Zap a rather simple nod, he grins excitedly as he takes off for the settlement. Watching him head off, Dawn isn't sure what will happen... but whatever does, at least civilization will learn of this potential.

So ability-wise... Skylander Zap seems reasonable enough for building his skill-set. Though I could also see him using a version of Exo Spark, specifically using his armor to project Electricity into a radius around him.
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@Nianque: Hey, have you solidified the plan for Ice Guard yet? If not, I actually want to try writing their omake later. Haven't worked out all the details, but I think he would of directly approached wanting the position of Guard.

Oh, actually, would the Turn 15 results mention who the likely candidates are? Would be something of a deadline to meet, though presumably there's still 1-to-3 days left.
@Nianque: Hey, have you solidified the plan for Ice Guard yet? If not, I actually want to try writing their omake later. Haven't worked out all the details, but I think he would of directly approached wanting the position of Guard.

Oh, actually, would the Turn 15 results mention who the likely candidates are? Would be something of a deadline to meet, though presumably there's still 1-to-3 days left.
Nah, haven't nailed down any details, I've been busy. In fact don't expect much in the way of updates this week. I would like to write out Zephyr's story though.

I'll mention a handful of them at the very least.
Also a possible result from multiple crit-fails on aether related rolls. ...Don't roll multiple 1s.
Just as in real life we have the myth of Icarus, Avalar has Malefor who reached too high too fast, thus it wasn't really him that became victim to his own hubris, but rather everyone else in the world.
Rule One of being a purple Dragon - treat the Aether element with care and respect, for it is both corruptive when improperly handled in addition to being in like any other element that it is not a toy, but a force of nature trying to be used as a tool.

You can be pulled beneath the waves just as easily as you could drink water if you're not careful.
@Nianque: Oh right, when I asked about Elementals' intelligence (and compared them to cats), I also mentioned the possibility of evolution or Fear/Shadow/Poison's artificial nature having an impact on it. Yet the answer I got was "Well... I was kind aiming at the upper end of animal intelligence in general. But yeah, I'm fine with it."

I just wanted to make sure if I could do anything along those lines. How intelligent the Poison Elementals (Basilisks) are will be really important for Venenum's omake, especially since I'm writing hers next.

Though something I considered: I was thinking the Basilisks almost resemble wingless dragons, which explains why Venenum never questioned her relation to them despite having wings.

For Shadow Elementals, they're definitely odd given the fact Shadow Dragons also have spatial abilities. So Shadow Elementals being able to roam near-freely makes sense.

I think it would be interesting if the Shadow Elementals are near-mindless yet inquisitive beings. Huh, actually... that works really well for First Shadow. I actually could see her actively wanting to improve them, and it would make her power-set more unique than just "Ultimate Shadow Traveler".

I was also wondering how the Dark Stygian could factor in, and admittedly I do like the idea they're (unusually) intelligent Fear Elementals. If that's the case, maybe they're products of Fear Dragons somehow?

Like, a cross between Dream Eaters and Shadows: the Dark Stygian being abnormal Fear Elementals formed by Fear Dragons, most of them being "Nightmares" due to being born by Fear Dragons that went berserk.

Thus, rather an organization of fallen heroes, this Dark Stygian would one day inspire the need for a Dream Defender organization. That, and getting to fight in the dreamscape/collective subconscious of Avalar would be really cool.
@Nianque: Oh right, when I asked about Elementals' intelligence (and compared them to cats), I also mentioned the possibility of evolution or Fear/Shadow/Poison's artificial nature having an impact on it. Yet the answer I got was "Well... I was kind aiming at the upper end of animal intelligence in general. But yeah, I'm fine with it."

I just wanted to make sure if I could do anything along those lines. How intelligent the Poison Elementals (Basilisks) are will be really important for Venenum's omake, especially since I'm writing hers next.

Though something I considered: I was thinking the Basilisks almost resemble wingless dragons, which explains why Venenum never questioned her relation to them despite having wings.

For Shadow Elementals, they're definitely odd given the fact Shadow Dragons also have spatial abilities. So Shadow Elementals being able to roam near-freely makes sense.

I think it would be interesting if the Shadow Elementals are near-mindless yet inquisitive beings. Huh, actually... that works really well for First Shadow. I actually could see her actively wanting to improve them, and it would make her power-set more unique than just "Ultimate Shadow Traveler".

I was also wondering how the Dark Stygian could factor in, and admittedly I do like the idea they're (unusually) intelligent Fear Elementals. If that's the case, maybe they're products of Fear Dragons somehow?

Like, a cross between Dream Eaters and Shadows: the Dark Stygian being abnormal Fear Elementals formed by Fear Dragons, most of them being "Nightmares" due to being born by Fear Dragons that went berserk.

Thus, rather an organization of fallen heroes, this Dark Stygian would one day inspire the need for a Dream Defender organization. That, and getting to fight in the dreamscape/collective subconscious of Avalar would be really cool.
The way I have it working right now is that elementals are extremely smart and creative when it comes to their element and incredibly dumb when it comes to other elements. For all other things assume the same level as dolphins, chimpanzees, octupi, and ect.

Basilisks have a heavy resemblance to wingless dragons, yes; Slightly more serpentine though.

Not a bad idea for shadow elementals... though it contradicts with what I just established above. Could just be very, very single-minded.

I really like that dark stygian idea. You have 100% approval for it :)
@Nianque: Okay, from what I've seen, it isn't so much other animals are dumb and more the lack of human values. Plus the inability for us to understand them, and animal intelligence ends up underestimated.

Like for example, common house cats can grab things with their paws, they just usually don't care to. Seriously, I used to have a cat who deliberately dipped her food in water.

Dogs, as another example, can clearly discriminate. I used to have this dog who absolutely adored everyone else, but didn't care about me despite being the only one to actually feed them (seriously baffles me).

So... Perhaps it is more accurate to say that Elementals have different values/concerns/interests than other species? By their very nature, they can't venture far from the Nexuses anyways.

Thus, they're rarely exposed to Dragons and other intelligent races, meaning they're entirely self-influenced. The only exceptions would be the Fear and Shadow Elementals, given their unique functions (the collective subconscious and shadow travel).

Though if Elementals can speak coherently and be understood, that changes a lot on how Elemental values might be influenced. It also depends a lot on what you mean by "Incredibly smart regarding their Element".

Like could an Earth Elemental go on about how diamonds are formed, yet be utterly baffled by the concept of the day/night cycle? Is it more intrinsic knowledge they couldn't hope to explain?

Focusing on Shadow Elementals... Maybe they appear near-mindless/dimwitted because they have incredible difficulty reeling in their awareness? Thus they're literally being distracted by all of Avalar.

So the single-minded ones are either abnormal and/or learned how to focus. Huh, Shadow Elementals would simultaneously be great and terrible at spying. "No Restraint" ones see everything but can't focus, whereas "Focused" ones can't access their full awareness if they want to stay coherent.

Really, it makes a lot of sense that Fear and Shadow Elementals would be unusually intelligent given their ridiculous information gathering abilities. With "No Restraint" Shadows and "Berserk" Fears simply being more known.

Regarding... everything about the Dark Stygian idea: It is a pretty huge piece of lore. I was thinking of introducing them some with Blackout's omake, and I figure that they've intentionally been "subtle" so people don't realize there's an invisible threat.

Oh, actually... perhaps they're partially the reason sane Fear Dragons are rare? Since their origin is "Fear Dragon goes Crazy", it makes sense the Dark Stygian would deliberately create more members.

Which... does make me wonder if there's a connection between them and Malefor. The Dark Stygian would of been useful preventing Fear Dragons from rivaling him, since other powerful Fear Users would of been a huge threat.

That, or Malefor deliberately kept the Fear Elementals too shackled to fight him... meaning Malefor's defeat unintentionally freed the Dark Stygian to do as they please. Personally I like this option, as Option 1 is too huge a retcon.

Ooh, I just realized a lot of fun options become available with the "Dream Shadow" concept. Specifically, this means Timor's Fear Paragon event could involve dealing with his own Dream Shadow.

It also means Cynder might accidentally create a Dream Shadow upon reaching Fear Master, and there could be a Dream Shadow that initially seems to be Malefor's- only for it to be Spyro's Dream Shadow, representing all his fears & anxieties.
@Nianque: Okay, from what I've seen, it isn't so much other animals are dumb and more the lack of human values. Plus the inability for us to understand them, and animal intelligence ends up underestimated.

Like for example, common house cats can grab things with their paws, they just usually don't care to. Seriously, I used to have a cat who deliberately dipped her food in water.

Dogs, as another example, can clearly discriminate. I used to have this dog who absolutely adored everyone else, but didn't care about me despite being the only one to actually feed them (seriously baffles me).

So... Perhaps it is more accurate to say that Elementals have different values/concerns/interests than other species? By their very nature, they can't venture far from the Nexuses anyways.

Thus, they're rarely exposed to Dragons and other intelligent races, meaning they're entirely self-influenced. The only exceptions would be the Fear and Shadow Elementals, given their unique functions (the collective subconscious and shadow travel).

Though if Elementals can speak coherently and be understood, that changes a lot on how Elemental values might be influenced. It also depends a lot on what you mean by "Incredibly smart regarding their Element".

Like could an Earth Elemental go on about how diamonds are formed, yet be utterly baffled by the concept of the day/night cycle? Is it more intrinsic knowledge they couldn't hope to explain?

Focusing on Shadow Elementals... Maybe they appear near-mindless/dimwitted because they have incredible difficulty reeling in their awareness? Thus they're literally being distracted by all of Avalar.

So the single-minded ones are either abnormal and/or learned how to focus. Huh, Shadow Elementals would simultaneously be great and terrible at spying. "No Restraint" ones see everything but can't focus, whereas "Focused" ones can't access their full awareness if they want to stay coherent.

Really, it makes a lot of sense that Fear and Shadow Elementals would be unusually intelligent given their ridiculous information gathering abilities. With "No Restraint" Shadows and "Berserk" Fears simply being more known.

Regarding... everything about the Dark Stygian idea: It is a pretty huge piece of lore. I was thinking of introducing them some with Blackout's omake, and I figure that they've intentionally been "subtle" so people don't realize there's an invisible threat.

Oh, actually... perhaps they're partially the reason sane Fear Dragons are rare? Since their origin is "Fear Dragon goes Crazy", it makes sense the Dark Stygian would deliberately create more members.

Which... does make me wonder if there's a connection between them and Malefor. The Dark Stygian would of been useful preventing Fear Dragons from rivaling him, since other powerful Fear Users would of been a huge threat.

That, or Malefor deliberately kept the Fear Elementals too shackled to fight him... meaning Malefor's defeat unintentionally freed the Dark Stygian to do as they please. Personally I like this option, as Option 1 is too huge a retcon.

Ooh, I just realized a lot of fun options become available with the "Dream Shadow" concept. Specifically, this means Timor's Fear Paragon event could involve dealing with his own Dream Shadow.

It also means Cynder might accidentally create a Dream Shadow upon reaching Fear Master, and there could be a Dream Shadow that initially seems to be Malefor's- only for it to be Spyro's Dream Shadow, representing all his fears & anxieties.
Yeah, very different values. Pretty much human/dragon level intelligence when it concerns their element, animal level intelligence for most other things and very basic, fundamental stuff about things concerning other elements; ie day and night cycle is a thing and sometimes water falls from the sky.

Elementals can communicate with other elementals of their element and theoretically someone could learn that same 'language'. The problem would be they'd have to grow up learning the language and if they do that they probably don't know Common (I haven't named the language on Avalar) and might find it difficult to learn since it is so different from what they did learn.

An earth elemental could go on and on about gems and diamonds among other things. The problem is understanding them. 'Common' and the elemental 'languages' are so dramatically different it's like a human trying to learn dolphin. In fact it's utterly impossible if you can't even use the element in question.

I can run with the broad strokes of what you're suggesting, though we'll see how dice affect things. In addition, research into the Fear element still has not been done. Which of course means I won't reveal the details of what I have decided upon until then.
@Nianque: I've been mulling over Venenum's omake, but wanted to check with you regarding the general idea. Okay, so overall she's essentially dragon Tarzan, being raised in a wild environment by intelligent beings that she's different from.

I was thinking the first segment covered her being discovered by the Basilisks, with one wary because she's a dragon yet the other thinking it'll be fine since Venenum "smells" a lot like them.

The second segment I imagined being a scene from her (younger) youth, with her being warned not to leave the Nexus because of the monsters (aka Dragons) out there.

The next segment would be her witnessing Virii's expedition, and working up the nerve to finally leave the Nexus so she could meet with the others like her.

From there, the segments consist of her getting used to the research settlement and eventually the encounter with Dawn to be recruited. Oh, and something else I considered...

Since "Healer" is a common approach for Poison Dragons, do most of them rely purely on Elemental prowess or do they supplement it with Enchantments & mundane medical knowledge?

I was thinking for Venenum, she would be using purely her Element. So quality to make up for her lack of unconventional techniques, though I guess "Understands Poison Elementals" does open unique doors with her.