Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

Any omakes written about the guards are almost guaranteed to be canon if they are not too far out there. Looking for what makes them stand out in particular.

Next update will be delayed until after the weekend btw.
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(I like innocent humor and don't mean to be too serious
If one of the bodyguards is a huge dragon, one solution for people they think are bothering the guardians would be to sit on the troublemaker.

Maybe that is how they dealt with misbehaving siblings, maybe they realized the solution in a hilarious training session.

Or an omake about silly yet possible scenarios covered in training.
I've been trying to think of a non-canon omake of Sly and the gang ending up in this world during the whole time-traveling incidents of the 4th game.
@Nianque: So... any reason we can't hypothetically just make AU versions of the Dragon Skylanders? Like, I'm thinking of Dinobot as an Electricity Dragon who relies on fine manipulation of his Element- for example, using Electricity to levitate metal discs and having designed a system to focus his lightning into coherent beams.
@Nianque: So... any reason we can't hypothetically just make AU versions of the Dragon Skylanders? Like, I'm thinking of Dinobot as an Electricity Dragon who relies on fine manipulation of his Element- for example, using Electricity to levitate metal discs and having designed a system to focus his lightning into coherent beams.
Feel free. Just try not to make their skill too crazy as they are for the most part high expert level or low master level. They would definitely be a far more specialist than other Electricity dragons though.
@Nianque: Oh, could you clarify a bit more regarding how the recruiting process went? Did Clarity personally recruit every single one, or did she have some of her soldiers meet up with candidates to save time? Also, since the recruits don't know they're being trained as Guards for the Guardians, what do they think it is about?
@Nianque: Would an education in Warfang include training young Dragons how to fight? And, if so, does that include sparring matches?
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What sort of capabilities do low master level dragons have?
I'll cover this in a bit and make a full list of techniques for the different elements at different skill levels.

@Nianque: Oh, could you clarify a bit more regarding how the recruiting process went? Did Clarity personally recruit every single one, or did she have some of her soldiers meet up with candidates to save time? Also, since the recruits don't know they're being trained as Guards for the Guardians, what do they think it is about?
It was a mix of both, Clarity had her subordinates keep an eye out for promising dragons of the right elements, temperment, skill level, ect. The ones who met her criteria and were willing were forwarded onto her, though she did some searching herself.
The recruits know they're being trained as body-guards for VIPs, they just don't know who and assume more along the lines of escorting/protecting foreign dignitaries, your advisors, or maybe even protecting the royal family. Protecting the Guardians doesn't really enter they're thoughts much as the Guardians can very definitely defend themselves and isn't something anyone has really considered.

@Nianque: Would an education in Warfang include training young Dragons how to fight? And, if so, does that include sparring matches?
Yes. Warfang's education has a heavy emphasis on making sure all dragons can read, write, perform basic consumer math, general history, being able to use their elements at a decent level of proficiency (skilled), and combat training. The combat training is a result of Warfang having a militia as well as wanting to make sure everyone can defend themselves in the event of another war like the last one, while being able to use their elements to a higher degree leans much more on the spiritual side of the city. In fact Warfang places a hefty emphasis on connecting to one's element, the ancestors, and the world brought about by again the war, but also having the Guardians in the city, and other such things.
@Nianque: So for the Guard omakes, I'm thinking of having the same Dragon Soldier being the viewpoint for each. Specifically, some kind of Shadow Dragon who chose a more public & martial role than Umbra and his Shadows.

Still... I was thinking they know how to spy pretty well regardless, using shadows to eavesdrop and project their voice. Maybe they did show interest in joining Umbra's Shadows, but ultimately decided against it?

Oh, and... would Clarity have looked over her own soldiers for viable candidates? If I do get around to writing a bunch of Guard omakes, I was thinking the Shadow Dragon Soldier in question ended up becoming a candidate themselves.
@Nianque: So for the Guard omakes, I'm thinking of having the same Dragon Soldier being the viewpoint for each. Specifically, some kind of Shadow Dragon who chose a more public & martial role than Umbra and his Shadows.

Still... I was thinking they know how to spy pretty well regardless, using shadows to eavesdrop and project their voice. Maybe they did show interest in joining Umbra's Shadows, but ultimately decided against it?

Oh, and... would Clarity have looked over her own soldiers for viable candidates? If I do get around to writing a bunch of Guard omakes, I was thinking the Shadow Dragon Soldier in question ended up becoming a candidate themselves.
That sounds good, no objections from me :)

Yeah Clarity would look at her own soldiers as well. Part of the whole training thing for her soldiers though is getting them oriented on a team-mentality instead of the loner-mentality most dragons have, so keep that in mind; they're a very tight-knit group.
@Nianque: Are Earth Dragons capable of manipulating crystals, more specifically using crystals to create coherent beams of shining destruction? Cause I'm thinking of having Flashwing be the Earth Guard.

Oh, and anything else specific to keep in mind? Like, is it a known fact that Therris and Volteer are major researchers for example? Or what about details regarding Purple Dragons?

I kind of imagined Dinobot/Dyno being something of a fanboy, specifically inspired by Spyro's skill and what he could of achieved if that was all focused on one Element.

Oh, and for future reference... are Avalar Dragons naturally capable of producing hybrids? I wasn't planning on writing Sunburn and Whirlwind, though if hybrids are naturally possible I'll like to know more about their capabilities.
@Nianque: Are Earth Dragons capable of manipulating crystals, more specifically using crystals to create coherent beams of shining destruction? Cause I'm thinking of having Flashwing be the Earth Guard.

Oh, and anything else specific to keep in mind? Like, is it a known fact that Therris and Volteer are major researchers for example? Or what about details regarding Purple Dragons?

I kind of imagined Dinobot/Dyno being something of a fanboy, specifically inspired by Spyro's skill and what he could of achieved if that was all focused on one Element.

Oh, and for future reference... are Avalar Dragons naturally capable of producing hybrids? I wasn't planning on writing Sunburn and Whirlwind, though if hybrids are naturally possible I'll like to know more about their capabilities.
Crystal is higher level earth manipulation, but a master could do it. As for beams of destruction, it would definitely possible for a master of earth; the beams would be earth energy however unless they have done a whole lot of research and training to be able to use the crystal like that. Theoretically possible, but incredibly difficult and would be considered a grandmaster level technique, though masters could do it it with decades of dedicated practice.

Clarity is recognized as the oldest and most experienced dragon in regards to military matters. Especially considering most of the others ended up assassinated or succombed to their numerous injuries. The other really big names in military matters were Ignitus and Terrador as they were more skilled at compared to the other two.
Ventis is well regarded for having pretty much built a diplomatic organization out of almost nothing. Big proponent for relations with other races.
Glacies has done her best to keep her status as a noble from being discovered and is known for hating the nobility. She's also seen as being very, very good at managing money.
Therris is very much known to be a major researcher.

Most people consider Volteer a straight scholar and as a result believe he does do research like that, but not his sole focus. Also every is very much aware of his... unique speech pattern.
Nobody really knows who Fulmen is just yet, simply that Volteer has taken on a prospective student.
Cyril is thought of more as a noble, but one who is not as uptight as the usual nobles and people credit the fact that he's a Guardian for that.
Pyra is considered to be a warrior/soldier in all but name, especially after he was discovered and threw himself into his training to make up for Ignitus' death.
Argent is seen as the most junior and is honestly quite well known due to the fact she attended the school. Her interest in martial arts is quite well known and everybody agrees that she is just too raw for her position. People consider her a solid-Guardian to be... about a decade down the road.
All anybody knows about Phydra is she has major problems relating to other people and it's generally agreed that she was a war orphan who raised herself.
Zephyr is known for being one of the best and most reliable couriers during the later stages of the war and it's said that he once out-flew the Terror of the Skies herself, while he was carrying vital documents. Also his brother Flare is known as one of the soldiers in the 1st Flight.
Nobody really knows too much about Umbra. He's mysterious, a war veteran, and disappears way more often than the other Guardians do. There are however a massive amount of rumors regarding subterfuge (infiltration/sabotage/assassinations) undertaken during the war. Some of these are finally being contributed to Umbra if only because who else could have done those things aside from the new Shadow Guardian?
Virii is very well known among other poison dragons as she was a member of a small village which hosted the majority of poison dragons on Avalar. Her love of learning and plants is well documented.
Nobody is quite sure what to make of Timor. He's regarded as one of an astonishingly few completely sane fear dragons (that percentage has been going up recently thanks to all the efforts spent on education and spiritual growth). He's pretty much a hero among other fear dragons because of what people suspect about his past and how he is still very much sane despite all of that. There was an incident a while back when an older couple tried to claim him as their child and it all went down as a sizable scandal. It's been agreed that even if he was their son at one point, they gave up all rights concerning him when they abandoned him.

As for purple dragons, there are very few established facts. The things that are well documented consist of: Using multiple elements, something to do with a pure and/or evil energy (aether's exact nature is not publicly known). There's a very ancient prophecy regarding purple dragons which predates known civilization. More speculated things consist of: Being able to purify evil, fate-destined to be a Big Damned Deal, and purple dragons are a cycle (whether that cycle is good-evil-good, born to lead the world into new eras, or other things nobody is sure).

Hybridizing is considered impossible, but with enough research and/or incredibly unique special circumstances it would be doable. Things tend to get... odd with incredibly high amounts of energy whether elemental or otherwise. The nexuses are such places where material laws begin to bend in accordance with the element. In short it would be conceivable, but everyone would consider it a freak occurrence. Barring crazy dice rolls the most realistic are: Zap, Blades, and Bash. Blackout could actually work as fear dragon.
...That's a quick cursory look at the skylanders wiki so feel free to write something awesome and prove me wrong about the others.
@Nianque: Hmm... could you elaborate some more regarding how Elemental Nexuses screw with physics? Like, since there are such poisonous frogs near the Poison Nexus, can new lifeforms spring forth from the Nexuses?

Cause if we ever create a Nature or Life Nexus, I was actually thinking Camo could of formed there as the first Nature/Life Dragon. Also, how difficult would it be for someone to survive near a Nexus?

Though I saw Bash as being a normal Earth Dragon, maybe with no wings so he still focuses on the whole super-rolling thing. Zap... is actually something of a genius, being otherwise a Water Dragon who created a harness letting him shoot electricity like his adoptive Eel family.

Still... okay, what if Zap as a young whelp ended up in the area around the Electricity Nexus? Despite being a Water Dragon by birth, being constantly near the Electricity Nexus as a growing kid caused him to form a nascent connection to Electricity.

So he technically has two Elements, but his Electricity Element is very raw & weak because it has to compete against his natural Water Element. In turn, he isn't able to advance into Water Master because his malformed connection to Electricity gets in the way.

He would be living proof beings can visit the Nexuses to obtain Elemental connections, but you basically need specialized equipment or have magic readied to solidify it into a proper one.

Oh! Sunburn's backstory actually states he was born in a volcano, so what if his counterpart here was born in the Fire Nexus? Actually, between my idea for Sunburn and Camo...

What if all Elemental Nexuses produced some First Dragon for it? Maybe Blackout could of been the First Fear Dragon, but Malefor's meddling prevented him from hatching (with him finally hatching following Malefor's defeat)? Yet it isn't until Timor visited the Nexus that he realizes there's actually a world out there.

Hmm... if we go with that approach, Blackout would be way too Big Deal to be recruited as a mere guard. Still, having him be something of a "Dream Master" who used the Fear Nexus to reach out to the subconscious minds of all Avalarian life...
@Nianque: Hmm... could you elaborate some more regarding how Elemental Nexuses screw with physics? Like, since there are such poisonous frogs near the Poison Nexus, can new lifeforms spring forth from the Nexuses?

Cause if we ever create a Nature or Life Nexus, I was actually thinking Camo could of formed there as the first Nature/Life Dragon. Also, how difficult would it be for someone to survive near a Nexus?

Though I saw Bash as being a normal Earth Dragon, maybe with no wings so he still focuses on the whole super-rolling thing. Zap... is actually something of a genius, being otherwise a Water Dragon who created a harness letting him shoot electricity like his adoptive Eel family.

Still... okay, what if Zap as a young whelp ended up in the area around the Electricity Nexus? Despite being a Water Dragon by birth, being constantly near the Electricity Nexus as a growing kid caused him to form a nascent connection to Electricity.

So he technically has two Elements, but his Electricity Element is very raw & weak because it has to compete against his natural Water Element. In turn, he isn't able to advance into Water Master because his malformed connection to Electricity gets in the way.

He would be living proof beings can visit the Nexuses to obtain Elemental connections, but you basically need specialized equipment or have magic readied to solidify it into a proper one.

Oh! Sunburn's backstory actually states he was born in a volcano, so what if his counterpart here was born in the Fire Nexus? Actually, between my idea for Sunburn and Camo...

What if all Elemental Nexuses produced some First Dragon for it? Maybe Blackout could of been the First Fear Dragon, but Malefor's meddling prevented him from hatching (with him finally hatching following Malefor's defeat)? Yet it isn't until Timor visited the Nexus that he realizes there's actually a world out there.

Hmm... if we go with that approach, Blackout would be way too Big Deal to be recruited as a mere guard. Still, having him be something of a "Dream Master" who used the Fear Nexus to reach out to the subconscious minds of all Avalarian life...
It's more bending the rules instead of straight creating life. Say a rabbit being born in the poison nexus having poisonous fur. I'd be fine with Zap having what amounts to two elements, but being elementally stunted as a result of long term exposure to the Electricity Nexus. Beings born on the nexuses tend to be more attuned to the element than they would otherwise be. Like... a shrew is born inside Mount Malefor somehow and invokes fear in predators that try to eat it.

Bash could be born with stunted wings or some other disability which prevents the use of wings. Maybe they had to be amputated? I don't see dragons simply being born without wings unless you have outside intervention or a community being born in/around the Earth Nexus for centuries.

Being born in the Fire Nexus could result in some phoenix-like qualities tied to Fire, but not a hybrid. ...Not unless you import phoenixes to the nexus and do some shenanigans. Or no. I could see phoenixes being an actual animal tied to the nexus, possible destabilization away from the nexus though because they are tied too well into the element. Sunburn could be a hybrid given that, but it would need to be one incredible omake or one heck of a roll.

That said I will outright veto hybrids popping up all over the places. They should be one in a million chances of everything going right at the right times to cause such a thing.

Not 'First Dragon' for all elements, not in living memory at least. However first dragons for Shadow, Poison, and Fear is possible. An egg born near a newly forming nexus would have significantly greater effects on it's development than normal. Instead of say changing the being's elemental alignment, it imprints the essence of the element on the unborn soul.
You have two dragons. Dragon A is born at the long established Water Nexus and instead of being a fire dragon like their parents and ancestors, they are born as a water dragon instead. Dragon B is born ontop of where the Fear Nexus is forming and is imprinted with the very concept of the newly formed element on their soul. Not only would they be a fear dragon (likely the first), they would be a significantly more powerful dragon and much better in all of the exotic parts of the element, like nightmares for instance.

Keep in mind, nobody in their right mind would take their unborn child into on of the most dangerous places in the world. That does not preclude the obsessed or the crazy however.
Bash could be born with stunted wings or some other disability which prevents the use of wings. Maybe they had to be amputated? I don't see dragons simply being born without wings unless you have outside intervention or a community being born in/around the Earth Nexus for centuries.
It'd be funny if the Nexus created Chinese dragons or wyrms through what you are describing.
@Nianque: So... Malefor deliberately placed an Egg in the Fear Nexus, having originally planned to create a Super-Dragon for each of his created Elements. However, upon realizing the unborn dragon's connection to Fear actually rivaled if not surpassed him, he abandoned his original plan.

Thus, Malefor ultimately shifted his plan to instead create a Super-Dragon who could use his Elements but wasn't his equal: Cynder. Still, he kept the unhatched Fear Dragon, studying that connection to push along his own development.

Perhaps he similarly placed an Egg at the Shadow and Poison Nexuses, with the express purpose of studying that powerful connection to further secure his own power.

Hmm... Okay, what about this? Blackout dwelt within the Fear Nexus, and learned (imperfectly) about the world that way- even banishing nightmares with the people oblivious to his work.

The First Shadow Dragon can basically go anywhere, having observed others that way. I'm not what else to do with them, but I have thought it'd be interesting if someone took an interest in Galena's potential.

The First Poison Dragon... I don't really have any idea. Hmm... maybe they dubbed themselves the protector of the Poison Nexus, having been wary about Virii's expedition and deliberately had that poison frog attack?

Oh, speaking of Galena... With her being the daughter of a Purple Dragon and an Aether-Tainted Dragoness, plus her huge exposure to the Wind Nexus as a child... is there anything noticeably odd about her? Has she noticed or felt things she just dismissed as normal, stuff like that?

Anyways, back to the Guards... of the 9 Elements, I have ideas for Electricity/Water/Earth/Shadow. So that leaves Fire/Ice/Wind/Fear/Poison. Do you have any suggestions for what you want for the Guards?

If everything about Blackout is fine, I do like the idea the Fear Guard is someone Blackout actually kept interacting with. Thus the Fear Guard is mainly interested because they figure it'll make finding their mysterious friend easier.

Also, I really like the idea that all the Guards use their Elements in somewhat unconventional ways. Like Dinobot/Dyno with him electrically levitating metal, Flashwing/Crystal basically being a living flashlight (no coherent laser beams of destruction yet), etc.
So I guess making a hatchery/nursery in the temples for the elements is out of the question then?

Be kind of pointless, since the resulting Dragons would just be normal if perhaps excellent examples of their Element. Mean, there's probably some value in making it easy for people to give their kid whatever Element they prefer them having.

Really, a hatchery is better saved for when we finally create a new Element... but I question the idea of having 30 Super-Dragons, all of whom are playing with an Element nobody understands.
Really, a hatchery is better saved for when we finally create a new Element... but I question the idea of having 30 Super-Dragons, all of whom are playing with an Element nobody understands.
I mean, Dragons of new elements can still probably be born without putting them near a nexus. It is possible for a Dragon to be born with an element completely unrelated to their parents. Timor is a good example of this, being a Fear Dragon born into Fire Dragons.

That said, when we get around to making new elements, what I want to do is take a few turns to introduce three or four element at a time, that way when we get around to finding new guardians, nexuses, ect. we can do it for all of them all at once and not have it take several more turns of our time.
That said, when we get around to making new elements, what I want to do is take a few turns to introduce three or four element at a time, that way when we get around to finding new guardians, nexuses, ect. we can do it for all of them all at once and not have it take several more turns of our time.

If we're going to introduce multiple Elements in a row, then we should definitely continue raising Spyro & Cynder's Element Mastery. That's the fastest and easiest way to boost their success rate for introducing new Elements. Though...

@Nianque: Being near a Nexus makes that a Dragon's natural Element, and Spyro can learn new Elements without first adding them. So... what happens if we put an unhatched Dragon near the Gielinor Blood/Smoke/etc Nexus?

Like, would they successfully become a Blood/Smoke/etc Dragon? Does that mean their own children possess a chance of being the same type, even if Avalar doesn't have the Element?

In fact, what happens if Avalarian Dragons have children in a world that lacks their Element?
@Nianque: So... Malefor deliberately placed an Egg in the Fear Nexus, having originally planned to create a Super-Dragon for each of his created Elements. However, upon realizing the unborn dragon's connection to Fear actually rivaled if not surpassed him, he abandoned his original plan.

Thus, Malefor ultimately shifted his plan to instead create a Super-Dragon who could use his Elements but wasn't his equal: Cynder. Still, he kept the unhatched Fear Dragon, studying that connection to push along his own development.

Perhaps he similarly placed an Egg at the Shadow and Poison Nexuses, with the express purpose of studying that powerful connection to further secure his own power.

Hmm... Okay, what about this? Blackout dwelt within the Fear Nexus, and learned (imperfectly) about the world that way- even banishing nightmares with the people oblivious to his work.

The First Shadow Dragon can basically go anywhere, having observed others that way. I'm not what else to do with them, but I have thought it'd be interesting if someone took an interest in Galena's potential.

The First Poison Dragon... I don't really have any idea. Hmm... maybe they dubbed themselves the protector of the Poison Nexus, having been wary about Virii's expedition and deliberately had that poison frog attack?

Oh, speaking of Galena... With her being the daughter of a Purple Dragon and an Aether-Tainted Dragoness, plus her huge exposure to the Wind Nexus as a child... is there anything noticeably odd about her? Has she noticed or felt things she just dismissed as normal, stuff like that?

Anyways, back to the Guards... of the 9 Elements, I have ideas for Electricity/Water/Earth/Shadow. So that leaves Fire/Ice/Wind/Fear/Poison. Do you have any suggestions for what you want for the Guards?

If everything about Blackout is fine, I do like the idea the Fear Guard is someone Blackout actually kept interacting with. Thus the Fear Guard is mainly interested because they figure it'll make finding their mysterious friend easier.

Also, I really like the idea that all the Guards use their Elements in somewhat unconventional ways. Like Dinobot/Dyno with him electrically levitating metal, Flashwing/Crystal basically being a living flashlight (no coherent laser beams of destruction yet), etc.
Yeah, I could see Malefor doing such a thing only to abandon the projects because he would not want competition with his new elements.
I like the idea of Blackout. Though do be aware as Fear is a 'mental/emotional' element, it warps the mind quite badly. Hence why fear dragons being sane is actually a big deal. Also why Timor kept getting willpower upgrades as he delved further and further into the element.

The shadow dragon being able to travel just about anywhere like that fits with what I imagine. Now having an interest in Galena... Probably a hefty interest in the royal family altogether due to Cynder's past, Spyro being a purple dragon, and Galena being their daughter. Keep in mind though that using shadow to get close to them is actually pretty difficult, though the First Shadow Dragon could manage it as long as they avoided Umbra.

The poison dragon styling themselves protector of the nexus is fine. Though that does harm some of the narrative I had going of the nexuses being so dangerous that a poison dragon was poisoned because they weren't being cautious enough. Outside intervention puts harm to that.

Nothing about Galena stands out as being a result of her parents' aether connection aside from being more connected to the world than otherwise. Of course just because nothing stands out does not mean nothing at all. Exposure from the nexus is actually very prevalent and she has a much stronger connection to the element than is normal for her age. Traits that are common in wind dragons are very dominant in her.

The guards have to have shown some interest in actually being a body-guard in the first place to be considered. Though yes them using their elements in unconvential ways would make them stand out compared to their peers so long as they still fit the other criteria.

Suggestions-wise... I'll have some ideas when I sit down and write out what each level of skill can do in each element. Which is coming, I promise but... It's double experience weekend on Runescape right now lol.

If we're going to introduce multiple Elements in a row, then we should definitely continue raising Spyro & Cynder's Element Mastery. That's the fastest and easiest way to boost their success rate for introducing new Elements. Though...

@Nianque: Being near a Nexus makes that a Dragon's natural Element, and Spyro can learn new Elements without first adding them. So... what happens if we put an unhatched Dragon near the Gielinor Blood/Smoke/etc Nexus?

Like, would they successfully become a Blood/Smoke/etc Dragon? Does that mean their own children possess a chance of being the same type, even if Avalar doesn't have the Element?

In fact, what happens if Avalarian Dragons have children in a world that lacks their Element?
You don't actually know for sure if Gielinor has nexuses like Avalar does. It's assumed and the Empyrean Citadel has a very, very strong feeling of wind about it. The elements on Gielinor just seem less... obvious. It would not be too big of a surprise to find out that something similar exists, but if it does you have not found it just yet.
@Nianque: My thought process, regarding Blackout & "Poison", is that they have unusually high resistance due to being the "First" Dragon of their respective Element. Thus Blackout could shrug off Fear attacks without trying, and the First Poison Dragon could survive in the Nexus just fine.

Ultimately though I'm just refining my ideas for them, especially since I hadn't really come up with anything solid for the First Poison Dragon. Hmm... maybe they're the only one of the three to become a Guard?

Given how I see Blackout and the First Shadow, First Poison actually would be the most likely to interact with civilization. I see Blackout as initially just poking the collective subconscious, whereas First Shadow freely explores Avalar.

So... Maybe "First Poison" is less an active defender of the Poison Nexus, and more a passive resident who didn't even realize there were others beyond the Nexus' reach? Thus seeing what appears to be another "them" getting poisoned, is what piques their curiosity into venturing forth.

Back to Blackout, I did figure he'll be rather strange as a person- partially due to his odd method of interaction, and partially because he's keenly aware of others' fear. Actually, that reminds me...

For all three "First Dragons", I actually figured they'll be Unskilled but Strong. Like, they're extremely good at what they do... and pretty much nothing else. Rather fitting actually, since they had to figure out their abilities alone.

So for example, I see First Shadow as being able to basically move between cities casually- but immediately fleeing from battle since they don't know how to actually attack.

Whereas I could see Blackout being completely clueless he could actually cause Fear (instead using his power to dispel nightmares and the like). Granted, I also imagined him as being completely clueless to his own nature.

Hmm... Of the three, I see First Shadow as being the only one to realize they're a Dragon. With Blackout assuming himself some dream guardian and First Poison mostly-fine being a "unique creature".

Okay, I have some questions: First, is it possible for a Dragon to be unaware of their Element? I was thinking the Fear Guard, if friends with Blackout, having gone unrecognized as a Fear Dragon due to not acting like one (using her Element to fight nightmares).

Second, what are some of the more exotic/unconventional facets of the Elements? It would really help me design Guards for the Fire/Ice/Wind/Poison Elements, and it would really help for me fleshing out First Poison's concept.

Third, could you elaborate some more about what "have shown some interest in actually being a body-guard" means? Like, did they have to explicitly want to be a body-guard, or is showing an interest in protecting & helping others good enough?

Fourth, how intelligent are animals in general on Avalar? Like would there have been anything at the Poison Nexus intelligent enough to have raised First Poison as a semi-civilized being?

Oh, and if Umbra ever saw the First Shadow Dragon, how would he react? Like would he immediately notice their unusually potent connection, or would he have merely observed if First Shadow wasn't doing much?

Cause I saw First Shadow having encountered Galena (somewhat) accidentally, and mostly just talking with her during said encounter. Course, the First Dragons would all be 14 currently, so that should influence how Umbra sees them.
@Nianque: My thought process, regarding Blackout & "Poison", is that they have unusually high resistance due to being the "First" Dragon of their respective Element. Thus Blackout could shrug off Fear attacks without trying, and the First Poison Dragon could survive in the Nexus just fine.

Ultimately though I'm just refining my ideas for them, especially since I hadn't really come up with anything solid for the First Poison Dragon. Hmm... maybe they're the only one of the three to become a Guard?

Given how I see Blackout and the First Shadow, First Poison actually would be the most likely to interact with civilization. I see Blackout as initially just poking the collective subconscious, whereas First Shadow freely explores Avalar.

So... Maybe "First Poison" is less an active defender of the Poison Nexus, and more a passive resident who didn't even realize there were others beyond the Nexus' reach? Thus seeing what appears to be another "them" getting poisoned, is what piques their curiosity into venturing forth.

Back to Blackout, I did figure he'll be rather strange as a person- partially due to his odd method of interaction, and partially because he's keenly aware of others' fear. Actually, that reminds me...

For all three "First Dragons", I actually figured they'll be Unskilled but Strong. Like, they're extremely good at what they do... and pretty much nothing else. Rather fitting actually, since they had to figure out their abilities alone.

So for example, I see First Shadow as being able to basically move between cities casually- but immediately fleeing from battle since they don't know how to actually attack.

Whereas I could see Blackout being completely clueless he could actually cause Fear (instead using his power to dispel nightmares and the like). Granted, I also imagined him as being completely clueless to his own nature.

Hmm... Of the three, I see First Shadow as being the only one to realize they're a Dragon. With Blackout assuming himself some dream guardian and First Poison mostly-fine being a "unique creature".

Okay, I have some questions: First, is it possible for a Dragon to be unaware of their Element? I was thinking the Fear Guard, if friends with Blackout, having gone unrecognized as a Fear Dragon due to not acting like one (using her Element to fight nightmares).

Second, what are some of the more exotic/unconventional facets of the Elements? It would really help me design Guards for the Fire/Ice/Wind/Poison Elements, and it would really help for me fleshing out First Poison's concept.

Third, could you elaborate some more about what "have shown some interest in actually being a body-guard" means? Like, did they have to explicitly want to be a body-guard, or is showing an interest in protecting & helping others good enough?

Fourth, how intelligent are animals in general on Avalar? Like would there have been anything at the Poison Nexus intelligent enough to have raised First Poison as a semi-civilized being?

Oh, and if Umbra ever saw the First Shadow Dragon, how would he react? Like would he immediately notice their unusually potent connection, or would he have merely observed if First Shadow wasn't doing much?

Cause I saw First Shadow having encountered Galena (somewhat) accidentally, and mostly just talking with her during said encounter. Course, the First Dragons would all be 14 currently, so that should influence how Umbra sees them.
Your plans for the three First dragons sound fine to me.

1. Only if they're isolated from other people. If you grew up in even a small community you know about your element, especially Warfang or Reliquia. That said if you were the only shadow, poison, or fear dragon growing up in a small and isolated community of fire/ice/electric/earth/water/wind dragons? You could get away with it. Likewise growing up in a truly remote and small community of a different race.

2. I'll post it what I've got so far in a moment.

3. Yeah that's fine. Just making sure the dragon in question actually wants the job for the right reasons.

4. Known sapients: dragons, moles, cheetah, atlawas, dragonflies. A lot of other things seem really close and elemental-heavy creatures can mimic it where it concerns their element. There is that small community of dragonflies in Tlaloc, though they aren't too close to the Poison Nexus.

5. The Guardians can tell when someone has a powerful connection to their element. They also tell if someone is strong spiritually/connected to the planet, but might not be able to identify their element if it differs. The only ones who would have known the First Shadow was odd would have been Spyro, Cynder, and the Guardians. Umbra would be able to tell exactly why the dragon is odd. Most of those would have watched the dragon a bit closer than normal, but not done anything. Umbra would start a full on background check and start digging around, while keeping the dragon under surveillance.