Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

Turn 3
"Come on Spyro, relax a little!" Sparx whined as he flitted about in front of the dragon.

For his part Spyro just huffed and looked down at the scrolls he had been given to read. "Last time I listened to you, we scarred Tempest for life. He'll never look at a duck the same way ever again."

The dragonfly laughed. "Oh please, like you weren't there with me planning the entire thing so that the "stuffy noble would get over himself"." His voice lowered to a whisper as he leaned over to Spyro in an exaggerated motion. "I feel more sorry for the duck."

Despite himself Spyro laughed. "Alright, maybe it was funny. We're just lucky that he thinks it was a coincidence."

Sparx smirked as he flew down to take a look at what Spyro was reading. "'Ole Duckface wishes it was a coincidence. Since when could you read anyways?"

Spyro's face fell as he thought back to the lessons he had been given two years ago. "I didn't tell you about that? The noble who was teaching Cynder and I that first year taught us." Now that he thought about it, he had just been so busy that first year that he could hardly remember spending time with Sparx.

"See! This is why you need to relax some. You're getting too caught up in your new job Spyro." Sparx replied seriously for once.. "You don't want your head to get any bigger."

Spyro grinned and Sparx backed away from his adopted brother's razor sharp teeth. "Says the 'god of the llama people'"

The dragonfly sheepishly rubbed his head. "Oh. You remember that do you?" He paused as a thought occurred to him. "Did the atawawa make it out okay?"

"Atawala." Spyro corrected him. "And I haven't heard anything from them yet. Now come on, you join the meeting we're having. If I have to sit through it, then so do you." He hoped the atawala had made it out okay, but there was simply no telling where they were now if they had survived.

Treasury: 4700 Gold
Income: 400 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose Two
Clarity has spent her time looking over what she calls your 'militia' and has determined that it is a rather significant force, but could be better. During the war she noticed that the only dragons that tended to stay alive for long periods tended to be those that already had significant amounts of training. Clarity wants to use this information to form a small core of professional troops, or in her words 'soldiers'.

Professional Fighters: Now that Clarity has a count on all able and willing dragons, she would like to take it a step further and form a solid core of professional 'soldiers' who would be better trained than the average dragon. In times of peace these soldiers would patrol the city and surrounding area, to keep a watch out for threats. Clarity does admit that not only will it take some gold to start it, but she will have to pay the new soldiers gold to keep them involved. The good news is that if there is ever another war, then you will have a significant leg up on the enemy. She feels that 100 of these soldiers will be more than enough to start with.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 200 Gold. 300 Gold per year. Reward: 100 dragon soldiers of varying elements.

Patching the Holes Part 1: Between the damage from the siege, the Golem breaking open a hole, the Destroyer walking straight through the city, and then the sundering and reconstruction of the planet, the renowned defenses of Warfang are in bad shape. There are massive gaps in the wall including two utterly destroyed sections where the Destroyer walked through. Clarity would like to get started on the first phase of doing so which would be paying all available earth dragons to erect a temporary wall.
Cost: 2000 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Enemies can no longer walk straight into Warfang.

Patrolling: There have been no monster sighting since the restoration of the world, though that does not mean threats do not exist. From looters to active hostility from those who resent the change in leadership. Clarity feels that patrolling Warfang until normal activities resume would help keep the populace under control. Now that she has some idea of what the situation looks like, Clarity can plan more efficient patrols.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 300 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Warfang patrolled. ???

A Different Kind of Hunting: With the food situation as bad as it is, Clarity has offered her time toward organizing more hunting trips to make sure everyone has enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Diplomacy: Choose Two
Ventis has promised to tone down his lecherous tendencies after the near disaster that was the previous year. He would like to spend time reopening relations with the moles so that you can coordinate city wide actions better.

Talking with the Moles: Ventis has decided that the number one priority needs to be re-establishing formal contact with the moles. The moles are experts in construction and have several ideas that the dragons could benefit from. As the moles both build Warfang and inside of it, Spyro agrees with his reasoning.

Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Diplomatic relations with the moles resumed. Can coordinate certain actions.

Talking with the Cheetahs: Hunter was an absolute blessing during the war. Unfortunately, not all of his people share his views and though Chief Prowlus eventually got over his hatred by the end, he still does not like dragons. Ventis feels that this could go either way, but that they would be able to greatly assist in scouting, patrolling, and knowledge of nature.
Chance of Success: 50%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Diplomatic relations with the cheetahs resumed. Can coordinate certain actions.

Talking with the Dragons: Now that two years have passed since the war ended, all kinds of dragons have come out of the woodwork and each has their own grievances. Ventis deems it essential to talk with the people they are now ruling and keep them calm. Maybe Ventis can keep another the populace in check again this year.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Population calmed down.

Intrigue: Choose None
Umbra is much more cheerful this year and he explains that so far six dragons have taken him up on his offer. Though these six dragons will need to be properly trained, it is an excellent step toward having a proper intelligence organization.

Scouting: According to Umbra, the first thing that needs to be done is finding what has changed since the planet was put back together. With proper maps of the area, Umbra says he will be able to do more and start planning on how to best disrupt any potential enemies.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Basic maps of the area directly around Warfang.

Noble Matters: With the war over the nobles will be starting up their political schemes once more. For the moment they are satisfied with Spyro being the new leader of Warfang on account of how young and inexperienced he is in those matters. Umbra wants to get a grasp on the emerging political scene before they fully recover.
Chance of Success: 65% (goes down by 5 per year). Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Early start on emerging political scene.

Recruiting Spies (LOCKED): Right now Umbra has been working alone, but he knows that soon the work will start to overwhelm him. He wants to get a head start on gathering a solid intelligence core to assist him, starting with the less popular shadow, poison, and fear dragons, but also other types of dragons. After last year's fiasco, Umbra has put together a complicated plan to take advantage of Spyro's popularity, so that the young ruler would be 'safer against the dark mistress'. The other part of this plan is to do as he did before and try to track down the Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons once more.
Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 500 Gold. Upkeep: 200 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: +1 action.

Stewardship: Choose Two. One Locked.
Glacies very highly suggests that putting off building houses is simply not an option you should be considering this year.

Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Glacies recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year. The prey has been declining the last two years and Glacies is starting to worry if the hunting parties can bring back enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Farming Fish: Phydra approached Glacies with a novel plan that nobody had really considered. Farming is considered a neat approach to supplying large amounts of food, but as dragons are carnivorous, nobody had really considered it practical. Phydra however managed to live off of only fish for the entire duration of the war and has come up with a method of creating what she calls 'fish farms'. Feeding the entire city of Warfang with fish farms would be impractical, but supplementing them with hunting would help alleviate the pressure on the hunters.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 300 Gold. Reward: Small fish farm, +1 Food Level, +100 gold in income from fish.

Taking a Census (LOCKED): Glacies admits that nobody knows for sure how many people are left in Warfang and suggests that this needs to be done immediately so that work can be started on fixing the economy and tackling the larger issues.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Knowledge of how many people are in the city, their races, and what kinds of dragons.

Rebuilding the City Part One Residential: Well over the majority of the houses have burned down. While more important buildings tended to be made out of stone, the residential section tended more toward wood which left it open to the devastation of the war and particularly the Destroyer when it burned most of the city. Now that the new city plans have been agreed on, Glacies would like to get started on the first part of rebuilding the city which will be significantly cheaper and take less time than she had originally estimated.
Cost: 2100 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Housing crisis resolved. +250 income in tax.

A Better Governing System: It has been suggested by many already that the current governing system which has Spyro and a small council of advisers ruling the city, could be further tuned to be more effective.
Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote.

Taxation Nightmare Part One: Financially, Warfang is in rather dire straits at the moment. Glacies would like to get a head start on revamping the tax system to account for the change in population. She admits that doing this before the Census would make it incredibly difficult.
Chance of Success: 50%. Cost: 500 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +500 income in gold.

Learning: Choose None.
Therris is too busy for another project this year. Arguing with the nobles trying to stop the school from being built has left him lamenting the time lost that could be better spent in Old Warfang.

Schools and Apprentices (LOCKED): The third option Volteer has proposed is not as much of a radical change as the second and would consist of mandating an education, but if a drake finds someone to sponsor an apprenticeship, then they may forgo the standardized education in favor of an apprenticeship. The nobility is split on this issue with half having issue with how the government would be more involved in the education system than before and half rallying behind it as the best solution to fix the issues with the current system.
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 1200 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: School built. Apprenticeship continued. Guardians pleased. Some nobles displeased.

Save the Books! Part Two: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. The other half of the issue is that with the Warfang library and Dragon Temple gone, there is no longer a place to store books. Volteer has deemed this a lesser priority, but says that the sooner it is done, the sooner they can take inventory and figure out what they have and what the Guardians and other older dragons may have to rewrite from memory. Must be taken with 'Save the Books! Part One'.
Cost: 1100 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Library built. Librarian hired. Actions unlocked.

In with the Old (LOCKED): Too many enchanters died in the war and with them went most of the knowledge of how to create new enchantments. Therris would like to study the ruins of Old Warfang and how the ancestors enchanted things. This would be the first step in recreating the dying art of enchanting and being able to create new enchantments.
Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of how the ancestors enchanted things.

Piety: Choose None.
The first year of the training for the new initiates has passed relatively uneventful. The Guardians are happy to have students and being able to pass on their knowledge once more. The new dragon temple is being built as well which will ensure a safe resting place for the Guardians and any knowledge or artifacts that they collect.

Rebuilding the Temple (LOCKED): The Dragon Temple was a work of art before Malefor destroyed it. A millennia worth of priceless knowledge and secrets have been lost forever. Though the new temple will not be as defensible, nor have the many artifacts the Guardians had collected over the years, it would be the first step in continuing their ancient responsibilities to the world.
Cost: 2000 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: New Dragon Temple constructed. No Pool of Visions and no protective enchantments to keep it safe. +10 to training rolls.

Training New Guardians Part Two Basics (LOCKED): With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.

Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait. Stat gains.

Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d100/(300, 500, or 1000). Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Timor gains Fear Expert, Phydra/Zephyr/Virii gain Water/Wind/Poison Master, Pyra/Umbra gain Fire/Shadow Grandmaster

Recording Knowledge: The Guardians would like to get a head start on recording their collective knowledge of the elements. Though they would prefer to wait until the new temple was constructed, so they have a place to store them.
Chance of Success: 1/10/30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Guardian knowledge preserved. Chance of priceless knowledge.

Personal: Choose One, One Locked
Spyro has found that he has less freedom than ever before with people constantly bothering him about new issues both urgent and trivial. Thankfully for his sanity, Sparx and Cynder have been very helpful in pulling him away from his new duties and keeping him together.

Continued Training (LOCKED): Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.
Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Stat gain. Chance of traits.

Spending Time with Cynder: Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???

Spend Time with Sparx: Spyro and Sparx were inseparable at one point. Unfortunately he had to leave his foster brother behind before his fight Malefor as Sparx never would have made it through the Ring of Fire even with Ignitus' sacrifice.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Time spent with Sparx.

Spend Time with (character): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.

Mastering the Elements (Fire, Ice, Electricity, or Earth): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with Ignitus dead and the other Guardians very busy at the moment, this will take twice as long to accomplish.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 500 (half result before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward mastering chosen element.

Learning a New Element (Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear): As a purple dragon, Spyro is the only dragon who can learn a new element. With Cynder's assistance, learning Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear would be comparatively easy. He has no current teacher for Water unfortunately.
Chance of Success: 1d100/100 (half result for water before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward learning chosen element.

Mastering the Code of Reality: Aether allows one to alter reality with enough will and provides both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense. Unfortunately Aether is incredibly difficult to master as nobody, save Spyro and Cynder can even use it and both have been almost lost to the dark side of it forever. Mastering the conventional elements first may make this easier.
Chance of Success: 1d100/1000 (Low rolls have disastrous consequences). Reward: Progress toward becoming a master in Aether.

Shaping Reality: It is a purple dragon's spiritual right to master the elements. Malefor however did something nobody had even considered and added the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear. With this revelation, there has been rumors that Wind and Water are not original elements either and that only the prime elements of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are natural. While Spyro is nowhere near Malefor's level of mastery over Aether, it could be done.
Chance of Success: 15% (chance doubled if Cynder can be convinced to help). Time: ??? Reward: New Element.
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Turn 3 Results
Treasury: 2414 Gold
Income: 400 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose Two
Clarity has spent her time looking over what she calls your 'militia' and has determined that it is a rather significant force, but could be better. During the war she noticed that the only dragons that tended to stay alive for long periods tended to be those that already had significant amounts of training. Clarity wants to use this information to form a small core of professional troops, or in her words 'soldiers'.

Patrolling: There have been no monster sighting since the restoration of the world, though that does not mean threats do not exist. From looters to active hostility from those who resent the change in leadership. Clarity feels that patrolling Warfang until normal activities resume would help keep the populace under control. Now that she has some idea of what the situation looks like, Clarity can plan more efficient patrols.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 300 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Warfang patrolled. ???
Needed: 20. Rolled: 15.

- Fighting erupts throughout the year as the dragons that Clarity chose for the patrols went out of their way to attack the 'unwanted' dragons. She ran damage control as much as she could, but the damage was done and the air in the city is thick with hostility as dragons take sides. At the moment there are three notable sides; the 'good elements', the 'bad elements' and the Guardians (as well as Spyro and the other members of the makeshift government). Reward: morale plummets and battle lines are drawn.

A Different Kind of Hunting: With the food situation as bad as it is, Clarity has offered her time toward organizing more hunting trips to make sure everyone has enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.
Needed: 10. Rolled: 43.

- This year Clarity takes over organizing hunting parties from Glacies to let the Ice dragon have more time for more urgent projects. The hunters ranged further out from the city on the orders of Clarity as she and Glacies both agree that the area around Warfang is suffering from over hunting. Fortunately hunting seems to have gone well this year and the hunters report that prey levels are around the same level as the previous year. Reward: 300 gold, food level stays the same.

Choose Two
Ventis has promised to tone down his lecherous tendencies after the near disaster that was the previous year. He would like to spend time reopening relations with the moles so that you can coordinate city wide actions better.

Talking with the Moles: Ventis has decided that the number one priority needs to be re-establishing formal contact with the moles. The moles are experts in construction and have several ideas that the dragons could benefit from. As the moles both build Warfang and inside of it, Spyro agrees with his reasoning.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Diplomatic relations with the moles resumed. Can coordinate certain actions.
Needed: 10. Rolled: 31+11(diplomacy)+5(traits)=47.

- Ventis met with General Foreman Forticus this year to discuss the mutual concerns brought about by two different races sharing the same city. He is none too happy about the fighting that broke out this year, but is well aware that events had spiralled out of your control this year. With Spyro's blessing, Ventis and Forticus work out some potential ways to help each other and make rebuilding the city easier. Reward: Mole related actions unlocked.

Talking with the Cheetahs: Hunter was an absolute blessing during the war. Unfortunately, not all of his people share his views and though Chief Prowlus eventually got over his hatred by the end, he still does not like dragons. Ventis feels that this could go either way, but that they would be able to greatly assist in scouting, patrolling, and knowledge of nature.
Chance of Success: 50%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Diplomatic relations with the cheetahs resumed. Can coordinate certain actions.
Needed: 50. Rolled: 61+11(diplomacy)+5(traits)+10(Hunter)=87.

- Ventis sat down with Chief Prowlus of the local cheetah tribe this year and worked out how the two peoples could help each other. Spyro and Hunter both had their own thoughts on the matter and by the end of the year they had a plan that all four were happy with. For the cheetahs this help amounted to getting dragons to shore up the land around the new cheetah village as it was evident that landslides and earthquakes had become common in the area as a result of restoring the planet. For the dragons, the cheetah would be more than willing to coordinate on information and maps. To start off the new agreement, Hunter supplied copies of this maps for the area around Warfang and the nearby mountains. Reward: Dragons and cheetahs getting along, cheetah related actions unlocked, hunter shares maps.

Choose None
Umbra is much more cheerful this year and he explains that so far six dragons have taken him up on his offer. Though these six dragons will need to be properly trained, it is an excellent step toward having a proper intelligence organization.

Recruiting Spies: Right now Umbra has been working alone, but he knows that soon the work will start to overwhelm him. He wants to get a head start on gathering a solid intelligence core to assist him, starting with the less popular shadow, poison, and fear dragons, but also other types of dragons. After last year's fiasco, Umbra has put together a complicated plan to take advantage of Spyro's popularity, so that the young ruler would be 'safer against the dark mistress'. The other part of this plan is to do as he did before and try to track down the Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons once more.
Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 500 Gold. Upkeep: 200 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: +1 action. Locked - One year remaining.
Needed: 35. Rolled: 19+11=30

- Late in the year when Spyro goes to Umbra for an update, he can see that the Shadow dragon is rather stressed. As he explains it, this year the dragons that Clarity had chosen to patrol the city had ran into a group of Fear dragons and a fight had broken out almost immediately between them. It seems the leader of the patrol was actually a bigot and had not hesitated to escalate the situation once it turned out that the Fear dragons were uneasy and defensive. Somehow the situation had spread and had resulted in a city wide skirmish between the patrols and the less liked elements. Needless to say that Umbra found himself too caught up trying to resolve the situation as both Guardian trainee and spymaster. Hopefully next year he will have the time to find enough help to reduce his load to more manageable levels. Reward: Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons become hostile.

Choose Two. One Locked.
Glacies very highly suggests that putting off building houses is simply not an option you should be considering this year.

Farming Fish: Phydra approached Glacies with a novel plan that nobody had really considered. Farming is considered a neat approach to supplying large amounts of food, but as dragons are carnivorous, nobody had really considered it practical. Phydra however managed to live off of only fish for the entire duration of the war and has come up with a method of creating what she calls 'fish farms'. Feeding the entire city of Warfang with fish farms would be impractical, but supplementing them with hunting would help alleviate the pressure on the hunters.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 286 Gold. Reward: Small fish farm, +1 Food Level, +100 gold in income from fish. Locked - One year remaining.

- Phydra and Glacies worked closely together this year in designing large scale fish farms in the nearby lake. Over the year they refined the plans down to something usable on the scale required and began working on barriers to separate the fish farms from the rest of the lake. Phydra has shown a handful of interested Water dragons how to keep fish numerous enough that they can be used for a constant supply of food.

Taking a Census : Glacies admits that nobody knows for sure how many people are left in Warfang and suggests that this needs to be done immediately so that work can be started on fixing the economy and tackling the larger issues.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Knowledge of how many people are in the city, their races, and what kinds of dragons. Locked - One year remaining.
Needed: 40. Rolled: 6+15=21.

- The battles erupting through the city have completely wrecked Glacies' efforts in completing the census and she requests another year to finish. She has however determined that her previous estimates were too high. With help from the moles Glacies has figured their population to be around 7600 and that the number for dragons is more likely to be around 1800. The fact that so many dragons were able-bodied and able to fight from Clarity's report had been throwing her own numbers off. Reward: Action delayed. Numbers are lower than previously estimated.

Rebuilding the City Part One Residential: Well over the majority of the houses have burned down. While more important buildings tended to be made out of stone, the residential section tended more toward wood which left it open to the devastation of the war and particularly the Destroyer when it burned most of the city. Now that the new city plans have been agreed on, Glacies would like to get started on the first part of rebuilding the city which will be significantly cheaper and take less time than she had originally estimated.
Cost: 2000 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Housing crisis resolved. +250 income in tax. Locked - One year remaining.

- Throughout the year hundreds of homes take shape thanks to skilled earth dragons who have grown exceptionally good at construction due to the use of makeshift walls and fortifications in the war. Thankfully Glacies manages to keep everything rolling even through the skirmishing erupting around the city. Behind the Earth dragons comes another crew of dragons who get to work making the houses livable and by the end of the year around a third of the houses are habitable. If everything goes according to plan next year, the residential district will be done next year and you will finally have enough homes for every dragon in the city.

Learning: Choose None.
Therris is too busy for another project this year. Arguing with the nobles trying to stop the school from being built has left him lamenting the time lost that could be better spent in Old Warfang.

Schools and Apprentices: The third option Volteer has proposed is not as much of a radical change as the second and would consist of mandating an education, but if a drake finds someone to sponsor an apprenticeship, then they may forgo the standardized education in favor of an apprenticeship. The nobility is split on this issue with half having issue with how the government would be more involved in the education system than before and half rallying behind it as the best solution to fix the issues with the current system.
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 1200 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: School built. Apprenticeship continued. Guardians pleased. Some nobles displeased. Locked - One year remaining.
Needed: 25. Rolled: 34+5(diplomacy)=39.

- The nobles were distracted by the fighting this year and Therris managed to finish the structure of the school. All that is left now is to furnish the school, find teachers, and gather up all of the young dragons without apprenticeships. With the hatred growing in the city, Therris is not too hopeful about getting Shadow, Poison, or Fear dragons as teachers or students. He hopes that the animosity will die down, but knows that is not looking too likely at the moment. Therris promises that one day this school will be a place all dragons can attend in order to learn things that all dragons should know.

In with the Old: Too many enchanters died in the war and with them went most of the knowledge of how to create new enchantments. Therris would like to study the ruins of Old Warfang and how the ancestors enchanted things. This would be the first step in recreating the dying art of enchanting and being able to create new enchantments.
Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of how the ancestors enchanted things. Locked - One year remaining.

- Exploration into Old Warfang proceeds at a rapid pace and Therris is thankful that he can be down here avoiding the fighting and pursuing knowledge. According to the researcher, not only are there elemental locks everywhere, but also the fabled adamant orbs and corresponding pressure plates. The pressure plates only seem to react to the adamant orbs and ignore anything else, even if the applied weight is the same. Working throughout the year, Therris was able to unravel the enchantments and found that there is a sympathetic connection between the adamant orbs and the pressure plates. In fact it appears the connection could be used to either link specific items or link general groups of items. Dozens of lesser enchantments were discovered as well and thankfully the various dragons who have become a part of the research team have been getting along regardless of the hostility on the surface.

Piety: Choose None.
The first year of the training for the new initiates has passed relatively uneventful. The Guardians are happy to have students and being able to pass on their knowledge once more. The new dragon temple is being built as well which will ensure a safe resting place for the Guardians and any knowledge or artifacts that they collect.

Rebuilding the Temple: The Dragon Temple was a work of art before Malefor destroyed it. A millennia worth of priceless knowledge and secrets have been lost forever. Though the new temple will not be as defensible, nor have the many artifacts the Guardians had collected over the years, it would be the first step in continuing their ancient responsibilities to the world.
Cost: 2000 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: New Dragon Temple constructed. No Pool of Visions and no protective enchantments to keep it safe. +10 to training rolls. Locked - One year remaining.

- The walls of the new Dragon Temple go up over the course of the year and already one can see the care put into making the new temple just as resplendent as the old one. Though the insides are still unfinished, it is evident that the temple will be a true wonder of art and with the enchantments worked into the walls, it will be one that will last the age. It is truly unfortunate that the truly incredible enchantments that went into the previous temple have been lost for centuries. On more positive news, the new initiates helped to lay basic enchantments on the walls which goes to show how much they have been learning from Cyril, Volteer, and Terrador.

Training New Guardians Part Two Basics: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait. Stat gains. Locked - Three years remaining.

- Now that the new initiates had training in how to interact with others as befitting Guardians, the training shifted toward leadership and administration. Over the course of the year the initiates polished up their skill in reading and writing which they had been taught the previous year. In addition to this they learned the math deemed essential for both working with gold and the more complicated magics such as enchanting. The foundations of leadership were also touched on and it has served to only highlight the differences from who they were before. Reward: +3 Stewardship for Phydra, Zephyr, Umbra, and Virii. +2 Stewardship for Timor.

Choose One, One Locked
Spyro has found that he has less freedom than ever before with people constantly bothering him about new issues both urgent and trivial. Thankfully for his sanity, Sparx and Cynder have been very helpful in pulling him away from his new duties and keeping him together.

Continued Training: Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.
Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Stat gain. Chance of traits. Locked - Three years remaining.
Needed: N/A. Rolled: 34.

- This year Ferno worked with Spyro and Cynder on their leadership abilities. For Spyro this mostly amounted to leadership focused more toward ruling and combat, while Cynder's training focused more on organization and how to relate to the ones she is leading. The two young dragons exchanged tips back and forth on leadership as the year went on and by the end of the year, it became apparent that both of them could be capable leaders, but that they still had issues or inexperience that had not been worked out yet. Reward: +2 Martial for Spyro, +2 Diplomacy for Cynder, +1 Stewardship for both.

Spend Time with (Hunter): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.
Needed: N/A. Rolled: 27.

- Spyro spent what free time he has this year with Hunter, getting to know the cheetah warrior who had done so much during the war. Hunter has had little to do with his tribe in the past few years and has instead been exploring the world to see what has changed since the planet had been torn apart and then restored. The two of them alternated between Hunter showing Spyro what had changed in the land and going back to the cheetah's tribe to talk with Ventis and Chief Prowlus and smooth things over regarding dragons and the local cheetah tribe. Reward: +1 Intrigue, +10 to Talking with the Cheetahs, Hunter has been mapping the world.
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Turn 4
Fighting has erupted throughout the streets of Warfang and it has everyone worried about a potential civil war. All of Spyro's advisers have come up with their own plans to assist, some of which are more feasible than others. In addition to the growing unrest, several projects will be finishing this year which means a significant portion of the advisers are too busy to assist despite wishing otherwise. There also seems to be a feeling of unease in the air that only a handful can detect. Worryingly this group includes Spyro, Cynder, and the Guardians which means it is most likely spiritual in nature.

Treasury: 2814 Gold
Income: 400 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose Two
Clarity is getting worried over how long the gaps in the walls have gone unrepaired. Despite these worries she knows that the situation in the city is even more urgent and very highly suggests that she spend her time organizing patrols and hunting parties. This time she will be thoroughly vetting each member of the patrols and hopes that it will be enough.

Professional Fighters: Now that Clarity has a count on all able and willing dragons, she would like to take it a step further and form a solid core of professional 'soldiers' who would be better trained than the average dragon. In times of peace these soldiers would patrol the city and surrounding area, to keep a watch out for threats. Clarity does admit that not only will it take some gold to start it, but she will have to pay the new soldiers gold to keep them involved. The good news is that if there is ever another war, then you will have a significant leg up on the enemy. She feels that 100 of these soldiers will be more than enough to start with.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 200 Gold. 300 Gold per year. Reward: 100 dragon soldiers of varying elements.

Patching the Holes Part 1: Between the damage from the siege, the golem breaking open a hole, the Destroyer walking straight through the city, and then the sundering and reconstruction of the planet, the renowned defenses of Warfang are in bad shape. There are massive gaps in the wall including two utterly destroyed sections where the Destroyer walked through. Clarity would like to get started on the first phase of doing so which would be paying all available earth dragons to erect a temporary wall.
Cost: 2000 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Enemies can no longer walk straight into Warfang.

Patrolling: There have been no monster sighting since the restoration of the world, though that does not mean threats do not exist. From looters to active hostility from those who resent the change in leadership. Clarity feels that patrolling Warfang until normal activities resume would help keep the populace under control. Now that she has some idea of what the situation looks like, Clarity can plan more efficient patrols.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 300 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Warfang patrolled. ???

A Different Kind of Hunting: With the food situation as bad as it is, Clarity has offered her time toward organizing more hunting trips to make sure everyone has enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Diplomacy: Choose Two
To everyone's general relief Ventis has greatly curbed his lecherous tendencies in the face of the growing crisis. It has become obvious to him that so long as he let his body control him, he would never become as skilled of a diplomat as he wishes. With this revelation he has tempered his lust and channeled it toward better ends. He is determined to be the best diplomat that he can be and vows that the possible civil war brewing in the city will not happen.

Ventis upgrades trait Lustful (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, -2 Piety) into Skilled Seducer (+1 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue, +5 to rolls with the opposite sex): Ventis has learned to turn his lecherous tendencies into a boon and has became quite skilled at charming dragonesses.

Coordinate with the Moles (action): The moles have agreed to coordinate on construction projects around the city. They are eager to rebuild the city and have expressed worries about the lack of walls.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Half cost and time of selected construction project.

Cheetahs Helping Dragons: Chief Prowlus has offered his people's assistance in mapping the land in exchange for help reinforcing the land around the village to protect against landslides and earthquakes.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Up to date maps of the continent, +10 relations with cheetahs.

Talking with the Dragons: Now that two years have passed since the war ended, all kinds of dragons have come out of the woodwork and each has their own grievances. Ventis deems it essential to talk with the people they are now ruling and keep them calm. Maybe Ventis can keep the populace in check again this year.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Populace calmed down.

Intrigue: Choose None
Umbra has been looking more and more stressed during the few times that Spyro sees him. At this point for the Guardian Initiate, it is a matter of pride to finish recruiting the spies that he needs to expand his operations. Spyro worries that Umbra may burn himself out at this rate if things do not get better soon.

Recruiting Spies: Right now Umbra has been working alone, but he knows that soon the work will start to overwhelm him. He wants to get a head start on gathering a solid intelligence core to assist him, starting with the less popular shadow, poison, and fear dragons, but also other types of dragons. After last year's fiasco, Umbra has put together a complicated plan to take advantage of Spyro's popularity, so that the young ruler would be 'safer against the dark mistress'. The other part of this plan is to do as he did before and try to track down the Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons once more.
Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 500 Gold. Upkeep: 200 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: +1 action. Locked - One year remaining.

Stewardship: Choose None.
Glacies is very busy this year and has been working overtime on both the fish farms and the new residential section of the city. The ice dragoness hopes that she will be able to finish the census this year, but admits that the chaos may make it difficult. As busy as she is, she very highly recommends that Clarity spend some of her time organizing hunting parties so that nobody starves as that would be the last thing you need at the moment.

Farming Fish: Phydra approached Glacies with a novel plan that nobody had really considered. Farming is considered a neat approach to supplying large amounts of food, but as dragons are carnivorous, nobody had really considered it practical. Phydra however managed to live off of only fish for the entire duration of the war and has come up with a method of creating what she calls 'fish farms'. Feeding the entire city of Warfang with fish farms would be impractical, but supplementing them with hunting would help alleviate the pressure on the hunters.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 300 Gold. Reward: Small fish farm, +1 Food Level, +100 gold in income from fish. Locked - One year remaining.

Taking a Census:
Glacies admits that nobody knows for sure how many people are left in Warfang and suggests that this needs to be done immediately so that work can be started on fixing the economy and tackling the larger issues.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Knowledge of how many people are in the city, their races, and what kinds of dragons. Locked - One year remaining.

Rebuilding the City Part One Residential:
Well over the majority of the houses have burned down. While more important buildings tended to be made out of stone, the residential section tended more toward wood which left it open to the devastation of the war and particularly the Destroyer when it burned most of the city. Now that the new city plans have been agreed on, Glacies would like to get started on the first part of rebuilding the city which will be significantly cheaper and take less time than she had originally estimated.
Cost: 2100 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Housing crisis resolved. +250 income in tax. Locked - One year remaining.

Learning: Choose None.
Therris reports that he is close to having exhausted the mysteries of Old Warfang and that the knowledge is being recorded so that it can later be used as a basis for designing your own enchantments. On the surface side of things the school is proceeding as planned and he hopes that he might be able to use the unrest to gather up all of the prospective students and teachers in a timely manner.

Schools and Apprentices: The third option Volteer has proposed is not as much of a radical change as the second and would consist of mandating an education, but if a drake finds someone to sponsor an apprenticeship, then they may forgo the standardized education in favor of an apprenticeship. The nobility is split on this issue with half having issue with how the government would be more involved in the education system than before and half rallying behind it as the best solution to fix the issues with the current system.
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 1200 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: School built. Apprenticeship continued. Guardians pleased. Some nobles displeased. Locked - One year remaining.

In with the Old:
Too many enchanters died in the war and with them went most of the knowledge of how to create new enchantments. Therris would like to study the ruins of Old Warfang and how the ancestors enchanted things. This would be the first step in recreating the dying art of enchanting and being able to create new enchantments.
Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of how the ancestors enchanted things. Locked - One year remaining.

Piety: Choose None.
The Guardians have been doing what they can to keep order around the city, but they admit that they are stretched thin making sure the temple is constructed on time and that that the new initiates have a basic education. Despite this, they are very much prepared to halt all of their duties to help restore order if needed.

Rebuilding the Temple: The Dragon Temple was a work of art before Malefor destroyed it. A millennia worth of priceless knowledge and secrets have been lost forever. Though the new temple will not be as defensible, nor have the many artifacts the Guardians had collected over the years, it would be the first step in continuing their ancient responsibilities to the world.
Cost: 2000 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: New Dragon Temple constructed. No Pool of Visions and no protective enchantments to keep it safe. +10 to training rolls. Locked - One year remaining.

Training New Guardians Part Two Basics:
With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait. Stat gains. Locked - Three years remaining.

Keeping the Peace:
With the situation as bad as it is, the Guardians would be willing to halt what they are doing and help restore order in the city. They do warn you however that if they choose to do this, then training the initiates and building the temple will take longer.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Hostilities die down.

Personal: Choose One, One Locked
With the situation in the city verging toward a civil war, Spyro is determined to do whatever it takes to keep things from getting worse. He has already experienced what war is like and is in no hurry to repeat the experience any time soon.

Continued Training: Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.
Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Stat gain. Chance of traits. Locked - Two years remaining.

Calming Dragons:
With the city threatening to tear itself apart, Spyro has decided to put aside his unease and use his fame to try and calm the people down. With as little experience in public speaking as he has, Spyro can only hope that this does not backfire.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 year. Reward: +10 approval rating to commoners and nobles. Populace calmed down.

Spending Time with Cynder: Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???

Spend Time with Sparx: Spyro and Sparx were inseparable at one point. Unfortunately he had to leave his foster brother behind before his fight Malefor as Sparx never would have made it through the Ring of Fire even with Ignitus' sacrifice.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Time spent with Sparx.

Spend Time with (character): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.

Mastering the Elements (Fire, Ice, Electricity, or Earth): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with Ignitus dead and the other Guardians very busy at the moment, this will take twice as long to accomplish.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 500 (half result before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward mastering chosen element.

Learning a New Element (Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear): As a purple dragon, Spyro is the only dragon who can learn a new element. With Cynder's assistance, learning Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear would be comparatively easy. He has no current teacher for Water unfortunately.
Chance of Success: 1d100/100 (half result for water before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward learning chosen element.

Mastering the Code of Reality: Aether allows one to alter reality with enough will and provides both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense. Unfortunately Aether is incredibly difficult to master as nobody, save Spyro and Cynder can even use it and both have been almost lost to the dark side of it forever. Mastering the conventional elements first may make this easier.
Chance of Success: 1d100/1000 (Low rolls have disastrous consequences). Reward: Progress toward becoming a master in Aether.

Shaping Reality: It is a purple dragon's spiritual right to master the elements. Malefor however did something nobody had even considered and added the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear. With this revelation, there has been rumors that Wind and Water are not original elements either and that only the prime elements of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are natural. While Spyro is nowhere near Malefor's level of mastery over Aether, it could be done.
Chance of Success: 15% (chance doubled if Cynder can be convinced to help). Time: ??? Reward: New Element.
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Turn 4 Results
Treasury: 2814 Gold
Income: 400 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose Two
Clarity is getting worried over how long the gaps in the walls have gone unrepaired. Despite these worries she knows that the situation in the city is even more urgent and very highly suggests that she spend her time organizing patrols and hunting parties. This time she will be thoroughly vetting each member of the patrols and hopes that it will be enough.

Patrolling: There have been no monster sighting since the restoration of the world, though that does not mean threats do not exist. From looters to active hostility from those who resent the change in leadership. Clarity feels that patrolling Warfang until normal activities resume would help keep the populace under control. Now that she has some idea of what the situation looks like, Clarity can plan more efficient patrols.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 300 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Warfang patrolled. ???
Required: 20. Rolled: 63

- After last year's failure contributing to a potential civil war, Clarity has thoroughly vetted every single dragon who patrolled the city this year. To everyone's relief the city is truly safe and all of the few troublemakers that were found were convinced that there were other things to do with their time. In fact combined with Spyro's speeches and Ventis personally going around to check on what seems like every dragon in the city, Clarity has the feeling that crime is going to plummet to a level that few dragons even remember. Glacies is happy as well as this means more gold flowing in due to almost all dragons trying to be productive members of the city. Reward: Crime plummets to a level not seen in generations, +100 gold per year from more dragons trying to productive citizens.

A Different Kind of Hunting:
With the food situation as bad as it is, Clarity has offered her time toward organizing more hunting trips to make sure everyone has enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.
Required: 10. Rolled: 58

- The hunting parties bring go out of their way to hunt in a much larger variety of locations on advice from the cheetahs. Clarity is hopefully that the prey around Warfang will recover and says that once the hunters have detailed maps, there will no longer be any worry of over hunting. Despite the new hunting spots, only a modest amount of food was actually brought back which is more than enough to keep anyone from starving. Together with Glacies, the two dragonesses have determined that the new maps that the cheetah are helping with along with the fish farms should be able to sustain the population rather reliably. Reward: +300 gold in loot, nobody starves, food issues on the way to hopefully being resolved.

Choose Two
To everyone's general relief Ventis has greatly curbed his lecherous tendencies in the face of the growing crisis. It has become obvious to him that so long as he let his body control him, he would never become as skilled of a diplomat as he wishes. With this revelation he has tempered his lust and channeled it toward better ends. He is determined to be the best diplomat that he can be and vows that the possible civil war brewing in the city will not happen.

Cheetahs Helping Dragons: Chief Prowlus has offered his people's assistance in mapping the land in exchange for help reinforcing the land around the village to protect against landslides and earthquakes.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Up to date maps of the continent, +10 relations with cheetahs.

- With all of the effort Ventis put forward this year into getting to know everyone, he was able to easily determine which dragons would would get along with the cheetah the best. A mixed group of dragons led by Ventis make their way to the cheetahs this year where they were met by Chief Prowlus and the cheetahs that would be overseeing both the renovations, and the small squad led by Hunter who would be helping to map the entire continent. A group predominately made up of Earth and Water dragons would be assisting the cheetahs in keeping their new home from being destroyed by the environment, while another group would be mostly made up of Wind dragons would be working with Hunter's squad to properly map everything. Locked - Two years remaining.

Talking with the Dragons:
Now that two years have passed since the war ended, all kinds of dragons have come out of the woodwork and each has their own grievances. Ventis deems it essential to talk with the people they are now ruling and keep them calm. Maybe Ventis can keep the populace in check again this year.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Populace calmed down.
Required: 20. Rolled: 91+11(diplomacy)+5(traits)=107 (critical success)

- Together with Spyro, Ventis goes out about the city, talking with other dragons and hearing their worries. Somehow he manages to make time to talk with what seems like every dragon in the city and not only is he able to effectively dismiss the rumors that sprung up in the wake of the unrest, Ventis is even able to put to firmly put to rest the idea that some dragons are evil solely because of their element. He then takes it a step further and applies his charm to the maligned dragons and persuades the Shadow, Poison, and even Fear dragons to come out of hiding and make an attempt to integrate more effectively with society. Everyone is quite frankly astonished at just what this relatively young dragon has achieved with no actual diplomatic training. Reward: Unrest and bias toward the darker elements has stopped entirely, Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons are coming out of hiding to join the general population.

Choose None
Umbra has been looking more and more stressed during the few times that Spyro sees him. At this point for the Guardian Initiate, it is a matter of pride to finish recruiting the spies that he needs to expand his operations. Spyro worries that Umbra may burn himself out at this rate if things do not get better soon.

Recruiting Spies: Right now Umbra has been working alone, but he knows that soon the work will start to overwhelm him. He wants to get a head start on gathering a solid intelligence core to assist him, starting with the less popular shadow, poison, and fear dragons, but also other types of dragons. After last year's fiasco, Umbra has put together a complicated plan to take advantage of Spyro's popularity, so that the young ruler would be 'safer against the dark mistress'. The other part of this plan is to do as he did before and try to track down the Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons once more.
Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 500 Gold. Upkeep: 200 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: +1 action. Locked - One year remaining.
Required: 35. Rolled: 46+11(intrigue)=57

- Umbra has quite possibly the most difficult year yet as the Guardians seem to fit several years worth of learning into a single year, all while he desperately tries to finish the project he started four years ago. To his credit the Shadow dragon manages to finally recruit enough dragons to take the load off of him and after getting them trained in the basics, he takes a well earned break to try and relax and keep up with his own learning. This new corps of spies has at least a dragon of each element, with several Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons, allowing for a flexible group able to function in any environment and situation. Reward: +1 action, Umbra finally has a chance to calm down and be without stress for the first time in four years.

Choose None.
Glacies is very busy this year and has been working overtime on both the fish farms and the new residential section of the city. The ice dragoness hopes that she will be able to finish the census this year, but admits that the chaos may make it difficult. As busy as she is, she very highly recommends that Clarity spend some of her time organizing hunting parties so that nobody starves as that would be the last thing you need at the moment.

Farming Fish: Phydra approached Glacies with a novel plan that nobody had really considered. Farming is considered a neat approach to supplying large amounts of food, but as dragons are carnivorous, nobody had really considered it practical. Phydra however managed to live off of only fish for the entire duration of the war and has come up with a method of creating what she calls 'fish farms'. Feeding the entire city of Warfang with fish farms would be impractical, but supplementing them with hunting would help alleviate the pressure on the hunters.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 300 Gold. Reward: Small fish farm, +1 Food Level, +100 gold in income from fish. Locked - One year remaining.

- Phydra and Glacies spend the year perfecting the designs and process that they had created the year before. With Phydra's education picking up pace, most of the work falls on Glacies this year and she is easily able to find enough Water dragons to keep the small fish farm running. While it does not produce too much in the way of food, the fish farm provides a new delicacy in mass and in enough quantity that the amount of food the hunting parties need to bring back is greatly reduced. The fish farms are a novel concept and Glacies is eager to see if she can apply this process to other prey somehow. Reward: +1 Food level, +100 gold in income from fish sales, maybe it can be applied to other prey?

Taking a Census:
Glacies admits that nobody knows for sure how many people are left in Warfang and suggests that this needs to be done immediately so that work can be started on fixing the economy and tackling the larger issues.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Knowledge of how many people are in the city, their races, and what kinds of dragons. Locked - One year remaining.
Required: 40. Rolled: 55+15(stewardship)=70

- The results of the census are finally in and Glacies admits that while the situation is better than she had feared, it is not nearly as good as she had hoped it would be. There is a grand total of 1792 dragons and 8452 moles. 321 of the dragons are Fire, 297 are Ice, 303 are Electric, 315 are Earth, 167 are Water, 204 are Wind, 80 are Shadow, 68 are Poison, and 37 are Fear. Reward: Accurate demographics.

Rebuilding the City Part One Residential:
Well over the majority of the houses have burned down. While more important buildings tended to be made out of stone, the residential section tended more toward wood which left it open to the devastation of the war and particularly the Destroyer when it burned most of the city. Now that the new city plans have been agreed on, Glacies would like to get started on the first part of rebuilding the city which will be significantly cheaper and take less time than she had originally estimated.
Cost: 2100 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Housing crisis resolved. +250 income in tax. Locked - One year remaining.

- Much to the general relief of the populace, the residential district is finally completed. Every dragon now has a home and combined with the phenomenal effort from Spyro, Ventis, and the patrols, everyone seems to have finally calmed down and are content for for the first time since the war began. The commoners now each have their own sturdy stone house with all of the basic amenities and there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of dragons selling their services or wares to others. While there is no specific district for commerce yet, specific empty lots have had temporary buildings raised so that business can properly resume. Reward: +250 income from tax, commoners now all have their own houses.

Choose None.
Therris reports that he is close to having exhausted the mysteries of Old Warfang and that the knowledge is being recorded so that it can later be used as a basis for designing your own enchantments. On the surface side of things the school is proceeding as planned and he hopes that he might be able to use the unrest to gather up all of the prospective students and teachers in a timely manner.

Schools and Apprentices: The third option Volteer has proposed is not as much of a radical change as the second and would consist of mandating an education, but if a drake finds someone to sponsor an apprenticeship, then they may forgo the standardized education in favor of an apprenticeship. The nobility is split on this issue with half having issue with how the government would be more involved in the education system than before and half rallying behind it as the best solution to fix the issues with the current system.
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 1200 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: School built. Apprenticeship continued. Guardians pleased. Some nobles displeased. Locked - One year remaining.
Required: 25. Rolled: 54+5(diplomacy)=59

- The school was finished this year and with the lack of tension in the city, plenty of teachers are found as well as all of the young dragons without apprenticeships. Due to the mistrust around the darker elements vanishing, there is a teacher for each element as well as teachers for more general subjects such as reading and writing, combat, and math. Therris is particularly surprised that the nobles whom he was so sure would be a problem ended up helping to fund the new school as they seem to have warmed up to the idea in wake of Spyro and Ventis' actions. Reward: School built, everyone has access to an education, Therris somehow convinces the nobles to fund the school.

In with the Old:
Too many enchanters died in the war and with them went most of the knowledge of how to create new enchantments. Therris would like to study the ruins of Old Warfang and how the ancestors enchanted things. This would be the first step in recreating the dying art of enchanting and being able to create new enchantments.
Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of how the ancestors enchanted things. Locked - One year remaining.

- The expedition to Old Warfang ended this year with the discovery of more artifacts that modern dragons lack the knowledge to properly replicate. Included among these artifacts seems to be a full set of dragon armor similar to that which Spyro and Cynder found on their journey and Therris is eager to take it apart and see what can be learned from the interweaved enchantments. In addition to the armor, numerous elemental based enchantments for every element were found and dissected, greatly improving knowledge of both the elements and how those elements react when placed in enchantments. Of particular note are the enchantments for Shadow, Poison, and Fear which represent the greatest leap in research into the three mysterious elements yet found. Reward: One full suit of dragon armor, multiple enchantments for each element in varying forms.

Choose None.
The Guardians have been doing what they can to keep order around the city, but they admit that they are stretched thin making sure the temple is constructed on time and that that the new initiates have a basic education. Despite this, they are very much prepared to halt all of their duties to help restore order if needed.

Rebuilding the Temple: The Dragon Temple was a work of art before Malefor destroyed it. A millennia worth of priceless knowledge and secrets have been lost forever. Though the new temple will not be as defensible, nor have the many artifacts the Guardians had collected over the years, it would be the first step in continuing their ancient responsibilities to the world.
Cost: 2000 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: New Dragon Temple constructed. No Pool of Visions and no protective enchantments to keep it safe. +10 to training rolls. Locked - One year remaining.

- The insides of the temple is finished this year with plenty of time to spare. Nine main wings are created in the temple, each one dedicated to a different element and each one has art depicting the element in question. Enchantments to make the place comfortable all year round are easily added and the six younger dragons expand their repertoire of enchantments. In addition to the nine wings, various extra rooms are created including one massive one beneath the center of the temple and smaller ones under the wings that house attuned crystals. Volteer has expressed an interest in trying to do an extremely complicated network of enchantments using all nine elements as the basis and as such the framework for such a task was added to the plans as the temple was finished. Reward: New Dragon Temple, +10 to elemental training rolls, basis for new additions and an incredibly complicated network of enchantments.

Training New Guardians Part Two Basics:
With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait. Stat gains. Locked - Three years remaining.

- Now that the Guardians were sure the initiates could write, read, and do basic math; it was time to move on to the more complex topics which were almost exclusively known to the nobles and the Guardians. For the most part this consisted of the history the world as dragons knew it, the city of Warfang, the Guardians as a whole, and basic magic. In order to cover all of the material that they had planned, the Guardians drilled the initiates far harder than they had in previous years and it became very obvious why the they were so stringent on who became Guardians. The five dragons in training rose to the task regardless of the increase in material and showed their dedication and ability to learn in spades. This year was most noteworthy for Phydra and Umbra who lacked their compatriots' prior focus the scholarly and had additional duties that they were focusing on, fortunately the other three initiates rose to help the two struggling dragons and as a result the budding friendship between the five of them solidified. Cyril, Volteer, and Terrador were incredibly proud of their students this year. Reward: +3 Learning for Phydra and Umbra, +1 Learning for Zephyr, Virii, and Timor.

Choose One, One Locked
With the situation in the city verging toward a civil war, Spyro is determined to do whatever it takes to keep things from getting worse. He has already experienced what war is like and is in no hurry to repeat the experience any time soon.

Continued Training: Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.
Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Stat gain. Chance of traits. Locked - Two years remaining.
Required: N/A. Rolled: 17

- Ferno had apparently exhausted his knowledge on leadership and so switched back over to the one subject that bored both dragons; politics. The fire dragon spent the year lecturing on all the different kinds of intrigue that nobles were fond of performing and even touched on some that few dragons even bothered with. For Cynder this was something that came naturally to her, but Spyro struggled to understand why dragons would do things such as sabotage, theft, and other such things. Despite his growing unease with the subject matter, Ferno pressed on and made sure Spyro could at least recognize when he was being tricked or lied to. Cynder's lessons on the other hand were more on the history and application of such practices. By the end of the year both dragons understood the games nobles played a little bit better and were eagerly waiting for the time their lessons would be over. Reward: +2 Intrigue for Spyro. +1 Intrigue and Learning for Cynder.

Calming Dragons:
With the city threatening to tear itself apart, Spyro has decided to put aside his unease and use his fame to try and calm the people down. With as little experience in public speaking as he has, Spyro can only hope that this does not backfire.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 year. Reward: +10 approval rating to commoners and nobles. Populace calmed down.
Required: 20. Rolled: 83+7(diplomacy)=90.

- When Spyro takes the year to try and calm everyone down, he does not expect how much of an impact his words would have. A simple speech written with vague memories of what Ferno has taught him, alongside helpful advice from his friends and advisers has allowed his first public address and the subsequent follow up speeches to firmly cement his place in the public's eye as a hero and role model for all inspiring dragons. Together with Ventis going out of his way to talk with each dragon and Clarity's carefully selected patrols, all distrust of the darker elements seems to have vanished almost entirely. Spyro is frankly bewildered to see that his first attempt at public speaking has firmly solidified him as ruler of both Warfang and dragons in a way that even his heroic victory over Malefor could not have done. Even the nobles seem to find it difficult to say bad things about him. Reward: +20 approval rating for commoners and nobles. Spyro's fame rises to unmatched heights despite his dismay.
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Turn 5
"We should be coming up on it." Spyro said as he led the small party of dragons to where he felt the ancestors crying out in pain for the world.

"Any idea what to expect?" One of the Electric dragons, Ohm asked.

Spyro shook his head. "Some kind of gap in Convexity." The other dragons voiced their confusion and he saw Cynder cringe in memory. "Convexity forms a barrier between our world and other worlds. Hopefully nothing has tried to force it's way through the gap yet."

"You can close it right?" A Poison dragon asked, horror in her voice.

Spyro considered the question even as he winged his way down to where his senses were telling him the tear was. "Not immediately, but I should be able to stop things from coming through." He knew the other dragons, particularly Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons thought he could do just about anything, but a tear in Convexity was not something easily fixed from what the ancestors could tell him.

As the small group of dragons followed Spyro down to where the rift was, they could immediately tell that they were too late. Small green creatures clad in armor were filtering their way through, joining the modest size group already gathered. One of the creatures yelled a warning and immediately the invaders turned their attention to the dragons. "For the Big High War God!"

"Watch out!" Someone yelled as the green creatures launched magic and projectile at the dragons. Long honed instincts from the war seemed to reawaken and the dragons spread out to make themselves more difficult to hit. The sky lit up with the elements as the dragons closed their distance, Spyro himself sticking close to Cynder as the two of them attacked with Ice and Poison. From the screams of pain from his allies though, it was evident that these creatures had ample experience with hitting flying opponents.

Spyro and Cynder toned out all of this however and as they landed amongst the enemy, they were a whirl of fang, claw, and the elements. The two dragons covered for each other on instinct, an enemy seeking to strike Spyro form behind found itself torn apart as Cynder came out of it's shadow and Spyro returned the favor with a comet dash which incinerated a group who were coming up on Cynder. Their team work was absolutely flawless as they lost themselves in an old dance of destruction which had been relentlessly practiced during the final part of the war. Yet for all their power, these were not the simple creatures of Malefor's armies; these were soldiers who knew nothing but war. A single bolt which seemed to shine with magic struck Cynder, ripping apart her scales as it seemed to negate her hardened scales almost entirely.

For one long moment it seemed as if the battlefield had become quiet as Cynder's scream of pain was matched by Spyro's roar of outrage. "Cynder!". Time freezed entirely as Spyro forced back his anger and grief through sheer willpower and instead orbs of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth spun into existence around him. The battlefield became engulfed in a blizzard, firestorm, electric storm, and avalanche all at once as concentrated elemental energy homed in on all of the green-skinned attackers. Time unfroze to the scene of complete and utter obliteration, none of the attackers remained alive. Spyro spared the scene a single glance, before concentrating on Cynder; the purple tinged black dragoness lay in a pool of blood, completely untouched by the destruction around her. Spyro reached for the bond between them and forced his own life force through it.

The other dragons both untouched and injured, could only stare in awe at what Spyro had unleashed. Seeing him tend to Cynder however snapped them out of their shock and they quickly gathered together all of the injured dragons as a Wind dragon left with all speed to gather red crystals to bring back.

Five of the sixteen dragons would not be returning to Warfang alive.

Treasury: 3464 Gold
Income: 650 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose Two
News brought back by Spyro's expedition to the rift has greatly worried Clarity. Warfang still has no walls and lacks a dedicated army. Clarity very highly suggests securing this rift as quickly as possible as well as repairing the walls as right now Warfang is vulnerable.

Professional Fighters: Now that Clarity has a count on all able and willing dragons, she would like to take it a step further and form a solid core of professional 'soldiers' who would be better trained than the average dragon. In times of peace these soldiers would patrol the city and surrounding area, to keep a watch out for threats. Clarity does admit that not only will it take some gold to start it, but she will have to pay the new soldiers gold to keep them involved. The good news is that if there is ever another war, then you will have a significant leg up on the enemy. She feels that 100 of these soldiers will be more than enough to start with.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 200 Gold. 300 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: 100 dragon soldiers of varying elements.

Patching the Holes Part 1 (Martial): Between the damage from the siege, the Golem breaking open a hole, the Destroyer walking straight through the city, and then the sundering and reconstruction of the planet, the renowned defenses of Warfang are in bad shape. There are massive gaps in the wall including two utterly destroyed sections where the Destroyer walked through. Clarity would like to get started on the first phase of doing so which would be paying all available earth dragons to erect a temporary wall.
Cost: 1000 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Enemies can no longer walk straight into Warfang.

Patrolling: The populace have calmed down and have been returning to a pre-war lifestyle. However the recent revelation of the rift and the green-skinned warriors coming out of it has convinced Clarity that patrols around the city and in particular around the rift would be a wise course of action.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 300 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Patrols around Warfang and the rift.

Securing the Rift: Clarity wishes to lead an immediate force of dragons at least fifty strong to secure the portal. As information on the green-skins is sparse, Clarity has little idea what this force will encounter, but says it is worth a definitive attempt regardless.
Chance of Success: ???. Time: 1 year. Reward: Basic fortifications around the rift erected and guards posted.

A Different Kind of Hunting: With the food situation as bad as it is, Clarity has offered her time toward organizing more hunting trips to make sure everyone has enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Diplomacy: Choose One. One Locked.
Ventis is both concerned and curious about the race that came through the portal. He suggests coordinating with the cheetahs with regard to securing the portal. The Wind dragon would also like to know more about the encountered race as there could be more races or perhaps a faction that could be negotiated with.

Coordinate with the Moles (action): The moles have agreed to coordinate on construction projects around the city. They are eager to rebuild the city and have expressed worries about the lack of walls.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Half cost and time of selected construction project.

Coordinate with Cheetahs (action): Ventis says that the cheetah are greatly worried about the rift and are willing to send what warriors they can to help. They offer their expertise in either fortifying the rift, patrolling around it, or scouting the other side.
Chance of Success: 100%. Time: 1 year. Reward: +10 to Securing the Rift, Patrolling, or action.

Cheetahs Helping Dragons: Chief Prowlus has offered his people's assistance in mapping the land in exchange for help reinforcing the land around the village to protect against landslides and earthquakes.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Up to date maps of the continent, +10 relations with cheetahs. Locked - Two years remaining.

Talking with the Dragons:
Now that two years have passed since the war ended, all kinds of dragons have come out of the woodwork and each has their own grievances. Ventis deems it essential to talk with the people they are now ruling and keep them calm. Maybe Ventis can keep the populace in check again this year.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Populace calmed down.

Intrigue: Choose Two
The new rift concerns Umbra and he says that it is time for the newly gathered agents to prove themselves. He suggests a scouting mission through the rift to gather intelligence, as there is a severe lack of information on the green-skinned warriors. Umbra regrets not being able to lead such an expedition himself, but his Guardians duties are far too important to risk himself.

Scouting the Rift: According to Umbra, the first thing that needs to be done is finding what has changed since the planet was put back together. With proper maps of the area, Umbra says he will be able to do more and start planning on how to best disrupt any potential enemies.
Chance of Success: ???. Cost: 100 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of the other side of the rift.

Noble Matters: With the war over the nobles will be starting up their political schemes once more. For the moment they are satisfied with Spyro being the new leader of Warfang on account of how young and inexperienced he is in those matters. Umbra wants to get a grasp on the emerging political scene before they fully recover.
Chance of Success: 50% (goes down by 5 per year). Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information on who's who for the nobles.

Supplying Subterfuge: Now that Umbra has assistance, he would like to see about supplying his new found help. Virii has offered her assistance in this manner and has promised a variety of poison recipes with differing effects; though not all of them have been tested on every possible race. In addition to the poisons, Umbra would like the funds to supply his small group with useful enchanted gear and the quality materials that he needs are quite expensive. The Shadow initiate promises that such an investment of time and gold will be well worth it and that his group will be prepared for anything that needs their special attention.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 300 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: +10 to intrigue rolls.

Stewardship: Choose Three.
With the revelation of the rift and the green-skinned race that came through it, Glacies has decided to lighten Clarity's load by offering to lead the reconstruction of the walls. In other news, the nobles would dearly like to have their section of the city finished and are irked that the commoners had their district finished already; fortunately many of them understand why it was so crucial to take care of the majority first as the situation had been getting rather bad. She has also been working on more plans to fix the food situation, the first of which would be a roster to ensure all available dragons are doing their part to help.

Hunting Roster: Now that the immediate area has been properly mapped, Glacies has decided it is time to draw up a roster for the hunting parties. All dragons except those with legitimate reasons will be added to the roster and it will be made clear that this is a civic duty to keep the entire city fed. Despite this, Glacies estimates that less than half of the populace will be included due to age, injuries, or crucial jobs.
Chance of Success: 100%. Time: 1 year. Reward: +1 Food level, +200 gold in income from hunting.

Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Glacies recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year. The prey has been declining the last two years and Glacies is starting to worry if the hunting parties can bring back enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Rebuilding the City Part Two Nobles: With the first city district finished, Glacies wants to move on to revamping the next area of the city. She thinks that tackling the nobles district should be next on the agenda as it will prove to the nobles that their wellbeing is important. This will be a very intricate task as many of the nobles will no doubt demand very specific features in their new homes and some may not want to move from their current home. Glacies is adamant that this project should be one of your top priorities as the sooner it is done, then the sooner the nobles will be happy and work on the other districts can start.
Cost: 1333 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Noble district, +10 nobles opinion, +100 income in tax.

Patching the Holes Part 1 (Stewardship): Between the damage from the siege, the Golem breaking open a hole, the Destroyer walking straight through the city, and then the sundering and reconstruction of the planet, the renowned defenses of Warfang are in bad shape. There are massive gaps in the wall including two utterly destroyed sections where the Destroyer walked through. Clarity would like to get started on the first phase of doing so which would be paying all available earth dragons to erect a temporary wall. Glacies has determined that the first part of construction could be far cheaper than previous estimates and has altered the price accordingly.
Cost: 952 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Enemies can no longer walk straight into Warfang.

A Better Governing System: It has been suggested by many already that the current governing system which has Spyro and a small council of advisers ruling the city, could be further tuned to be more effective.
Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote.

Taxation Nightmare Part One: Financially, Warfang is in rather dire straits at the moment. Glacies would like to get a head start on revamping the tax system to account for the change in population. She admits that doing this before the Census would make it incredibly difficult.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 476 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +500 income in gold.

Learning: Choose Two.
Contrary to everyone else, Therris is exuberant about what can be learned from the invaders. He is quick to assure everyone that no doubt Spyro has things under control. From reports brought back from the expedition Spyro led, the green-skinned race had numerous interesting things such as enchanted weapons and armor, to metals and magic that nobody had heard of before. It truly is a shame that Spyro completely obliterated all traces of the enemy save for the single diamond tipped bolt that hit Cynder.

Save the Books! Part Two: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. The other half of the issue is that with the Warfang library and Dragon Temple gone, there is no longer a place to store books. Volteer has deemed this a lesser priority, but says that the sooner it is done, the sooner they can take inventory and figure out what they have and what the Guardians and other older dragons may have to rewrite from memory. Must be taken with 'Save the Books! Part One'.
Cost: 1100 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Library built. Librarian hired. Actions unlocked.

Elemental Amplification: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. Some of these enchantments were complicated workings that could be layered onto an object to focus and refine elemental energy. Both the Guardians and Therris can think of several uses for such an enchantment and are eager to figure out how the enchantment works so that it can be applied in new ways.
Chance of Success: 75%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Elemental amplification enchantments, new actions unlocked.

Attribute Amplification: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. One of the more interesting enchantments discovered was pieced together from the adamant orbs and what can be gleaned from the dragon armor without taking it apart. These enchantments seem to be able to increase or possibly even decrease a given quality of an object such as weight, durability, strength, or even regeneration. This enchantment seems particularly prevalent on dragon armor and would be the first step to reverse engineering the armor.
Chance of Success: 60%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Attribute amplification enchantments, first step toward recreating dragon armor.

Sympathetic Connections: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. Where as the majority of the enchantments were lost in recent times with the death of so many dragons and the destruction caused by the war, the enchantment to link two or more objects together seems to have been lost hundreds of years ago. Therris admits that out of all of the enchantments that he has seen, except the ones which make up Spyro and Cynder's 'fury armor', these are the most complicated enchantments that he knows about. They are also necessary if you wish to be able to reproduce things like the adamant orbs or even the fabled Pool of Visions from the old dragon temple.
Chance of Success: 40%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments that allow for two or more objects to be linked, first step toward recreating the Pool of Visions.

Reverse Engineering (piercing bolt): After Cynder was brought back to the city to be healed, a curious enchanted bolt tipped with what appears to be diamond was dug out of her body. This bolt seemed to completely ignore her scales and went straight through. As dragon scales are extraordinarily durable, Therris is very eager to take a look at the bolt and see what can be learned from it.
Chance of Success: 60%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Armor piercing enchantments. Diamond interaction with enchantments.

Piety: Choose One. One Locked.
None of the Guardians are happy about the news of a new potential war, particularly as everyone is still recovering from the last one. According to Terrador that if it does come to a war, he is concerned that the losses inflicted upon the races of the world could lead to extinction of many of them. It is of utmost importance that preparations are made and part of these preparations will be finishing the initiates' education to ensure that they are capable leaders in a time of war.

Training New Guardians Part Two Basics: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait. Stat gains. Locked - Two years remaining.

Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental:
With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d50 (1d100 for Timor)/(300, 500, or 1000). Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Timor gains Fear Expert, Phydra/Zephyr/Virii gain Water/Wind/Poison Master, Pyra/Umbra gain Fire/Shadow Grandmaster.

Filling the Crystals: One of the ideas that Volteer had was to create massive crystals to store elemental energy in, which would saturate the area around the crystals in elemental energy. This would make the respective element much easier to use in close proximity to the crystal and with the crystals the size they are, anyone training in the respective wing of their element would find that their element would be much easier to use. With the crystals added during the construction, Volteer would like to dedicate some time toward enchanting the crystals correctly and then filling the crystals with elemental energy.
Time: 2 years. Reward: +10 to elemental training rolls, the elemental wings become extremely comfortable to dragons of the respective elements.

Recording Knowledge: The Guardians would like to get a head start on recording their collective knowledge of the elements. Though they would prefer to wait until the new temple was constructed, so they have a place to store them.
Chance of Success: 1/10/30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Guardian knowledge preserved. Chance of priceless knowledge.

Personal: Choose One, One Locked
Though Cynder was wounded severely, Spyro is relieved that he was able to control himself and keep from falling to darkness. He worries that if Cynder ever died, he would not be able to keep a hold of himself and it is likely that he would turn into a monster every bit as bad as Malefor. Curiously enough, part of the reason that he was able to control himself was a deep certainty that Cynder was still living. Considering that Spyro was able to push his own life force through to Cynder without any trouble, he wonders if the green chain that Malefor had bound them together with might have had deeper effects than what they know of.

Continued Training: Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.
Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Stat gain. Chance of traits. Locked - One years remaining.

Spending Time with Cynder:
Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???

Spend Time with Sparx: Spyro and Sparx were inseparable at one point. Unfortunately he had to leave his foster brother behind before his fight Malefor as Sparx never would have made it through the Ring of Fire even with Ignitus' sacrifice.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Time spent with Sparx.

Spend Time with (character): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.

Mastering the Elements (Fire, Ice, Electricity, or Earth): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with Ignitus dead and the other Guardians very busy at the moment, this will take twice as long to accomplish.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 500 (half result before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward mastering chosen element.

Learning a New Element (Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear): As a purple dragon, Spyro is the only dragon who can learn a new element. With Cynder's assistance, learning Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear would be comparatively easy. He has no current teacher for Water unfortunately.
Chance of Success: 1d100/100 (half result for water before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward learning chosen element.

Mastering the Code of Reality: Aether allows one to alter reality with enough will and provides both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense. Unfortunately Aether is incredibly difficult to master as nobody, save Spyro and Cynder can even use it and both have been almost lost to the dark side of it forever. Mastering the conventional elements first may make this easier.
Chance of Success: 1d100/1000 (Low rolls have disastrous consequences). Reward: Progress toward becoming a master in Aether.

Shaping Reality: It is a purple dragon's spiritual right to master the elements. Malefor however did something nobody had even considered and added the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear. With this revelation, there has been rumors that Wind and Water are not original elements either and that only the prime elements of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are natural. While Spyro is nowhere near Malefor's level of mastery over Aether, it could be done.
Chance of Success: 15% (chance doubled if Cynder can be convinced to help). Time: ??? Reward: New Element.
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Turn 5 Results
Treasury: 2012 Gold
Income: 650 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose Two
News brought back by Spyro's expedition to the rift has greatly worried Clarity. Warfang still has no walls and lacks a dedicated army. Clarity very highly suggests securing this rift as quickly as possible as well as repairing the walls as right now Warfang is vulnerable.

Professional Fighters: Now that Clarity has a count on all able and willing dragons, she would like to take it a step further and form a solid core of professional 'soldiers' who would be better trained than the average dragon. In times of peace these soldiers would patrol the city and surrounding area, to keep a watch out for threats. Clarity does admit that not only will it take some gold to start it, but she will have to pay the new soldiers gold to keep them involved. The good news is that if there is ever another war, then you will have a significant leg up on the enemy. She feels that 100 of these soldiers will be more than enough to start with.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 200 Gold. 300 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: 100 dragon soldiers of varying elements. Locked - One year remaining.
Required: 20. Rolled: 48+14(martial)=62

- When Clarity asked for volunteers to become professional warriors, over two hundred dragons jumped at the chance including more than a few nobles. Through a rigorous process where she chose only the most skilled and capable volunteers, she managed to narrow it down to near the target number and the training to make them a disciplined fighting force began. Part of this training actually involved securing the rift and served to whittle the number down even further which provided Clarity with a plethora of information on how her new soldiers fared against the green-skinned creatures. Reward: One hundred dragons of varying elements have started training.

Securing the Rift:
Clarity wishes to lead an immediate force of dragons at least fifty strong to secure the portal. As information on the green-skins is sparse, Clarity has little idea what this force will encounter, but says it is worth a definitive attempt regardless.
Chance of Success: ???. Time: 1 year. Reward: Basic fortifications around the rift erected and guards posted.
Required: ???. Rolled: 78+14(martial)=92

- Once Clarity had gathered her chosen number of dragons together, she led them on an attack on the portal. It is due to her skill and overwhelming power of the gathered dragons that led to a victory over the massing creatures. Though nobody was killed, two dragons were maimed, and it has become apparent that the creatures have a tremendous amount of experience at hitting flying targets as well as having special ammunition and magic that can hurt a dragon through the tough scales. According to the experienced commander, she will need to draw up new tactics for dealing with the enemy, but admits that doing so while lacking information is a risky proposition. It is Clarity's hope that Umbra's new spies can come through and deliver the needed intelligence. Reward: Rift secure.

Diplomacy: Choose One. One Locked.
Ventis is both concerned and curious about the race that came through the portal. He suggests coordinating with the cheetahs with regard to securing the portal. The Wind dragon would also like to know more about the encountered race as there could be more races or perhaps a faction that could be negotiated with.

Coordinate with the Moles (Patching the Holes (Stewardship)): The moles have agreed to coordinate on construction projects around the city. They are eager to rebuild the city and have expressed worries about the lack of walls.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Half cost and time of selected construction project.
Required: 10. Rolled: 24+11(diplomacy)+5(traits)=50

- When Ventis goes to Forticus with his request, the mole is all too glad that the destroyed walls will finally be rebuilt. Hundreds of architects, engineers, and masons coordinate with dozens of dragons to plan and build the new walls. Forticus had apparently began planning to rebuild the walls when it was apparent that the dragons were not moving to do so and as such has a large store of gold set aside for the project from which Forticus was able to pay for half of the effort. Both Ventis and Forticus hope that this is the start of renewed cooperation between the two peoples. Reward: Moles assist with rebuilding the walls; half cost and time.

Cheetahs Helping Dragons:
Chief Prowlus has offered his people's assistance in mapping the land in exchange for help reinforcing the land around the village to protect against landslides and earthquakes.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Up to date maps of the continent, +10 relations with cheetahs. Locked - One year remaining.

- The dragons whom had been sent to assist the cheetahs have apparently been very busy this year. Rivers were dammed, foundations shored up, and unstable rock was anchored into place this year. In fact without the help, a flood would most likely have struck the valley this year and done considerable damage to the prey in the area. Ventis reports that Prowlus seems grateful for the help and that without the dragons, the cheetah would have been forced to migrate within only a handful of years. Just when Ventis thought that something had happened from the expedition who went with Hunter, a falcon arrived from the cheetah explorer and with it came basic maps of the entire continent. The land has changed dramatically with the restoration of the planet and already the new maps explain things such as the new migratory patterns of the animals; more detailed maps will have to wait until next year though. Reward: Problems in the valley fixed ahead of time, basic maps of the continent are created.

Choose Two
The new rift concerns Umbra and he says that it is time for the newly gathered agents to prove themselves. He suggests a scouting mission through the rift to gather intelligence, as there is a severe lack of information on the green-skinned warriors. Umbra regrets not being able to lead such an expedition himself, but his Guardians duties are far too important to risk himself.

Scouting the Rift: According to Umbra, the first thing that needs to be done is finding what has changed since the planet was put back together. With proper maps of the area, Umbra says he will be able to do more and start planning on how to best disrupt any potential enemies.
Chance of Success: ???. Cost: 100 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of the other side of the rift. Locked - Two years remaining.
Opposing: 54. Rolled: 91=91

- Three teams of two set out the moment the rift was secured, each team was different, but all three had a single Shadow member whose element allowed for messages to pass to and from the rift in a secure manner. Initial reports make it obvious that the area the rift had opened in was in a contested area, though far enough from the fighting that the apparent enemy has made it into a forward base. Umbra also reveals that his agents have managed to learn that the enemy is made up of five main races with a plethora of sub-races; the goblins (formerly known as green-skins), orks, ogres, trolls, and ourg. All five of the races seem to owe allegiance to the 'War God Bandos' whose faction is at war with at least one other. Details on this second faction are scarce for the moment, but they report avian raiders pillaging the 'Bandosian' encampments with a stunning regularity. Reward: Rift is located near a Bandosian fort. Goblins, Orks, Ogres, Trolls, and Ourg worship Bandos God of War. Bandosian forces at war with avian raiders.

Noble Matters:
With the war over the nobles will be starting up their political schemes once more. For the moment they are satisfied with Spyro being the new leader of Warfang on account of how young and inexperienced he is in those matters. Umbra wants to get a grasp on the emerging political scene before they fully recover.
Chance of Success: 50% (goes down by 5 per year). Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information on who's who for the nobles.
Required: 50. Rolled: 83+12(intrigue)=95

- With his agents trained up and now in the field, Umbra has turned his attention back to the situation in Warfang. Despite the nobles having mostly reorganized and repaired their holdings, Umbra was easily able to gather the information that Spyro requested. There are currently sixteen noble 'families', all of whom were severely depleted by the war. From what he can gather the number of noble families used to be well over a hundred, but they were priority targets during the war as the nobles tended to end up as leaders among the other dragons. With the number of nobles so low, Umbra is sure that many other dragon families will find a way to claw their way into the ranks of nobility soon enough.

The sixteen still extant families are named after the current head of the family which makes things incredibly confusing for anyone trying to learn the history of Warfang and it's nobilities. Fortunately each family keeps an up to date scroll detailing all members of the family, the family heads, and any talents or skills each member of the family has had. The oldest family claims to have records of the time before Malefor's first rise to power which is a time lost to history for the most part. The current family heads are Aquara (Water), Sonis (Wind), Avala (Ice), Farad (Electricity), Grimes (Earth), Smulder (Fire), Novis (Fire), Celes (Wind), Astra (Electricity), Hayle (Ice), Granit (Earth), Lavis (Fire), Liquis (Water), Volaris (Wind), Baselt (Earth), Fulgur (Electricity), and Bayle (Fire). Cyril interestingly enough is a member of Avala, though cannot be family head as his duties as Guardian supercede the nobility. Reward: Sixteen Noble Families, 72 Nobles, +10 to nobility related actions.

Choose Three.
With the revelation of the rift and the green-skinned race that came through it, Glacies has decided to lighten Clarity's load by offering to lead the reconstruction of the walls. In other news, the nobles would dearly like to have their section of the city finished and are irked that the commoners had their district finished already; fortunately many of them understand why it was so crucial to take care of the majority first as the situation had been getting rather bad. She has also been working on more plans to fix the food situation, the first of which would be a roster to ensure all available dragons are doing their part to help.

Hunting Roster: Now that the immediate area has been properly mapped, Glacies has decided it is time to draw up a roster for the hunting parties. All dragons except those with legitimate reasons will be added to the roster and it will be made clear that this is a civic duty to keep the entire city fed. Despite this, Glacies estimates that less than half of the populace will be included due to age, injuries, or crucial jobs.
Chance of Success: 100%. Time: 1 year. Reward: +1 Food level, +200 gold in income from hunting.
Rolled: 54.

- Now that Glacies has created a roster, regular hunting parties are being organized. This hunting parties are spaced far enough apart in both time and distance, that there is no worried of over hunting ever becoming an issue. At the same time however Glacies cautions that one bad year could put you back to where you started food wise and recommends supplementing the roster based hunts with additional hunting parties or finding another source of food. Reward: +1 food level, +200 gold in income. Future hunting actions will increase Food level, Warfang is almost self sustaining with food.

Patching the Holes Part 1 (Stewardship):
Between the damage from the siege, the Golem breaking open a hole, the Destroyer walking straight through the city, and then the sundering and reconstruction of the planet, the renowned defenses of Warfang are in bad shape. There are massive gaps in the wall including two utterly destroyed sections where the Destroyer walked through. Clarity would like to get started on the first phase of doing so which would be paying all available earth dragons to erect a temporary wall. Glacies has determined that the first part of construction could be far cheaper than previous estimates and has altered the price accordingly.
Cost: 476 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Enemies can no longer walk straight into Warfang.

- With the help of hundreds of moles and dozens of Earth dragons, rudimentary walls have been raised to fill in the gaps in the old walls. These new walls are not as strong as the old ones and according to Glacies, matching the old walls in strength will have to be done over the course of several years as the new stone needs to be condensed and enchanted. She does have a few ideas about strengthening the walls even further, but says she will need Therris' help to design the needed enchantments. Reward: Holes in the walls of Warfang have been filled. One cannot simply walk into Warfang anymore.

Taxation Nightmare Part One:
Financially, Warfang is in rather dire straits at the moment. Glacies would like to get a head start on revamping the tax system to account for the change in population. She admits that doing this before the Census would make it incredibly difficult.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 476 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +500 income in gold. Locked - Two years remaining.
Required: 30. Rolled: 44+15(stewardship)=59

- Glacies has began the arduous process of combing through the labyrinth of laws both formal and informal that have governed Warfang's tax system. It is worse than she feared and it seems that her fellow nobles had managed to implement quite a few laws which benefitted them at the cost of both the commoners and they city. While Glacies is all for dragons doing what they can to earn more gold, she dislikes those who do it at the cost of others. Fortunately as a noble herself, she already has a solid grasp on what her next step will be in untangling the taxes. Reward: Glacies has discovered uncovered rampant corruption by her fellow nobles. Nobody is actually surprised except Spyro.

Choose Two.
Contrary to everyone else, Therris is exuberant about what can be learned from the invaders. He is quick to assure everyone that no doubt Spyro has things under control. From reports brought back from the expedition Spyro led, the green-skinned race had numerous interesting things such as enchanted weapons and armor, to metals and magic that nobody had heard of before. It truly is a shame that Spyro completely obliterated all traces of the enemy save for the single diamond tipped bolt that hit Cynder.

Elemental Amplification: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. Some of these enchantments were complicated workings that could be layered onto an object to focus and refine elemental energy. Both the Guardians and Therris can think of several uses for such an enchantment and are eager to figure out how the enchantment works so that it can be applied in new ways.
Chance of Success: 75%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Elemental amplification enchantments, new actions unlocked. Locked - One year remaining.
Required: 25. Rolled: 19+10(learning)+10(traits)=39

- The elemental amplification enchantment seems rather simple considering what it does, but Therris learned the hard way this year that just because it is possible to boost the effect of an element, does not mean the result can be contained easily.Therris has already scrapped several iterations of the enchantment as they have proven too hazardous to use. Everybody is still jumping at shadows thanks to an early proto-type reacting oddly when a Fear and Shadow dragon had a disagreement. The resulting mix of Fear and Shadow has left the area around the testing site full of what seems to be moving shadows that seem to play on the fears of anyone looking at them. The good news is that Therris says he is sure he can get a functional result by next year. Reward: Room in Old Warfang now has moving 'fear shadows' which turn into whatever the watcher fears the most. Research continues.

Reverse Engineering (piercing bolt):
After Cynder was brought back to the city to be healed, a curious enchanted bolt tipped with what appears to be diamond was dug out of her body. This bolt seemed to completely ignore her scales and went straight through. As dragon scales are extraordinarily durable, Therris is very eager to take a look at the bolt and see what can be learned from it.
Chance of Success: 60%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Armor piercing enchantments. Diamond interaction with enchantments.
Required: 40. Rolled: 19+10(learning)+10(traits)=39

- He was so close to figuring the diamond-tipped bolt out this year. Therris knows that he is on the right path regarding a connection between diamond's magical resonance and the material's innate hardness, but the actual enchantment seems to elude him. According to the researcher, the bolt uses a style of enchanting that he has never seen before and eagerly requests that more examples of such enchantments be brought to him for study. Reward: Lead on the specific enchantment that turns a diamond bolt into an armor piercing bolt. +5 to action.

Choose One. One Locked.
None of the Guardians are happy about the news of a new potential war, particularly as everyone is still recovering from the last one. According to Terrador that if it does come to a war, he is concerned that the losses inflicted upon the races of the world could lead to extinction of many of them. It is of utmost importance that preparations are made and part of these preparations will be finishing the initiates' education to ensure that they are capable leaders in a time of war.

Training New Guardians Part Two Basics: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait. Stat gains. Locked - One year remaining.

- With a potential war on the horizon, the Guardians have pushed the initiates into studying tactics and strategy. A Guardian must be a leader for the people in times of war and peace and thus they are drilled vigorously throughout the year on every small group tactic that the Guardians know of as well as their ability to keep their calm in a crisis situation. The Guardians went a step further toward the end of the year and recruited dozens of dragons to wage mock battles. Each mock battle was fought with an initiate commanding their group of dragons against another group led by one of the other initiates which was then taken a step further when the Guardians each took turns commanding the opposing group of dragons. Needless to say the initiates now have practical experience in every tactic the Guardians could think of which was further supplemented by both large scale strategy, as well as person combat and their effects on each other. Reward: +3 martial for Phydra, Zephyr, Umbra, and Timor. +1 Martial for Virii. +3 combat for Zephyr and Timor, +2 combat for Umbra and Virii, +1 combat for Phydra.

Recording Knowledge:
The Guardians would like to get a head start on recording their collective knowledge of the elements. Though they would prefer to wait until the new temple was constructed, so they have a place to store them.
Chance of Success: 1/10/30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Guardian knowledge preserved. Chance of priceless knowledge. Locked - Two years remaining.
Required: N/A. Rolled: 87+14(average learning)+20(traits)=151

- Now that the Guardians have enough time to sit down and write out what knowledge they can recall, everyone is amazed at the treasure trove of priceless knowledge that they were aware of. Cyril seems to have written out all of the noble families' lineages by memory and thinks that he might be able to trace back some of the non-noble dragons as well including Spyro, Cynder, Phydra, and Zephyr. Considering that the noble families get their prestige and power from having a long history with lots of important dragons, Cyril has given the four drakes prestige which could go a long way in helping if they ever need to deal with nobles.

Terrador meanwhile has done some of his own research which when paired with his own knowledge of strategy has turned into the definitive book on warfare. In fact this collection of martial knowledge is so impressive that Terrador would like to update it to account for new races, tactics, strategies, and fighting styles later encountered. For now the book 'only' covers warfare where it concerns fighting on Avalar. According to Clarity, she will be using it as a training manual for her new soldiers and is already working alongside Terrador to improve it.

Volteer however has gone about compiling a list of every enchantment that he is aware of which is an equally impressive tome. The most important part however is that he has gone through and broken down every known enchantment into their most basic parts and then written a treatise on how even lost enchantments that dragons have struggled to reverse engineer can be broken down through the system that he has developed. This new system is so thorough that Therris is already praising him for the years that it has saved their research teams when it comes to enchantments.

Reward: Cyril's Guide to Family Lineages - +10 to nobility related rolls. Terrador's Art of War - +10 to martial rolls. Volteer's + Guide to the Perplexing, Complicated, and Mysterious Enchantments - +10 to enchantment rolls.

Choose One, One Locked
Though Cynder was wounded severely, Spyro is relieved that he was able to control himself and keep from falling to darkness. He worries that if Cynder ever died, he would not be able to keep a hold of himself and it is likely that he would turn into a monster every bit as bad as Malefor. Curiously enough, part of the reason that he was able to control himself was a deep certainty that Cynder was still living. Considering that Spyro was able to push his own life force through to Cynder without any trouble, he wonders if the green chain that Malefor had bound them together with might have had deeper effects than what they know of.

Continued Training: Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.
Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Stat gain. Chance of traits.
Required: N/A. Rolled: 18.

- This time Ferno seemed determine to rehash a subject that Spyro and Cynder were intimately familiar with; combat. To Ferno's credit it was something that both dragons were interested in and neither had ever learned the formal fighting styles; even Spyro's training with the Guardians had only touched on the basics. Having a solid grasp of the foundations of dragon combat did make it easier for the two dragons to move from one combination to another much more fluidly than before and both of them learned new tricks to add to their repertoires. The real crowning moment for Ferno's tutoring however was teaching Spyro and Cynder the basics of magic which gave them a base to learn on their own. Reward: +1 Learning and Combat for Spyro and Cynder.

Spending Time with Cynder:
Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???
Required: N/A. Rolled: 9.

- Spyro spends a good part of the year with Cynder, making sure she is okay, unfortunately that is about all he can do this year. To their eternal frustration, whenever the two dragons never seemed to get a moment alone with each other as everyone seemed interested in both what they knew about the new enemy as well as how Cynder was doing after her serious injury. Then of course there was the dragons that they had fought alongside who seemed to have formed their very own Spyro and Cynder fan club much to their embarrassment. It has gotten to the point that Cynder is looking rather stressed and seems to be taking every opportunity she can to get the two of them alone. Reward: Cynder is frustrated, they have a new fan club, and all of their friends are counting down how long until Cynder jumps Spyro. The Guardians can only hope that the neither dragon does something that they will later regret.
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Turn 6
The two dragons slowly circled each other, searching for openings. The silver dragon striked first with a tail strike which shimmered in Wind energy. Spyro replied in kind and moved to the side to dodge before coming in with a swipe of crackling claws as Electricity arced around them. Zephyr ducked under the first one, only to feel the chillin grasp of Ice as Spyro scraped his other set of claws across the Wind dragon's scales. For his part Zephyr managed not to flinch from resulting chill, found the pace of the match against him now as the purple dragon followed up with a rapid flurry of blows each enhanced with a different element.

"Match! My boy Spyro has it!" Sparx called from the sidelines, causing the two fighters to break apart.

Zephyr grimaced as he inspected his marred scales. "Wow, I am just no match for you am I?"

"You just need more practice, Zephyr." Spyro replied "It took me long time to get where I am now."

The sole dragonfly in the room laughed. "If by a long time you mean a handful of weeks to match Cynder." The Wind initiate just shrugged and Sparx seemed to pout for a moment, before brightening up. "Oh I know let's do all five of you against Spyro and Cynder at the same time."

Cynder shot Sparx a glare and was about to speak up, but Phydra cut in first. "I would like that. I am interested in seeing this teamwork that I hear so much about." Of all the dragons in the room, Phydra seemed to admire Spyro the least, having had minimal exposure to the war and thus not really able to grasp the full feat of what the two heroes had accomplished.

Umbra looked between Spyro and Cynder with a considering glance. "Same rules or should we add elemental techniques beyond enhancement?"

Cynder shook her head. "Just enhancement is fine" The purple tinged dragoness affirmed as she moved into position next to Spyro.

The other five dragons moved into position around the two dragons, but the fight was cut short as Volteer barged into the training room. "Come quick, with haste, immediately! Terrador has collapsed, fallen, fainted. Get help, assistance, aid Zephyr!" Zephyr immediately took off toward the exit as everyone else followed Volteer deeper into the temple to check on the beloved Earth Guardian.

Treasury: 2862 Gold
Income: 850 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose One. One Locked
Clarity was quite sad to here about what happened to Terrador, and that it will be a considerable loss of knowledge, skill, as well as another of her close friends when he passes on. Where martial matters are concerned Clarity says that you have been quite fortunate and suffered no casualties this year. More of Bandos' forces attacked through the portal and it was not just the small green-skinned goblins. Bigger creatures known as orks and hobgoblins attacked as well. Thankfully Clarity's new soldiers held the line and killed the attackers to the last, managing to recover a tremendous amount of samples of the enemy's weapons and armor which have all been sent back to Warfang to be examined by Therris' team. At the moment Clarity has no new projects as she wishes to focus solely on training her new soldiers and fortifying both Warfang and the rift further. Terrador's new book will be particularly helpful and Clarity is already working to applying the lessons within to her work.

Professional Fighters: Now that Clarity has a count on all able and willing dragons, she would like to take it a step further and form a solid core of professional 'soldiers' who would be better trained than the average dragon. In times of peace these soldiers would patrol the city and surrounding area, to keep a watch out for threats. Clarity does admit that not only will it take some gold to start it, but she will have to pay the new soldiers gold to keep them involved. The good news is that if there is ever another war, then you will have a significant leg up on the enemy. She feels that 100 of these soldiers will be more than enough to start with.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 200 Gold. 300 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: 100 dragon soldiers of varying elements. Locked - One year remaining.

Patching the Holes Part 2 (Martial):
Now that new walls have been erected, it is time for the stone to be fused together into one whole piece. Clarity and Glacies would like to get started immediately as the sooner the walls are made stronger, the less likely an enemy will be able to breach them. Durability enchantments combined with a massive amount of Earth manipulation will be required for this. As such they expect this project to take a while to finish, but once done it will greatly increase the protection granted by Warfang's walls.
Cost: 952 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +300 to defense rolls.

Fortifying the Rift: While the basic fortifications around the rift have ensured that holding it is at all possible, Clarity says that it is best to assume the Bandosians have ways to breath the current set-up and has drawn up plans to further strengthen the base. These plans will consist of using the elements to strengthen the existing walls, dig a moat, as well as placing defensive enchantments. Those working on upgrading the defenses will have to work carefully so as to ensure they are not caught unaware when more Bandosian forces pour through.
Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 400 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: +100 to rift defense rolls.

Patrolling: The populace have calmed down and have been returning to a pre-war lifestyle. However the recent revelation of the rift and the green-skinned warriors coming out of it has convinced Clarity that patrols around the city and in particular around the rift would be a wise course of action.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 300 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Patrols around Warfang and the rift.

A Different Kind of Hunting: With the food situation as bad as it is, Clarity has offered her time toward organizing more hunting trips to make sure everyone has enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Diplomacy: Choose One. One Locked.
According to Ventis the diplomatic side of things is lacking in things to do at the moment. At the moment it is just the cheetah and moles to work with as even the nobility has been easy to get along with for the moment. Once proper maps are made and Umbra's scouts return from the rift he can see about establishing relations with other races, but until then he can only suggest making use of the moles and cheetahs' expertise.

Coordinate with the Moles (action): The moles have agreed to coordinate on construction projects around the city. They are eager to rebuild the city and have expressed worries about the lack of walls.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Half cost and time of selected construction project.

Coordinate with Cheetahs (action): Ventis says that the cheetah are greatly worried about the rift and are willing to send what warriors they can to help. They offer their expertise in either fortifying the rift, patrolling around it, or scouting the other side.
Chance of Success: 100%. Time: 1 year. Reward: +10 to Securing the Rift, Patrolling, or action.

Cheetahs Helping Dragons: Chief Prowlus has offered his people's assistance in mapping the land in exchange for help reinforcing the land around the village to protect against landslides and earthquakes.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Up to date maps of the continent, +10 relations with cheetahs. Locked - One year remaining.

Choose One. One Locked.
Umbra may not admit it, but Spyro can tell that he is deeply worried about how the scouting mission will go. According to the Shadow Initiate, he would dearly like to take the time to outfit his agents with better equipment so as to make their jobs much easier. Aside from that he has also came up with the idea of using the infamous rumor network of the city to your benefit and has drawn up plans consisting of the best dragons and moles to co-opt as well as who to bribe so as to ensure the best results.

Scouting the Rift: According to Umbra, the first thing that needs to be done is finding what has changed since the planet was put back together. With proper maps of the area, Umbra says he will be able to do more and start planning on how to best disrupt any potential enemies.
Chance of Success: ???. Cost: 100 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of the other side of the rift. Locked - Two years remaining.

Establish Intelligence Network:
Umbra has decided that it is time to put one of the most effective spy tools that he knows about, to work. Spyro was rather surprised when Umbra clarified that he was actually talking about rumors. The use of rumors allows for the fast gathering of questionable intelligence as well as the possibility of spreading information in a controlled manner. He admits that any information gathered or spread through rumors is very much at the risk of being lost or changed due to the nature of rumors, but it will allow a solid starting point for his small team.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 250 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Rumor Mill, +5 to related rolls.

Supplying Subterfuge: Now that Umbra has assistance, he would like to see about supplying his new found help. Virii has offered her assistance in this manner and has promised a variety of poison recipes with differing effects; though not all of them have been tested on every possible race. In addition to the poisons, Umbra would like the funds to supply his small group with useful enchanted gear and the quality materials that he needs are quite expensive. The Shadow initiate promises that such an investment of time and gold will be well worth it and that his group will be prepared for anything that needs their special attention.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 300 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: +10 to intrigue rolls.

Stewardship: Choose Two. One Locked.
Glacies confides that now that the city is for the most part under control, now would be a good time to see about reworking the government to something more efficient. While she can not yet be certain of the kinds of benefits such a restructuring would have, surely it would be better than the current system. In other news she has had little progress on her idea of farming prey and admits that she is waiting for better maps before she can start planning in earnest.

Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Glacies recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year. The prey has been declining the last two years and Glacies is starting to worry if the hunting parties can bring back enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Rebuilding the City Part Two Nobles: With the first city district finished, Glacies wants to move on to revamping the next area of the city. She thinks that tackling the nobles district should be next on the agenda as it will prove to the nobles that their wellbeing is important. This will be a very intricate task as many of the nobles will no doubt demand very specific features in their new homes and some may not want to move from their current home. Glacies is adamant that this project should be one of your top priorities as the sooner it is done, then the sooner the nobles will be happy and work on the other districts can start.
Cost: 1333 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Noble district, +10 nobles opinion, +100 income in tax.

Patching the Holes Part 2 (Stewardship): Now that new walls have been erected, it is time for the stone to be fused together into one whole piece. Carity and Glacies would like to get started immediately as the sooner the walls are made stronger, the less likely an enemy will be able to breach them. Durability enchantments combined with a massive amount of Earth manipulation will be required for this. As such they expects this project to take a while to finish, but once done it will greatly increase the protection granted by Warfang's walls.
Cost: 952 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +300 to defense rolls.

A Better Governing System: It has been suggested by many already that the current governing system which has Spyro and a small council of advisers ruling the city, could be further tuned to be more effective.
Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote, ???.

Taxation Nightmare Part One: Financially, Warfang is in rather dire straits at the moment. Glacies would like to get a head start on revamping the tax system to account for the change in population. She admits that doing this before the Census would make it incredibly difficult.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 476 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +500 income in gold. Locked - Two years remaining.

Choose One. One Locked.
Therris is eager to put Volteer's new work to the best possible use and that any projects concerning enchantments will likely be much easier than before. In other news, the researcher is eager to get to work on the weapons and armor brought back from the rift. While the enchantments and metal seem crude, they are far more effective than what a first glance might suggest. The metal in particular may make an excellent basis for dragon armor if he can figure out how to make it.

Save the Books! Part Two: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. The other half of the issue is that with the Warfang library and Dragon Temple gone, there is no longer a place to store books. Volteer has deemed this a lesser priority, but says that the sooner it is done, the sooner they can take inventory and figure out what they have and what the Guardians and other older dragons may have to rewrite from memory. Must be taken with 'Save the Books! Part One'.
Cost: 1100 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Library built. Librarian hired. Actions unlocked.

Elemental Amplification: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. Some of these enchantments were complicated workings that could be layered onto an object to focus and refine elemental energy. Both the Guardians and Therris can think of several uses for such an enchantment and are eager to figure out how the enchantment works so that it can be applied in new ways.
Chance of Success: 75%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Elemental amplification enchantments, new actions unlocked. Locked - One year remaining.

Attribute Amplification:
Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. One of the more interesting enchantments discovered was pieced together from the adamant orbs and what can be gleaned from the dragon armor without taking it apart. These enchantments seem to be able to greatly increase or possibly even decrease a given quality of an object such as weight, durability, strength, or even regeneration. This enchantment seems particularly prevalent on dragon armor and would be the first step to reverse engineering the armor.
Chance of Success: 60%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Attribute amplification enchantments, first step toward recreating dragon armor.

Sympathetic Connections: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. Where as the majority of the enchantments were lost in recent times with the death of so many dragons and the destruction caused by the war, the enchantment to link two or more objects together seems to have been lost hundreds of years ago. Therris admits that out of all of the enchantments that he has seen, except the ones which make up Spyro and Cynder's 'fury armor', these are the most complicated enchantments that he knows about. They are also necessary if you wish to be able to reproduce things like the adamant orbs or even the fabled Pool of Visions from the old dragon temple.
Chance of Success: 40%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments that allow for two or more objects to be linked, first step toward recreating the Pool of Visions.

Reverse Engineering (piercing bolt): After Cynder was brought back to the city to be healed, a curious enchanted bolt tipped with what appears to be diamond was dug out of her body. This bolt seemed to completely ignore her scales and went straight through. As dragon scales are extraordinarily durable, Therris is very eager to take a look at the bolt and see what can be learned from it.
Chance of Success: 60%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Armor piercing enchantments. Diamond interaction with enchantments.

Reverse Engineering (basic bandosian enchantments): According to Therris the enchantments on the weapons and armor recovered are incredibly simple, if crude. In fact such enchantments are ideal for mass production and if superior dragon knowledge is applied, then he is sure that he can create an easy to make enchantment which could be applied on a large scale with ease. Such enchantments consist of durability, strength, sharpness, weight, and similar attribute enhancements. In fact this would serve as an ideal stepping stone for his other related project to greatly improve attribute enhancing enchantments.
Chance of Success: 70%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Mass producible basic enchantments. +10 toward Attribute Amplification.

Reverse Engineering (bandosian metal): The metal that makes up the Bandosian weapons and armor is unlike anything Therris has seen before outside of dragon armor. Preliminary research suggests that the metal is highly magical and that it is over three times tougher than almost anything he can think of. Though the metal compares favorably to the metal dragon armor was made of, he can already tell that it is heavier and as such not a complete match. Nonetheless, the amount of this metal recovered suggests that it should be easy to mass produce and as such would be ideal for outfitting large amounts of dragons in.
Chance of Success: 55%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Bandosian metal identified, first step toward mass producible armor.

Piety: Choose None.
It is a somber day for the Guardians; Terrador seems to have come down with a particularly rare disease which has been sapping his strength. When healers took a look at the aged Earth Guardian, they reported that the disease has taken advantage of the numerous magical wounds and curses accumulated throughout the war.. It is likely that Terrador has does not have much time to live and the healers estimate a single decade in the worse case scenario. He has already began making plans for his death which include beginning the search for a replacement. In other happier news, Volteer seems to have developed his natural talent for enchanting even further and he seems to be able to work impressive feats of enchanting with ease. Virii meanwhile has been developing her skill and knowledge in botany to such an extent that she has become the foremost living expert in it outside of the cheetahs.

Volteer gains trait Enchantment Natural (+5 Learning, +3 Piety, +50 to enchanting rolls): As a Guardian Volteer has a very good grasp on enchantments, but his recent breakthrough on how all enchantments can be broken down into basic parts has demonstrated a previously untapped affinity for the art.

Terrador gains trait Cursed Disease (-5 Combat, shortened lifespan): Terrador accumulated numerous wounds during the war both magical and non-magical and these injuries have been compounded by a rare disease which is feeding off of his strength.

Virii upgrades trait Skilled Botanist (+1 Diplomacy, +3 Learning): Virii is most happy when she is studying plants and developing new poisons. into Expert Botanist (+2 Diplomacy, +3 Learning, +30 to plant-based rolls): With the increased freedom that being a Guardian Initiate offers, Virii has dedicated large amounts of time toward studying plants and has become an expert on plants and their uses.

Training New Guardians Part Two Basics: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait. Stat gains. Locked - One year remaining.

Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental:
With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d50 (1d100 for Timor)/(300, 500, or 1000). Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Timor gains Fear Expert, Phydra/Zephyr/Virii gain Water/Wind/Poison Master, Pyra/Umbra gain Fire/Shadow Grandmaster.

Filling the Crystals: One of the ideas that Volteer had was to create massive crystals to store elemental energy in, which would saturate the area around the crystals in elemental energy. This would make the respective element much easier to use in close proximity to the crystal and with the crystals the size they are, anyone training in the respective wing of their element would find that their element would be much easier to use. With the crystals added during the construction, Volteer would like to dedicate some time toward enchanting the crystals correctly and then filling the crystals with elemental energy.
Time: 2 years. Reward: +10 to elemental training rolls, the elemental wings become extremely comfortable to dragons of the respective elements.

Recording Knowledge: The Guardians would like to get a head start on recording their collective knowledge of the elements. Though they would prefer to wait until the new temple was constructed, so they have a place to store them.
Chance of Success: 1/10/30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Guardian knowledge preserved. Chance of priceless knowledge. Locked - Two years remaining.

Choose Two.
Spyro's skill in melee combat has risen to new heights and he has managed to blend his knowledge of the four elemental styles of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth into a single style. This new style has allowed him to incorporate the elements into his fighting style and has become incredibly deadly at close range, able to seamlessly switch between melee attacks and the elements. Unfortunately his new skill in combat has been overshadowed by Terrador's declining health and Spyro fears that he might lose control with the death of another of his mentors.

Spyro gains trait Four Elements Style (+3 Diplomacy, +3 Learning, +5 Combat, +50 to melee rolls): Thanks to Ferno's tutelage and his own innate talent, Spyro has managed to seamlessly blend his fighting style with the elements, creating a highly flexible style that incorporates parts of the elemental fighting styles.

Spending Time with Cynder: Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh. Cynder has become frustrated and stressed for a reason that everyone except Spyro finds funny. There is nothing funny about seeing someone having a bad time right?
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???

Spend Time with (character): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.

Investigate the Rift: Now that the rift has been secured, Spyro would like to examine it to see if he can either close it or stabilize it. Going by what the ancestors have said regarding the rift and Convexity, Spyro thinks that closing it completely is unlikely, but he can likely stabilize the rift and allow both the world and Convexity to heal around it. Cynder's assistance in the matter would make it much easier and hopefully allow Cynder to calm down some.
Chance of Success: 30% (uses Aether). Time: 1 year. Reward: Rift prevented from growing larger. Insight into portals.

Mastering the Elements (Fire, Ice, Electricity, or Earth): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with Ignitus dead and the other Guardians very busy at the moment, this will take twice as long to accomplish.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 500 (half result before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward mastering chosen element.

Learning a New Element (Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear): As a purple dragon, Spyro is the only dragon who can learn a new element. With Cynder's assistance, learning Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear would be comparatively easy. He has no current teacher for Water unfortunately.
Chance of Success: 1d100/100 (half result for water before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward learning chosen element.

Mastering the Code of Reality: Aether allows one to alter reality with enough will and provides both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense. Unfortunately Aether is incredibly difficult to master as nobody, save Spyro and Cynder can even use it and both have been almost lost to the dark side of it forever. Mastering the conventional elements first may make this easier.
Chance of Success: 1d100/1000 (Low rolls have disastrous consequences). Reward: Progress toward becoming a master in Aether.

Shaping Reality: It is a purple dragon's spiritual right to master the elements. Malefor however did something nobody had even considered and added the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear. With this revelation, there has been rumors that Wind and Water are not original elements either and that only the prime elements of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are natural. While Spyro is nowhere near Malefor's level of mastery over Aether, it could be done.
Chance of Success: 15% (chance doubled if Cynder can be convinced to help). Time: ??? Reward: New Element.
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Omake Bounties
Omake Bounties

1. Actions: A short quality omake regarding an action will grant a +5 bonus to an action. Longer/better quality omakes will grant a bigger bonus.
2. Characters: Well written omakes concerning a character may increase either the chance for a new trait for the character or add 1d50 progress to their element (in the event of Spyro, Cynder, or REDACTED, you may choose which element gets affected).
3. Setting: Omakes that flesh out the world(s) have the greatest chance for being canon and may provide unique opportunities.

New Guardians interactions, studying, delving to elemental mysteries, life during the war
Ventis: seducing dragonesses, interacting with aviansie, other diplo stuff
Therris: enchanting research, finding rare texts, teaching/being taught by other peoples, discovering properties or resonance of a new material
Galena: adorable wind whelp causing trouble
Turn 16 Rumor Mill Bandos vs War fight.
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Turn 6 Results
Treasury: 1329 Gold
Income: 850 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose One. One Locked
Clarity was quite sad to here about what happened to Terrador, and that it will be a considerable loss of knowledge, skill, as well as another of her close friends when he passes on. Where martial matters are concerned Clarity says that you have been quite fortunate and suffered no casualties this year. More of Bandos' forces attacked through the portal and it was not just the small green-skinned goblins. Bigger creatures known as orks and hobgoblins attacked as well. Thankfully Clarity's new soldiers held the line and killed the attackers to the last, managing to recover a tremendous amount of samples of the enemy's weapons and armor which have all been sent back to Warfang to be examined by Therris' team. At the moment Clarity has no new projects as she wishes to focus solely on training her new soldiers and fortifying both Warfang and the rift further. Terrador's new book will be particularly helpful and Clarity is already working to applying the lessons within to her work.

Professional Fighters: Now that Clarity has a count on all able and willing dragons, she would like to take it a step further and form a solid core of professional 'soldiers' who would be better trained than the average dragon. In times of peace these soldiers would patrol the city and surrounding area, to keep a watch out for threats. Clarity does admit that not only will it take some gold to start it, but she will have to pay the new soldiers gold to keep them involved. The good news is that if there is ever another war, then you will have a significant leg up on the enemy. She feels that 100 of these soldiers will be more than enough to start with.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 200 Gold. 300 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: 100 dragon soldiers of varying elements. Locked - One year remaining.
Needed: 20. Rolled: 56+14(martial)+10(bonuses)=80

- Clarity's new soldiers finished their training in a trial by the elements this year as the Bandosians amped up their assault. Fortunately the casualties were minimal as they applied Terrador's new lessons and Clarity's training to perform as a unified fighting force. The discipline and tactics instilled in the soldiers have served to further highlight why her idea was worth it's cost as the dragons worked to systematically eliminate everything that came through the portal. The goblins were not alone this year as newly identified orks, hobgoblins, and a single ogre shaman fought to break through before the upgrades to the fortifications could be repaired. Though the shaman was particularly frightening, a well placed shadow strike took it out which allowed the rest of the invading army to be picked off without much difficulty.

Fortifying the Rift: While the basic fortifications around the rift have ensured that holding it is at all possible, Clarity says that it is best to assume the Bandosians have ways to breath the current set-up and has drawn up plans to further strengthen the base. These plans will consist of using the elements to strengthen the existing walls, dig a moat, as well as placing defensive enchantments. Those working on upgrading the defenses will have to work carefully so as to ensure they are not caught unaware when more Bandosian forces pour through.
Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 400 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: +100 to rift defense rolls.
Needed: 10. Rolled: 7+8(average of martial and stewardship)+10(bonuses)=25

- High intensity raids were launched throughout the year as the Bandosian forces sought to break out from the carefully constructed kill-zone that surrounds the portal. Thankfully due to the speed with which the construction was finished as well as the skill of Clarity's soldiers, the last enchantments to strengthen the walls were finished late in the year. A thick wall dozens of feet high with a water filled moat now encircles the rift. Electricity enchantments keep the moat electrified, while blasts of Fire, Poison, Ice, and Water barrage attackers from all sides. A strong gale of Wind keeps the opposition from climbing the wall, while Shadow and Fear enchantments keep the attackers disorganized and unable to to properly plan a dangerous assault. Reward: Portal secured from everything except artillery. +100 to rift defense.

Choose One. One Locked.
According to Ventis the diplomatic side of things is lacking in things to do at the moment. At the moment it is just the cheetah and moles to work with as even the nobility has been easy to get along with for the moment. Once proper maps are made and Umbra's scouts return from the rift he can see about establishing relations with other races, but until then he can only suggest making use of the moles and cheetahs' expertise.

Coordinate with the Moles (Fortifying the Rift): The moles have agreed to coordinate on construction projects around the city. They are eager to rebuild the city and have expressed worries about the lack of walls.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Half cost and time of selected construction project.
Needed: 10. Rolled: 30+11(diplomacy)+5(traits)=46.

- Ventis managed to persuade Forticus to lend the engineering might of the moles toward fortifying the portal this year. As it turns out, the moles are very worried about the war on the other side spilling over and as such lent what assistance they could in upgrading the fortifications that surround the rift. Reward: Moles help with the portal, cutting time and cost in half.

Cheetahs Helping Dragons:
Chief Prowlus has offered his people's assistance in mapping the land in exchange for help reinforcing the land around the village to protect against landslides and earthquakes.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Up to date maps of the continent, +10 relations with cheetahs.

- The last of the landscaping to safeguard the valley is completed early this year and according to the dragons responsible, will be enough to keep floods, landslides, and earthquakes from disrupting life. The cheetahs also completed their part of the bargain this year when Hunter's team returned laden with detailed maps which break down every part of the continent, such as useful minerals, prey migration, and elemental hotspots. Chief Prowlus is please with the deal and grudgingly told Ventis that perhaps not all dragons are bad, which coming from him is high praise. Reward: Detailed maps, +10 relations with cheetahs, bonuses to certain actions, new actions unlocked from discovered mineral veins and concentrations of elemental energy.

Choose One. One Locked.
Umbra may not admit it, but Spyro can tell that he is deeply worried about how the scouting mission will go. According to the Shadow Initiate, he would dearly like to take the time to outfit his agents with better equipment so as to make their jobs much easier. Aside from that he has also came up with the idea of using the infamous rumor network of the city to your benefit and has drawn up plans consisting of the best dragons and moles to co-opt as well as who to bribe so as to ensure the best results.

Scouting the Rift: According to Umbra, the first thing that needs to be done is finding what has changed since the planet was put back together. With proper maps of the area, Umbra says he will be able to do more and start planning on how to best disrupt any potential enemies.
Chance of Success: ???. Cost: 100 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of the other side of the rift. Locked - Two years remaining.
Opposing: 40. Rolled: 34.
Secret Roll: 61

- Umbra is quite worried when his people fail to report in throughout the year and almost goes in after them, but a single short message preempted him. A single misstep from one of the agents sent the entire Bandosian fort on alert and none of them could make it anywhere close to the portal. Fortunately they eventually found shelter with a group of aviansie, though the two groups were on edge the entire time as one of the avians apparently hunts down anybody who uses magic. Toward the end of the year tensions cooled enough that the dragons were able to explain that their use of magic is limited purely to elemental and enchanting, which are apparently the only fields that the mage hunter, Aerak finds acceptable. Upon learning that the agents were due for a check in, Aerak managed to convince the kahkan of the nearby zu'uk to raid the fort and provide cover for the dragons as they sent the message through. Reward: Minimal information. Knowledge of potentially friendly avian race who prefer a raiding style of combat.

Supplying Subterfuge:
Now that Umbra has assistance, he would like to see about supplying his new found help. Virii has offered her assistance in this manner and has promised a variety of poison recipes with differing effects; though not all of them have been tested on every possible race. In addition to the poisons, Umbra would like the funds to supply his small group with useful enchanted gear and the quality materials that he needs are quite expensive. The Shadow initiate promises that such an investment of time and gold will be well worth it and that his group will be prepared for anything that needs their special attention.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 300 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: +10 to intrigue rolls. Locked - One year remaining.

- Umbra has managed to rope much of the artisans in the city into supplying him with very high quality materials and has plans to do much the same with the city's enchanters in order to ensure that his agents have the very best gear possible. Virii has already contributed her knowledge of poisons in order to ensure Umbra's agents both have a supply on hand and can harvest more from plants if they need to. Other plans include coverings enchanted with Shadow to help them blend into the darkness, as well as self-filling canteens that use Water to leach moisture from the area in order to keep themselves filled. Reward: Umbra's agents now have access to poisons and knowledge of how to get more. High quality gear is being created to assist Umbra's efforts.

Choose Two. One Locked.
Glacies confides that now that the city is for the most part under control, now would be a good time to see about reworking the government to something more efficient. While she can not yet be certain of the kinds of benefits such a restructuring would have, surely it would be better than the current system. In other news she has had little progress on her idea of farming prey and admits that she is waiting for better maps before she can start planning in earnest.

Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Glacies recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year. The prey has been declining the last two years and Glacies is starting to worry if the hunting parties can bring back enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.
Needed: 10. Rolled: 27

- Additional hunting parties were rounded up and told to hunt further afield this year. The report a lack of prey in the direction that they had initially traveled and with consultation of the maps the scouts and cheetahs have finished, Glacies has determined that a major migratory route runs right through where they had initially tried to hunt. Thankfully they still managed to recover enough meat to keep a healthy buffer between the populace and any chance of food shortages. Reward: Food level remains the same. +300 gold in loot.

Rebuilding the City Part Two Nobles:
With the first city district finished, Glacies wants to move on to revamping the next area of the city. She thinks that tackling the nobles district should be next on the agenda as it will prove to the nobles that their wellbeing is important. This will be a very intricate task as many of the nobles will no doubt demand very specific features in their new homes and some may not want to move from their current home. Glacies is adamant that this project should be one of your top priorities as the sooner it is done, then the sooner the nobles will be happy and work on the other districts can start.
Cost: 1333 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Noble district, +10 nobles opinion, +100 income in tax. Locked - One year remaining.

- For the first half of the year Glacies goes at the project of giving the Noble Families their own district with gusto. That was until she found out just how much gold they were costing the city and now she regrets ever planning this project in the first place. According to her, the city would be better off without the nobles entirely and has already drawn up plans to go about abolishing them. Fortunately for the sake of preventing outright civil war, Glacies was talked down by Ventis and Cyril who explained that the possible benefits from such a drastic action are just not worth what it would cost the city. The dragoness has since backed down until she can find a way to eliminate the noble families with minimal damage to the city. Until then, Spyro all but ordered her to continue the construction of the district in order to keep the peace. The foundations of the new buildings were finished just before the end of the year and she has since hired on more dragons in order to keep from falling behind. Reward: Glacies plotting the removal and/or death of the entire noble system and any noble who gets in her way. Construction proceeds regardless and the nobility have in no way noticed that she is plotting the removal of their cushy lifestyle.

Taxation Nightmare Part One:
Financially, Warfang is in rather dire straits at the moment. Glacies would like to get a head start on revamping the tax system to account for the change in population. She admits that doing this before the Census would make it incredibly difficult.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 476 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +500 income in gold. Locked - One year remaining.
Needed: 30. Rolled: 27+15(stewardship)=42

- Certain nobles who prefer the current bias laws almost ground Glacies' work to a halt this year. It was only due to her superior knowledge regarding the laws as well as knowing certain noble-inclusive tricks that she was able to stay one step ahead of those seeking to stop her. With the nobility stymied for the moment, Glacies was able to begin smoothing the laws out including one that stated that certain skilled artisans and tradesdragons (as decided by a council of nobles) were exempt from having to pay taxes. The amount of gold lost to this law has the ice dragoness in a fury and she has resolved to drag the nobles kicking and screaming into reality if she has to. Reward: Glacies nixes the law that says a council of nobles can decide which dragons are exempt from taxes entirely due to 'critical services to the city'.

Choose One. One Locked.
Therris is eager to put Volteer's new work to the best possible use and that any projects concerning enchantments will likely be much easier than before. In other news, the researcher is eager to get to work on the weapons and armor brought back from the rift. While the enchantments and metal seem crude, they are far more effective than what a first glance might suggest. The metal in particular may make an excellent basis for dragon armor if he can figure out how to make it.

Elemental Amplification: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. Some of these enchantments were complicated workings that could be layered onto an object to focus and refine elemental energy. Both the Guardians and Therris can think of several uses for such an enchantment and are eager to figure out how the enchantment works so that it can be applied in new ways.
Chance of Success: 75%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Elemental amplification enchantments, new actions unlocked.
Needed: 25. Rolled: 45+10(learning)+10(traits)+10(bonuses)=75

- Elemental amplification turned out to be much more intricate than Therris had assumed, as the slightest change to the enchantment could cause very different effects. Fortunately the combination of trial and error, skill, and Volteer's guide paved the way and his team of researchers managed to figure out dozens of possible variations of the enchantment. These variations are everything from a straight increase in elemental power, to increasing the area affected by an element, and even increasing how long the affected item can sustain it's elemental effect. All of the Guardians and Apprentices have come up with their own uses for the enchantment and they have started collaborating a series of related projects massive in scope, though Volteer confesses that the projects will require certain other projects to be completed first. Reward: Elemental amplification enchantments. A variety of new ideas, most of which will require other things to be completed first.

Sympathetic Connections:
Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. Where as the majority of the enchantments were lost in recent times with the death of so many dragons and the destruction caused by the war, the enchantment to link two or more objects together seems to have been lost hundreds of years ago. Therris admits that out of all of the enchantments that he has seen, except the ones which make up Spyro and Cynder's 'fury armor', these are the most complicated enchantments that he knows about. They are also necessary if you wish to be able to reproduce things like the adamant orbs or even the fabled Pool of Visions from the old dragon temple.
Chance of Success: 40%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments that allow for two or more objects to be linked, first step toward recreating the Pool of Visions. Locked - Two years remaining.
Needed: 60. Rolled: 41+10(learning)+10(traits)+10(bonuses)=71

- According to Therris sympathetic enchantments are weird in that the effects of each linked object builds off of another and can cause some particularly scary run-away effects. As a result Therris' team have have to constantly backtrack to figure out which property of which item has caused the latest mess. Interestingly enough, they have only been working with non-magical items at the moment and the researchers are actually hesitant about using enchanted items, due to how careful they have to be in order to ensure that the makeshift labs and the researchers themselves are not caught up in a catastrophic chain reaction.The good news is that they have catalogued every combination they have come across and have painstakingly detailed which attributes interact with which other attributes the most. Reward: Chain reactions are incredibly scary. Hopefully both the research team and the area that they are working in survive the experiments.

Choose None.
It is a somber day for the Guardians; Terrador seems to have come down with a particularly rare disease which has been sapping his strength. When healers took a look at the aged Earth Guardian, they reported that the disease has taken advantage of the numerous magical wounds and curses accumulated throughout the war.. It is likely that Terrador has does not have much time to live and the healers estimate a single decade in the worse case scenario. He has already began making plans for his death which include beginning the search for a replacement. In other happier news, Volteer seems to have developed his natural talent for enchanting even further and he seems to be able to work impressive feats of enchanting with ease. Virii meanwhile has been developing her skill and knowledge in botany to such an extent that she has become the foremost living expert in it outside of the cheetahs.

Training New Guardians Part Two Basics: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait. Stat gains.

- During their final year of training, Cyril instructed the initiates on the ins and outs of nobility, their schemes, and detecting threats to themselves and others. To almost nobody's surprise Umbra picked up the new knowledge the quickest and helped the more blunt of the initiates to learn the subtlety that Cyril was trying to impart. It rapidly became apparent that the Shadow initiate was the only one who could actually appreciate the skills that were being taught. Though when the initiates as a whole gathered to discuss the lessons, it was made readily apparent that there was one related aspect that they could all see the use of, much to the Guardians' dismay; stealth. Stealth as it turns out was something that all five of them had been forced to develop as a result of growing up during the war and they eagerly shared tips between each other. Reward: +1 Intrigue for Umbra, +2 Intrigue for Zephyr and Phydra, +3 Intrigue for Virii and Timor. Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice.

Recording Knowledge:
The Guardians would like to get a head start on recording their collective knowledge of the elements. Though they would prefer to wait until the new temple was constructed, so they have a place to store them.
Chance of Success: 1/10/30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Guardian knowledge preserved. Chance of priceless knowledge. Locked - One year remaining.
Needed: N/A. Rolled: 89+14(average learning)+50(traits)=153

- Despite Terrador's declining health this year, the Guardians have once more succeeded far beyond expectations. They have further expanded upon what has been called their legacies, gathering tremendous amounts of information into a single convenient tome. Already copies of the tomes are being created so as to ensure the knowledge is never lost, while the three Guardians keep adding what they can remember or find to them. Cyril's history of the noble families has broadened to detail in depth the many tricks and deceptions that the nobles pride themselves on. Terrador has meanwhile managed to rewrite much of the strategies and tactics that dragons use to be far more effective and has managed to even add in what is known regarding the races on the other side of the portal including the Bandosian races and the aviansie. Volteer has taken his guide on enchanting even further and has gone into length describing which materials are best for which enchantments and the reasons behind them.

Needless to say, if their works had not already been masterpieces, they are now. Reward: Cyril's Guide to Family Lineages gives +10 to diplomacy and intrigue actions. Terrador's Art of War gives +20 to martial rolls. Volteer's + Guide to the Perplexing, Complicated, and Mysterious Enchantments gives +20 to enchantment rolls.

Choose One, One Locked
Spyro's skill in melee combat has risen to new heights and he has managed to blend his knowledge of the four elemental styles of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth into a single style. This new style has allowed him to incorporate the elements into his fighting style and has become incredibly deadly at close range, able to seamlessly switch between melee attacks and the elements. Unfortunately his new skill in combat has been overshadowed by Terrador's declining health and Spyro fears that he might lose control with the death of another of his mentors.

Spending Time with Cynder: Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh. Cynder has become frustrated and stressed for a reason that everyone except Spyro finds funny. There is nothing funny about seeing someone having a bad time right?
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???
Needed: N/A. Rolled: 54.

- In a call back to the last year of the war, Spyro spent all of his time this year with Cynder by his side. Though the work on the rift took up most of their time, Cynder was able to finally get Spyro alone and she is very much happy to announce she the two of them are now mates. Incidentally much of the jokes and meaningful looks thrown at the two of them over the last six years finally make sense.Their announcement was met with much celebration to the utter bewilderment of the two of them, Spyro still does not understand how Sparx managed to organize a party, nor where the dragonfly got so much dragon-grade alcohol from. People are already placing bets on when, how many, what gender, and what elements their first hatchlings will be. Reward: Spyro and Cynder are finally mates. The jokes actually make sense now. Sparx organized a party and the entire city seemed to celebrate the announcement for some reason; bets have been placed.

Investigate the Rift:
Now that the rift has been secured, Spyro would like to examine it to see if he can either close it or stabilize it. Going by what the ancestors have said regarding the rift and Convexity, Spyro thinks that closing it completely is unlikely, but he can likely stabilize the rift and allow both the world and Convexity to heal around it. Cynder's assistance in the matter would make it much easier and hopefully allow Cynder to calm down some.
Chance of Success: 30% (uses Aether). Time: 1 year. Reward: Rift prevented from growing larger. Insight into portals.
Needed: 70. Rolled: 17+30(Spyro)+30(Cynder)=77

- Working with such the very foundation of reality was not something Spyro wanted to do alone and as such he was relieved when he was able to persuade Cynder to help. Calling upon the power of aether, the two of them worked throughout the year to seal Convexity around the rift in a very delicate procedure. Progress toward mending the wound was at first glacial, but over the course of the year the two found themselves able to feel what the other was doing through the strange bond that had formed between them and were thus able to greatly complement each other's efforts. When one of them began work on a new section of Convexity, the other dragon would keep the aether around the spot calm. Spyro and Cynder soon fell into a rhythm as the days rolled into each other and the year seemed to pass unusually fast. By the end of the year, they were able to just barely stabilize the portal and anchor it more solidly to the two worlds. Reward: Portal stabilized and cannot grow or move locations. Function of the Bonded trait revealed - Spyro and Cynder use the sum of their bonuses when working together (except in combat). +96 to Spyro's Aether progress, +87 to Cynder's Aether Progress.
Turn 7
"How is he?" Spyro asked the gathered healers. He had come the moment he had heard the news and though he fervently hoped otherwise, Spyro knew without a doubt that Terrador had gotten worse.

A Water dragon at the front of the group stepped forward. "Not good, Spyro. The disease has progressed far faster than we had thought. Terrador has an immensely stubborn spirit and that may be the only reason that he still breathes. We have tried everything we can, but the disease seems to be leaching our magic to fuel itself. I'm sorry Spyro, but he has less than a year left." None of the dragons looked happy to admit that they failed to save the Guardian.

Spyro bowed his head in sorrow, fighting to stay strong in front of the healers. After a moment he raised his head and his entire body seemed filled with purpose. "Can I see him?" This was not the grieving dragon that the healers had expected and as one they all moved to the side to let the purple dragon through.

As he entered the room, Terrador weakly rose his head to greet him. "Spyro." The Earth Guardian looked terrible, he lacked the regal presence that Spyro was used to seeing in the Guardians. Scales were missing all over the Earth dragon's body and the exposed skin was covered in some kind of poultice, that for the most part hid how inflamed the skin was. "I have already picked my successor Spyro. It is my hope that you will teach him as I have taught you." Even his voice sounded weak and weary, it hurt Spyro so much to see his mentor in such a state.

"You won't die Terrador. We can still save you." Spyro stated, his voice taking on an ethereal tone. Terrador struggled to reply, but no sound came out as Spyro began to glow a light purple. The entire room was bathed in the light and the enfeebled dragon could feel the weakness that he had become accustomed to lessen for a moment. Spyro took a deep breath and then immersed himself once more with his birthright. The spirits and the world itself rose to meet him, feeling his sorrow and determination. Yet to cure Terrador completely was not something the ancestors were able or willing to do; the disease was too ingrained in the Earth Guardian's body. Spyro understood that the disease was beyond even him and instead gathered Light Aether into his maw and formed into a ball which enveloped the ailing dragon. While he could not affect the disease, the numerous curses and the scars from dark magic were washed away in the purifying light.

Once Spyro knew that he had done what he could, the glow of Light Aether vanished entirely. "We will figure this out Terrador." He said, voice full of confidence. "I-I'm not sure I can handle losing you as well." Spyro hesitatingly added.

"Spyro." Terrador commanded with renewed strength as he locked eyes with Spyro. "You are stronger than you know. Not just in spirit, but in mind and body as well. I have no doubt that you will continue to be a strong leader. My time is done however and it falls to you to lead the next generation of Guardians.

Treasury: 1879 Gold
Income:550 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose Two.
Clarity reports that the portal was oddly silent up until a few days ago when one of Umbra's teams reported back with the shattered remnants of an aviansie zu'uk behind behind them. According to the handful of surviving aviansie, the Bandosian forces in the area led by the ourg General Mugorim managed to turn their latest raid against them and completely shattered the aviansie. Clarity is hesitant to trust the aviansie too much due to the lack of information on them, but the Wind dragon Minstal vouched for them, before he and his team went back through the portal to finish their mission.

Patching the Holes Part 2 (Martial): Now that new walls have been erected, it is time for the stone to be fused together into one whole piece. Clarity and Glacies would like to get started immediately as the sooner the walls are made stronger, the less likely an enemy will be able to breach them. Durability enchantments combined with a massive amount of Earth manipulation will be required for this. As such they expect this project to take a while to finish, but once done it will greatly increase the protection granted by Warfang's walls.
Cost: 952 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +300 to defense rolls.

Patrolling: The populace have calmed down and have been returning to a pre-war lifestyle. However the recent revelation of the rift and the green-skinned warriors coming out of it has convinced Clarity that patrols around the city and in particular around the rift would be a wise course of action.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 300 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Patrols around Warfang and the rift.

A Different Kind of Hunting: With the food situation as bad as it is, Clarity has offered her time toward organizing more hunting trips to make sure everyone has enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Diplomacy: Choose Two.
Ventis is overjoyed to finally meet some potential allies from the otherside of the portal. From what little Ventis can piece together so far, the aviansie are a predatory avian race aligned with Wind that live a raiding lifestyle. Between them and a group of dragons that showed up recently at the gates, Ventis appears to have his claws full.

Investigate Group (Aviansie): A small group of aviansie fled through the portal after an aborted raid on the Bandosian fort. According to Ventis, he needs to confront them as quickly as possible in order to determine if you can work with them. If the aviansie are particularly receptive, then Ventis will be able to build a more complete picture on what the world on the other side of the portal is like.
Chance of Success: 70%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Friendly relations with the remnants of an aviansie zu'uk.

Look for Survivors: Now that maps of the continent have been completed, Ventis proposes sending scouts out to look for survivors. Small enclaves of dragons or other races may be out there still in hiding. In particular small villages of dragons and tribes of cheetahs used to dot the world, while lesser known races such as the atlawa could be found in isolated communities. Ventis thinks that most of these groups were either wiped out during the war or never came out of hiding and would like to send scouts to find them.
Chance of Success: 70%. Time: 4 years. Rewards: Possible new allies or immigrants.

Coordinate with the Moles (action): The moles have agreed to coordinate on construction projects around the city. They are eager to rebuild the city and have expressed worries about the lack of walls.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Notes: Must be done on the first turn of the project. Reward: Half cost and time of selected construction project.

Coordinate with Cheetahs (action): Ventis says that the cheetah are greatly worried about the rift and are willing to send what warriors they can to help. They offer their expertise in either fortifying the rift, patrolling around it, or scouting the other side.
Chance of Success: 100%. Time: 1 year. Notes: Must be done on the first turn of the project. Reward: +10 to Securing the Rift, Patrolling, or similar action.

Intrigue: Choose None. Two Locked.
Umbra is hesitant to trust the aviansie and has already assigned one of his agents to shadow the avians under the pretense of friendly relations. Between them and the eighty dragons that showed up at the city, Umbra has been working his agents hard to ensure that neither group have malevolent intentions toward the city. It is unfortunate that his spies had difficulties last year, but it did allow them the chance to meet many of the aviansie who are now seeking shelter.

Scouting the Rift: According to Umbra, the first thing that needs to be done is finding what has changed since the planet was put back together. With proper maps of the area, Umbra says he will be able to do more and start planning on how to best disrupt any potential enemies.
Chance of Success: ???. Cost: 100 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of the other side of the rift. Locked - Two years remaining.

Supplying Subterfuge:
Now that Umbra has assistance, he would like to see about supplying his new found help. Virii has offered her assistance in this manner and has promised a variety of poison recipes with differing effects; though not all of them have been tested on every possible race. In addition to the poisons, Umbra would like the funds to supply his small group with useful enchanted gear and the quality materials that he needs are quite expensive. The Shadow initiate promises that such an investment of time and gold will be well worth it and that his group will be prepared for anything that needs their special attention.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 300 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: +10 to intrigue rolls. Locked - One year remaining.

Choose One. Two Locked.
Glacies has come up with a new project that if successful, will be able to permanently end the food issues in the city. If her new 'ranching' project fails, then it is likely that the city will need to invest more resources into the new fish farms. In addition to this new project the Ice dragoness has also had to dedicate resources to ensuring the large group of dragons the came in last year can be accomodated.

Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Glacies recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year. The prey has been declining the last two years and Glacies is starting to worry if the hunting parties can bring back enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Farming Prey: Now that you have maps detailing the migratory routes and locations of prey, Glacies would like to see if purposely containing large amounts of prey species to be bred and harvested enmasse is possible. If successful this could very well solve the food problem that having nearly two thousand carnivores the size of dragons in a single city brings. Unfortunately this project is very much going to be trial and error and Glacies is not even sure if anything will come from this. Chance of Success: 40%. Cost: 286 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Ranching; +1 Food level, +200 income in gold.

Rebuilding the City Part Two Nobles: With the first city district finished, Glacies wants to move on to revamping the next area of the city. She thinks that tackling the nobles district should be next on the agenda as it will prove to the nobles that their wellbeing is important. This will be a very intricate task as many of the nobles will no doubt demand very specific features in their new homes and some may not want to move from their current home. Glacies is adamant that this project should be one of your top priorities as the sooner it is done, then the sooner the nobles will be happy and work on the other districts can start.
Cost: 1333 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Noble district, +10 nobles opinion, +100 income in tax. Locked - One year remaining.

Patching the Holes Part 2 (Stewardship):
Now that new walls have been erected, it is time for the stone to be fused together into one whole piece. Clarity and Glacies would like to get started immediately as the sooner the walls are made stronger, the less likely an enemy will be able to breach them. Durability enchantments combined with a massive amount of Earth manipulation will be required for this. As such they expects this project to take a while to finish, but once done it will greatly increase the protection granted by Warfang's walls.
Cost: 952 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +300 to defense rolls.

A Better Governing System: It has been suggested by many already that the current governing system which has Spyro and a small council of advisers ruling the city, could be further tuned to be more effective.
Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote, ???.

Taxation Nightmare Part One: Financially, Warfang is in rather dire straits at the moment. Glacies would like to get a head start on revamping the tax system to account for the change in population. She admits that doing this before the Census would make it incredibly difficult.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 476 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +500 income in gold. Locked - One year remaining.

Choose One. One Locked.
Therris has several projects that he wishes to get done and he finds himself not having enough time work on all of them. The researcher has been drawing up plans for a new research facility that will be built solely to make researching easier to do. He expects that between the current enchantment research derived from Old Warfang, the looted items taken from Bandosian forces, and whatever can be gleaned from the aviansie and other groups beyond the portal, that him and his people will be quite busy indeed.

Save the Books! Part Two: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. The other half of the issue is that with the Warfang library and Dragon Temple gone, there is no longer a place to store books. Volteer has deemed this a lesser priority, but says that the sooner it is done, the sooner they can take inventory and figure out what they have and what the Guardians and other older dragons may have to rewrite from memory. Must be taken with 'Save the Books! Part One'.
Cost: 1100 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Library built. Librarian hired. Actions unlocked.

Attribute Amplification: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. One of the more interesting enchantments discovered was pieced together from the adamant orbs and what can be gleaned from the dragon armor without taking it apart. These enchantments seem to be able to greatly increase or possibly even decrease a given quality of an object such as weight, durability, strength, or even regeneration. This enchantment seems particularly prevalent on dragon armor and would be the first step to reverse engineering the armor.
Chance of Success: 60%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Attribute amplification enchantments, first step toward recreating dragon armor.

Sympathetic Connections: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. Where as the majority of the enchantments were lost in recent times with the death of so many dragons and the destruction caused by the war, the enchantment to link two or more objects together seems to have been lost hundreds of years ago. Therris admits that out of all of the enchantments that he has seen, except the ones which make up Spyro and Cynder's 'fury armor', these are the most complicated enchantments that he knows about. They are also necessary if you wish to be able to reproduce things like the adamant orbs or even the fabled Pool of Visions from the old dragon temple.
Chance of Success: 40%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments that allow for two or more objects to be linked, first step toward recreating the Pool of Visions. Locked - Two years remaining.

Reverse Engineering (piercing bolt):
After Cynder was brought back to the city to be healed, a curious enchanted bolt tipped with what appears to be diamond was dug out of her body. This bolt seemed to completely ignore her scales and went straight through. As dragon scales are extraordinarily durable, Therris is very eager to take a look at the bolt and see what can be learned from it.
Chance of Success: 60%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Armor piercing enchantments. Diamond interaction with enchantments.

Reverse Engineering (basic bandosian enchantments): According to Therris the enchantments on the weapons and armor recovered are incredibly simple, if crude. In fact such enchantments are ideal for mass production and if superior dragon knowledge is applied, then he is sure that he can create an easy to make enchantment which could be applied on a large scale with ease. Such enchantments consist of durability, strength, sharpness, weight, and similar attribute enhancements. In fact this would serve as an ideal stepping stone for his other related project to greatly improve attribute enhancing enchantments.
Chance of Success: 70%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Mass producible basic enchantments. +10 toward Attribute Amplification.

Reverse Engineering (bandosian metal): The metal that makes up the Bandosian weapons and armor is unlike anything Therris has seen before outside of dragon armor. Preliminary research suggests that the metal is highly magical and that it is over three times tougher than almost anything he can think of. Though the metal compares favorably to the metal dragon armor was made of, he can already tell that it is heavier and as such not a complete match. Nonetheless, the amount of this metal recovered suggests that it should be easy to mass produce and as such would be ideal for outfitting large amounts of dragons in.
Chance of Success: 55%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Bandosian metal identified, first step toward mass producible armor.

Piety: Choose Two.
In spite of Spyro's best efforts, the healers say that Terrador would be lucky to live more than half a decade more. In order to prepare for his seemingly inevitable death, Terrador has found a young dragoness who fits his criteria for training. Argent is a new addition to the temple and though she is primarily Terrador's apprentice, the other Guardians and apprentices have been ensuring that she gets the education that she needs as the newest initiate. As Argent takes her first steps toward becoming a Guardian, the existing Guardians and apprentices continue to better themselves in mind, body, and spirit.

Cyril gains trait Mind like Crystal (+3 Stewardship, +2 Learning): Long periods of study, self reflection, and teaching have served to hone his mind.

Phydra gains trait Manager (+2 Diplomacy, +5 Stewardship,): Phydra has found herself involved with the running of the fish farms since the very beginning and in this time has learned how to oversee others and delegate tasks as needed.

Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d50 (1d100 for Timor)/(300, 500, or 1000). Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Timor gains Fear Expert, Phydra/Zephyr/Virii gain Water/Wind/Poison Master, Pyra/Umbra gain Fire/Shadow Grandmaster.

Filling the Crystals: One of the ideas that Volteer had was to create massive crystals to store elemental energy in, which would saturate the area around the crystals in elemental energy. This would make the respective element much easier to use in close proximity to the crystal and with the crystals the size they are, anyone training in the respective wing of their element would find that their element would be much easier to use. With the crystals added during the construction, Volteer would like to dedicate some time toward enchanting the crystals correctly and then filling the crystals with elemental energy.
Time: 2 years. Reward: +10 to elemental training rolls, the elemental wings become extremely comfortable to dragons of the respective elements.

Recording Knowledge: The Guardians would like to get a head start on recording their collective knowledge. Though they would prefer to wait until the new temple was constructed, so they have a place to store what they record.
Chance of Success: 1/10/30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Guardian knowledge preserved. Chance of priceless knowledge. Locked - One years remaining.

Choose Two.
Despite Terrador's declining health and group of aviansie that have come through the portal, there is some good news to be found this year. Cynder are happy to announce that she is with egg and the news has caused quite a bit of gold to change hands over the bets that had been placed. The couple are both overjoyed and slightly frightened of raising a kid and they can only hope that they can give their offspring a good childhood. Sparx has had to keep his comments to himself regarding the news and despite his usual humor, he is clearly happy for his adopted brother and Cynder.

Spending Time with Cynder: Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh. Cynder has become frustrated and stressed for a reason that everyone except Spyro finds funny. There is nothing funny about seeing someone having a bad time right?
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???

Spend Time with (character): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.

Mastering the Elements (Element): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with the temple restored and the new initiates trained, it will be considerably easier to train the elements.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 100 (Water/Wind/Shadow/Poison/Fear) or 500 (Fire/Ice/Electricity/Earth). Reward: Progress made toward chosen element.

Mastering the Code of Reality: Aether allows one to alter reality with enough will and provides both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense. Unfortunately Aether is incredibly difficult to master as nobody, save Spyro and Cynder can even use it and both have been almost lost to the dark side of it forever. Mastering the conventional elements first may make this easier.
Chance of Success: 1d100/1000 (Low rolls have disastrous consequences). Reward: Progress toward becoming a master in Aether.

Shaping Reality: It is a purple dragon's spiritual right to master the elements. Malefor however did something nobody had even considered and added the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear. With this revelation, there has been rumors that Wind and Water are not original elements either and that only the prime elements of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are natural. While Spyro is nowhere near Malefor's level of mastery over Aether, it could be done.
Chance of Success: 15% (chance doubled if Cynder can be convinced to help). Time: ??? Reward: New Element.
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