"We should be coming up on it." Spyro said as he led the small party of dragons to where he felt the ancestors crying out in pain for the world.
"Any idea what to expect?" One of the Electric dragons, Ohm asked.
Spyro shook his head. "Some kind of gap in Convexity." The other dragons voiced their confusion and he saw Cynder cringe in memory. "Convexity forms a barrier between our world and other worlds. Hopefully nothing has tried to force it's way through the gap yet."
"You can close it right?" A Poison dragon asked, horror in her voice.
Spyro considered the question even as he winged his way down to where his senses were telling him the tear was. "Not immediately, but I should be able to stop things from coming through." He knew the other dragons, particularly Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons thought he could do just about anything, but a tear in Convexity was not something easily fixed from what the ancestors could tell him.
As the small group of dragons followed Spyro down to where the rift was, they could immediately tell that they were too late. Small green creatures clad in armor were filtering their way through, joining the modest size group already gathered. One of the creatures yelled a warning and immediately the invaders turned their attention to the dragons. "For the Big High War God!"
"Watch out!" Someone yelled as the green creatures launched magic and projectile at the dragons. Long honed instincts from the war seemed to reawaken and the dragons spread out to make themselves more difficult to hit. The sky lit up with the elements as the dragons closed their distance, Spyro himself sticking close to Cynder as the two of them attacked with Ice and Poison. From the screams of pain from his allies though, it was evident that these creatures had ample experience with hitting flying opponents.
Spyro and Cynder toned out all of this however and as they landed amongst the enemy, they were a whirl of fang, claw, and the elements. The two dragons covered for each other on instinct, an enemy seeking to strike Spyro form behind found itself torn apart as Cynder came out of it's shadow and Spyro returned the favor with a comet dash which incinerated a group who were coming up on Cynder. Their team work was absolutely flawless as they lost themselves in an old dance of destruction which had been relentlessly practiced during the final part of the war. Yet for all their power, these were not the simple creatures of Malefor's armies; these were soldiers who knew nothing but war. A single bolt which seemed to shine with magic struck Cynder, ripping apart her scales as it seemed to negate her hardened scales almost entirely.
For one long moment it seemed as if the battlefield had become quiet as Cynder's scream of pain was matched by Spyro's roar of outrage. "Cynder!". Time freezed entirely as Spyro forced back his anger and grief through sheer willpower and instead orbs of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth spun into existence around him. The battlefield became engulfed in a blizzard, firestorm, electric storm, and avalanche all at once as concentrated elemental energy homed in on all of the green-skinned attackers. Time unfroze to the scene of complete and utter obliteration, none of the attackers remained alive. Spyro spared the scene a single glance, before concentrating on Cynder; the purple tinged black dragoness lay in a pool of blood, completely untouched by the destruction around her. Spyro reached for the bond between them and forced his own life force through it.
The other dragons both untouched and injured, could only stare in awe at what Spyro had unleashed. Seeing him tend to Cynder however snapped them out of their shock and they quickly gathered together all of the injured dragons as a Wind dragon left with all speed to gather red crystals to bring back.
Five of the sixteen dragons would not be returning to Warfang alive.
Treasury: 3464 Gold
Income: 650 Gold per turn.
Martial: Choose Two
News brought back by Spyro's expedition to the rift has greatly worried Clarity. Warfang still has no walls and lacks a dedicated army. Clarity very highly suggests securing this rift as quickly as possible as well as repairing the walls as right now Warfang is vulnerable.
Professional Fighters: Now that Clarity has a count on all able and willing dragons, she would like to take it a step further and form a solid core of professional 'soldiers' who would be better trained than the average dragon. In times of peace these soldiers would patrol the city and surrounding area, to keep a watch out for threats. Clarity does admit that not only will it take some gold to start it, but she will have to pay the new soldiers gold to keep them involved. The good news is that if there is ever another war, then you will have a significant leg up on the enemy. She feels that 100 of these soldiers will be more than enough to start with.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 200 Gold. 300 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: 100 dragon soldiers of varying elements.
Patching the Holes Part 1 (Martial): Between the damage from the siege, the Golem breaking open a hole, the Destroyer walking straight through the city, and then the sundering and reconstruction of the planet, the renowned defenses of Warfang are in bad shape. There are massive gaps in the wall including two utterly destroyed sections where the Destroyer walked through. Clarity would like to get started on the first phase of doing so which would be paying all available earth dragons to erect a temporary wall.
Cost: 1000 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Enemies can no longer walk straight into Warfang.
Patrolling: The populace have calmed down and have been returning to a pre-war lifestyle. However the recent revelation of the rift and the green-skinned warriors coming out of it has convinced Clarity that patrols around the city and in particular around the rift would be a wise course of action.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 300 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Patrols around Warfang and the rift.
Securing the Rift: Clarity wishes to lead an immediate force of dragons at least fifty strong to secure the portal. As information on the green-skins is sparse, Clarity has little idea what this force will encounter, but says it is worth a definitive attempt regardless.
Chance of Success: ???. Time: 1 year. Reward: Basic fortifications around the rift erected and guards posted.
A Different Kind of Hunting: With the food situation as bad as it is, Clarity has offered her time toward organizing more hunting trips to make sure everyone has enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.
Diplomacy: Choose One. One Locked.
Ventis is both concerned and curious about the race that came through the portal. He suggests coordinating with the cheetahs with regard to securing the portal. The Wind dragon would also like to know more about the encountered race as there could be more races or perhaps a faction that could be negotiated with.
Coordinate with the Moles (action): The moles have agreed to coordinate on construction projects around the city. They are eager to rebuild the city and have expressed worries about the lack of walls.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Half cost and time of selected construction project.
Coordinate with Cheetahs (action): Ventis says that the cheetah are greatly worried about the rift and are willing to send what warriors they can to help. They offer their expertise in either fortifying the rift, patrolling around it, or scouting the other side.
Chance of Success: 100%. Time: 1 year. Reward: +10 to Securing the Rift, Patrolling, or action.
Cheetahs Helping Dragons: Chief Prowlus has offered his people's assistance in mapping the land in exchange for help reinforcing the land around the village to protect against landslides and earthquakes.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 200 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Up to date maps of the continent, +10 relations with cheetahs. Locked - Two years remaining.
Talking with the Dragons: Now that two years have passed since the war ended, all kinds of dragons have come out of the woodwork and each has their own grievances. Ventis deems it essential to talk with the people they are now ruling and keep them calm. Maybe Ventis can keep the populace in check again this year.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Populace calmed down.
Intrigue: Choose Two
The new rift concerns Umbra and he says that it is time for the newly gathered agents to prove themselves. He suggests a scouting mission through the rift to gather intelligence, as there is a severe lack of information on the green-skinned warriors. Umbra regrets not being able to lead such an expedition himself, but his Guardians duties are far too important to risk himself.
Scouting the Rift: According to Umbra, the first thing that needs to be done is finding what has changed since the planet was put back together. With proper maps of the area, Umbra says he will be able to do more and start planning on how to best disrupt any potential enemies.
Chance of Success: ???. Cost: 100 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of the other side of the rift.
Noble Matters: With the war over the nobles will be starting up their political schemes once more. For the moment they are satisfied with Spyro being the new leader of Warfang on account of how young and inexperienced he is in those matters. Umbra wants to get a grasp on the emerging political scene before they fully recover.
Chance of Success: 50% (goes down by 5 per year). Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information on who's who for the nobles.
Supplying Subterfuge: Now that Umbra has assistance, he would like to see about supplying his new found help. Virii has offered her assistance in this manner and has promised a variety of poison recipes with differing effects; though not all of them have been tested on every possible race. In addition to the poisons, Umbra would like the funds to supply his small group with useful enchanted gear and the quality materials that he needs are quite expensive. The Shadow initiate promises that such an investment of time and gold will be well worth it and that his group will be prepared for anything that needs their special attention.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 300 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: +10 to intrigue rolls.
Stewardship: Choose Three.
With the revelation of the rift and the green-skinned race that came through it, Glacies has decided to lighten Clarity's load by offering to lead the reconstruction of the walls. In other news, the nobles would dearly like to have their section of the city finished and are irked that the commoners had their district finished already; fortunately many of them understand why it was so crucial to take care of the majority first as the situation had been getting rather bad. She has also been working on more plans to fix the food situation, the first of which would be a roster to ensure all available dragons are doing their part to help.
Hunting Roster: Now that the immediate area has been properly mapped, Glacies has decided it is time to draw up a roster for the hunting parties. All dragons except those with legitimate reasons will be added to the roster and it will be made clear that this is a civic duty to keep the entire city fed. Despite this, Glacies estimates that less than half of the populace will be included due to age, injuries, or crucial jobs.
Chance of Success: 100%. Time: 1 year. Reward: +1 Food level, +200 gold in income from hunting.
Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Glacies recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year. The prey has been declining the last two years and Glacies is starting to worry if the hunting parties can bring back enough food.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.
Rebuilding the City Part Two Nobles: With the first city district finished, Glacies wants to move on to revamping the next area of the city. She thinks that tackling the nobles district should be next on the agenda as it will prove to the nobles that their wellbeing is important. This will be a very intricate task as many of the nobles will no doubt demand very specific features in their new homes and some may not want to move from their current home. Glacies is adamant that this project should be one of your top priorities as the sooner it is done, then the sooner the nobles will be happy and work on the other districts can start.
Cost: 1333 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Noble district, +10 nobles opinion, +100 income in tax.
Patching the Holes Part 1 (Stewardship): Between the damage from the siege, the Golem breaking open a hole, the Destroyer walking straight through the city, and then the sundering and reconstruction of the planet, the renowned defenses of Warfang are in bad shape. There are massive gaps in the wall including two utterly destroyed sections where the Destroyer walked through. Clarity would like to get started on the first phase of doing so which would be paying all available earth dragons to erect a temporary wall. Glacies has determined that the first part of construction could be far cheaper than previous estimates and has altered the price accordingly.
Cost: 952 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Enemies can no longer walk straight into Warfang.
A Better Governing System: It has been suggested by many already that the current governing system which has Spyro and a small council of advisers ruling the city, could be further tuned to be more effective.
Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote.
Taxation Nightmare Part One: Financially, Warfang is in rather dire straits at the moment. Glacies would like to get a head start on revamping the tax system to account for the change in population. She admits that doing this before the Census would make it incredibly difficult.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 476 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +500 income in gold.
Learning: Choose Two.
Contrary to everyone else, Therris is exuberant about what can be learned from the invaders. He is quick to assure everyone that no doubt Spyro has things under control. From reports brought back from the expedition Spyro led, the green-skinned race had numerous interesting things such as enchanted weapons and armor, to metals and magic that nobody had heard of before. It truly is a shame that Spyro completely obliterated all traces of the enemy save for the single diamond tipped bolt that hit Cynder.
Save the Books! Part Two: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. The other half of the issue is that with the Warfang library and Dragon Temple gone, there is no longer a place to store books. Volteer has deemed this a lesser priority, but says that the sooner it is done, the sooner they can take inventory and figure out what they have and what the Guardians and other older dragons may have to rewrite from memory. Must be taken with 'Save the Books! Part One'.
Cost: 1100 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Library built. Librarian hired. Actions unlocked.
Elemental Amplification: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. Some of these enchantments were complicated workings that could be layered onto an object to focus and refine elemental energy. Both the Guardians and Therris can think of several uses for such an enchantment and are eager to figure out how the enchantment works so that it can be applied in new ways.
Chance of Success: 75%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Elemental amplification enchantments, new actions unlocked.
Attribute Amplification: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. One of the more interesting enchantments discovered was pieced together from the adamant orbs and what can be gleaned from the dragon armor without taking it apart. These enchantments seem to be able to increase or possibly even decrease a given quality of an object such as weight, durability, strength, or even regeneration. This enchantment seems particularly prevalent on dragon armor and would be the first step to reverse engineering the armor.
Chance of Success: 60%. Time: 2 years. Reward: Attribute amplification enchantments, first step toward recreating dragon armor.
Sympathetic Connections: Therris and his group of researchers catalogued dozens of enchantments which had been forgotten to time. Where as the majority of the enchantments were lost in recent times with the death of so many dragons and the destruction caused by the war, the enchantment to link two or more objects together seems to have been lost hundreds of years ago. Therris admits that out of all of the enchantments that he has seen, except the ones which make up Spyro and Cynder's 'fury armor', these are the most complicated enchantments that he knows about. They are also necessary if you wish to be able to reproduce things like the adamant orbs or even the fabled Pool of Visions from the old dragon temple.
Chance of Success: 40%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Sympathetic enchantments that allow for two or more objects to be linked, first step toward recreating the Pool of Visions.
Reverse Engineering (piercing bolt): After Cynder was brought back to the city to be healed, a curious enchanted bolt tipped with what appears to be diamond was dug out of her body. This bolt seemed to completely ignore her scales and went straight through. As dragon scales are extraordinarily durable, Therris is very eager to take a look at the bolt and see what can be learned from it.
Chance of Success: 60%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Armor piercing enchantments. Diamond interaction with enchantments.
Piety: Choose One. One Locked.
None of the Guardians are happy about the news of a new potential war, particularly as everyone is still recovering from the last one. According to Terrador that if it does come to a war, he is concerned that the losses inflicted upon the races of the world could lead to extinction of many of them. It is of utmost importance that preparations are made and part of these preparations will be finishing the initiates' education to ensure that they are capable leaders in a time of war.
Training New Guardians Part Two Basics: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait. Stat gains. Locked - Two years remaining.
Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d50 (1d100 for Timor)/(300, 500, or 1000). Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Timor gains Fear Expert, Phydra/Zephyr/Virii gain Water/Wind/Poison Master, Pyra/Umbra gain Fire/Shadow Grandmaster.
Filling the Crystals: One of the ideas that Volteer had was to create massive crystals to store elemental energy in, which would saturate the area around the crystals in elemental energy. This would make the respective element much easier to use in close proximity to the crystal and with the crystals the size they are, anyone training in the respective wing of their element would find that their element would be much easier to use. With the crystals added during the construction, Volteer would like to dedicate some time toward enchanting the crystals correctly and then filling the crystals with elemental energy.
Time: 2 years. Reward: +10 to elemental training rolls, the elemental wings become extremely comfortable to dragons of the respective elements.
Recording Knowledge: The Guardians would like to get a head start on recording their collective knowledge of the elements. Though they would prefer to wait until the new temple was constructed, so they have a place to store them.
Chance of Success: 1/10/30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Guardian knowledge preserved. Chance of priceless knowledge.
Personal: Choose One, One Locked
Though Cynder was wounded severely, Spyro is relieved that he was able to control himself and keep from falling to darkness. He worries that if Cynder ever died, he would not be able to keep a hold of himself and it is likely that he would turn into a monster every bit as bad as Malefor. Curiously enough, part of the reason that he was able to control himself was a deep certainty that Cynder was still living. Considering that Spyro was able to push his own life force through to Cynder without any trouble, he wonders if the green chain that Malefor had bound them together with might have had deeper effects than what they know of.
Continued Training: Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.
Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Stat gain. Chance of traits. Locked - One years remaining.
Spending Time with Cynder: Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???
Spend Time with Sparx: Spyro and Sparx were inseparable at one point. Unfortunately he had to leave his foster brother behind before his fight Malefor as Sparx never would have made it through the Ring of Fire even with Ignitus' sacrifice.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Time spent with Sparx.
Spend Time with (character): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.
Mastering the Elements (Fire, Ice, Electricity, or Earth): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with Ignitus dead and the other Guardians very busy at the moment, this will take twice as long to accomplish.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 500 (half result before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward mastering chosen element.
Learning a New Element (Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear): As a purple dragon, Spyro is the only dragon who can learn a new element. With Cynder's assistance, learning Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear would be comparatively easy. He has no current teacher for Water unfortunately.
Chance of Success: 1d100/100 (half result for water before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward learning chosen element.
Mastering the Code of Reality: Aether allows one to alter reality with enough will and provides both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense. Unfortunately Aether is incredibly difficult to master as nobody, save Spyro and Cynder can even use it and both have been almost lost to the dark side of it forever. Mastering the conventional elements first may make this easier.
Chance of Success: 1d100/1000 (Low rolls have disastrous consequences). Reward: Progress toward becoming a master in Aether.
Shaping Reality: It is a purple dragon's spiritual right to master the elements. Malefor however did something nobody had even considered and added the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear. With this revelation, there has been rumors that Wind and Water are not original elements either and that only the prime elements of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are natural. While Spyro is nowhere near Malefor's level of mastery over Aether, it could be done.
Chance of Success: 15% (chance doubled if Cynder can be convinced to help). Time: ??? Reward: New Element.