Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

[] The Radical Party
-[] Plan: Recovery and Reconfiguration
--[] Break up noble estates in the territory under reconstruction, granting land to the tiller.
--[] Work through emigrants from Germany to the reconstructed territories to encourage the development and entrenchment of radical-socialist political ideology.
--[] Create a commission to determine major lessons from the war for our military.
--[] Send advisors, volunteers, and surplus weapons and equipment to support the radical-socialist Chinese faction in their civil war.
--[] Ensure rationalization and standardization of rail lines and other infrastructure throughout the reconstructing territories.
--[] Promote the development and celebration of Ruthenian national identity to help unify and stabilize the young nation.
[] The Radical Party
- [] Liberty Embodied
-- [] Something something Yeomen
-- [] Create Leutewehr links to our allies by granting individual units and their veterans meritorial titles for the liberation of regions and forming official channels for their participation in building free republics. Our individual soldiers, workers, and farmers will lead freedom east.
-- [] Comb through veterans who still wish to fight to create a group of 'adventurer volunteers' who may be 'hired' by the more radical Chinese factions to aid in training, organisation, and the like without overt German intervention. Use them as channels to siphon ample military support into China.
-- [] Temporarily heavily expand the Leutewehr and PLA by conscription of the population in the newly annexed territories, so as to grant them full citizenship-participation in their own reconstruction swiftly. Deploy many of these units all around the CER so as to have them witness progress and unity.
-- [] Ensure all reconstruction organizations work democratically, with elected foremen, officers, farmer's representatives, and the rest. Encourage participation.
-- [] Create committees to study both the military lessons of the war and the state organization lessons of the war.
-- [] Something something small nationalisms
[] The German Workers' Party

I believed in the war. I patiently waited to see Germany triumph; her soldiers trampling Hapsburg antiquity underfoot. Nothing delighted me more than the final ratification of Allied victory -

- but what now? We sacrificed so many soldiers and broke their comrades to give up on the Republic millions died for? What's due to replace Germany isn't the blooming flower of springtime, it's the soulless product of café idealism, argued for by youth disdainful of their own culture. Frankly, Germans aren't Germans to universalists; they're numbers to plug into war exercises, costs to organize around.

The same applies to the people of the Danube, the Poles or the Ruthenians. Proponents of a "World Republic" always discuss those groups as extensions of a war machine, destined to grind themselves away to satisfy petty vendettas against the Entente. Is that what Germany toppled reaction for? To become a cog, spinning inexorably towards rending the continent apart?

I know many who'd disagree and many more against the destructive uniparty.
German Nationalism is a relic from a by-gone era that belong in the dustbin of history! Support Pan-European Nationalism, for a Europe free from tyranny and united under the banner of liberty!
- but what now? We sacrificed so many soldiers and broke their comrades to give up on the Republic millions died for? What's due to replace Germany isn't the blooming flower of springtime, it's the soulless product of café idealism, argued for by youth disdainful of their own culture. Frankly, Germans aren't Germans to universalists; they're numbers to plug into war exercises, costs to organize around.
Would you say they

stabbed Germany in the back :eyebrow:
Literally the same traits as the Communist Party, only tries to appeal to different groups. Not even to Industrial Workers, how can you call yourself Communist again? It'll just instantly merge back into the Communists.
What could be more communist then a party split over nothing?

Besides, we are more then happy to coalition with our older sibling in the communists, we are seperate parties but both one movement
[] [PARTY] The Social Democrat Party
-[] [ECON] Cooperativism
-[] [CHURCH] Secularism
-[] [DIPLO] Cooperation
-[] [MIL] Opportunist
-[] [GOVT] Devolution
-[] [PRO1] Educated Professionals
-[] [PRO2] Public Officials
-[] [PRO3] Service Workers
-[] [MISC] Anti-ideological coalition builders

Guess who's back babyyy. That's right its everybody's favorites the socdems! Our priority is of course reconstruction and the continued assurance of our incredibly peaceful intentions to the Entente! (If I'm actually allowed to do this and they get enough votes to exist I am going to be using them to do foreign policy that isn't 100% geared towards provoking a revolution.)
[] [PARTY] The Social Democrat Party
-[] [ECON] Cooperativism
-[] [CHURCH] Secularism
-[] [DIPLO] Cooperation
-[] [MIL] Opportunist
-[] [GOVT] Devolution
-[] [PRO1] Educated Professionals
-[] [PRO2] Public Officials
-[] [PRO3] Service Workers
-[] [MISC] Anti-ideological coalition builders

Guess who's back babyyy. That's right its everybody's favorites the socdems! Our priority is of course reconstruction and the continued assurance of our incredibly peaceful intentions to the Entente! (If I'm actually allowed to do this and they get enough votes to exist I am going to be using them to do foreign policy that isn't 100% geared towards provoking a revolution.)
Personally I would love to vote for a party named after a party we just fought a civil war against :V
[] The Cooperative Party
-[] Plan: Maintain Party Unity
-–[] Extend tool libraries with open workshops and with bigger machinery to provide economy of scale and a non private property base for small coops and spontaneous ventures. Also generally expand tool libraries to include vehicle garages and herb gardens/spice greenhouses.

--[] Implement an Accessibility Requirement Program mandating the accessibility of public spaces and information for all residents of the republic in all areas. This includes provisioning for minority groups and those with impeding physical and sensory conditions, and studies to improve on these methods. Additionally all reconstruction work must meet acessibility standards.

--[] Invite the Second Philippine Republic to join the Republican Alliance and direct development aid towards building it a strong and prosperous economy in order to heal the wounds of colonialism. Provide it with CER-surplus arms to forward to revolutionaries in China and Korea, and encourage it to provide sanctuary and Red political education to same.

--[] Acknowledge "land to the tiller" in the free territories, in exchange for making tool libraries the primary method of new tool distribution.

--[] Decrease military spending, investing more into supporting still-extant industries that have transformed into worker-owned enterprises, so as to prevent a loss of industry or expertise or a brain drain that would benefit the CER but impoverish our new friends and allies.

--[] Make a bid for the Ottoman railway, using our recent war-railways as a demonstration of our construction speed and logistical capacity. Appeal to the Young Ottomans that we would be willing to set it up to profit the workers and the central government, cutting conservative landowners out of the picture.

The general idea for this plan is that the main threat this turn seems to be splitters, so we need a plan that keeps people voting for us! That starts with expanding the role of the tool libraries (which sort of become omni libraries here) whilst putting them everywhere through the newly liberated areas as something for collectivisation to germinate around. I am sticking to the apparent party line on East Asia, it works for me, but I went with what is I am hoping is a stronger line on accessibility than other plans I have seen so far.

I'm making a bit for the ottoman railway in this draft because I do really want it, but I can be bullied into swapping it for something else such as Laurent's education plank. I guess the other obvious thing to say is that this plan is essentially looking towards the Radicals as a coallition partner, but if people aren't into that then that plank too can be dropped.
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I am so ready to follow the communist party line and not to succumb to the revisionisom proposed by the kulak Random Member.
Comrades, we're just going around in circles! Another attempt at making totally-not-capitalists. Another attempt at making weird German ultra-nationalists. Another attempt at bringing back the social democrats as a totally apolitical party.

It's the same thing, over and over again.

Comrades, vote for the Pan-European Party! It may not be exactly what you want, but at least it brings something new to the table.
[] Federationist Party
-[] Plan: NPA Reform & Allied Institutions
--[] Rather than having discretionary budget for cultural policies, the role of cultural councils voted in by self-identifying electorate will be oversight of & advocacy about local councils' cultural policies. Disagreements between them are to be mediated by local or national assemblies.
--[] Create an Alliance Central Bank to lay the groundwork for a unified economic policy to shoulder the cost of reconstruction. Turn the IDB into the official foreign aid arm of the Alliance.
--[] Create the International Volunteers Group as the Alliance's war volunteering arm. Send it as part of aid to the Constitutional Empire - which we'll recognize as China's legitimate government - to provide training, advice, & direct military support.
--[] Propose a Public Works Consortium to pool CER's PLA & its counterparts, as well as coops & SOEs in the construction industry. PWC is to be the Alliance's organization for post-disaster & post-war reconstruction along with execution of pan-Alliance & international megaprojects.
--[] Compete for the Constantinople-Baghdad Railway tender with the PWC while employing mostly local labor. Use the project as vehicle to foster local social-and-radical movements, & channel remaining profit after compensation of labor to the Alliance's ongoing reconstruction program.
--[] Begin building a network of agents in the non-occupied parts of the former League by recruiting returning prisoners of war. Use those agents to gain intelligence, build connections with the revolutionary underground, and to serve as vectors for the spread of revolutionary ideologies.

1. As much hay has been raised for or against the NPA, we haven't really defined exactly what the cultural councils do. The Federationists seek to remedy that to eliminate such legislative grey areas

2. The Alliance Central Bank will be supportive of any pan-Alliance reconstruction planks thought up by other parties, while Internationalizing the IDB into the bloc's foreign aid arm is a long time coming.

3. The International Volunteers' Group is to consolidate war volunteering both as direct military support as well as military training and advice towards movements we support. It is also a way for us to aid the Constitutional Empire and seek to repeat what we achieved in Spain by radicalizing them into republicanism.

4. The Public Works Consortium, like the ACB, will be the implementation arm of any pan-Alliance reconstruction planks thought up by other parties. As the bloc's infrastructure arm it will also tackle such megaprojects like the Baghdad-Constantinople Railway tender.

5. The well-treated PoWs exposed to radical and socialist movements in Germany - as well as the founding of the Russian Socialist Workers Party - are opportunities to exploit in order to foster seeds of radical revolt in our former League foes that would remain hostile to our Republic as long as it remains what it is. Edit: I'm comfortable for this being the last-place plank, however, mainly due to importance of other planks relatively and the fact that we have our plate full with reconstruction & potentially aiding China.
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[][PARTY] The People's Pacifism Party
-[][ECON] Cooperativism
-[][CHURCH] Pluralism
-[][DIPLO] Nationalism
-[][MIL] Defensive
-[][GOVT] Devolution
-[][PRO1] Service Workers
-[][PRO2] Agricultural Workers
-[][PRO3] Educated Professionals
-[][MISC] Anti-War, Pro-Peace, Domestic Focus.

For those tired of war.

I dont know if nationalism is right but, looking inwards is a priority.
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Honestly, I will vote for anything that proposes a better name for our Republic :V

Joking, but I really do wish we had an alternate name.
[] Centrist Workers' Party
-[] Plan: Common, Sensible Reconstruction
--[] Plan and fund the rebuilding of cities and towns destroyed during the war according to the principles of the CER. Cities should have a rational, high density layout with abundant access to civic services, green space, public transit (including cut-and-cover subways), and workplaces, with the goal of removing the effect of class divisions on city life.
--[] Establish a workplace safety administration consisting of a central certification, advisory, and regulation office, an investigative accident review board, and a reporting structure of workplace contacts to directly advise and address workers' concerns. Begin addressing safety issues and establishing best practices in key Central European industries.
--[] Meet with Alliance planners to standardize on a pair of track gauges (for narrow and broad gauge), loading gauge, and other infrastructure standards for new construction and rebuilding, with the eventual goal of universal adoption within the Alliance. Begin surveying for a high-throughput rail network linking Germany, Poland, Italy, and Danubia using this gauge.
--[] Construct a joint Italian-Central European seaport and naval base in the bordering cities of Trieste and Koper.
--[] Form a military branch that will assist with instructing, coordinating, providing materiel and technical assistance to, and liaising with friendly militaries and armed movements. Immediately send them with the surplus materiel from the cancelled Russian offensive and our demobilizing military to the Constitutionalist faction in the Chinese Civil War, along with offers to loan items such as railway guns or warships.
--[] Invite the Philippines to the Alliance.

Open to suggestions.
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[] [PARTY] Social-Radical Party
-[] [ECON] State Direction
-[] [CHURCH] Atheism
-[] [DIPLO] Cooperation
-[] [MIL] Belligerent
-[] [GOVT] Centralization
-[] [PRO1] Career Soldiers
-[] [PRO2] Public Officials
-[] [PRO3] Industrial Workers

[] Social-Radical Party
-[] Plan: Shatter the False Idols and Forge the New Man
--[] Begin organizing People's Labour Armies in the occupied territories that are structurally modelled after the Landwehr and make sure they provide a solid republican education. Deploy the new labour brigades to repair and restore the destroyed infrastructure in their homelands.
--[] Identify critical industries in the occupied territories and turn them into state owned enterprises. Tie them closely to the Republics economy through cooperation, standardization and joint R&D with Republican SOEs and co-ops.
--[] Begin forming democratic people's tribunals in the occupied territories that operate according to Republican legal standards to persecute the reactionary elites. Oversee the proceedings but only intervene if absolutely necessary.
--[] Form a military commission analysing the Eastern War and our performance in it. The goal of the commission is to overhaul tactics, strategy and equipment to make sure we maintain our military lead and embrace new technological opportunities.
--[] Organize RA volunteers to aid the Constitutionalists in China through direct combat support but also training and education. Also lend material support to them allowing our military industries to gradually wind down to peacetime levels.
--[] Offer the Philippines observer status in the Republican Alliance and offer generous military aid to make sure they can defend their independence while also allowing our war industries to put excess production to good use allowing our economy to restructure at a more controlled pace. Make it clear behind the scenes that full membership is the goal once Alliance navies are able to provide more meaningful protection.

edit: I would also really love include constitutional conventions for Poland etc. and setting up provisional governments to transfer authority away from to democratic organs. So I would love some input from potential vooooooooooooooooooooters.
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