its not that im thinking we'll empower some oligarch, we are not that stupid. what im saying is that we are going to build a political system thats convenient for us reather than one that avocates the necesities of the polish/others needs. Even though it seems litterally paternalistic, i see the german nation as a parent thats helping guide the newfound future of europe, these new republics are our children and as such must be allowed to make their own mistakes, we will be there to support them but they should find their alliances and friendships with us out of a desire for solidarity and trust, not as a product of our machinations.I see where you are coming from but I don't think that's a reasonable comparison. We are going to be rebuilding these areas at a loss to German money reserves and we are not going to be profiteering/doing extractive capitalism in them. Bear in mind that the candidates that we like are going to be pro-worker egalitarians and not oligarchs looking to get their mates rich.
So youre telling me that having 12 years worth of occupation, men with guns, the single biggest source of economic investment as well as the power to appoint the people in charge, we somehow arent going to poison the well so to speak in the newfangled polish political system?But we are not, that would literally be against the foundational principles of our nation
a trust me bro guarantee is not enough for me. because as you said it, anything tless than total liberation "would literally be against the foundational principles of our nation".