Three plans come to my mind. First, here's the cautious one, aiming to end the war while securing our gains and staying on the Entente's good side:
[] Secure Gains, Eliminate Hapsburg (1+ Leverage)
-[] We will engage in good faith.
-[] Poland shall remain under Allied control.
-[] The Alliance shall receive the old Confederal borders.
-[] The Habsburg Empire must be partitioned.
-[] Russia and Austria do not have to pay reparations.
-[] The other League states shall not be punished.
This leaves us in direct control of a large, but not excessive amount of territory. It would allow us to either absorb those regions (if the local population is willing), or otherwise set up sister republics while avoiding being overstretched and retaining the means to properly support and stabilize them. Hapsburg is eliminated, doing a lot to secure our eastern flank. Relations with the Entente will be improved, securing our western flank.
An acceptable outcome, though unambitious and a bit disappointing. Still, perhaps the wisest option.
Secondly, here's something a bit more risky:
[] Maximal Gains, Eliminate Hapsburg (-1 Leverage)
-[] We will cast down tyrants and liberate nations.
-[] Poland shall remain under Allied control.
-[] The Alliance shall additionally take Slovakia and Hungary.
-[] The Habsburg Empire must be partitioned.
-[] Russia and Austria do not have to pay reparations.
-[] The other League states shall not be punished.
As above, but we want it all - the maximal amount of territory we can demand and still have a reasonable chance that our terms will be accepted. We'll have to act more bellingerent during the negotiations, to make it clear that we're prepared to enforce our demands militarily if we're refused. And if we are refused, we need to follow through on that threat and fight on.
Truth be told, I don't particularly like this plan. It smells a bit like hypocrisy, like we're grasping for as much power and control as we can. But if it succeeds, it would get us that power and control. Which would be undeniably useful.
Finally, the radical plan:
[] Dispense Liberation, Eliminate Hapsburg (-1 Leverage)
-[] We will cast down tyrants and liberate nations.
-[] Poland, Lithuania, and Galicia shall be placed under Allied control.
-[] The Alliance shall receive the old Confederal borders.
-[] The Habsburg Empire must be partitioned.
-[] Russia and Austria do not have to pay reparations.
-[] The other League states shall not be punished.
The aim here would be too get as many people as possible out from under the Imperial League's boot and create a strong Polish sister republic to guard our eastern flank against Russia (possibly a Lithuanian and Galician republic as well). In order to have a chance of doing so, we'd give up direct control over the fate of Hungary and Slovakia.
I see potential in all those plans. One thing should be non-negotiable, however: The Hapsburg Empire can not be allowed continued existence. Destroying it was our central war aim alongside the liberation of Poland. Giving up on that would almost certainly bite us in the ass some decades down the line. So let's not do that.