Personally I'm not willing to give up Denmark. Maintaining control over it gives us the permanent ability to close the Oresund and cut off Russia from British support if and when we have to fight Russia and the Entente in the next war. That said, I don't really care about keeping Scandinavia neutral. Sweden and Norway are never really going to be in a position to threaten us—our strength in the Baltic is only going to grow from here.I favor a lenient peace for Denmark and the other Nordic countries to allow greater freedom from the Entente for Germany to reshape Central and Eastern Europe. The Nordic countries lack the strength to truly threaten Germany and its allies even when united together in a Scandinavian union and in an alliance with great powers hostile to Germany as shown by this war. A Finlandized neutral Denmark and a Scandinavia also Finlandized or even just knocked out of the Imperial League is enough to protect Germany's northern border. Taking down or significantly weakening the Hapsburg and Russian Empires as much as possible should be the goal for this war. Entente diplomatic intervention must be delayed as long as possible.