Though keeping in mind Harzivan did just that. Animal aspects can color your approach to things way past the useful point and cats are...solitary.
These cats are though. Its commented that they don't normally form hordes until the spirit did it
u mean packs
Yeah, wildcats are solitary - ignoring mother-child relationships and territorial cohabitation agreements. Lions like Harzivan absorbed, iirc, are not solitary. The uncivilized, bestial part was what brought him down the wrong path.

Aspects, regardless of their bestiality, are always prone to flavoring our view beyond usefulness.
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ps if we try and take the hunt and fail we may end up losing both
If you failed to get the Aspect of the Hunt, you will automatically get the Aspect of the Wildcat.

As for wildcats being solitary, these ones are and it was noted by Gwarlon in the update that it is the Wildcat Spirit making them hunt in packs in an unnatural manner.
Vote closed:
Vote Tally : Original - Spirit Quest | Page 3 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 63-84]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
[x] The Aspect of the Wildcat (???, ???)
No. of Votes: 5
[X] The Aspect of the Hunter (???, ???) (50% chance that Evatine will claim it before you can)
No. of Votes: 4
Total No. of Voters: 9
Kitty Daughters
[X] The Aspect of the Wildcat (+1 Melee, +1 Stealth)


With your friend already claiming the Aspect of the Hunter, you decide to let Evatine have his chosen prize while you go for the Aspect of the Wildcat.

Seizing the cluster of spiritual energy, you let it flow through your body, mingling with your own essence and becoming one with it.

You feel changed. Your eyesight is sharper whilst your muscles feel stronger and your body more agile.

Feeling your mouth with your tongue, you also note that your canines have grown into fangs.

"You have changed," notes Evatine and looking at him, you note that you aren't the only one who has changed.

The Spirit of Evalon is still lean, but also muscular now with his friendly brown eyes containing a new sharpness behind them.

"I am not the only one," you reply, stating your thoughts out loud.

"True," agrees Evatine with a smile that you easily return, "Thank you for letting me claim this Aspect as my own. While we were able to work together to slay this spirit, the wolves threaten my explorers are too far away for you to assist me. With this Aspect of the Hunter, I shall hopefully stand a better chance against the wolves and any possible Wolf Spirit that they may have leading them on my own."

"I see," you reply, "Good luck in your hunts."

"That can wait until later," says Evatine with a dismissive wave of his hand, "We still need to return to Avawyr and I shall not embark on my future hunts until we have finished celebrating the end of this one."


It at the start of the new Growth Season that Bronwyn finally gives birth to your children and well, they are certainly yours. Giving a birth to a total of four babies, Bronwyn doesn't suffer any of the usual nastiness that comes with childbirth, especially one that large, as you use your power, which has never been greater, to heal her of any complications and keep her and the children healthy.

From what you can tell, there have been other effects of pouring your energy into Bronwyn and the babies within her womb.

Sure, Bronwyn and all of the kiddos are healthy, but err, the kids are distinctively yours.

The first of them is a healthy looking lad and looks no different from another babe. Your three new daughters on the other hand...yeah, anybody can tell that they are yours.
The cat ears, tails and eyes is pretty much a no brainer when it comes to parents are.

The only thing that baffles you is how they came to be like that as you did not claim your Aspect of the Wildcat until after impregnating Bronwyn. You not sure how it is possible, but you suspect it has something to do with you imbuing her with your energy after you got the Aspect of the Wildcat.

Seryn has white fur along with blue cat eyes while Gwyn has also has blue cat eyes, but instead has golden-brown fur. Arwyn also has brown fur, but is duller with black stripes and while her fur is not golden, her eyes are.

You sense the Aspect of the Wildcat within your daughters, but it feels stronger...more potent then what is contained within you.

Hopefully that will not cause troubles as they grow up, but you doubt you will be so lucky as that will be the case.

After all, if the Cat within them has made them so physically different, it stands to reason that it would have changed them mentally.

Conversely, you take solace in the fact that just their physical oddities may result in mental oddities, just as their bodies have remained mostly normal, so will their minds.

And with the birth of your children out of the way, you need to plan the next year.


Available Energy: 33
[] Bless Follower: Costs 1 Energy per usage.
[] Inspire Follower: Costs 2 Energy per usage.
[] Heal Follower: Costs 3 Energy per usage.
~ Smite Person: Costs 3 Energy. Distance increases costs. Currently unavailable.

Avatar: Avatar is currently formed.
[] Explore: Costs 3 Energy per usage.
-[] The Mountains to the South.
--[] With Followers.
--[] Without Followers.
-[] The Mountains to the West.
--[] With Followers.
--[] Without Followers.
-[] The Mountains to the East.
--[] With Followers.
--[] Without Followers.
-[] Lake Eva Coastline
--[] With Followers.
--[] Without Followers.
-[] Look for a safe path to Lake Eva through the mountains.
[] Hunt: Costs 4+1D3 Energy per usage.
-[] With Followers.
-[] Without Followers.
[] Family: Costs 1 Energy per usage.
-[] Spend time with Bronwyn
-[] Look after your kids.

Kid 1 (Cadyl)
Gender: Male
Spirit: 2+10 (None)
Kid 2 (Seryn)
Gender: Female
Spirit: 91+10 (Spirit of the Wildcat)
Kid 3 (Gwyn)
Gender: Female
Spirit: 92+10 (Spirit of the Wildcat)
Kid 4 (Arwyn)
Gender: Female
Spirit: 95+10 (Spirit of the Wildcat)

Figuring Stuff Out:
Rolled 74
[X] Plan I Want A Positive Aspect But Healing Costs So Damned Much Golly Gee
[X] Bless Follower: Costs 1 Energy per usage.
-[X] Four people
[X] Inspire Follower: Costs 2 Energy per usage.
-[X] Two people
[X] Heal Follower: Costs 3 Energy per usage.
-[X] Three people
[X] Explore: Costs 3 Energy per usage.
-[X] The Mountains to the East.
--[X] With Followers.
-[X] Look for a safe path to Lake Eva through the mountains.
[X] Hunt: Costs 4+1D3 Energy per usage.
-[X] With Followers.
[X] Family: Costs 1 Energy per usage.
-[X] Spend time with Bronwyn
-[X] Look after your kids. x2
Last edited:
i wonder when we will build a second shrine in his village and he can in ours as a sign of friendship

also i wonder if in enough time your whole tribe descent from you, so you are a father of a race instead of a tribe
i just hope when you get more aspects i hope they don't mix unless they are similar in nature like into the amber age it felt so weirdly done in his, i rather he is the father of multiple races then of chimera unless it a plot point
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I'd kind of like that, but I worry that forming a pantheon will make us beast-like/wild versus his civilized hunter, or the like.
That's why I voted for healing and blessing. I want us to be more than death; I want us to be like, but different from the fertile-but-deadly sun that Harzivan was.
I'd kind of like that, but I worry that forming a pantheon will make us beast-like/wild versus his civilized hunter, or the like.
That's why I voted for healing and blessing. I want us to be more than death; I want us to be like, but different from the fertile-but-deadly sun that Harzivan was.

yep that story was goodly written by had many issues with it, his chimera children for one, that he gained so many aspects that he never uses and just don't feel like him, i had hoped as all the other spirits feel like they have a theme they stick to like river mother agricultural and motherhood, fire thief inventor, that fish trade. i hope that if we get an aspect that has nothing to do with our theme it be altered to fit in
i wonder when we will build a second shrine in his village and he can in ours

also i wonder if in enough time your whole tribe descent from you, so you are a father of a race instead of a tribe

You and Evatine can't place Shrines in each other's villages as you both lack the requirement of being able to have a second shrine, but meet all of the other requirements.

Yes, but only if you stay isolated long enough for that to happen and the cat is out of the bag regarding that when it comes to Gwarlon and Avawyr.

I'd kind of like that, but I worry that forming a pantheon will make us beast-like/wild versus his civilized hunter, or the like.
That's why I voted for healing and blessing. I want us to be more than death; I want us to be like, but different from the fertile-but-deadly sun that Harzivan was.

If that is what you want, I recommend having a closer look at this passage and figuring out the implications.
Taking Bronwyn as a fine has another effect that you vaguely notice as by taking a wife like the rest of the men in the village do, you feel yourself drawing closer to your followers by partaking in their traditions and customs taking one of them as someone close to you.

And since this is more a OOC thing than anything IC, you won't be having anything like Legend from Amber Age. To upgrade themselves, a Spirit must either take it from another Spirit (quickest and easiest way to do this is to kill the Spirit) or they can get it from being associated with something, either from doing it a lot over a period of time or performing a massive great deed. The example of the former would be gaining an Aspect of the Crafter by doing a lot of different crafting over multiple turns while an example of the later would be like gaining an Aspect of Death by committing genocide or an Aspect of Hope from a successful heroic stand against overwhelming odds with horrible failure results.
With a mixture of different Aspects, they will fit theme of the Spirit, but this will restrict/remove their ability to use parts of the Aspect that don't fit their theme.

However, if they get enough Aspects that don't associate with their main theme, but fit together as another theme, the Spirit may get a second theme to them. However, to have enough Aspects to get a second theme, you need to a one of the powerful Spirits.
With a mixture of different Aspects, they will fit theme of the Spirit, but this will restrict/remove their ability to use parts of the Aspect that don't fit their theme.

However, if they get enough Aspects that don't associate with their main theme, but fit together as another theme, the Spirit may get a second theme to them. However, to have enough Aspects to get a second theme, you need to a one of the powerful Spirits.

And since this is more a OOC thing than anything IC, you won't be having anything like Legend from Amber Age. To upgrade themselves, a Spirit must either take it from another Spirit (quickest and easiest way to do this is to kill the Spirit) or they can get it from being associated with something, either from doing it a lot over a period of time or performing a massive great deed. The example of the former would be gaining an Aspect of the Crafter by doing a lot of different crafting over multiple turns while an example of the later would be like gaining an Aspect of Death by committing genocide or an Aspect of Hope from a successful heroic stand against overwhelming odds with horrible failure results.
thank you
this system i like better that they other stories one
@Oshha Would Blessing ever lead to an Aspect? How will Aspects be blended in order to make a non-schizo whole?

Ah, you answered the second.
i was wondering is it possible to bless the women while they are pregnant so the children will be like yours
this make the tribe stronger very fast
Available Energy: 33
[X] Bless Follower: Costs 1 Energy per usage.
-[X] Two people
[X] Inspire Follower: Costs 2 Energy per usage.
-[X] Two people
[X] Heal Follower: Costs 3 Energy per usage.
-[X] Two people
[X] Explore: Costs 3 Energy per usage.
-[X] The Mountains to the East.
--[X] With Followers.
-[X] Look for a safe path to Lake Eva through the mountains.
[X] Hunt: Costs 4+1D3 Energy per usage.
-[X] Without Followers.
[X] Family: Costs 1 Energy per usage.
-[X] Spend time with Bronwyn
-[X] Look after your kids.
@Oshha is 2 times a lot? Would healing + blessing + inspiring all count toward the same aspect?
Healing (+ Blessing?) = Healing (/Fertility?)
Blessing (+ Healing?) = Luck (/Growth?)
Inspiration (+ Blessing?) = Wisdom/Muse-hood (daoine sidhe-esque?)
Inspiration + Blessing + Healing = ?