[X] [Wyrn] Allow it.
[X] [Blawain] Exercise limited influence to introduce some Avawyrish influence.
While the overprotectiveness is starting to get a bit worrying, you know that Wyrn is only trying to do her best to look out for you. Especially after what happened with Orcante. You or somebody else ought to talk to her about that as your wife seems to have not taken the experiences of that battle well.
Nonetheless, you agree to her request and Wyrn quickly decides that she can serve as your clothing for full-time protection. While it pushes the interpretation of what you agreed to the limits, you do not reject it like you originally considered doing once you hear or wife's reasoning.
When pressed on the matter, Wyrn admits that she does not view her avatar as her body anymore as due to controlling with her metal magic and spiritual aspects, your wife finds it too different from the body she had in life to consider her avatar to just be the same as her body.
Between her spiritual form and abilities, which you struggle to understand as mere mortal, Wyrn is fine as using her avatar as something other than her body, especially with her and Myrlin looking into the possibility her being able to make a second avatar from spare iron.
Now that you think about, her shrine in Blawain could be considered Wyrn's body, perhaps even her main one as a spirit can exist without an avatar if they have a shrine, but not the other way around.
As the Growth Season grows to a close and the Sun Season begins, you are becoming increasingly used to and comfortable with Wyrn being on your body at all times. It was a lovingly closeness that was very different to when you fornicated with each other. No, it was closer to the trust and ties of sisterhood forged on the battlefield, where bonds between warriors got forged in the blood and fury of battle.
Having Wyrn there to always protect you, always having her there to talk to and having extra mind and mage to wield supernatural power as needed was something you had become perfectly okay with. You like how Wyrn could change her iron form in shape, softness and make up to mostly fit whatever you needed.
Hmm, looking back at things, you do not think that you have actually worn anything other than Wyrn since you first put your wife on.
Put your wife on. Never did you think those words would be uttered. But your relationship with Wyrn is a highly unconventional one. Oh, it might have been normal before, but Orcante killed any chance at normality when he destroyed Wyrn's normal person body, leaving her with only spiritual existent and supernatural controlled metal for an avatar.
Your relationship with Wyrn is never going to be normal again and you quickly grasped that trying to force a conventional relationship with your wife would only cause strife between the two of you. You will not let that happen.
Urg, how are you going to explain all this to the kids? At least it is not as bad as it could have been. You cannot imagine what it would be like if Wyrn had actually died at Orcante's hands like all of the others, having to go back to Avawyr and explaining to your children that their mum would not be coming home to them…
Avawyr. How you would like to go home and see your children again. It would be nice to be with our family once again, where you all either live as mortals in Avawyr or have a shrine located there. Even Wyrn will be able to place a shrine in Avawyr in the family shrine as she got a shrine when you ascended her by accident after the battle and a second one from when Orcante was killed and consumed for spiritual power.
But before you can go home to Avawyr and your family and your children, you need to finish your conquests and seize Belarsa to secure the region from hostile and unaligned powers.
It started off badly and only got worse. Even with Arwyn leading you, the trip down West River went poorly. The first time that any of you had been down that route, a good many of you got lost and your force was delayed as you kept trying to stop in order to regroup with your missing boats and warriors.
Nonetheless, your army made the journey even if took twice as a long as you originally hoped. The delays also had unfortunate effect of alerting the Belarish to the fact that you were coming as when you arrived in the hills along the eastern coastline of the West River, the Belarish were already ready for you.
Still, there was only so much that the Belarish could do. They could only muster a few hundred warriors at most and only half of them and most likely less would be actually experienced and skilled. Meanwhile, you had over a thousand Cath Wyrs along with two spirits, the Goddess of War herself and Myrlin, mortal who magical prowess outstripped that of any spirit as Orcante learned before he died.
And while the Belarish had two spirits, never of them were martial-oriented unlike Seryn and Wyrn.
As your force made its way to Belarsa via land, going through the hills and then unto the grasslands, you were harassed by Belarish forces. Cath Wyr archers faced off against Belarish hunters. Despite your side having lightning magic in addition to bows and arrows, the Belarish were able to match your Cath Wyrs and inflict a good many injuries, some of which would have been fatal. Fortunately, you had three spirits and two chosen on hand to heal any wounds and none of your force suffered any deaths.
When you get closer to Belarsa itself, the Belarish attempt to face you in the field. You doubt that they expect to win against your force, but that does not stop them form engaging you in open battle twice. You cannot help, but respect their willingness to die for their village even when they have no chance of victory.
The first battle is a crushing defeat for the Belarish defenders as they lose a full third of their force while you and Wyrn fight Nascien off the battlefield Arwyn and Myrlin manage to drive back Astorine.
The second goes even worse for the Belarish as half the survivors are slain or captured whilst you and Wyrn managed to slay Nascien's avatar with most of the credit going to Wyrn as you allowed her to control the movements of your body during the battle while you just provided some magical support.
With only a handful of Cath Wyrs dying, all three of the spirits with you have gained increases in power from the residue power from all of the spiritual combat. While Seryn has strengthen her main Divinities, Arwyn has gained Aspect of Exploration has greatly increased, bordering on becoming a goddess. Wyrn has gained two new Aspects relating to Forests and Hills whilst also gaining light magic from an Aspect of Light and her Aspects of Loyalty and Man are strengthened.
The third and final battle is the assault on village of Belarsa itself with the Belarish putting up a furious final fight. While ragged survivors put a ferocious fight, taking down an unexpectedly high number of Cath Wyrs with them, the outcome has already been decided.
Nascien and Astorine are slain as they lose both their avatars and their shrines while the Belarish defenders are either killed or taken prisoner with the village being secured. As it is closer to her other villages than anyone else and Arwyn has no desire to claim the village.
While Belarsa has been secured and your conquests are done, that fact feels almost secondary to what has happened to your wife and sisters. While Seryn has improved her Aspects in general, mainly focusing on her more warlike Aspects, both Arwyn and Wyrn have Ascended.
Arwyn has become the Goddess of Exploration alongside gaining Aspects relating to most terrains, enough that she is less tied down to one or two, but gaining a general boost in all of them. Your sister has also gained an Aspect of Air, unlocking the ability to use Air Magic and make Ayrymar.
Wyrn however has gained the lion share of the spiritual energy and has become a Goddess of multiple things. Your wife is now the Goddess of Man and Metal, of Love and Loyalty, of Warlords and Warriors. Stepping on the domains of others, she does not claim them solely for herself, she walks in the wake of others or leads their charge.
You can feel the changes via the connection to Seryn and Wyrn as their chosen. Greater strength and martial prowess, strengthen interaction with your warriors and fellow humans along with making your metal magic both stronger and easier to use.
All of that power, but it comes at the price of being female. You do not mind that nor do you consider much of a cost, but your kids, the oldest of them at least, are used to having a father. You are also smart enough to realise the implications of you being the first mortal sovereign and choosing to rule as a female on top of everything else.
Another factor to consider is that while being a Chosen of Seryn would grant you a lot of power, Dad's is tied to leadership and chiefdom and his blessing benefits you best if you remain as a father to your kids.
Plus if you rule as a male, you can always become female for a bit here and there as you please, something that you cannot do in versa if you keep Seryn's blessing due to the nature of your sister's Divinities.
Wyrn personally prefers you to remain female, but agrees with you that the choice is yours and yours alone and will support you in whichever choice you make. The same applies to Dad apart from him preferring you to remain male.
While you will have other issues to worry about, such as organising your new rule, dealing with the Belarish and sorting out the nature of your future relationship with Wyrn, the issue of what your gender you will rule as is surprisingly difficult to decide.
Will the first mortal leader of the Kingdom of Arth be a King or Queen?
[] Rule as King. Remain a father to your kids and reinforce your father's leadership.
[] Rule as Queen. Continue to be a Chosen of the Mighty One with all the power that comes with that, becoming Queen and a second mother to your children.
[] Write-in