[x] Learn the hard way.
[x] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up

Picking hard way purely because Rock Lee is a cool character and it's what he would pick.

Operation Befriending should happen together with Sasuke.
[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up

we must sink the Naruto X Hinata ship :p
[x] Learn the hard way.

I realize this kind of thinking may not apply to Naruto (especially since I stopped watching long before even Shippuden), but I stand by it: The Sharingan is a great trick to have up your sleeve, but it's bad form to substitute tricks for basic foundational knowledge.

[x] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up

While we have some points of commonality that could justify this in-universe (Hisana was outcast by her clan for being bastard-born, after all), I'm inclined to say let it happen naturally or not at all.
I'm 50-50 on whether to use the Sharingan or not.

Pros of the Sharingan include learning the jutsu, of course, but they also mean that the time we would have otherwise spent learning the basic jutsu would be freed up for doing other stuff. On the other hand, there's a popular fan theory that using the Sharingan to copy jutsu is basically, well, copying the work without understanding it- Meaning that we'd be at a disadvantage learning or developing new jutsu later on. I'm not sure if I buy this theory, but at very minimum, the practice involved in mastering the basic 3 is probably good for getting used to the strain of actually using the technique, while just copying it... Well, like Rock Lee said, it doesn't matter if your body can't keep up.

Without solid confirmation one way or another, I'm going to fall on the side of not using the Sharingan, but I'd be willing to switch if there's a convincing argument otherwise.

As far as Operation Befriending goes, well, if we befriend Naruto before Sasuke wakes up, there's not a whole lot he can do to break up the friendship even if he ends up disapproving of Naruto- It will, after all, already exist. Further, it'd make more sense for us to try to get Sasuke to make friends with Naruto if we're already friends with him, you know?

[x] Learn the hard way.

[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up
I'm 50-50 on whether to use the Sharingan or not.

Pros of the Sharingan include learning the jutsu, of course, but they also mean that the time we would have otherwise spent learning the basic jutsu would be freed up for doing other stuff. On the other hand, there's a popular fan theory that using the Sharingan to copy jutsu is basically, well, copying the work without understanding it- Meaning that we'd be at a disadvantage learning or developing new jutsu later on. I'm not sure if I buy this theory, but at very minimum, the practice involved in mastering the basic 3 is probably good for getting used to the strain of actually using the technique, while just copying it... Well, like Rock Lee said, it doesn't matter if your body can't keep up.
Unless you're Kakashi, you're not just copying jutsu and using them straight away. It's more like Sasuke copying Lee's taijutsu - if you want to be good at it, you still need practice beyond copying it.
[x] Learn the hard way.

[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up

Hehehe. Uzumaki-Uchiha blood shall be mine. :evil:
Pros of the Sharingan include learning the jutsu, of course, but they also mean that the time we would have otherwise spent learning the basic jutsu would be freed up for doing other stuff. On the other hand, there's a popular fan theory that using the Sharingan to copy jutsu is basically, well, copying the work without understanding it- Meaning that we'd be at a disadvantage learning or developing new jutsu later on. I'm not sure if I buy this theory, but at very minimum, the practice involved in mastering the basic 3 is probably good for getting used to the strain of actually using the technique, while just copying it... Well, like Rock Lee said, it doesn't matter if your body can't keep up.

Doing it the "hard way" though is only potentially an advantage if you're seriously actively systematically thinking about what you're doing, and using the training as a means to expand and develop your understanding of how the techniques work.

And I'm not convinced that an academy student would really know enough to be able to do that adequately.

Better to get over the hump of "being able to use the technique" and be able to focus on understanding it, mastering it, exercising your "chakra muscles",and making sure that you can use it well in real situations.

Not sure what the best thing to do with Naruto is... befriending him early could throw a lot of things off the rails. What happens, for instance, if he doesn't pick up shadow clone?

[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up

She figured they were all a lock for Team Kakashi - two Uchiha and the son of his dead teacher - and thus any attempt to rig Academy results was pointless.

Or to play devil's advocate, maybe they won't put both the remaining Uchiha in one team because that would be ridiculously risky? I mean, putting all your eggs in one basket much?
[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up

Given that it just makes it easier to learn and doesn't hobble our understanding of the technique, it seems like a waste to not use the Sharingan. It's like studying for an exam only by rereading your notes rather than practicing recall, when you know that the second method works better.

We're still reaching the same end goal, it's just that one path is more efficient. And it'll give us more time to work on actual mastery of the skill, or time to focus on something else.
[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up

I'm sure we'll be working hard already. So, we'll couple that with working smart. The Sharingan is an ability in our arsenal. That can't be denied. So long as we treat it as a tool, and not as a crutch, we'll be fine. We need every trick in the book if we are to prepare for what lies in the horizon.

Besides, it would be like the first stage of the Chunin Exams. As long as we are discreet...
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Doing it the "hard way" though is only potentially an advantage if you're seriously actively systematically thinking about what you're doing, and using the training as a means to expand and develop your understanding of how the techniques work.

And I'm not convinced that an academy student would really know enough to be able to do that adequately.
Counterpoint- We've got a high Int stat, and have already been trying to set up our studies to be more systematic and efficient, rather than running with a more haphazard training plan.

Plus, we've got a tutor to help us walk through that systematic breakdown, and we're not going to find a more simple set of Jutsu to practice with than the academy three.

Of course, turning that argument around, there's nothing saying we can't try to break down and master the techniques after picking them up with our sticky eyes, especially if we'll have to train to get them down after copying them anyway, and if our Sharingan let us get to the point where we can do that faster, then that gives us more time to work on actually breaking down and understanding the techniques and how they work.
Thinking about it, I'm not entirely sure that we'd need to hide our sharingan. I mean, Sasuke-bashing fans aside, ninja in-universe seem to be pretty keen on bloodlines etc. I suspect they wouldn't have any problems with it...

That being said, us having the sharingan probably won't be good for Sasuke's complex. It's going to make him feel weak, and encourage him to take more risks to rectify that...

Counterpoint- We've got a high Int stat, and have already been trying to set up our studies to be more systematic and efficient, rather than running with a more haphazard training plan.

Plus, we've got a tutor to help us walk through that systematic breakdown, and we're not going to find a more simple set of Jutsu to practice with than the academy three.

A fair point. And taking the opportunity to train "the process of learning ninjutsu" isn't necessarily a bad idea, since we can't rely on being able to copy everything we want.
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Oh I'm absolutely sure that our teachers will see us use the Sharingan if we do. We're not that sneaky.

The important thing is to keep it hidden from our fellow students. They're the ones likely to take us having cheater-eyes badly.
[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.

[x] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up

The instructors will know if we use the Sharingan, if they do not want us using it they will tell us.
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I'm more concerned about how Sasuke's going to view us when he wakes up. Sure we're the only other Uchiha around, but we're a bastard that was looked down on by the rest of the clan whereas he's the son of the former clan head. Granted he's only a kid, but the way someone's parents act heavily influence how they do at a young age.

Having the Sharingan shows that the Uchiha bloodline is strong enough in us for it to manifest, which may offset the whole bastard issue. But conversely it may make him feel insecure and as a result still treat us poorly.

Regardless I've got a feeling that when Sasuke wakes up our relationship isn't going to be all sunshine and roses.
[x] Learn the hard way.
[x] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up

The first choice to be seems like one it will in part influence how Naruto initially views Hisana either as someone who works hard, or someone he wants to surpass. There is also the difference in power to consider though.

The more important aspect of the second choice is less about how Naruto views Hisana, and more about whether, or not she is someone Sasuke can relate to. Because a Hisana who is a loner is someone he can relate to, and someone who he might feel a sense of obligation to look after instead of going down his canon path.


Actually I wonder if Sasuke as an Uchiha who "hasn't" unlocked the Sharingan would resent Hisana who has done so? Something to consider if he looks down on her from how his parents viewed Hisana.
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[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up
[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up
[] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up

we must sink the Naruto X Hinata ship :p

That ship ends up helping to save the world in multiple ways in canon.

But I don't see befriending Naruto now or later as being a deciding factor for that either way. They're eight, after all.

Is there a benefit, skill-wise, to learning the hard way rather than with the Sharingan?

As for befriending Naruto, it seems like a good idea to reach out to him as soon as possible simply because he's a lonely kid and we're trying to make a future even better than canon (or at least saving the world without such a high cost).