- Location
- Fall, or somewhere close to it
Here is a list of achievements we have come up for Scrambled Eggs. Keep in mind some of them are just bookmarks or bragging rights so to say, prove that you have achieved something really cool or amazing. Though other achievements do give some nice rewards.
You are gonna have to go out of your way for some of them, as well as try HARD. Remember, not all things worth obtaining are ever easy.
Also, we might add new achievements when we think of them/its time to show them, cause some of them might spoil some of the stuff we have come up with or is coming.
Possible Achievements that can be obtained:
Dear Father - Reunite Father and Daughter - Unlocked In Daughter of Mine
Reward: Eggman gains +1 Heart
You Just Told Me Fox Boy - Force a Hidden Faction to reveal themselves to you
Reward: Eggman gains +1 Trickery
I've Come To Make An Announcement! - Introduce yourself to another King in a very impactful Eggman manner.
Reward: Increased starting opinion with said King.
The Council of Eggs - Unlock the memories of 5 different alternate Eggmen.
Reward: Upgrade to Shattered Memories trait.
I'll Crush You! - Have one of your mecha units defeat a foe by 200 or more in a contested combat roll.
Reward: The unit receives the Crushing Combatant trait.
Who's The Supreme Gentleman With The Mental Plan? - Take over all of Green Hills and announce yourself to the world.
Reward: Eggman gains +1 to a stat of your choice.
The Egg-nipulator - Subvert a Hero unit from an enemy faction and have them join the Eggman Empire
Reward: Unlock a relevant trait.
Monster? I'm Not A Monster... - Eggman or one of his Hero units reaches a Super Form
Reward: ???
Eggman, Hero Of The Darcsen! - Have the Darcsen join the Eggman Empire!
Reward: Darcsen's undying loyalty and ???
Showtime! - Have Eggman personally fight and defeat a Protagonist level combatant. Mech suits and robots don't count, mano a mano only.
Reward: Eggman gains +1 in every stat, +2 in Power
I'm Starting To Think You're The Fake - Create a Metal version of a protagonist Hero unit and have them beat their original.
Reward: Metal version becomes a full Hero Unit
The Dog That Caught The Car - Defeat And Destroy Sonic The Hedgehog
Reward: ...
I Control The Chaos - Obtain All 7 Chaos Emeralds
Do I Look Like I Need YOUR Power? - Against all odds, defeat someone in a Super form without such a power-up
The All-Star Villain - Defeat another king and claim their territory
Reward: Relevant trait/item/or stat boost
One Big Evil Family - Have six children that you recognize as a child and they in turn recognize you as their father.
Reward: Eggman and all his children gain the "One Big Evil Family" trait and each of his children gain the Robotnik last name.
TAKE MY SUPER LAZER PISS!!! - Destroy The Moon
Reward: ???
The Work Of A Lifetime - Complete your grandfather's research and make your choice.
Reward: +5 to all future Biology rolls and ???
His Moves Are Too Eggcellent! - Beat someone in a dance battle.
Reward: Upgrade to the Move Like Carrey trait.
Technological Wizard - Find a way for Eggman to wield arcane Powers only with his Technology.
Reaper's Resolution - Help Piastol Complete Her revenge, one way or another.
Reward: Piastol Loyalty becomes 100, she obtains a trait.
Getting The Team Back Together - Reassemble at least half a dozen of your Egg Bosses
Reward: Improve the Eggboss trait for all your Egg Bosses.
Gun To Your Head - The Mask Is Worn To Show Who You Are
Condemned - Close The Doors To The House Of The Dead For Good
A Mad Man Of His Word - Help complete 7 Main Drives of your hero units.
Reward: Eggman gains +2 Heart
I've Got A Better Game - Challenge Janken To The Only Game You'll Never Lose
Ninja Vs Yukaza - Have Conquering Storm face a Yakuza character and come out victorious
Reward: Conquering Storm gains +2 Trickery
Coalition Victory - Perform a collaborative Power action to attack another faction and Critically Succeed.
Reward: Increased relationship with the faction you performed the collaboration with.
Piracy Is No Party - Destroy At Least Three Pirate Factions
Psycho NOT! - Fend of a mental attack using only your own Brain power
Reward: "Hard Boiled Head" trait for Eggman
Pirate Lord - Ally with or take command of at least three Pirate Factions
WE ARE LEGION - Perform a Raid action and only use Egg Pawns to fill the power cap completely
Lovebirds - Reunite Canaan and Maria. Unlocked in 666:Tokyo-To Scramble
Jet-Set-Egg - Take over or form your own band of rudies and establish a presence in Tokyo-To.
One More CEO Rejected! - Defeat ???
Strange Times Indeed - Make a "Good Guy" Hero Unit from the main cast of Sonic franchise join Eggman and raise their loyalty to 50.
Diamond And The Marias - Reunite 3 Marias with their not-Marias.
Get A Load Of This! - Have Eggman participate in a Kaiju battle in a giant mech and win. Unlocked in Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius
Reward: "Egg-Pilot" trait for Eggman
The Rise Or Fall Of Under-Camelot - Either Destroy or make an alliance with the Kingdom of Camelot and ???
Reward: ???
Power and Kindness - Don't Take The Final Step
Reward: ???
This Is A Regrettable Action - Ruin Something Wonderful
Reward: What you deserve
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