Here is a list of achievements we have come up for Scrambled Eggs. Keep in mind some of them are just bookmarks or bragging rights so to say, prove that you have achieved something really cool or amazing. Though other achievements do give some nice rewards.

You are gonna have to go out of your way for some of them, as well as try HARD. Remember, not all things worth obtaining are ever easy.

Also, we might add new achievements when we think of them/its time to show them, cause some of them might spoil some of the stuff we have come up with or is coming.

Possible Achievements that can be obtained:
Dear Father - Reunite Father and Daughter - Unlocked In Daughter of Mine
Reward: Eggman gains +1 Heart

You Just Told Me Fox Boy - Force a Hidden Faction to reveal themselves to you
Reward: Eggman gains +1 Trickery

I've Come To Make An Announcement! - Introduce yourself to another King in a very impactful Eggman manner.
Reward: Increased starting opinion with said King.

The Council of Eggs - Unlock the memories of 5 different alternate Eggmen.
Reward: Upgrade to Shattered Memories trait.

I'll Crush You! - Have one of your mecha units defeat a foe by 200 or more in a contested combat roll.
Reward: The unit receives the Crushing Combatant trait.

Who's The Supreme Gentleman With The Mental Plan? - Take over all of Green Hills and announce yourself to the world.
Reward: Eggman gains +1 to a stat of your choice.

The Egg-nipulator - Subvert a Hero unit from an enemy faction and have them join the Eggman Empire
Reward: Unlock a relevant trait.

Monster? I'm Not A Monster... - Eggman or one of his Hero units reaches a Super Form
Reward: ???

Eggman, Hero Of The Darcsen! - Have the Darcsen join the Eggman Empire!
Reward: Darcsen's undying loyalty and ???

Showtime! - Have Eggman personally fight and defeat a Protagonist level combatant. Mech suits and robots don't count, mano a mano only.
Reward: Eggman gains +1 in every stat, +2 in Power

I'm Starting To Think You're The Fake - Create a Metal version of a protagonist Hero unit and have them beat their original.
Reward: Metal version becomes a full Hero Unit

The Dog That Caught The Car - Defeat And Destroy Sonic The Hedgehog
Reward: ...

I Control The Chaos - Obtain All 7 Chaos Emeralds

Do I Look Like I Need YOUR Power? - Against all odds, defeat someone in a Super form without such a power-up

The All-Star Villain - Defeat another king and claim their territory
Reward: Relevant trait/item/or stat boost

One Big Evil Family - Have six children that you recognize as a child and they in turn recognize you as their father.
Reward: Eggman and all his children gain the "One Big Evil Family" trait and each of his children gain the Robotnik last name.

TAKE MY SUPER LAZER PISS!!! - Destroy The Moon
Reward: ???

The Work Of A Lifetime - Complete your grandfather's research and make your choice.
Reward: +5 to all future Biology rolls and ???

His Moves Are Too Eggcellent! - Beat someone in a dance battle.
Reward: Upgrade to the Move Like Carrey trait.

Technological Wizard - Find a way for Eggman to wield arcane Powers only with his Technology.

Reaper's Resolution - Help Piastol Complete Her revenge, one way or another.
Reward: Piastol Loyalty becomes 100, she obtains a trait.

Getting The Team Back Together - Reassemble at least half a dozen of your Egg Bosses
Reward: Improve the Eggboss trait for all your Egg Bosses.

Gun To Your Head - The Mask Is Worn To Show Who You Are

Condemned - Close The Doors To The House Of The Dead For Good

A Mad Man Of His Word - Help complete 7 Main Drives of your hero units.
Reward: Eggman gains +2 Heart

I've Got A Better Game - Challenge Janken To The Only Game You'll Never Lose

Ninja Vs Yukaza - Have Conquering Storm face a Yakuza character and come out victorious
Reward: Conquering Storm gains +2 Trickery

Coalition Victory - Perform a collaborative Power action to attack another faction and Critically Succeed.
Reward: Increased relationship with the faction you performed the collaboration with.

Piracy Is No Party - Destroy At Least Three Pirate Factions

Psycho NOT! - Fend of a mental attack using only your own Brain power
Reward: "Hard Boiled Head" trait for Eggman

Pirate Lord - Ally with or take command of at least three Pirate Factions

WE ARE LEGION - Perform a Raid action and only use Egg Pawns to fill the power cap completely

Lovebirds - Reunite Canaan and Maria. Unlocked in 666:Tokyo-To Scramble

Jet-Set-Egg - Take over or form your own band of rudies and establish a presence in Tokyo-To.

One More CEO Rejected! - Defeat ???

Strange Times Indeed - Make a "Good Guy" Hero Unit from the main cast of Sonic franchise join Eggman and raise their loyalty to 50.

Diamond And The Marias - Reunite 3 Marias with their not-Marias.

Get A Load Of This! - Have Eggman participate in a Kaiju battle in a giant mech and win. Unlocked in Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius
Reward: "Egg-Pilot" trait for Eggman

The Rise Or Fall Of Under-Camelot - Either Destroy or make an alliance with the Kingdom of Camelot and ???
Reward: ???

Power and Kindness - Don't Take The Final Step
Reward: ???

This Is A Regrettable Action - Ruin Something Wonderful
Reward: What you deserve
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A Fool's Journey
Well, lemme me try my hand in something a bit different...

A Fool's Journey
Ren Amamiya had seen some shit. And that was certainly a way to describe the Metaverse.

Still, the whole "universe crumbling down on your head" thing?

Yeah, that certainly was a different type of "some shit".

He wasn't even sure if that was Yaldabaoth's fault. That would be the easiest assumption, but it somehow didn't quite fit in his head, considering how cocky he was. The Thieves barely beat down the final guardian before that happened.

He woke up out of the Metaverse and saw himself surrounded by many people...and bipedal animals, just like Morgana. But, unlike his feline companion, he felt they were no creations of the Velvet Room.

And then the robots started attacking and everything was chaotic. Some people pulled weapons and began firing while others ran away, covered by those soldiers - G.U.N, or Guardian Units of the Nation, as he would come to learn later, who repelled the advances of some big red ogre beast that wouldn't be out of place as a Persona.

Joker wanted to stay and fight, but, as it was, he couldn't do anything: all he had was his knife and model gun - things that would do nothing to help and could, in fact, make him get on the way. So, he focused on helping the retreating people into safe places. Nevermind that this could get him on the spotlight and likely to get arrested, he could worry over how he would deal with that later.

Well, not really. Because nearly no one in this "Christmas Island" seemed to recognize him. And, unless
some moai were hidden​
, Joker didn't recognize the place either.

And things were already messy before the Yakuza took over.

Now, Joker wasn't well-versed in such matters besides his time with Iwai and having to handle one or two Yakuza as enemies in the Metaverse, but he felt he would have heard of a Kyohei Jingu in his world - that was before he realized how fucked things were - considering he seemed to hoard riches like some hungry hippo. He, with his lackeys, took things over swiftly - oh, sorry, Ren misspoke. He "offered" that his guard force became the new maintainers of order in the region and "kindly," asked the positioned G.U.N soldiers to either join him or "dispose" of their weapons and equipment to enhance his militia - er, "security group".

Under such circumstances, the G.U.N members who refused either order were forcefully disposed of. No one ever found their bodies.

Thus, under the heel of Jingu and his ally - one Masato Arakawa - they proceeded to "bring peace" to the island. That is, they eliminated whoever tried to oppose them and annexed the lands in their criminal empire.

Disgusting. Infuriating. That made Ren's blood boil. Not even Kaneshiro was ever that blatant with his vile deeds, yet those two men trampled over everyone else with little to no care under the pretense of being guardians of peace. They somehow were worse than Shido.

And it wasn't only Christmas Island. From glimpses Ren heard, this world was filled with such tyrants, and this angered him. A world where people with evil wishes in their hearts triumphed...

"Barman, one more!"

The teenager looked at his client and let out a wink.

"Coming right up, a hot one!" he said, making the coffee.

As it was, Ren couldn't do anything...yet. Mostly because he was looking for his friends through the island, hoping to hear rumors about a blonde guy causing a mess out of things in some place or remarking they saw a black and white cat with a green collar. But nothing. No sign of the other Thieves. Nor his Confidants.

Not even a sign from the Velvet Room. Could it have been subverted by Yaldabaoth or some other force he was unaware of? Ren didn't know.

Thus, he waited. He opened a little cafe. Cafe Le Blanc. He would deal with copyright issues with Boss later, but this should hopefully help sign to people he knew of where he long he could make it a popular spot anyways, and in this economy, Ren also had to take a bunch of side gigs to help sustain himself.

How did Sojiro do that for so much time?

As he served his new client and prepared curry for the next request, he took a glance at his phone, where the Metaverse app still resided. The other reason Joker didn't do anything until now is that Mementos was seemingly gone, not popping up again on the search bar. Again, Ren was unsure if it was a Yaldabaoth maneuver to avoid confrontation or if the place simply collapsed with the clash of universes, but the leader of the Phantom Thieves hadn't been able to get either there or the Palaces of Jingu or Arakawa - he simply didn't have enough resources to figure their keywords, nor the luck to get them.

So, the thief waited, patiently. Waited for his time...for the time of Phantom Thieves to fly again.

For there was rotten people to take down.​
Moving in
Moving in

Eggman walked away without another glance at her, something that both disappointed and relived Isara, and most of the others ignored her as well. Opting instead to sort what was left of the 'Work camp' into something useful…though the platypus was side-eyeing her.

Not knowing what to do Isara just…sat there, as everyone moved around her. She was sort of safe now? These people definitely weren't with the Empire, and she so wished to examine 'Metal' and the other machines, but they didn't really seem like good people either.

…But they did get her out of that place.

She hoped the others were alright. Welkin, Alicia, Largo, Rosie…she wanted to see them again, but that wasn't going to happen if she just kept sitting here!

What should she do though?

"Ms. Gunther?" Isara started before turning to a tan man with a smooth smile. He extended a hand to help her up. "I'm Agent Stone, I'll get you situatied."

Lacking anything else to do she took his hand and followed him.

"This is where we all eat, although that's informal more than anything. It's more like a gathering place."

Stone was a pleasant man, right to the point and patient with her questions, but there was something…different about him.

"This is hanger there isn't much in here at the moment but the Doctor is working to fix that."

Like right there, when he talked about Doctor Eggman. It was barely different at all but there was a hint of…frevor.

"This is the meeting room, when the Doctor has something for us to do he'll call us here."

It almost reminded her of General Damon for all the man's many faults there was always this light in the man's eyes when he spoke of Gallia.

"This is the Doctor's workshop. Make sure to knock, and don't intrude if you can help it."

That same light was in Stone's eyes, though minus the arrogance and hopefully the foolishness.

"And this is your room. That concludes the tour did you have any questions?"

…That kind of loyalty is almost unheard of. If anyone would know what Mr. Eggman is like it'd be him.

"Yes actually." Stone raised a polite eyebrow, as she figeted. "What is Dr. Eggman like?" Even if the man isn't good, that doesn't mean he's bad either. She needs to know either way.

Agent Stone rubbed his chin with a hum. "The Doctor is…a Great man. He has a vision that encompasses the entire world even if not everyone sees it. He may be difficult to deal with but his pride is rightfully warranted."

He waved a hand to encompass everything. "He ruled a good part of this land before everything happened, and even after losing almost everything he's already moving to take it all back."

The Doctor is a dangerous man then, he almost sounds like… She put a smile on her face and tilted her head as she folded her hands. "He like sounds a genius."

"He is."

"...How does he treat people?" She's almost afraid of the answer but she needs to know.

Stone hesitated. "I…don't know the Doctor as well as I'd like, but he doesn't seem to think much of humanity." He looked at a Burrowbot as it rolled by. "His closest companions are all machines. They do their jobs as well as he made them and never blames them if they fail. He is much harsher on the living."

"...He sounds like a sad man."

Stone shook his head. "The Doctor is stronger than that…but I'm not sure you are wrong either." He winked at her. "Just don't say that in front of him, he does have an image to uphold."

Isara giggled, though her smile fell as Stone left her.

Eggman…she isn't sure what to make of him, but at the very least she owes him, and the Empire is their shared enemy. He doesn't seem to care about her heritage either. So there's something at least.

Hopefully they'll be able to work together all right.

AN: The immeidate aftermath of 'Look to the sky, a new dawn is coming.' Hopefully we can work together all right.

@Kingster @ShepardCom
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Starline Files: Doctor Eggman
Starline Files: Doctor Eggman
Hm, I do have some free time to talk more, so I suppose I can indulge in more of these...and what better topic than the good doctor himself?

Doctor Ivo Robotnik, coined Eggman by Sonic the Hedgehog - a nickname that he rather skillfully turned from a mockery into something to be feared...maybe already helped he had a previous obsession with Eggs, considering even some of his earlier projects had a certain name pattern, but that's a mere speculation in my part and the grandson of illustrious mind, Gerald Robotnik, creator of the Ultimate Lifeform, Shadow the Hedgehog, and the devastating Eclipse Cannon, amongst some creations. A wicked mastermind that is a robotics prodigy, creating battle machines that in far surpass most of Earth's armaments and that seemingly only Sonic the Hedgehog could consistently stand up to...

It's honestly quite mind-boggling how he only conquered the world recently...well, in my timeline anyway. He controlled entities capable of warping even the very fabric of spacetime, and yet only won when he was allied to the mercenary Infinite the Jackal armed with the Phantom Ruby. It was a glorious six-month reign that was then cut short by the Resistance, that very lucky rookie and not one, but TWO Sonic the Hedgehogs!

(Was that other Sonic an alternate self or from the past? At this point I'm not even all that sure)

The doctor's subsequent defeat led to him losing his memories and ending up in Windmill Village, taking the identity of the softer, kinder, ambitionless, persona of Mr.Thinker. He was nearly unrecognizable from the man I admired. While others could see this as an opportunity to lay it to rest, I couldn't do such thing. It would be such a damn waste! Even in that amnesiac state, he created Belle the Thinker, a being with conscious thought that also has something of a genius to match! A waste, I tell you! Imagine what he could do with his memories restored and that knowledge?!

Aham. Sorry, I nearly lost my thread there. Thing is...Eggman's place was not in a backwater place like Windmill Village. So, I made plans. Plans to restore his memories. I had all schemed already: I would convince two criminals to kidnap Thinker, have him brought to the Final Egg base, and start a series of processes to erase that personality and return the original. Then, I would present the Chaos Emeralds I worked so hard to collect and ask to become his apprentice! With Neo Metal Sonic distracting the Resistance, it would have been a piece of cake!

...I suppose a reason why some of Eggman's plans sometimes fail is due to unexpected factors. Though I think not even Doctor had to deal with multiple dimensions colliding at the same time...or whatever happened here.

Things were messy after this. I appeared in Green Hills like most people, but I lost most of the Chaos Emeralds bar one. For a time, I had to take time to keep surviving in the wild, even finding Orbot and the yellow one at one point. (I don't want to think about the stupid one). Once Metal was defeated, I also was fast to sweep it's pieces before anyone else could take them and did my work in collecting any resources I could, even finding one of Eggman's bases and making it operational.

One day, by a stroke of luck, I found Doctor, still as Mr.Thinker, holed in a cavern...but something was weird about it...he clutched his head in pain. His voice seemed to differ in many different ones. Sometimes he spoke as if he was the same old Eggman, other times as Thinker...and then it got really weird. He would scream PINGAS PINGAS PINGAS at the top of his lungs like some animal. Others times, he would mutter about missing a wife he doesn't have before ranting to a Stone how he wanted him to serve some coffee to him - that was how I heard about Agent Stone actually - and jump into some rather eclectic dance maneuvers. And then there was that one time where he ogled as a baby. I'm still trying to remove that last image from my head.

I took him to the base and began the process to reverse him back to his usual self and those personas kept changing from one to another. It was less as if he was amnesiac and more like...he was an entirely other person. I eventually lucked out and got him back to normal...I expected him to be more amenable to my efforts if I were honest, but, I will not sugarcoat it, the treatment is extremely painful and I was an unknown face, so I will not hold a grudge on him for that - how could I, when he's such a bright mind?

So I did become Eggman's employee under...less than ideal circumstances, but it is a step forward to becoming an equal in his eyes. Still, there is a matter to talk about those personas he had taken upon. They are still there. Agent Stone made no secret that he saw 'his' Eggman when Doctor stepped in his establishment, and I do not believe Belle would willingly follow Doctor if he hadn't become Thinker, if only for an instant.

The doctor made no secret of his theory in the matter: alternate selves, trapped in his mind and triggered by certain people those other Eggmen knew. Even Mr.Thinker apparently. Not sure if he's the amnesiac persona or maybe there was an other universe where that was Doctor's main personality, though I do not think Belle cares for such.

That makes me unsure if that's the Eggman from my world I brought back. He doesn't seem to have some of the eccentricities I heard from Stone's, and he seems to remember the Eggman War, which rules out Clove's, but I could as well have brought back an Eggman from an adjacent timeline to where things mostly are similar but not quite the same. Multiverse theory may be that much of a bitch...but it makes me wonder.

Remember Shadow the Hedgehog. Under normal circumstances, he would never work with the Black Arms - his hatred for those beings is well-known. The doctor theorizes he may be suffering from a similar circumstance to his own, but that one of his other selves took over his body and offered his services back to them...

This sets a very bad precedent. It means that, in theory, other personalities could assert their influence over the "main" Eggman and become the new main persona. Maybe we only got lucky so far that he didn't have any such situation happen yet...


I very much doubt Doctor would willingly take measures to make sure he's not reduced to a sub-personality unless he has concrete proof that such thing is possible, which is a reasonable attitude, I admit. Yet, as the one who ensured his return, I can't afford to take half-measures. I will start to think of countermeasures to return the doctor back to his current personality if it ever seems he's going to undergo an undesirable transformation and....well, later I can ask forgiveness. Starline out.
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A Ruined Dream
A Ruined Dream

In one of the several towns and villages circling around the innermost part of the Restoration's territory, inside a small home near the outskirts, Honey the Cat was furiously punching at a makeshift punching bag.

She kept punched the bag, only stopping to make an afterimage and strike from a different location. She tried to keep the tempo up but faltered and had to stop to take a short break as she walked around her new "home". It wasn't very long ago that she have been sharing a room with half a dozen other refugees and now she a house all to herself. Despite this, it somehow still feels both larger and yet unbearably small.

It could have been worse, the Restoration has been struggling to find suitable housing for everyone as refugees continue to surge into their territory. She could have stayed stuck sharing a cramp home with others if not for one of her...former clientele recognizing her and offering her a stay at one of their homes.

She walked past bolts of fabrics, some recovered, others bought, and the rest traded in exchange for some tailoring, a talent she never thought would be needed but highly valued when the only thing most people have is just the clothes on their back.

Unfortunately as she stopped to glanced to look around the house, there is no real way to bring back her precious store on her own. The fabric she acquired was small in number and color variety, not to mention the lack of equipment or even a building. She was only lucky enough to further negotiate with the house's owner to own this tiny home.

In exchange all she had to do was hand over one of the few intact clothes she manage to salvage before fleeing.

Shaking her head slightly she approached the punching bag for another practice session.

According to the enthusiastic words of that clientele, since her store's destruction her Honey Clothing outfits might soon become a sought after rarity in the future.

She smiled grimly as she recalled the memory, if so then a twisted way, she really would have achieve one of her lifelong goals of having her clothing be at the top of the spotlight. She just never thought it would happen like this, never.

Breathing heavily as expend the last of her energy, she tried to focus and regain her stamina for the next bout.

She had spent everything, her time, her funds, her dream on that store and it was all destroyed in just one afternoon.

She wouldn't have felt so hopeless if this was before the Shattering. Her store's destruction would still have been devastating yes but she also knew that it's revival was just a matter of time.

Back then, she had wealthy investors and connections that she could have leveraged and would have allow her to rebuild her store but the Shattering now threw everything into chaos.

Everything was as if someone tore up different worlds and stitched them up into one single eyesore. Many people she knew were just gone or had lost everything, trade lines were completely disrupted, attacks from strange new lands, it was too much. At the time she was just thankful she and her store made it through intact.

The few backers she manage to reestablish contact early on were either reluctant or had more pressing concerns than clothing. Still things did seem get brighter as she did find new suppliers until that day happened.

Until Zavok happened.

And she lost everything.

After that it was all a daze, she could only dimly remember digging through the wrecking of her beloved store to retrieve a few important momentos before running amidst the fighting.

It was only when she made it to the Restoration and had a place to sleep that she had time to start processing.

Finally when she sat down on a chair at that cramp home with some other refugees, holding onto the bare remnants of her once happy life that it finally hit her. Rage. Anger. Revenge. All of it coursing through her in coursing waves.

She had never felt such such strong negative emotions before, all she wanted now was to make Zavok pay for whats he done.

For her vengeance she be willing to do almost anything.

She picked up the paced, punching harder and using her Shadow Sneak in conjuction to make it look like there were dozen of her punching at the same time.

Eventually the punching bag couldn't withstand the torment and promptly exploded, showering the area in sand.

Grimacing at the mess, she felt thankful the damage didn't reach her or any fabric and went to clean the mess. Once it was done, she went to retrieve a replacement bag and mentally reviewed her options.

G.U.N. is a no go, they wouldn't let her near Zavok if they knew and definitely wouldn't care about her store

Joining Restoration would be one way to fight back against Zavok but it would be too impersonal and she doubted they would be willing to rebuild her store regardless of what she offerred.

Still going off on her lonesome wasn't exactly appealing. The best she has done so far has been sneaking out to destroy any of his badniks she comes across but it's utterly pointless when he can make countless more. More importantly, she is not his match and as much as she wants to take him down personally, she knows she needs allies to see him fall.

Letting out a small sigh as she finished the installation, she really hoped she get her chance soon. She took up her combat stance once more but hesitated and instead felt it was time for a change of pace. She went to retrieve a small box from it's hiding place, cradling it in her arms.

When her store was destroyed, she didn't immediately go for the outfits or money but rather for this small precious box. Opening the box, she gently lifted a bundle of paper and set them at her desk. Sitting down she couldn't help but make a small smile as she went through each paper.

Outside of the ones she had been working on, these were all the prototype designs she had ever made. Each one holds a precious memory to her. All the countless hours and inspiration in finding the right matching combination and color palette that just spoke to her. And in the far future while it wouldn't ever be ideal if she ever desired to use it recreate a outfit, it would still be a start.

She continued to shuffle through her old designs, the sketches getting steadily rougher until she paused on a childish one she made as a kid when she felt a wave of tiredness hit her.

Seeing it was dark outside, she decided to turn in for today. She only hope tomorrow would be better and her dreams would spare her the usual torment that's been plaguing her.

However unlike her most recent dreams, she found this one to be more enjoyable. She found herself surrounded by a group of mostly egg shaped blobs wearing the most clashing and non-uniform set of clothing. She knew they were all were supposed to be part of one faction and they had to match! Pity they started scattering as if they knew her intentions.

She put herself to work hunting them down one by one and finding each of them a outfit that works. Lurking in the shadow, she soon spotted her next target, the puppet blob nervously trying to walk quietly past, she waited silently as the adorable blob tried to sneak past before she pounced.

As Honey giggled happily in her sleep meanwhile back in Eggman's base, Belle couldn't help but feel an ominous cloud hanging over her head.

Honey is a pretty obscure character, so I don't think I got her personality and revenge mixed up right. Still I hope we get her after Majima so we actually look like a faction.
Clove the Proghorn Logs 1:Still The Same
Clove the Proghorn Logs 1:Still The Same
Well Clove, it seems like even when things are in chaos there's always going to to be one constant…Him..Eggman, maybe it was foolish to think that you could ever be rid of him.. who are you kidding? Deep down, maybe Neph was right, but no matter what kind of situation. The good doctor will always come back….

Off of this depressing note of melancholy, it seems like even my skills as a former…No current egg boss for the doctor is still needed by him… I sometimes wonder if I made the right choice by aligning with this man…. maybe if I join the freedom fighters back then maybe they could've cured my sister, but no The doctor had always proved his intelligence by doing these great feats of begrudging intelligence

I thought I…we were finally free of the monster,…Ha what a fool I am. Cassia was dying in the hospital. No one in the restoration, This world's variant of the Freedom Fighters had anything close of a cure to her…. my sister was dying and I was completely completely powerless to stop it… I couldn't protect my baby sister… I can only watch her waste away in that bed. The machines connected to her doing the bare minimum, keeping her alive.

But just as I was hoping and wishing for a miracle, the devil appeared in front of me alive and well. Eggman…… the man who lied to me about having a cure for my sister. But it seems like I did genuinely get a miracle. He wasn't my version of the doctor…. Thankfully enough… he was straight with me.. he was going to cure my sister. This wasn't out of the goodness of his heart. No, this was a pure pride…. I'm not complaining…

Because he actually fulfilled his promise… not yet anyway. He found a cure for my sister…Gene therapy…. Gene therapy… all those long grueling nights working for the doctor…. He could've done that…. I can save my sister…..I can save Cassia..My baby sister.

But like all things with the doctor, he wants something from me, he wants his empire back from this the deadly six.. I never met them, but it seems like they're a perfect natural counter to the doctors machinery with their technological powers… so it seems like I'm employed once again in the doctors army… without my former…egg-bosses compatriots.. It's only a matter of time for neophyte to come back to doctors employment..

I don't know where the others are and frankly, I don't care. It's quite possible with Eggman no longer controlling half of the world anymore. It's most likely they've given their service to different monsters…. But it is odd that thunderbolt or this world's version of a thunderbolt it's just a fanboy of the doctor…. We never met and I wanted it to be that way…. But seeing the doctors situation.

It's quite possible that two members of people I have known will come back to us… At least I'll have company in this hell.. it seems even more people who are fans of him have joined this Starline and stone seems completely enamored by him… I don't know how to feel about that

But I am willing to sell my soul again if it means my sister safety in this world. I've decided to log down my thoughts, and these very massive amounts of memo recorders. I hope one day I can look in the mirror and I won't feel, that I have done nothing wrong to the world.. even though it's true..

But as long as Cassia is safe… as long as she can walk into the sunlight as long as she can talk walk and breathe make her dumb jokes play her stupid video games… as long as my sister can be with me… I don't care if the world sees me as a devil or traitor… I will make sure my sister lives on no matter what

Even if it has to cost me everything….Cassia if you ever hear one of these memos when I'm not around… please don't blame yourself. I would never blame you… all I wanted for you to be alive… but if you do find these, I am still kicking. I don't care if you hate me…. I just want you to live and I want you to know that I always loved you…

I just hope one day when we're older or when… he finally takes over… you can forgive your foolish big sister… because I would've always trade the world for you 1 million times

Clove has major depression about her sister and lots of issues if you think about it. Might have also picked up Neypote attitude about eggman coming back every time
But yeah, this is my attempt of a clove log
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The Chaotix are on the case!
Since we are going to hire the lovable detectives this turn I come up with this omake:

The Chaotix are on the case!

It was a quiet morning at the Chaotix Detective Agency or as quiet as it could be when rent was overdue, the fridge was empty, and Vector was pacing the office muttering about their next paycheck. Espio sat cross-legged on the floor, meditating to block out the chaos, while Charmy buzzed around, balancing a pencil on his nose for the tenth time that morning.

A knock at the door startled them all or rather, it wasn't a knock, but the thud of a small box falling through the mail slot, landing on the desk with an unassuming plop. Attached was a note that read:


Curious, Charmy flitted over to the box. "What do you think it is? Treasure? A secret spy gadget? Oooh, maybe a new video game console!"

"Or a prank," Espio said, narrowing his eyes. "Be cautious."

Vector, ever the opportunist, reached for the box and opened it. Inside was a small, old-fashioned radio before anyone could comment, it crackled to life.

"Good morning, Chaotix," a smooth, disembodied voice said through the static.

The team froze.

"I have a job for you. I need you to find someone for me. A missing person."

Vector's eyes lit up with dollar signs. "A missing person, huh? You've come to the right team! We're experts in-"

Espio cut him off, raising a skeptical hand. "Vector, wait. The last time we got a job from a mysterious device, it was Eggman. He tricked us, and then he didn't pay us."

Vector waved him off. "C'mon, Espio, that was one time! Lightning doesn't strike twice, right?"

Charmy giggled. "Technically, it can if-"

"Not now, Charmy," Espio said, his gaze still fixed on the radio.

The voice crackled again, interrupting the debate. "If you're too afraid to take the job, I can always find someone else. I hear business hasn't been booming lately."

Vector froze, his jaw dropping. "Wait, how do you know that?"

The voice chuckled. "Everyone knows that."

Charmy burst into laughter. "Even the radio knows we're broke!"

Espio sighed. "This is humiliating. First Rouge mocks us, now a radio is taunting us."

But Vector slammed his fist on the desk, leaning closer to the radio. "Alright, buddy, we'll take the job! But we will get paid, or so help me-"

"I wouldn't dream of stiffing you," the voice said smoothly. "The details are in the box. Good luck, Chaotix." The radio clicked off.

Espio crossed his arms. "This is a bad idea."

"Yeah," Vector said, grumbling as he picked up the papers in the box. "But rent's not gonna pay itself, is it?"

(line break)

Far away in the darkened control room of a hidden base, Dr. Eggman sat, a smirk playing on his face as he leaned back in his chair.

"So, they took the bait again," he muttered. "Those bumbling fools are as predictable as ever. Forced to rely on them again, how humiliating." He sighed dramatically, placing his hand over his forehead.

Orbot waddled over, tilting his head. "Sir, if they're such fools, why hire them?"

Eggman glared at his assistant. "Because they're cheap, gullible, and actually effective in a chaotic, accidental sort of way. Besides, they don't even realize it's me. I'd call that a stroke of genius on my part!"

Cubot chimed in. "Uh last time they kinda figured it out it was you, boss."

Eggman growled. "Details, Cubot. Irrelevant details!"

Not my best work but I just imagine that Eggman would do the same thing he did on Sonic Heroes to hire them and the jab about Chaotix financial situation was in a earlier IDW issue where Rogue said everybody knows how much they need rent money so Eggman would also, accidently, trow a similar jab at them.

Also yes they did figure out it was Eggman that hire them in Sonic Heroes.

Bit of trivia lightning actually does strike the same place twince, sometimes even more times.
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Nega Restoration Quest
I have decided to make a negaverse post. It has been so long since I've done something like this, sorry if it's not the best, I am severely out of practice.

Nega Restoration Quest
Jester said:
So, I see most of you want to take out the Black Arms quickly.
Anearly said:
Yes, we need to get rid of the Black Arms. I am interested in what advantages we will get out of it, and we can't just let the Zeti take them! They have enough advantage with Eggman's robots.
Jester said:
A sound decision decision. That Zeti thing reminded me though, we have to roll the dice for that special thing.
Drunkeran 987 said:
You've been rolling special dice since the start for the last 10 turns! When are you going to roll low enough for this event to happen?
Jester said:
The dice actually have been hitting. Just, this is a phase sort of thing. But you are going to learn very soon what I was rolling for, since it reached high enough.
dogZpriest_1_3 said:
Sheepcom said:
Depends on what you mean by good. You might have some help with one of the factions though, this one has a real issue with one of the guys you're fighting.
Anearly said:
I have a bad feeling...
Jester said:
That feeling is probably because you rolled low on the random event table.

[X] Launch Attack On Black Arm's Base
-[X] Joint attack with GUN

Lanolin walks besides her fellow soldiers, ready to face the dreaded Black Arms. These creatures have caused her more than enough pain and suffering. It will bring her great joy to finally drive them out. The way the soldiers around you clench their guns, she can read that they are nervous, but all it takes is one look from her to reassure them. They know what she is capable of. Shebeat Shadow, one of their greatest assets! The alliance won't lose!

As she marches towards the base, she finds a surprising lack of resistance. No monsters, no defenses, not even a scouting team. Are the enemies lying in wait? Or maybe in the last attack they lost most of their soldiers. She prays that it is the latter.

Then, ahead, in the dust strewn wasteland, she sees something strange. A mobian, standing there nervously. She does not look like a combatant. Maybe she is someone who escaped from the Black Arms?

"Hey! Are you alr-" The sheep couldn't finish as you find your heart sink into your chest. This is not a mobian. This is a puppet.

Before she can ask the puppet who she is, she speaks. "You have to get out of here! Please!"

One of the soldiers speaks up. "Miss, are you okay? This is Black Arm's territory! You need to get out of here!"

"No! You need to leave right now! Please! Black Doom has been defeated, you don't need to worry, but you need to leave."

"What are you talking about?" Lanolin asks, confused.

Suddenly, her communicator begins to shake. Taking it off her belt, she turns it on and sees someone she thought she'd never see again.

"I wish that I could have done this quietly, but it is inevitable that people would notice. So I decided to start this off with a bang!" The mustachioed man grins that exudes egomaniacal glee.

"Now that I have your attention, I've come to make an announcement. Black Doom has been defeated, and all his territory is now under control of my brilliant Eggman Empire! I am Doctor Eggman, the one who will usher in the new era of this new planet, so I want you to remember it well. Now, for those pathetic members of the Restoration and GUN who are at my doorstep, I want you to know you are in Eggman territory." His grin is replaced by a more stern look. "I will play nice, as my da-" he suddenly is interrupted by a coughing fit. Taking a moment to compose himself, he continues. "My... prisoner has suggested I not kill you all and give you a chance to flee. Of course usually I wouldn't listen to such things. But, their request for 'kindness' is not without merit. It would not do for me to crush you while the Zeti are causing a mess in my home as we speak."

"Now, as long as the Zeti are a problem, you will not have any need to worry about me. But, if you want to throw away your lives fighting me, who am I to take that away from you?"

The girl looks like she is on the verge of begging you to leave. She can read the girl's face, this isn't one of Eggman's ploys to scare everyone away from fighting him. There is empathy. She is afraid. But she is afraid for you.

[] Continue your assault
[] Stop your assault

Jester said:
You rolled a 1 on random events. The secret rolls? Those were to see if Starline found and resuscitated Eggman. This one was to see if he revealed himself. He was going to reveal himself in some way, but that 1 resulted in him stealing Black Doom's territory right from under your nose.
TheBirdGirl said:
He snuck it out from under us!?
Drunkeran 987 said:
I told you guys Eggman was going to show up! I told you, but you guys said not to worry!
Anearly said:
I thought we'd run into him, but I thought it would be on the other side of the map like some kind of big final boss! I didn't expect to meet him this early.
Drunkeran 987 said:
On the other side? Not near Black Doom, Zakov, GUN, or us?
TheBirdGirl said:
Okay, we can deal with this. He only has this one base, right? If we kick him out maybe we can get something from him and the Black Arms.

Jester said:
I'm talking with the other QMs on that. However, I do want to note, even if you win this fight Eggman will not be kicked out. Remember, the robots he used to beat Black Doom had to have come from somewhere.
dogZpriest_1_3 said:
Shit, he has a secret base doesn't he. Where is it?
Anearly said:
dogZpriest_1_3 said:
The moon has not been lasered yet.
Jester said:
It wouldn't be a secret if I just told you.
Anearly said:
We can take this place though, right? I mean, he should be tired from the fighting.
Sheepcom said:
I just want to point out, he hit them pretty hard (one of his heroes turned out to be more of a beast than we expected). His other hero units might also be called in depending on how things go. You could possibly win, but you will be weakened, and don't act surprised if one of the other factions try to take advantage of your position.

Also, StoneageBarbarian? Remember when I said I was going to tell you what you got out of the mystery box later? Well, the prize for "Sonic VS Eggman Disco Battle" is now both Eggman, and a chosen hero, get a buff to your dance moves.
Anearly said:
Wait, how good is he at dancing?
Jester said:
He has Jim Carrey level dance skills.
Anearly said:
Stoneage, you've LOST US THE GAME!

Sometime in the future and Eggman retrieved his empire and is fighting the empire

Princess Cordelia di Randgriz, daughter of the archduke and duchess of Gallia, Darscen descendant of the legendary hero Randgriz,( and cinnabon devourer, a title only know only to her friends and people she cares)

And here she is in an office provided by her, by her new "patron" one Ivo Robotnick or as the natives of this world called him Eggman after his group "rescued" her from her imprisonment by the Empire.

News of her release was spread that not only did she survive but managed to escape to the eggman empire, and many Gallians and escapees from imperial occupation ran towards to the Eggman empire, and while some still went towards Restoration and G.U.N the majority went towards Eggman due to her being here.

And with the many refugees entering Eggman's empire, there were concerns of an insurgency occuring and complaining about "rights" and what nots, Eggman in a rare act of mercy(or just not wanting to be distracted and wasting resources in his own empire fighting an insurgency and Belle and Isara nudging him to not do anything rash and Sage agreeing with the two girls suggesting this will reduce a insurgency forming)sectioned off a small section of his empire to act as a small duchy of some sort(Eggman refusing to call it a duchy and called it a limited autonomous region of his empire).

A flag was hanged in her office "representing" The Eggperial protectorate of Gallia to both remind them who's land they live in and who's responsible for their continued existence as of this moment

Crappy flag yes, but something like this looks like something eggman would made for his new vassal state

If she didn't read up on this history of the new world she and her people now lives in and saw the wonders and horrors of machine the man invented, he would have thought the man was a lunatic that envisions himself as king, his flag was literally his face of all things!

She understood the man while he did care and had a heart, that heart is reserved to those he consider close, in fact her position and this autonomous territory was only created only because of Isara( a subject of Gallia and part of the nameless penal region) and his two mechanical daughters(belle is technically wooden and Sage a bunch of digital code) suggesting this to him to prevent her from rallying her people and rebelling against him(something she wouldn't have done unless necessary).

She was currently doing some paperwork looking over complaints, grievances, but particularly today she sighs and looks at her current crop of paperwork. Simply put she was told by Eggman to make some of data such as current crop of food and industrial capacity to look like they were contributing a good chunk like a fourth or maybe a fifth, but in reality it was really hard to lie to them and it wasn't for the reason many people were thinking.

"Most people, in some corrupt bureaucracy would have lied how good something is and in reality we have a shortage in something, but nope I have to lie that the production of food and goods actually mean something and in reality it's barely needed" remarked sarcastically Cordellia

What did she mean by this? Well its simple, Eggman's empire and his people are machines, they don't need food, meaning the farmers making food in the territory is making food for an army that doesn't even eat. In fact Eggman made some automatic farms and produced large amounts of food which in turn feeds the refugees and fellow Gallians that lives here.

The miniscule production they have "helping" eggman? At best they either help repair the few badniks that even were stationed in the protectorate or just make some guns or tanks which didn't make up much of the production the rest of his empire makes.

In fact she knows the reason why Eggman even allowed them to even work these jobs, he could have enslaved them and ignored the pleas of his inner circle, and forced them to work despicable conditions like the empire did with them but he didn't.

It was because it kept her people busy, busy working thinking that they were helping to defeat the empire, too busy to think why an empire made only of metal men who never tires even need them.

Why should they?

Eggman made various policies that she stamped with her name to pass as laws, social welfares, cheaper foods and good health benefits, things that made them happy and content and with jobs as miniscule as mining and farms with even jobs in factories, Gallians don't question it as they were kept busy and content.

Eggman has entire factories that produce many badniks and arsenal's that outpaced the many factories the protectorate produce even if they were enslaved and forced to work tirelessly, mines were constantly mined even more efficiently than Gallian miners could ever do, and entire farms making more food that they could ever make and supplying a majority of the food as "bribes"(food aid).

The only thing that Eggman valued out of them(and if barely) was simple, he saw their talent and loyalty as something he wanted to have. He needed subjects to rule over and what better is a people that is practically running to him. And with Isara showing that Gallians could be gifted and talents he could cultivate Gallians loyal to him and working in his RnD and volunteer forces(something he doesnt think would contribute much) benefitting his empire

Cordelia honestly finds it ironic that the empire oppressed them and tried to force them to assimilate into their empire and it caused them to rebel and forever burn their hatred into their hearts to forever resist them.

But with Eggman? He didnt in fact he decided to make them the equivalent of show dogs, making them the "shining" example of what people could benefit for serving under him, he did the opposite of the empire, making Gallians content and the illusion that they mattered, but in reality they were just resources to be used. Difference being, was that the Empire was obvious with it, Eggman made it seem like they were doing it of their own free will even though Eggman made the choices for them.

When Gallia is finally freed from empire occupation, she would have liked that after returning to their home things would go back to some sense to normalcy, but they need allies and their choices are not pleasent, their is the restoration and G.U.N but it would result in making enemies of Eggman and having to deal with her own insurgency with some Gallians wanting to return back to serving Eggman, or ally with Eggman and forever be serving the mad Scientist and her people generations to come seeing Eggman as their greatest ally and making enemies of G.U.N and the Restorationist.

There were no easy choices, not in the world they found themselves the only thing she could do is make the best decision she make that made the least amount of suffering for her people.

AN: this was an omake idea that I had in my thought and honestly while its still going to be up in the air if we ever do rescue the princess, I honestly had this thought that if Eggman was ever ruling a group of organics aka the Gallians, he aint going to be crappy ruler(mostly because he sees everyone not in his either circle or people he consider family or his creations as inferior to them) he essentially make it like a bread and cicus act that keeps them contnet and less idiling about thinking of rebllious thinking.

So he's going to do things that while out of character is something he would do to keep them loyal or content and not rebel, maybe using their success as a propaganda tool to make other nations willing to ally with him.

tried wiriting him as someone who uses a carrot and stick act, but in a way that make sense but my writing skills is mediocre to say the least, hope it fine.